VOLUNTEER by Boisterous (Boys-stir-us) Tony gazed across the room at a young boy in a wheelchair as he set up the checkerboard for another game with Edward, a 16 year old boy with Downs Syndrome. Edward chatted away on his somewhat indistinct voice, going on and on about the produce display at the supermarket. Tony, a 35 year old weekend volunteer at the Brookdale Institute, tried to listen with the same level of enthusiasm that Edward put into his soliloquy. He tried to imagine what it would be like to have visited a grocery store for the first time at age 16. Still, he had heard the story five times during the afternoon. Tony looked again at the boy in the wheel chair. He had wheeled himself to a window and stared wistfully through the steel bars. Edward understood the rules of checkers but Tony had been unsuccessful at teaching him strategy. "You go first," Tony suggested. A news report about the recent progress of the Apollo mission came on the television and Edward exclaimed, "I"m going to be a aster-nut." Tony smiled slightly, not worried about correcting Edward on the pronunciation. Since the boy rarely got off the 4C wing at the Institute, he would not be subject to scorn and ridicule as he would be in the general public. Tony volunteered to work with the mentally retarded after his older brother, who also had Downs Syndrome, had died. Tony didn't even think the Institute was such a bad place for kids like Edward. It offered a shelter from a cruel world. But Tony was troubled by the 11 year old in the wheel chair. The kid seemed normal in every way except for the fact he could not walk. Tony knew that there were some schools that accepted students in wheel chairs, but for the most part, there was no way for the kids to get up the steps and into the buildings. The most troubling thing for Tony was his level of attraction to the boy. It wasn't a mere sexual attraction, but sexual attraction was definitely part of it. Tony had known since he was a teenager that he found boys sexually attractive. He had also learned at an early age that people like him were called perverts. Until this kid, he had never allowed himself to get close enough to a boy to get himself into trouble. But this kid haunted his thoughts all week long. He found himself looking forward to his Saturdays at the Institute so he could have another look at the beautiful child. "I'm going to be a soldier," Edward said, interrupting his reverie. The evening news had started, and as always, the Vietnam conflict held center stage. Tony had managed to let Edward have a huge advantage in the checker game. Tony glanced at his watch. He would be leaving in fifteen minutes when the residents would be called for dinner. "I'm glad I don't have to shoot anyone," Tony said. He had to talk to the boy and time was running out. As Edward jumped his last piece, Tony stood and said, "Good game. Excuse me for a moment." He went over to where the boy sat in his oversized chair. "Think we'll get some rain tonight?" Startled, the boy looked up, his eyes wide. He looked away without answering. A second later, his gaze darted back to Tony. He'd watched the boy talk to the nurses and attendants often enough to know he was very capable of expressing himself. Tony squatted down, bringing his face closer to the boy's eye level. Instead of calming the kid, it seemed to agitate him even more. His hand rubbed nervously across the black rubber on his wheel. The kid had straight, jet black hair, green eyes, and pale skin from never getting outdoors. His eyebrows were curved and dark, though thin. His eyelashes were long and curled and seemed impossibly dark. He had a tattered copy of Robinson Crusoe across his lap. "I'm sorry I guess I didn't introduce myself. Do you know who I am?" The boy didn't look at him or appear that he was going to answer, so Tony sighed and got to his feet. "You're name is Tony," the boy said in desperation. He didn't make eye contact. "That's right," he said in his warmest voice. The kid surprised him by adding, "It's nice of you to let Edward win at checkers." "I had a brother that was a lot like him. What's your name?" "Chad." "How old are you Chad?" "I'm 11." The kid's fawn-like eyes darted upward briefly. "Is your brother dead?" Chad asked. "Yes." Tony didn't try to hide the shadow of grief that crossed his face. "Oh. Sorry." Again there was a silence. Tony felt kind of foolish, knowing he had no reason to be talking with the kid. He was afraid anyone watching would know his secret, that in his heart he was a pervert. It made it difficult for him to think of anything to say. "Well, Chad, it was nice to meet you," he said, sidling away. The boy spoke with urgency. "Will you talk to me again next week?" "What?" "Well, you always keep looking at me when you come here. And I was afraid that you were laughing at me. You know, laughing at the cripple. I never thought you'd be nice to me like you are to Edward. But you are nice....even to a cripple." "I don't think of you like that, Chad." As if he hadn't heard Tony, the boy continued, "Not many people bother to be nice to retards and cripples." "No, I mean that I don't see you as a cripple. I see you as a handsome, intelligent boy. Someone I'd like to be friends with." The lead attendant, an angry-looking man in his mid-50's called out, "Time for dinner. Line up at the door." The kid blanched. Clearly the attendant inspired the fear of all the residents. "I've got to go," Tony said. "I'll see you next weekend." The boy's face lit up in a smile. "Thanks." It was the first time Tony had seen him look anything but dejected. On the way out of the Institute, Tony stopped at the front desk. "I'd like to volunteer to be a companion to the boy named Chad on 4C." A woman with a funny little white hat chewed her gum with parted lips. "Mr. Fletcher, aren't you already working with someone on that wing?" "Yes, a teenager named Edward." "Why do you want to discontinue with Edward? Did he say or do something inappropriate?" "No. I want to keep working with him, too." "Sorry, but you are only allowed to work with one resident." "I can volunteer on different days." "Mr. Fletcher, I just explained the rule to you. Do you need for me to repeat it?" He wanted to grab her throat. Instead, he just smiled. "I get the sense that is how you talk to the residents. First off, I am NOT a resident. Secondly, the residents deserve to be treated with more respect than you just treated me." He turned and left before she could reply. During the week he followed up with the Volunteer Coordinator, the attending psychiatrist, and the facilities manager. The psychiatrist's secretary said, "You'll never get them to change their rules, Mr. Fletcher. It doesn't matter that there is no good reason for the rule. Anyway, I'm shouldn't tell you this--client confidentiality, you know--but that boy you want to work with, Chad, is being returned to his father's custody by social services." "Oh," he said, stalling to recover from the disappointment. "You are so kind to tell me. Thanks." "You won't tell anyone I said so, will you?" "No, of course not. You did me a favor. Thanks again." When Tony came to the Institute the next Saturday, he quickly scanned the room for a wheelchair. None. He was heartbroken. As he played a vertical tic-tac-toe game called Connect Four with Edward, he chided himself for being selfish. Surely the kid would be better off at home than in the Institute. Edward said, "I miss Chad." "Yes, I noticed he is gone. What happened to him?" "He went to live with his daddy." Edward leaned close. "His daddy drinks." "Did Chad tell you that?" "He said he's scared that his daddy won't take care of him. He didn't want to go." "I wonder where he lives." "Did you see the Flintstones this morning?" Tony tried not to tune his 16 year old companion out, but his concern for Chad distracted him. The secretary had broken the rules and told him social services was returning him to his dad. He decided to talk to her again. On Monday morning he called the secretary again. "Hi, this is Tony Fletcher. I was wondering if you could give me the address of that little guy in the wheelchair. Chad was his name." "I'm sorry, Mr. Fletcher, but I'm not allowed to give out information like that." "I understand. It's just that I promised I'd see him again, that I'd be his friend. I just wanted to send a letter to tell him goodbye." "I'm sorry. I'd like to help, but I could lose my job." "If I sent the letter to you, could you forward it to him?" "Well...that's highly irregular, but I guess..." There was a long pause. "Oh, what the heck, he lives at 7793 Oak Street N.W., Apartment 201." "Thank you very much." He hung up, then phoned a florist and had a bouquet of daisies sent to the secretary with an unsigned card. He managed to wait until Saturday after volunteering at the Institute before he went to the address. He parked at the curb and looked at the dilapidated brownstone. From the age and poor repair of the building, he was certain there would not be an elevator, and essential item for a kid in a wheelchair. The front door to the building had six panes of glass. Masking tape held two of the cracked panes in place. The others were smudged. He stepped into the foyer, and immediately smelled stale cooking grease and the faint odor of urine. The worn steps creaked under his feet. The brownish carpet on the second floor had once been orange. Tony knocked on the door of 201. He waited for a minute, then knocked harder. A door across the hall from 201 opened and an old man poked his head into the hall. "You a social worker?" "No." "A cop?" "No, just a friend." "Old Luke ain't got no friends." "No, I meant I'm a friend of Chad's." "Well, the little cripple won't answer the door." "Why not?" The old man laughed, and Tony realized his sanity was shaky. "His wheels is in the cellar." "What?" Tony took a step closer to the old man, but he started to duck back inside. "No wait. Please don't go. I need to see him." "Manager. Apartment 1A." The manager, a 350 pound man obviously wearing the same t- shirt he had worn several days in a row, grumbled as he lumbered up the stairs. He jingled a huge ring of keys, fit the right one, then stepped back. "That'll be 5 bucks." "What?" "That's the price for lock-outs. You'll remember your key next time, won't you?" Tony got out the money, not willing to argue with the guy. Somehow he had decided that Tony lived there? As Tony handed him the cash, he knew that it would be spent to further contribute to the stench of bourbon on the man's breath. He opened the door and stepped inside. The shades were all drawn, and the place smelled of stale cigars. In a corner, Chad sat with his legs out in front of him, his back against the wall. "Hi," the boy said sullenly, his arms crossed over his chest. "Chad. Oh, my God," he said, not able to keep his shock and indignation from showing. He took a couple steps closer to the boy. He hid a tattered novel. From the glimpse of the cover, he saw it was pornographic. "Chad, that's not good reading material for a boy your age." He didn't look up at Tony. "These are the only kind of book my dad owns. You won't tell social services will you?" "They might be able to help you." "No! They can't find a place for me. The Institute wasn't the worst place they put me. No one wants a cripple. Promise not to tell them. Please." Tony felt like crying. "I promise, Chad." He squatted down in front of the boy. Chad's hair was matted and his face greasy. He wore a faded t-shirt that once had said Sunkist across the front. His legs were bare. From the smell, he could tell the boy had wet his pants. Beneath the oversized shirt all he wore were saturated white briefs. "What can I do?" "What do you mean?" "Well, it looks like you could use some assistance. Can I carry you to the bathroom?" Chad stared straight ahead and spoke without affect. "Oh, you don't want to touch me. I wet my pants." "That's okay. It's probably pretty hard for you to get to the bathroom." "I can get there, but the door sticks and I can't get it open. Would you open it for me?" "How long have you been alone?" "A couple days. Dad went to some illegal casino in Wisconsin." "You need a bath." "I know. Sorry. Even if I could get into the bathroom, I can't quite do a bath by myself." Tony went down the hall and pulled on a door that he assumed was the bathroom. It stuck. He grasped the knob with both hands and managed to get it free. There was a stool and a sink along one wall. A giant claw foot tub stood alone along the other wall. He hurried back to Chad. The boy had begun to crawl toward the bathroom, his legs splayed out uselessly behind him. Tony knelt down. "Let me carry you." Chad swiveled onto his butt, raising one arm to hook it around Tony's shoulder. Tony effortlessly lifted the boy. He must have only weighed 60 or 70 pounds. "When was the last time you ate anything?" "I don't know. Yesterday. Maybe the day before." "Which was it--Thursday or Friday?" "W-Wednesday, I guess." He turned and left the bathroom. "Where are we going?" "To the kitchen to get you some food. Food first, then a bath." "Um. There isn't any food." "We'll see about that." He set the boy on a rickety aluminum chair with green vinyl padding and went to the cupboards. There were several cans of food in the cupboards. Of course, all were too high for Chad to reach. He held up two cans. "Corned beef hash or Dinty Moore Beef Stew?" He noted the eagerness in the kid's expression. "Stew." Chad chewed on this fingernail, then remembered his manners and added, "Please." "Coming right up." It took him several minutes to find a can opener, wash a pan, find a bowl and spoon, and heat the stew. Chad ate slowly while Tony watched. It was hard to believe the urchin before him was the same beautiful child he had seen at the Institute. "I'll draw your bath water while you eat." Tony set the plug and started the water running in the crusty tub. He looked around for a towel. Several threadbare, musty towels were heaped beneath the sink. He went exploring. A towel that was less filthy hung from the frame of his father's unmade bed. He discovered it was only a one bedroom apartment. There was no evidence of the boy sleeping in his father's twin sized bed. He went back to the living room and saw a blanket and pillow in the corner. "Do you have any clean clothes?" "No." "Well, where are your dirty clothes?" "There's a pair of jeans behind the couch. It's hard for me to get