WARNING: This story contains sexually explicit parts involving sex between minors and adults. Do not read the contents if it will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws (village, town, city, county, province, state, or country, etc.), please leave now.


Any characters portrayed in this story are fictional and not representative of anyone living or dead.


Anyone wishing to contact me can do so at john.thestoryteller@gmail.com


Other stories on Nifty by John Teller/The Storyteller can be found here.


All rights reserved. All parts of these documents are © Copyright 2016 John T. S. Teller, and may not be reproduced in any form without the author's consent. Nifty.org has permission to reproduce it on their website.


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The Angel of Pie Jesu.


By John T. S. Teller.


Part 44.


Book two: Journey of the Coin.




I work until late: 10 o'clock, because I have loads of work to catch up on and the Hahn's are at the hospital. I know what's going on because Aleric texts me about every half hour. My final task, even though it's only 5am in Tokyo, because it's so important, is with a business partner there, and after it's over I sit back in my chair and think about the consequences of the call. I told Aleric that I would stop the travelling so I could be with him, but this complicated matter will require my personal presence. How am I going to deal with that? I could take him with me, but his life has been disrupted enough with all the goings on that's happened this past month. The boy needs to get back to some sort of normality: school and his music and a boy doing many of the normal things a boy does. I can't let our affair take over his life completely. It would be wrong... for everyone, including his family, and for my own peace of mind.


Peace of mind. I've not had much of that just lately. Life has been a melee of crisis and wonder and disruption. At some point it has to stop. I've mulled things over in my mind many times lately, thinking about me and Aleric. Selfishly, my biggest worry is thinking that what Aleric and I have will suddenly end. I'm pretty certain that my feelings for him are rock solid and I want us to continue, even into my old age if that's possible. But will Aleric want that? Despite him being as he is and the certainty he says he has that we'll always be together, I have my doubts. He's just fourteen years old, and in my book that's far too young to make proper judgments. But our situation is not unique. I've read about man/boy relationships beginning at a very young age and lasting, but apart from ancient history when homosexual liaisons between young men and elders were considered an honour, it's very rare for them to actually last. Some homosexual liaisons do last a lifetime, but they begin when both parties are older and more mature. That's the problem bit... Aleric is not mature.


When I was on my travels to Japan, I did some research on the, supposed, expert of the twentieth century on man/boy relationships: Roger Peyerfitte. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have enjoyed his company in real life. He was obsessed with the subject. But I find that with most scholars. I enjoyed his Les amitiés particulières. It was a beautiful read, but far too romantic for me. I read the French version, which has nuances in it that can be lost in translation. I think he set out to break people's hearts with that one. I also watched the film made from the book. The film was different to the book. They usually are, and I thought much of the allure of the written word was lost in the film. What happened in the book I could encapsulate in the first two days of meeting Aleric. Then reality kicked in with me and Aleric, whereas, in the book it never happened. He set one of the two main characters, the younger one, Alexandre, on a pedestal as something so pure that he was untouchable when, in reality, boys are such sexy little sods at that age that there's no way the boy wouldn't have wanted at least to experiment with sex with Georges. But there was no doubt in my mind that Georges desires for the boy were anything but honourable. But Peyrefitte did get one thing right... when their love affair was shattered and Alexandre took his own life, it told me that Peyrefitte understood the passions of man/boy love.


His Notre Amour was more realistic. That's what worrying me. Peyrefitte met his twelve year old boyfriend while the film Special Friendships was being made (the boy was playing a choirboy in the film – an omen?), who then went on to be `normal', insomuch that he used the author, first for sex and then for money to live the life of Riley with his women. But after reading Peyrefitte's life story, was it coincidental that the boy who had, at the age of twelve, betrothed himself to Peyrefitte for life, died in a smoke filled room just ten days after the author's death?


All food for thought that isn't doing me any good.




