Date: Sun, 3 May 2020 20:05:49 +0000 (UTC) From: Tague Micheals Subject: Ahn Boys 33 More historically accurate inclusions in this chapter but only 1 sex scene, sorry. N-joi it all the same. Hugs, Tag_m ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our second day in Los Angeles turned out to be, well, a hell of a day all the way around. Renato, AJ and I talked about and/or visited a half dozen properties with more scheduled over the next few days. Aside from the initial goal of buying land for aero-fields, we also looked at land both developed and undeveloped. Land was available and it was cheap. We looked at crop land, ranches, both for food growing but also in anticipation of a building boom. Thousands were moving to southern California from the Midwest as well as from Asia. They needed to eat and needed places to live. We met with some people who were hoping to salvage their construction company and we would pick it up for 5 cents on the dollar so we made a verbal agreement. Within 5 years it would be worth 20 times what we paid for it and in 15 years over 100 times what we paid for it. We talked with some people whose film studio was about to go under. We met with some people that were high on the totem pole of the power and water industry. In short, we began setting up businesses. Southern California was a gold mine not unlike the gold rush of the 1850's but unlike the gold rush the profits weren't immediate but long term and we intended to harvest them. Then there was the boys' highly interesting day. They were all back at the house before we got back from our business day, most of them apparently resting after an exhausting day in the sun and surf. Gregory caught us as we were headed into the library, an Asian man accompanying him. My immediate assessment was that his guest was someone known to him which prompted a lot of questions in my mind, which is where they stayed. "Lucian, AJ, I'd like you to meet an old friend and fellow student from my days on Okinawa. Hiroki this is Lucian Broussard, AJ, and Mr. Renato Davies" I, and each man in turn, offered a hand and warm greeting to the man. Gregory then quickly explained his history with the man and why Hiroki was in the United States along with his living and employment situation and the fact that he'd come to Gregory's rescue. I couldn't imagine Gregory needing to be rescued but the point was taken. I didn't need a map to figure out where it was going so I took the lead, not wanting Gregory or Hiroki to have to ask. "Welcome to our family Hiroki. Perhaps for the time being you and Gregory can reconnect and you can help him with the boys' instruction. I am quite positive that before we head back east we will have come up with a plan to remedy your situation." The relief that the man felt was palpable so I directed my attention to Gregory. "Tell me about the rescue," I asked and listened while Gregory retold his part of the story and what Willy had told him what had happened prior to Gregory finding our boys in control of a situation with some other boys, street thugs was how I interpreted them. He then retold the rest of the afternoon including Hiroki having been in the right place at the right time. "Thank you for your well timed assistance Hiroki," I said to the man. "I am thrilled to hear that the boys stepped up to the plate Gregory and made us proud to boot," AJ said, "makes all that work worth it." Gregory nodded his head. "So, Hiroki," I said, "please tell us about you. Nothing detailed for now just an overview." His English was quite good so it went quickly clearly and concisely. "I am 35 years old, born in Kyoto and my family moved to Okinawa when I was 7 years old. My father was in government service. I returned to Japan, attended Keio University and the University of Tokyo and attained degrees in mathematics and science and taught at university. I met my wife Chieko while teaching and we have 2 sons Akito who is almost 6 and Koji who is 4. My wife and children are living in Kyoto and she teaches world history and international politics there. Of course she experiences a great deal of shame and derision for women in Japanese culture are expected to stay home and behave like women. She is also a master in Kendo, another rarity. "Sound like she doesn't take shit from anybody," AJ piped in. That earned him a big grin and vigorous head nod from Hiroki. "You have no idea," the man responded. In continuing his story he stated his concerns for Japan and it's future and did not want to be caught up in their war program which was all but a certainty on both counts, Japan going to war and its citizens caught up in it to perform military service. He felt the best chance for his family was in America." I voice my curiosity about the difficulties he must have had getting all the paperwork together and then managing to get in under the quota. I knew that the Johnson-Reed