Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 09:05:32 -0500 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premonition Part 18 gay adult youth SO a new friend of mine said he was watching Silver Spoons. I thought I used to have such a crush on Rick Schroeder when I was a boy. He is my age, actually just a bit older. Its fun watching the shows and thinking of my childhood. I was told that its on Tubi but Ive been watching it on YouTube. I dont guess it matters which I watch it on. Also I think the interest in the story is waning. SO I will be finishing it up at about 30 chapters. Thanks for reading Anyway enough about me lets get to the important part. Donate to Nifty I know they need donations to keep stories like this online. I know there are other sites that have stories similar to this. But none as good or well ran as Nifty I wish you all Peace, Love and Good happiness in the new year. Eric The Premonition Part 18 Written By Eric Murphey Edited By Zero Moss When I wake up in the morning I feel two boy lumps next to me and remember Joseph was here with us last night. I glance at the clock without really moving and it reads 5:44am. I sigh and try to decide if I want to go back to sleep or just get up. I think a moment and decide yeah, I want to get up because I want to do some things without the boys knowing what I am doing. It's not that I am keeping secrets that are bad; I just want to make them all something nice for Christmas. I can't just run to Target and pick up some toys or something, but I really have no idea what to make them. I know I want it to last and for them to like and enjoy it. I get out of bed and manage not to wake the boys. I slip on some clothes, boots, and my jacket. It's only about 40F today, chilly but not cold. I go into the RV to the area where I have a work bench set up. I sit and look at what I have, and start to cry as I look around. I want to get them so much more than I can possibly create. I know that they are good boys and will be thrilled with anything I make them. But god dammit, I want to get them bikes and games and toys and well everything and then some more. They deserve more; I want them to have more. I get control of myself after a few minutes and start working on a project. I cut a piece of wood to the size I want and then cut some small strips. It is going well, but I figure I'd best get back to the house before the boys notice I'm gone and start looking for me. I really want it to be a surprise. So I head in and decide that I haven't really been cooking much lately. I resolve to make something good for the boys this morning. I start by making biscuit batter, and once the biscuits on the baking sheet I put them in the oven to cook. Then I start frying up some bacon and soon have four boys around me giggling about bacon. I don't get it, but what do I know? I used to tell people I didn't like bacon and they would look at me like I just said I have two heads. Once the bacon is done I, pull it out, add some flour to the grease and stir it around to get a nice gravy going. I add some milk and it starts to thicken. I keep stirring until it's a good thickness. I take it from the heat and pull out the biscuits, then I make some eggs up. The boys set the table and make some fresh Tang. When I set it all on the table the boys start helping themselves. "Gosh Mr Rick sir, this is so good. I ain't had bacon in like a hundred years," Joseph says while he chews on a bit of bacon. "We don't get it too often, but we love it when we do," Jim says, smiling and crunching some bacon. I make up a couple of biscuits and gravy for myself, grab a couple of eggs, and have myself a nice breakfast. Once we get done, the boys work together to get the kitchen cleaned up. "Boys, I need to go talk to the Washingtons. You can stay here if you like or go with. Your choice." They decide to stay and work on the Lego village. I'm good with that. I tell them not to use the stove or play with matches, which is greeted with a laugh. I decide to walk down to talk to Mike and Sarah because I really have to get in my head how to broach the subject I need to talk to Mike about. I walk casually down to their farm. When I get there Mike is at the barn doors. I whistle and he sees me and waves, smiling. I walk over to him. "Not driving today?" "Nah. Mike I really need to talk to you about something." He gets a serious look because he can see I'm worried. "What's going on, Rick?" "Well ..." I start and can't find the exact words for what I want to say. "Easiest way is just to spit it out," he suggests, seeing my obvious discomfort. "Mike, I just don't know how to start. Of course you know the boys aren't really my sons. We talked about that." "Sure. But you love them at least as much if not more than if they were yours." "True. I uh, well, um. Well, the boys had some um issues. A couple of men