Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 06:33:53 -0400 From: Eric Murphey Subject: The Premontion Part 30 Gay adult youth Well, this is it. I hope you like it.Donate to Nifty. They like that so they can still give us nice stories to read. I like it so I have nice stories to read like Devyns Struggle. You should read it. Its amazing. Also been reading a few others that are great. the contractor is amazing. Then Andrew has Jiujitsu Boy and Ginger bread boy. Both amazing stories. If you havent read these you should. All very well written and good stories. Eric The Premonition Part 30 Written by Eric Murphey Edited by Zero Moss The boys and I stop and pick up Eddie on the way back to the farm. "Daddy, we got to stop and tell Mrs Washington," Jack half cries out as we turn onto their road. "I had certainly planned on it. I think I need her counsel in this matter." "Her counsel?" Jim asks. "Her advice on what I should do." Eddie is completely out of the loop, and he frankly doesn't care. He is a boy in love. That full-fledged, I-would-do-anything-for-you kind of love. When we get to the end of their road, we get out and the boys race into the house, all except Eddie who kind of lags back with me. We walk in together, and the first thing we see is Sarah walking out of the kitchen with the boys behind her, nibbling cookies. "Rick, what pray tell is this boy rambling on about? You are going to be the principal. Of what? We don't have a school except right here." I hold up my hand in front of me. "I went to Mathews Market today. I was talking to Mark and they have put together a town council. They are trying to get the community back to the way it was, but even better. He asked me if I would take on the project of getting the school started again. I tried to tell him that there are tons of better choices; you, for instance. I mean, hell, I didn't even graduate college. His response was that we need you in the classroom because you are a great teacher." "I am hardly a great teacher. Mark Mathews always had a crush on me is all. Poor boy! I would look over at him and he would have a hard dick the entire class period. So what did you tell him?" "I really just told him I would think about it. I mean, what do I know about running a school?" "About the same as me. I never wanted to be an administrator. I wanted to teach, and that's all I wanted to do. So I never learned anything about the administrative side. Out of curiosity, what are your ideas, if you do take the job, that is?" "Well, of course, find any and all experienced teachers would want to do it again. Then if we can't find enough, find other people who are interested and see what they can do. I mean, shit, Earl could teach auto shop and Mike could teach wood working. I think both of those skills will be in huge demand. Of course, Mario can teach Spanish if we can't find anyone else. Also, I want to be able to include all the children in the county. I am sure we can find a van or something to pick them up. I also want to make sure that every child has breakfast and lunch provided for them. "I'm thinking that I want to invite parents to come, too, if they haven't gotten their education and would like to. I was also thinking that it would be good to start a food pantry for people who don't have enough food, and a clothes pantry as well. I mean, we aren't getting shipments of clothes from China anymore. So I think that the children can bring in their old clothes that don't fit anymore, and then the others can get good use out of them. The same goes for shoes and boots. I know wearing someone's old shoes is kind of gross, but what other options do we have at this time? "You know, Tina could teach home economics; well, sewing skills anyway." "You could teach cooking, Rick," Sarah adds. "I don't think I'm very good at it." "Oh you are, daddy," Jack insists. "Besides, you make things that taste good and are simple," Sarah points out. "Well, that's a thought too, I suppose," I allow, scratching my beard. I sit on the couch and instantly Jack is right next to me. I lean back and they can all see I'm in deep thought about all of this. "So Rick, when are you going to tell him you're going to do it?" Mike asks. "I'm not sure I'm going to." "Get the fuck outta here! You are so going to do it! Everyone in this room knows it but you," Mike declares. He rarely swears except to emphasize a point, which he definitely does this time. "Sarah, do you think you could help me talk to the other teachers? I mean, it's not like money means anything anymore. It will be done basically on a volunteer basis, because it is just the right thing to do. Of course, all teachers will get fed breakfast and lunch for their services, but can you think of any other carrots we can dangle in front of them?" "The fact that we will have no state testing will be a plus for a lot of them!" "How about, say, if they need something done on their home, Mike and his class will do that for them? And if their car needs fixed, then Earl and his class will fix it? Is that enough do you think?" "I think the best thing to do is ask