Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 09:45:09 -0400 From: James Fitzhugh Subject: Venturer Scout -06 The Venturer Scout -06 by: James FitzHugh Many thanks to Len in South Africa for his editing; to Rob in Alberta, Canada for all his technical assistance; and, to those readers who very kindly dropped me a note. Here we go with all the legal stuff. If you are under the legal age; then you really ought to leave now. If, on the other hand, you find the story offensive or it is illegal according to the laws of your Country, State or Province for you to view this content, I suggest you tune out and go find a good Sherlock Holmes mystery or a good novel written about the days of wooden ships and iron men. If you need help to find authors, just drop me a note. If you enjoy this story - or any others on this great site - remember that you can only read them if Nifty remains online. For that they need our cash. If we all give just a wee little bit, the site won't disappear and take our stories with them. No-one is asked to do any more than they can realistically afford but every ?, Euro or $ helps? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "And just why would I miss you, Aaron? I haven't seen you since Monday; there's been no wind to speak of; and, I keep my screen door closed so nothing can get blown into my living area I don't want in here." "Are you saying you don't look forward to my visits, boss? Now, I'm really, really disappointed. And here I thought I was the sunshine of your day." "Aaron, bite your tongue. If I woke up on a beautiful sunny day, as I did this morning by the way, and you darken my doorway, it would be the end of whatever I was doing. You're a total distraction. Sometimes a welcomed one; but sometimes I wish I was in the cement business." "Why would you want to be in the cement business, boss? We all know you have trouble finding the right end of a screwdriver to use and, when it comes to those multiple headed ones, you have less than a clue. Your sister says you're lousy at housekeeping because you never remember to put the soap in the water bucket or change the filter in the vacuum cleaner. And Richard, your brother-in-law, says he loves you to death but you haven't, to use his words now not mine, got a fuckin clue what's between the front and rear bumpers of your car. So! Why the cement business, boss?" he asked as he made a beeline for my refrigerator. With pop in hand he didn't gently lay down on the couch; he bounced onto the couch. "Did you know that the cement business was very important to the mafia bosses, Aaron? It might still be for all I know." "Why's that boss? "Because, dear boy, it was important to the development of the shoe industry." "You're shittin me, right boss?" "Yes", I said as I slowly made my way to the cupboard in which I kept my wine and other liquor. As I passed the back of the couch I very quickly reached down and started tickling him. "Because the Mafia bosses could provide cement shoes and get rid of their enemies like the snitches and their double dealing drug dealers. So! When you annoy me, I could get rid of you." I may not know everything about Aaron but I do know that he's ticklish. In seconds, he was rolling around on the couch, darn near fell on the floor, was nearly to the point of tears and quickly began calling for me to stop. I stopped and continued on to the cupboard, reached in and brought out a bottle of Australian Chardonnay. I thoroughly enjoy French and South African wines and serve them as a matter of habit when I have guests. I've experimented with Italian labels. I'm really not all that keen on Canadian or American labels. I find them too new and underdeveloped. But there is a winery in Eastern Canada that really does produce some excellent wines. That winery was founded by a German family with many years in the industry in Germany and I've added them to my wish list of wines to taste over the coming year. I was also only just beginning to explore several Australian labels at the suggestion of an Australian friend. As I was pulling the cork out of the bottle, the little sod looked over at me and asked probably the silliest question I'd heard all day. "When you gonna let me have some of that, boss?" "When your father says you can or you're 39, whichever comes first?" I said as I poured myself a glass. "Shit! I'm sixteen, boss." "Right and you're still under the legal drinking age. Now just imagine, Aaron, what would happen to me if I gave you a glass of wine and one day you're out with your mates and you let it slip that you had wine at my place. Let's say one of these tight mates of yours asks his parents for wine at their next Sunday meal and they say 'No'. But, in