took advantage of them." "Oh Rick, I'm sorry to hear that," he tells me with genuine hurt in his voice. "Well, you see, um, you guys kind of hinted around why I never got married. I, um, well...." Even knowing that he shares the same interest in boys that I do, it's not something easy to say when your entire life you have had to hide your true feelings. Admitting them to someone else isn't as easy as you would think, even though I know he has done things, too. Mike waits patiently as I spit and stammer. "I like the boys more than I should, if that makes sense. Um, well you know like as in I want to have them. To be completely honest I kind of have." I just keep looking at the ground. "Hmm," Mike begins. "Have you ever forced them to do anything they didn't want to do?" I look up at him straight at his eyes. "No, I would never ever do that. They have initiated almost everything. Only one time did I start it. They were doing things with each other and well, I walked in on them, got excited, and well I kind of shoved myself into Jim's mouth." "Did he have a problem with that?" "Well, no. But well last night, um ..." "Something happen with Joseph?" I kick a little dirt around with the toe of my boot and watch it like it's the most interesting thing I have ever seen. "Yeah. I didn't mean for it to. It was just that we were watching a movie and he and Jack were on my lap, and well, Jack said my shorts were itchy on him and asked me to take them off. So of course I did. Then Jack started running his fingers through my pubic hair. Joseph saw this and, being curious I suppose, started doing it too. Then, well, he stopped which was fine. By then I was so hard and when he put his hand on my cock, I figured that since he was touching me, I would touch him. So, well, I started jerking him off. He told me it felt good so I kept going. Then Jack didn't want to be left out, so I started stroking him. Then Jim moved over and started sucking me off, and then Eddie took Jim from behind and, well I got both boys off jerking them. Then, well ..." "Did you do anything else with him?" "No, but Earl is going to kill me. I don't know what to do." Mike thinks for a minute. "Rick, I'm curious why you felt you could bring this to me? It's not something that is very well accepted." "I uh, well the boys and I, we found some tapes." "I see. I wondered where those went to." "The boys and I watched them and well to slightly change the subject, Eddie would like to stay with you and Sarah one night. He told he told me to ask if somehow I ever broached the subject of the tapes with you. Jack says he only wants me for his man. Jim likes it but he isn't gay like Jack is. Eddie isn't sure what he is, only that he likes the way it feels. But he does like girls, too. So I was thinking maybe ..." "Of course I would have to talk to Sarah about that. But I believe she would agree to it. She used to really enjoy the things we did as a family. As for Earl, I don't think it will be an issue. I think he has the same proclivities as you and I." "Really? What makes you think that?" "When they moved in about 5 years ago, another neighbor made sure to tell me that Earl was a sex offender and liked little boys. I looked it up and he was convicted of having sex with two twelve year old boys. They went easy on him because he was 18. So I think it will be okay. But I want to be there when you tell him what happened, just to be on the safe side." "That makes sense. Well, I need to talk to Sarah for a few minutes too." "About this?" "No, something completely different." "Mind if I join you guys? I was just going to get some coffee." "No, it's nothing big like this." We walk to the house and he walks in the back door ahead of me. "Rick's here, honey!!!" Sarah walks out nude. "Oh hi, Rick." "Good morning, Sarah. I got a problem that you can help with. Actually three problems. Probably four." She cocks her head. "What's going on, Rick?" she says, waving her hand for me to sit down. So I sit at the table and Mike puts a coffee in front of Sarah and me. "Sarah, I'm not a stupid man. But I can't seem to come up with good lesson plans for the boys. I want them to be educated and I don't have the tools to do it as well as I would like. I don't have books or the knowledge of how to teach them." "And you think I would be better?" "Yes ma'am, I do. The boys all respect and love you. Joseph too, for that matter, because I know Earl will want it for him, too. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you teach them?" She starts laughing. "Oh my god, Rick, I would love that. It would give me some purpose to my life again. Now I have books for all the boys; I always kept a copy of books that I used while teaching. We can start on Monday. It shouldn't be too long a day though, because I always felt that we could teach the same material in half the time if it were done right. The fact that I will have four students versus the 35 I had before will make it easier, too. Not to mention they are all close enough in age that they will be learning mostly the same things. Oh my, I have so much to do!" She gets up and seemingly prances into the other room. "Oh, you made her day!" Mike exclaims with a big smile, and then takes a sip of his coffee. "I'm glad I did, because I really feel like I'm letting the boys down." "I'm sure you have been dong fine." "Maybe. But I need books so I could teach them for example what a preposition is, and other things like that. I also have no idea what order to teach the various topics in." Mike nods. "I see what you're saying. Sarah will know that sort of thing." "Exactly. I'm sure the boys will be thrilled, honestly. Even Eddie, who isn't particularly thrilled about school. But he is doing better at learning." I sit and talk with Mike for a little while and we hear Sarah moving through the house singing. "See, you made her really happy with this." "Well, I figure society will get back on track sooner or later and I don't want my boys left behind. I want them to be the next leaders so that shit is done right in the future, unlike the idiotic bullshit we had to deal with the last several dimwits we have had in charge." "Not a fan of politics?" "No not so much. I'm a fan of efficiency. Those two things rarely go together." Mike lets out a hearty belly laugh. "No, those two things don't mix," he concurs, still chuckling. I drain the last of the coffee. "I'd better get going. It's pushing ten o'clock. I trust the boys, yet feel the need to check on them." Mike smiles and we part ways. I walk back to my house still smiling at the thought of the boys all going to school with a REAL teacher. I'm not stupid, but it seems to make more sense to have someone with a better understanding of pedagogy than me do the teaching. When I walk through the door, the boys are as I left them. All healthy and happy, naked as jay birds and playing with Legos. Why is it always naked as jay birds? Why not cardinals? Naked as a squirrel? They are naked too. "Looks like you are all creating a megalopolis." "Daddy, what's a megalopolis?" Jack asks. "It's a very large city. It is something that you boys will be able to bring up with your new teacher on Monday." They all look at me like I'm insane. "What new teacher? Don't tell me they got school back," Eddie says with a very prominent frown. "No, they don't have school back; just you boys have school back. I talked to Mrs Washington about it and she is going to start teaching you boys." "But dad, we like you teaching us," Eddie whines. "Yeah, you like me teaching you because half the time I don't. I need, no, YOU need a good education. When this societal breakdown ends and society rebuilds itself, I want people like you boys in charge of it, not people like the idiots that put us in this mess in the first place." They stare at me and then go back to their Legos. "I wish I could go to school," Joseph says. "Well, guess what little man. I got you signed up too. I'm sure your parents will be happy about that." He grins at me. "Cool, cuz I know my alphabet and numbers and stuff." "That's because you're a smart boy." He smiles and goes back to the task at hand. I head back to my little shop while they are busy and continue working on the project I started. I get it done with a little bit of patience and a few well-timed swear words. I notice it's around one o'clock and think it's time to return Joseph to his parents. I head into the house and let the boys know to get ready to go. It takes them a few minutes to decide that Joseph will leave his Legos here for now so that they can continue construction another day. We all walk back to Joseph's house and he walks in. "I'm home," he announces. Tina turns around from the sink and smiles. "Did you have fun, sweetie?" "It was the best. We played Legos all morning. We are building a megatropolis." "A megatropolis?" "He means megalopolis," I explain with a smile. Earl walks out from the living room. "How you doing Rick? I hope he wasn't any trouble." "No, he was fine. We did however have a bit of a mishap I guess I can call it." He looks at me, worried. "What did he do?" "Well it wasn't really Joseph exactly, it was kind of all of them. When we got back to the house, I wanted a shower and told the boys if they wanted they could have some brownies. When I got back, I found out that they had eaten my brownies." "Oh shit," Earl says as his worry turns quickly to laughter. "Yeah, I had four little stoners giggling their asses off last night." "Oh my god, I can't imagine." "It was interesting to say the least. But we had fun watching `Back to the Future' and eating some popcorn. They seemed to enjoy it, honestly. I don't think I will be letting them actually smoke it in the near future, but I