them on without help." "That's it? No other clothes?" "Dad sold them so he could buy whiskey. I can't go anywhere anyway." "Where is your wheel chair?" "I think it is in the cellar--unless Dad sold it, too." "Jesus." He scooped the boy into his arms, breathing through his mouth to avoid the smells coming from his frail 11 year old body. The tub had gotten quite full and the mirror was steamy. He set Chad on the stool and shut the water off. Chad grabbed the sink to keep his balance. Tony grabbed the boy's dirty t- shirt and removed it. "Can you raise your hips up?" "I can try." "Grab my neck," he said as he grabbed the waistband in both hands. The kid pulled his butt off the toilet seat and Tony quickly stripped them off his hips. The large pink scars on both hips and upper thighs drew Tony's immediate attention. Then he saw the 11 year old boy's slack genitals. He stared, noting the bluish glans, the brown scar on the shaft where the foreskin had been removed, the pinkish little scrotum with marble sized balls dangling low. Above the genitals was a hairless mound where pubic hair would someday grow. Chad stared at the wall with a stony expression, humiliated at having his crippled body offered for the inspection of a man he admired. He was terrified Tony would show some sign of being disgusted by the sight of him. Tony, feeling his cock begin to strain even more against the front of his jeans, became embarrassed, too. "In you go," he said, lifting Chad easily, then settling him into the warm bath. Chad clung to his neck, apparently afraid of being dunked under. Tony stood and looked down at the enticing beauty in the tub. "I guess you'll be wanting some privacy." Chad almost worked up enough courage to ask him to stay, but then, he figured that Tony wanted to get away from the sight of his ugly body. He covered his pelvis with both hands and averted his eyes. When Tony realized the boy was not going to answer, he awkwardly dismissed himself, pausing to close the door behind him. Through the closed door he said, "When you want to get out, just holler for me." Tony spent the next 15 minutes cleaning up in the kitchen. Without detergent or Comet cleanser, there wasn't much he could do. He went to the bathroom door and lightly knocked. "Everything okay in there?" he asked. "I'm ready to get out, please." Using the most clean towel he could find, he lifted the dripping boy and wrapped him. He carried Chad to the living room and set him on the couch. "Um...do you want me to dry you off?" "I can do it," Chad said, then struggled to pull the towel from beneath his buttocks. "I'd like to help. If it's okay, that is." "Sure. If you don't mind." Tony wasn't proud that he begged for the chance to rub the boy's naked body. He wasn't proud that he intended to have a chance to furtively fondle the boy's beautiful genitals. His hard cock drove his actions. He started by rubbing the boy's hair, which was still not very clean because there was no shampoo. He could smell Safeguard soap on the kid's hair. He gently and lovingly rubbed Chad's neck and chest. When he got to the stomach, he changed his tack and dried his feet. As he worked up the boy's very slender, almost withered legs, he gazed at the purplish nub of flesh. It seemed a little longer than when he had first fished the boy from the tub. He hoped it was. Chad lay his head back and watched the man's hands with a contented expression. As the towel moved closer to his crotch, Chad felt his thingy get bigger. The combination of pleasure and fear led him to blurt out, "Thanks. I can dry myself, if you want." Tony noted the hint, but ignored it. He had every intention of touching the boy everywhere. He might never get another chance. Chad uttered a single "Oh" as the towel brushed across his balls and up to his stomach. Then the towel was back at this crotch, creating the most delicious sensations. He was getting sort of freaked out by how good it felt and embarrassed that his thingy was completely stiff. Then a sudden thought struck him-- this might be the last time in his entire life that someone touched his body like this. He doubted that crippled teens and men had much of a sex life. He vowed to enjoy it to the fullest. Tony lifted one of the boy's legs, sort of turning him on his side. This exposed the boy's delicate cleft. He brought the towel up the cleft slowly and gently. As he did this, he intentionally let his hand slide up the thigh he was lifting until the back of his hand touched the now-tight scrotum. In a moment of abandon, Chad moaned his appreciation. Tony rubbed in the cleft again. "Does this feel good?" he asked hopefully. "Wow. Does it ever." Feeling bold, Tony released the boy's leg and grasped the thin, 2-1/4 inch erection between thumb and forefinger. "We've got to get this beautiful cock dry, too, don't we?" He lightly rubbed the towel on the boy's balls. Chad couldn't believe what was happening. This adult had used one of the naughty words from his dad's porno novels--and he was talking about Chad's body. Even more incredible, this handsome grown man was touching him in a most exciting way--right on his thingy. When the towel touched his glans, Chad tensed every muscle in his body. He cried out upon sudden, unexpected release, and, though he had rubbed himself to orgasms before, none had felt remotely as powerful as this one. As his contractions subsided, Chad heard something he couldn't quite believe. Tony whispered, "You are so beautiful." Then the man's fingers grasped his thingy. Chad cringed from the overstimulation following his dry orgasm. Tony, not knowing how sensitive a pre-adolescent's penis can be after orgasm, thought Chad was experiencing post-orgasmic remorse. "Sorry," he muttered. "I just got...carried away. It won't happen again, Chad." He stepped back, and feeling sheepish, said, "I'll go look for some clean clothes for you." Of course, there were no clean clothes. Tony grabbed a pair of underwear that had the least amount of stains and a wrinkled t- shirt that didn't smell too musty. He came back into the living room. The boy looked sullen and his brow was wrinkled. Tony's guilt flooded over him. "Oh, Chad, I didn't mean to upset you or hurt you. Can you forgive me?" Chad felt confused. He didn't know why Tony kept apologizing. And the man had said it would never happen again, which was Chad's greatest fear. He didn't know what to say, but he struggled to come up with something, knowing he had to calm Tony down a little. "You said I was beautiful?" Tony sensed the hope in the boy's voice. Then he realized Chad had made no effort to hide his nakedness. Tony stopped and made a deliberate and overt study of the naked boy. He stared for several seconds at the boy's flaccid cock. His small testes dangled so low they nearly touched the couch. "You are. I could look at you all day--especially when you're naked." The boy smiled self-consciously. "You're making fun of me." Tony dropped to his knees at the boy's feet, placing a hand on each of Chad's bony knees. Earnestly, he said, "I would never make fun of you. I wish I could be around you all the time. You're a great kid and you're a beautiful kid. Is that hard for you to believe?" "I'm like a circus freak." "No. Don't say that. Don't ever say that. Maybe some day I could take pictures of you." The thought of someone taking pictures of his useless legs made Chad a little sick. "Yuck. No way." He didn't express his next realization--Tony was implying they would see each other again. It made no sense to him why the man would want to come to this filthy place to spend time with a pathetic, helpless boy. Tony even had to carry him in his arms like a baby to get him from room to room. "Well, it was just a thought," Tony said, his disappointment showing. Chad couldn't believe it. Tony seemed to really like the way he looked--even with his scars and skinny legs and all. He wanted to tell the man he would do anything for him, but he lacked the courage to say so. "You really don't have any clean clothes. I can't see putting dirty clothes on a clean body. How about if I lend you the shirt I'm wearing." "What will you wear?" "It's at least 75 degrees out. I'll be fine without one. Maybe I could take your clothes home tonight and launder them." "Oh, I couldn't let you do that..." "But I'd bring them back in the morning." "You'll come back tomorrow?" he asked hopefully. "Think it would be okay with your father?" "I don't think he'll be back home by then." "He can't just leave you here with no food." "That's why they took me away last time. I'm scared they are going to take me again." Tony stood and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Chad looked at the man's hairy torso. Even his nipples were partially obscured by long, straight chest hair. The hair was thickest across his pectorals and around his navel. Tony was a slender man with broad shoulders and good posture. To Chad, he was the most perfect and powerful man he had ever seen. He handed the shirt to Chad. "Maybe I should get going." "Okay," the boy said bravely. He covered his disappointment by taking a long time to put the t-shirt on. The neck opening was so large that one shoulder almost slipped through. The shirt covered his crotch. Tony gathered all the laundry from the bathroom, bedroom, and living room and wrapped it in the sheet off the bed. "I'll bring back some food tomorrow, okay?" "That would be great, Tony. I don't think my dad will be able to pay you back, though." "That's fine. Maybe he'll be home soon." "Yeah. Maybe." Chad knew the man would be gone for several more days--if he came back at all. He half expected some bookie to kill him over unpaid debts. Then Chad knew he'd end up in an institution. "Goodbye, Chad,' Tony said as he opened the door. He looked at the kid and saw tears in his eyes. He dropped the bundle of laundry and came over to the couch. "What's wrong?" "I'm sorry. I'm really glad that you're helping me out. It's just that....I get scared all alone here at night. But I'll be okay. Really." Tony sat next to the boy and rubbed his shoulder. Chad collapsed against Tony's bare chest and sobbed. Tony held him and didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Chad regained his composure enough to apologize. "Chad, I don't want to leave you alone, but I can't stay here." "It's okay. I'll be okay." "Tell you what--I'll go get some burgers and hang out till it gets dark." "You mean it?" He had to get his shirt back from the boy so he could get service in a restaurant. When he returned 40 minutes later, Chad sat in the same place on the couch. His legs were casually spread to reveal his genitals. Tony set the greasy bag on the coffee table and handed Chad his Coke. The boy sat up to take the cup but didn't make a move to cover himself. Tony stared and he knew the kid was letting him stare. He hoped that his pre-cum didn't soak through his jeans. Chad ate all of his french fries and some of Tony's. When they finished, Tony looked around at the barren room and said, "So what do you do to amuse yourself?" There was no radio, television, or telephone. "Not much." Tony got up and grabbed the book on the floor behind the couch. The title was: "Foreskins of our Forefathers" a historically based adult novel. The tattered book fell open to one place, page 135, and Tony knew it was a favorite spot for either Chad or his father. He started reading, plunging into a very explicit account of a European voyage of Ben Franklin's where he lustily availed himself of the services of a young cabin boy. He hoped it was Chad's favorite place since it appeared to be the only non-heterosexual passage in the novel. He looked up to see Chad, with cheeks flushed red, watching him carefully. "This is pretty hot stuff," Tony said. "Dad's got about 20 more stashed under his bed. You can check them out if you want." "Any others about men and young boys?" "No." Chad couldn't tell how Tony knew just which passage to read to bring him the most discomfort, but the man had instantly found his favorite chapter. "No thanks, then," he said flirtatiously. When he realized how bad that sounded, he got sort of nervous and blurted, "I've really got to be going." Chad tried to smile. "Tony, thanks so much for everything. I had a really good day. Best day since the accident." "Here, I'll give you my shirt again," Tony said, stripping his t-shirt off. "What accident?" Chad looked even more depressed. "We got in a car accident. I got crippled and...my mom got killed." "Oh, I didn't know...." For some reason he had assumed Chad had a birth defect. "How long ago was it?" "Three years." He handed his shirt to Chad, then knew he was kidding himself. There was no way he going to leave this vulnerable boy alone in this dumpy apartment. "Wait," he said just as Chad pulled the shirt over his head. "I'm not leaving you here. What I'd like to do is leave a note for you old man telling him you are at my house. If you don't want to do that, I could try to sleep here." "Really?" "Really. Which is it?" "Your place," Chad answered, trying to sound sure of himself. Tony put his t-shirt on and found some of the boy's dirty clothes. He helped him pull the stiff, smelly underpants on. "It'll be just like you didn't take a bath." "Maybe I could have another bath?" "You wouldn't mind?" Chad tried not to smile, not wanting to appear foolish. His smile, strained as he tried to suppress it, was a glorious sight to Tony. "Let me load your dirty clothes into my car, then I'll come back for you. Tony grabbed a notebook and a pen from his car, then dashed back to Chad. "I'm writing a note to your dad, giving him the telephone number where he can reach us. Just in case he comes home before we return. I'm going to bug the manager to see if he'll help me find your wheelchair." "Before you do that, just look to see if it is in the tenant storage area in the cellar. I'm pretty sure that's where Dad put it." Tony found the chair and by folding it was able to get it into his back seat. He went back to the apartment and said, "Ready?" "You're really going to do it?" "Unless you tell me not to." "I'm ready." PART TWO: Tony's house was in Jefferson Park, a neighborhood in Chicago's northwest side. His two flat looked very similar to all the rest of the houses on his street. They all had short front yards, little space between houses, and a slightly larger back yard. "Here we are," he said as he got out to open his garage door. Once he had the car inside the narrow