response, your mate says, 'Well, Mr. FitzHugh let Aaron have some.' The shit would hit the fan. His parents would tell your parents. Your parents would have a go at me and knowing your father, he'd call the fuckin chief constable. I could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, yada, yada, yada; and, faster than you could say Rumplestiltskin, I would definitely be thrown out of the scouting movement. That Aaron would just be for starters." "Sorry boss. I should have thought it through. But can I ask you another question?" "Sure" "Just who the hell is Rumple whatever his name is?" "Have you never read the children's stories by the Brothers Grimm?" "No, don't think so." "It's a children's story collected and, with other stories of the time, printed in a book back in the early 1800's. But I'm not going to tell you who he is; rather, I'm going to let you find out for yourself", I said walking over to one of my bookcases. I looked around for a bit, pulling out this and that book and, when I found it, I handed it to him. "I've used this book to read bedtime stories to my nephews a number of times. But you can read it for yourself, in your own good time and, please, do return the book to me when you're finished." "Gee, thanks boss. It looks like an old book. I'll take care of it and return it when I've read the story." "While you are reading the one; you may find others in there you might like. My granddad bought me that book for my birthday when I turned six and together over the years before he died, we read every story in the book. "Really, boss?" "Yes! Really, Aaron." "I'll look after it boss. I might even take it with me on Thursday. Oh! By the way, my mom said to tell you that you can drop by later this evening, maybe around 8 she said, and pick up that Power of whatever it is the lawyer guy is bringing them. Dad wants to talk to you anyway before he goes." "Were you surprised the Diving Association called?" "My coach was pretty glad. He says I was overlooked last time but now there's a spot that's opened up on the Junior National Team. I've competed in all the groups but 'A' which is the group for 16 to 18 year olds. I started out in a diving club here in the County and then they sent me to the one I now belong to in the City. That's why I go to the YMCA Olympic size pool on Bradford Street, near your university, to practice. The pool here only has the low and intermediate towers but doesn't have the high tower." 'Ah yes. I meant to tell you." I said changing the subject. "I met with Devon's father the other day at the little deli in the strip mall. I could have said I had lunch with him; but I didn't. I ate; he didn't." "You didn't say anything, did you boss?" "Of course not. Anyway, Mr. C?.. told me that Devon has expressed an interest in joining the Venturer Company. Is that true? Is he your candidate?" "Sure is, boss? I have to help him escape from those religious nuts he calls his parents." "Aaron! Do you even know his parents other than what Devon has told you about them?" "Well, no boss. I can only go by what Devon told me. He described them as religious fanatics. He wasn't happy that weekend he had to go to the convention and stay at his grans. He doesn't like all that bible study crap they make him attend either." "Well, Aaron. I can tell you that his father is neither a Neanderthal nor a Troglodyte. He does walk upright; he does not drag his arms on the ground when he walks; and, he has the gift of speech. He does not grunt when he talks. He seems to have some real personal concerns about his son's development that he's afraid could seriously impact on his calling as an associate pastor of his church. Does any of this make sense to you?" "After I get past what a Troglodyte is, I think so boss. I've never heard of them before but what you're saying is; I don't know the entire story; only Devon's side." "That's right, Aaron. Remember! There are always three sides to a story. Yours, the one the other guy has and, somewhere in the middle, is the truth." "Right, boss." "Now, do you have the membership form for Devon so he can fill it out and get his parents to sign?" "No! It was one of the reasons I came over." I got up and walked into my bedroom area where I had stashed my scouting briefcase. I put it on the bed, opened it and rummaged through its contents until I found the required form. In the meantime, Aaron, true to form, followed me and plunked himself down in the exact same spot he always favours on my bed. "So, how are you and Devon getting on?" I asked taking an envelope from the briefcase, folding the application form, sliding it into the envelope, writing the words 'application form' on its face and handed it to Aaron. "Everything is just