
Daily Life

From the Odd Mind of Eric Murphey

Edited by Zero Moss

Chapter 12

"Dad, why is the car at the bottom of the hill by the creek?"

"I wanted to show Alejandro something and I didn't want to walk so far."

"But you left it there after. That don't make sense," Joey adds.

"We felt like walking after."

"But dad."

"Joey, why is this so important to you?" Eric asks, being short with him.

"I guess it’s not. Just curious is all."

Eric thinks a moment.

"I'm sorry Joey; I'm tired. I didn't mean to be snippy with you. The reason why is I wanted to show your brother a place I used to go when I was his age to think about things. On the way back we just wanted to walk back to the house."

"Will you show me?"

"I can't. It’s not my place anymore."

"It’s still yours, Poppi; we can all share it."

"It’s a special spot, though. Are you sure you want to share?"

"Not with everyone, but with you and my brothers, it’s fine."

"Alright then. If Joey wants to see it, take him there after the ceremony if you like."

"I want to see where dad used to go."

"Me too. I can't picture Ba as a boy."

"I used to be one. It was just forever ago."

They pull into the place where they are having the ceremony. Eric parks the Escalade and they all get out. He sees a few guys he knows outside smoking a cigarette before they go in and can't smoke anymore. He waves at them and says hi and he and the boys head inside. Once they get inside they are greeted by the president of the club.

"I tell you what, Eric Murphey, it’s been a month of Sundays since I've seen you," the man says.

"Oh, it hasn't been that long."

"Let me think here. Last time I saw you was about two years ago, I reckon."

"Has it really been that long?"

"Sure ‘nuff."

"We can't let that much time pass before we see each other again."

"Now that you’re retired, you can join us," the man says hopefully.

"No, I still don't have time. I got three boys now and they need me."

"Oh, it’s only a couple of hours a week."

"A couple of hours I don't have. But I tell you what, I do appreciate the offer."

Thankfully Joy, Marco, Lucas, and Laura B walked in to save them.

"My goodness, look at all theses handsome men all dressed up!" Joy exclaims with a grin.

"Hey, I make them wash once a week whether they need it or not," Eric jokes.

"Sometimes even twice a week if we get real stinky," Joey adds, making her laugh.

"You boys really need not to take after your father in making fun of me," she says playfully.

"But Poppi pays us to be mean to you. You wouldn't want us to lose money, would you?"

"Yeah, it’s how we get our allowance, Miss Joy. Ba won't give it to us if we are nice to you."

She chuckles, "You know, I half believe you guys," at which the boys respond with laughter.

A server walks over to the president and let’s him know they are ready. Everyone is ushered in and takes a seat. Eric and the boys are at the front of the crowd, sitting with the board members of the Optimists. They are quickly served and start to eat. The President of the club finishes quickly, then stands up to the podium and starts his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are here to honor and give an award to an inspirational young man who at just ten years old has been collecting food for the food pantry every Saturday since Thanksgiving.” He tells the audience how much food Alejandro collected, which honestly surprised Eric because he didn't think it was that much. He drones on and on and on and on as some people like to do.

Finally he says, "I would like to introduce this young man to you. Here he is, Alejandro Murphey."

Alejandro stands up and shakes the man’s hand as he draws close to him.

"Thank you, sir," Alejandro says and steps up on a little box they put there for him. He looks at the crowd and thinks for a second. He remembers that Poppi said to speak from the heart and you can't go wrong.

"Hi, I'm Alejandro Murphey. I know most of you know my dad because I think he knows about everybody in town." He pauses and everyone chuckles.

"Now as you all know, my Poppi isn't a poor man. So I am pretty spoiled compared to most boys my age. But it wasn't always that way in my life. You see, I'm adopted. My Poppi met me almost a year ago when I was in a hospital bed. My mom’s boyfriend beat me up pretty bad and then he killed my mom." Gasps are heard in the crowd.