act had dealt a serious blow to immigration and it became extremely difficult to get here. Hiroki seemed to wilt at the direction the conversation was going. "To be perfectly honest, I am here illegally, I was smuggled in which compounds the problems." I made eye contact with AJ who responded immediately. "I'm on it," he said as he went for the telephone. The expression on Hiroki's face was abject fear. "AJ is our attorney as well as business partner and friend. His family has a large and long established firm of lawyers in Boston with offices in New York an DC. He'll be on the line finding out exactly who what where and how to best deal with the situation. "There is a matter of money Lucian, I don't have the kind of money it will take for all of that." I waved him off. "Hiroki, I'm not bragging when I say this, but all of us are basically filthy rich. Money won't be an issue and once we get the right contacts it will likely go quite fast. Hell, I'll call FDR if I have to. You are part of our family sir, and we take care of family." I thought the man was going to cry. I turned to Gregory. "Gregory, have you explained the nature of our family to Hiroki?" He shook his head.. "I don't believe that to be my place Lucian." I nodded my head. "Well Hiroki, what I am about to tell you may go against your values or belief systems. So I have to say that, regardless of whether or not you choose to be a part of our family or live with us, even if only temporarily, has no bearing on our willingness to assistance in getting your family over here and to make it fully legal in the process, and of course your own legality. We are committed to that at the very least. Do you understand?" He nodded his head. "Very simply put Hiroki, the relationships between us all transcend the normal tried and true, the norm if you will. All of us are parents, students, friends, lovers, Business partners and more. The boys are free to choose who they wish to engage with on whatever day or night of the week. That is limited to in house or the occasional friends we make on the trip. We do try to keep it somewhat out of sight, not wanting to put it in anyone's faces. So, if that bothers you in any way please come to me, let me or us know and we will see what we can do to accommodate you and your needs." Hiroki was quiet for a moment, organizing his thoughts I would guess but before he spoke Gregory elected to speak and did so in a soft voice. "Hiroki, you are well aware of my physical impairment and the lack of my ability to perform as a man." Hiroki nodded his head. "That has taken a turn for the better. I have discovered that there are things that I can do on a limited basis and that has been brought about by the love and devotion of a Chinese boy that is part of our extended family. I now know, at least in part, what it is like to experience attraction and desire as well as to perform some of the physical duties of a man in love. I will be forever grateful to Lucian, AJ, and the boys for encouraging and supporting me in that endeavor. It is my fervent desire that you can accept us all as we are and will choose to remain a part of our family." I could easily have gotten tears in my eyes hearing Gregory speak. Hiroki responded. "Such arrangements are not uncommon in Asian countries and on balance are accepted as long as one doesn't hang it out like so much laundry. I am very happy for you my friend, that you have found balance in your life." That said, Hiroki got up and went to Gregory and hugged the man fiercely before returning to his seat. I heard AJ hang up the telephone. "My father informed me that we have some very heavy hitters at immigration as well as the state department that will get it taken care of. We can expect a phone call tomorrow morning by 8 our time and one of our attorneys will get all of the pertinent information from you Hiroki and get the ball rolling. Meanwhile Lucian, having someone willing to sponsor Hiroki and his family will expedite things and I will assume that Q5 will agree to sponsor." "Of course we will," I responded. "In the meantime Hiroki, would you be willing to take over the math and science portion of the boys education for the time being?" My thinking was that getting him involved in our day to day activities as soon as possible would help to feel like he was earning his keep as it were. "It would be my honor Lucian," the man replied and again, gratitude was evident in his voice. I explained my background and qualifications to him and that I'd been doing all of the educational curriculum and that, quite frankly, science was not one of my forte's. I could manage it but it wouldn't be my best effort. At that point the boys began trickling in, Willy being the first and he went straight to AJ whom I thought he was going to kiss but caught himself. "It's okay sweet boy," AJ said, "Hiroki is aware of our household arrangements. He