Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 19:22:51 -0500 From: wild wing Subject: The Perfect Summer Job - Chapter one Preface: This is the tale of a gay teenager who gets more than he bargained for at a gay summer camp. This story should satisfy those of you who asked me to add more sex into my tales. There are vivid descriptions of consensual sex so you have been warned. I always love to hear from my fans and I will always respond. I have made many friends at Nifty. If you wish to read more of my work please look me up in te prolific author section. Chapter One I was terrified. Just three weeks before my university tuition fees were due and I had no idea where the money was coming from. I was too proud to tap my parents again and every effort to find a summer job had been a miserable failure. At this juncture I was ready to wash floors if I had to. I checked the university bulletin boards as I had done countless times this summer just in case there was something new. No luck. I started back to my car but on a whim I dropped into the gay alliance office and there it was. 'WE ARE DESPERATE' the sign began. You can't be more desperate than I am I thought. I read on. 'We are in need of a counsellor for our boys camp for the last two weeks of the summer. Experience an asset but not a necessity. Must like working with youth in an outdoor setting'. What kind of camp would advertise in a gay office I wondered? No matter; I was ready to do their laundry or whatever it took to snag the position. I filled out a questionnaire that the office receptionist provided and was told to meet a Mr. Gardner in the Eaton Humanities building on campus tomorrow. The appointment couldn't come soon enough. I showed up a little early the next day and wasn't surprised to find ten other nervous individuals there ahead of me. There was an even dozen of us by the time Mr. Gardner strode in. He was exactly as I pictured he might look like. He was a strikingly handsome man who was well tanned from spending too many hours in the sun. He wore a pair of neatly creased pants and a blue T-shirt with the word 'staff' in one corner and the name Camp Gogama emblazoned across his amply endowed chest. "Good morning gentlemen," he began. "I must start by telling you that I run a camp for troubled gay boys. If that offends you I must ask you not to waste my time and to leave now." A couple of the candidates did just that. "Good, now let's get down to business," he added. He explained that the camp was a charity funded in part by he government but mostly by wealthy elements of the gay community. The boys ranged in age from eight to fifteen and were recommended by school guidance councillors, psychiatrists, correctional system officers and the like. Most were uneasy with their sexuality and many had emotional problems. He finished by saying that the aim of the camp was to give the boys as many positive experiences as possible and make them realize that it's okay to be gay in the hope that each would become a positive contributor to society. About an hour later I found myself one on one with Mr. Gardner. He shook my hand warmly and asked me to take a seat. "I see here your name is Andrew Stuart and you a sophomore. Do your friends call you Andrew or Andy?" "Andy, sir," I replied. "Good." He paused as he scanned my answers to the questionnaire. "Hmmm, you seem to be a little lacking in experience but I see you did attend camp yourself as a boy. How did that go?" I fidgeted in my chair. "Not too good actually. My being gay caused me some problems." Mr. Gardner chuckled, "I've heard that one before. Are you into sports at all?" "Well I did play some little league baseball and I'm on the university swim team." "Oh that's a big plus," he smiled. And so the interview went. I was still nervous but I tried to be as forthright and as upbeat as possible. He finished by saying, "I'm going to ask you some personal questions. I need truthful answers. I must warn you that how you answer will go a long way in my decision making." "No problem," I stated, "Fire away." "Are you a boy lover?" Wow I thought, I didn't expect that one. I gulped and answered as well as I could. "I'm not sure. I've thought about it. Remember I'm only nineteen. I know I get very excited when I work with kids and I often get a hard on that I can't control. I admit I had sex a couple of times with guys that were three or four years younger and that was fun." Mr. Gardner smiled again and went on, "Suppose you as a staff member entered one of our cabins and you accidentally interrupted two of the boys getting it on. What would you do?" I thought a moment about the camp philosophy before I responded. "Well," I started, "Since we want them to be positive about their sexuality the last thing I'm going to do is admonish them. If one is forcing himself on an unwilling partner I might sit down and have quiet chat with them but more than likely I would apologize and excuse myself" "Well said Andy. Those are the best answers I've heard today. Unless something better comes along in the last two interviews I'm prepared to hire you. Can you be ready