Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 21:56:30 +0000 From: Subject: 'A Warm April Saturday' chapter one. "Hi there, you guys! After six months without posting a word, I've finally come up with a story that I think is worth telling. It's erotic fiction, like all my other stuff, so if it's illegal to read that sort of thing where you live, then I guess you'd better not. And if you're too young to be reading this, I guess you'd better not either, except if you really want to, but then don't blame me if you get caught. This chapter contains a scene of an eleven year old boy having sex with an older guy. It that's not what you want to read, I'm not sure why you're looking in this archive in the first place, right? So that gets that out of the way. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. E-mail your thoughts to me at and I'll reply as soon as I can." Many thanks for all your efforts, Peter CHAPTER ONE A warm April Saturday; school has just finished for the Easter break. Mum has to work three Saturdays out of four, but this one is her day off. She's deputy manager of the biggest supermarket round this way; she has to work all sorts of weird hours. Usually, I'd be round at Michael's house. He's the same age as me and lives three doors away. He's been my best mate since we moved here five years ago; we do everything together, but he's had to go somewhere with his mum and dad so I'm pottering around the house getting bored. I'm wearing soccer shorts and a tee-shirt; it's what I usually wear when it's warm like this. James is coming for lunch; he's mum's new boyfriend. I'm used to the new boyfriend thing; there have been so many I've lost count. Mum was only eighteen when she had me, so I guess that's got a lot to do with it. James is the latest. I've only met him once; he's an investment analyst, works for one of the big banks. He seems all right, but most of them do to start with. Then they turn out to be total arseholes. He arrives just after midday; Mum's just started to get lunch ready. He gives her a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Lunch will be half an hour or so," she tells him. He comes back through the lounge room and ruffles my hair. "So what are you up to, Chris?" he asks, smiling at me. "Nothing much," I tell him. "Come on, let's get out of your mum's way," he says heading out into the back garden. I'll say one thing; he's a really fit-looking guy, about six feet tall, shortish blond hair, blue eyes and he's obviously got a great body. In the looks department he's a class above any of the other guys mum's been with. He picks up a tennis ball and tosses it to me. I catch it easily and throw it back. We throw it gently back and forth a few times. This seems okay. In case you're wondering, I never knew my dad. That arsehole crawled back into the woodwork as soon as he knew mum was pregnant. Since then she's had loads of boyfriends, but nothing's ever lasted. A few disappeared as soon as they found out about me; most of them have just ignored me; treated me like I wasn't there. Then there were the real arseholes, the ones that were really horrible to me, especially when they'd had a few drinks; one of them even hit me. Mum got rid of them pretty quick, I will say that. The thing is; there hasn't been a nice one among the lot of them. They haven't treated mum nice either; all they wanted was to give her a quick shag. The worst part is that we're not talking low-life here; these were all guys with university degrees, good jobs, nice cars, all that sort of stuff. I don't get it; I'm sure there have to be some nice guys out there who'd want to make mum happy, want to make us a proper family even, I just wish she could find one. When I was born we lived with Gran and Grandad, but when I was six mum was doing well at work and we got our own house. It's not that big or anything, and it meant moving twenty miles from where gran and granddad live, but it's ours. We're sort of on the border of South London and Kent. It's nice round here, not really posh or anything, but it's okay. Since then it's been me and mum. We get on okay, I guess. I mean, she does everything mums are supposed to do, yeah? I get proper food to eat, always have decent clothes to wear, she's taught me my manners, how to behave myself, made sure I work hard at school, all of that sort of thing. So what's the problem? Hard to explain; I guess it's not really a problem at all, but I never got lots of hugs and cuddles, even when I was little. Mum never played with me much either; she was always too busy. She's all business, my mum. James's next throw much harder. I manage to catch it but it stings my hands. I'm a bit annoyed; it's like he's trying to show me up. "Relax!" He calls to me. "You're too stiff. Let your hands ride with the ball as you catch it." I throw the ball back. He sends me another one, with much the same result; I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. The next time he throws it really hard. I get my hands there in time but it bounces out. He trots across to me. "Don't be so nervous! It's only a tennis ball," he says quietly, grinning at me. He gently holds my forearms, showing me