then pulled Willy, giggling, onto his lap and kissed him. "So, I understand Willy, that you and the boys became knights in shining armor today." Willy laughed, nodded his head, then went on to explain what had happened. He then went further to share his view of what happened later. "Goddamn Lucian, seeing Gregory and Hiroki in action was amazing as hell." I chose not to correct his language. "I've never seen anybody move so fast or as beautifully as they did. Most of us boys really want to learn how to be that good and we're hoping that Hiroki will stay around and help teach us." "Well, as it turns out, that hope will become reality. Hiroki has agreed to do that." Willy's smile was large and genuine. "Really, that's great," the boy said and got off AJ's lap and went over to shake Hiroki's hand. "I'd give you a kiss but I don't know if you kiss boys." Hiroki chuckled. "I don't as a general rule but can make an exception Willy," he responded to which the boy leaned down and kissed Hiroki gently on the mouth. "The boys are gonna love this," he said as he found a separate chair and flopped his now, 14 year old, ass on it. Jamon came in next and we relived his view of the experience then Frankie's view and within 15 minutes all of the boys including the train boys were there, all chattering away like magpie's. In all of that I saw complete consistency in their stories which also made me proud. All of them, to a boy, were thrilled with the fact that Hiroki was going to be teaching both martial arts as well as math and science. "You know Lucian," Willy said, "I've been thinking. Back home, there are quite a few street boys that would be interested in learning, just like us Ahn boys were, are. What do you think about maybe offering the serious ones a chance at getting some education. I don't mean like, living with us or anything, but you kno w some basic stuff. I know it would mean making some changes about how you and we do things and I sure don't have a bunch of answers but do you think we could explore the idea?" I had no idea where that came from and quite frankly it caught me off balance. But that didn't matter. It was thought out and presented in a reasonable and a concise manner. And there were a few head nods from some of the other boys. "I think that's a very noble idea Willy," I said, "and yes, we can have a discussion about that during the trip back home." The boy left his chair and came over for a hug and a kiss. That night at dinner Hiroki was introduced to the rest of the staff including Enrique and the boys who had an open invitation to have all meals with us. Considering that Enrique was still trying to set up a household and take care of his duties he was grateful for the assistance. Of course the boys were thrilled at the opportunity to try new foods as well as getting to spend more time with our boys. After a splendid dinner we settled into the game room for an hour or more of games. "I don't suppose you have a GO board with you," Gregory said to Hiroki, who offered a sly grin and a head nod and offered to bring it down. While he was gone Gregory explained that, similar to chess, it was an ancient board game, possibly the oldest in the world. "I hope Hiroki stays with us," Frankie opined, "He's really nice, I like him." There were similar responses from most of the boys who, although involved in games of their own, were listening to us with half an ear. "Hiroki is indeed and very nice man," Gregory said, "and a very accomplished karateka or practitioner of Karate. I am looking forward to learning more from him and I believe that you boys will benefit greatly from him." It was interesting that Gregory pronounced it kara-te with a soft E which I would learn roughly translated to empty hand. "Well, he sure as hell proved that today," Willie said and got agreement from others. I chose not to correct his word usage. An occasional hell damn or shit were acceptable under certain circumstances and the boys, wisely, didn't abuse that. Hiroki came back into the room with a leather carrying case which he opened and removed 6 pieces of light colored wood. He began to assemble them via an exquisite tongue and groove system which, when finished, created a 12x12 inch square playing board consisting of 12x12 black grid lines and no visible seams where the pieces connected. There were 4 black dots at intersecting line which highlighted a large square in the center of the board with a black dot in the center of that square. Hiroki then pulled out a pair of equally exquisite black bowls each with a dragon in bas relief wrapped around them. "This is a go board that has been in my family for over 150 years," Hiroki said. "This one is 12x12 while the larger board is 19x19 and a smaller on 9x9." He opened the bowls to reveal glass stones, black in one bowl white in the other, each roughly the size of a finger nail, perfectly round and