"But my Poppi was with his best friend in the world, Miss Joy, and she came to see me because she works for CPS. That's child protective services if you don't know. I had never met Poppi before and he hadn't ever met me neither. When I first saw him I was scared of him; I was scared of everybody then. I was getting beaten on a regular basis, usually a few times a week. I guess that my mom’s boyfriend was mad at the world and he took it out on me. I had lots of bruises and black eyes. But that wasn't even the worst part of it. You see my mama, she got hooked on bad drugs, so she didn't really see the world right anymore. She didn't see him beating me and, and well, other things too. He’s in prison now and won't never get out again. I am glad that he won't be able to hurt nobody again. Maybe when he’s not on drugs he’s a nice person; I don't know. But through all of this the worst part is that I didn't get to eat a lot." He pauses to let it sink in.

"When I say I didn't get to eat a lot, what I mean is that I only got to eat when someone gave me something. My brother Joey, before he was even my brother, we were in the same class. He would watch other boys pick on me and hit me. I didn't care anymore; to be honest, I just wanted to die. But he would stop them and then share his lunch with me every time he had some, which was a lot of the time. Sometimes he didn't have anything and well, that was that. A lot of times eating half of Joey’s sandwich was all I had that day. Actually, it was most of the time.

Once or twice a week a friend’s sister, Maria, would bring me a plate of food when I was sitting outside, as I was most of the time, because mom’s boyfriend was kinda fat and couldn't run too fast. So I could get away from him if I was outside. The worst days though were the weekends, because I knew I wasn't going to eat nothing until I saw Joey again on Monday. I always hoped he had something to eat. Sometimes he didn't and it was awful. I would drink so much water at night so I could trick my tummy into thinking it was full that I had to get up and pee a lot at night.

Before I met Poppi there were a lot of things I had never had before." He pauses and waits three beats as he has seen Poppi do when he is about to try for a big laugh.

"Believe it or not, I never had McDonald's,” he tells them with excitement in his voice. He gets the laughs.

"I had never been to any restaurants. I never had pizza. I didn't know there was any kind of jelly other than grape. Now I eat any time I want and for that I feel truly blessed. Because when you don't know where your next meal or meals are coming from you get even hungrier. I have a great Poppi and two great brothers now."

Alejandro stops and a whimper escapes him.

"I saw my mama’s grave yesterday for the first time." The tears are flowing now. "I didn't talk to her out loud because I don't know if she can hear or not, but I talked to her a long time in my head. I told her all about my new life and how I was happy. How I wanted to help boys like me that have to go through what I went through. I blamed her for a lot of what happened. I don't know if that's right or not, but it’s how I feel right now.

“The reason I am telling you this is because I am not alone.” He points to the exit doors.

"Out there, one out of every six children in our country. IN AMERICA!!!" he screams and pauses. He continues softly, "Don't know where their next meal is coming from. That's one in six. I have thirty other children in my class. So that means maybe five of them are in that group. My Poppi says all the time, ‘If you can't help the person right in front of you, what good are you?’ Well, they are in front of me every day." The tears are really streaming down his face now, and the lights are making the tear streaks shine as he talks.

"Every day there is a little guy like me who is hungry and just wants something to eat. He don't care if it’s Ramen or steak; he just wants his belly to stop hurting. He wishes he could work so he could get some money to eat, because there ain't no food in the house and the food stamps have been sold for drugs.

“So I really want to say that I don't think I deserve an award for doing the right thing. I don't think I'm doing nothing special. I'm just helping the people right in front of me. Thank you."

He walks back to his seat and there is a moment of hesitation from the audience as they absorb what he has just told them. Then they all start clapping for him. The President of the club is stunned and finally regains his composure. He stands up and takes a step to the microphone.

"One in six?" he asks, looking at Alejandro who nods.

"I had no idea. Well, young man from now on this old man is going to making a monthly donation in your name to the food pantry. As a matter of fact it would be an honor if you take them the first one. I will give it to you after the ceremony."