I expect tears when I get to the hospital, but everyone seems sound when I go to the guest suite and join them. They've got everything they need: a TV in the corner of the room and comfortable sofas to lounge on, as well as coffee and tea making facilities and plenty of reading material. I give the twins a proper hug, Gunther a shoulder hug, and then go to Gretel who comes into my arms and we share a few moments of embrace. She tells me that she's just been told that surgery should finish around midnight, and then Ralf will be taken to a special room to recuperate. Apparently (and I'm thinking Ralf will not like it one bit), he needs to be strapped in the same position for at least forty-eight hours to give the operation a chance to begin to repair, and even after that his movements will be severely restricted for quite a while... maybe a week. So that means I have some organizing to do. One thing I do know... if it's absolutely necessary, the trip to Japan will have to wait until some semblance of normality returns to the family. But I already knew that, and part of what I've been doing today was regarding the immediate future for them all.


Midnight plus twenty minutes and Frank Neumann comes into the room still wearing his surgical gear. He smiles at us all, and then says, "He's in recovery. It's all gone well insomuch as we've done our best and we can do no more, and I'm not promising you a single thing. However, I can guarantee you that he will definitely not be any worse than he was before surgery, and I would hope to see some improvement. He's in good hands now; I'm tired, and I'm going home. Any questions before I do?"


Gretel asks, "Can we see him?"


"You can see him, but it will do you little good. He's out for the count and quarantined until further notice. The last thing I want is for him to get an infection after the hours we've spent messing about with that damned back of his." He smiles. "I suspect my biggest task from now on will be stopping him smoking that pipe of his."


We all chuckle, and then Gretel says, "I would like to see him if you don't mind. Even though I can't speak to him, I want to see him."


Again Frank smiles. "I'll get a nurse to take you, and then I suggest whoever is staying, gets to bed." He looks at me. "Are you staying, Gareth?"


I shake my head. "No. After Gretel has seen Ralf, I'll take the twins back to my apartment and just Gretel and Gunther will be staying overnight."


He nods. "Good." He lifts his hands and gestures, "I won't shake hands. I'll leave you to it and clean up. Then I'll probably see some of you tomorrow."  He chuckles. "I may be a little late. My wife will insist on it. She says we should retire to the Caribbean so she gets to see me more often."


I chuckle. "And will you?"


He grins at me. "Not yet. I love my job too much. Probably more than I love my wife, but don't tell her that."




It's almost one thirty in the wee small hours when I park the Golf in front of the apartments. Both boys are very tired. Gottwin has dozed off in the back and Aleric can hardly keep his eyes open in the passenger seat beside me. So I rouse them both and escort them up to the apartment, and when we get there, I take them to the kitchen and make them both a drink of hot chocolate. Then I take them to their bedroom, tell them not to bother showering, but to get to bed and have a good night's rest together. They seem to have got the message without protesting, so I give them both a small hug and go into the lounge to get myself a whisky before I turn in myself. While I'm drinking it, I stare out of the window at the lights of the city, churning things over in my mind.


Today has been yet another of those whirlwind days since I met Aleric. Besides the trauma of Ralf having his operation, there was the strange episode of what happened when Aleric and I made love after we'd discovered the amazing revelations contained in the photograph he found. Then I had to deal with whatever the hell it is that's bugging both of us; that damned spirit that keeps trying to derail us. Why? What the fuck is it?! I'm completely out of my depth with this damned thing, and I need advice. From whom? After another two whiskies, I pick up my mobile, ring Kurt, and wait until I hear the familiar voice that I love, say sleepily, "Hello darling. What trouble are you in now? It had better be big trouble waking me at two forty five in the morning!"


I lean against the window and stare towards where I know my best friend is answering the call, and say, "How are you with the supernatural?"


There's a short silence, and then Kurt says, "I'm a fucking fairy, so fire away." Ten minutes later, after he's not interrupted me once while I was explaining everything, he says flatly and quietly, "Have you phoned Ghostbusters? I hear they're very good at this sort of thing. Hang on there while I call them on the other phone. They should be with you in fifteen minutes. You'll know them. They'll be dressed in coveralls and have backpacks on and special machines that destroy spirits."


Despite the gravity of the situation, I chuckle before I say, "Fuck you! I'm fucking serious! Stop fucking about!"


