Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:37:52 -0500 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premontion Part 15 Gay adult youth I got a nice yet disturbing email the other day from a reader that has been emailing me since I think the first chapter of Transitions. He asked if I have a Venmo account as ericmurphey1971. I DO NOT HAVE A VENMO ACCOUNT AT ALL!!! I actually had to ask what a venmo account was. If someone solicits you and acts as if they are me asking for a donation it is NOT ME. I have decided though that once I get settled in my new area I will get a PO Box and make that information available to all of you so if you do want to send me something that would work. Because honestly I read about all teh theft of information on the internet and I dont trust putting my card out there if I have a choice. So that way if you so choose you will be able to send things to me. It will be a few weeks yet before I do that but I will let you know when I do. So if you have sent money to this account Im sorry. It is most assuredly not me. However on a positive note. A Donation to nifty would be appreciated by them im sure of that. Shalom Eric The Premonition Part 15 Written By Eric Murphey Edited By Zero Moss I wake up and am kind of excited. Firstly, it's a holiday; secondly, I haven't really had a family holiday type function since I was about ten years old. I am looking forward to us all being together and having a good time. It's going to be great fun, I think. I put on a pair of jeans and a nice collared shirt. I put on some socks and shoes, and then go to the kitchen to start a light breakfast. I want to be starving for that damn turkey. I'm just making some eggs and toast for myself and adding bacon for the boys. I put the bacon on and go to wake them up. They're sleepy little buggers today. I go into my room and see Jack laying there, and I smile at the sight. He always brings a smile to my face. He is so beautiful and loving. I uncover his tummy, put my lips to it, and blow. "PHTPHTPHTPHT!!!!" He wakes up giggling and pushing my head away. My lips brush against his erect member and I think about sucking it in. But I got bacon on the stove and not nearly enough time. "I got bacon cooking," I whisper. I can feel his excitement as he shoves me out of the way so he can go to the potty. I just chuckle at him. I head to Eddie and Jim's room. "Gobble gobble gobble," I do my best turkey impression. It actually sounds pretty good. I'm not bragging; it's just that I really do a good turkey call. Giggles come from the boys in reply. "I got bacon cooking and can't stay to talk," I tell them. As I am walking out the door, two boys race around me to the bathroom. I get to the kitchen and turn the bacon over. I am making a whole pound of bacon, and I know that they would eat two pounds if I made that much. I don't make toast for them, though, since like I said I want us hungry for turkey. We don't usually have supper until 5, and we eat pretty hearty at breakfast so we aren't hungry throughout the day. The boys quickly have the table set and Tang poured. We eat a nice breakfast with the boys chatting about how today is going to be so good with pie and everything else. I put the things we are taking in a box so I can put it in the truck when we are ready to go. I do however leave the eggs in the fridge; we don't want to get sick from them. The boys and I are on edge and anxious to get going, but we have about two hours to wait. I suggest a movie, and they want to watch "Back to the Future" again. It's fine with me as I like that show. They wanted to watch the second one but I told them to watch the first again. Otherwise they would want to see the third one, which to me is the second best part. I wasn't a huge fan of part two, but I still like its fun story line, don't get me wrong. To me, part three is just more fun, set in the wild west when the clock tower was originally built. So we watch the movie and then the boys get dressed. They put on the jeans I made them, which made me feel kind of proud because I told them to put on their nicest clothes. At my suggestion, they all put on button up shirts with a t-shirt underneath so in case they get hot, they can take off the shirt. I put the things we are bringing into the truck as they finish getting dressed. We load up and head to get our uphill neighbors, then drive down to the Washingtons'. Joseph is out the door when we get there, excitedly greeting my boys. He does give me a quick hug around the waist as he passes. I thought it was nice; that's hug number two from him. The boys are chatting away and giggling as boys tend to do. I walk up to the door as Earl is coming out, and see that Tina has a covered dish. "It's only sweet potatoes, but I wanted to add something to the table," she says with a sincere smile. "Oh boy, I can't wait to get some of those," I say, smiling. In reality, I hate sweet potatoes, but I want her to feel good about it. Guess I will have to eat some of the nasty fuckers today. Well, it's a good thing to do, to make someone feel good. "Yeah, I didn't have any mini marshmallows. I just love those things," she says, perhaps remembering Thanksgivings past. "What's not to love?" We walk to the