Alejandro smiles at that.

"Now let me introduce, well as if I need to because as Alejandro said, you all know him. Eric Murphey."

Eric is taken aback; he didn't think he would have to speak. But he smiles and stands up. He walks to the podium and shakes the president’s hand.

He turns to the microphone and with a slight chuckle says, "Hi everyone. As you know, I'm Eric Murphey." In return he gets a few chuckles from the audience.

"I, uh, I really wasn't prepared to speak, but let me tell you about my son. Um, waitress is it possible to have dinner as well?" He gets a few more laughs.

"Seriously though, my son, Alejandro, there are truly no words to describe him. Sure there are words like ‘caring,’ but as you see that's not really enough, is it? He is honest. One time when he broke one of his brother’ toys, he made me take him to go get a new one out of his allowance to replace it. So ‘honest’ isn't really enough, is it? He is selfless. I have seen him race around crowds collecting cash from unsuspecting people for Saint Jude’s and for the Children's Clinic here in town. When we crashed in the plane we hadn't found water yet and he wouldn't drink any until we did. So ‘selfless’ doesn't really cut it either.

“I tell him I'm proud of him so much that he has asked me to stop. But how can I not be? All winter long he went out to collect food for people he doesn't know. He was putting my words into action and I didn't even know. You people knew before I did. So ‘giving’ doesn't cut it either.

“See, there are no words to describe him. None of them is enough to show how and who he is. He is the most loving and caring person I have ever had the privilege to meet. How can you not be proud of that?

“What you don't know is my other two boys helped him too. When it was snowing so bad he couldn't pull his wagon through the snow, they helped him. I tell you what, I got three truly amazing boys sitting right there. I got Super Tran there who every doctor in the world would have said a year ago was going to die. But he beat the cancer and is in remission. I know it won't dare ever come back. Not to mention he is probably the smartest person I've ever met. Then I got Joey. Most of you know who he is. He has such amazing talent it just floors me. He has more talent in his little pinky then I think all of us have in this room. Sorry, I had get in a little bragging on my other two boys. But as Alejandro said, one in six children in our nation don't know where there next meal is coming from. A few of you know Marco. He runs the Stew Pot; it’s a place for people in need to go and get a nice meal. The boys didn't know about it or were scared to go there by themselves, but they were always welcome. My boys and I volunteer down there a little here and there when Marco needs us. We like giving back to our community, especially since as Alejandro mentioned, I ain't poor." That got a lot of laughs.

"I want to say that you heard just the tip of the iceberg about my son’s life. So for him to overcome all of that and come out the way he is, I would say he is a pretty amazing little guy. He doesn't want this award, but don't think he isn't honored to get it. He doesn't understand why you want to give it to him for just doing what is right. What he doesn't understand yet is that most people don't do what’s right. They take the easy way out and choose to ignore the situation. I can't blame them, I suppose. It’s a big problem and people think, ‘Well, what can I do?’ It’s easy to buy an extra can at the store; it’s like a dollar. Most people can afford a dollar. They even have easy little bags you can buy at the store already made up. The boys and I always get one each and put it in the box. Now I know we have more than most and some people can't do that. But they have even $5 bags ready to go. You just pick them up and pay for it and put it in the box. I know the food pantry gets a lot of food that way. I know a lot of companies donate food as well. But yet it’s just not enough.

“I tell my boys not to swear because there are usually better words. But one in six? That's just plain fucked up. I can't imagine the horrors he went through and the hunger he felt. I have never had to feel it. You know what I'm going to do? Tonight I'm not going to eat anything, just for tonight to see how hungry I get. I challenge each of you to do the same thing. To see what those little boys and girls are feeling every day. I really want to feel their pain and then maybe I will do more like my son. So I know what it’s like to be hungry. Matter of fact, nothing for 24 hours for me. Just water and well, coffee. No need to be irritable too." He gets a few chuckles from that. "But uh, yeah. That's what I have to say about my amazing son."

