Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 21:28:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Blade Hamer Subject: Turnhurst Manor Chapter 6 Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. The people described are not living, breathing human beings mind you. They exist only in the realm of pure imagination, somewhat. These are my fantasies that I have developed over the years. The people described in the story do not really exist, but are rather the combination of several different people. Thus I am not harming anyone, because they combine features and thus are not really in existence. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART. All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else that will occupy your time. This is my first attempt at writing for Nifty, so please take that into consideration while reading. I've ready plenty of Nifty stories over the years, and have enjoyed many of the stories that I consider good, now I'm just trying to pay it forward. It's going to be a chapter story, so if you are looking for a quick toss-off better move onto the next story. Other than that, I sincerely hope you enjoy my story. Constructive criticism/feedback/comments are duly appreciated. Please direct them to my email at All are welcome! Chapter 6 The winter was cold and the food was getting less and less. Spring had finally come and the snow was beginning to melt. In some spots you could see the grass breaking through the white cover. Everyone was getting excited because being cooped up in that house was getting to all of us. Chris and Kyle would go out to the shed and work on the tractors and one of the other trucks in the shed. Every once in a while you could hear one fire off and run for a while then shut down. Ben, Tyler and me would work in the other shed building shelves and stocking the stuff we retrieved from the farms. We were running out of wood to build shelve so Tyler suggested that when we went back to the town we should pick up some of the old shelve. Ben and I agreed that way we could use the wood for other projects. So when the snow was gone from the driveway and the road we made our way back to the town. When we entered the town some the stores looked like they had collapsed in on themselves. I don't think they had ever seen the amount of snow on their roofs before and with no one to remove it well they caved in. The hardware store was still standing so we went in and stripped the store of all the shelving. Many of the bodies we had place around the town looked like they had been scavenged on by the wild life. So we left them alone. We went to the lumber yard and loaded some lumber. We decided we would use the loader that was there to move the rest of the lumber. So the next time we came back we would bring Chris and Kyle so they could get it running and that way we would not break our backs loading lumber. So the next few weeks we worked on cleaning out the rest of the lumber yard and a few of the other buildings that still had stuff in them. Chris and Kyle had the big loader up and running in an hour and even got one of the big trucks running. After some trial and error we figured out how to drive it loaded that with lumber and hauled it back to the farm. When we were done we decide we would take the loader home with us along with truck. Both of them came in handy later. Tyler suggested that we should go back to the manor and strip that of what we needed. This was mainly the food that was stored there. So we took the big truck with the trailer and the little truck with a trailer and a stock pile of guns and ammo. Just in case we needed it. Tyler said the rebels were getting more aggressive, that was one of the reasons he had left the manor. We also knew we would have to come close to the compound and we were prepared for an attack if one were to come from them. Kyle had built shields so it would be hard to shoot out the tires. Chris and Kyle also reinforced the door with steel plate. Inside the trailer we had fuel for both the big truck and the little truck just in case we needed it. Along with some weapon and ammo stock in case what we had was not enough. Ben drove the big truck with Kyle riding shotgun, I was driving the small truck with Tyler and Chris riding shotgun. The roads were rough but manageable but seem to be getting worse the further east we headed. The highway looked like it would not make it much longer if someone did not start to take care of them. The rain and snow raises havoc on tar. The closer we came to where the compound was the more we stood guard. Tyler and Chris cocked their guns and were ready just in case. When I came around the curve in the road we could see the town. At first it looked abandoned, we could see the fences but there were no guards. And it looked like a few building had been burned down and other looked like the roofs had caved in on the buildings. Thankfully the road went to the north of the town so we would not have to go through it. I didn't want to go through because of the bad