truck and the boys pile into the jump seat. My truck is a cab and a half. We adults climb into the front, and Tina holds the sweet potatoes on her lap. We pull up to the Washingtons' a few minutes later. I start laughing as they have decorated the porch with streamers and little paper turkey things, you know, the ones that fold up and you got to pull them to open them up. There must be twenty of them on the porch. They've also got pumpkins lined up again everywhere. "Looks like they decorated a bit," I say, chuckling. "Yeah daddy, I bet it took all morning," Jack says. "Looks cool," Eddie adds. I hear a couple of yeahs from behind when the other two put in their two cents' worth. I did notice that Tina had on a pretty dress. I should have said she looks nice; I'm always good at these things after I think about them for a few minutes. As we are getting out, I make a point of it. "Gosh Tina, that's a pretty dress you got on." She smiles and says, "Thanks for noticing." As we are all clambering out from the truck, Mike and Sarah come out to greet us. I introduce Tina and Earl to them, and we all go inside to visit. I smell the turkey as soon as we walk in. "Oh my god Sarah, that turkey smells AMAZING!" I exclaim. "Who are you telling? I've been smelling it for an hour now," Mike says, looking at me. "Mr and Mrs Washington, the outside looks real neat," Jack says. "Well, we wanted to have it feel special today. To be honest, this is the most special Thanksgiving we have had since our son left for college. It's kind of like you guys are our extended family," Sarah says with a tear coming to her eye. "Well, you are kinda like our grandparents now, so it seems fair to me," Eddie says. Well of course that set off Sarah's water works. She wraps her arms around Eddie and pulls him to her in a hug. The other boys don't want to be left out, and all of them just group-hug her. "Oh, you boys." she cries. Mike looks at me, and I look back. "Women," he sighs. "Yeah, so emotional," I add. "Shut up you two, or no turkey for either of you," Sarah teases us. "I ain't saying shit the rest of the day," I grin. "And you, Mr Macho Man, my husband. You are just as excited as me. Out there at 6 am decorating." "Never said I wasn't excited. Just ain't got the water works going is all." "Now," she corrects him. He just rolls his eyes at her. "Now boys, I got a few things set up out back. I set up the croquet set and a volley ball net. I figured we could all have a bit of fun today," Mike says. "Oh my god, Mike, I haven't played any of that since I was the boys' age." "Me neither, but sounds like fun." "I'd best stay in here to help Sarah," Tina adds. "Oh nonsense, silly. I got everything going. It don't need my eyes, let alone yours. I want to beat all these men at croquet. Not sure I want to play volley ball though; I think I will leave that to the boys," Sarah explains. "I don't know what you guys are waiting for. I'm ready to kick some butt!" Mike says, laughing. We all go out and explain to the boys how to play because they haven't ever played before. We all horse around and have a lot of fun playing. We go a round and the ladies decide to go inside. They have been chatting away during the game and seem like they are becoming fast friends. I knew they would. I'm sure they both like having a woman to talk to instead of us ignorant guys. Pretty sure I heard Sarah say just that thing. Mike, Earl, and I sit down and watch the boys play volley ball. It's really funny to watch because they all suck really bad. They are having a great time trying, though, and that is the goal. You don't start out doing something well; it takes time. I tell the guys I will be right back and go to my truck to reach under the seat. Yep, it's just where I left it. I go back to show them the Frisbee. I had found it ages ago and just tossed it under the seat. I come around the corner holding it up. "Frisbee golf?" "Sure," Mike replies. "Seems like a better sport for us older guys." "Speak for yourself! I'm only 36," I protest. "Wow, you're both like antiques or something. I'm only 29," Earl chimes in. "Whipper snapper," Mike says, smiling at Earl. We men start tossing the Frisbee around just to get the feel of doing it again after about a decade away from it. The boys see us and are soon more interested in our activity than theirs. Soon we start the Frisbee golf game. I used to be pretty good at it back in the day, and after a few tosses I'm doing pretty decently. We are all having fun, just taking turns. Suddenly the ladies come out and holler, "TURKEY!!!!!!" Hmm, there are the fire trails again like from Doc's DeLorean behind each one of us. We get inside and see that Sarah and Tina have set the dining room table. It looks like it's set for royalty; it's so nice with a table cloth, all the different cutlery, and filled glasses on the table. It was truly lovely and I made mention of it. "I figured it would be easiest to do this buffet style so we can all get to eating faster," Sarah tells us. "Faster sounds perfect to me." Everyone grabs their plate and heads to the kitchen where she has most of the food. She did make rolls which are on the table with butter. Everyone loads their plate up. I make sure to get a good sized