Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 14:03:17 -0500 From: Rhaven Subject: The Long Road Chapter Four This story contains strong language and sexual content between boy/man. For more stories and poems, please visit: CHAPTER FOUR Jeremy slowly walked back to the house. It had been a fulfilling day; he felt that he had made some progress with Bram or at least he hoped he was making progress. As he entered the house, Nancy came dancing towards him. "Nancy! I haven't seen you recently." Jeremy said with a smile. "Big house, lots of rooms to clean." She said with a girlish giggle. "I hear you have worked miracles with Bram." "I don't know if I'd go so far and call it a miracle. Bram just needed encouragement to let loose." Nancy giggled and flicked her hair playfully. "I have this weekend off, why don't we head to town for coffee?" Nancy said grinning shamelessly. "I. maybe, not sure if I'm free." Jeremy stuttered, this was a situation he wasn't sure how to get out of. He liked Nancy, but not the way she wanted. "Well, let me know. You need a break from babysitting sometime." Nancy slinked away, giving Jeremy a wink before she exited the room. "Oh great." Jeremy cursed. How was he going to avoid Nancy the entire time he lived here? His mind raced with possible excuses, but Jeremy knew that 'excuses' would only be affected for so long before she became suspicious. The week went well for Bram and Jeremy, though Jeremy didn't attempt to push the boy outside again. He decided to take baby steps on that. Jeremy was disappointed that Bram hadn't visited him at night, but that was another thing he was willing to give time too. During the week, he had discovered a little more of the boy. He had never been to a movie theater, never eaten at McDonalds, never. never. never. There were a thousand things this boy had never done. Things that were commonplace for most children, things that seemed mundane, had become almost magical to Bram in his inexperience. The more Jeremy learned the angrier he got at Bram's father. This house was a tomb for Bram and an excuse for Mr. Brice. He gave his son anything he wished, except a life or a parent. Jeremy didn't know why Mr. Brice hid his son away, he didn't much care for the reason. All he knew was it was abuse. Jeremy fell back into his couch with a bounce and pulled out Bram's homework. Not the greatest way to spend a Friday night, but Jeremy didn't mind. "Hello?" Jeremy cringed as Nancy creaked open the door. He had hoped she had forgotten about him. "So what about that coffee?" She asked inviting herself into the room. "I am so sorry Nancy, I completely forgot. I have all this work I have to grade. I don't think I can make it." Nancy frowned and looked at Jeremy with disbelief. "Surely it can wait until tomorrow? Come on Jeremy I promise you'll have fun." "I'm really sorry Nancy." Jeremy apologized and then decided to use his ultimate excuse. "I just don't think we should socialize away from work. It wouldn't be right." She looked at him as if he had slapped her, Jeremy knew that his excuse hadn't worked, it had only insulted. His mind froze up as he tried to think of a better excuse. "Whatever." She said flatly. "I'm sorry for bothering you." Jeremy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He watched in silence as Nancy left his room. He knew he hadn't done the right thing, surely going out with Nancy for one coffee couldn't have hurt anyone. But he was so afraid of what Nancy really wanted, it was something he couldn't give nor wanted to give. He just couldn't pretend to be someone he wasn't, not for Nancy, not for anyone. Jeremy put the homework down and walked into his bedroom. He undressed and found his 'Star Wars' t-shirt. Sleep wasn't a possibility, he had hurt Nancy and that nagged at him, he hated the thought of anyone hating him. He flopped back down on the couch and clicked on the TV. Jeremy flipped through the endless channels, trying to find something interesting to watch. He finally decided on Baywatch. Jeremy was about to change the channel, finally deciding that there were going to be any boys in this episode of Baywatch, when he heard a loud crash. He stood up and looked around. CRASH! This time he realized the sound was coming from Bram's room. Jeremy was out of his room and at Bram's door in an instant. He opened the door without knocking and found Bram kicking his computer across the floor. "Bram what's going on?" "His secretary!" Bram cried, tears streaming down his face. "His secretary." Jeremy put his hands on the boy's shoulders and felt him shaking with anger. "I don't understand Bram, what has happened?" "Is everything all right?" Maggie almost leapt into the room; she gasped for breath and held tightly to the doorframe. She had obviously ran