like you always say, boss. It's all tickety boo." replied the boy in his usual cheery manner. "And what does that mean, exactly?" I enquired closing my briefcase and stashing it next to my dresser. "I got him in training, boss. That's all I mean." "In training for what?" I asked as I almost unconsciously, at least I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, stacked the pillows against the headboard and lay down. "Well, you see, boss, he's a natural. He sucks cock with the suction power of a vacuum clean and I don't have to do anything but lead him and his lips by the hand to my zipper." "Jeeeeez, Aaron, you have to be careful here." I said looking straight into those beautiful blue eyes. "If his father or, for that matter, anyone else finds out what's going on, you can bet your tender hot little ass that the shit is going to hit the fan." "Relax, boss. I got it covered. I'm never going to hurt the kid and I'll never do anything with him anywhere we can get caught. I'm only giving him what he wants?. My cock and a cup full of my own special brand of ball churned cream now and again." "Gawd, you are a cheeky devil", I said raising my left knee so I could theoretically hide my rising boner. But, I was sure that Aaron knew how his stories affected me. "So! Have you done anything with him since that first time on the bus?" I asked. "First things first, boss. What did you mean when you said I could bet my tender hot little ass?" "You know bloody well what I meant, you little pervert." "So! You think I got a great ass, boss?" "Yes." "And" "And what boss?" "Aaron!" I shouted at him. "Okay, boss. I'll tell you." He said with that sly grin of his slowly spreading across his face. "On Tuesday morning, before our classes began, I took him down to the Brothers changing room in the basement of their monastery and fed him his breakfast." "You did what? Where?" I snapped "In the basement changing room over in the Monastery," he said. "Not to worry, boss, it's rarely used by the Brothers and never first thing in the morning. I wouldn't go there any time after classes begin because you just never know when one of the younger brothers might be down there changing to participate in a sports event with one of the school teams." "Jumping Judas Priest, Aaron. But you are taking chances." "Not really, boss. I've been sent down there a number of times. I've never seen a Brother down there before school. But, I've also been down there during classes for one thing or another, usually picking up equipment or spare this or that, and I've seen several of the Brothers either going into their change cubicles in their habits or coming out in their sports gear." "And they don't mind your being there?" "Well, if they do; none of them has said anything to me. Once, I even saw Brother Ninian in nothing else but his boxers down there boss; he's the youngest of the brothers at 20, I think. I have to say that you wouldn't know the physique he's hiding under that flowing robe of his. He's built like a brick shithouse with a set of abs on him that would make a lot of girls and, I bet, a lot of boys drool." "What? Don't tell me you've set your eyes on one of the Brothers now?" "Nah! Not I boss. But if Brother Ninian ever signalled that he wanted to come out and play with me; I've eight fucking inches that I could use on him. I'd soon teach him he's in the wrong profession," he said falling back on the bed laughing. "Aaron, you're incorrigible" "Why, boss?" he asked lifting himself up onto one elbow, looking straight at me and letting his other hand grab his crotch. "You wanna come out and play with me?" "Aaron, cut that out. You know that you and I are never, ever going to play." I barked back at him. "You, better than me, should know that old expression, boss. 'Never say never'." He said falling back onto his back and still laughing. I couldn't help myself but joined him in his laughter. Don't anyone ever tell you that teen boys don't know what they want. They might be subtle about it but they definitely know what and who they want. At times, Aaron made me very nervous. "Anyway, what else happened with poor Devon?" I asked. "Well this morning we again went over to the monastery changing room and I gave him another good load for his breakfast. Then at noon, I was really feeling horny so I picked him up and we went for a walk to the other side of the golf course. There's an old farm house there deep in the woods. Nicholas told me about it." "So why did you go there?" "Well it's one of those fluky afternoons, boss. Every once in a while the Brothers give us the afternoon off. It could be a special religious feast day for them or they might have a special visitor, like the Auxiliary Bishop or