portion of sweet potatoes as Tina is right behind me; she smiles when I do. We all get sat down and Mike wants to say grace. We all bow our heads as he prays. "Creator of the heavens and the Earth, we thank you for bringing us together with these fine people in this very odd and difficult time in our world. I pray to you that we get back to normal soon so that more people can enjoy the blessings you have given us. Thank you, God. Amen." Everyone says "Amen," and the eating commences. "Oh my god Sarah, this turkey is perfection!" I practically shout as I take another bite of it. It's so moist and juicy that it's like a little bit of heaven. "The rolls are great, too, Mrs Washington." Eddie says as he grabs another one. "My goodness, these are good sweet potatoes," Mike declares. "Don't know why we never grow them. I love the things." I see he isn't lying since he has a large helping of them on his plate. "Everything is so good," Earl says. "I tell you what I am most thankful for. That would be my boys finding me, and meeting all you fine folks." "Here here," Mike agrees. In response Earl says, "I'm thankful we met you guys too. We weren't doing so good and it's like you were sent at the perfect time to help us out." "That's very true. If it weren't for all of you. I don't know what we would have had for supper tonight. We would have had something, but nothing as wonderful as all of this," Tina says as she wipes a tear from her eye with a napkin. "I'm thankful I got some friends now," Joseph adds. "We are all thankful for finding daddy and getting to meet all of our new family and our new friend," Jack says, speaking for the boys. We all eat and enjoy the conversation. It's nice because it's not just the adults talking; the boys are adding in their bits as well. We all go back for seconds and completely stuff ourselves. After we all are stuffed and still at the table, I lean back and sigh. "You guys know the secret to your pants not getting tight on Thanksgiving?" I get no answers, just questioning looks. "Don't wear any." "Oh you are so bad, mister," Sarah admonishes with a smile, getting up and slapping me with her napkin as she passes. "I just tell it how it is, missy." "Oh, let's get a cup of coffee and head to the living room. Let this food settle some," Mike suggests. "Coffee sounds real good," Earl says. They go in the kitchen to make a pot. Tina and Sarah start in on the clean up. How the hell they are doing it is beyond me. I guess they showed more self-restraint than I did. I hope so because I showed none. I am so full I'm almost miserable, but a happy misery it is. I am sitting on the couch with all four boys piled on and around me. I like that Joseph has taken a spot on half my lap next to Jack, and Eddie and Jim are sitting on either side of me. all of them are leaning their heads against me. I think I just want to pass out. If any of them said they wanted anything from me, I just wouldn't be able to do it. Mike and Earl walk back in and Mike sits a coffee in front of me on the coffee table, as if I can reach it, and as if I have any desire to move the boys from my lap to get coffee. Boys I love, coffee is meh. However Joseph sees my predicament and leans forward to grab the mug and hand it to me. "Thank you," I say and kiss his little brownish cheek. I can't really say it's completely brown. While he is obviously part native, it's not a big part; he looks as though he were Italian or something. His skin isn't as pure white as my boys', but he isn't exactly brown either. Whatever he is, he looks nice. Mike flips on the TV and queues something up. "Are you ready for some football?" he says like he is a TV announcer. "You got a football game?" Earl says, suddenly excited. "Yeah, it's an old one from about ten years ago, Arkansas versus Texas A&M. I chose this game because I don't recall how it turned out, and what's Thanksgiving without football?" Now to me football and Thanksgiving mean one thing: nap time. I find football to be the most boring sport in the world to watch. Okay, maybe it's soccer. I would rather watch curling. I sip on my coffee as the game starts. Earl is on the edge of his seat and Mike is kicked back in his recliner. The boys show mixed interest. I finish my coffee and Jack puts the cup on the coffee table for me. I think I made it to the kick off before I was sawing logs. I wake up around half time with four boys sleeping on or next to me. I can't think of a better way to wake up. Well, I guess if they were all naked that would be better, but this is not a bad second-place way. I look over and see that Earl and Mike are zonked, too. I hear the ladies in the kitchen talking shit about us, but in a fun way. I have to pee so I slip out from under Jack and Joseph. I go pee and walk in to them talking more shit about men. "Yeah, well do you ladies know why men think more and women talk more?" I ask. "No," Tina replies. "Well, you see men have two heads and women have four lips." Sarah looks at me and says in a deadpan voice, "You got lots of jokes. Maybe one of them will be funny." Then she bursts out laughing. I sit down with them and we start just chatting about how different things are now. How we kind of like it and kind of hate it at the same