I hear a small chuckle. "So am I. Do you seriously think I have any idea what to do with a spirit that only appears when Aleric rapes you? The best advice I can give you is that you become a proper man and fuck him and not let him fuck you. Goodness me... it comes to something when a thirteen year old boy is the boss between you two. I should have taken you in hand years ago. Maybe that's what the ghost is telling you: man-up! Maybe it's telling you that if you don't, you'll lose him. It soon fucked off when you took command! Think about it! You need to tame that boy, and until you do, this fucking spirit or whatever it is will keep fucking with you. Be like Bruce Lee. Enter the Dragon! You go on often enough about how proud you are of your national emblem, so be like it. With your brains, when you use them, the Dragon should be able to outwit a poor little Turul. Where is Aleric now?"


"He's fourteen and not thirteen, and he's in bed... his own bed with Gottwin. I thought it would be better if they were together tonight. I left them about an hour ago and decided to have a couple of drinks and a think about things before I turned in."


I hear Kurt chuckle, and then he says in an amused voice, "They'll be together all right, but I'll bet you a thousand Euros that they're not in their own bed now."




Kurt is right. When I go to my bedroom, they're both fast asleep in my bed, and Kurt's words of wisdom are ringing in my ears when I make a decision that I know will not go down well with Aleric. Also echoing in my head is Gretel's warning to keep Gottwin out of my bed. Literally she meant I shouldn't sleep with him, so I go to their room and get into bed there. Enter the Dragon. From now on, I'm calling the shots.


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The Spirit of László Nemeth.

Damn! This is getting ridiculous! I thought if I presented as both of us, we might be able to get into Gareth's thick skull! But he's gone and got all bossy. I love his spirit more than existence, but I could kick its arse! I thought I was the boss like I was with Csaba. He'd do anything for me. But this bloody Welshman is a different kettle of fish. Aleric should have stayed awake and got him in bed. You stupid boy! I'm sleeping in Gottwin tonight. I'm not pleased with you!


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Very slowly, I wake from a deep sleep and find myself in a very strange position. I'm tangled up with Gottwin and there's no sign of Gareth. I'm not at all pleased. This isn't what I planned: what we planned. We decided to get in this bed so we could both have sex with Gareth this morning, but he isn't here and he hasn't slept in this bed. Where is he? Bleary eyed, I get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom to take a pee, and when I'm done, I go to our room to see if he's there. He is; curled up and facing away from me, so I pull the duvet back, roughly get into bed behind him, push an arm around him, and shake him. He half turns his head to me, and mumbles, "Hello trouble."


I shake him again and try and pull him over towards me. "What's up with you? Why didn't you sleep with us?"


He resists my attempts to pull him over, lays his head back on the pillow, and says, "You know what your Mum says... we've got to keep Gottwin out of us."


"Out of us?"


"Yes. So no more threesomes." Then he chuckles. "What do you want?"


I shove my hard pinkler into his back. "You know what I want."


More chuckles. "Couldn't you have given me a day off and done it with Gottwin?"


I push my pinkler into him repeatedly, and tell him, "No! Turn over! You know where I like it first thing in the morning!"


"And what if Gottwin should catch us doing it?"


"He won't. He's fast asleep. Turn over!"


"Say please."


I grab his upper arm and try to pull him over, but again he resists, so I give up trying to pull him over and kiss the nape of his neck instead. "Turn over! Please!"


Gareth turns over, grins at me, and then grabs my head and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and crush our lips together, and the kiss turns into tongues until he breaks the kiss and pushes me onto my back. Then he kisses his way down my front, nibbling my nipples on the way, until I feel the warmth of his mouth on my raging pinkler. Then his tongue begins to work the nerves of my knob into a rampant fusion of sensations; his burrowing finger up my bum magnifying them immensely until I can stand it no longer and wrap my legs around his neck, grab his head, and thrust myself deep into his throat until the feelings burst out of me in spasms of fantastic sensations, and then I lie, panting with semi-exhaustion. When Gareth is sure I've come off my high, he gets out of bed, kisses me gently on the lips, and says, "I love you. I'm going to have a shower." Then he points a finger at me. "Alone! Go and wake up that brother of yours and get ready. We're going to see your Dad."