maybe even His Eminence the Cardinal, himself, or there's a medical crisis with one of the older Brothers. And, since we had the afternoon off and we had the time, I thought we'd go there and I could talk Devon's lips down over my horny dick again." "And just how did you and Nicholas get into a discussion on this old farmhouse?" "Well! Nick told me that his cousin, also called Nicholas, who now goes to university in Ontario, told him no-one uses it and he'd rigged the back door so it can be opened. He also said that anyone looking at it from a distance would think it was boarded up just like the rest of the windows. And! Like I said, boss, I'm not out to hurt Devon or to have anyone else find out about his favourite pastime." "And you can get into this place even though it's boarded up?" "Yeah! Nick told me about the Newfoundlander, Colin or something like that, who squatted in the place last summer and worked at the golf course on the maintenance crew. (see ?.. He also told me that the guy had a kid who lived in the village as his private cocksucker during the summer and, when he was ready to leave on his trip out west, he transferred the kid over to his cousin. And, when his cousin left for Ontario, this kid was transferred over again to our Nickolas and Nick said that he's been using him as his private cocksucker ever since, well up until two weeks ago." "I don't believe you. Is every young stud in this village using a cocksucker for relief?" "Well I wouldn't say every young stud, boss. But there's me, Nicholas, Emmett and Paulo for sure. I know that because we sometimes talk about it. You see, Nicholas told me and I told him; Emmett was talking with Nick; Paulo talked to Emmett and he introduced Paulo to Nick. So, gradually, we became the four amigos." "And each of you has a boy?" "Well, now I do. Nick's boy is on a special course and studying in the Capitol where he's living with his aunt for the next three or more months; so Nick's on the lookout for a new boy. Emmett, he's 18 and in Grade 11, has a boy of his own; and, Paulo, the son of the Italian baker whose 17 and in Grade 10 swings back and forth like a pendulum on a clock between boys and girls. We're never sure from one day to the next who he's into but, I do know, several of the cheerleaders are bragging that they can't walk properly for days after he's ridden them." "And you all know about each other?" "Of course, boss. We're friends and we talk amongst ourselves. Nicholas, Emmett and Paulo are not shy when it comes to telling each other the tales of their exploits and I sure as hell wish I was getting as much as the three of them were." "As interesting as it is, let's get back to poor Devon." "Okay, so I told you Nick had told me about this house in the woods. Apparently he and the other two go there from time to time with their latest intended conquest. I've never been in the house but Nick told me about the furniture that had been left on the ground floor and the three beds that are upstairs. I guess each of them has a bedroom and Nick says whenever he goes there; he can hear the bed springs squeaking in the room used by Paulo. Nick even brags that sometimes he and Paulo will tag team." "And how does Devon fit into this whole thing?" "Well boss, since we had the afternoon off, I decided that I'd go and explore this old house for myself and in the process, I'd get Devon to go down on me a second time. I was really horny to drop another load. So, with Devon in tow, I headed for the golf course." "And Devon was okay with this?" "Yeah! He called his mom from the corner store and told her he was going to walk with me down to the river passing through the golf course. She had no problems with it; so, we set off. Once we got on the edge of the course, we just walked along, chatting to the golfers we passed and when we came to the 15th hole, we ducked into the woods. And, sure enough, just a little way in shrouded from view of the golfers on the course, there was the old house looking like it was all boarded up just as Nick had said." "And you were able to get into it?" "Oh yeah, boss. Nick had told me about the latch that the Newfoundlander had put under and behind the door that no-one knew about. It was a way of locking the door so it didn't move in the wind. The noise of the door banging in the wind would only bring curious golf course workers and the boys didn't want any of them around." "So! You unlatched the makeshift door and opened it?" "Actually, boss, the latch was already undone. I just thought at the time that either Nick or Paulo had forgotten to latch it when they were there the last time." "Okay! So you went in. What happened next?" "Well, just like Nick had said. There was a kitchen table