Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 07:12:02 -0500 From: Eric Murphey Subject: Transitions Chapter 22 Gay adult youth I Hope that this finds everyone well. I have found a new program that was free to write on. Its called Libra Office and its free and its really good. I hope this helps correct some of teh simple and stupid errors that I have made int he past. I am going back now and corrected the previous chapters. I have already fixed and replaced chapter 1 and will continue doing so. That way when new people read the story or if you go back it will be a better experience. I think this is one of my favorite Chapters of this story. Be warned I use a few racial slurs in it to prove points. Do not be offended they arent meant to offend but to make a point. .I know a lot of you in the past have said that you wanted Rich to come back. Well, this is how I had intended it all along so for you fans of Rich He is back and will become a bigger part of the story. As always thanks for the emails. I always appreciate those. Even the ones that say something simple like hey still reading. Its the only way an author on here knows people are reading. I have been dedicating chapters the last few. I would like to dedicate this chapter to all the brave men and women who over the years faught for gay rights. My hats are off to all of you and a great big thank you. To think it all started at a little bar called Stonewall. My love to all of them still living and those who have passed. As always make a donation to Nifty I know we are all struggling but, we can escape from the real world into some great stories on here. So make a donation today if you can. I know it will help them out greatly. As Always I wish you Peace Love and Happiness Eric Transitions Chapter 22 After they had lunch Rich says he needs some rest. So the boys help him back to his room. Rich lays back on the new hospital bed and the boys climb up next to him and snuggle in with him. Eric walks in and sees the feeling of contentment on Rich's face. His arms wrapped a round the boys. He cant help it he takes a quick picture on his phone. Its just such a perfect moment. "C'mon guys. Rich needs his rest leave him alone." Eric says. "No, please they aren't bothering me at all. I am loving being around them. They are such good caring boys. Just being around them makes me feel good. Besides they wanted me to tell them a story. You can stay if you want Eric." Rich says. "So Grand Poppi Rich tell us about when you and your partner Rich met. You mention him a lot and I know that means you loved him tons." Julius says. Him now calling Rich Grand Poppi as well. "Why would you want to hear an old silly story like that?" "Because its about you. Its part of who you are. We like knowing stuff about you." Alejandro says. "OK If that's what you boys want I will tell you about that day. I will warn you its not fun or exciting. There were no car chases or anything like that. Just two guys meeting." "Well, we are waiting." Eric says as he takes a seat in a rocking chair. Alejandro scoots off the bed to go sit with Eric. Always his choice if hes in the room. "It was honestly a lifetime ago. I had just moved to New York. It was a crazy time to be gay in this world. I tell ya that for sure. Like in New York City it was against the law to serve a homosexual a drink. So the mafia owned a lot of private clubs that catered to gay people. Gay people got arrested just for being gay. It was insane. So you weren't exactly open about who you were to very many people. One day I was on my way home from work. The subway stop was about 8 blocks from my apartment and on normal days it was no big deal. But, it was hot that year. The kind of hot where you can see the heat vapors rising from the asphalt hot. So I didn't bother to look and see the weather that day. I got off the train and went up the ramp. The storm clouds were rolling in and the wind had picked up. I thought well crap. I got about half a block before the clouds opened up and the torrents of rain began. I thought well shi.. crap. I started running and about half a block up I saw a little diner there and raced to it for all I was worth. Yeah boys believe it or not this old body used to be young and I could run quickly. I darted quickly into the diner and crashed into a man who was carrying a bus tub of dishes. The dishes flew every where crashing and breaking all over the diner. He was less then pleased with me. "What the hell buddy watch where your going." He said to me. "Sorry." I said weakly back to him. I walked into the diner and a guy says to me. "Pretty smooth there partner. You afraid you would melt or something." He said and took a drag off of his cigarette and tapped it on the ashtray to lose the ash. " Rich stops here and looks at the boys. "Don't ever smoke cigarettes. Not ever they are horrible for you. If I ever catch you I will tan your hides." "No sir we wont smoke." They both say. "OK Then we got that settled. So there he was he was so handsome. I was only 22 at the time. Turns out he was 42. But, I looked at him and he was the sexiest man I had ever seen. He had coal black hair it had started graying at the temples. He had a pencil thin mustache. Oh guys it makes my heart flutter to think of it." He says touching his chest with his free hand. He says to me. "So you going to sit down or what?" As he gestured to the seat next to him at the counter. So I couldn't say anything I was dumbfounded. I just sat down. So the waitress