don't think I will have a problem if they eat some edibles. I just don't want them to make a habit of doing it." "True. I agree they don't need it in their lungs just yet." "Hey, you got a guitar!" I exclaim as I just now notice it. "Yeah, I mess with it sometimes." "I haven't played in forever. Do you mind if I try?" "Not at all. Here, let me set it up for you." He hands me the guitar. "Wow, this is really nice, a Fender Stratocaster. You must take your music seriously." I start tuning it up as he gets the amp set up and plugs the guitar chord in. I do some warm up chords because I haven't played in ages. "It's been like five years since I played. I sold all my guitars when I moved. I've regretted it ever since; I should have kept one at least. But at the time I just didn't feel it was important." "Did you play long?" "Most of my life. I used to think I was gonna be a rock star; then reality set in." I start playing and singing `Lagrange' that ZZ Top made famous. Honestly, my fingers felt really stiff and the music was a little off. But after a few years away from playing, I guess it wasn't that bad. When I get done, Eddie looks at me. "Dad, that was so cool." "You think so?" "Yeah," he grins at me. "Play another one, Rick. You are way better than I am," Earl encourages him. "Oh, I doubt that. How about `Boom Boom' like John Lee Hooker?" "Hell yeah, awesome tune!" I start out with the guitar and add the vocals, singing it out gruffly like John Lee Hooker did. Honestly, it doesn't sound too awful bad. Of course, it isn't too good, either. I do however have a captive audience that makes it seem far better than it is. I manage to play it through, and when I finish, the boys are all dancing around and Jack is giggling. "Daddy, I liked when you went `hah hah hah'. That was so cool." "Well, I have taken up enough of your time. Before I go, I did want to let you know that Sarah is going to start teaching my boys, and we wanted to know if it's okay for Joseph to go to school with them." "Sure. We have been teaching him some, but not nearly like he needs." "Daddy, play another song," Jim pleads. "Just one more is all. I can't take over the man's guitar." "It's totally okay with me," Earl grins. I start playing `Sweet Home Chicago', screaming out the words like Freddie King used to do. I tap my foot and really enjoy playing. I actually stand up to continue playing, by this point having a lot of fun. When I finish the song, I add some freestyle play and that's even more fun. I finally get done, lift the strap over my head, and hand the guitar back to Earl. "Thanks, that was great fun." "Anytime you want to play is fine with me. That was awesome!" "Bah, I'm out of practice. But it was still fun." "Dad, sing another one," Eddie asks. "My vocal cords hurt, buddy, not to mention my fingers. I don't have calluses on my finger tips like I used to." I grab a glass of water to cool my burning throat. "Well, we'd best be on our way, boys. Tell your friend goodbye." They all give him a hug and he gives me one too. We head back to the house and the boys want to watch `Back to the Future Three'. We do just that, seeing as how it's the only one they hadn't seen yet. When it's over I make some supper. Nothing fancy, just some chicken and rice is all, but the boys and I enjoy it. The boys clean the mess and we go to the living room to finish out our day. We decide on a game of Sorry. The boys are chatting away and I'm kind of in my own world. "Dad. Dad!" Eddie says. "Huh? What?" I ask, coming out of my fog. "I asked how long you played the guitar for." "Oh, I started I guess when I was about 12." "Will you teach me?" "If I had a guitar, I sure would. But I don't." "I bet Mr Earl would let you use his." "I'm sure he would, but I don't think it would be right asking him that." I see he is a little let down, but I still feel that it wouldn't be right. It's even more clear to me that I should have kept one of mine. "I can teach you the harmonica if you like. I have a few of those around somewhere. "That would be cool too. When can we start?" he asks. "I don't know, buddy. I got to find them first." "Okay, cool." We finish the game and then play a few more rounds. Each of the boys wins, while I can't seem to get my pieces out of the starting gate. That's fine with me; it's just fun playing the game with them. I make some popcorn, which is starting to become our ritual for a snack in the evening. It's kind of a nice treat. By the time we finish the last round, it's getting late and we all head to bed. As I climb into bed with Jack, he is chatting away about how cool it was that I played the guitar. He keeps on telling me how good I was. If I didn't know better, I would believe him because of his enthusiasm. But I am rusty and he doesn't know better. We get to sleep pretty easily after I give him his tingles. Our sleep is hard and good.