all the way here. "Everything is fine." Jeremy said waving Maggie out of the room. Maggie nodded and lingered only a moment before leaving. "Bram, tell me what is wrong?" The boy looked up from the computer on the floor, his face soaked with tears. "He.he had his secretary send an e-mail." Jeremy shook his head. "I'm sorry Bram, I still don't understand." Jeremy knelt down on his knee and searched the boy's deep blue eyes for answers. Bram didn't say anything else, he just looked at Jeremy for a moment and then to Jeremy's surprise, Bram lay his head on his shoulder. Jeremy let the boy cry as he held him close. He didn't know what had happened and didn't much care. He just glad he was there to hold the lonely boy. "It's going to be all right. Everything will be fine sweetheart." Jeremy whispered tenderly, hoping it would help whatever grief that was disturbing the boy. Bram sniffed loudly and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand. He backed away from Jeremy looking ashamed. Jeremy stood and tried to give a comforting smile. "Let's get you ready for bed." He walked over to the dresser and found the drawer with the pajamas. Jeremy pulled out the green pajamas and motioned Bram to him. "Have a seat." Jeremy pointed to the end of the bed. Bram obeyed without question or emotion. Bram had the look of someone defeated; he had been conquered by whatever pain he had tried to hide. Jeremy unbuttoned the boy's shirt and slipped it off him. Bram was like a rag doll as Jeremy undressed him and put on the pajamas. His mind was somewhere else, on something that haunted him. With Bram finally dressed in the pajamas, Jeremy pulled down the sheets and helped the boy climb into bed. "Get some sleep." Jeremy pulled the sheets over Bram and kissed him on the forehead. Jeremy turned off the light and walked back to his room. He sat back down in front of his TV, not seeing what was on or even caring. Jeremy sniffed back a tear, he never felt so helpless. He forced down a scream, a scream he wanted Mr. Brice to hear, although Jeremy knew the man probably wouldn't pay attention. After an hour of staring blankly at the TV, Jeremy moped towards his bedroom. The emotional roller coaster had exhausted him. First Nancy and now Bram, Jeremy wasn't sure he could handle anything else. He stripped and fell on top of his bed, not bothering to climb under the sheets. Sleep came easier than Jeremy thought possible. He slipped into the midnight fantasy world of dreams leaving behind all his worries and cares. "What?" Jeremy sat up and looked around, the room was blanketed in blackness, but he could have sworn he had heard a noise. There was a brief moment he felt confused, not remembering where he had fallen asleep. He still wasn't use to his new surroundings. Jeremy lay back down and hugged his pillow. He decided that the noise had been something out of his dream. He was about the slip back into sleep when he heard the noise again. This time Jeremy sat up. He carefully walked to the door leading into the living room and listened. He heard the noise again. It sounded like someone was moving around in the room. Once his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he could see someone moving on the couch. Jeremy quietly reached out and flipped on the light switch. He was to attack his intruder, so he was rather shocked to see Bram staring back at him. The boy had dragged his pillow and blanket into his room, and was in the process of getting comfortable on the couch. They stared at each other, wide-eyed and mouth agape. "Bram? What are you doing?" Jeremy jumped back into his bedroom and recovered his boxers. "Is everything all right?" "I'm sorry Jeremy. I couldn't sleep." "That's okay Bram. You want to talk about it?" Jeremy sat down next to the boy, wishing his heart would stop pounding in his chest. "You. you really do sleep in the nude." Bram said smiling at last. "Guilty." Jeremy blushed, feeling a bit vulnerable only in his boxers. "Why doesn't my dad love me?" Bram hugged his pillow tighter. "What happened with the computer Bram?" The boy buried his face in the pillow and started crying again. "My. my dad is marrying.his secretary." Jeremy didn't know what had happened to Bram's mother, it was a something he had wondered about, but didn't want to ask. The boy being upset of his father's marriage was only natural. He just wasn't sure he could convince Bram that everything would be fine. "I wish I could say something that would make you feel better Bram. Maybe with time, you will love your new mother?" "Love her? Love her? Are you serious? I will probably never meet her. They are going to Paris tomorrow to get married." Bram was screaming now, unable to control his anger. "Six month traveling Europe. and I. and I only find this out