Eric turns to sit down and the president catches him by the arm.

"You know Mr Murphey, I'm going to join you on that quest to see what it’s like to be hungry. I grew up middle class like most of us here. We have been very fortunate. Let me see by a show of hands who wants to try this." He looks at the crowd. A few hands go up.

"Really Lloyd, you can't miss a few meals?" he says to a friend of his who is about 300 pounds.

"Alright, alright," Lloyd concedes and raises his hand.

All in total its was 14 out of the 75 said they would go 24 hours. Nearly all of them said they wouldn't eat until breakfast. The only hold outs were those who couldn't for health reasons. When Eric sits down Joy touches his arm.

"You should run for governor."

"Alejandro says I am the Governor of the state of Confusion." She laughs loudly, drawing some attention.

"No, I'm serious. You should. You would be great."

"No Joy, I don't want to do that ever. I can do more in the private sector than any governor can do. Can't you see that Alejandro just raised the awareness of these people? I would bet that the food bank’s donations go up by ten grand a month, if not more. I bet you donations from these people and them talking to their friends will increase the food donated from the stores too. Because every time they see one of those bags they will see his adorable crying face saying he’s hungry. Alejandro doesn't even realize what he has done. I don't know if he ever will. But I assure you if he does he will never take credit for it."

"Did you see the photographer from the newspaper?" she asks Eric.

"No, I didn't."

"He took a lot of pictures of you and Alejandro."

"I hope he took down what Alejandro said and they publish it."

"I'm sure of it."

Once they are done with the presentation and a few pics are taken, they all start to leave.

"Um excuse me, Mr Murphey. I would like to ask your son a few questions for an article in the paper if that's OK?"

"I'm OK with it if he is."

The man has obviously been around children a lot because he moves to one knee so he is at Alejandro's height to be on the same level as he is.

"First let me shake your hand young man," he says and shakes Alejandro hand.

"Next I want to tell you that you aren't alone. My dad was a very mean alcoholic. I know what it feels like getting beaten for no reason and then being hungry after. I wish I had your courage."

"You do, it’s just inside of you. Poppi says I got to be careful not to overeat now to compensate. You doing that?"

"I do overeat some, but for the most part I do have sensible meals."

"So Alejandro, tell me how you got this idea."

"It wasn't my idea at all. My teacher asked us to collect some food for the hungry for Thanksgiving. So I just went out and got bunches of food in the neighborhood with Cindy. After I did that I remembered that I was hungry all year round. So I just started doing it every Saturday. It’s cool, too, and I meet lots a real nice people."

"So it was a school project you expanded?"

"Yeah see, it’s no big deal."

"It is a big deal. Not many boys would give up a Saturday morning to go collect food for people they don't know."

"I bet they would if they thought of it. People want to help people. It makes them feel good. I don't do it just to feel good. I do feel good, but that’s not why I do it. I do it to pay back the kindness others gave to me when I was hungry. Because I don't want anyone to be hungry."

"So your dad said that your brothers helped when it snowed."

"Yeah, I couldn't do it by myself, so I swore them to a brothers’ secret and had them help."

"A brothers’ secret?"

"It’s something we have when we don't want to tell Poppi something. The only rule Poppi has is if it’s a secret where someone could get hurt, then the secret must be told to help them. But usually it’s stuff like I got an extra cookie, like when Poppi said I could have two and I take three. I think he knows about that one, though."

"I won't tell him. Brothers’ secret," the reporter grins.

They talk for about fifteen minutes. He takes several pictures of Alejandro, then of him with the family, and finally just by himself again.

"I don't know what it’s going to do. I'm just a little boy but I hope that someone gives a little who wouldn't have. Because if it lets one boy or girl go to bed with a full tummy, it’s all worth it."

"I agree with your dad. No words are quite enough for you." he says as he parts ways with the family.