I pull a face at him, and snarl, "I'll get you back for this tonight!"


He giggles. "Bring your dummy, but leave Gottwin in here."




I can tell Gareth has things on his mind while he's driving, and I know part of his thinking is about me. It's what he does when he plays the CD of us singing in Herr Biermaier's choir, and that's what he's got on now. I glance around and see Gottwin playing a game on his phone in the back, so I reach a hand across to Gareth, and he takes it. When he looks at me I can see that his eyes are misted, so I know whatever he's thinking is really about me, and it's important. But I don't ask him what's troubling him. He'll tell me in his own time. I've learned to comfort him at times like this, so I give him a smile filled with love and squeeze his hand really hard. His response is almost to crush mine. I lean back, looking through the side window, watching the buildings flashing by, and think back to those magical moments when we first saw each other. I can see it plainly now: the lights giving his jet-black hair a blue sheen; his fantastic cobalt blue eyes that sent shivers through me when our eyes met; him crying when I sang; his discomfort when he had to blow his nose and wipe away tears when the lights went on just before the curtain came down for the interval; the moment I knew he was very special and smiled and nodded to him, and his smile and nod back to me: the first moment of recognition that something special was happening between us. And here I am now, so in love with him that it hurts even if we're apart for just a short while, and I know my Special Man feels the same, and that's why, in my own way, I tell him how much I love him by leaning my head against the window, close my eyes, pretend I'm at the Schiller Theatre again, and sing along with the CD. When Gareth's hand crushes mine again, I know he knows what I'm doing. We've got to that stage where we know what each other is thinking.


Then Gottwin goes and spoils things by saying when we get out of the car, "You two bloody embarrass me at times. You should buy a bed on wheels!"


That's makes me and Gareth giggle, and we follow Gottwin like a couple of kids who've been found out doing naughty things. But I make a note to give Gottwin some serious shit when we're on our own.


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Although Ralf is strapped to his bed and there are loads of tubes and things everywhere, he scowls at me when I look at him through the glass walls and talk through the intercom and tell him that I enjoyed my peach Schnapps last night.


Gretel flips me around the ear. "Leave him alone you cruel devil!"


I grin at Ralf, pull a miniature bottle from my inside pocket, and show it to him. "I brought you this, but I might as well drink it. It looks to me as though you may be in here for six months." I point to the tubes, and grin. "Which one is the catheter?"


Despite his discomfort, he chuckles, and says, "I'll wrap it round your neck when I get out of here. Are those boys giving you any trouble?"


I shake my head. "They slept like a log last night, and even I was up and showered and dressed before they showed their faces. By the looks of you, I reckon I should get them into a temporary school for a while. What do you think?"


He half nods, and smiles. "Sort it with Schatz."


I chuckle. "Will do. Are you in pain?"


He half shakes his head. "No. I've got a thing here that I press if I get pain. It injects stuff straight into my veins and kills the pain." He chuckles again. "Give me that schnapps and I'll pour it in the bottle with the painkiller. I'm okay really. I just don't like being strapped down. I feel like a lunatic."


I nod. "Frank Neumann said it would only be for two or three days. That's if you behaved yourself and didn't do anything daft. Anyway, I've got work to do, and Schatz says she's not leaving you, so I'll leave you to it. Anything I can get you?"  


"No. Thanks Gareth."


I smile at him. "Six months from now and you'll be on your boat on the Wannsee. I've arranged for you to look at that place you like as soon as you're well enough to do it, so pull your fingers out and just do as you're told for once. We might even get to look at some boats while we're at it."




Gunther is in the front passenger seat and the twins are in the back as I drive. I arranged it like that so I could talk to Gunther about stuff. When we talk about his work, he tells me that he's decided not to go back to his job in Wieck, and that the guy who employed him isn't pleased that he's losing such a good worker. I'm assuming he's aware that I've deposited a lot of money in his parents' bank account and it's not necessary for him to work. But I have an idea, and that's why I divert to my friend, Robert Schafenacker's place at Gesundbrunnen where the Bentley was taken for assessment.