memories. I could see that Chris and Kyle were visibly shaking too. When we got next to the town we saw a few men come out of the surviving buildings but they just watched as we drove by. None of them looked familiar, but we only got a quick glance at them. The further away from the compound the more relaxed both Chris and Kyle looked. We figured we had traveled over eighty miles from the farm house. Tyler said he remembered a road that went by the mansion he thought it said county road 294 so we looked for that road. We went by other small towns but they looked like they were all abandoned. I had to go to the bathroom so I pulled over to the side of the road. Ben pulled ahead of me with the big truck and they too jumped out and proceeded to take a pee. After Ben finished he walked over to where we were standing while Kyle stood over by the truck keeping guard. I laughed he looks so much like a soldier. When Ben asked me what I was laughing about I pointed at Kyle and Ben chuckled to. After our little laugh Ben asked how much further, Tyler said he was not sure. He had never driven to or from the manor before and this was a first for him too. I figured we had to be close. So we hopped back into the trucks and continued on. It was getting to become midday when we spotted an exit sign that said two ninety four. We slowed down and stopped just before the turn. I got out and walked over to the truck to talk to Ben. I told him we need to be careful we were now in rebel country and said at the first sign of trouble to get to the highway for safety. He agreed. As we drove down the road we could see some houses but they appeared to be abandoned. We went through a small town and it too looked like it was empty. I began to remember climbing a hill to get to the mansion and as we began the climb to Turnhurst mansion it slowly came into view. Sitting proudly in the mist. It looked forbidding from the road. Tyler suggested we go to the back side of the house he said there was a loading area we could pull up too. Ben pulled the big truck around and backed up to the two big doors at the back of the house. Kyle jumped out and stood guard while I backed the smaller trailer up to the doors. Tyler and Chris took up position on the other side of Kyle. We looked like a small military unit. Ben suggested we get right to work and I agreed. He opened the back doors to the trailer and took out the small forklift that we attained from the lumber yard. I grabbed some of the pallets and laid them down so Ben could pick them up and load stuff onto. I picked up my weapon and relieved Tyler so he could show Ben where he needed to go. Thing seemed to be going good, they had the trailer filled with supplies from the cave. The freezer had broken down so the meat was all spoiled so we left that. Tyler wanted to take some of the electronics. He said they would come in handy around the farm. We all agreed so while Chris and Kyle watched outside Ben, Tyler and I went to work taking some of the cameras down along with some monitors that were not hooked up to anything. We had them all loaded onto the trucks just as the sun was beginning to go down. Tyler locked up the house and hopped into the truck just as a shot rang out. I lead the way with Ben following in the big truck. We sped down the road leaving whoever it was shooting at us in our dust. Tyler had a big smile on his face and Chris was all giddy as we made our way back home. We knew we would have to come back and get more stuff later and next time it might not be so easy. We pulled up to the farm place around midnight. We were all exhausted even though I had driven most of the day I said I would take the first watch. So everyone headed into the house and went to bed. I checked all of the alarms and none had been set off. I walked out to the barn and was met by Boe as I walked into the barn. I grabbed some hay and began to feed the cattle and sheep. Just then Boe began to bark. I put down the hay and grabbed my gun and went out to investigate. I heard one of the alarms go off in the house, so I ran to see which one had gone off. It was the one that lead from the trees to the opened field which lead up to the house. I figured someone must have seen the lights of the trucks as we came down the road. They could not have been too far off because we had only just got home not more than an hour. I took Boe with me as I went to investigate I could see a figure moving slowly across the field. Boe stood at my side growling as I raised my gun to shoot. I watched as the figure slowly make it way closer and closer. Whoever it was looked like they were about ready to collapse on the ground any minute. I decide to yell out so I said. "You are not welcomed here turn around and leave now or I will shoot." He did not answer so I fired a shot over his head. He stopped for a moment then collapsed to the ground. At first I thought I didn't aim high enough and must have hit him. So I slowly made my way out to the body on the ground with Boe leading the way and when I got closer I