They head back to the house and when they arrive, Eric puts the Escalade in the garage.

"Tran, do you suppose you could drive the car up and put it in the garage?"

Tran’s 14 year old eyes light up at the thought of driving.

"I think so, Ba."

"Alright. Don't run over your brothers and everything will be fine."

"Shoot we are going with him!" Joey shouts, racing down the hill.

Alejandro gives chase giggling the whole way.

"Hey, when you get done with that, change out of your suits. I want you guys to help me later with a project," Eric calls after them.

"Kay!!!" he hears from all three.

Eric heads to his room and gets out of his monkey suit. He puts on some shorts and a t-shirt. He had really started to grab a polo, but the boys keep getting him t-shirts and he doesn't wear them. So he puts one the boys got him that has the Cadillac symbol on it. It is black and looks really nice. He slips on some white ankle socks and the tennis shoes the boys got him. He heads downstairs and meets Tran on the stairs.

"I put the key fob on the hook."

"Any problems?"

"No Ba, it was perfect. Thank you for trusting me."

"I always trust you. You are a smart cookie."

"I was so embarrassed after a lot of people came up and told me I did a great job beating the cancer."

"That's why you are my super boy."

They have a quick hug.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"You look nice in your outfit."

Eric looks down.

"I should; you boys got it all for me except the shorts."

"You should dress like that more often, Ba."

"We'll see. Now go get changed if you are going with Alejandro. I have a project we need to get done."

"OK Ba," he says and races off to his room.

Eric hears Joey and Alejandro giggling from one of their rooms. He smiles at them and thinks it’s hard to believe that it’s only been a little less than two years since he got Alejandro and then Joey and then Tran almost right after.

"Boys, I want your help in two hours so you better get a move on."

"OK DAD!!!!!"


He grins as he walks down the stairs. He goes and gets Buddy from his kennel and they head back in. He gives Buddy a little food and some fresh water. Buddy as always seems appreciative. The silly dog loves ice, so Eric puts a couple of cubes in his bowl. He should probably ask the vet if it’s OK; it might be bad for his teeth. But he’s a dog and they chew bones, right? Hmm, a question for sure.

He heads to the kitchen out of habit and remembers that he is fasting. He goes to the living room, sits down on a couch, and turns on the TV to the news. Because of the lack of sleep last night, within five minutes he is asleep. He has been asleep for a bit more than an hour when he hears whispering.

"Do you think we should wake him up?" Joey asks.

"Poppi never gets mad when we wake him up and he said he had a project."

"Yeah, Ba would be upset if we didn't. You know how he prioritizes projects. If he says he wants it done he wants it done three days ago."

Eric has been hearing their conversation all along. He thinks how it’s always interesting how much insight you get on what people think of you when they don't know you are listening.

He keeps his eyes closed but says, "You’re right Tran, so let’s get this started."

"Poppi, you scared me. I thought you was sleeping."

"Yeah, Dad."

"I was sleeping; I guess I was tired. So are you boys ready to get started?"

"I guess," Joey says, sounding reluctant but still willing to help.

"So Ba, what is the project?"

"We are going to go and clean the little house."

"Why, Poppi?"

"I’ll tell you later, but right now we need to get started."

He stands up and stretches, his back popping as he does.

He and the boys head over to Miss Julia's old house. Eric keys in the numbers and they go in.

"Poppi, it looks clean."

"It is pretty much. I just want to dust and vacuum. Make sure the lights all still work and stuff. OK, you three boys are on dusting patrol and I will vacuum. It shouldn't take us but half an hour at most I think."

It takes them precisely half an hour.

"So Ba, I liked your special place; it seems so peaceful."

"I always thought so."

"Dad, I liked it OK, but I don't see why you did."

"It was just somewhere I could go and no one knew where I was. I ran away from home once when I was about twelve. I took a tent and a sleeping bag. It worked, kind of."

"Poppi, why did you run away from home?"

