Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 21:32:22 -0500 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premontion part 13 Gay adult youth Most people dont care between Coke or Pepsi. Me I cant stand Pepsi and havent drank one in at least 30 years. But Im sipping on a Coca cola right now. Just a little ridiculous information What is not ridiculous is donating to Nifty. It is Hannakah after all. So Happy Hannakah. Here is the story The Premonition Part 13 Written By Eric Murphey Edited by Zero Moss I look again and I can make out two people, but I can't see much detail as it's too dark. It looks as though they are pulling something from a trap. "Huh?" I mutter. "What is it, daddy?" Jack asks me since he is now standing next to me. "It looks like two people pulling something from a trap. I never noticed any traps out here before." "Do you think they are bad people?" "It's hard to say. But I don't think so, because if they were, we would be missing some chickens." "Should we go out and talk to them?" As he says this the two figures start walking off out of the camera's view. Try as I might, I can't find them as I pan the camera around. "Looks like I need to do some hunting tomorrow to find where they are staying." "Can I go?" "Absolutely not. Just because they aren't stealing chickens doesn't mean they are safe." "Please." I look at him and arch my eyebrows. "Alright," he says, resigned to the fact he isn't going with me. We head back to bed and I have a hard time finding sleep because I'm worried about our new neighbors. Where the hell did they come from and what are they doing? How many are there? I know there are at least two. It was so dark I couldn't even figure out if they were males, females, or one of each. I do finally find sleep, but it's a fitful sleep that doesn't provide much actual rest, so that when I wake up, I'm still tired. I go to the restroom and pee. It's weird waking up in the bunker because it's not home. We're just staying here, at least until we figure out what's going on. I go out and collect some eggs for breakfast for the boys. I did put on my side holster; I don't want to get caught unprepared. It would be just my luck to be out with no gun and tada, here are our new neighbors shooting me dead. I grab the eggs and scurry back into the rabbit hole. I start breakfast for the boys and see that they are already up and the table is set. "Dad, Jack said you saw some people last night. He says you think they are nice." "I didn't say they are nice. I said they didn't steal our chickens." "Can we go look for them too?" "Not a chance." I finish breakfast and serve the boys, but my tummy is just in knots and I can barely eat a piece of toast. The boys clean up as I get prepared to go find out who our night stalkers are. Once I'm ready I look at the boys. "Now if I don't come back, go straight to the Washingtons'. I know you will be safe there." "You think you might not come back?" Jim asks worriedly. "It's possible. Be ready just in case. If I'm not back by dark you go to the Washingtons' as fast as can be. Do not stop to get anything. Mike will come back with you tomorrow and get anything you may think you need." I am answered with three sets of scared eyes and nods. "I mean it. Don't come out for anything either until either it's dark or I get back. You have games here to play and things to do." "Dad, I got to feed the animals," Eddie says. "I took care of it. I will be back soon," I tell them while adding to myself, "At least I hope so." I climb up the ladder and out into the woods. I go to where I think the trap was and sure enough, it was there. "Well I will be damned, I never noticed it before." I look at it more closely and it's a pretty good home made trap. Whoever it is has done a good job at it. I start walking cautiously through the woods in hunt of someone. I roam around for an hour and find a few more traps. I can't believe I never noticed any of them before. What a fucking dolt I am! I need to be WAY more observant of my surroundings. I got three boys to make sure are safe. I'm hardly doing a good job if I don't notice things like this. I walk through the woods and up the hill some more. I am shocked when I see in the distance though the trees a little cabin. Okay, it isn't so little, it's maybe a thousand square feet, so it's a decent size. I see some smoke coming out of the chimney. So now I have a dilemma: should I just walk up and knock? Should I wait and see if anyone comes out? While I am trying to decide I hear someone say, "Freeze! Don't move!" My heart stopped as I heard the voice from behind me. Without moving I say to them, "I don't mean any harm. I live down the way a bit with my boys. I didn't know anyone was up here." I hear leaves being walked on and soon a man is in front of me. He is maybe thirty or so. He is a good ten feet in front of me. "Make a move for the pistol and I will kill you." I certainly believe him. "I have no intention of doing that." "What are you doing up here then?" My fucking heart is going to beat out of my chest. I don't like guns pointed at me, not that I think anyone does. But it is very unnerving. "I heard a shot yesterday and I saw two people clearing a trap last night