Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 12:56:32 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premontion Chapter 29 Gay Adult youth Well, its drawing to a close. One more chapter left.I'm glad that you have stuck with the story this long\ Donate to Nifty. Eric The Premonition Part 29 Written by Eric Murphey Edited by Zero Moss There aren't usually a lot changes among the four families, now we have a fifth family, the Newtons, in our little village. They have daughter named Linda, with whom I must say Eddie is in love. Jerry is fully in love with Layla. I have been informed by my boys that those two have sex every chance they get, which I am told is a very often. But spring time has sprung, and soon the boys and now also the girls will be out of school and it will be time to start working and planting. We have a week left of school and the boys are excited to get out. Granted they do love school and seeing the other children all the time; however, they just want to relax and I don't blame them. Mario continues teaching us all Spanish, and we are getting pretty good at it, too. The whole group on Sundays speaks only Spanish. Now for me, I don't learn as quickly as the boys, so I am not much of a talker on Sundays. The boys, well look out, they sound as if they were born in Mexico. Okay, maybe not quite that good, but they are pretty fluent. The Newtons have become pretty good for us to know. They are starting a kind of trading post for people. It's working out really well. We trade with some other folks the Newtons know and we get some things we need, while the other people get things they need; it's a good working relationship. Overall, it seems like things are kind of getting back to normal. People are getting out more, and that's a good thing. On the other hand, it's kind of like the wild west at times. There really are shootouts on Main Street. But it's really calmed down so much it's not that bad any more. We have learned, sadly, that about 75% of the population of Earth was lost during the first six months after the economic collapse. It is estimated that the Earth now has less than two billion people, versus the nearly eight billion when it all started. It's kind of heartbreaking thinking of it. But I won't let myself dwell on it; If I did, I would just cry all the time thinking of all the people who died who were good folks, not to mention all the great children. One guy is trying to set up a grocery store. He is having some luck at it. It's hard for him because transactions are all on the barter system now instead of cash or credit cards. He has to make sure that what he takes in payment is going to be able to be traded for something else. The big cities are still deserted for the most part. We hear of gangs still roaming in them, but even they have dwindled down, not a bad thing at all. The man who owns the store is Mark Mathews. I kind of knew of him from before as I worked with him. We do a lot of trading with him for eggs, and we are starting to become friendly. I won't say we're friends, though, because right now I only trust Mike, Earl, and Mario as far as adult men go. It's quite interesting going into town. Our first trip there was just that, a real "trip" as the old saying goes. We men all went into town armed to the gills. We found out it's okay there and we felt safe, but we still take sidearms with us. The boys wanted to go too, so we took them and we looked for their houses. Sadly, we found them empty. They did collect some of their prized possessions from their houses. It's rumored that Eddie's parents are alive. We have looked time and again to find them. Sadly we haven't been successful, but we will keep trying because Eddie wants to. Today is Saturday and I am taking my boys and Joseph into town to do some trading with Mark Mathews. Eddie wants to get dropped off at the Newtons' so he can see Linda. I'm okay with that, and I know the Newtons think the world of Eddie. He is a good boy and they see how he and Linda get along so well. At twelve. she is a year older than he is, and they are already talking about getting married. Now I know things are different since the catastrophe happened, but I'm not sure about them getting married just yet. I told him to wait until he was at least fourteen. Surprisingly, Linda's grandparents are okay with him marrying her at their young age. We have seen a lot of changes in society for sure. I nearly had a stroke when I met a guy and his wife who are fifty and ten, respectively. I tell you what, I could certainly feel the love they had for each other. I saw that he doted on her and that she loved it. In turn, she doted on him. It was really very sweet. I wish it could have been like this before the collapse. After we drop Eddie off, Jim, Jack, Joseph, and I continue into town. Since Christmas, Joseph has become a constant presence in