garage, he regretted the decision. It was going to be hard to get the kid and his wheel chair from the car and into the house. He paused again to look in on Chad. The boy had a steely, anxious look about him as he sat straight backed on his front seat. "I'm going to unlock the house. I'll be right back to get you." "Okay." Tony fumbled with the key. When he got inside, he scrambled to his spare bedroom and gathered up the magazines he'd left strewn about. They were all nudist magazines that focused on boys. He had a couple of magazines that were more sexual, including a couple of his favorites in a series called "Chicken Little." He rushed to his bedroom and stuffed the stack of magazines under his bed. When he got back outside, he was aware he had taken too long. Chad looked like a dog expecting to be beaten. Before he opened the door to reach the boy, he could tell that his entire body trembled fiercely. "What's wrong?" "I'm scared." "Of what?" "I don't know...." "I won't hurt you, Chad." He knelt down and reached his hand in to take Chad's hand. "I know." "Then why are you scared?" "I don't know," the boy said in a thin, shaky voice as tears wetted his cheeks. "Well, lets get you inside and settled. Then you'll feel a lot better." He stood and hooked the boy under his arms. With little effort, he was able to pull him from the car and cradle him in his arms. He walked carefully to the door and pushed his way inside. The back door opened to the kitchen. He set Chad on a kitchen chair and stepped back. "I'll give you a tour in a moment. I'd like to bring your chair and your laundry inside first. Can I get you a Coke?" "No thanks." He affectionately touched the uncombed black hair over the boy's ear. "Sure?" "That's okay." Tony went to the refrigerator and pulled two stubby bottles of Coke out. He grabbed an opener from the silverware drawer and popped the tops. "You don't have to drink it, but I want one and don't want to be rude." Chad took the Coke and immediately took a sip. Tony beamed at him. "I'll be right back." As he brought the chair inside, Tony chided himself for being so awkward and excited. Having this boy in his home was beyond his wildest fantasy. He knew it was only temporary and that he could get into trouble for having him there. And he knew his intentions were clouded by lust and fantasy. He brought the chair in and set it up next to Chad. "Can I help you get into it?" "I'll do it," Chad said. When Tony went out to get the boy's dirty clothes, Chad tried to scoot over onto the wheelchair. Tony didn't know to set the lock and chad didn't think about it. As he slid, the chair moved away from him and he fell heavily on the floor, tipping the kitchen chair over in the process. "God, are you okay?" Tony said, dropping the armload of smelly clothes and dashing to the boy's side. "I'm sorry. I just can't do anything right." He got the frightened 11 year old into his wheelchair and said, "Are you hurt?" "No." "Great! Just forget about it then. Want to see my house?" "You must think I'm stupid." He went to stand at the handles. Impulsively he bent down and kissed the top of Chad's head. "I can't believe how lucky I am to get to spend time with you." Chad felt the touch on the crown of his head and it took a second for him to realize it had been a kiss. His stomach fluttered and he didn't know how to react. He blurted out, "I wish I could stay with you forever." "Me, too," Tony replied. He smiled as he pushed the wheelchair into the dining room. A cheap table with three wooden chairs and an old upright piano were the only furnishings. He moved them on to the living room. "Not much in here. Phonograph and television." A sleeper sofa, a matching recliner, and a bean bag chair were the main furnishings. The coffee table was cluttered with empty glasses and the leftovers of a Beefy Boy burger. He pushed Chad into his bedroom. "This is my room. Sorry it's such a mess." The sheets lay tangled across the double bed. A pair of jeans had been draped across the metal bedframe. Chad swallowed hard and dared to ask the question on his mind. "Will I sleep here?" "Oh, I won't make you sleep with me. I snore. Here," he said quickly to hide his discomfort. Only in his dreams would he share the bed with this beautiful child. "Let me show you your room." As he hastily tried to turn the chair to exit, a wheel got caught on a pair of his white briefs. He bent down to free it and saw the look of distress on Chad's face. "Oh. I just thought maybe...this was the only place to sleep. Not that you'd want to share a bed...with me." Tony paused, the underwear in his hand. Before he could think of a response he could smell the bleach-like odor of his semen coming from the damp cotton. He had used them for clean-up last night after masturbating. He saw the boy was staring at the obviously soiled briefs and quickly stashed them in the closet. They were both uncomfortable again. Tony cursed himself for not being able to make the child feel secure. Was the boy indicating he wanted to share the bed? He didn't know what to do so he retreated to the safety of the back of the wheelchair, out of the boy's line of sight. He took him down the hall to the spare bedroom, his mind racing over how to deal with the ambiguity. As he pushed the chair into the spare bedroom, he said, "It might be kind of scary in here all alone. You can sleep here if you like. Or, you can sleep in my bed. Your choice." "I don't want to be any trouble...." "Then perhaps you should sleep with me. That way if you need anything during the night, I'll be right there to wake up." Tony joined the boy in a triumphant smile. Still, he wished he could make the boy more comfortable. The problem, of course, was his secret desire to make love to Chad. That desire was fanned further a moment later. "Tony, I feel kind of gross in these dirty clothes. Can we take them off?" "I forgot all about it, Chad. I'm sorry." He wheeled the boy into the living room and said, "Shall I help you?" "It's hard for me to get long pants off." Tony knelt at his feet and unlaced his shoes. They were in need of a coat of shoe polish. The socks were stiff and had holes in them. The smell was not pleasant, so Tony breathed through his mouth. When he looked up, he saw the boy's slender, graceful chest. He had unbuttoned the shirt and slipped it off. Tony allowed himself a moment to look at the boy's large brown nipples. The contoured shape of his chest and rib cage showed plainly beneath the pale skin. Even his collar bones seemed more pronounced. Still on his knees, he slid closer and tentatively reached for the snap at the waist of his slacks. To accommodate this, Chad leaned back and moved his hands away from his lap. As Tony fumbled with the snap, Chad sucked his stomach in to give him better access. It popped, then Tony pulled the zipper open, exposing the filthy shorts beneath the slacks. He moved back a little and pulled the trousers down the boy's legs. Chad grunted as he lifted his hips a little. Tony wasted no time in repeating the procedure to remove the boy's underpants. He scooped up the dirty clothes and stood staring at the boy's crotch. "Wow. As good as you look, I may never give you your clothes back." In response, Chad smiled and spread his legs wider. "Do you really like the way I look? Aren't the scars and my skinny legs kind of disgusting?" "Not at all. Shall I get you some of my clothes?" "Can I have another bath?" he asked shyly. "Only if I get to dry you again." "Yeah!" By the time the water was drawn in the tub, the boy had an erection. Tony felt pleased that Chad made no effort to hide it. He looked pointedly at the 2-1/4 inch erection. Sincerely, he said, "I'm glad to see you are getting more comfortable being around me." Chad giggled and covered himself with both hands. "Let's go." The boy's arms fit naturally around his neck as he carried him to the bathroom, as though this were a common event for them. Tony noted that the boy did not stiffen defensively as he lowered Chad into the tub. Could the boy really trust him so soon? He dared to hope so. Chad began rubbing the soap to make lather. He looked up sweetly and said, "I'm glad you brought me here." "Oh, Chad, I just wish I could keep you here." Never had he seen the boy look so intense. "Maybe you can." Tony knelt down to have his face closer to Chad's. "Your dad has custody of you now. Even if he didn't the state would never let you go into the home of a bachelor." Chad looked momentarily crestfallen. He knew the dream was too good to last for long. "Tony, how come you aren't married?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe no woman would have me." "You've got a job, a house, a car. You're strong and handsome. I'd think any woman would want you." "Well, thanks. But I don't date women...." "Why not?" It felt like an interrogation. Tony looked up to see the boy keenly studying him. It was an interrogation. "You tell me." Chad splashed the water with his mostly limp legs and started to rub the lather across his chest. "Is it because you're...you know...." "What?" "Queer?" He whispered, as though he didn't dare say it out loud. "Well, maybe I am, sort of. Does that make you like me less?" "Oh, no. You're my best friend ever. I was sort of hoping you were, you know...." "Well, I've never had a boyfriend. Or been attracted to a man." "Oh." Chad could not hide his disappointment. He stared down at his erection, wishing it would go away. Tony knew this was a crucial conversation in their relationship. The boy had been fishing for a confession. Why? >From his disappointment, Tony had a clue. He hoped his conclusion was correct. He swallowed hard, then decided that the kid deserved the truth. He was so vulnerable in so many ways, yet so mature and intelligent. More out of respect for the boy than out of desire to seduce him, Tony confessed. "But I am attracted to you." It took a moment for the statement to register. "Really?" "Chad, you are my friend. And I care very much about what happens to you. It's just that there is this other part, these urges. But I can control them. Except maybe...maybe it wouldn't be a good idea for me to towel you dry." "But you promised!" "That was before you knew how I felt toward you." "Please?" "Well...okay. First, let me shampoo your hair." He grabbed a towel to kneel on, then got toothbrushing cup from the sink. He scooped water from the tub and poured it on the long, black hair. Chad closed his eyes, his mouth turned upward in a contented smile. After wetting the boy's hair, Tony began applying shampoo. The first application didn't produce much lather, so he quickly rinsed it and applied more shampoo, this time rubbing his fingertips into the boy's scalp as a rich lather slid down his neck and onto his back. "That feels really good," Chad said. "You have nice hair." "Maybe sometime I could shampoo your hair." "I don't usually bathe. I prefer using the shower." "I've never taken a shower before." "I love them." "Maybe we could take one together." Tony felt his heart flutter at what was clearly a seductive line. Without responding, he completed the final rinse. "You're starting to shrivel up," he said as he pulled the plug. "Stay right there," he said as he went to get a towel. Then he realized the boy had no choice but to stay right there, and he felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Chad said, "Sometimes after my baths I used to run around the house naked. Mom called me a savage." Chad's face went from a smile to a frown. "Of course, that was before the accident." Tony felt like crying. What an accident. He had lost the use of his legs. Worse, he had lost his mother. Tony put the towel over Chad's head and began rubbing it to get some of the water from his hair. He pulled the towel back and solemnly kissed the top of Chad's head. "You miss her a lot, don't you?" Chad suddenly wrapped his arms around Tony's neck, pulling himself around so he could press his cheek against the man's neck. Tony leaned forward to awkwardly accommodate the boy's hug. With damp hair pressed against his cheek, he couldn't help but notice Chad's flaccid penis. He spoke into Tony's neck. "I never used to think about her. I was afraid I'd forgotten." He broke free of the hug and said, "I never want to forget her." "You won't. She had a lot to do with your turning out to be the wonderful kid you are." "I'm getting sort of cold." The tub would be drained within a minute. Tony grabbed a couple of beach towels from the shelf and lifted the boy, pausing to wrap him in the towels. He carried Chad into the living room and set him on the sofa. After turning the radio on, he sat next to Chad and opened the towels to expose the boy's slender, pale body. Though Chad was mostly dry from being wrapped in the towels, Tony began gently rubbing the towel across the boy's chest. "That feels nice." Through the fluffy cotton of the towel, his fingertips explored the boy's torso, avoiding his genitals. By the time he was ready to "dry" the boy's genitals, both of them were fully aroused. He lightly rubbed across the 11 year old's balls. "Let me know if you want me to stop." "Oh, it feels so good." Chad used his elbows to prop himself up to get a view of the action. Tony couldn't believe how cute and delicate the little glans was. He enveloped it with the towel and felt the boy's hips rise slightly. The dark lashes closed on his crisp green eyes, and his mouth gaped open in a fetching display of sexual passion and pleasure. After a moment, Tony set the towel aside. He let his fingertips brush from base to tip of Chad's cock. Chad's eyes flew open, and again he said, "That feels really good." Despite the hot bath, Chad's balls were snug against the base of his cock. Tony felt the urge and didn't pause to think, he just leaned forward and kissed the marble-sized glans. Tony felt the boy's abdominal muscles contract, so he looked up, not sure whether the boy wanted him to continue or to stop. Chad gazed at him with wide eyes. "Wow," he said. "More?" "More." Tony returned his face to Chad's crotch. There was no smell, unlike his own hairy crotch. He licked across the smooth skin covering his pubis, then ran his tongue across the wrinkled scrotum, feeling the testes churning beneath his caress. When he brought his lips the length of the short shaft, he used his fingertip to lift it, guiding Chad's cock into his mouth. The miniature shaft fit nicely against his cupped tongue, as he slightly raised