on one of my cameras. I just wanted to make sure my boys and I are safe." "We know who you are. Well not exactly who. But we know you stay in the trailer with three boys." "Alright, can you not point that thing at me anymore." He lowers his rifle. "I just wanted to make sure we are safe. I saw your traps. You do really good work." "Thanks." "Look, I'm sorry I bothered you. As I have said I just wanted to make sure we were safe." "I understand; it's strange times we live in." "True, and it's not like I trusted that many people before all this happened," I say, and he smiles in return. "So true. You want to come in for a cup of coffee? We don't have much left, but I figure it's neighborly to offer." Now I don't drink a lot of coffee, but with it being offered under these circumstances, how can I say no? "I would like that very much thank you. I'm Rick by the way." "Earl." "Pleased to meet you Earl." We walk over to his cabin and he walks in first. "We got company. It's our neighbor, Rick," He says. As I walk in I see a very pretty woman. If I was into such things I would say she is beautiful. "Hi Rick. I'm Tina," she says as she wipes off her hands on her apron and extends it to me. I shake her hand. It's soft but you can tell she works. "Please Rick, have a seat. I will grab us a cup," Earl says, smiling. "I appreciate it." I take the offered seat and Earl grabs us two steaming cups of coffee. "Honey, why don't you join us?" he says to his wife, I assume. "Sure, sweetie," she replies. She gives him a quick peck on the lips and grabs herself a cup. "Joseph, come out and meet our neighbor!!" she shouts, giving me a start. "That boy is always on that laptop of his," Earl observes. "Yeah, I got one of those. Can barely use it. I got a lot of Movies and TV shows on it though." "Oh boy, I miss TV," Earl says. "I miss the feeling of security you get from being able to buy whatever you need," Tina says. A moment later a boy of around seven comes out. He is very cute. He is shirtless and in shorts that are a bit worn and too small. He looks delightful in them. He has black hair and brown eyes. His feet are bare as he walks to the table and sits down. "Hello, Joseph, I'm Rick. I know three boys who would love to meet you." He turns crimson and smiles at me. "So Rick, tell me about your sons."Tina says. "Well, technically they aren't my sons. But I love them as much as if they were." She cocks her head a bit so I explain how I came to meet them. When I'm done she smiles at me. "Those poor boys. I'm glad they found you. We told Joey if we get in trouble to go to your house because we figured you would take care of him," Tina says. "Of course I would. If you can't help a child you should just be shot to put you out of your misery, because you would pretty much be worthless." "I agree," Earl says, smiling. I take a sip of the coffee. It's hot and strong, with no sugar so it's a bit bitter, but I manage. We sit and talk for a good hour or so. It was nice meeting new, friendly people. "I better get back. I am sure my boys are worried at me being gone so long," I tell them. "Please stop by again sometime," Earl says. "Yes, and bring your boys," Tina adds. I smile, bid them goodbye, and head back to the bunker. As I am walking I am thinking that their kitchen looked pretty bare. Not that we have an endless supply of food but we have a couple years' worth if we don't add to it at all. So maybe it is endless. I note that their son didn't say a word the entire time I was there, so I figure that he must be shy. That, and in these times it is kind of odd meeting new people. When I get back the boys are on me fast, hugging me and telling me they are glad I'm okay. We walk to the living room area of the bunker and sit on the couch. "So what did you find out dad?" Eddie asks. "Well, it's a nice little family that lives up near the top. There's a husband, wife and a little boy." "Cool, can we play with him?" Jim asks me. "Yes, I talked to them and that is the plan. The man's name is Earl, his wife is Tina, and the son's name is Joseph." "Cool, how old is he?"asks Jack. "Oh, I guess he is about thirty or so, and his wife is around the same," I say, not letting a chance to tease them get past. Jack playfully slaps my chest. "No silly, their son." "I would guess seven or so." "Cool." "Now boys, they don't look like they have very much food and they had said they are almost out of coffee too. So I'm thinking since we have so much and it won't hurt us at all to help them, that we should." "We sure should," all three boys agree in unison. "We've got a lot of meat. So I think we need to hook them up with some of that. Also I'm thinking that it's not good for us to eat as many eggs as the chickens produce, so I think we can easily share those with them as well. Coffee too, since now we have like a million pounds of it. Of course some of the canned good as well for veggies and fruit. Can you guys think of anything else?" Now the boys surprise me. "We should give them a couple of the pizzas. I bet they would really like that a lot," Jack offers. "Yeah they would. I know it was like amazing to me," Jim agrees. "Yeah, but what's pizza without a Coke?" Eddie adds. "That's true. Maybe we can take up