what they want," Sarah suggests. I nod my head and reply, "Yeah, that is probably the best way. Besides, I haven't even asked any of you guys if you want to do it. I just figured you would." "Your doggone right we will!" Mike says, speaking for himself and Sarah. "So Mike, what do you desire from teaching?" "I don't want anything. Well, nothing you can give me, anyway." I cock my head and press him, "What is it you want?" Mike takes a sip of his coffee. "Well, we all know about each other's inclinations, though we haven't ever really talked about it." He takes another sip of coffee and puts the cup down. "Okay." "Things have changed and people are pretty accepting of whatever is going on now. I want to teach a class on sex education." "Sure, I see no problem with that." "I mean a hands-on course." I nod and add, "Of course we would have to get parental approval for this." "Of course. I'm thinking we start at age nine. Teach them the basics of boy- boy, girl-boy, and girl-girl, and go from there. Along with teaching shop class, too." "Sarah, would you be willing to help him with that?" She just grins. "I will take that as a yes. I'm thinking that Earl may have a desire to help as well," I add. "I'm sure of it. I'm sure you would want to help as well," Mike replies. I shakes my head no and explain, "I have all I can handle at home. But I may sit in on a few classes to help if a young boy catches my fancy and is keen on the idea of sleeping with the principal. "So Sarah, when do you think we should start?" "If everything goes right, I'm thinking mid-October, maybe even the first of November." "Why so late? Didn't it used to start in like August?" "Yes it did. However, we are going to be having lots of children whose parents depend on them to harvest crops. It is how they will survive and how we will survive as well. I think that if we go say November 1st to May 1st we will be able to do a pretty good job teaching them." "That's only six months. How can we do it in six months?" "Rick, how much time do you think we will need? Do you realize how much useless information we taught the children before? I think we need a basic curriculum to start with: reading, math, science, history, and general education which will include cooking, wood working, auto. These are the things that will help them and our community as well." "What about Spanish? And I could teach French." "We can set aside additional time for that if the student wants to stay later. It will be like an after-school club that way. So if they really want to learn it, they can." "I see what you are saying, and it makes sense. We also need to find paper and well, school shit. I mean I hardly have much of it, and I know you don't either. What have you been using in your class now?" "Mike made little white boards for the children. I come around and make sure they are doing things properly and then they can use it again. Also, I figure that after all the stores got looted, who would take paper and pencils and things like that?" "So we need to go loot the Walmart and Office stores then?" Mike nods his head in agreement. "Alright then, I guess it's settled. I got two teachers and me. Now I need to go talk with Earl and Tina. Then I'll talk with Mario, and see if Lupe has anything she can add to the mix." "Um, Mexican cooking for starters." "You know what I'm thinking? We can start a radio station. How many were around here before? I know of three at least. We can start doing that as well. Not to mention we have the oil refinery that we need to get restarted so that we can get gas to the farmers and other people who require fuel. Damn, I got a lot on my plate when this morning I just went to trade some eggs for chicken wire!" "You know Rick, I was thinking, the school has a pretty good sized lot next to it," Mike chimes in. "Yeah? Go ahead." "You mentioned chicken wire. It made me wonder how we are going to provide food for all the children. So I'm thinking that we can use that area to raise chickens and a few cows and pigs, and use them to feed the school children. I think that some of them will already know how to tend the animals, and we can teach the others as we go, because they will need these skills as well." "That's fucking brilliant! I hadn't even thought about how to feed them; I just knew that I wanted to." "If I'm not mistaken, there is a nice sized field behind the school as well. We can grow wheat and corn for flour for the meals, and feed corn for the animals." "I tell you what, Mike, you start figuring out what we need to do to get that ready ASAP for the school year we hope to start." "How many people we talking about feeding?" "I have about as much of an idea as you." "That, my friend, is not a helpful answer." I shrug and say, "I will try to find out and get back to you on it as soon as I know. "Come on guys, let's go talk to everyone." The boys had just been watching the adults talk back and forth like it was a tennis match. They all load up into the truck and we head over to Earl and Tina's. When we arrive, Joseph races out and into the house, shouting because he is so excited