smooth. "Go originated in China 2000 years ago and is the oldest board game known to man. It is very similar to chess as a strategy game but much, much more difficult to learn and to master. Gregory," Hiroki said, inviting the man to sit opposite him. Hiroki explained what he was doing as he and Gregory began placing their stones on the intersecting black dots on the board. A primary objective of the game is to acquire territory which is done by encircling one or more squares with your stones. If, in the process, any of your opponents' stones are within the circle of your stones, then they are considered captured. Once a stone is played it cannot be moved unless it is captured and removed from the board. The two men quickly threw down some stones to illustrate the point then cleared the board. The game basically ends when there are no more stones to play or both players "pass" which means there are no moves that are beneficial to that player. A point awarded for each point or empty intersection of lines (called liberties) next to his stones. There is much more to it but I'm not an aficionado of the game. The older boys, me and AJ were intrigued and watched the game intently while the younger boys went about playing other games, monopoly being a favorite. Cain sat perched beside me for the next hour, not that he was interested in the game, but because that's where I was. I suspected that the boy was laying claim to me, at least for the evening and that was fine with me. About 40 minutes into game time the little guys got bored with what they were doing and wanted to go swimming and coerced the older boys to go as well. Gregory and I declined to attend, as did Cain, but AJ had agreed to go with Willie, naturally, and so would monitor the boys. "I'm going to absent myself from the general activities later AJ but the boys are more than welcome to use the play room." My friend nodded his head and followed the herd of testosterone producers out of the room. Cain leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Can I be with you tonight Lucian?" Even though I had anticipated the request it was Cain's responsibility to make it. "I would be honored if you would join me sweet boy," I replied in a whisper and got a soft giggle and a squeeze of his arm across my shoulder. Gregory and Hiroki elected to end the game and our new family member disassembled the board and put everything in its case. We adjourned to the kitchen to find Darius pulling trays of fresh baked cookies out of the ovens and putting two more in. "Any idea how long we're going to be here Lucian," my chef asked. I told him that I honestly didn't know but it was looking like at least 2 weeks as opposed to one. "I'm going to need to do some shopping then." "We are going to need a car," I said, more to myself than Gregory. "In fact probably a couple of them so I guess tomorrow should be spent getting that resolved along with a truck for Enrico." Since it was still somewhat early I elected to telephone Renaldo and get him working on a plan of action to that end. I finally decided to head upstairs leaving Gregory and Hiroki to their own devices. I had a shower that afternoon after swimming so elected to forego that exercise for the evening and since Cain has taken one after returning from the beach we simply went straight to bed. I opened my arms and the boy slid right up to me, his naked torso flush against mine, his head on my shoulder. It took a minute or so but Cain spoke first. "I just love this so much Lucian, being snuggled in bed with you. I feel so safe and loved and cared for." Words weren't necessary but I did give him a little hug to acknowledge that I'd heard him. Then I felt him shudder followed by dampness on my shoulder. Again, I was quiet, allowing the boy to process in whatever way he needed but did hold him a little tighter. It took a solid minute before he seemed to settle down. "I don't know what I'm going to do Lucian, I mean with my life. I can't be a railroad man; that isn't me. I don't have a home to go to because my father is a mean drunk asshole. I have family somewhere but no idea where and I don't know them. I'm scared Lucian, really scared." I remained silent but rubbed and patted his back, again, to acknowledge that I heard him. I didn't get the sense that the boy was using his time with me as a pitch to help him out, that wasn't his type of behavior. He was just expressing his feelings and fears. "Thank you Lucian," he said after a minute or so, "thanks for listening." "I won't tell you not to worry Cain because you will regardless. What I can say is that we have time to figure out a plan for you and I give you my word that we will come up with something." "Thank you Lucian," he said softly. As I typically do with boys, I didn't move on Cain but left that to him. As it was, 5 minutes hadn't elapsed before his breathing slowed and I knew he