some brownies too. I bet they would like those a lot too. Would be a yummy supper, pizza and brownies!" Jim says. "Are you guys sure? I mean when what we have is gone, that's it. There may never be any more again," I remind them. "Dad, we got super lucky finding it in the first place. I know that when you found us you shared everything you had. So it wouldn't be right if we know they need stuff and we keep all the good stuff for us. Giving ought to come from the heart like what you did." "You're not wrong," I say and ruffle his hair. I think I need to get them and me a haircut. We are looking pretty scruffy. On the other hand, who are we trying to impress? I mean, no one is around anymore. But it is a bit of a pain in the ass to have to keep brushing our hair out of our eyes. Yeah, haircuts would be more practical, I suppose. "Well boys, why don't we do this: instead of all of us trooping up there, I invite them for supper and we make the pizzas and brownies. Get the Cokes ice cold. That way you boys get to meet them and have some of the good stuff too." I am greeted by three faces filled with grins. "I take it that it's agreeable then?" Three heads nod. "Alright then, why don't you boys grab some of the pizzas and head to the trailer. I will go and invite them down. Then we will get plenty of things ready for them to take back with them. Sound good?" "Sure daddy," Jack says and kisses me on the lips. "What was that for?" "Because I love you and because you are a good man." I'm very touched, and if I don't joke, I will cry. "Of course, what's not to love?" I say, holding open my arms. I am greeted by an eye roll. "Maybe you guys can pick out a movie Joseph might like and we can make popcorn later too?" "Shoot yeah, daddy, it will be like olden times." "Olden times?" "Yeah, before everything went to crap," Jim says. "I don't guess I thought of two years ago being olden times. But yeah, sure," I say as I smile at him. The boys pick a movie and grab pizzas. They were getting two and I told them they better get two more. They just smile and do so. They grab sodas enough for two for everyone. Then scamper off to the house. I decide to drive the truck up because it would be a long walk carrying everything for them. Makes more sense to just take the truck and drive to get them and bring them back to the trailer then reverse it later with a full truck. I drive up to their house and I see Earl looking out the window. I step out and wave and he smiles and meets me at the door. "Didn't expect you back so soon," he says while extending his hand. I shake it and smile back. "Well I was telling the boys about all of you and they wanted to meet you. I told them it would be rude for all of us to go up there uninvited. So they said we should have you down for supper. I figured I would drive you guys down to our house and back seeing as how it's a fair distance. That is if you don't mind coming down." It was Tina that spoke up first. "Can you guys spare the food? We don't want to take anything off of your table." "Tina, we have more than enough and are more than happy to share." "If you're sure you can spare it," Earl says. "Absolutely we can. Earl, I am not going to blow smoke up your ass. All that will do is give you ass cancer." Earl took a second to process what I just said and then starts laughing as does Tina. "That, and the boys wanted to watch a movie with Joseph. They obviously don't have tons of boys to play with and are excited to make a new friend." "Oh, Joseph will love that," Tina says. "I know my boys will too." "As much as we love this place it will be nice to get out for a while," Earls says. "Well alright then, it's settled. Why don't you go ahead and get ready and we will head down when you guys are ready." I say this because it is chilly outside and they are in shorts and Earl has no shirt on. I assume Joseph is still shirtless too. None of them has shoes on their feet. Tina goes and gets some things for Joseph and returns a few minutes later wearing a pretty dress. Earl comes back wearing some jeans and a t-shirt. Joseph appears in some very tight jeans that leave very little to the imagination. It's like a boy lover designed them they are so snug. They can't feel good on his little balls, though. I can however see a nice outline of his little cock. His little ass looks pretty amazing, and his shirt is tight, too. It all looks really nice on him. Tina has obviously combed his hair as it looks nicer now. "You guys ready?" I ask with a big smile. "Ready as ever I guess," Earl answers. We all go get in my truck and head back down to the boys' and my house. When we get there the boys race outside to greet the newly-discovered neighbors. I introduce everyone and suggest we head inside. It's not that cold outside but it is a bit chilly with the wind. We all go in and I preheat the oven to 400F. Tina and Earl sit at the table while the boys drag Joseph by the arm into the living room. Since it's an open floor plan we can see them. They just want to get a little bit away from us to get to know their new friend. Jim hugs him tight. Jack helps him take off his coat. Eddie just talks to him as the other two boys get him more relaxed. I still haven't heard the boy say a