time. It's nice to be around the family all the time, but it sucks that we are around the family all the time. Sarah says that their lives really haven't changed much other than not being able to see or talk to their son and grandson. They do miss that and hope that they are okay. They haven't heard anything from them for two years. They know their son is resourceful and is more likely safe than not. However, they are parents and since they don't know for sure, they worry. Tina and I both agree we hope they are fine. We get to talking about our pasts. They find out I was a slacker and a weed dealer. Of course I knew that Sarah was a teacher. Turns out that Earl was in construction which will be very handy, but he grew up on a farm. I find it all very interesting. As we are talking Sarah pulls out a little pipe and loads it with weed. "Ah, now I see why you are both so happy." They just giggle at me as Sarah lights the weed and takes a hit, then passes it to Tina. She takes a hit and passes it to me. Apparently weed to adults is like bacon to boys. Earl and Mike walk out scratching their heads. Mike takes the pipe that is now sitting on the table, fires it up and takes a hit, and passes it to Earl who does the same. We all get pretty high while the boys are still sleeping. "Mike, did you know that Earl grew up on a farm?" I ask him. "No, I sure didn't. You know Earl, I could use your help a few times a week now and then when spring hits. I could use some help planting and tending to the farm. I could pay you cash but what good is that nowadays. I'm sure we can work out something," Mike says. "Well, I sure could use some chickens and a goat would be nice. Maybe I can work towards one of those hogs you got as well." "That seems like a good plan," Mike answers. "Yeah, Mike and I have been talking and we thought having a third person with chickens and goats would be a good plan in case one of us gets hit with a sickness among the animals. That way we have three different sets of animals, so if one gets sick we still have two other flocks to draw from." "That makes good sense," Earl agrees. "Okay, that's settled then. Rick and I will help get a coop and a pen set up for your family in the next few days, so you can get started on that." "Did you know he has a portable sawmill too, and that he was in construction?" I add. "Well aren't you full of surprises, Earl." I think of the videos I found of Mike and thought, yeah aren't we all. I am kind of okay if, no rather I am truly hoping that Earl is like us too and that one day I can have Joseph as well. I mean I'm not greedy or anything; I have three wonderful boys. Well, maybe I am a bit greedy. We all sit around and chat until the boys start waking up. It is Jack first, then Jim, then Joseph and lastly my sleepy head Eddie. I think it's his age and that he's starting to go through puberty. It seems as though he is a lot hornier lately than he was previously. We all get a slice of pie. Each one is a big hunk of one of the pies I made. After we all get a piece there is a pie and a half left, which is great because leftovers are good. It's starting to get dark now, so Sarah packs up leftovers for all of us. I take our new neighbors home afterward and I give them the whole leftover pie; the half pie I left with Mike and Sarah. The boys and I can either have something different or I can make another pie. Either way we aren't doing without. When the boys and I get home to our trailer house we all walk in and strip off our clothes because we are still pretty full and the pants and clothes feel very tight. Then we sit and start to watch "Back to the Future Two." Granted it's dark out, but it's only around 6:30. Now I'm thinking I already have a pretty good buzz going and want it to continue. So I pack up a bowl and fire it up. Jack is on my lap and I swear I didn't mean to get him high, but I guess his nose was right in the path of the smoke. I should have known better. I am feeling good and he is just giggling at everything in the movie. Oh great, a high nine year old! I wouldn't normally do this, but it is proving to be rather amusing. Now when I get high, sometimes I get extremely horny. Apparently it has the same effect on Jack, seeing as how his little cock is rock solid during the last part of the movie. He has his hand around my cock, which is so hard I could cut steel with it, or drive railroad spikes, or any other analogy you want to use. It is really fucking hard and wants attention, but I also want to watch the last fifteen minutes of the movie. It appears Jack is thinking the same thing. When the movie ends, Eddie looks over at us. "Can I play or is it just for you guys?" Jack doesn't say a word and just stretches out exposing his hard prick for Eddie to see. Eddie walks over and takes Jacks cock in his mouth, making Jack moan. Eddie is really working his cock over and not wasting time with it. Jack has his drymax in less than a minute. "Oh god, I want you all to do my butt," Jack moans. Jim, who is on the couch watching and stroking his hard 3 inches, pipes up, "I'm first," and gets up off the couch. Jack is feeling pretty good and he gets up and leans over the edge of the couch. I hand Jim the lotion and he lubes up his cock and