he is FINALLY going to get to go to school. My boys and I amble up afterward, and Earl and Tina walk outside to greet us. "What is this about Joseph going to a real school?" Earl asks. "That's what I came to talk to you guys about. Let's go inside and sit down. We have some things to discuss." "Alright," Earl says, still confused and now worried. "Rick, you want some coffee? I made some sweet rolls if you want one as well." "Yes to the coffee and most assuredly yes to the sweet roll," I grin. Tina doesn't bother asking the boys; she just gets them one roll each on a plate and they sit at the table to enjoy it. None of them says a word in anticipation of the conversation the adults are about to have. I take a bite of the sweet roll and smile. "Tina, these are amazing! That's part of the reason I came to talk with you guys. See, I was in Mathews Market talking to Mark, and he asked me if I wanted to head up the project to restart the school. I told him that of course I have no qualifications for that job. He basically said that I'm capable of the task and he knows that I can do it. I may have gotten suckered because no one else wants to do it. "But you know what? I think that together we can do a great job at it. I talked to Mike and Sarah and they are interested in helping. So far, this is what we have figured out." I detail what the Washingtons and I had come up with so far, but leave out the sex education classes on purpose because I know Earl will probably go there. "I would like to, Rick, I really would. But before all of this happened I got into trouble and spent some time in prison," he relates, looking down and feeling ashamed. Even though everyone knows that now the adults are having sex with the kids, Earl still has deep shame about it. He still remembers the prosecutor calling him a monster and a deviant, and telling him he just preys on the young for his own personal gratification, even though it wasn't like that at all. When you keep hearing it over and over in your head, you start to believe it. He got into fights while in prison, and there were guys who wanted to kill him. They just didn't understand that it was consensual and that it was love, not just sex. Anyone can have sex, but the love is what truly makes it special. "No one would want me around their children, Rick." "Actually, Mike and I discussed that as well. Things are different now. People, it seems, have left their old fears and prejudices behind. We all met the man with the ten year old wife, and no one has lynched him. They see it for what it is, a loving couple. Seems all the people who hated us before the collapse have all gone away. Honestly, they were so filled with hatred and self-loathing, they probably used all their arsenals on themselves. "One thing I know, Earl, is that you are a good man. I personally think that the school and the children would benefit greatly from your expertise. How many farmers would love for their own children to be able to fix the tractor for them? Do you think they would give two shits if you and a boy in a life so far away from where we are now fell in love and made love? You know that my boys and I do things. Hell, you know that your boy and I have done things. Do you think of me any differently because of it?" "Envy," Earl replies. "Explain; I don't understand." "Rick, you just seem so sure of yourself all the time. You accept that you are how you are and accept who you are. I just can't do that." "Do you think it has always been like that? I know exactly where you are, buddy. I haven't had your experiences and I admit I'm thankful for that. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. But one thing I do know is that I really care about you. No, I love you, Earl, and I know that my boys do as well. I think that it's time that you see our love and accept it from us because we know the true Earl. We know that you are a great guy, and an awesome dad and husband. We know that if we have a problem and we need help that we can ALWAYS turn to you. "Earl, before all this shit happened, I didn't have any friends. When I say any I mean none, zero, zilch, nada. When I moved here, I didn't know anyone. Sure, I was nice to people and they were nice to me in return. But I was too afraid to have friends. What if they found out I was attracted to little boys? They would crucify me. So my entire life I kept to myself and never dated. Nothing. I would go to work, come home, have my fantasies, and go to sleep. I would hold a pillow against myself at night, pretending it was someone there with me. "But you, Earl, are brave. Look at you. Even after all the shit that you went through, you met Tina and got married, and then had your amazing little boy. I was a chicken shit, Earl. I didn't have a record but was still too terrified to take a chance on something I desired and craved so much in my life: the love of another human being. You have had that all these years. I have only had it for a short time. That is what makes me feel sure and confident in myself -- the love of my boys. It's the love from you and Tina and the Washingtons. From