and lowered his head. "Do that some more," Chad encouraged, bringing both hands to cradle Tony's head. As the head began to move up and down, the fingers entwined his hair. The muscles in Chad's hips and abdomen began to twitch. "Tony, I feel funny," he said, a tinge of fear in his voice. Tony smacked his lips and said, "Just relax and in a minute it will feel even better." He sucked Chad's cock back into his mouth. It was less than two minutes before the boy's hips began the involuntary thrusts of his orgasm. The boy's hands had moved to the top of Tony's head and were applying surprisingly strong downward pressure. Tony pressed his lips against the hairless balls and remained motionless as the boy's hips danced out his orgasm. When the hips became motionless and the grip on his head eased, Tony raised up and made eye contact. "Was that fun?" "Boy, I'll say!" Totally unashamed, he sprawled out on the sofa. Chad liked the way Tony looked at his naked body. He like the way Tony made his naked body feel, too. "Can we do that again?" "Right now?" Tony asked in dismay. The boy's penis was still erect. Tony felt his own discomfort, caused by extended overarousal, and wondered if the boy was ready to see an adult's cock. The green eyes were all innocence and trust. He knew he wouldn't bring up the subject of his own sexual release. That was up to Chad. "Can we?" "How about something to eat?" The boy frowned. "Okay. You aren't mad at me, are you?" "Why would I be mad?" "I don't know...'cause of what I asked you to do." "I'm very happy, Chad. I liked what I did, and I liked the fact it made you feel good. Actually, making you feel good was the best part of it for me." "Why?" "Because I like you, you big dope. When you really like someone, finding ways to make them happy is very rewarding." He nudged playfully at the boy's damp hair, then started toward the kitchen. "How about some spaghetti?" "Sure. That'd be great." Tony stopped in the doorway. "Do you want me to help you into the wheel chair, or would you rather relax on the sofa for a few minutes?" "Can I come to the kitchen with you?" "I'd like that." He brought the chair next to the sofa, placed a towel down on the seat of it, then set the naked boy on it. "There. How's that?" "Good." "Would you rather I get you some clothes?" "I don't care. Whatever you want." "Then you'll stay naked." Chad smiled. He went to the kitchen, put a pot on the old gas range, and turned the radio on. The Beatles were playing "Roll Over Beethoven," and he sang along. A moment later, Chad wheeled himself into the room. Tony pulled a chair away from the table so the kid could get close to it. As he waited for the water to boil, he opened a can of stewed tomatoes and tomato paste. "Ever cut and onion?" "No." "Want to learn?" Without waiting for a reply, he brought a cutting board, a butcher knife and a large yellow onion over to the table. Chad looked at the cutting board, which was a piece of wood cut in the outline of a pig. He giggled. Then he listened carefully while Tony gave him directions. "What ever you do, don't cut yourself. I can't stand the sight of blood." Tony unwrapped a pound of ground beef from the white butcher's paper and dropped it in a frying pan. "You've got to set the fire on low to brown the hamburger." "Oh," the kid replied, looking up from the onion, which he had peeled and sliced once. His eyes stung so he squinted. "Smells like a strong onion. You'll be crying like a baby in a minute." He began rummaging around in the cupboard. "I know I have some oregano around here somewhere." "What's that?" "A spice. Can't make a decent spaghetti sauce without it. I'd normally add garlic, too, but I have a feeling I'm pushing things with you to use onion. You'd never eat it if I put garlic in." "Onions are okay. But I don't know what garlic is." Tony grabbed a clove from the ice box and handed it to Chad. "Give me a week or so, and I'll have you cooking like an old housewife." Chad smiled, thinking that he'd give anything to get to stay with Tony that long. "Good job on the onion," Tony said, picking up the cutting board. "I'm just going to add it to the hamburger meat." Using the butcher knife, he scraped the onions into the sizzling pan. He came back to get the clove of garlic. "It's reassuring to see your dick isn't always hard as a rock." Chad's face turned bright red. His penis was not completely flaccid, but concentrating on cutting the onion had taken his mind off the intense pleasure from a few moments earlier. At the mention of it, however, the pencil-thin shaft twitched. "Oops. I spoke too soon." That turned Chad's face even more red. And his cock became completely stiff again. He put a hand in his lap to cover it. Tony added, "Course, with the sight of you to distract me, I'll probably ruin the spaghetti." But he didn't ruin it, and during the dinner, they talked about music, Have Gun Will Travel (a television show), and the Apollo space program. By the time Tony finished the dishes, it was 10:00 pm. "Bedtime." Tony had every intention of caressing Chad's naked body once they were in bed; however, once he had lifted the boy onto the bed and he saw the thin body relax into his soft, clean pillow, Tony knew the boy needed a good night's sleep. He saw the dark circles under the boy's eyes, and realized he probably hadn't slept that well--being alone and frightened and hungry in the small apartment. Tony had put Chad on the side of the bed closest to the wall. He sat next to the boy and stoked his cheek. "Go to sleep, Chad. Tomorrow we're going back to your apartment so I can clean it up a little. Don't want those social workers to stick you in some institution again, do we?" Chad raised up on one elbow. "I want to stay here with you forever!" Tony pulled the Chad's head to his chest and hugged him. "I'd like that, too, Chad. But we'll have to settle for what we can get. When your dad gets home, maybe we can work something out so I can see you several times a week." He kissed the top of Chad's head and lowered him back to the bed. "Now go to sleep." "Aren't you coming to bed?" "Not yet. I've got to balance the checkbook and make a list of things to do for tomorrow. I'll sneak quietly to bed in about an hour. If you're asleep when I get here, you won't have to listen to me snore." "I don't mind if you snore." "And there's one other thing...you can't tell anyone, especially not the social worker, that we slept in the same bed. I hate having secrets, but it's important." "I hate those people from social services." "Promise not to tell anyone?" Chad looked very serious. "I promise. But Tony?" "Yes." "Are we doing something bad?" "I don't think so. Most people would think it is very wrong for us to share a bed. Almost everyone would think it was a bad thing that I did to you after the bath." "Yeah. I guess I knew that." He looked troubled. "You need to decide whether you think what we did was bad. Because if you feel guilty or have any bad feelings about it, then we need to make certain it doesn't happen again." "But you don't feel bad about it?" "No, Chad. I enjoyed being so close to you. It seemed like you enjoyed it, too." "I did." Tony smiled. "I really did!" "Great. I'd hate to think that I made you feel bad." "So we can do it again sometime?" "I hope so." "Good night, Tony." The boy fell back onto the pillow with a contented look on his face. Tony leaned down and quickly kissed him on the forehead. He straightened up. "Good night, Chad." "That's the first time anyone kissed me since...." Tony knew the words the kid choked on: "Since my mom died." But Chad sniffled once, then finished by saying "...in a long time." Tony bent to kiss his forehead again, but instead he met the boy's surprisingly full and soft lips. Though intensely intimate, the brief kiss did not feel sexual. Tony felt a warm flush suffuse his body, providing him for the first time with the satisfaction of having truly connected with an expression of love. He turned off the light and quietly slipped into the hall. As he stood for a moment to reflect, Tony realized that the precious moments of love would not last long. Boys grow into men. That was part of the curse of being a boy-lover. Two hours later, Tony stepped softly into his bedroom, and stood beside the bed. With the shades drawn and the lights out in the house, the room seemed textured with layers of darkness. But for the first time in his adult life, his bedroom was not empty. By standing motionless and holding his own breath, he could hear the gentle rasp of the sleeping child's breath. The sound possessed a beauty beyond the grasp of the world's greatest composers. He slowly undressed down to his briefs, then very carefully lifted the sheet to slide under it. As the bed creaked under his weight, he realized Chad lay next to him without clothing. The thought sent a weight to his groin as his penis fattened and rolled to one side within the gentle confines of his briefs. He stared toward the invisible ceiling and wondered at his good fortune. He awakened slowly into the still-dark night with a warm sexual glow. The waistband of his briefs had been stretched and hooked beneath his balls. The pressure against them was nearly painful. Perhaps it would have been painful if not for the delicious sensations coming from his erection. Chad had Tony's cock in one fist and slowly worked the foreskin across the glans. He felt the boy's breath on his ribs, and knew Chad had slid downward on the bed. Judging by how close he was to orgasm, Tony decided the boy had probably been masturbating him for some time. Not wanting to break the spell, he lay motionless, allowing the boy to continue his ministrations. After a moment, Chad began lengthening his strokes. They seemed awkward, perhaps from fatigue. When he pushed down too hard, stretching the skin and slapping his little fist into Tony's stretched and taut balls, Tony involuntarily moaned. Chad froze in place, keeping his grip on the cock but no longer manipulating it. Tony thrust his hips upward in encouragement and Chad again began covering and exposing the slick glans. Because of the slowness of the boy's strokes and the dream-like quality of being awakened in the middle of the night, Tony's orgasm built for a long time. It started as a hollow place behind his balls. His stomach muscles began to constrict and he panted in shallow breaths. He wanted it to last and tried to hold back, but things had gone beyond the point of control. His knees rose and his hands began moving toward his crotch, when suddenly his hips raised off the bed and he grunted blissfully. From the moment of first contraction until the drops of semen splattered heavily against his chest, time seemed to stand still. Then any semblance of control was lost as his hips bounced on the sweaty sheet. Subsequent wads of semen landed closer to his cock, with the last two or three emissions softly seeping across the 11 year old's knuckles. When it was over, Tony gently released Chad's hand from his slackening erection, and pulled the boy onto his chest. Still not over how powerful Tony' orgasm had been, Chad was further amazed at the quantity of slippery stuff that his naked body was pulled upon. He felt the slippery fluid on his cheek and at various places the length of his abdomen. The crude, bleach-like smell of the semen served to make him even more aroused. His 2- 1/4 inch erection pressed into the slimy, wiry pubic hairs, and his little balls nuzzled against the slick cock. Chad felt relieved when Tony pulled him onto his chest. He'd been uncertain how the man would react to his boldness. Clearly, it had been okay with Tony. The man gently stoked the boy's hair and again started to drift off to sleep. Chad was very horny and was starting to feel a little frustrated. He had hoped Tony would want to do something to him, maybe even take his little dick into his mouth again. He sighed and thrust his hips into Tony's soggy crotch, savoring the coarse, stimulating friction. Tony brought his hand down to the boy's buttocks, sliding his middle finger in the moist cleft. By applying pressure with his hand, he manipulated Chad's erection against his body. Chad worked his hips as well as he could, feeling anger at his useless legs. He stopped for a moment when he felt the fingertip rub across the rubbery tissue of his anus. It made him feel even more tingles--all the way to his clenched toes. "Do that again," he whispered. Tony slid his hand between their bodies and gathered some of his semen onto his fingertip. He worked it into the crack of the boy's butt, connecting quickly with his anus. Using the semen for a little lubrication, he gently eased his fingertip inside. The tiny opening pinched at his finger. He pressed it in to the second joint, then began using the palm of his hand to rub their crotches together once again. Chad face rubbed against Tony's chest, bringing some of the semen to his lips. Impulsively, the lust-filled boy licked his lips. The only taste was a sort of bitter saltiness. It wasn't anything like it smelled. As the sensations in his anus and cock mounted to a feverish pitch, he licked the rest of the puddle of semen from Tony's hairy chest. He could feel some hairs in his mouth, but he didn't care so long as the electric pleasure continued at his groin. Tony felt the boy licking at his chest, and began to realize for the first time, how physically and emotionally ready for sex a pre-pubescent boy could be. It wasn't a pleasant little game of forbidden tickling--it was full blown sexual passion. While continuing to probe the boy's rectum, he brought his other hand between their bodies and grasped at the finger-like erection. >From the trashing and small gasping sounds, the boy's dry orgasm became evident. Remembering how sensitive Chad was immediately after orgasm, he released the boy's cock. He was more reluctant to pull his finger from the boy's butt. The sphincter muscle had relaxed significantly and he was able to push his finger in as deeply as it would go without meeting much resistance. Even after he slid Chad off his body and snuggled up against him, he left his finger inside. Chad slept before him. When the alarm went off at 7:00, his finger was still inside Chad's anus. He raised up to silence the alarm with the other hand. Chad, who was sleeping on his side facing away from Tony, pulled a pillow over his head. "Good morning," Tony said, leaning down to kiss the boy's shoulder. The pillow came