could smell the stench of death hanging all over who ever this was. Boe would not go any close to the body and when I got up to the body I took my foot and slowly rolled the body over. I didn't notice before but he was naked and to my surprise I knew this kid or I thought I did he looked really familiar. I looked around, I didn't see anyone else I picked up this frail naked young man in my arms and carried him up to the yard. I knew I could not take him into the house smelling like this. The house would have stunk for days so I decided I would go in and grab some soap and some rags and clean him up before I brought him in. Kyle was up, he had heard the alarm go off and was ready to wake the others if he heard any shooting. I asked him to warm some water and to fix some food. He asked me why so I told him what happened. I grabbed clean clothes, a pail of water and some water for the young man to drink. When I got back out to where I left the young man he was sitting up. I handed him the water so he could have a drink then began to wash him off. I started on his back then under his arms and his chest, I asked him if he could stand, slowly he got to his feet. I washed his midsection then his butt and then his penis. He was getting excited and it began to grow as I washed. The young man looked down at me as I wash between his legs he tried to steady himself and he put his hand on my shoulder. I heard the door to the house close so I looked up to see if Kyle making his way across the yard. I decided to call out to him so he could find us easier. As he got closer I looked up and I could see his face begin to light up, I could see that he recognized the young man now standing in front of me. He set the bucket of warm water down and proceeded to help me wash the young man down. Kyle grabbed the clothes and helped him put a shirt on then a pair of pants on then we helped him to the house. Once inside I could smell something cooking. Kyle had some instant soup we had brought back from the manor already on the stove. I thought that was a good idea it did not look like this young man had anything to eat for a few weeks. We got him to sit down at the table when Kyle said. "Jeff, I know who this is." I turned to him and said. "He looks really familiar, who is he?" "Its Brandon, you know that kid from the compound that used to do all the repairs around the housing unit we were in." he said. I knew exactly who he was then. It looked like he had lost so much weight because he was just skin and bones. Kyle grabbed a bowl and poured some warm soup into it and gave it to Brandon to eat. He tried to pick up the bowl but you could tell he was so weak. Kyle grabbed a spoon and began to feed him. Looking at him made me realize that he was lucky I found him when I did. He might not have made it a more than a few more days. Kyle took his time not forcing him to eat. I grabbed some bread that Kyle had made the day before and we dipped that into the soup. Brandon choked a little at first but he slowly chewed the bread and swallowed. You could see he was having a little trouble but was able to get the bread down. Kyle and I talked to him as we feed him, he tried to talk a few times but he was only able to get a few grunts out. You could tell he was physically tired so while Kyle feed him I went up stairs and moved Chris who was sound asleep from his bed and moved him into my bed. Neither he or Tyler woke, both of them worked so hard the day before, so they were exhausted. I don't even think they heard the alarm go off. I looked in on Ben and he too was out cold. I know I was tired but someone had to stay up and watch. So I went down and helped Kyle carry Brandon up to Chris's room. We put him in the bed; Kyle told me he wanted to keep an eye on him for a while. Then told me, he would come down and take the next watch so I could get some sleep. I went back outside. Boe met me at the barn door. I grabbed some wire; Boe followed me out to the tripwire. He sat and watched as I fixed the wire. I got everything tight and headed back to the farm. I wasn't sure but I thought I saw something moving in the trees. Boe didn't bark or growl so I was so concerned. I took the wire back to the barn and headed back to the house, with Boe walking next to me. That is when I heard the alarm go off again. Boe started barking and running toward the field, I grabbed the Mac 5 and ran after Boe. I saw someone move and I raise the gun. Two young boys came out from behind the trees and raised their hand. Boe was growling at them letting them know if they moved he would bite them. I asked. "Who are you and what are you doing here." One of the boys spoke up saying. "We saw the light of the trucks on the road and were hoping we could get some shelter and food, sir." When they stepped closer I could see that they did not have much for clothing on and they looked like they were starving. They didn't look as bad as Brandon did but they were smelling just as bad. I asked. "Is there anyone else with you?" the one boy replied. "No sir, it