word yet. But now I have heard him giggle. I sit at the table. "I want you to know we usually eat healthier then this, but it's kind of a special occasion meeting new friends and all," I say. "I'm sure whatever it is will be fine." As Tina says this, Joseph races in, sliding on his now sock-covered feet. He is excited as can be and exclaims, "Mommy, we are having pizza!" She looks at me with a question in her eyes and I smile. "Well, sure we are sweetie, now go play with your new friends." He does just that, bouncing on his feet as he goes. "My god, we haven't had pizza since all this started," Earl says. I don't want to give away everything. They seem nice and I'm sure they are. But there's no need to tell everything you have or know. "Yeah, we got a few frozen pizzas. I figured tonight would be a good night for them." "My goodness, pizza!" Tina says, half shocked yet seemingly thrilled. The oven lets me know it's reached temp by beeping. I get up and put two of the pizzas in the oven so that we can start eating them while the other two cook. It makes sense to me, anyway. "Now I can make some coffee, or we got two ice cold Coca Colas for each of you. So it's your choice of which you want." I know off the bat that Earl wants a soda. Tina agrees it would be nice too. Earl opens and takes a sip from the glass bottle. "Oh, that's so good!" he says, and takes another sip. Tina takes a sip as well. "Oh, I have missed this so much." We sit and chat a while as the first round of pizzas get done. I take them out and put in the second batch. I them cut up and put one on the coffee table for the boys and one on the table for us adults. I warn the boys to wait until it has cooled some, because no one wants the roof of their mouth blistered. When it cools a bit we all start eating. I love my boys; don't think for a moment I don't. But it's nice to talk to adults who are closer to my age than the Washingtons are. Not that I don't like them as well; it's just that they are better than a decade older than me. These folks are close to my age and we have more in common. As we finish the first round of pizza, I pull out the second batch and cut it up the same way. At our table, we can't finish the second one, and there are two slices left. I use the handy dandy pizza cutter and slice those two into 4 and take it to the boys. Never saw a boy that didn't have a little more room for another slice of pizza, and they don't let me down. I'm glad that Joseph is fitting in with my boys so well. I hear them all talking about boy stuff like farts and whatnot and then giggle. I didn't turn off the stove but I did turn down the heat to 350F for brownies. I grab a package and the ingredients I need, mix it all up quickly, and put it in the oven. "I can't believe you have brownies," Tina says. "Well, I love sweets and when I was preparing I thought that this was the easiest sweet to make. It only takes a little oil and an egg. I have powdered eggs which work okay, but the fresh ones we have now are way better." "I can imagine," Tina agrees. "So are you one of those survivalists or something? Earl asks. "I guess, kind of. I just felt things were looking bad and I got as prepared as I could." "Smarter then us. I mean we had some food put aside, but not nearly enough. We had a small garden but again, not nearly enough. This year we had a much larger garden. I made some traps and we got a deer last year. So we ate alright. But there were some times we all had no choice but to go to bed hungry," Earl admits. "Well, you aren't alone I'm sure. I imagine it's that way all over the world even now. It breaks my heart knowing that people are probably starving to death." "Yeah," He agrees. As I go to grab our second Cokes from the fridge, I see that the boys haven't finished their first yet, so I just get one for the adults. "The boys and I talked about it and we have more food than we will need. We want to give you some to make sure you have enough." "Oh we couldn't do that," Earl says quickly. "Look Earl, when you first met me you straight up said you guys were nearly out of coffee. I drink it rarely and have a massive amount that I couldn't drink in my entire lifetime. Our garden this year produced so much there is no way we can eat it all in two years, let alone one. In a way, you taking some will do us a favor to make room for next year's crops." Now he knows that I'm being truthful and also making it easier for him to say yes. "I just ask we get the Mason jars back so we can use them again." "Not a problem. Matter of fact, in return for you helping us, I can come down and help with the garden in the spring," he offers. Now I know he feels he needs to help or pay in some way. I can understand that because I would feel the same way. "I would love the help. Maybe this year we can make it bigger. Make it more of a communal garden for both families." "That would be cool," he says, smiling. As he says that, the oven timer lets me know that the brownies are done. I take them out and sit them on a cooling rack to let them cool. I have four little noses in the air sniffing now. "It will be a good while, boys. I will let you know when they are ready." I see four smiling boys when I say that. "Now why don't