was asleep. That was fine with me. Since I became involved with the boys I all but wallowed in sex so a night off here and there was welcomed. I drifted off to sleep. I woke in the morning with Cain playing with my morning hard-on, a not unpleasant way to wake up except for the fact that I needed to piss. "I couldn't help it Lucian," the boy said when my eyes opened, "I missed him last night." "Well for what it's worth Cain, I don't mind but I do need to pee. How about if we take care of our morning business then take a shower?" Cain was highly amenable to the idea and less than 15 minutes later we returned to my bed, both hard as rocks. We had spent plenty of time in the shower loving touching and squeezing, which would become a hit song as I neared my 84th year, along with plenty of cock sucking. I did want to spend some time licking his tight puckered hole so we did a 69 with Cain on top. I worked his muscle with my tongue, slathering it with saliva. I licked down onto the underside of his sagging sac, pushing the eggs around in the air. I took a moment to suck each testicle into my mouth for second before letting it slip back out then went back up along his perineum to work on his hole. All the while, Cain moaned although the sounds were a bit muffled due my cock being down his throat. I finally reached up to my headboard and snagged a tube of KY jelly and managed to smear my finger then slipped it up inside of him. I used my free hand to fondle his balls and stroke his raging boner a little bit. It didn't take long before the boy declared it was time to get my cock up his ass. "Can we do it just like this Lucian," he asked, looking over his shoulder at me. Cain like to try positions other than the missionary from time to time and in this case it would be him straddling my waist facing away from me. I said yes and the boy moved down my body then reached behind his tender little butt to take hold of my cock. He rubbed the tip back and forth over his boy pussy, a sight I enjoy watching as I lay back and let him have his way with me. He finally stopped and stayed in position and pushed backwards, working his butt and my cock against each other until the muscle finally gave up the battle and allowed me inside his adolescent body. Cain grunted at the intrusion and, naturally, didn't move a muscle. It took a solid minute before Cain moved and even then it was a slow lowering of his body. Having an unobstructed view of my cock disappearing inside a boys' ass is always very stimulating. I put my hands on each cheek and spread them open; for me to see and to add pleasure for Cain. Somehow the feelings are intensified when one's ass cheeks were peeled wide open during a fucking. The boy slid down a little, rose a little then slid down some. It was like the "two steps forward, one back" principle, until my entire cock was up his ass. "Goddamn Lucian you fill me up," Cain groaned. "It's like I can feel your cock poking my stomach." Not like I hadn't heard that before. At that point, the hot young blonde began to move. Cain had his hands braced on my thighs as he began to rise and fall, gobbling up my cock then spitting it out over and over again. He added a little sideways motion as well, his asshole moving my cock around like a floor mounted stick shift in an automobile. Cain moaned softly as he moved. He pushed down as tight as he could to my groin and wiggled a bit before going back to the up and down movement. "Roll me on my side please Lucian," Cain mumbled. I did as he asked and fucked him some from that position, holding one leg up and over my hip. That didn't last too long. "I want to move Lucian," he said, "and face you." I held on to him and rolled onto my back again. Cain didn't need any instruction having seen numerous other boys make the turn around while still impaled so I just stayed still, not that I hadn't before, while he turned. "Much better," he said, "I like facing you while I get fucked." That said he went about doing what he'd done before only now he could lean down and kiss me, which he did. We stayed in that position for maybe 4 minutes before the boy called for the last change. "I need to be on my back getting fucked good and proper like a boy is s'pose to be fucked." I proceeded to make the moves while my cock was still deep inside the boy. Position changes while inflagranti delicto was an added stimulation for me, something I loved to do with a boy, especially a smaller more compact boy which Cain was. Plus, going from any position to having a boy on his back with legs spread open was that much more stimulating. It only took a moment before we got where Cain wanted to be. The first thing I did was lower my upper body in order to kiss the boy deeply. The second thing I did was move my hands under his legs then lean forward and place my palms flat on the bed and his calves against my shoulders, rolling Cain up