Robert is smiling when he sits in his open plan office and sees me park the Golf and the four of us get out. I see him say something to a lady at another desk in the office, and then he gets up and comes out to us. We shake hands, and he asks, "Is this you and your Mafia mob?"


I chuckle. "Something like that. How's the car?"


"We haven't touched it. The insurance assessor is coming on Monday. We can repair it. That's if you want us to?" He points to the Golf. "And I can find you something better than that bag of bones to be getting about in if you need it?"


I grin at him. "It will do me for now." Robert has a large selections of cars on his forecourt, so I tell the boys to have a look around while I'm talking to him. When they're gone, we wander into the repair workshops, which consist of a coach building section and a mechanical repair workshop. We go to the Bentley and Robert explains what needs to be done. I open the driver's door and look inside, and that's when I decide to have the car repaired. How I missed it when I was cleaning out the car, I don't know, but at the bottom right hand corner of the sat-nav is a small photo of Aleric that I reproduced after he'd sent it to me on that first night after I gave him his new phone. It's the one where he stripped off and about a centimeter of his cock was showing with the tiny sprinkling of pubic hairs that told me he was reaching puberty. After I'd reproduced it as an A4 sized one, I saved the picture, later cropped it so just his head and naked shoulders were showing, and printed out a tiny copy which has always been lodged on the sat-nav since. This is more than just a car; it's the vehicle where we first met; the car I took him for a drive in so we could plan after Kurt had managed to wangle us having some time together; and the vehicle we've done so many other things in. This is our car; mine and Aleric's love machine, and that's why, after I've removed the photo and slipped it into my pocket, I say to Robert, "I'm not interested in what the insurance assessor says, I want this car repaired."


Robert shrugs his shoulders. "No problem. I'll tell whoever comes what you say. I reckon they might be relieved." He grins. "It will save me making another hidey-hole for that bloody gun you have. I hope you've got it well hidden. If ever they catch you with it, your money won't save you from a long jail term. You're bloody crazy running about with that thing in your car."


I shrug my shoulders. "I might need it one day. Anyway, it's safe and sound. In my safe actually, along with all the porn I've got."


He laughs. "I don't want to know any more. As soon as the assessor has been, I'll start work on it. I'll put Klaus on it. He slobbers every time he walks past it, and I've been warned that if I give the job to anybody else, then he's off. I don't want to lose my best man."


His comment leads me nicely into the other matter I have on my mind... Gunther, and I ask Robert, "Can you find a job for the young man who's with me? His name is Gunther Hahn, and he had a job as a mechanic in a garage up north; at Wieck, but the family is moving to a place by the Wannsee. It's complicated. They're good friends of mine. The father, Ralf, is in hospital having his back repaired. He's been paralyzed for years. He used to have his own fishing vessel up there. A wire rope snapped and broke his back. They're a good family. A damned hard working lot. I'm helping them to settle in down here. They're staying at my place until things are sorted. We've just come from the hospital. That's when I thought of you and wondered whether you could help me out with Gunther. He's a lovely lad; got his head screwed on, well-mannered, and his former employer isn't too pleased to have lost him."


"Has he got a driving licence?"


I nod. "He can drive the Bentley better than me."


Robert laughs. "I take it he doesn't get pissed up then."


I laugh. "I wasn't pissed up. I was bloody angry at somebody and was seeing red when I hit the gates and the Armco. In fact I was fucking furious!"


Robert laughs again. "Remind me not to piss you off when you come to collect it then. Why don't you get yourself a Hummer?"


I thump him on the arm. "Never mind a Hummer, what about the boy? Can you give him a job? If he's no good then get rid of him. I won't hold it against you. I wouldn't have anyone working for me that wasn't up to it, but then again, I wouldn't have asked you if I thought he would be a burden to you. If you can find him work, then I reckon you'll be on a winner."


"Should I speak to him now?"