Lupe and Mario and their girls. Because of all of this love you all give to me, I have found my strength and confidence to do what I never could do before." I stop to take a sip of coffee and a bite of the roll. Earl looks at me and waits for me to continue, yet I don't. "So what is it you do now?" I reach my hand out and put it on Earl's shoulder. "I have learned to love myself. Just like you need to do." A tear slips from Earl's eye. He looks into my eyes for a good fifteen seconds while I keep my hand on his shoulder. Earl stands up and my arm falls to my side. He walks towards the door and pats me on the back as he goes out, with everyone watching as he does. A moment later they hear him chopping wood. All the sound that is echoing through their world right now is the sound of the ax pounding down into the wood. They all look at me and I smile. "So Tina, I know Earl is thinking right now about what I told him. I sure hope he comes around and helps. But we also want you to help the children to learn to sew. We are thinking that homemade clothes are about the only way we are going to be able to clothe ourselves for some time, and you are really great at it. You maybe could help some with cooking lessons, too. They got the crazy idea that I could teach cooking." "For one thing, Rick, you are a good cook. You make simple dishes that taste amazing. You can also make not so simple dishes that taste wonderful. So I think maybe you should think about that. As for me teaching sewing, I will do what I can to help make our community better. I don't know if Earl will come around. He has a lot of pain form his past, but I will try to help him make the right decision." "Me too, mommy," Joseph softly adds his support to the cause. "I just know that he has a lot to give to the world. It would be a shame if he didn't. But he is my friend and I would never judge him, whatever he decides. I just hope that he does help," I tell Tina. "Now come on boys, we need to go talk to Mario and Lupe." I down the last bit of coffee after I pop the last of the sweet roll into my mouth. "You got to teach them to make these," I smile as I get up. The boys and I pile into the truck, with Joseph staying behind. On the way Jim asks him, "Daddy, you think Mr Earl is going to do it?" "I really don't know. But I hope so." When they pull up the drive to Mario and Lupe's house, out pop Layla, Maria, and Amy, who smile when they see who it is. They race over to greet me and the boys. "Hi guys! We haven't seen you since school let out two weeks ago. How have you been doing?" Layla asks the younger ones. Amy hugs me; she seems to taken a shine to me. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes. "Hi, Mr Rick. I haven't seen you in forever." I remember the caramel in my pocket. "I should pay for such a wonderful hug, I believe," I say as I reach into my pocket. "Oh no, hugs are free," she insists with a giggle. "Yes, but this hug was especially sweet, so here is something to keep you that way," I tell her as I hand her the caramel. "Oh my goodness!" she squeals with delight. The others quickly take notice of the candy in her hand. "Don't worry guys, I got some for everyone!" I open the truck door, pull out the bag, and hand them a couple pieces each. I take one for myself, and can't believe how amazing it tastes. My taste buds are singing to the angels, it's so good. I walk up to the door and follow the girls in. Again I'm amazed at how spotless the kitchen is. Mario and Lupe are at the table talking, see that it's me, and smile instantly. "Hello, Rick! To what do we owe this pleasure?" Lupe greets me as she gets up to get me a coffee while I sit down. She sets it in front of me and takes her seat back. I explain in detail what all is happening and they listen with rapt attention. "So with all of that, we were thinking, Mario, that you could teach Spanish. It would be an elective-type class, meaning that it would be actually held after school hours. That way we can focus on the main learning during the day. We don't know if it would be a class we give grades in or not, but in the future it would be helpful we think. We want it to be open to everyone in the community, just like the school, so that anyone can come and learn. So what do you think?" He grins and replies, "I love the idea. I love it a lot. I can teach leather working too, if we can scrounge up some leather." "Do you think you can make shoes or boots? We really have a need for those if you know how." "I never tried before. I think that I can take an old pair apart and figure it out easy enough. But I think that should be a required class so that all the children can learn that skill and make new shoes for their families and others in the community who will need them. Because like you said, we aren't getting shipments from China anymore." "Can you make leather if we get you some cow hides?" "I haven't since I was a boy, but I remember how, yes. My father taught me. He was a real old school craftsman." "That is fantastic! I know that the community will like your ideas. The new shoes and boots will be a