how to position my hands to catch the ball well in front of me then draw them back into my chest. He's so patient; nobody's ever spent time with me like that before. He returns to his position and throws the ball towards me, not quite so hard this time. I catch it just like he showed me. Over the next few minutes his throws get harder and harder. I take every one. I'm really getting into this; feeling quite proud of myself too. "The most difficult one to take is the one that's coming right at you," he calls to me. "Just stay relaxed; you can do it." He throws the ball as hard as he can right at my face. I do exactly as he's taught me. I pull my hands back, but the ball's still travelling so fast I tumble over, landing on my backside on the grass, the ball clutched to my chest. He claps his hands in appreciation. "Well done! That was superb!" He grins. "Okay, now I'm going to throw them low and wide, so you'll have to dive to get them." I'm feeling more confident now, sort of up for the challenge. I think I can do this! I do miss a couple of very low ones on my right hand. I drop a few on my left hand too, but that's not bad; I wouldn't have even thought I could catch left-handed. Then we move onto the high ones, the skyers, James calls them. He comes across and shows me how to catch the ball in front of my eyes then let my hands sink down onto my chest. After a couple of tries I'm getting that right too. "Lunch in five minutes!" Mum calls to us. "Okay, last one!" James responds. He launches the ball skywards; it goes so high I can hardly see it. I hold myself steady. As the ball hurtles towards the ground I close my fingers around it. My hands thump down into my chest, sending me toppling over backwards, but I've held the catch and that's all that matters. James puts his arm round my shoulder as we head back into the house. I feel elated. That was fun! I feel like I've really achieved something too, even if it was just catching a tennis ball. James is so different from any of mum's other boyfriends; I'm starting to like him already. "I hope you haven't been getting all dirty!" mum says sternly as we step inside. James gives her another gentle kiss. "Of course we have," he says, grinning mischievously. "It's what boys do!" Lunch is great. Mum's in a really good mood. James pays her lots of attention; he's way nicer to her than any of her other boyfriends. He doesn't leave me out either. "So it's off to high school in September?" he asks. I nod. "That'll be a big adventure for you. Looking forward to it?" "Yeah." "Where are you going?" "Falconhurst." "That's an all boys' school, isn't it?" "Yes, but it's our local school," mum tells him. "It's where all his friends are going. It gets very good results." "You do okay at school?" James asks me. "All right, I guess." I say quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed. "He's not a genius or anything, but he works hard," mum says. James smiles at me. "Sounds a bit like me. It's good; it's what counts in the long run." The meal's over. "Thanks for that; that was delicious!" James says, smiling at mum. He turns to me, grinning. "Okay, young man, time for us to get all this stuff cleared away!" "It's okay, I'll do it," mum says. James won't hear of it. "You know where everything goes, don't you? he asks me. I nod my agreement. "Come on then! I'll wash, you wipe!" We head off into the kitchen while mum relaxes with a cup of tea. I guess it's only fair, but it's so different; all mum's other boyfriends expected her to do everything. It's strange; normally I really hate doing chores like this, but James is so much fun to be around, we seem to be finished in no time. "Mum, can I go round to Michael's house?" I ask as we go back into the lounge room. "He should be back by now." "Yes, go on," she says, smiling at me. "Be back for half past five." I head out to find Michael, feeling like I'm walking on air. My life's about to get a whole lot better; I just know it is. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 It's the Easter holiday weekend. Lots of my friends are going away somewhere. We can't though, `cause mum's got to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday when most other people are off. She does get Monday off though. "Monday morning, why don't we go swimming?" James suggests, "then we can go out somewhere nice for lunch. You can swim; you told me," he says to mum. "I was pretty good once, but I haven't been for years," mum says. "No problem!" James says, grinning at her and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "It's like riding a bike; it'll be good for you." "Can you swim?" he asks me. "Yeah! Course I can!" I tell him confidently. "We took him to swimming lessons when he was little," mum says quietly. "He's been swimming since he was four." "That's settled then" James says, giving us both a big smile. "Can Michael come with us?" I ask. Mum looks a bit uncomfortable. James is taking us out to lunch and without thinking about it I've asked him to pay for Michael as well. He doesn't even blink. "Yeah, no problem," he says, smiling back at me. "I guess we'll want to go from here around eleven, have an hour or so in the pool then head off somewhere for lunch, so make sure he knows what time he needs to be here." 