I nod. "Now is as good a time as ever. You go to the office." I take out my wallet and hand him the card Gunther gave me that has his former works address and telephone number on. "Give his former boss a ring and ask him for a reference.  I'll take my time and have a word, and then bring him to you."


I find the boys, accompanied by a salesman - who is having as much fun as the boys by the look of it - admiring a Ferrari, so I take Gunther to one side and explain things to him. I've always admired Gunther; he's a good mixture of both his parents; very level-headed, has a good sense of humour, and digests things before he comments. His first reaction is completely unselfish: he asks me how his parents will cope if they don't have him around to transport them to wherever they need to go. My answer is to remind him that they managed quite well when he worked at Wieck. I assure him that until his parents are well-established in a new home, I'll arrange everything.


And then I tell him about my plans for the bottom apartment that is now vacant. When Ralf comes out of hospital, that's where they'll be staying until they get a house sorted by the Wannsee. So, for a while, we'll still be together, but living separately. The best of all worlds, for all of us. He asks if I've told his parents yet. I tell him I've not spoken to anybody about it, so that will be something positive they can talk about when he visits again instead of the usual hospital talk that dies off after a few minutes. They can make plans while Ralf is recovering. And because Gunther is a grown up now, I tell him that I've had a quiet word with his mother and am going to have a word with Kurt about the boys getting into the same school as Hans until things are sorted. He agrees with that, says he's given some thought to it himself, and admits that he was getting worried that his brothers were living in a world of their own because of the change of circumstances. I assure him that all his concerns are shared by me, and I discover a new ally in Gunther. The boy is clever, and responsible. I think he's pleased that I've taken him into my confidence, so I tell the twins to carry on looking at the cars and escort him to the office.


Robert is still on the phone at his desk, but when I knock on the door, he beckons for us to go in. While we're making ourselves comfortable in the two black, leather chairs on the opposite side of the desk, I hear him thanking someone and then he ends the telephone conversation. He smiles at Gunther, and says, "Would you like to come and work for me, Gunther? I've just been speaking to your former employer, and I must say, he couldn't have given you a better reference. He's very sorry to lose you. When can you start?"


Gunther looks enquiringly at me. I grin at him. "Monday morning?"


Gunther looks troubled. "Next week is going to be difficult with Dad in hospital. Mum might need me during the day because we're in a strange environment." He looks apologetic. "It's just that I might be needed during the day until Dad gets out, and I don't want Herr Schaffenacker having to make alternative arrangements just to suit me."


Thomas intervenes. "It won't be a problem. I understand perfectly. I was going to put you with my top man, Klaus, for a couple of weeks so you can get used to the way we work, so you can come and go at your leisure. Have you got transport?"


"Yes. I've got the Transporter, so getting here won't be difficult."


Robert laughs. "It will! Getting through Berlin at rush hour in a vehicle is an art in itself. I'll tell you what... for the first week, you get here at whatever time you can make it so you can get used to the traffic, and then you can work it out yourself. It might be best if your use the subway. Change at Friedrichstraße. How does that sound?"


Gunther smiles. "Thank you. I'll do my best."      




Gunther is full of himself as we drive down to meet Kurt in a small diner in Charlottenburg. One down, two to go, and I can sort part of that while we're eating with Kurt. I've spoken to Gretel about getting the boys into a school, but neither of us has spoken to the twins about it yet. But Kurt is primed. This should be an interesting lunch!




I stare at Kurt across the table. "How is Hans doing at his new school?"


"Fine. He loves it. He goes to and from school with Jan. They're getting on great are those two."


I don't miss the suppressed sniggers from the twins when he says that, and I ask, "Do you think we could get the boys in there?"


That wipes the smile from their faces, and Aleric almost snarls at me when he says, "Mum will tell us when we've got to go to school!"


I grin at him. "Your Mum has already asked me to try and sort it while your Dad is poorly, so that's what I'm doing. Just following orders. Besides, don't you think you should be getting back to school as soon as possible? You live in Berlin now, so you'll have to go to school here. At the moment you're sort of on compassionate leave, but the authorities will be coming down on your parents like a ton of bricks if they don't place you into a school, even if it's only a temporary one, and she thought that the school Hans goes to would be a good choice for you. In fact, I do believe she has an appointment there with you both on Monday of this coming week."