came around. She was a young girl maybe 17 and asked me what I wanted. Well I thought it is nearly dinner I may as well eat. I just ordered the blue plate special, and a coffee. "So do you come in here often?" He asks me. "No. I cant say I have ever been in here before. I just came in from the rain." "Ah." He says as he glances me up and down. I was excited to think that he might be interested in me. I wanted to talk to him so bad but I was so nervous I didn't know what to say. He just sat there watching me as he smoked his cigarette and sipped his coffee. The waitress brings me my dinner after a bit and I start to eat. I have always been a fast eater. I started eating and he says to me. "I hope you don't wolf down a cock like that?" I nearly choked on my food when he said that. Was I that obvious in my gayness that a complete stranger knew just from a few words and me sitting down. I look at him with terror in my eyes. "No you aren't that obvious he says like hes reading my mind. I have seen you at a few of the private clubs before." He says nonchalantly. "Oh was all I could muster. Dammit I felt so stupid. Here this man is the sexiest man I ever laid eyes on is interested in me? Oh my was all I could think. After I was nearly done eating. He gets up to leave. He slides a match book to me. When you get tired of the boys call me. Number is inside. Like that he just left. I was just shocked. He really was trying to flirt with me. I was too stupid to say anything. But, he left me his number. It took me three days to get the courage to call him. The first time he want home and there was no answer. That just built up the tension. So the next day I called at the same time. Just figuring he wouldn't be there so I wasn't too anxious about the call. On the second ring I heard. "Hello?" Oh my goodness its him. "Hi uh Al?" "Yeah its Al. Whose this?" "Um its Rich. We kind of met in the diner the other day." As I said it I felt stupid. "Oh I am glad you called. I wondered if you would. You certainly did seem to be having a good time with the boys." "No I was just having fun with them. I'm not with anyone. I haven't ever really had a serious relationship before." Sheesh I was loosening up a bit. Soon we were talking like long lost friends about everything. We liked the same music and movies. It was as if fate stepped in and created that storm so we could meet. We talked for three hours until he said he had to get to bed he had work early in the morning. We made a date to meet at one of the private clubs the following Friday night. Then as they say the rest is history. We only went on three dates before I moved in with him and we were together 46 years." "Grand Poppi that's so beautiful." Julius says and hugs him gently. Rich squeezes back. "OK really this time guys Rich needs to rest. His body needs extra sleep to heal." Eric says. They all leave Rich to rest and he is asleep in minutes recalling happy times with him and Al over the years. Once they leave the room Julius says he better get home so his mom doesn't get mad at him. Eric and Alejandro go into the living room to watch a movie or three before bed. Eric sits down and grabs the remote and Alejandro is up on his lap instantly. Eric loves that Alejandro and he are so close already and he knows that they will just get closer as they years go by. He cant think of anything better in life then this little guy loving him, and him loving him back. Sure the sex is wonderful but, that's just a small part of their relationship. If it wasn't there it would still be the most wonderful time in his life. "Poppi why did they treat Rich so bad?" Alejandro says looking Eric directly in the eyes with his big brown eyes questioning. "Well, buddy it wasn't just Rich. It was anyone who was gay at the time." "But, why?" "I don't know buddy a lot of different reasons I suppose. Some people think that it goes against what their god says. Some feel its unnatural for two men two love each other." "So they think love is wrong?" "No not exactly. They just think that love like that is wrong." "But, that's stupid." "I understand what you are thinking. It is stupid to treat someone badly because of how they are born." "That's like when some kids call me a wet back." "Oh buddy, I'm so sorry people say that to you." Eric says hugging Alejandro close to him. He kisses him on the head. "Some people are just mean. Some are just ignorant and are afraid of what they don't know. I have met people over the years who seem like loving caring people and they are until someone of a different color or religion come into the picture. Then they just turn stupid. Me personally buddy I figured out a long time ago that there are lots and lots of reasons to dislike someone. Using just their skin color or their sexuality is a stupid thing. I have lots of great friends that are of different races and sexual orientations. Just think if I was ignorant and thought just on color you wouldn't be here. Its sad really. My grandma was a great woman but, she grew up in a time that race mattered. Today some well, a lot of people think it still does. But, when my step grandma and grandpa got married they couldn't have any babies. They really wanted one but, grandma couldn't. So they tried to adopt. But, because they were older the adoption agency said they could have a baby that wasn't a white baby. My grandma who loved me more then anything said to me that she didn't want to raise a nigger baby." Alejandro looks shocked at Eric. "Yeah I know