is just me and my brother." I looked around, seeing no one else I lowered my gun and walked over to the boys. Their clothes were tattered and torn and they only had leather wrapped around there feet to protect them. One of the boys looked up at me and said. "Sir, I would let you have sex with me if we can get some food." At first I laughed but then realized he was not kidding. I told him. "No it is ok. You don't have to do that." I continued to look them over. They looked to be about ten to twelve years old and they looked identical. Boe was sniffing them but was keeping his guard up. I walked up next to him and patted his head and he relaxed. I could also see the two boys begin to relax too. I ordered them to sit down on the ground. Boe watched them as I fixed the spot where the boys had broken the alarm. When I had everything patched up I looked around again to see if there was anyone else around. Then I went back over to the two boy and somehow they had got Boe to let them pet him. He was on his back and the boys were rubbing his stomach. I laughed as I walked up. "Boe." I said. He looked up at me and I just shook my head. "Ok you two get up, were going back to the house." So the two boys got up along with Boe leading the way we headed back to the house. As we got closer to the house I could see Kyle standing on the porch with a shotgun in his hand. He called out as I got closer. "Everything ok, Jeff." He stepped off the porch and walked closer. "What do you have there?" he said checking out our two new guests. "I don't know." I said. "I found these two out by the trees. They said they saw the light of the trucks and followed them." I told him. "Really, damn!" Kyle said as he walked around them. Then said. "Looks like we're going to have to do our recon during the day or were going to have everyone dropping in on us." I looked at him and agreed. I asked him if he would go inside and warm some water up so we could get the boys cleaned up enough to bring them in the house. So Kyle went back inside and heated up some water. I told the boys to follow me and they did. I took them over to the big shed where we had taken and stored all the cloths from town. I lit up a lamp and began to dig through a few piles. Most of the cloths were too big for them but I did find some that would fit. I grabbed some blanket and handed the stuff to the boys for them to carry. Then we headed back to the house. Kyle had set up a metal tub we found in town and had filled it with hot water. He was waiting with a tray of sandwiches and a pitcher of water. He told me he was going to check on Brandon then he said he would take over the night watch. "Ok." I said. Then I turned my attention back to the two boys as he want back in the house. The boys were chowing down on the sandwiches and drinking the water and by the way they were eating it looked like they had not had anything to eat in a few days. As they ate I began to ask them questions. So what are your names?" "Bobby" one said. Then the other one said. "Billy," pointing to himself. "How old are you two?" I asked and both boys replied in between bites and they said at the same time thirteen. That took me by surprise because these two boys looked younger than Chris. That explained the way they were eating the sandwiches. When they finish I told them they should get cleaned up. They took off their leather moccasins then stripped off the rags they had on for clothing. I sat and watched as they took everything off. When they drop their pants you could tell that they were a lot older than they looked. Both of them had a thick bush of hair around their penis and they were big for their size. Bobby was the first to climb into the tub; he splashed water on his back and asked Billy to wash it off for him. Billy grabbed the soap and preceded to wash his brothers back off and when he finish he told Bobby to get up. Bobby then stood up and his brother washed his butt and back of the legs off. Billy then stepped into the tub and sat down Bobby turned around and Billy began to wash the front of Bobby's legs working his way up. When he reached his brothers penis he washed around the hair first then slowly around the testicals. I could see that Bobby was beginning to get hard and so was I. When Billy took his brothers cock in his mouth and began to suck, I wanted to join in. Thank goodness for Kyle coming outside when he did or I would have. Kyle watched with me as the two boys went at each other. I don't think Kyle thought the boys were as old as they were either. He came up beside me and said. "Look at the size of that thing." I know I said in return. Billy worked his brother like he had been doing this all of his life. He probably had been too. Bobby pulled out of his brother's mouth and stepped behind him. Billy splashed water on his back and Bobby proceeded to wash his brother down while Billy washes his front half. When Billy stood up his penis was fully erect, Bobby moved down his brother's body working his hands between his brothers butt cheeks. Kyle couldn't