because the SECRETARY e-mailed me! My father didn't even care enough to tell me himself!" Bram threw the pillow across the room. "I don't care if I ever see her or that bastard again!" "The prick!" Jeremy added quickly. "Son of a bitch." Bram whispered, looking up foolishly to Jeremy. "Mother fucker." Jeremy said proudly. Bram gave him a shocked look. "You are so weird." Bram finally said after he had recovered from his astonishment. "I did warn you." Jeremy gave a wicked smile, but instantly changed to a serious look. "I really am sorry Bram." Bram tried to smile and pushed the blanket off him. "It's okay Jeremy. I don't know why I let my dad get to me. He's never loved me and that won't change." Jeremy wished he had the bottle of Jack Daniels now. He had no idea what to tell Bram. Everything he was saying was true. His dad did act as if Bram was a thorn in his side. How could Jeremy encourage Bram without lying to him? He finally said, "You know it's not your fault. You've done nothing wrong." Jeremy grabbed Bram's hand and squeezed it. "I think you are a wonderful person and it's your father's loss if he isn't willing to see that." Bram squeezed Jeremy's hand back and sniffed back a tear. "How about TV?" Jeremy reached for the remote, but Bram stopped him. "What about bed?" Bram whispered. "Oh, I'm sorry. Of course you're tired." Jeremy stood up when Bram did. He arched an eyebrow as the boy passed him and entered his bedroom. "Um.okay?" Jeremy walked into his bedroom and watched Bram climb under the sheets. "It's okay isn't it? I. I just don't feel like being alone right now." Bram said flushing up his pillow. "Um. okay." Was all Jeremy could say. He felt like giggling, but tried to act casual as he climbed in next to the boy. "What are you smiling about?" Bram asked as he rolled over to face Jeremy. "Nothing. nothing at all." Jeremy tried to stop smiling but he couldn' t. "You are really weird. Goodnight." Bram rolled over on his stomach and closed his eyes. Jeremy lay there for a few minutes watching the boy, soaking in his beauty. Finally, he closed his eyes and slept. It was a night full of glorious dreams; Jeremy sighed regretfully when he awoke and opened his eyes. He tried to sit up but something prevented him. Jeremy then realized that Bram was lying across him. "Is it morning?" Bram said lazily. "I'm sorry to say it is." Jeremy patted the boy on his back. "What do you think about taking a trip to town today?" "And do what?" Bram asked, not bothering to move off Jeremy. "I was thinking of buying a bathing suit and taking you to a movie." Jeremy went from patting to scratching the boy's back. "What do you want with a bathing suit?" Bram almost purred. "There is a swimming pool in this house right? I kind of need a suit if I want to go swimming. You have a suit don't you?" Bram rolled over on his back, Jeremy pulled his hand away. "Well, you do know how to swim?" Bram reached up and took hold of Jeremy's hand. "Would you. could you scratch my stomach?" Jeremy grinned, and slipped his hand under Bram's Pajama top and started scratching gently. "Yes I can swim. I just haven't in a while." Bram finally answered. "Do you think you could help me pick out a swimming suit?" "I'd be glad too." Bram purred again and shivered with pleasure. "I could wake up this way forever." Jeremy smiled again. "Funny, so could I. so could I." They stayed that way for several minutes, neither saying a word. Jeremy let his fingers explore the finite curves of the boy's chest and stomach. He concentrated on Bram's delicate heartbeat, his gentle breathing. "I want to buy some new clothes too." Bram said suddenly. "Something cool." "We can do that too." Jeremy sighed looking over at the clock. "I guess we should get up. Maggie is going to start wondering what happened to us." "Do we have to? Just a few minutes more.please?" Jeremy shook his head and laughed. He scratched the boy's stomach a few more minutes, until his fingers started to cramp. Even with aching fingers, Jeremy could have lived in this moment forever. There was nothing more perfect than his hand caressing Bram's warm skin. But he knew they would have to stop, wouldn't be good to have Maggie appear, checking up on them to see why they hadn't come down for breakfast. "Okay, that's enough for now. Once we get back from town, we can do this all night." "Promise?" Bram reluctantly sat up. "I promise." Bram jumped out of bed and ran for the door. "Come on, I don't want to spend all day in town!" "Hey!" Jeremy called to the boy. "Take a bath and get dressed. I don't think you want to go to town in your pajamas." Bram looked down at himself and giggled. The boy dashed for the door, but suddenly skipped to a stop. "Jeremy. th ank you." "For what?" Bram shuffled his feet shyly and then