"Same story as always. My dad and mom wanted me to work less and focus on school more."

"Ba, did you have bad grades?"

"Absolutely not. Mr Brown told me if I got less than a B on a report card he wouldn't let me come in until it was better."

"Did you ever get a C or worse, dad?"

"No, but I will be honest, I usually got all B's. I would sneak in an A here and there. But I just did what I had to so I could get what I wanted. I should have done more and gone to college I think."

"Dad you did pretty good. I mean you’re a millionaire and all."

"OK, you think I'm a millionaire. I like that. The point is that I question myself a lot because I do lack the education I should have gotten."

"Poppi, you’re not a millionaire? I thought you were rich."

"Guys, I passed millionaire last year."

"So its with a ‘B’ now?" Tran asks.

Eric just nods.

"Holy shit, Ba."

Eric laughs.

"That's what I thought when the accountant told me."

"So are you going to tell us why we cleaned the house poppi?"

"Of course I am. Now are you guys wanting to go to McDonald's. for supper?" He is met with three whoops in reply.

"I take that as a yes. Besides I still have to talk to Maria about next week. I haven't thought to call her."

"She will so do it dad."

"If she doesn't have plans. She may still be in school."

"Nah, college lets out earlier than us, Ba. Lucas is home so I bet she is done too."

"Good deduction young man. But they go to different schools."

"True, but they are both state universities, Ba, and I would think they would be on the same time schedule."

Eric nods.

"I can't argue with that. It definitely makes sense."

"Can I drive, Ba?"

"I don't think so pal. On our property is one thing, but the streets with other cars and people? Not yet."

"I didn't think you would let me, but it was worth a try."

"Come on, guys."

They all go and pile into the Escalade since Eric left it out, and they head to his store. Once they get there they walk in and Alejandro races behind the counter to greet Maria who is facing away. He wraps his arms around her from behind. She lets out a little yelp and smiles when she sees who it is.

"There’s my little boyfriend," she grins.

"I missed you," he tells her. He lets go and she turns around to greet the rest of the family.

"Maria, I have a favor to ask, if you can do it. Feel free to say no; I can figure out something else if you can't, or just don't want to. But the boys get out of school Friday and I am covering for Chris. Would you like to watch the two younger ones while I'm here?"
"I heard you were back. I couldn't believe it."

"It’s only for two weeks while Chris is on vacation. Then it’s back to the life of leisure. I’m gonna just sit back and relax again."

"Whatever," she says, laughing because she knows that Eric never just lays around. He always has something going on.

"What time would you need me?"

"I figure Tran can hold down the fort until 9 or so, seeing as how that's about the time they will get up more likely than not. So say 9 to about 3?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

"The boys want to swim. Are you OK with that?"

"Sure, I'm a certified lifeguard now. I figured during the summer I can pick up some work at a pool or something."

"I didn't know you were trying to get certified."

"Yeah, I had to take an elective so I took swimming. I learned a lot really."

"That's interesting. Have you applied anywhere yet?"

"No, I don't know where to go honestly."

"I will get back to you on that. Boys, let Maria know what you want. I'm going to check some numbers real quick in the office."

"OK dad. We will be in our normal spot."

"Be there in a few minutes."

Eric walks back to the office and grabs a fry out of habit to test it by eating it. He catches himself and tosses it in the waste can. He gets to the office, sits at the desk, and pulls up the sales numbers. He is pretty pleased by them. He unlocks his phone and makes a call.

"Steve, it’s Eric Murphey," he announces when the call connects.

"You just caught me; I was walking out of the office."

"Oh, I can let you go then."

"Nonsense. So to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"Are you still head of the parks department?"


"Good, I was hoping that you were. Do you need any lifeguards?"

Steve laughs. "You looking for a few extra bucks?"

Eric chuckles. "No, it’s for this sweet girl I know. She has worked for me for a couple years now. She is in college now and is looking to make a few extra dollars this summer. I will vouch for her. She’s a great person with a great work ethic. She is certified recently by the big B U."