our house, as well as in my bedroom with Jack. I tell you, watching those two go at it is amazing to me. Once we get to town, I pull up to Mathews Market. The boys and I get out the eggs and things we brought to trade. We have a lot of eggs, and he has been asking me through Mario to bring some for two days now. We have been busy getting the garden ready to plant, which to me is much more important. However, he does need the supply, and he does treat us really fairly on the deals. The boys and I all walk into his store, each carrying eggs. "Well good morning, Rick and boys! I'm glad you came today; I got a lot of orders for eggs," Mark greets us warmly. "That's good, we brought you three gross today." "Good, I may have a dozen left for the wife," he chuckles. The boys and I get the rest of the eggs and bring them in. He stores them in a cooler to keep them fresh, and we help him put them in the cooler. It is really odd walking into a store now because the shelving is there, but there is really nothing much on it. I guess that at times like these, we don't really need all the shit they used to try to sell us. I mean, who really needs 357 choices on breakfast cereal? Or 38 choices for coffee? Now it's more like, "We have this one choice, and it's what we got. If it doesn't work for you, maybe we will have something different later. Maybe." "I heard a rumor that they are going to try to turn the power back on for the town next week. The rumor also has it that it will only be for a few hours a day until they can get things sorted out," Mark tells us. "Well, that is certainly good news. Maybe things are slowly getting back to a new normal, I suppose one could say?" He smiles. "Yeah, but the before-normal wasn't so great. Maybe this time, we can do shit right. Actually love and appreciate our neighbors instead of just seeing what we can get for ourselves." "Wouldn't that be nice? I think that we are headed in that direction." "Alright boys, my wife is trying a new product and its BRAND new today. So you have to try it and tell me if it's good. I mean, I know it's really putting yourself out to try a piece of caramel, but it'd be a big help if you boys could see your way clear to giving it a try." Jacks eyes light up. "Really? Caramel is my favorite!" he cries out. "Well, then you must be the first to try it then," Mark encourages him and goes behind the counter to get him a nice little piece. Jack takes it and stares at it a moment. "Thank you, Mr Mathews. Thank you so much!" His eyes are sparkling now. I really thought Jack was going to cry before he puts the piece in his mouth and starts chewing with a HUGE grin on his face. He is making moaning sounds like when we are in bed, so I am guessing he is enjoying it. The other boys get their piece and enjoy it as well, maybe just not quite as much as my Jack. "You want a piece, Rick?" "I would love that." I take the piece and put it in my front pocket. It is wrapped in wax paper so I think it will be okay there. I'm going to give it to Jack later as an extra treat since he seems to really love it. "Alright then, the deal this week is I got some chicken wire for you if you need that. Or I came across some shoes. So which will it be?" "Well, shit, I know the children could all use new shoes. But we could certainly use the chicken wire too. That, and I know that I don't have enough eggs to trade for shoes for all the children. Can we run a little credit on them both?" "I don't know. You may leave the country on me," Mark laughs. "Yeah, the boys and I are planning a trip to the islands," I tell him, joking back. "Yeah, let's see here. How many pairs do you need?" "Well, let me think. Of course, the boys with me. Um, crap, it's hard to think. We got the four girls. Then we got the boys, let's see, five boys as well. So 9 pairs all together." We go through the shoes finding ones that fit. A funny thing about life now is that the shoes we are getting are hardly what the children would have desired previously. Things are so different now they are just happy to have shoes that fit better than their old ones. The boys are all full of smiles as we are leaving with the chicken wire that we swapped evenly for the eggs. Of course, I owe Mark for the shoes. We settle on a gross of eggs for each pair, which is fair to both of us I believe. In the olden times, the shoes would be around $35 a pair. Nowadays, well food is worth more than other stuff, so I'm getting them for around what used to be around $15-$20. As we are settling up and the boys put the things in the truck, I mention to Mark, "I got a really nice knife I will trade you for some more of the caramels for the other kids." I take out the knife to show him. "You already got one in your pocket that I know you were giving to someone. How about this? It's a gift from me to the others." "You sure? Sugar is a pretty big commodity right