real help for a lot of people. I know that my boys' shoes will be seeing their last days soon. I never thought to buy any for them before the collapse because I never imagined they were going to be living with me. I know that there is a definite need for them, seeing as how most of the children I see in town are walking around barefoot." "You know, I can knit and crochet. I can teach the children how to do that as well. We can have them knit sweaters and things like that for next winter, to keep all of them warm. Maybe some afghans and things like that, too," Lupe proposes. "That is a fabulous plan. When we loot whats left of the stores we will have to see if we can find yarn and things like that. Rob the Hobby Lobby," I smile. "We should ask everyone in the area if they know how to make the yarn. That would be a great trade to have now," Mario adds. "Indeed it would. You know, this project and this change in our world really has me thinking how much we took for granted in our before-lives. When we wanted something, we'd just go buy it, not thinking twice about how it's made or how it even got here. Or from where for that matter," I observe. "Rick, I really want to be more useful to the community. I am thinking that if we all got together and made some raised beds, I can grow some herbs and spices. I know it will be a lot of work for everyone to help with that project, but I just want to feel useful. As useful as I can in this chair, anyway," Mario says, slapping the chair in disgust. "You know, that won't be too hard I don't think. I have a few old watering troughs that the bottoms are rusted out of. I bet Mike has a couple too. I think those would work really well. We just have to get dirt for them. Hell, I'll just have my boys wash up in them after and we will have them filled in a week!" I chortle. Mario smiles, "I think that would work really well." "So I will get with Mike and Earl and see what day we can do it. I don't know that much about growing herbs and things other than what I grow now, but I am pretty sure we need to get them started soon. We also got to get our gardens in this week; we need them for sure. "I was wondering, do you think I can borrow the girls this week sometime so they can help plant the school's garden? It is going to be a lot of work and we need all the help we can get. I know my boys will help, and Earl and his family will, as well as Mike and Sarah." "Of course they will help. They love being with you guys and the boys. That, and they like feeling useful." "Alright then, that's settled. I will let you know more when I find out and give you a call on the handheld. But the boys and I better get back to our house. We need to hoe the garden and start getting it ready to plant. If your family needs some help, we will be glad to come down and help out with yours too." "No, I think we can manage, but we will let you know if we have any need," Mario says, reaching out his hand to shake mine. We part ways and head back to the house. The boys scramble out and each grabs a hoe and so they can get to work on the garden. I use a spade to extend the garden so we can have extra this year, just in case we need it for ourselves or someone else. I'm literally going to double the size of it. As I'm working, I start thinking we need to save more eggs to turn into chickens for yet more eggs. Before, we had found a happy medium where we had enough for us and some extra to trade for things we need. It takes us until sunset to get half done with the tasks we had planned. It is pushing 7:30 when we get into the house. I am thankful I put on a pot of beans when we got back because we are all starving. I make some corn bread while everyone is showering, and cut up some onions for the beans as well. When we get done with supper, I take my shower while the boys clean up. The warm water feels really good on the sore muscles that I haven't worked since last fall. I feel even better about life and the hope of the future to come. I am excited that I'm going to be a part of it. We're going to form a community of love and acceptance; a community that doesn't look to see what you can get from people but what you can give to help. After some time, the entire community won't need anything because it will be self-sufficient. It will be a utopia of sorts, at least as close as mankind can get. When I get done with my shower, I put on some clean jeans and a shirt. I let the boys know I'm going to go talk to Earl about helping set up the herb garden for Mario. They join me since they want to see Joseph. I can't blame them; I wouldn't want to sit home and be bored, though the boys never seem to get bored as they are always playing or doing something. Once we get there, Jim just races in without knocking. "Jim, you should knock; that's rude as fuck," I chastise him. Tina, Earl and Joseph are at the table finishing their supper. "No, it's alright," Earl says. "No, it's really not. He needs to be respectful of peoples' homes." "Well, I suppose you're right. I know I would have chewed Joseph's ass for the same thing," he says with a shrug. Jim looks