take it anymore and pulled his cock from his pants and proceeded to stroke it. I had seen Kyle naked before but never hard and it was beautiful. He must have seen me looking at it, because the next thing I knew it was in my face and I was sucking his full length into my mouth. I pulled my penis out and was stroking as I move my mouth up and down on his six inches of manhood. I was so focused on Kyle that I did not see Bobby enter his brother. Kyle had to pull out of my mouth before I noticed. While we watched Kyle went down on me and proceeded to give me head. I couldn't believe how good he was. He had never shown any interest in anyone before so I never knew he was even interested in doing the sex thing. Before I knew it I was Cuming in his mouth and he swallowed everything I could give him. He sucked the last drop out of my cock then lifted his head. I told him to stand up and when he said to me I didn't have to I just took him in my mouth and began to work his cock like it had never been worked before. I must be getting good at this because he was fucking my mouth like he had been doing it for years. I choked on the first blast that enter my mouth but took the rest like a man. I drained him just like he had done to me. I stood up and looked him in the eyes and said. Thanks man. Kyle smiled and leaned forward and we kissed. After we broke our kiss we looked over at the boys who were watching us. They laughed and said. "It about time you two finish we thought we would freeze to death watching you too go at it. We all dresses and went into the house. Kyle must have felt guilty. Because he grabbed his gun and went back outside. I showed the boys where they could sleep then went to bed myself. I crawled in next to Tyler, he didn't even move when I crawled in. I was waken by Ben a few hours later. He asked me who the two boys were in the living room. In a sleep like trance I told him who they were and if he wanted to know more to ask Kyle. When I finally woke I went down stair to the smell of morning breakfast. The two boys were still asleep in the living room. There was a barrage of questions from Ben, Tyler, and Chris. When I asked Ben why he had not asked Kyle about the boys, he said that Kyle said to ask me then went to bed. I figure Kyle must have still been feeling guilty over what we had done on the porch and figure I would have to have a talk with him later. So I told the guys what had happened during the night. None of them even realized Brandon was upstairs in Chris's room. Chris figured he had just woke in the night and crawled in bed with Tyler and me. Chris was excited because now he was not the only one here who could work on the tractors and trucks. So Ben and Chris went upstairs to see how Brandon was doing. In the mean time Bobby and Billy woke up and came into the kitchen. They even looked skinnier in the day light. I introduced them to Tyler, and then they sat down and ate everything in sight. After they finish Tyler asked them where they had come from. They went on to tell us that they were living on a farm place with their parents when the war started. They were just babies at the time but his father and mother continue to work the farm. As they grew up thing got worst, people would come and steal crops during the night. That was when their mother and father decide to leave the farm. They took all they could carry and went north to Boston because that is where their grandparents were. But the town was devastated and their grandparents were either missing or dead. They went west till the caught up with a group of travelers. They stayed with them for several years. They said their dad and the other men of the group would build or repair home for people to live in and they were surviving and doing well until the soldiers came. They said the four of them made it out just before the soldier began to kill everyone. Then they came upon a small town where they were taken in. The boy said they were separated from their parent and made to live in old business building. It was then that I realized that these two boys had been in the compound with us. I asked them a few questions and they were astounded by how much I knew about the town. It was then they realized who we were and then they said. Well thing began to fall apart after we had escaped. Several of the guard had been shot and other was sent out to find us. Many time the men never returned. But then when some men return and spoke about a working farm they sent men out to find it. When the men didn't return thing began to get worse. Winter was coming and not all the crops were getting taken out of the fields. At night those that were on guard duty began to disappear. No one knew if they were running away or getting killed. There had been many attacks by soldiers and rebels. Many times they would raid the supplies then leave. Food was becoming scarce. Billy said that they would only get food once a week then it went to twice a month. Building began to collapse because of the weight of the snow. So they got moved in