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Not to disappoint anyone, but this story still falls under the heading of wank-media

All the usual disclaimers apply. Tread with caution. The story below was first published 3 years ago in a different forum and it has been re-written. This story does not discuss the theories of nurture or nature. It is not a portrait of flamboyance. This story explores the natural occurring femininity in a boy. He has done nothing wrong, he just is. More importantly, this story is about a guileless boy's existence in a world that is perplexed and sometimes even hostile to something both alien and vulnerable in their midst.

This will conclude Josey's story. Thank you

The Boy Who Wasn't

by Chance  all rights reserved

Barney left a small bank account of couple of thousand dollars.  That was more money than Jennifer had seen in years. It comfortably paid the bills, bought food and movie tickets and would take care of them for maybe 6 months until Jennifer could get out to get a job.  

All this was secondary in Josey's mind because in spite of these changes, 2 weeks had gone by and his thoughts about Clark were constantly just below the surface. No one knew about Clark. He hadn't even told Jennifer about him. How could he tell his mother that he had been having sex with an older man, a strange man, a man who carried a gun?

He called Clark's number and a gruff voice answered. “No, nobody here with that name!”

He tried again but the man on the other end sounded pissed off. He called the next day and it answered and hung-up. Josey called the little house in the canyon 3, 4, 5 times a day and no answer. It weight on his mind and he longed to tell Clark how he felt.

After three weeks Josey hitch hiked up the Pacific Coast Highway to Topanga and made his way back to the little house. It was strange because he was glad to see the little house that had become his castle but there was a heavy pit in his stomach that kept making him want to just sit down and cry.  Surely he would come back today or maybe tomorrow? He took off all his clothes and lay on the bed that they had shared.  

He would jerk-off, imagine Clark up close behind him and sleep and then dream that he had come back. Because Josey was young, the intensity of all these emotions was as sharp as a knife edge and the hurt so much.  

He stayed there for 2 days and nights and then headed home.


"God damn it Josey!  Why do you go off like this? You're all I have and I worry myself sick." 

She was crying and needed her son to comfort her. "Barney is gone and there's no reason to do something like this to me!"

Jennifer didn't quite realize that her child was beginning to grow up. The boy had become just a little taller now and was entering his belated growth spurt. Josey was no longer the dirty neglected kid from down the block.

"Josey, we got more trouble. I got this letter from some highfalutin lawyer in downtown Los Angeles and we have to go.  I'm afraid that Barney's wife got a high priced lawyer to get us out of this house and if we don't go they will automatically judge against us and we will be so screwed."

She looked at her son.  "Josey, I can't face living on the street again. I can't do it."

On the bus on the way down Josey looked at the letter. "Mom, the letter is addressed to me?"

"They made a mistake. You know, I can't believe this.  Life is such a struggle and we have to fight for bits and scraps just to stay afloat. I am so sick and fucking tired of fighting just to survive." She rested her head on her son's shoulder. Jennifer was defeated and weary.”


The lawyer's office was posh. It was a prestigious partnership the sort only employed by large businesses.

Jennifer was on the defensive from the start. The lawyer, a Mr. Andresen was finely dressed. "Can I offer you a cup of coffee?"

Jennifer shook her head no.

"Which one of you is Josey Dennis?"

Josey raised his hand slightly but said nothing.

The lawyer looked at Jennifer and said. "And this is your daughter?"

"He's my son God damn it! And he has the same last name as me because I never got married, now are you satisfied?!"

Josey was wondering where his mother had suddenly got all this fight.

The lawyer cleared his throat." Well this is not about you, but about your son. he is here to go over an inheritance left to him by a Mr. Charles Nicoli."

Josey stopped and they turned to look at each other? "Mr. Nicoli was very specific about getting these papers organized and they are complete. His untimely death was unfortunate."

Well this involves several income producing properties, the foremost of which is a 24 unit complex on 23rd Street in Santa Monica.  Then there is very valuable acreage on Point Dume in Malibu.  In addition there is a bank account of $575,200. that has been set up for you."

Both mother and son were speechless.

"I almost forgot. there is a small plot in Topanga canyon that has a structure in disrepair but if the structure is demolished, the property will be reclaimed by the State of California so it's value is negligible.

It suddenly dawned on Josey that it was Clark. Then the realization came down on him and crushed him. Clark was dead. The lawyer and Josey's mother were surprised to see him suddenly in tears.

"How did it happen?  How did he die?"

Josey's crying became uncontrolled and Jennifer had to comfort him.


They put Barny's old house up for sale and when an apartment opened up in the Santa Monica complex, they moved in. It was 24 apartments, surrounding a turquoise pool. Josey's mother stopped drinking and switched to pot.

Still not old enough to drive, Josey would hook up with this guy or that. He like men and men that liked boys like Josey. All of them had had qualities that reminded him of Clark but none of them could replace the man he met that first night.


Years later, they were watching TV and saw a documentary on organized crime.

Clark's name briefly came up.


A Short Epilogue

The blond boy was small in stature. He was taking the bus to the beach where he planned to lay out in the sun. He was feeling good. The boy looked down at his new shorts that fit a little too tight. He like them that way.

People looking at him might think silently to themselves, “Oh God, that hot kid's got a big one for sure.

Blue eyes and a sleeveless, red tee-shirt caused him to stand out on the crowded bus. Men didn't always give themselves away but old ladies might look at him and then quickly look away not wanting to risk embarrassment. The bus was filling up. Maids, laborers and office workers took the bus because they wanted to avoid traffic or had no other choice.

A big man wearing a ball cap and paint spattered overalls, sat down next to him. He was unshaven and carried with him the strong scent of a working man. The man and the boy were both quiet and did not show recognition or acknowledgment. The man gave the boy's face a quick gaze and then looked away. The boy did pretty much the same thing. Being long and built, the man was making an effort to be comfortable in the hard seats. The boy looked out the window. The man's eyes were on him. He turned and saw it. The man looked away. The boy looked down and noticed the man was digging into his pocket. Without raising his gaze he saw that the man was tugging at something in his pants. It was a big dick. The boy didn't look up but watched while the stranger, this man he didn't know sat next to him and was softly jerking-off his hard cock concealed in his overalls. His own cock, had grown in the last year and had a mind of its own. In a futile attempt to make it less prominent, the boy squirmed in his seat.

The bus stopped to let people off. The boy had 3 more stops before he'd reach his destination. The man next to him stood up and moved to the aisle. He stopped and slowly turned to see the boy and looking into his eyes, he said, “Are you commin or what?”

Josey smiled, got up and followed the man off the bus.


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