at me like he is about to cry. "Jim, I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did. But what would you have done if you barged in while they were having sex?" "I would start sucking on Earl's big balls!" is his cheeky reply as he looks at me like I'm stupid. What else indeed would he do but join in? "Okay, bad example. Just show respect for a person's home and wait to be invited in next time." "Alright." "So you want to stay the night and suck on Earl's big balls? Sounds like you and he like that." "Sure." "Look at me. I just did what I told you not to do. I invited you to their house. Sorry Earl and Tina," I say contritely. "Don't be silly; your boys are always welcome in our house, just like Joseph is in yours. If they want to stay, we are more than happy to have them. Besides, Jim is right; Earl does have some huge balls and he does love it when the boys suck on them," Tina says, smiling. "He shoots gallons, daddy. I mean you shoot a lot, but gosh he shoots and shoots and shoots," Jim says in awe of Earl's prodigious ejaculations. "Would it be okay if I stay too?" Eddie asks sheepishly. "Of course, Eddie," Tina assures him. "Jack, do you want to stay too?" "I think I just want to be with my daddy tonight. But thank you." I don't tell them about Jack's breakdown today at the school because I don't think it's my place to do that. "Hey Rick, we are almost out of weed. Mind if I walk back with you and get some more?" Earl asks. "Of course not. You know what's mine is yours so long as my boys have what they need." "I know, it's just polite to ask." So Earl, Jack, and I leave and drive down with Earl because he doesn't feel comfortable walking through the woods at night like I do. He never turns on his lights, which we have all gotten used to doing just maybe out of paranoia. Once you get used to something, you kind of stick with it. As we are driving I ask Earl, "So I know you are working on your garden tomorrow like we all are. But do you think you can find a few hours to help set up some raised beds for Mario? He wants to start an herb garden and I got a few old water troughs that would work out really well. I know Mike has some too. I think you and I can handle it on our own, but we can have Mike help if you want." "No, I think we can handle it. I know he is busy getting their garden in. We need to do it pretty quickly because I need to get down to Mike's and help him plant that field of corn so we will have chicken feed this fall." "Yeah, I should help with that as well. I need to ask him if we can have the old troughs he has in his barn. I think that Mario wants to grow enough spices for all of us and the entire community too. I don't feel sorry for him at all, but I do feel bad for him. He wants to do so much and is limited in what he can do. I know it really frustrates him." "Wouldn't it bother you?" "Of course it would. That's why I feel for him. I couldn't imagine having so much knowledge and the desire to do something and not be able to," I respond. We pull up, then Jack hops out of the car and returns with a big sack of weed. "You know, you should sell this to Mark so he can sell it at his store." "Hmm, I hadn't thought about that. I guess I'm still in the old way of life where it's illegal here." "It ain't no more," Earl says, laughing. I get out and Jack takes my hand in his. We walk in hand in hand up to the house. Once we get inside, we go to the bedroom and strip to our naked selves. I head to the living room and plop down in my chair with a sigh. I'm kind of mentally tired from thinking and planning all day. I know this is not going to be an easy task. It is going to take a lot of effort and teamwork; the entire community is going to have to help, or at least those who can. I will have to figure out how those who can't physically work can help in other ways. It's a truly massive project, I think. I have such high hopes for it. If only half of my ideas come to fruition, it will be an amazing thing to happen. I want the main focus of the community to be on treating those who do well academically like heroes, not like the fixation on sports excellence of the past. I want teachers to be held in high esteem and to be thought of as heroes in our community as well. I just have to figure out how to do that. A moment later, Jack appears on my lap facing me, his legs off the sides. He gives me a hug and holds himself against me for a good while, at least five minutes, maybe more. I gently rub my fingers up and down his back. We sit in silence, just enjoying the love we feel for each other. "Daddy?" "Yes." "I been thinking today about my mommy." "I'm sure you have. How are you feeling about it?" "I miss her of course. I miss her a lot." "I'm sure you do. She was a good mom to you." "Yeah she was." He sits in silence for another few minutes, just thinking and enjoying me running my fingers up and down his back. "You want to watch a movie or play a game or some Legos or something?" "No. I just want to sit here with you." "That's fine with me. I want you to be happy." Jack is silent a while longer, another five minutes or