now." He just smiles at me and pushes the knife back, loads a little paper bag with caramels, and hands it to me with a big smile. I just smile back, take the bag, and put the knife back in my pocket. "You just take care of those children. Oh by the way. I was meaning to ask you. Do you think that if we paid Mrs Washington she would come into town and start the school back up?" "Well, gee, I don't know. I will ask her, though. How many students are we talking about so I can let her know?" "Well, the town board and I think about a hundred." "We have a town board again?" "Well, kind of. It's not elected or anything yet. It's just me and a few others who want things to be better in our community. I don't have a clue what we could pay her. One thing we have decided is we will supply all her gas to get back and forth. Other than that we really don't know what she would want, or need for that matter." "You know Mario would be a good asset too." He cocks his head at me. "The guy in the chair?" "Yeah, that's him. The thing is, I think if we start school again, we need to be more practical in teaching the children. Teach them useful things. One thing Mario does that I didn't know until Christmas is that he works with leather. I'm sure that would be a useful trade for someone to get into. I mean, the shoes are a great find for sure. But what will we do when we don't have any left? Seems to me he could teach them some leather skills, not to mention Spanish. That may be useful in the future, too. Also, Tina is a really good seamstress. I think Earl could teach some gardening skills as well. I'm not trying to put you out of business, but I believe that everyone having their own garden would be a good thing for sure." Mark holds out his hand to me so naturally I shake it. "Congratulations." "For what?" "You have just been selected as the county school board president." "What?" "Just what I said. I have been watching you for a while now and you have been making sure that the children in your care are going to school, because you feel education is important. I like your ideas, and I have already talked to the other board members for a few days about it. I was thinking that Mrs Washington would fit the bill. But now I see that you are the one who would certainly see it through." "I think that she is a better choice for certain." "What are you thinking right now?" "That we need to figure out a way to get the children in the county into town to school." "That, my friend, is exactly why you are a good choice for it. Because you are already thinking about including all the children in the county." "But I thought you were a town board member." "County, town, what's it matter anymore?" "I suppose you have a point. But I am hardly qualified to run a school system. I barely went to college." "This is true; however, I know that you will make sure every student has what they need and will learn what is important to make our community better, so we can thrive and become a great community." "I still think that Sarah would be better." "Look, she is a great teacher. We don't want to take her away from the classroom if we can avoid it. Why don't you go down to the elementary school and look it over. We thought that its size will be good for us. It's not so big that it's too much. We will combine all the grades into the one school because, sadly, we think that is all we will need seeing as how the population dropped so drastically." He says the last part with real sadness because the population dropped due to all the deaths. "I'm not saying yes yet, but I will go look and think about it." "You already said yes." "No, I didn't." "You may not have said it, but you are going to do it." "Well, we certainly need to make sure that all the children have a good breakfast and lunch while they are at school. Also we need to set up a food bank for families that need the help." Mark walks around the counter and puts his arm over my shoulder. "I knew you were the right man for the job!" "I think that there are better choices. Hell, I'm not sure I would have been able to be a janitor at the schools before." "That's the one great thing about our new world: things are different in a good way." "I will talk with my family and see what they think before I give any answer." Mark walks back around the counter and pulls out an old file box. He pulls out a set of keys and hands them to me. "Go check it out and if you decide no, which I HIGHLY doubt, bring back the keys." "Yeah yeah yeah," I mutter as I walk back to the truck where the boys are waiting outside for me. "Guys, where is the school?" "Why, daddy?" Jack asks. "Because I want to look at it." I explain as I jingle the keys in my hand. So we take off and after we arrive, walk up to the door and I unlock it. "Daddy, can I show you where my classroom was?" "I would like nothing better." "I was in the other