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 Easter Monday's warm and sunny. Michael arrives at quarter to eleven. We go to the pool quite often, but we either have to wait for the bus or walk. It's nice to have someone take us in the car, especially a really cool motor like the Saab that James drives. I know it's going to be fun too. James shows up just before eleven and we're on our way; five minutes later we're at the pool. James pays for all of us; Mum heads off into the ladies' changing room, me and Michael go with James into the men's. When I go swimming with my mates we take a cubicle each and get changed in there, but James parks his stuff down in the open changing area and starts to strip off. Michael does too, which surprises me. Okay so we're getting changed here; well, it's no big deal. I begin taking my clothes off. Turns out Michael already has his swim shorts on. Right! So that's why he wasn't bothered about getting changed with me and James. I haven't though; doesn't look like James has either. James strips right down to his boxers. Wow! I knew he'd have a good body, I just didn't realise it'd be that good. He is well fit; makes me feel really skinny standing next to him. At 4'11" I'm the tallest boy in my class at junior school, but I'm a total stick insect; I only weigh like seventy five pounds. Michael's a couple of inches shorter than me but weighs nearly ten pounds more, and he's not fat either. James takes his water shorts from his bag and drops his boxers. I'm not checking him out, but it's right in front of me; I can't help seeing it. It's long and thick, uncut like mine, the foreskin completely covering the tip. There's a crop of thick golden hair above it; he doesn't have much hair on the rest of his body though. Wow! I've never seen a man's dick that close up before; I wonder if mine will get really big like that. I'm down to my underpants. I could take my shorts into one of the cubicles and finish changing in there, but why should I? James is here looking after us so nothing's going to happen. I slip my pants off and quickly pull on my shorts. For the next hour or so we have a blast, swimming lengths, playing on the diving board and the floating mats. James spends part of the time with mum and the rest with us. He is wild! He tips me off my mat, lifts me up over his head so I'm right out of the water and drops me on my back. What a splash! Me and Michael team up to attack him; he doesn't mind at all; it's all just fun to him. After a while he goes off to swim a few more lengths. He is fast! Really smooth too, hardly makes a ripple. Wow! I've never really seen anyone swim properly like that. It's time to go. The three of us make our way back into the men's changing area. James gets some shower gel from the locker and we all go into the showers. James strips right off. Well, that's no big deal either; it's what most of the older guys do. Me and Michael don't though; kids our age don't do that. We turn the showers off and collect our things. Michael scuttles off into one of the cubicles to get changed, the same as we always do. I could do the same, of course; there's nothing stopping me. But I don't want to. I like being with James; he's changing on the open benches so I'll do the same. I could wrap a towel round myself when I take my shorts off but I don't. I mean, why should I? There's nobody else around watching or anything. So James gets to see me naked, like he's interested in some skinny eleven year old kid! I don't think so! Lunch is brilliant. We're at a really nice pub; it's out in the country but not far from where we live. Mum and James sit on one side of the table, me and Michael on the other. James gives mum lots of attention and she's loving it! I feel really happy for her; it's about time she met someone nice. James doesn't leave us out though, asking us questions about school, soccer, all sorts of stuff. We finish eating. "Mum," I ask, "Can me and Michael play outside for a bit?" "Yes, go on!" he says, smiling at us. "Don't get yourselves dirty!" We go out into the garden behind the pub. Michael brought a soccer ball with him so we collect it from the car and just have a gentle kick about. It's funny; Michael's mad on soccer, he's a Chelsea fan like his dad. He's not very good at it though; I'm better than he is, and I'm only average. Still, it's fun, and it means mum and James can spend some time together. Well, that's what it's about, isn't it? Half an hour later they come out of the pub and we're on our way home. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 Late April and we're back at school. So much has happened the last few weeks, but right now I've got something else to think about: our assessment tests, English, maths and science. Well science is my best subject, so no problem there. English is okay too; sometimes I make mistakes `cause I'm careless, but I can do it if I put my mind to it. I've always done well at maths too, till today that is. We started doing algebra. I've never done that before and I don't understand it. Mrs. Wilkinson didn't explain it very well; it was like she didn't understand it either. But she says it'll be in the assessment test so we've got to do it. She gave us some homework on it and I don't have a clue what we're supposed to do. So I'm worried. I hate not understanding stuff, that's part of it. The other thing is that they'll use these test results to sort out what classes we're in when we get to high school, so I know I can't screw up. Michael doesn't seem bothered, but he never is. His mum and dad don't seem to mind whether he does well at school as long as he behaves himself. Well, my mum's different, but you already new that. Back at home I settle down at the table and try to get it sorted out. I'm getting nowhere. The doorbell rings. I go and answer it; James is standing there. I knew he was coming over for tea but he's earlier than I expected. He follows me into the house. "What are you up to?" he asks. "Homework, algebra," I tell him. "Right, I'd better let you get on with it then." I sit back down. I hate not knowing what I'm doing like this. "Are you okay?" James asks. I shake my head. "I don't understand it; the teacher never explained it properly." He pulls up a chair next to mine and starts going through a few things with me, really quiet and patient, just like he always is. Suddenly it all makes sense! He's explained it way better than Mrs. Wilkinson did; it's easy! "I get it now!" I tell him, barely able to hide how excited I am. "Take your time; just work your way through them," he says quietly, ruffling my hair. "Ask me if you get stuck, okay? When you've finished let me check through to make sure you've got them right." Fifteen minutes later they're all done. I hand James my exercise book. He looks through them. "Twenty out of twenty!" he announces. "Excellent! Well done!" "I've got my assessment tests coming up soon and these are going to be in it" I tell him. "That's why I was worried about it." "If you need help with anything else between now and then, just ask, okay?" he says quietly, putting his arm round my shoulder. "You know how hard it's been for your mum, bringing you up on her own. Let's make her proud of you." I'm on Cloud Nine; nobody has ever spoken to me like that! "You should have been a teacher!" I say, grinning at him, "maths and games and stuff; you'd have been brilliant!" "I'd have really enjoyed it too," he says smiling back at me. "Problem is, I don't like being poor. I wouldn't like to have to live on the sort of money those guys get, you know, sharing a rented flat, only able to afford an old car. I didn't want that." "So have you got your own place then?" I ask. "Yeah, I've got a flat in Docklands, near where I work." "Cool! I'd love to see it!" "Yeah, no problem; we'll fix it up some time." I throw my arms round his waist. "Thanks James! You're the best!" 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 It's Friday night; Mum's at work, and James has come over to look after me. Mum doesn't have to do the late turn very often, about once every two weeks. I usually have a baby sitter, or sometimes I sleep over at Michael's house, but mum's off work tomorrow and they've got stuff to do so James is staying here tonight. That's cool; I can't stay with Michael `cause they're off out early tomorrow, and I don't like babysitters, they won't let me do anything. We finish eating and clearing away. "Can I go round to Michael's house for a bit?" I ask. "Yes, no problem! Just make sure you're back by nine o'clock, okay?" he says, smiling at me. That suits me; if I'd had a babysitter I wouldn't get to go out at all. It's ten to nine when I get back. James is sitting on the sofa watching a film. I get myself a drink and flop down next to him. Without me really noticing him doing it, he puts his arm round my shoulder. It feels nice. I snuggle right up to him; I don't know why, I just do. It's been another warm day so I'm in shorts and tee shirt again. We've been sitting like that for maybe ten minutes when I realise that he's very gently stroking my leg. Fuck! What am I going to do? I know I ought to tell him to stop, but I don't want to; it feels nice being here with him like this. One thing does happen though; my dick goes rock-hard. It's been doing that a lot lately. James slides his fingers up inside the leg of my shorts. Shit! He must have noticed! I glance across. There's a big bulge in his jeans; his dick's hard too. His fingers move up a bit further. He's going to touch my dick; I know he is. It's like I'm paralysed. I can't move; I can't even speak. "You okay?" he whispers. I nod; it's all I can do. His fingers slide up the final few inches and brush over my dick, still hidden inside my briefs. Oh fuck! It tingles like crazy, him touching it like that! "Does that feel good?" he asks quietly. I nod again, still unable to believe what's happening. "Let's take your top off," he says. I let him pull it off over my head. "You're beautifully slim!" he says, running his fingers down my chest. I think I'm just skinny. Weird! "Still okay?" I nod a third time. "Stand up for me then." I do as he says. I took my shoes and socks off when I came in, so I'm down to shorts and briefs, and I'm guessing I won't have them