off his head. "Good morning." "Shall I carry you to the bathroom?" "Yes, please." Reluctantly, he withdrew his finger. As the boy rolled onto his back, Tony saw the patches of dried semen on the boy's radiant skin. Looking down, he saw crusts of semen sticking to the hairs on his torso. "Looks like we'll both need to do some cleaning up." "Another bath?" the boy asked hopefully. His penis was erect. "Maybe later. Just a washcloth this morning. We have to get over to your apartment and get it cleaned up." It took a long time to actually get any work done. First he had to carry the wheelchair out to the car, then all the cleaning supplies, then Chad. On the way there Tony realized there was very little food at the apartment. He felt incompetent for not having planned ahead to go to the grocery store before he got everything loaded into the car. "Chad, I've got to stop and get some groceries. It's too hot to leave you in the car. I know it's a pain, but would you mind coming shopping with me?" The boy's face lit up. "You're going to take me into a store?" Tony's confusion lasted only a moment. He hadn't considered that Chad didn't get many opportunities to go shopping. Who would take him? "Yeah. If anyone asks, tell them I'm your father." "Sure thing," Chad said. A moment later, he smiled and added, "Dad." Tony swatted at his knee, then pulled into the Piggy Wiggly parking lot. Getting Chad into the wheel chair proved to be an easier task than he had imagined. Practice was making the two of them work much better together as a team. He pushed the boy into the store, noting the stares he got from a couple little old ladies with blue hair. He saw the kid as if from fresh eyes. He looked insignificant in the adult-sized chair. Further, it was difficult for him to maneuver it. Tony wondered what a child's wheel chair would cost. He handed the kid a box from the bin by the checkout aisle. "You've got to hold the groceries in your lap." "No problem, Tony." A moment later, he said, "No problem, Dad." He went down every aisle--not because he needed that much stuff, but because Chad was wide-eyed at everything.He couldn't help but ask: "When was the last time you were in a grocery store?" "I don't know. I guess I was 8 years old." After Tony had loaded the chair, groceries and Chad into the car, he said, "If you could go to the store and buy anything you wanted, what would it be?" Chad thought for a moment. "I don't need anything." "A toy? Books?" "Well...I've always wanted a pair of Converse tennis shoes. Black ones." "There's a shoe store between here and your apartment. We'll stop and see if they've got Converse." He looked at the boy's battered penny loafers. Sure they were in bad shape, but it seemed strange that a kid who had practically nothing and who couldn't walk, would want a pair of shoes. It took 30 minutes, but he took the boy into the store, had him sized and slapped down $15.00 for the shoes. Chad wore them, choosing to put his old shoes in the trash. In the car, Chad kept looking at his shoes and smiling. Tony, though perplexed, felt an inner glow at having provided some pleasure to the boy. After dragging the chair up the stairs, he got Chad situated in the living room. "Damn, I forgot to bring a book for you to read." He opened all the windows in the stuffy apartment, then handed Chad the porno novel about Ben Franklin. "That's okay. I'll just watch you, if you don't mind." He left the book on his lap but didn't look at it. "Okay, but later, I may want you to read out loud to me." He hauled the groceries and cleaning supplies up to the apartment. After four hours of intensive cleaning, he felt the kitchen, living room, and bathroom were acceptable. He collapsed on the couch near where Chad sat in his wheel chair. "The place looks great," Chad said. "Thanks." "You're not taking me back to your place, are you?" Chad asked in a small, wounded voice. "No. I have to work tomorrow, and we'd both get in big trouble if social services couldn't find you." "Are you going to call them?" "God, no! They would try to keep me from seeing you." "Can't I stay with you tonight. You could drop me off on your way to work." Chad hated that he was begging, but he couldn't stop himself. Worse, once he started, he couldn't stop. He saw Tony's sad look, his shaking head, and it made his desperation climb. "Please. I won't be any trouble. You don't even have to carry my upstairs tomorrow. I can crawl." His voice broke and he turned his face toward his lap to hide his tears. "I can crawl," he repeated. Tony clenched his fists. He knew his fury was his way of protecting himself from feeling vulnerable and inadequate. Knowing wasn't enough to stop it. "Stop it!" A single sniffle punctuated the silence in the room. Tony sat on a rickety chair at the kitchen table. "I've got a deck of cards. Want to play something?" "I don't know how," came the sullen reply. "Then come and learn." They played until dark--rummy, kings in the corner, black jack. The light from the kitchen window grew dim as dusk settled. Tony looked at his watch. "It's after 9:00, Chad. I've got to go." "Okay." Tony slid his chair closer to the boy, gently lifting the chin of the solemn face. "Look at me." Tony resisted kissing the pouting lips. "I'll be back after work tomorrow. I'll bring some books and a radio. Anything else you want?" "You promise you'll come?" "I'll be here about 6:00." He leaned in slowly and Chad's lips met his in a short kiss. "I love you," he said as he stroked Chad's hair. Chad looked stunned. "No, you don't," he said quickly. No one loved him. He was a cripple in a chair and the most anyone could feel for him was pity. He had known that even before the fat orderly at the Institute told him so. He felt miserable as he saw Tony's face turn ashen, knowing that he'd hurt him. Tony sat back, looked absently out the window, and silently cursed himself for taking such a chance. Of course, it would scare the kid to have him come on so strong. And how could Chad react but to accept his advances. He knew the kid desperately needed a caretaker. Not a 40 year old lover. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He got to his feet and moved behind Chad. "I'd better get going." "Tony," he said in a small, choked voice. But Tony had already turned the door handle and stood in the hall. "Good night, Chad. See you tomorrow." He wheeled his chair around in time to see the door closing. "Tony!" he called as it slammed. He sat for a nearly a minute, hopefully waiting for Tony to return. Then he wheeled to the sink and raised himself up on the counter to peer out the window. He saw Tony's car pull from the curb and burst into tears, believing he had sent the man away forever. That night Tony got his child pornography collection out and looked through the photos. Most of the boys had smiling faces, and they proudly displayed their bodies. Even the boys who were being sodomized seemed to be enjoying themselves. But he wondered if they were. Were they like Chad, cripples in their own way who were dependent upon exploitive men for their well- being? He gathered the collection and started toward the trash bin. He nearly made it to the kitchen when the phone rang. He kept the magazines in hand as he grabbed the phone. John Hasken's deep voice greeted him. "Man, I've been trying to get hold of you all day." "What's up?" "Met a guy on the south side that's got a box full of mags. There's nearly 100 of them. And Tony, these are really hot. I saw a couple of them. They're all full-fledged fucking and some of the kids are only 5 or 6. There's all sorts of stuff--pissing, bondage, gang bangs. Anyway, the deal is, he needs to unload the whole shipment. All he wants is $500." "Wow." He looked at the magazines in his hand and the thought of a treasure chest of them, gave him the start of an erection. "The best part is, he says he can get his hands on 8mm movies, too. He comes to Chicago every other month. So, Tony, can I count on you for half?" Tony had nearly $500 in his savings account, so he knew he could do it. "That's a lot of money," he said, not trying to conceal his excitement. "Then you're in." He nearly said yes, but a sudden image of Chad, laboring to maneuver his adult-sized wheel chair sprang into his head. "Hey, John, what does a wheel chair cost?" "How the hell would I know. You get in an accident?" "No. John, I've got to pass on this deal. Thanks for calling me, though," "Listen, Tony, you don't know what you're missing here. You're dick will be hard for 5 years, for Christ's sake." "I can't afford it right now, buddy." "Shit, borrow it from your mother." "You know she's dead." "Well, how about Father O'Meara?" "Right, John. I just stroll on up to the sanctuary and say, 'Hey Padre, spare some money so I can buy pictures of little boys getting fucked?' I'm sure he'd be glad to help." "Okay, Tony. But you're missing out. Don't expect another chance like this one." "Thanks again, John." Tony hung up and carefully hid his magazines under the bed in the spare bedroom. Tony made a few phone calls the next morning, then went out on his lunch to a medical supply store and paid $200 for a child's wheel chair. After work he raced to Chad's apartment. No one answered when he knocked. He tried forcing the door, but it was locked. Finally, he got the grumbling manager to open it for him. Chad, his wheel chair, and his small sack of clothing were all gone. He looked around for a note, but there was none. He sat down at the table and cradled his head in his hands. He left a note with his phone number in case Chad returned, but he knew the boy wouldn't. There was only one explanation of the boy's disappearance--social services had come and chosen to remove him. And if they had come, why wouldn't they take him--his father was no where to be found. He carried the wheel chair into the house and set it up in the living room. He knew he should take it back to get a refund, but the thought of giving up seemed too much to bear. Inside, a hollow pain pulsed like his heart. The unrelenting emotional pain didn't leave throughout cooking and forcing himself to eat his supper. He settled down in front of the television. An hour later, Lawrence Welk a program he detested, came on. He lacked the volition to get up to change the channel. By 10:00, the pain and turmoil had begun to fade. When the telephone rang, he rushed to it, fumbling the receiver in his eagerness. The pain returned when he discovered it was not Chad. "Hello, John." "Jesus, pal, don't sound so excited." "Sorry. I was hoping you were someone else." "That's what my mother says, too." John laughed at his own joke. "Anyway, guy, remember the big deal you passed up yesterday?" "Yeah, I remember." "You can still get in on it. I need someone to come with me to make the buy. I'll cut you in for $100." "Why do you need someone with you?" "This guy is kind of scary." "Then you should stay away from him." "Come on, Tony. You know I can't stay away from something like this. I've had a hard-on for two straight days." "You should try masturbating...." "That's why I want the mags, stupid. I can be there to pick you up in 30 minutes. Say 'yes' Tony." "Man, tomorrow is a work day." "Come on, Tony. If the magazines don't mean anything to you- -and I know better than that--won't you do it as a favor for a friend?" He sighed. "Fine." "Great man! See you in a bit." "I don't have $100 in cash and the banks are closed." "No sweat, man. You can pay me tomorrow." "And, John, you take the bondage and weird shit. I'm not interested." "No problemo, partner." The rendezvous was in a warehouse district near the stockyards. A van stood alone beneath a streetlight. John pulled up next to the van, positioning his car for a swift getaway. As they got out of John's car, a stout man with greasy black hair got out of the van. "Got the bread?" "Yes. Got the magazines," John said. Tony could tell John was nervous. Tony felt a sort of recklessness, as though he almost hoped something went wrong. The man opened the side door of the van and handed a flashlight to John. "Take a look at the goods." John took the light, looked back at Tony for reassurance, then leaned inside the van. "Jesus Christ," he said stepping back. He looked at the man. "There's a kid in there." "Oh, Miguel? He's just some merchandise I'm bringing back from a party." "He's beautiful." "Think so? Miguel, come on out." A moment later a dark skinned boy of about 9 stepped into the dim glow of the streetlight. He was naked. He stood unsteadily and looked questioningly at the man. "Is he drunk?" Tony asked, feeling a little excited and disgusted. "No. It's smack. If you guys want, I'll give you a freebie. He ain't too fresh at the moment, but you can fuck him, long as you do it quick." The kid looked at Tony through glazed eyes and licked his lips. Tony stepped back. "No thanks," he said. "Where?" John asked. "In the van. First show me your money, though." John took the money from the envelope he'd stuffed into the front of his jeans and handed it to the man. The kid led the way into the van. "Leave the door open," the man said. Tony felt sickened and embarrassed as they stood watching the van rock on its springs. Less than five minutes later John came out of the van. He turned and picked up the box of magazines and said, "Thanks, man." "You want the boy to spend some time with you, he costs $25 an hour. Just call me." The man pushed a piece of paper into John's pocket. John put the magazines in the trunk. As soon as they were safely back on the streets, John let out a whoop. "God, that was so fantastic." "I'm happy for you." "What the hell's the matter with you, Tony? You had a chance at your first piece of boy-ass and you passed it up." "I felt sorry for the kid." "Come on. He was feeling no pain. Besides, his ass was pretty loose. I went all the way inside in one thrust. The kid didn't even flinch." "The kid didn't need another fuck. He needs an adult to love him, to take care of him." "Come on, man. He's probably got a shitty life, but I had nothing to do with that." "Did you make him feel better about himself?" "Tony, what the hell is eating you?" John was the only man he knew who also liked boys. It would have been comforting to share his grief and concerns with someone. After what he had seen this night, he knew John was not a person he could tell. The next day, he gave John $100 and John gave him 10 magazines. He didn't even look at them, just stashed them with the