class, can I show you, too?" Jim offers. "Sure thing." Joseph has never been in the school so he is looking around, just enjoying exploring it. Jack takes my hand and pulls me in the direction of his former classroom. When we get there, Jack opens the door. It smells musty in this building, I think, not to mention that there is a layer of dust on everything. I suppose that happens when no one enters a building for years. Jack runs in and sits at his old desk. "This is where I sat, and over there is...." Jack stops mid-sentence and looks at a bulletin board of art. I see what he's looking at, and glance back to Jack who now has tears streaming down his cheeks. I walk over and take the card from the board. "Why don't you two go find the gym and play for a while. I think Jack and I need some time," I ask Jim and Joseph. "Sure, daddy," Jim answers as he takes Joseph's hand. I hear them racing down the hall, and an echo of my own former principal comes into my head, "No running in the halls!" Rick walks over, gets on his knees in front of Jack, and sets the card on his desk. "It's really nice," I tell him. "Yeah." With a "sniff, sniff" sound, he wipes his nose with his forearm. "Tell me all about your mom." Jack gives a sad smile and another "sniff, sniff." "See, Jim and Eddie, well they had a mom and a dad. Mom is all I had. When I was real little, her parents got killed in a car crash. Grandpa had a heart attack while he was driving and they just flew off a bridge in Florida, so she was always telling me. She would say, "It's just you and me, Jacky, against the world." With this, Jack breaks down and starts racking sobs. I pull Jack into my arms, sit down on the floor, and hold Jack like a baby, cradling him in my arms. I continue to rock him back and forth in my arms as Jack has his cry. It's probably the first time he has been able to mourn his mom, the first time he feels safe enough when the memories flood in. "OH MOMMA, I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!" Jack wails. I hold him tight and show him how much he is still loved while I continue gently rocking him back and forth. I let Jack take his time to grieve, to begin letting out the sadness and the pain he has held so deep for so long. It takes Jack a good twenty minutes to come out of his complete misery. He sniffs, looks up at my face and, seeing my own tears, wipes them from my cheeks. "Don't cry, daddy." "I can't help it. I see you in pain and well... I just love you so much, Jack. I wish that none of this ever happened and you could have your mom back, that everything would be normal again." "What is it you say about shitting in your hands?" "Shit in one hand and wish in the other; see which gets full faster." Jack giggles, making my heart soar. "Yeah, that's it. But daddy, it happened and I know my mommy would have loved you so much, too. I bet she would have even thought us making love was okay. She knew a long time ago I was gay. She said, "Jacky sweetie, I love you no matter what." "Same here. Tell me a little more about your mom," I encourage him as I wipe the last of Jack's tears away. Jack has a genuine smile as he begins. "She was real pretty. Everybody said so. She had black hair like mine and she said I have her eyes. They do look just like hers. She was fun, too. We never had lots of money, but mommy always made sure we did stuff together. We used to go walk in the park when we didn't have nothing. Sometimes we had just a little extra and we would go to the Dairy Freeze and get an ice cream. "I `member one time, I wanted to see this movie sooooo bad, cuz like everybody else in my class had seen it. They was all talking about how totally cool it was. I asked my mom about it. I `member it like it was yesterday," Jack recalls with a dreamy look in his eyes. "I says to mommy, `Mommy, do we got any extra money this week?' She looks at me and I knew that we not only didn't have any extra, but maybe not even enough. So I just say, `Never mind, momma.' "She looks at me real serious like and grabs my arm and pulls me into her. She was sitting in her rocking chair that her grandma used to rock her in when she was a little girl, and she used to rock me in it too. But she pulls me up on her lap and looks at me in the eyes, you know how moms do when they are real serious?" "Yeah," I nod, knowing the look. "Well, she looks me in the eyes and says to me, `Jacky, what do you want?' I just look at her and say, `It's stupid; it's no big deal.' But like you say, she wasn't having it. She kisses my cheek and smiles at me. `Jacky, I would give you the world if I could. You know this. You never ask for anything; you are just happy with what we can have and do. What is it you want?' "Now I'm feeling real bad for asking, cuz my momma, she tried real hard you know. It's just there wasn't no good jobs for her to do. She was real smart too, daddy. So I