this Saturday?" "What would my duties be?" I asked. "Well we lost a councillor because of a family tragedy. He was our swim instructor and supervisor. With your swimming aptitude you should have no problems with that. He was also our councillor at large." "Councillor at large?" "Yes, the councillor at large has to be a caring mature individual that all of the campers like. You must be prepared to sit down with them at any time of day or night, listen to their personal problems and help them any way you can. The boys must believe that you are on their side. I'm suitably impressed with you that I know you can handle that too!" "Wow," I murmured, "That's a lot of responsibility!" "You can handle it," he beamed. Thirty minutes later I walked out with the job in my pocket and a smile I couldn't get rid of. The job was too good to be true. Frankly I couldn't have written a better description of the perfect summer job if I'd tried. I awoke Saturday morning full of nervous energy and anticipation. Eight o'clock found me in the parking lot of the downtown gay community centre. A camp angel had provided the bus and was to be the driver too. The thirty-six boys began arriving in drips and drabs. I checked off their names as they entered the bus. A few obviously came with their parents but most arrived with stony faced individuals or came alone by bus or cab. They came in all shapes and sizes. Most were cute but a few were not. They were a true cross section of society. I noticed they didn't say much. They simply took a seat and stared out of the closest window. As the bus finally pulled out there was none of the revelry one normally associates with a bus heading to camp. As we drove towards the highway the mood didn't change. This is awful I thought. One would think we were heading for a prison farm. I had to do something. I rose from my front seat and raised my voice in song. "Hey, dingle dangle, dingle dangle dee, The cutest gay boy you did ever see, When he was tired, he lay down on a rock, His boyfriend came along and played with his..... HEY dingle dangle , dingle dangle dee, The cutest........ The boys began by looking at me as if I had rocks in my head but when I hit the second HEY they broke out shouting and laughing. About half the boys began singing with me. When we reached the third HEY it seemed everyone joined in and continued for another round. This time when we reached HEY someone near the back yelled COCK at the top of his lungs. Laughter and bedlam ensued. Needless to say everyone yelled COCK from then on. The boys repeated the song eight or nine times before I finally raised my hands for silence. "Hey guys," I yelled, "How many of you have heard of 'Old MacDonald's Farm'?" Several of the boys groaned. One added, "We don't want to sing that one. We like the first song!" "I understand," I explained, "But how many of you knew that Old MacDonald had a gay brother and that Old MacDonald had a gay farm?" "Yeahhh," several boys shouted, "Let's hear it!" I took up the challenge. 'Old MacDonald had a gay farm, Eeh-I-eeh-I-ohhh, And on this farm he had some roosters, Eeh-I-eeh-I-ohhh,' Some of the boys were all ready joining in. 'With a COCK-a-doodle here and a COCK-a-doodle there, Here a cock, there a cock, everywhere a cock, cock, Old MacDonald had a gay farm, Eeh-I-eeh-ohhh' Absolute chaos followed. Everyone was laughing and cheering. Even the bus driver joined in. A boy in the middle insisted I start over. The bus rocked as every boy tried to outdo the other. The bus stopped for a traffic light. With most of the windows wide open I figured that neighbourhood would never the same again. When we reached the end some demanded additional verses. I went on. 'Now on this farm he had some asses, Eeh-I-eeh-I-ohhh, With an ass, ass here and an ass, ass there, Here an ass, there an ass, everywhere an ass, ass, With a COCKadoodle here and a COCKadoodle there. Here a cock, there cock, everywhere a cock cock, Old Macdonald had a gay farm, Eeh-I-eeh -I-ohhh.' Yet another uproar! The boys loved it. I took a chance and became a little provocative by adding the goose. Instead of honks I sang 'With a goose goose here and a goose goose there......' It was soon apparent that several boys were practicing their 'goosing' as we sung it. I encouraged the boys to add their own animals and some did. As we reached six verses I began to march up and down the aisle. I tousled some hair here and stroked a cheek there. I was having a ball! On one occasion as we hit the goose refrain felt a hand come out from a seat and grab a generous portion of my crotch. Recalling the philosophy of the camp I did not make a fuss. In fact I paused and allowed him to grope. When the song moved on so did I. I was 'goosed' at least three more times before the song ended. They were getting to know me real well. From that point on the ride was relatively normal for a camp bus. Among the laughter, the joking and the singing the lads introduced themselves to each other. I'm sure a budding friendship or two occurred. By the time we pulled into the tree lined driveway of the camp I was ready for the time of my life.