buddy. My grandma was stupid for that. She could have had a wonderful son or daughter and could have had love like we have. She had so much love to give. But, because of her ignorance she denied herself that love. I think that was really stupid of her." "I think she was mean." Alejandro says. "No buddy, she wasn't mean. She was always nice to everyone she just thought because of the way things were when she grew up that people of different races should stay separate. Which to me seems really stupid." "Yeah why would you stop yourself from having someone to love for that?" "I don't know buddy. A long time before you were born. Hell, even before I was born there was a man named Martin Luther King jr. Black people were treated really badly at that time. Worse then now. It was OK to hate then just because they were different. He gave a speech that was so powerful it changed our nation. One line in it he said. I have a dream that one day man will judge one another not by the color of their skin but, by their character. He said it different and better but, you get the point. I have always tried to live my life that way. I don't believe that any person is better then any other. I don't think men are better then women and I don't think any race is better then another. We are all equal in my eyes. Do you understand?" "Yeah I think so." "What don't you understand buddy?" "But, aren't gay people all different colors?" "Yes, they are. See gay people some people will argue this but, facts are facts. Gay people are born that way. If you ask any gay person they will say that they have always felt that way. People don't just wake up and think. Gosh I want to go join a group of people that are treated poorly because of who they have sex with. Even today in most of our country someone can be fired just because they are gay. People can refuse to serve someone because they are gay. Because some how it goes against their beliefs." "But, cant gay people get married now?" "Yes for a few years now. But, for a long time they couldn't. I know lots of chrisitans that feel it is an attack on their beliefs that gay people can get married. They think that marriage should just be between a man and a woman. They think that gays getting married is an attack on marriage. I know one man that was saying this to me and he had been married four times. I don't see how two men or two woman that love each other hurts his marriage. Or marriages." "Poppi I don't think its right that people are treated mean because they are different." "I don't think so either buddy. I mean if you judge people for being different where do you stop? Do you say oh only blonde people with blue eyes are good? Do you shun people with brown eyes? See buddy a lot of people in our country fought hard to make things better for people that are different then just straight and white. A lot of people got killed for it too. In the late sixties the police kept picking on gay people in New York City and kept arresting them. Finally people had enough and they protested. It was called the Stonewall marches. It was really the first time ever gay people stood up and were noticed. It took a long time and the struggle is still there but, its getting better then it used to be. But a lot still needs to be done. Like in our state for example it is one of them that a person can be fired for being gay." "That's not right." "No buddy its not. A long time ago a young lady came to work for me. I took a lot of crap for hiring her because she was trans. Do you know what that is?" "No." "I don't completely understand it myself buddy but, its when someone is born who is one sex and they feel like they should be the other." "Oh you mean like Jazz?" "Yes exactly. When Jazz was born she was born a boy. But, she knew in her heart she was a girl. So when she was old enough she had surgery to take away her penis and give her a vagina. So this girl I hired was like Jazz. She was a boy in her body but, in her mind she was a girl. I hired her and she was a great worker. But, at first people didn't like it. But, once they got to know her they realized what a truly great person she really is. She actually still works for me in my offices. She went to college and got a degree in business and is doing a great job for me. She is actually the one that handled us buying the new stores we just got. If it wasn't for her that probably wouldn't have happened. Now she is a real woman to the worlds standards and has a great family. So if I would have judged her and not hired her I would have lost literally millions of dollars. That is stupid." "Yeah Poppi. I don't want to judge anyone on something stupid. I want to judge them on how they act to other people." "I think that's the best way to bu buddy." Eric says hugging him again. "You know I am really proud of you." "What for?" "Well, one just because you are so great. But, because you are so caring for other people. I care about people too. But, a perfect example is Rich. If it hadn't been for you caring about him even after all you had been through right now he would be in some home for old people with no one to love him. Because of you hes in our home where he is loved by us. You stood up and acted when I would have just walked by a grumpy old fart and let it be. You saw what he needed and you gave it to him." "What did he need Poppi that I gave him?" "You gave him love buddy. You gave him love." Eric says and hugs Alejandro to him again. 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