onto the small of his back. The third thing I did was fuck the shit out of him. Well, almost, since he'd voided his bowels already. There isn't much to tell about the fucking. I mean, I slammed my cock in and out of him right from the start and since we both were already primed and had come close to orgasm a few times already. I power fucked the hotling, crammed my cock into him the ground my ass around a little bit then went back to fucking him. I moved my body farther up along his which changed the entry angle of my cock creating a different pressure for both of us. "Oh fuck Lucian that's so good," he groaned. Cain began to grunt each time I slammed my cock into him so that it became a litany almost, even though there weren't many words and what words he did utter were mostly unintelligible. "I'm getting close Lucian, really close. Fuck me hard, make me cum." Fuck the boy hard, I did. Make him cum, I did also. It was about a 5 minute fucking in that position so altogether Cain got about 14 minutes of solid pounding action. His scream caught me by surprise, but then, I imagined that he may have caught himself by surprise as well. He was crying out all manner of things as his asshole constricted against my cock and about the 3rd time I began unloading my sperm into his delicious little ass. I picked up a little speed and added a little more power as my own body shook and shuddered through a powerful orgasm, pumping an easy 6 or more jets of high quality cum into him. And then it was over. I continued to move of course, wanting to keep the feeling going as long as possible but eventually let the boys' legs down. I still kept up some movement for a solid minute before finally coming to a stop. Cain's eyes had been closed through most of ejaculation but came open when I stopped moving. He gave a great, post cum grin, that lopsided sort of thing and almost looks like a deformity. "Oh gosh Lucian that was the best fuck I've had in a long time. I mean, the boys do a good job, especially Jessie and Jamon but you're the best." He indicated a need to be kissed so I obliged him then suggested we hit the shower to clean up. "Can you carry me Lucian," Cain asked with a coy smile. I said yes although I would have in any case because I didn't want his ass to leak my load into the bed. Twenty minutes later we were downstairs, me accepting a cup of coffee from Darius and Cain getting chocolate milk. Gregory, AJ and Hiroki were already there seated in the breakfast room so I joined them while Cain hung out with Darius. I think the boy enjoyed my chef's company because like Cain, Darius was more feminine acting only more so. Cain's effeminacy was much more subdued. Talk was light for a bit and at one point I asked Hiroki how it was that his English was so good. He explained that his father was a very forward thinker and recognized early on that because of England's global and then the rapid rise of America, English would likely become a common world language, thus we had tutors from a young age." "My wife is equally fluent, her father being of the same mind. It was one of those things that drew us together, the ability to converse privately while surrounded by others which, in Japan, is the norm." He paused a moment then went on. "As early as 1929 my father began questioning Japan's motives. After the taking of Manchuria in '31 he began making all the necessary preparations to leave Japan and that process accelerated after the assassination of the Prime minister this past May. As I said yesterday, my father is convinced that Japanese aggression will lead to war and he wants no part of it. My wife's father also believes that. As a large stockholder and member of the board of Toyoda corporation he is privy to information that most are not and has shared that the government is already making overtures to the company to move toward a war footing, especially after the company introduced their automobile line." I was intrigued by that information and my brain went into work mode. I asked Hiroki where his parents were planning on going. He said that was the big question since Hitler was mobilizing Germany and seemed to be heading in the same direction as Japan. He thought the Hawaiian Islands might be a good choice since there was already a large Japanese population there. "The islands are a US territory," I said, "but would they consider coming to America?" Hiroki raised an eyebrow at the question, gave it some thought then said, "It's possible I guess but I can't say for sure." More discussion ensued which touched on the practicality of moving everybody at the same time as opposed to piecemeal and contacting Hiroki's parents to see if it was even an option. I further suggested that he contact his wife's parents with the question as well. "Better to kill a multitude of birds with a single stone." The expected phone call came through shortly before 8 and