look at her and say again, `Momma, it's not important.' "She kisses my cheek and says to me, `Let me be the judge of that.' So I say to her, `Well, mommy, there's this movie all the kids have seen and they were saying it's so cool and stuff. But it's okay, I don't want to go.' "So she looks me in the face and says, `You mean the new Marvel movie that EVERYONE is talking about? You don't want to see that?' "`It's okay, momma. I know you work real hard, it's just sometimes we ain't got the money to do stuff. It's okay, we can go for a walk in the park and maybe play with the Frisbee or something.' "And I'm like smiling real big even though I was kinda sad, cuz I really did want to see it. But sometimes you just can't do stuff. I mean that's life, right? Full of let-downs and stuff. Sometimes it's real good but lots of times it's not. I mean, that's okay, I ain't mad about it or nuthin'. It's just wrong I think to see my mommy work so hard and then she can't do stuff like she wants. Always just trying to pay the rent or the light bill, you know, stuff we used to have to have. "So she looks at me all serious. `Jacky sweetie, we got the money for that. We are going to have to sneak in sodas and popcorn in my big purse if you want something while we watch. But we can do that.' "So we did, and it was so much fun sneaking that stuff in. I was so scared we was gonna get caught. Then when I opened my can of soda, it was so loud, I knew we were gonna get caught for sure. My mommy was just giggling about it, but I was so scared. But we didn't, and had so much fun. After the movie, we was laughing and talking about it. "Then, a couple days later, I get home from school and the car is in the driveway. I'm thinking, `Why's mommy home?' I hope she isn't sick or nuthin'. So I'm walking up to the porch and stuff, and Eddie's mom pulls up in our driveway and my mommy and his get out and we all go in the house. They are sitting at the table like always. So I'm getting a sandwich and some Kool Aid cuz I was starving. I hear Eddie's mom ask how come she was walking home from work. My mommy just said she didn't have money for gas this week, so she was walking. Daddy, it was like five miles to the gas station she worked at. So Eddie's mom gave my mom $20 for gas, and mommy says that she will pay it back on Friday and they was like girls are. `Oh no, you pay me back when you can.' You know?" I nod. "So my momma loved me so much that she would walk to work just so I could see that movie. Like Mr Washington says, If I live to be a thousand I will never forget that. I felt real bad when I figured out what she done. I never told her I knew she done that. But when Eddie's mom left, I gave my mommy a big hug and told her I love her a lot. That's how my mommy was. I had the best one in the whole world. Now I got the best daddy," Jack says as he wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me. "It sounds like your mom was great. I wish I could have met her." "You prably did, daddy. She worked at the gas station on the highway out by where you used to work." "Wait a minute. Was your mom Erica?" Jack grinsob, "Yeah, that was her." "Oh my goodness, you are her little Jacky! She used to show me pictures of you on her phone all the time. I used to ask her how you were doing. She would just grin ear to ear and say `Great.' Always great. Oh buddy, you did have a great mom. She was always helping someone. I remember one time I had stopped in there and there was this man and woman with a little baby. Your mom was counting the change from her purse to get the baby a can of formula. I was like, `Hey, I got this,' and I got them a few cans to last until they could get more. But your mom was counting pennies to get something for that baby." Jack grins again, "That was her." "I understand why you miss her so much." "Hey, you got me a birthday present once. I `member it now. It was a truck. Like a really cool truck." I start laughing, "Yeah, she kept going on and on how your birthday was coming up. I was always asking about you and I just happened to see that truck at work on your birthday and thought, `Why not. She's a good lady and I know she can't hardly do anything for that cute son of hers.' So I got it for you. Actually I gave it to her to give to you. But ..." "She wasn't having none of that," Jack says, giggling. "Yep, that was her." "Holy crap, I knew your mother the whole time I lived here. I never knew. I never once thought to go and check on you after all this happened. I just didn't think. I'm so sorry." "Daddy, nobody was thinking. That's how come it got so bad. People killing people over nuthin'. But I made it and we found each other." "Lets' go check out the rest of the school. You show me everything, okay?" Jack gets up from my lap. "Daddy, why are we really here?" "Well, Mr Mathews and some of the other people in town want to reopen