and some chairs in the kitchen and when we went into what must have been the living room, there was a couch and some big, overstuffed armchairs. And, while we were standing in the old living room, I heard it." "You heard what, exactly?" "I heard the sound of the springs of one of the beds, boss." "So! Someone else was in the house then?" "Yeah! I thought it was probably Paulo getting a piece out of one of those girls on the cheerleading squad. The way he tells it; he's working his way through the squad one by one. By the end of the school year, he wants to be able to brag that he's had them all." "And! Because the house was in use, you decided to leave?" "Fuck no, boss. I was curious and I know Devon was, too. So I put my finger to my lips to make sure he understood that he was to keep quiet and we made our way over to the stairway. Now I don't know if all old stairways are the same, boss, but I know that the one in my grandma's house creaks if you walk up the centre. But! If you take your time and slowly walk up the stairway, putting one foot in front of the other along the rail or against the wall, you don't hear any creaks. I've done it lots of times so I can get upstairs or downstairs at my grandma's house so she doesn't hear me." "So you've become a regular cat burglar?" "Nahhhhh, boss. It's just that my gran is a light sleeper and I don't want to wake her up when I'm up for a snack during the night." "And what happened next?" "Well I got to the bottom of the staircase, showed Devon what I wanted him to do and once he understood, I slowly began to climb the stairs." "Were you able to get to the top without whoever hearing you?" "Sure did boss. Devon and I got up there without a sound being made. I moved to the bedroom on the left and you'd never guess in a million years what I saw?" "Aaron!" I barked with growing impatience. "I saw Nick, in all his natural glory, fucking the brains out of Auggie Maxwell, the 19 year old Captain of the Soccer Team over at St. Malachy's. Auggie, the fuckin stud of his school, the guy whose picture is in the local paper every week with a story of his sports exploits was on his back, crossways on the bed, with his long legs up on Nick's shoulders and Nick was buried balls deep in his ass." "Did Nick see you?" "You betcha, boss. When he saw me and Devon standing in the doorway, he winked and I saw that awesome smile of his light up his face." "And then what happened?" "He suddenly flipped Auggie over so that he was now on his stomach but he hadn't pulled out of his ass. Then he said, "Oh look, Auggie. My tag team partner is here." "And then?" "Even before Auggie could fully understand what was happening to him, I did what any other horny male would do, boss. I dropped my shorts, got rid of my jock strap and grabbed both of Auggie's ears. The guy was so surprise that when he opened his mouth to say something my 8 incher was slipping past his open lips and was sliding along his tongue heading for his throat." "And what did Devon do while you and Nick were tag teaming Auggie?" "He stripped, watched, slowly jacked off and got himself an edjumacation." And, wouldn't you know it. Just as I was about to ask for more details, that bloody telephone rang again. I didn't bother picking it up but signalled to Aaron that it was probably for him. Sure enough, it was his mother. After talking with his mother, Aaron told me he was wanted at home and reminded me that his mom and dad invited me over to their place for 8 o'clock this evening. Then, just like the proverbial jack rabbit he was out the door. I was still laying on the bed thinking about Aaron, Nicholas, Auggie and Devon when there was a tap on my screen door. Before I could reply, the door opened and in walked my buddy Josh. "What are you doing here?" I asked looking up at him rather surprised. "Oh! I dunno. But, by the looks at that hard-on you're sporting in them there shorts, I think I came at just the right time", he said chuckling as he walked to the bottom of the bed. After I asked him to go and lock the inside door, Josh returned to the bottom of the bed, stripped off his shirt, put both hands on the outside of my legs and started making his way slowly up my body. "You're not going to commit a nefarious act upon my person are you," I asked the well-built stud who had reached my crotch area. "Oh! I'm not sure", he replied as he stretched just a little so that he brought his lips down into feathery contact with my belly button and the start of my treasure trail. "Maybe." Note: If you liked this little story, want to give constructive criticism or just want to rant, feel free to drop me a note at If you would like to hear more of Aaron's adventures, drop me a note and let me know.