we grab some things out of the storeroom for you guys to take home." Earl and Tina follow me into the storage room. I grab a box and make it up by taping the bottom, and then grab another because it will take two I'm sure. Shoot, maybe three. I start putting in tomatoes and potatoes, staples in any Midwestern diet for certain. I fill a half a box with that and then start pulling out frozen veggies and meat. I load up two big boxes to overflowing and we carry them to the truck. I grab a bag and fill it with sugar, flour and coffee. "I don't want to insult you guys, but I got some pretty decent weed if you want some." I just get two grins. "Alright." We walk back out and I see Jack first. "Hey Jack, go get a big bag of the weed and put it in the truck for them, okay? "Sure, daddy." "Jim, take this bag out for them too." "Sure, daddy." The boys are off like a shot. I see Eddie walking Joseph back to the restroom. The boys come back into the house from their requested errand, and Eddie and Joseph aren't back yet. I'm kind of curious what they are up to. Maybe it's something private; I don't know, and I don't want to interrupt them if it is. A few minutes later I see them walking down the hall and hear Joseph say, "Thanks Eddie, these aren't squishing my nuts." "Sure buddy, we got plenty." I see that Joseph has on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that fits him a little better. "We can't take your boys' clothes," Tina says at seeing this. "It's not a problem. The Washingtons had a load of them and gave them to the boys. They were growing out of what they had and to be honest they hardly wear clothes anyway." She smiles. "Yeah, boys are like that. Including this one," she smirks, nudging Earls elbow. "Hey, it's nice," he says, defending himself. "It is nice. I hardly wear them in the house either. I don't see much point in it seeing as how no one is around now to just drop by." "See, isn't that what I say?" Earls says, ribbing her back. "Ah, you boys just want to be able to play with your tally whackers easier," she says while laughing at us. "Hey, if god didn't want me to play with it, he would have put it in the middle of my back where I can't reach it," I protest. Earl guffaws at this. "That and it's less laundry, too," I add. "I don't mind the part about not having as much laundry," she says with a genuine smile. "Yeah, me too seeing as how we can't just go buy a big bottle of Tide anymore," I say, smiling back. "Watch this, you will laugh," I say with a half smile. So I whisper, "Boys, you ready for a brownie now?" Now mind you they are playing and are a little loud. You know, just being boys. But in a split second I have four boys standing in front of me with eager smiles. "You're funny," Earls says with a good chuckle. I slice up the brownies and we each get a nice piece. "I was wondering if you guys need any oil. We don't use it often and we have literally gallons of it." "We could use some cooking oil," Tina replies. "Cool. Eddie, when you are done please come see me." "Sure, dad," he says with a smile. When Eddie gets done, he comes over and I whisper in his ear. He smiles and takes off. After he does, Jack and Jim come in and do the dishes. Joseph helps too by rinsing. "I don't know how you do it, Rick. I can't get Joseph to help out that much around the house," Tina says. "It's easy: they like to eat and I don't like to clean. So if they want to eat, they got to clean." "Yeah, you would feed us even if we didn't," Jim says. "You wanna bet?" I say with a loud laugh. "Yeah, I do." Jack says, giggling. I just smile at him because I know he is thinking cheeky things. Literally butt cheek things. The boys get done and Eddie gets back. "Got the oil in the truck dad." "Thank you. You are a good boy, you know that?" "I ought to, you tell me often enough." "No such thing. I should tell you more." I start bragging about how much the boys help around the house and just how good they really are. It turns out that because of my bragging, I find out that their son is some sort of coding genius and can code like nobody's business. I ask them if they think he would teach my boys to do it. They see no problem with it and we talk about that for a while. They find out I speak fluent French because my grandparents came from France, and it's decided that I will teach them, Joseph, and my boys French as well. I tell them it's not really that useful to know French; Spanish would be much more so. As we talk a bit more, Jack comes and sits on my lap. I wrap my arm around him and kiss his cheek. He leans back and whispers in my ear. "Sure buddy, we can start the movie now. I didn't realize you were waiting on us." He smiles. "One thing I've noticed with Joseph is that since this started he has been much more polite. Not sure exactly why, but it sure is nicer." I smile and Jack hops off my lap. I head to my chair and Earl and Tina sit on the couch. The boys find a spot to lay down on the floor. I start the VCR tape and Earl laughs about it. "Hey, I found it and it was free." "If it's free then it's for me," he says, laughing again. We all sit back and start watching the film, which is "Back To the Future". I always liked that movie. None of the boys had seen it