with other boys. Many of which were in worse shape than themselves. Bobby said the only reason they were in the shape they were in was because they had been used as sex slaves and were feed better than the other were. They hadn't seen their parents in over a year and figure that they were dead. Billy went on to say as spring was approaching the rebels attacked more often. Two weeks ago the guards came in and began shooting people. They started at one end of the compound and worked their way toward their building. When they came in and started to shoot Bobby said we both lay down and pretended we were dead and when the guards left we waited for night fall. Billy said we grabbed anything we could see as food and clothing and left out the back of the building. Bobby went on to say that all the guard were up by the main house. They headed for the trees just as the rebel moved in from the north. We could hear the gunfire and could see the building burning as they made their way through the trees. Bobby said when we came across the road it was then that we began to follow it. Billy said. "We didn't know what else to do so we just kept walking." Every once in a while they would come across a farm house and they would go inside. Sometimes they would find some food that had been canned other times they went without food. Then yesterday they said they saw the trucks go by in the morning. At first they said they were going to follow the trucks but when they realized they were going in the direction of the compound they decided to go back the other way. Billy went on to say. We heard the trucks coming at first we hid but as the lights of the truck got closer they decided to see if they could stop them. But the trucks went by without even breaking. Both Ben and I looked at each other neither of us had seen the boys. I told them straight out that I don't think we would have stopped if we did see them. Both boys agreed, but it did not stop them from following the road. Bobby said they saw someone walking along the road and followed them into the tree line. They heard something so they hide in the trees. Billy said they watched as I approached the guy who had fell in the field and after I took him back to the farm place they stayed hidden. Billy laughed then said. "It was then that Bobby fell over something and that was when you came back with the dog." When the boys finished telling their story, we all figure that we were prisoners at the compound. Billy then asked what we were going to do with them. Ben jokingly told them they way you guys eat he might have to take them out back and shoot them. The looks on both of the boy's faces were priceless. When he told them he was joking they both relaxed. I asked them what they can do. Billy said they were good with their hands and were good at building thing. Bobby agreed then said that they were also good at cooking too. He said they worked in the kitchen back at the compound. So that night the boys cook the evening meal. When Kyle came down he barely said a word to anyone. He went out to do the evening chores, I decided to go out and help him. He was feeding the sheep when I came into the barn. He looked at me but didn't say a word. I grabbed some feed and began to feed the cattle when he came over to me. With his head down he said. "I am sorry about what happened this morning; I didn't mean to do that." I looked at him and said. "Do what?" "You know, I like forced myself on you. I really feel bad." He said. "Oh that." I said. "Don't feel bad, things like that happen. We got caught up in the moment. Plus you are really good at well that if you know what I mean." I could see he was feeling better he even blushed then said. "But I made you cheat on Tyler." "You didn't make me cheat on anyone. We are friend not lovers. I don't know why everyone thinks we have to have a partner." "Sorry" I said. "But we are just kids we have a long life together. If we were to settle on one person how are we ever going to learn anything about life?" He smiled then said. "Now I know why I followed you here you are the one constant in my life. I don't know what I would do without you." I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. We held each other for a while. I could see he was excited by our closeness, but I wasn't sure if I should do anything about it. I wanted too and I could tell he wanted to but we held off. We went back to the house and had supper with everyone else. Kyle went up to feed Brandon soup he had made and took him fresh milk from the cows. After a few days Brandon was getting stronger he could sit up in bed. Ben had read some books we had found on how to help someone back from starvation and taught all of us how to work the muscles on Brandon's legs. Billy and Bobby were treated to just to make sure they would recover quickly. So for the next month we all worked together as a team. Nifty is kind enough to post these stories for you to read so in return please donate to this fine cause @ thanks again for reading all remarks are appreciated.