smiled. "Thank you for being here." With that, Bram ran from the room. Jeremy listened to the boy's heavy footfalls. He climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He felt energized, renewed by Bram's joy. He just hoped nothing would spoil the moment. Jeremy took another shower, out of urgency. Though he hated showers, he had to admit it was refreshing. He turned off the water and reached for the towel. "What the.?" His towel was missing. "You are taking all day." Bram complained holding up the towel. Jeremy almost screamed and ducked behind the shower curtain. "Come on, I've already seen you naked once." Bram threw the towel at Jeremy and waited. "We don't have all day." "Okay, okay." Jeremy stepped out of the shower and started to dry off. It was a bit unnerving, as Bram watched him closely, but also exhilarating too. "Can we skip the movie?" Bram asked as Jeremy heading into the bedroom. "You don't want to see a movie?" "Not right now, maybe some other time." Bram sat down on the bed and waited for Jeremy to get dressed. "I guess we could wait for later." Jeremy pulled his shirt. "Okay, I'm ready." "Fantastic, let's go!" Bram jumped from the bed and ran from the room. Jeremy laughed at Bram's excitement and slowly followed. He finally caught up with Bram in the kitchen. "Maggie could you get Mr. Sonnenfeld. Bram and I will be going to town today." Maggie arched an eyebrow and looked at Bram and then Jeremy. "That sounds like a wonderful idea." She finally said, giving Jeremy a strange look. "Mr. Roberts may I speak with you in private?" Jeremy frowned, but followed the older woman to the laundry room. "What up?" Jeremy asked, feeling a bit nervous. "Nancy informed me that she had asked you to town, but you refused. She was rather upset by your comments." "I'm sorry I upset her, it wasn't intentional." Jeremy said slowly. "But she asked me last night, and I was busy then. Maggie what's this about?" Maggie cleared her throat and straightened up as if trying to look more professional. "I'm just worried that you are getting too attached to the boy." Jeremy laughed and staggered back from the comment. "I can't believe this! You said yourself that it was great that I cared. Well, I do care about Bram. Moreover, right now he needs me. Did you know his father is getting married? " "Of course I knew, Mr. Brice called me yesterday." Jeremy almost choked. "He. he called you?" He looked back to make sure Bram couldn't hear. "What the fuck is Mr. Brice's problem? Bram is his son, but he can't even call him about the marriage?" "Mr. Roberts, there is no reason to swear. Mr. Brice is a busy man and may I add. your employer. You weren't hired to question his motives, you were hired to teach Bram. I just don't want you to become too attached to Bram; it will only lead to problems." Jeremy was pacing the small laundry room now. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Problems? The problem is that no one has ever given a damn about this boy. What kind of life has he had here? Isolated, alone from family and friends, how can I turn away from him, knowing what pain he feels?" Maggie almost growled, her plump face reddened with anger. "I may not be as smart as you Mr. Roberts, but I'm not blind either. I know Bram has had it rough. However, I also know my position. I am not his mother and I would never assume that he thinks of me that way." "What are we fighting about here? All this because I turned down Nancy for a night on the town? Maggie." Jeremy put his hand on the woman's shoulder. "I can't say I know what I'm doing, I wish I could. But if I can make Bram happy, then that's all that matters. wouldn't you agree?" Maggie looked Jeremy in the face and finally, slowly nodded. "You are right Mr. Roberts. Maybe I act too much like a mother hen. It's just since Bram's mother died. I feel responsible for him. Maybe I've become accustomed to his melancholy. Seeing him so happy, even after his father's news." Maggie swallowed hard. "Please ignore my ranting Mr. Roberts. you continue that magic of yours." Jeremy gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks didn't know his mother was dead. I just assumed his parents were divorced." "No. Bram's mother died here. it was a horrible, horrible accident. I don't think Bram will ever recover from it." Maggie paused and made sure Bram wasn't near. "No, actually I think he may recover. I think you are just want he needs." "You are sweet." Jeremy leaned closed and gave Maggie a quick kiss. "I would have loved to have you as my mother." Maggie blushed and pushed Jeremy away. "Oh you, now get out of here. I have work to do." Jeremy followed Maggie back to the kitchen. Bram looked as if he was about to explode from anxiety. "Can we go now?" "Let's go to town." Jeremy cheered.