before, but Earl and Tina had. It was still fun to watch. About half way through I get up and make some of the popcorn that we grew. I add some salt and butter. I get the boys their second sodas they haven't drank yet, and Joseph sees that his parents don't have another one and so offers his to them. "No sweetheart, you enjoy it," Earl says lovingly to his son. "You can have mine," Jack says. "Yeah, and you can have mine too," Jim tosses in. "Yeah, it's no big deal. We can all share mine," Eddie offers. "I don't know guys, a Coke is pretty special these days." Earl reminds them. "Yeah, it is. That's why we want to share," Jim insists, handing his soda to Tina as Jack hands his to Earl. "You boys are so sweet I want to cry," Tina says, taking the soda. We watch the rest of the movie and the boys just love the film, which is a lot of fun and quite exciting. What's not to love? The boys want to go with me to take our neighbors back. "It will be tight guys, but I think we can manage it." "Sure we can. All four of us boys in the back, and all you old people up front," Eddie says. "Oh old people, huh?" I say while I get him in a head lock and start tickling him. He starts howling with laughter. After a minute he can barely talk as I continue tickling him without mercy. "OK dad, you ain't that old." I let up a little. "So I don't fart dust?" He start giggling. "Not all the time." How can you not love a cheeky boy? "Fine, that's a little better you whipper snapper," I say, trying to sound like I'm really old. He pulls away from me when I loosen my grip. We all head to the truck and pile in. I drive back to their place and it's already been dark for a while. It is getting dark sooner and sooner. When we get there, the boys and I help carry in the supplies we hooked them up with. We of course follow them in. Joseph, being a true boy, has to show my boys his room and stuff just like they did for him. Tina is putting the groceries away and sees the two pizzas I had Eddie get when he got the gallon of oil. "Oh, you shouldn't have," she says, grinning. "Wasn't my idea. You will have to thank the boys for that." Also in the bottom of the bag are a few more bottles of soda, different kinds this time. "Oh, you guys are just too much!" she exclaims with an even wider smile. Earl is putting the meat in the deep freezer and turns to see what she is talking about. "Oh my," is all he says as he grins. "Boys, we need to get going," I half shout towards where I saw them go. They come filing out in seconds with Joseph following behind. "Lets get going, guys." "Daddy, when can Joseph and his parents visit again?" Jack asks. "I don't know buddy. I'm sure they are like us, pretty busy." "Daddy, we ain't busy, it's winter time and we get so bored all the time. It will be neat if he can come and play games and stuff with us so we got four, cuz you don't want to play half the time. So that way, you can do the stuff you want to do and we can still play with four cuz four is better," Jim concludes. I chuff like a horse and look at his parents. "Anytime is fine, I don't care," I say to them. "How about tomorrow, daddy?" Joseph asks with pleading eyes. "Buddy, we don't want to be a bother to Mr Rick now do we?" "No sir," he answers, looking down at the floor. "You know they are right. A lot of the time they want me to play and I'm just either busy on a project or really just don't want to play. It really is no bother," I tell them. Earl looks at me to see if I'm being honest. I nod to assure him I am. "Earl, when we were kids I know I was always at my friends' houses and they were always at mine. So it's like that, just in different times is all." He laughs and says, "Yeah, I guess you are right. How about I walk him down after breakfast and when you are ready to bring him back you walk him back?" "That sounds fair. But knowing my boys it will be after supper if that's OK?" Tina chuckles and adds, "Yes, that will be just fine. Then I can take advantage of my man all day." Earl turns to look at her and grins. "Yeah, all day is just fine with me," he chuckles. "Alright then, it's settled. We usually have breakfast around 7:30 or so in the winter. So anytime after that is fine." "Sounds like a plan then," Earl answers. "You boys ready now?" They grin because they know they got their way, not that it is a big deal. I think they are just excited to have a new friend. I can't blame them; I am excited too. As I am about to walk out the door, I feel a little tug at my back pocket. I turn and it's Joseph. "Whats up buddy?" He motions for me to lean down, so of course I do. He wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me then kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you Mr Rick for having me for pizza and stuff. I'm really happy I got some friends now." "I'm happy you do too. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He smiles at this and the boys and I head off to the house. When we get home we are all pretty tired as it is getting near our bedtime. The boys and I all take a quick shower. Jim and Eddie shower first, then Jack and I do likewise. I want to play around a little with Jack tonight as I am kind of horny, but I'm more tired than horny. Maybe I am getting old.