Jack's little pucker, and pushes his cock in. "Oh, that's so good," Jack moans out. Jim starts out slowly but it doesn't stay that way for long. He starts really pumping into Jack. It is so hot watching his hard, hairless cock pushing in and out of Jack's tight little hole. It doesn't take Jim but about two minutes to have his drymax in Jack's ass. It is amazing watching his stomach and chest muscles tighten up as he reaches his peak. Jim cums hard and collapses on Jacks back, holding his twitching cock in Jack's ass. It takes him a minute to regain his senses, then he pulls out and sits next to Jack. Eddie, who was watching and stroking his cock, lines up at Jack's hole and pushes his four rock hard inches in. "Oh god, yes!!!" Jack yells out. "I'm gonna fuck your ass so hard, Jack," Eddie announces, already slamming into him. "Yes, fuck me harder! It feels so good." Eddie continues slamming into Jack, and Jack is pushing back into him with each thrust. Jim comes over to me and takes my cock into his mouth. A boy sucking me off is a sight I will never get tired of, not ever. He slips the head in his mouth and starts working the shaft with his hand. As he licks around my glans, it is simply amazing watching Eddie pounding Jack's ass and Jim's lips wrapped round my cock at the same time. Eddie does last a little longer than Jim, but not by much. When Eddie finishes in Jack, Jim lets go of my cock. As he does this, Eddie pulls out of Jack and Jack staggers over to me in his horny haze. He straddles me while Jim puts lotion on my cock for easier entry. Jack lines up my cock to his tiny pucker and pushes down. It takes a little effort but my cock pushes through. I feel his lovely tight ass engulf the head of my cock. The heat from his ass is so intense I nearly cum. He slowly slides my shaft in him until he is pressing against my pubes. "Oh daddy, you're so big and it feels so good in me." Now I'm not really that big, but to a nine year old boy I imagine it feels pretty big in his little ass. He starts slowly sliding up and down my pole. Jim is ready for some more, so he has Eddie bend over the coffee table and slams his cock into Eddie's ass. I look into Jack's lust-filled eyes as he rides me slowly, savoring the feelings he is getting. I am really enjoying the feelings I'm getting, too. I put my hands on his hips as he rides my shaft. I love the feeling of his ass gripping my cock. It's like a tight velvet glove and it feels so amazing. I look over and Jim is just pounding Eddie's ass. He is like a blur, he is pumping so fast. Eddie is stroking his cock as Jim is fucking him. I reach out with a hand and stroke Jack's cock. I stroke it maybe five times and he has a drymax. I feel his ass grip my cock with each pulse. "Oh daddy, please fuck me hard now. I need it hard, please daddy," he pants. Well, I am not about to let one of my boys down that's for sure. I grab his hips and pull him down on my cock and stand up. He wraps his legs around me with my cock buried in him. I walk over to the kitchen table and lay him flat on it, with his legs still wrapped around me. I pull out slowly and then start slamming into him. "Oh yeah, just like that." I pull out until the head is about to pop out and then slam it home into him. It feels so amazing as I continue to pour it into him. "Oh god daddy, just like that. Yessssssssss!!!!!" His cock is still rock solid and I start stroking him off. I watch as his eyes roll into the back of his head from the pleasure he is getting. I see some movement, and it's Eddie now mounting Jim. He has Jim bent over the coffee table like Jim had Eddie. I can smell the sex in the air and it's an amazing smell. Jack starts thrusting his hips up into my hand as he is about to have another orgasm. I feel his ass tighten on my cock and that's all she wrote for me. I slam into him and unload into my sweet little guy. I cum so hard I'm sure he can taste it. He is quivering from his latest drymax and I leave my cock in his tight hole. I hear Eddie hitting his peak with his moans and panting, and hearing him just makes my orgasm even better. It takes me a good minute to recover before I can do anything. My legs are just jello as I try to keep standing; it is a real challenge I tell you. I finally think I can pull out and walk back to my chair without falling over. However, I wouldn't bet on it. I feel like a baby deer just learning to walk as I'm trying to get to the chair. Jack is still on the table panting, and Eddie is bent over laying on Jim's back with his cock still buried in him. As I am catching my breath, Jack rolls onto his side, climbs off the table, and takes a spot on my lap. He leans against me and is still panting. "Daddy, that was the best ever." "It was amazing for sure," I agree. "I'm thankful for you guys' asses," Eddie says, grinning. "So boys, want some popcorn and to watch the third movie now?" "Oh yeah," I get in response. We enjoy the third episode of "Back to the Future," and have some popcorn and a soda each, after which we all head to bed. Jack all but rapes me when we get to the bedroom. Of course, you can't rape the willing, but I don't think he was going to take no for an answer. I find sleep very easily after I cum in his little ass again.