"I know the instructor at Ball State. Great lady. If she was certified by her, she has a job with us if she wants it."

"Well, you see the thing is she still works for me and I don't think she wants to give that up. Is it possible if she can be off by say 4 everyday?"

"I can make that happen."

"Good. Steve, I'm going to have her call you. If you aren't impressed with her I will give you free food for a year."

"You had me sold when you said you would vouch for her."

"So, how’s the family?"

"Oh, you know. Always something chaotic going on. My daughter just got her driver’s license."

"Oh boy."

"You have no idea the terror I have of that. This is the same girl who rode her bicycle into a parked car."

"Steve, she was eight."

"Actually, she was fourteen," he retorts.

"Ah, I'm sure she has grown up a lot since then and in a car she’s more careful."

"I hope so. Anyway, I better let you go. You have this girl come see me. I got to get to supper or I will be in trouble."

"Same. I will have her contact you. I appreciate it."

"No biggie."

They end the call. Eric writes down Steve's number and walks back to the front of the store.

"Here Maria, call this guy and you got a job as lifeguard. I already told him you have to be off by 4."

"Oh Eric, you’re awesome," she says, hugging him.

"You’re welcome."

"I took your usual out for you. But the boys said you aren't eating today?"

"That's true."

"Oh OK," she responds, not asking for more details figuring it’s not her business.

"Let me get out there before they tear the place down."

He heads to the table where the boys have their food and are eating.

"We had Maria take yours back, Poppi."

"I appreciate it."

"But we have a coffee coming for you, dad."

"I really appreciate that!"

As he said that, Maria appears with a coffee for him.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"No, thank you, sir!" She kisses him on the cheek.

She heads back to her work and Joey asks, "So dad, why did we clean the house?"

"That's a good question. Joy asked me...…"

"You old pervert! You own all these McDonald's so the pretty girls kiss you?"

"Red, how are you doing?" He stands up to greet the man who owns the cleaners that cleans the coats for Joey’s coat drives.

"Oh, I can't complain. If I did it would make the people who don't like me happy."

Eric chuckles. They chat for a few minutes about a little of this and a little of that. The boys are done eating now and bus their trays.

Eric and Red end their conversation and make plans to get together soon.

Eric and the boys go out to the Escalade and head home.


OK guys I figured since Sunday night sunset until Monday night sunset is a holiday for me and I cant really do anything. I would send it in now so its not late. Zero got in knocked out early for us so I figure share it now. I hope you enjoy it.

One thing that you should all know. I have only written 15 chapters on this story. That is all I will be writing. Dont be sad the story isnt going to end. Im just not going to be writing it anymore. I talked to another writer Andrew who Im sure you have been reading Andrews Misplaced Trust he has agreed to take over the story from me. His writing is close to mine as he focuses on the human aspects of the characters not just the sex. You may be upset or not. But I feel like the story needs a new perspective. What makes me feel this way is I only got 3 emails last chapter. So either very few people are reading or no one is emailing. As a writer I have no way to judge who or how many are reading, other than with emails.

Also Premonition I have talked to another writer about it and they are thinking about it. They arent sure if they want to take it over or not. You may be asking why. I just have so many ideas for stories I want to write and just have no time to work on new projects. New is good too you know. My new stories however will most assuredly not be serials. They will be about 5 to 6 parts and thats it. I have always said to people I dont want to write the same stories for years. However I have done precisely that. So its going to stop so I can share more from my odd mind.

I saw that someone donated in the name of an editor. That would be really cool if someone donated in honor of Zero. He does lots of work for me. You just have no idea what he does. Heres what you do. Go back to the very first chapter of Transitions and read it. Then think about what I said how much he does to make the stories so much better. Then reach into your pocket pull out your bill fold and make a donation.

Nifty Archive Alliance Donation

I think you are all great.

As always I wish you

Peace Love and Good Happiness