rest of his collection. He knew he would want them at some future point. Every evening for the next week, he went to the apartment. He got a call from John on Thursday. The man had contracted gonorrhea. Though he didn't say so, Tony felt no sympathy for John. His heart felt like breaking for the Mexican kid, however. On Friday when he stopped by Chad's apartment, there was a light on. He rushed up the steps and pounded on the door. A scrawny fifty year old man wearing nothing except boxer shorts opened the door and said, "Who the hell are you?" "My name is Tony. Are you Dan, Chad's father?" "Yeah. But, who the hell are you?" "A friend of Chad's. I'm the guy that cleaned your apartment. May I come in?" He sat on the couch across from Dan. The man grabbed his fifth of Jim Beam bourbon from the kitchen counter and took a long drink. "Want some?" "Sure," he leaned forward to take the bottle. He'd never had straight bourbon, so he took a sip. It burned, but he didn't mind. He took another sip and passed the bottle back. "Where is Chad?" Tony asked. "How the fuck would I know?" "Have you called the people from social services?" "No. I ain't got a phone." "Did you get anything in the mail?" "The mail. I didn't think to check that." "Give me the key and I'll check." The mailboxes were in the entryway. There were several letters, including one from the State of Illinois. He rushed back to Dan and handed him the mail. "Open it." The man studied the letter. "Yeah. He's in foster care. They said I abandoned him." "You did." "No. I just got...delayed." He studied the letter. "There's a number I'm supposed to call." He made coffee and tried to make small talk. Finally, the bleary eyed man asked, "What do you want from me?" "I want you to be a father to your son." "Just like that. What the fuck do you know about me...or him?" "I know his mother died in a car accident. And that ever since then you've been drunk." "That ain't when I started getting drunk. I was drunk when I wrecked the car. I've never been good for nothing, Tony, so don't try to reform me. Okay?" "Okay," he said thoughtfully. "But what about Chad?" "I can't even bear to look at him. It's my fault he's ruined. Can't you see how it is for me. I did that to him!" "He needs you." "I get sick to my stomach looking at him. Get out." "Look. When I met him, Chad was in a home for retarded kids. He had no one to talk to. Social services can't find a decent place to put him. You've got to give him a home." "I can't." "What if I helped you?" "Why would you do that?" "I like Chad." "You feel sorry for the crippled kid. He won't be any better off for your pity. I know about you hero types. Doesn't take long for you to get bored and move on to the next pathetic slob to save. Besides, there's no way anyone can help him now...after what I did to him." Chad tried to apply even pressure to the wheels, but it was hard to get them over the riser in the doorway. The chair was too big and it was hard to get leverage on the wheels. He grunted and pushed hard. The chair moved, but unevenly, causing the wheel to scrape against the polished oak on the side of the door frame. "You stupid little fucker!" Mr. Henderson, his new foster father, screamed. The man stood so quickly his kitchen chair flew over backwards. "Now, Jake," Mrs. Henderson said mildly. "You shut up, bitch." She looked down, and sighed when she realized he was going after the boy. She felt guilty over her sense of relief, but she had endured many of her husband's beatings. When they had a foster child, he usually left her alone. And sometimes after he beat the kids, he made love to her like an animal. She felt a tingle in her crotch, and instantly felt guilty about it. The man thundered over to Chad. Since escape was not an option, Chad covered his head and tried not to flinch. Mr. Henderson grabbed him by the hair and jerked the boy back and forth. "You trying to wreck my house?" "No, sir," he gasped. The chair rocked from wheel to wheel and the seat belt bit into his thighs. "It's this chair. Either that or you're too stupid to learn how to use it." Mr. Henderson grabbed a wheel of the chair and jerked it upward. The chair toppled to its side. Chad's head slammed into the linoleum and he saw a brilliant flash of light. The seat belt kept him trapped in place, helpless to ward off the blows as Mr. Henderson started kicking him. The man stomped on his left hand and ground his heel. Unable to scream, Chad whimpered. Finally, he got the belt unclasped and was able to pull himself into a fetal position, his arms pulled over his head. Mr. Henderson grabbed the chair and carried it to the back porch. "Till you learn how to use it right, it stays outside." He threw the chair off the porch. "Now get your crippled ass up to the table so we can say our prayers." He managed to get into the chair quickly; however, the effort caused him a lot of pain. He sat at the table with his head slumped, wondering if it was over. With Mr. Henderson, some times the beatings would go on for hours. Sometimes they were over in a moment or two. "Jake, he's bleeding." Chad could feel it trickle from his mouth and nose. The blood tasted bitter, like metal. Mr. Henderson usually avoided hitting him in the face. He said he didn't want the social workers to be asking any questions. "First we pray." The three of them folded their hands while Mr. Henderson recited the ritualistic prayer, "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest. Let this food to us be blessed. Amen." The pain in Chad's ribs didn't seem to be going away. In fact, it seemed to grow worse with each breath. "Go clean yourself up and get back here. And don't make a mess in the bathroom." He slid onto the floor, leaving a trail of blood as he crawled to the bathroom, his useless legs splayed out behind him. He stuffed his nose with toilet paper, but the bleeding wouldn't stop. After over ten minutes, he finally was able to clean the blood from his face and hands. He got a rag from beneath the sink and got it wet. Cold water for blood. That was one of the first lessons for living in the Henderson's house. Hot water makes blood stain even worse. He wiped down the sink and floor and retraced his path, wiping the blood as he went. When he got to the kitchen, Mrs. Henderson was at the sink washing dishes. Mr. Henderson sat on the glider on the back porch smoking his evening cigar. Mrs. Henderson said, "Honey, sit up at the table. I put your plate on the stove to keep it warm." "Thank you, Mrs. Henderson." Even though he didn't know how he would be able to eat, he knew he had better because breakfast was a long ways off. From the porch, Mr. Henderson called, "Feed his food to the dog. If the kid can't sit at the table with us, he can't eat." Mrs. Henderson got a sort of sick look on her face and turned to dump Chad's plate into the dog's dish. When she turned around, tears glistened in her eyes. Softly he said, "It's okay, Mrs. Henderson. I don't think I could eat anyway." He sat at the table with his head in his hands, trying to calm his stomach so he wouldn't vomit. When Mr. Henderson came in, he said, "You've been causing a lot of trouble around here, boy. Should I send you back?" "No, sir. Please let me stay." The social worker had made it clear that he had to get along with the Hendersons. She said the only other placement for him was a mental asylum, and that terrified him. And besides, he did scratch the woodwork because of his clumsiness. "Well, I think as a punishment for scratching the woodwork, you should sleep in the attic for a week. Does that sound fair to you?" "Yes, sir." The attic door, a square opening in the ceiling of the hall on the second floor, had a string dangling from it. When the string was pulled, a steep ladder, like a step ladder, unfolded. Chad doubted he would be able to pull himself up the ladder. He knew he had better be able to, or his punishment would continue on through the night. At bedtime, Mrs. Henderson went upstairs pulled the string to bring the ladder-steps down from the attic. Mr. Henderson supervised his foster son's humiliating and painful trip up the stairs from the first to the second floor. His ribs hurt really badly every time he took a breath or pressed his chest against the edge of a step. His left hand throbbed whether he used it or not. It was puffy and turning a sickly shade of purple. Mr. Henderson stood patiently a few steps behind the boy, occasionally nudging the boy's buttocks with his toe. Chad tried to just shut his mind off. Only five more steps to go and he would be on the second floor. He paused, gasping for breath, and Mr. Henderson kicked him in the butt again. Chad used the very limited feeling in his hip joints to draw a leg up a little. Increasingly impatient, Mr. Henderson kicked again, connecting his toe under the boy's crotch. Chad doubled over with a moan, clutching his aching balls. He slid down a step, bringing on another kick. The man stepped over him, grabbing his hair on the way past. With a firm handful of the boy's long hair, Mr. Henderson hauled Chad to the landing at the top of the steps. Mrs. Henderson was coming out of the bedroom with a pillow and blanket in her arms. "Put that shit away. The kid isn't going up there for a slumber party. He's being punished." Mrs. Henderson skittered back into the bedroom. To Chad, he said, "Go piss, then get back here on the double." His belt buckle scraped noisily along the linoleum of the hall, and he was afraid he'd get beaten again for scratching the floor. He knew not to close the bathroom door because Mr. Henderson seemed to like to watch him struggle to get onto the stool, get his pants down and relieve himself. After the trickle of his urine stopped, Mr. Henderson came over to remove the boy's Converse shoes and pants, leaving his underpants. "Take off your shirt, too. It's dirty in the attic and I don't want you ruining any of your clothes." As he pulled his shirt off, he saw the deep bruises that had formed over his ribs. His lip and eye felt puffy. He hoped his face didn't show discoloration or the lady from social services would start asking lot of questions. He struggled to get his underpants back up, then slid off the stool and onto the cool floor. "Alright, you little jerk, get up to the attic." He knew he deserved this for insulting Tony. He had been given one chance and he had blown it. The climb up the steep steps required him to hold his whole body by his arms. practice with an over-sized wheel chair had helped give him stamina and strength in his arms; however, the injury to his left hand made it hard for him to get a good grip. After he had made it about a third of the way up, he fell crashing to the floor. Mr. Henderson kicked his ribs a couple times. He made sure he didn't fall the second time. Once he got to the top of the stairs, there was a plywood sheet to crawl onto. Mr. Henderson came into the attic and shined his flashlight around. There were a few boxed in the cramped space. Other than a 3 square foot piece of plywood, the attic was just beams with wads of insulation spread between them. The man pointed his flashlight toward a corner were some old scraps of plastic sheeting and a heap of insulation lay. "Make your bed over there." Crawling across the rough beams chafed and scraped at his already punished skin. The insulation clung to his sweaty body and began itching immediately. There was no air to breath and the temperature must have been over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. At last, he made it to the pile of insulation and turned to face the man. The beam of light stayed right in his face. "Stay there until I come to get you in the morning. Understand?" "Yes, sir." Almost gently, Mr. Henderson said, "Good night, Chad." He forced himself to sound brave. "Good night, Mr. Henderson." The door slammed shut and the darkness was complete. After about an hour of sitting in the dark, Chad started to cry. The intense itching he felt all over his body was not relieved by scratching. Eventually he stopped sweating and the itching lessened. The dull throbbing ache from the injuries to his chest and left hand kept him awake. He tried not to think about what his father was doing. He forced himself not to think about his mother--that was too painful. Then he thought about Tony, who must have called social services to get him placed in this foster home. Tony had been so kind, so loving. Chad wished he had been able to believe the man. But he knew deep inside that no one would want to hang out with a cripple. Especially not a strong, smart man like Tony. Despite his resistance, an image of being cradled in Tony's arms after a bath flooded over him. His memory provided him with the scent of Tony's deodorant. He sobbed out loud once, then dug at his eyes with his fists. A small scratching noise came very close to him. He knew it was a mouse. He forced himself to relax and not cry out. The noises continued throughout the night, and though he kept waiting to feel little claws against his bare skin, he never did. His stomach did not feel hunger as he would have expected from missing dinner. Instead, it hurt as though it might burst. When the door opened in the morning, he scrabbled toward the small square of light, hoping it was Mrs. Henderson. It wasn't. "Mrs. Henderson's sister came to take her shopping, so I took the day off today," Mr. Henderson said with a chuckle. "All the better to teach you a lesson." Chad could hear the phone ringing, but Mr. Henderson made no effort to answer it. "Damn bill collectors," he muttered in disgust. "Come on down to use the bathroom." Mr. Henderson slapped him when he attempted to climb up the sink. His tongue felt swollen from thirst. "You want a drink, get it from the toilet like a dog." Chad didn't care that the toilet smelled unclean. At least it had been flushed. Without the use of his legs, getting his head down into the bowl was not easy. Once there, he had to immerse himself, meaning he could not breathe until he brought his head back out of the bowl. He sputtered, but the cold water felt wonderful across his tongue. Chad crawled back into the hallway, then waited for directions from his foster father. "Back up in the attic. You're going to learn not to scratch the woodwork in my house, young man." He fell from the steps twice, and as he faltered the third time, Mr. Henderson put both hands on his butt and pushed him up. "Back into your corner." Chad crawled back