so. "Daddy?" "Yes?" "I loved my mommy a lot. More than anyone in the whole world, you know?" "I'm sure you did. That's how it's supposed to be." "Yeah, but daddy I, love you different." "It's because I'm your daddy; of course it's different." Jack pulls back and looks me in the eyes. "No, it's not that daddy. It's just like when I was littler and I would think about becoming a big person, I always thought about when I got big and grown up and stuff that I would move and get a house and stuff. You know, I would still love her and stuff. Go visit all the time. You know like sons are supposed to do." "That makes sense; that's the way the world works. At least how it used to anyway." "Yeah, I know. But when I think of you, daddy, I don't ever want to leave. I mean, I know that Jim and Eddie are going to, and that's what they want to do. But I don't ever want to leave here. I always want to be with you." "Do you think it's because you feel safe with me? That in a way I rescued you boys and gave you food, warmth and comfort when you needed it most?" "Maybe at first, I think. But not now. Now, I just want to be with you all the time and I am always thinking about you. When we aren't together I'm sad and lonely and can't wait to be with you again. When we have fun in the bedroom, it's fun, yeah, and it's fun with the other boys and Mr Mike and Mr Earl too. But with you, it's different. It's just better for some reason." "I think I understand what you're saying, Jack. I think that you love everyone else, but that you are in love with me, just like I am in love with you." He furrows his brow at this. "I don't understand." "That doesn't surprise me because love is really tricky. I don't understand it either. But I will try to explain so maybe we both can understand a little better. "See, we know we love everyone in our little extended family. But you and I are in love with each other. It's how married couples feel about each other. That although they love other people, the person they are in love with is just more important them. Don't get me wrong, I would kill or be killed for any of the people in our little family. I would never deny your brothers anything if I had it. I would go hungry to make sure that they ate. But for you, I would do anything for you. We have a special bond, we two. It's like our souls are meant to be together. As if it was destined by the creator to be so. That a billion trillion years ago when they were setting up the universe, it was planned that we are to be together. Before all this shit happened, a man like me would say you are my boy. That means that you have a special place in my heart that no one can ever replace. I would be your man in the same sense. Does that help some?" "I think so. So it means that even though I love everyone, that I just love you a little bit more?" "Yeah, I think that's about right." "Daddy, are we going to get married?" "I don't know. But one thing I do know is that no matter how long we live, I will always love you with all my heart. I know that love will never fade or go away." Jack thinks about it and lays his head back on my chest. "Daddy?" "Yes, sweet heart?" "Don't you love me enough to marry me?" "Of course I do. But you are still young yet, and sometimes things change in your heart as you grow older. Maybe one day you will find someone else who's closer to your age that you want to love and marry. I'm not saying you won't still love me, because I know you will always love me. But I don't want to hold you back from anything that will make your life happy." "I don't think I will. But I understand what you are saying, I think. I think what you are saying is that no matter how much you love me, you would let me go and be with someone else if they would make me happier?" "That's exactly right. You put it better than I did. You are such a smart boy." "How about when I turn thirteen, if I still love you like this, then we get married?" "I think that's a fine idea. But I think we should wait until you are sixteen, just to make sure." "Okay, daddy. But I know I won't find anyone who makes me as happy as you." "You can't be positive of that." "I am." We sit in silence, thinking of our love for each other and how we both hope that we will love each other forever as we do now, and that our love continues to grow as the days and the years pass. "Daddy?" "Yes?" "We don't do sex stuff, do we? I mean, like with the other boys and grownups." "No, we don't. We make love to each other." "Daddy?" "Yes, son?" "Can you make love to me now?" I don't say a word while I carry him back into the bedroom. I make love to Jack like he has never had before. I makes sure that Jack is in total ecstasy the entire time, and Jack does the same for me. When we are done, we cuddle up in each other's arms and fall asleep in the glow of the love they feel for each other. Thats it. The fat lady is singing. I obviously have ideas of where it can go. But when I get five emails on the last chapter it tells me interest is gone. But thats OK. I dont have any plans for any further writing. I hope you like what I have done. Eric