the school. For some reason they want me to be in charge of it. So I wanted to kind of see it and think about it." "Daddy, that is so cool. You are gonna be the principal. I better show you your office then, huh?" "I don't know if I'm the principal." "Sure, that's who is in charge of the school." So he pulls my hand and off we go through the school. "Here is the cafeteria," Jack announces, and we go in to inspect it. It looks okay, like everything should work when they get power back on. Then we get to the school office and walk into the lobby. Jack continues into the principal's office as I follow tightly behind. Once we're inside, Jack gets an evil grin on his face. "Daddy, I've been bad. I need to get a spanking," Jack confesses, taking down his pants. "Oh my, you have been very bad. Your teacher said you were pulling Susie's hair and you kicked her at recess. We are going to have to deal with this unacceptable behavior." "Yes sir, we are. I need it bad." "Oh and you are going to get it too, young man. You will behave after I give you your punishment." I sit in the big leather chair behind the desk. "Now young man, this type of behavior will not be tolerated in my school." "Yes sir." "Now you march right over here and get what's coming to you." Jack slips off his pants and walks over, led by a very hard boy tool. I bend Jack over my knees and give him a soft tap on the ass. "Do you think that's enough young man, or do you need more?" "I need more, sir." I give him a slightly firmer tap on his ass. "Sir, I don't think that will work. I think you have to get it from the inside. All the badness is inside of me." "You very well may be right, young man. You bend over the desk and we will get that badness out of you if it takes all day." My cock is rock hard as I stand up to see Jack's lovely ass hanging over the edge of the desk. I rub it with my hand. I open a few desk drawers hoping to find some sort of lubricant, because even though Jack opens up for me, I'm sure that spit just isn't enough. In the third drawer, I find a small jar of Vaseline type stuff for lips. It's not a huge container but it's enough. I put some on my finger and slide it into Jack. "Yes sir, it's up in there for sure," he says with a lusty voice. "I am going to do everything I can to make you a good boy. You will not misbehave in my school, young man." I line up my cock and slide it in as I say this. "Oh oh oh, no sir. I'm going to be so good from now on. You will see." "You better be, or next time I won't be so nice." "Oh, Mr Principal, you make it feel so nice getting the bad out." I'm sliding in and out of the tight boy anus slowly, savoring it and enjoying the role play. It's so naughty of Jack to think of this, but at the same time, I think it's really great. I give him a light slap on his ass. "Oh yes, Mr principal. Make me a good boy. Make me a REAAL good boy." "Young man, I will do whatever it takes to make you a very, very good boy." "Oh oh oh! Mr Principal, you got to go faster and harder or I think I may still be a very bad boy." "We can't have that now, can we." "Oh oh oh oh oh no. No we can't." Jack reaches down and starts pulling on his hard cock. "Oh Mr Principal, yes, just like that! Oh, I know you are fucking the bad out of me." I give his ass another soft slap, but hard enough to leave a light red mark. At the same time I tell him, "I will fuck you every day if I have to. To make you a good boy." With that, Jack starts pushing his ass back and I can feel his ass start to tighten. "Oh god, yes! You are going to have to help me every day. Oh god yes! Every single day!" he shouts as his boy body starts to convulse in a boygasm. I'm so turned on by this little role play that as soon as Jack starts cumming, I feel my own cum building up and start to hammer into my young charge. "Yes! Every single day I'm going to fuck your tight little ass. You will learn the HARD way to behave," I cry out as I reach my peak and slam my cock deep into Jack, who is in the last throes of his drymax. I lean forward, laying across Jack and the desk. "Oh daddy, that was real good. I'm going to be in trouble a lot," Jack says, panting heavily. "Oh no you're not, because I'm going to fuck the bad out of you every night before school." Jack giggles at that thought. After a few minutes, I pull my half hard cock out of Jack's little ass and smile, thinking, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind being a principal if this is the punishment I get to dish out." "Come on, let's go get the guys, get what we need, and head home." I get some tissues from the desk drawer and clean Jack and myself up. On the way home, I stop at Jack's old house and put the rocking chair he told me about in the back of the truck. Jack went in and got a few things that were his mom's, and they went home. The other guys are oblivious to our little tryst in the office.