into the pile of scratchy insulation. "By the way, I threw your tennis shoes away. What does a cripple need with shoes?" For Chad, the pain of losing the shoes put him over the edge. This pain he felt in his head belonged to someone else. it wasn't Chad who had those things done to him. Chad was safe inside himself. Some other poor cripple had to deal with Mr. Henderson's cruelty. Getting Vera Milton, the county social worker, to allow Tony to accompany Chad's father on a visit was not an easy task. Tony had lied and said he was a long term family friend and that he had agreed to help Dan cut back on his drinking and become a better father. Vera had tried calling the Hendersons, but there was no answer. "Perhaps they are at the market. Well, it's a 30 minute drive, so let's go. Certainly they didn't go far with that poor crippled boy." Tony bit his tongue and quietly got into the back seat. Dan trembled and looked to be in desperate need of a drink. As Vera Milton rummaged in her trunk for some paperwork, Tony said, "You do a good job and get your boy back today, and I'll buy you a fifth of Jim Beam." "It may take more than that to get me through this." "How about f you two came to live with me? Rent free." "Why would you want to do that?" "I love your son." Vera got into the car, ending their conversation. "Your apartment looked much more clean when we came to inspect the last time. That your doing, Tony?" "Yes, Miss Milton. Things are pretty tough for Dan and Chad right now. I'm sorry that I took so long to come to their assistance." "Of course, you know that apartment is unsafe. Why, I get the shivers every time I visit this neighborhood." "Me, too," Dan agreed. Dan looked into the back seat at Tony. Tony nodded. "That's why I was considering Tony's offer of a place for me and my boy to stay. He owns a nice home in Jefferson Park." "Though she was traveling over 40 miles per hour in heavy traffic, the shriveled woman turned to peer keenly at Tony. "Why would you want to open your home to a drunk and his crippled boy?" Tony looked calmly at her. "Because, Miss Milton, I care about them." "Show me this home you are offering to my clients." He directed her to his house, wondering how clean he had left it. Worse, he wondered if he had left any pornographic magazines on his bed. As he showed her the house, he was relieved that he had left things in pretty good shape. When they walked into the living room, she stopped short. Tony was worried about what she might have seen and rushed to her side. She stared at the child-sized wheel chair he had left next to the couch. "What is this?" "Um. It was meant to be a gift for Chad. Perhaps we could take it with us to give to him today?" She frowned at Tony. "Are you an angel, or something? Those chairs cost a fortune." "I assure you I am a mortal man. And it did cost a fortune. It's just that he is having such a hard time getting around in the adult sized chair." She poked her head into the spare bedroom again. "You have only two bedrooms. What would the sleeping arrangements be?" Tony allowed his hopes to rise. "I've got a twin bed in the garage. I thought I could put it in the corner of the living room and put a partition up. Chad could sleep right in the living room. That way it would be easier for him to get to the bathroom and kitchen. Do you think that would be okay? I guess it would be better if he had his own room...Till we work something else out, I could share my bedroom with Dan, giving Chad a room to himself." "A bed in the living room sounds acceptable to me. As for the chair, it would be best to leave it here for now. My car is so terribly small." Tony didn't let his disappointment show. They got back into the car and drove to the Hendersons. Their white two story house looked so much more respectable than Tony's little two flat. He felt a general sense of despair. No way was this woman going to let Chad come to his house. Not when he could live in luxury. Mr. Henderson answered the door wearing his tee shirt. "Well, hello, Miss Milton. It's a pleasure to see you." He looked at the two men standing behind her. He rubbed his unshaven chin, knowing he was in trouble. "Aren't you going to ask us in?" she asked icily. "Of course." He stepped back and they went into a parlor furnished in Victorian fashion. "Mrs. Henderson and Chad have gone out shopping. I don't expect them back for several hours. Sorry." "We would like to talk with you for awhile. This is Dan, Chad's father. And this is Tony, a friend of the family. They are very interested in seeing Chad. Perhaps you could offer us a spot of coffee?" "Of course. Come on out to the kitchen. You may have to help me make the coffee. My wife usually does that, you know." They sat around the table as Mr. Henderson shuffled about getting the percolator and the coffee can. "May I help?" Tony offered. "I'm a bachelor, so I'm used to fending for myself." "Sure," the man said. Tony thought he seemed unreasonably uncomfortable. He went to the kitchen counter and measured coffee into the percolator. "It's nice that you get Chad out of the house. It's rather hard with the wheel chair and all." "Oh, yes, we try to get the kid out a couple times a week." "As I recall," Miss Milton said suspiciously, "Mrs. Henderson does not drive. And isn't this a work day for you Mr. Henderson? You said the plant couldn't run without you." The man looked panicked. "Even I get the occasional day off work, Miss Milton." Tony glanced out the window and gasped. "Isn't that Chad's wheel chair?" "What?" The woman rose immediately and went to the back door. Laying on its side in the carefully trimmed grass, the wheel chair looked like a modern sculpture. Her cheeks flushed. "Where is the boy?" "I told you, Miss Milton...." "Then you wouldn't mind showing us around the house?" Tony could tell from her reaction that something was terribly wrong. Chad's father asked, "What is going on?" "As you wish." Mr. Henderson showed them every room downstairs. "And upstairs?" They also looked through every room upstairs. "There. You see? I'm quite offended at your attitude, Miss Milton." "Then explain why the boy' chair is in your backyard." "It was on the porch. I guess the wind took it." "And how is the boy shopping without his chair?" As they descended the steps, Tony saw stains on several of the smooth wooden risers. He bent down. "What are you doing?" Mr. Henderson asked, his voice rising. "This is blood." Tony stood and looked around. He went back to the bathroom. There was no blood, but there was water on the floor around the stool. And something else. He bent down to pick up some of the gray lint. It was coarse, like it had fiberglass within it. Insulation. He walked back into the hall. "Chad?" he called loudly, then listened. "Now see here...." Mr. Henderson began. Tony pushed the man, sending him bouncing off the wall. "Chad!" They all looked toward the ceiling as there was a scratching sound. Tony saw the attic cord and ran to pull it. He bolted up the ladder. "Chad?" "Tony?" came the feeble reply. Chad looked at the blinding square of light. Looking evanescent as an angel, Tony's head appeared. Then strong arms lifted him and he descended into the light. Tony went straight to the bathroom. He sat on the stool, the boy cradled in his arms, surveying the damage. His lip had swollen to twice its normal size. One eye was puffy. His ribs had turned bright purple. His left had was swollen like an inflated rubber glove. Even though Miss Milton stood in the doorway, he leaned down to kiss the boy's filthy forehead. "You're safe now, baby. It's okay," he said soothingly, rocking the injured boy gently. Chunks of insulation stuck to the boy's body, and the rest was smeared with grime that dried perspiration had left. He looked at Miss Milton, and asked, "Would you get a glass of water, please?" Neither the boy's father or Mr. Henderson looked into the bathroom. She used the toothbrush cup. He took it from her and held it to Chad's lips. "I'm going to call the police," Miss Milton said. "Can I get him cleaned up?" "Of course." The police did not arrive for over a half hour. Mr. Henderson spent the time arguing with Miss Milton that he was only trying to help the boy, that things had just gotten out of hand. When the police came, they took the statements and left. "That's it?" Tony asked incredulously. "No arrest?" "Let's go," Miss Milton said in disgust. "What about Chad?" "He needs a doctor. His father can stay at the doctor's office with him while I take you home." Tony wanted to protest, but he knew better. "I'll fill out the paper work to return Chad to his father's custody." Tony allowed himself to smile. "If, and only if, they live at your house and under your supervision." "Thank you." Though Chad was now dressed, he still held him in his arms. Chad looked up at Tony and asked, "Does she mean I can stay at your house?" "Yes. Both of you." "Tony, he threw away my shoes." Chad looked across the room at his father, who sat with his head bowed. "Hi, Daddy." "Hello, Chad," the man mumbled. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, Dad. I don't hurt too bad. Are we really going to live at Tony's house?" "For now." By 10:00 that night Dan had passed out drunk in the spare bedroom. Tony waited until the man was asleep, then snuck into the room and gathered the pornographic magazines from under the bed. He crossed the hallway to his own room with them in his arms. Chad, who sat in the living room, made eye contact with him. He got Chad settled into the twin bed in the living room and asked, "Can I get you anything?" "Tony?" "Yes," he said, sitting on the bed next to him. "You didn't call social services, did you?" Chad struggled to understand how Tony had a small wheel chair for him. It fit him perfectly, and even with his left hand bandaged, he could get around the house almost effortlessly. What could have made Tony buy the chair for him? Why would anyone want to do that for him? "Of course not." He raised up on one elbow, looking keenly up into Tony's face. "I'm sorry I called you a liar." He brushed the soft black hair off of Chad's brow. "When did you do that?" Chad felt himself choking up. "When you told me...you loved me." Tony kissed his forehead and continued stroking his cheek. "Chad, I told you I loved you as I was leaving. Of course you didn't believe me. That was my fault. But I do love you completely." "Tony, I love you, too." He smiled as he stood. "Go to sleep." "Can I sleep with you?" "That's a bad idea. Your dad has to want to stay here. I don't think he'd like it if we shared a bed." "Maybe I could come to your bed for awhile and you could bring me back before Dad wakes up." "No, Chad. I don't want to lose you again." As Tony shut off the lamp, Chad asked, "What were those books you took from Dad's room?" He looked sharply at the boy. "Forget you saw them." But Chad didn't forget. His body hurt, but he kept thinking about Tony's attention after their baths. And he kept remembering the hot, exciting feel of the man's fat cock as he jacked him off. He wanted to snuggle against his strong, hairy body again, to feel so safe and loved and happy. And tingly. Tony was at work and his father was still snoring loudly from his bedroom. He wheeled into Tony's room, feeling guilty for snooping, but unable to stop himself. He knew if they were on a closet shelf, there would be no way to reach them. It took only a few minutes to find them. He crawled under the bed and pulled a handful of magazines out. The covers all showed boys and men together naked. Chad stopped long enough to adjust his erection within his trousers before opening a magazine. It was called, "Boys Who Worship Men." He remembered that Tony had wanted to take a picture of him naked. Suddenly that prospect sounded more appealing. He looked at dozens of pictures of boys taking men's cocks into their mouths. In each of the pictures, a boy knelt at the feet of a powerful man and had the huge cock in his mouth. He wondered if Tony wanted him to do that. It was all kind of nasty, but still, he was very aroused as he looked at it. Then he realized that the boys were all on their knees, something he could not do. He quickly paged through the magazine looking for pictures that showed boys in a position Chad was capable of assuming. There were none. He was disheartened. Then he found a magazine called "Butt Boys." On the cover was a picture of a huge, hairy man with his cock in the ass of a 7 or 8 year old boy. The boy's butt looked so small and the cock looked so huge that at first Chad thought it was fake. As he sat on the floor paging through the book, he realized the boys in the photos, all of whom had men's cocks in their butts, looked like they didn't mind. Some even had erections. There were several photos with boys in positions he could assume, some on their stomachs and some on their backs with their legs pinned to their chests. He heard his dad shuffling around in the kitchen and stashed the magazines back under the bed. When he wheeled into the kitchen, he looked at the ghost of a man who was his father. His thinning hair stood in disarray over his sallow face. He reeked of sweat and alcohol. Wearing only boxer shorts, he fumbled around with the coffee percolator, his hands shaking so badly that he spilled coffee grounds on the counter. "Let me do it, Dad." Dan stepped aside and didn't look at the boy. Chad had watched Mrs. Henderson making the coffee, so he knew what to do. The new chair was lower, so he had trouble reaching the counter. Still, he managed to get the machine plugged in. when he wheeled around, his father was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. "Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" "Jesus, kid, leave me alone, would you?" Tony came home early and bounced over to Chad. "Here," he said, holding out a shoe box. Chad opened the box, his eyes lighting up. "Converse. Thanks, Tony!" He patted the boy's shoulder and asked, "Why are converse tennis shoes so important to you?" Chad looked up at him solemnly. "When we got in the accident, we were on the way to buy me a pair. Mom had been saving for months to get the money. Dad kept finding where she hid it." He knelt down and hugged the boy's head to his chest. "Shall I put them on?" "Yeah. Thanks, again." Tony pushed Chad into the kitchen. The boy's face remained bruised, his lip slightly swollen. His ribs were taped because two had been cracked. His left had was bandaged. Fortunately no bones in the hand had been broken. While Chad helped cut vegetables, Tony turned the radio up and sang along. Dan came stumbling into the kitchen a moment later. "Got any booze?" he asked in a timid but desperate voice. "No. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Some real food will make you feel better." "A fucking bottle will make me feel better." He stumbled out the back door. Chad called, "Where are you going?" "I'll be back." Chad looked upset, so Tony came and gently rubbed his shoulders. They ate a quiet dinner, then watched television until bedtime. Tony helped Chad get undressed down to his Sears briefs and supervised as the boy moved himself from the chair to the bed. "It's so much easier to do everything since you gave me this chair." "I'm glad it's working for you." He bent to kiss Chad's forehead, but Chad tipped his head and their lips came together. He raised himself in surprise and looked down at the bandaged boy. "Good night, Chad." "Can I sleep in your room?" "I would really like that, but it's not worth the risk of losing you again." He thought of all the porno books he'd read. "Lust" wasn't the right word to use. After a moment he said, "But I'm horny." Tony smiled. It sounded like a peculiar thing for an 11 year old to say. He, of course, was very horny. "Well, maybe I could do something to make you feel a little better." He sat on the bed and brought his hands to the waistband of Chad's underwear. Chad wanted to tell him he wanted to be like the boys in the magazines, but he couldn't find the words. A moment later, when he felt Tony's breath on his erection, he stopped trying to find the words. Tony's licking and caressing immediately produced intense feelings, and he found himself clutching at Tony's head as he pressed his pelvis against the man's magical lips. The good feelings came in waves, one after another until he felt he might die. Just as suddenly as the pleasure stuck, so did the pain of overstimulation. "Stop!" he cried in sudden fear. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Great, Tony. I just got sort of scared. I never felt that good before." Tony felt disappointed because the whole episode lasted less than 3 minutes. He pulled the boy's briefs back over his erection said, "Good night, Chad." Chad lay awake for over two hours. Then he slid himself into his wheel chair and propelled himself to the bathroom. He had a difficult time peeing because he was hard. Instead of pulling his briefs back up, he slid them off. Being as careful as possible, he gently wheeled himself into Tony's room. The shades had been left partially open and greenish light from a street lamp softly illuminated the bed. Tony lay on his back in the middle of the double bed, his torso partially covered by the sheet. Chad wheeled himself as close as possible and slid the sheet back. Tony was naked and his fat cock lay sideways across his thick pubic hair. By leaning his chest against the edge of the bed, Chad was able to touch the spongy shaft. He gently groped his way down to feel Tony's balls. He couldn't believe their size. They dangled so low they nearly touched the bed. He lifted Tony's cock, squeezing it a little and tugging a little. Just as the first blood started to engorge his cock, Tony awoke. "Chad?" Chad didn't remove his hand, but he froze. After a moment, Tony said, "That feels good." Chad continued to play with the stiffening dick for a few moments, then he let go of it to pull his chest onto the bed. He wiggled forward until his hips connected with the edge of the bed. He could feel the pressure of his weight on his legs, but he had little control over them. By stretching himself, his face was poised directly over Tony's cock. He licked it, producing a contented sigh from Tony. That encouraged him to lick some more. It had a strong meaty smell and tasted salty. He licked all around the helmet-shaped glans, laving his tongue across the man's seeping urethra. Tony brought his hand down to stroke Chad's back. Within a minute, he had found the soft, shapely contours of the boy's buttocks. When he slid his hand along the crack, Chad lifted his head and said, "That feels good." As his glans repeatedly disappeared into the 11 year old's eager mouth, Tony explored the sticky little anal opening. He licked his finger and spread his saliva around the puckered tissue. Chad wished he could wiggle his hips more, but since the accident that was not easy to do. Soon the finger moved in rhythm to Chad's bobbing head. The insistent pressings of Tony's finger served to push Chad's erection into the mattress. He wished the feeling would last forever. Tony whispered urgently, "Better move back, I'm going to cum." Chad kept right on working. He'd read enough novels and seen enough of Tony's magazines to know that eating semen wouldn't hurt you. Still, when Tony's hips involuntarily thrust upwards, the cock went too deep and he gagged. A moment later, his gagging changed to sputtering as his mouth was flooded with cum. Just as he swallowed, another spurt filled his mouth. He continued to labor over the glans, sucking at it to give Tony the most pleasure he could. After a moment, Tony effortlessly hauled the boy up across his body. Chad contentedly lay his cheek on the man's hairy pectoral. He tried to part his legs further when Tony's finger returned to his anus. "You like touching me there, don't you?" "Yes. Is it okay?" "Sure. Do you think you could fit your thing in there?" "What?" "Sometimes men put their things in a boy's butt. I read it in one of my dad's books." He didn't mention the magazines hidden under the bed. "I remember. Something about Ben Franklin and a cabin boy." "Would yours fit in me?" The finger plunged deeper. "You would let me do that?" "Well, sure." "It might hurt." Chad thought about Mr. Henderson, the helpless feeling of laying on the floor while the man kicked him again and again. That had hurt, but the worst part was the man's anger and his fear that things were out of control. He loved and trusted Tony. Quietly he said, "I think I can handle a little pain." Tony nuzzled against the boy's graceful neck. "But I don't think I can handle giving you any pain." He stuck his tongue in Chad's ear, and the boy giggled. Tony pressed forward with his finger again, savoring the hard pressure of the boy's erection against his abdomen. Though his anus clung with incredible tightness, the boy didn't seem to be experiencing any discomfort from his probing. Plus, he wasn't clamping down in the finger as though trying to protect himself. Tony felt his cock rise to a higher position on his thigh. It grew long enough to touch the inside of Chad's thigh, and when the boy felt it he reached between their bodies to grasp it. Tony said, "Well, maybe with enough lubrication and if I go slowly enough...." "Do it." Tony excused himself and went to the kitchen to grab the can of Crisco. He'd heard that the cooking fat was a good sexual lubricant. He had also heard that Vaseline worked, but he didn't have any. When he returned to the bedroom, he found Chad laying face down with his legs apart. He set the Crisco on the night stand and lay down next to the 11 year old. He turned Chad onto his side so they lay in an embrace, both of them facing toward the wall. His fat erection pressed against the amazingly soft flesh of the boy's slender buttocks. He rubbed Chad's chest, pausing long enough to scrape his fingernail gently across his oversized nipples. The boy murmured his appreciation, and they both moved with slow sensuality against the cotton sheets. Because it was the middle of the night when the rest of the world was asleep, there was a dream-like quality to their embrace. Tony caressed the boy's 2-1/4 inch erection with slow, light touch of his fingertips. His own cock, which had given him a powerful orgasm less than 10 minutes earlier, ached slightly. He moved the Crisco onto the bed where he could reach it more easily, and rubbed a fingerful of the white goo into the boy's cleft. As he did this, he nibbled at Chad's ear. Chad had never felt this way, his body being slowly but deeply pleasured while his mind remained so calm. Before when he was being stimulated, it was intense and kept building in intensity until something snapped and his hips started to twitch. He remembered watching how his mother had showered their cat with affection, and how the cat had leaned her body against the gently stroking hand. He felt sort of like the cat. He drew his breath in a little quickly as he felt a pressure against his butt hole. At first he thought it was happening, that Tony was sticking his dick inside. Then he realized that Tony had two fingers inside him. "Just relax," Tony said when he felt the boy's muscles clench down protectively. Chad's hair smelled like flowers, and he rubbed his nose into the soft locks at the back of his head. And the boy did relax, which encouraged him to work the fingers in a slow circle. "It feels good," the boy whispered in a slowly released breath. Tony felt ready to proceed but was uncertain if he should continue to relax the boy or if he should try to arouse him to the edge of orgasm. He removed his fingers to again caress Chad's erection. The boy said, "I'm ready." The invitation was too sweet to pass by. He lubricated his cock with Crisco and used his hand to guide it to the boy's anus. He pushed Chad's top leg over further, giving him wider access to his cleft. When his glans touched the hot orifice, they both moaned. Tony again brought his lips to nibble at Chad's ear. "I love you, Chad." "I love you, too, Tony." He slid over to kiss the boy full on the lips. Chad opened his mouth to accept Tony's velvety tongue. Since they were both on their sides, they had to crane their necks to keep their lips in contact. Tony broke the kiss and rubbed his cock across the slick opening a couple of times. "Just keep relaxing, honey. Don't tense up or it will hurt worse." He pressed harder and harder until he felt the flesh give way, accepting his cock inside. With the first penetration, he paused and brought his slick hand around to Chad's genitals. Chad's erection had vanished completely. Chad moaned softly but did not cry out. He concentrated, trying to fight against the impulse to squeeze down on the cock. When he realized it wasn't going to hurt very much, he managed to push back against the cock a little, welcoming it inside. Tony felt the boy's anus open up to him and pressed forward a little further. "It feels so good," he whispered in the boy's ear. Chad responded by pushing back against the invading cock once again. Tony released his limp little cock, knowing the boy's arousal against this onslaught was too much to hope for. Time seemed to float away without meaning as he explored the boy's body with his hand. Small movements of their hips kept his cock tingling with sensation. Ever so slowly, he worked his cock deeper and deeper. "Making love has never felt this good." Chad raised his head. "Is that what we're doing? Making love?" "Don't you think so?" "Yes," he said, feeling proud and content. "Yes, I do." He felt himself go in all the way. Pressure from contact with the boy's butt made his balls give off a warm feeling that suffused his entire body. Tony knew that if he hadn't just orgasmed in the boy's mouth a few minutes earlier, he would not have been able to stave off his orgasm now. They were joined together and he knew they both wanted it this way. He eased the pressure off for a moment without really withdrawing. Then he pressed himself forward again. The boy made an inarticulate sound. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. That felt great." Tony did it again. And again. His hand trailed down the boy's stomach until his fingers grasped Chad's cock. It had returned to full erection. He felt the slender body tremble from the contact. He slowly lengthened his stokes and increased their frequency. At the end of each gentle thrust, he felt the pressure on his balls. The boy's rectum, though still tight, had a more elastic quality about it. He slowed the pace of his thrusting and lengthened the stroke, experimenting. Chad's body stiffened, and Tony realized the boy had orgasmed. He could feel the contractions of the sphincter against his cock. Remembering the boy's post-orgasmic sensitivity, he released the boycock and began caressing the length of his torso. He went back to deep penetration and shallow strokes, feeling a slow-building pressure in his groin. They continued to writhe sensuously together for a long time. After several minutes, Chad, whose breathing was shallow and irregular, took Tony's hand and guided it to his straining cock. Tony felt the Chad's renewed passion and wondered at the sexual energy of the boy. Since Tony knew he was dangerously close to orgasm himself, he slowed his motions and concentrated on stimulating the miniature glans beneath the pads of his thumb and forefinger. Chad's body became restless, grinding against him within the limitations of his disabled legs. Like the sound train from a far distance, he felt the beginning of what was inevitably to be his climax. It built through several strokes, and as it increased in intensity, the strokes became more abrupt with less pause between them. He fought against the impulse to clench his fists for fear of crushing the boy's penis. Like lightning in his brain, his body convulsed as it propelled his first dollop of semen into the boy's body. He had no control over his hips for the next several seconds as they crackled with sexual electricity. When his body returned to stasis, he became aware that Chad was tugging on his hand. He let go quickly, knowing Chad had just achieved a second orgasm. Without withdrawing himself, he pulled the boy's head around to bring their lips together. The kiss was long and slow. He released Chad's cheek and drew his knees up, cradling the boy's back against his sweaty stomach and chest. "I love you so much." He brought his cheek against Chad's ear and they lay together in silence. After a time, he noticed tears gently wetting the boy's cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," Chad said in a full voice. It sounded loud and angelic as it shattered the near silence of the darkened room. "Since Mom died...I just never thought..." He paused to sniffle, "that I'd ever be happy again." Tears rose in Tony's eyes, too. "And in my wildest dreams I never thought I could be this happy." The End