"She's said nothing to me!"


I give him a stern look. "That's perhaps because she knew you would kick up a fuss, like you're doing now. I think she's got enough to cope with already without you two putting on airs and graces... don't you?"


Aleric looks forlorn. "She could have talked to us first."


I look at Kurt and get a half hidden smile and raise of the eyebrows. This is exactly what we expected. It's what happens when you spoil boys and it all comes to a grinding, reality halt. It's what I'm protecting Gretel from: she has enough to deal with even though she knows bringing some sort of normality into the boys' lives is just as important as the task she's now dealing with. But she can't do everything, and I'm the helping hand. Well, Kurt and I and Helena are. My PS has oiled the wheels of introduction; Hans and Jan have warmed the waters of arrival when it happens, and I just have the simple task of persuading the boys that their days of lounging about are about to come to an abrupt end. And now for the coup de grâce. I smile at the boys. "And that's only the half of it. You'll be moving into the bottom apartment when your Dad comes out of hospital. It's become vacant, so I'm going to give you a proper home of your own until your parents go and live in that house by the Wannsee."


I expect Aleric to go bonkers, but he just gives me a questioning look, and asks, "Does that include me?"


Time to take the sting out of things. I smile back at him. "I expect you'll go where the wind takes you."


He gives me a gorgeous smile. "Do we have to wear a school uniform?"


Kurt interrupts. "No. Just decent clothes. I'll sort you out."


Gottwin joins in. "Cool! Is it a mixed school?"


Kurt laughs. "The cream of Berlin girls there, Gottwin. When they see you two, they'll be like bees round a jar of honey."


Both boys laugh, but I don't miss the hidden, sarcastic look Aleric gives me. That's when I really decide to bring proceedings to an end, hopefully with hilarity when I add, "Not to mention the boys! I reckon they'll be camping outside my apartment block and I'll have to call the police to get rid of them."


It works, and everybody bursts into laughter.


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I know Gareth hasn't fallen asleep yet because the arm that is under me is still pressing me close to his naked body, and the hand that is clasped on my bum is still fondling me softly. My leg is wrapped over him and my head is resting on his shoulder while I play with the nipple before my eyes. But I have to ask in a low voice, "Are you asleep yet?"


I feel his chin on top of my head shake, and he says softly, "No. Haven't you had enough?"


I giggle. "Yes. Have you?"


"More than enough. If you keep this up, I'll have to get a stock of Viagra in."


That really amuses me, and I bite his chest. "Mmmm... lots of it."


Gareth chuckles. "I'll be glad when you're at school to wear you out a bit."


"I might find a boyfriend there."


"That would be nice."




"It would take the pressure off me."


"Wouldn't you be jealous?"


Gareth shrugs his shoulders. "Not a bit. I'd be relieved. Just so long as you did your stuff elsewhere and then cuddled with me at night like this, then I'll settle for that."


"Because you love me?"


"Because I love you."


"That's nice."


"Uhuh. Now get off to sleep."


I chuckle. "I will when you stop playing with my bum."


Gareth pinches it. "I love your bum."


"I know you do. Can I have a kiss?"




I get up, lie on top of him with my legs between his, and stare into his eyes. He stares into mine. Very slowly I lower my head until our lips meet and we begin the beautiful dance of love that stirs my soul. This is one of our very precious moments when all the sex has gone and just love is left; one of those moments when we exchange saliva copiously and breathe each other's breath into our lungs; one of those moments when our love is complete. When the kiss is over, I don't bother getting off him. Instead, I lay my head on his right shoulder and relax completely. Gareth places his hands in the small of my back, entwines his fingers, and I fall asleep safe and secure in the arms of the man I love.


To be continued...


You can find my other stories on Nifty here. If you wish to comment on this or any of my other stories, just drop me a line to john.thestoryteller@gmail.com Genuine comments will be appreciated. All flames will be extinguished in the trash bin.