was led off by AJ during which he informed the party he was talking with about the possibility of transporting additional people. He then turned the phone over to Hiroki, that conversation lasting a good 10 minutes before AJ got back on the line and talked for a few minutes before hanging up. Hiroki was all but beaming. The crux of it was that AJ's family law firm would spearhead the endeavor and all communication with his family would be handled through the US consulate in Tokyo so as to keep it confidential. The line of approach would be as an invitation to come to the US by way of guest visa's under the guise of an exchange of commerce ideas or guest lecturer at some universities etc. etc. Once here all of the necessary paperwork would be done to allow them to stay. Darius served breakfast and as we were finishing up Gerald Maines called. For the most part there was nothing extraordinary to report. We had talked months before about consolidating our various business interests as much as possible under one roof because they were scattered willy-nilly all over hell. Gerald had found a suitable building in downtown Philadelphia that we had purchased and had quite a bit of success finding people to fill it. We convinced the accounting firm that we'd employed to lease space in our building, created a Human Resources department, a profession relatively new to the business world, built a marketing and advertising departments, real estate to manage what we had, which was considerable, and land acquisition for future endeavors, and more. A huge piece of fortune brought us our first CFO. Jeremiah had been 13 years old when he became a semi-permanent lover to Edgar and me. We enjoyed his company for 4 years, he often bringing other boys to visit with us. Edgar helped him all the way through college, offering some financial assistance as well as providing contacts for him. He'd graduated near the top of his class at Wharton and gone to work in Manhattan. When we started putting out feelers for top notch people Jeremiah caught wind of it and the rest is history. I was looking forward to re-uniting with him when we got back home. He wasn't the only top tier individual we hooked, there were others, and that would continue for the rest of my life. I told Gerald about the conversation with Willie about a quasi-school program for other street boys. Gerald though it was a good idea and certainly his home could be used for such an endeavor and wouldn't interfere in the least with Blaine's living arrangement. "Let me think on it and if it looks good I'll float it by Blaine and let you know. Regardless of whether or not my home is used, I'm still willing to toss a few million into the pot to make it happen." On other notes, my house and gardens looked spectacular, the dust bin was all but completely gone and the civil engineers were mapping out streets, water, sewer and the like. Jessie's mother had no improvement and the corporation was rolling in money. "As for me, I'm experiencing more pain. The doctors give me 3-6 months but realistically I could depart at any time. Ren and Keiko will take May-May and she seems to be quite happy with that." "Well my friend, I'm hoping and planning on being back in about a month so do your best to hang on." It was an oft spoken declaration on my part which always brought back the response "I'll do my damndest". Renaldo showed up an hour later. He informed me that he had some solid contacts with the Dodge Chrysler dealership and if I were amenable to that brand he could swing some great deals. I was fine with it as was Enrique. So it was that, by noon we had a new Dodge ½ ton flatbed truck with removable wood side rails and a Chrysler Imperial CL Dual Cowl Phaeton. The Phaeton was a beauty; a bright red convertible that fit right in with the Los Angeles lifestyle and sensibilities. I had already committed to acquiring a Rolls so we didn't really need another luxury car but as would be pointed out by WHR, image was everything so even the hired help needed to project wealth and success. That afternoon we all went to the movies, a first time event for all of the boys except Jessie, and a first for Hiroki. We watched a Spanky and Our Gang Comedy on a double bill with a 3 Stooges comedy Nertsery Rhymes. Needless to say the boys laughed their asses off and, needless to say, they had to be cautioned against trying out the Stooges antics on each other. Afterwards we treated them to ice cream Sundaes at Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain. Despite having gorged on popcorn and soda at the movies the boys laid waste to a dinner of pork chops, baked potatoes and salad followed by angel food cake. That night I fucked Ciro for the first time. <<<<<<<< >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>> Don't forget to make a monetary contribution to nifty today Do your part to keep free speech alive