on much longer. He undoes the drawstring on my shorts and pulls them down till they fall round my ankles. So here I am, standing in front of him with my dick making a bulge in the front of my briefs. He runs his fingers up between my legs. I'm so excited I can't wait to get my briefs off. He looks up at me. "You know you can't tell anyone about this, don't you? I mean anyone." "Yeah," I whisper, still barely able to speak. He hooks his thumbs into the top of my underpants and pulls them down. "Beautiful cock!" he says, grinning up at me. Well, it's three and a half inches long and a bit less than two inches round; I know `cause I measured it with mum's tape measure a few weeks ago. James holds it between thumb and index finger, gently pulling the foreskin back to expose the tip of the small purple head. What an amazing feeling! He fondles my balls and strokes the skin right behind them. Wow! I never knew anything could feel that exciting! Suddenly he leans forwards. Holy shit! He's sucking my dick! He's still stroking behind my balls too! Oh fuck! This just beats everything! After a minute or so he lets my dick slide out of his mouth and grins up at me again, patting the seat beside him like he wants me to sit down again. I kick off my shorts and briefs and drop onto the sofa. "You liked that, didn't you?" he whispers. I don't reply, just sit there grinning at him. With no warning at all he pulls off his shirt and undoes his jeans. A moment later his jeans and boxers are down round his ankles. Oh, fuck! I knew it was big from seeing it at the swimming pool, but now it's hard, wow!! Nearly eight inches long and very thick at the base, tapering slightly to the shiny head which is poking out of his foreskin. "Do you want to play with it?" he asks gently. I'm very, very nervous; I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I just can't stop myself. Very gingerly I reach across and stroke it. Holding it just below the crown I can just close my fingers round it. I'm hooked in an instant; it feels amazing, hot, hard and throbbing powerfully. I run my fingers over it. Underneath it's as hard as iron, but the skin has a smooth, silky feel to it. Wow! I look across at him. I've heard about guys who like, you know, to do stuff with boys: I thought they were all dirty old men. I never expected it to be someone really fit like James. I'm not really thinking now, not with my head anyway. I know how good it felt when he sucked mine; I've got to try it. I lean across and lick the end. I don't know what I'm expecting; for it to taste bad maybe. It doesn't; sort of tastes of him, I guess, not much different from licking a finger. This is it. I lean over a bit more and take it in my mouth. I can't get that far down on it, about three inches or so; it's too thick after that. I start sucking up and down on it, like he did to me. James gently strokes my hair. "Ohh! That's great!" he moans. "Oh yes" After a minute or so my jaw's aching and I have to stop. I grin up at him. "Good boy!" he whispers. "That was wonderful! I never thought you'd do that, not the first time anyway!" He grins at me. "Okay! My turn now!" He puts his head on my tummy and gets it in his mouth. Wow! I love this! He slips his hand between my legs so he's tickling me right behind my balls. He's sucking faster this time too. I'm so excited I hardly know where I am. Suddenly I need to pee really bad. "James!" I gasp. "I'm going to pee!" I expect him to stop but he doesn't. My body starts quivering all over; my dick tingles so much it almost hurts. A moment later it comes to life, jerking three or four times in James's mouth. I don't pee though; nothing comes out at all. James gently lets it go, smiling at me and licking his lips. It's so sensitive I don't dare touch it. Fuck! That was the best feeling ever! I'm gasping for breath like I've just sprinted the length of the soccer pitch. "You like having your cock sucked, don't you?" he asks quietly, putting his arm round my shoulder. "Yeah! That was wicked!" I tell him. Funny, he calls it my cock. `Cock', `dick', `willy'; just different names for it, I guess. I've hear a few others too. `Penis' is the proper word; we learned that in our sex ed classes. He puts my hand on his dick again. "Wank me off!" he whispers. I hesitate for a second; I've heard the word before, but I don't really know what it means. "You, know, rub it up and down!" Oh! So that's what wanking is! I start rubbing it, holding it just below the head like I was before. "Oh, that's good!" he says, giving me a big smile. "You've got a beautiful touch! Do it a bit faster!" I speed it up. "Oh yeah!" he moans. "That's brilliant! Keep it going!" He starts breathing really hard, just like I did. Wow! So he must be getting those really wild feelings too! I keep on rubbing it. "Oh!" he gasps. "I'm gonna cum!" Suddenly his dick jumps wildly in my hand, a rope of white sticky goo spurting onto his chest. It does it again, even harder; the goo hits him in the face, then a third time and a fourth, followed by a couple of weaker ones, the stuff dribbling out over my fingers. Fuck! It's squirted all over him! I know what it is; it's what the man squirts into a woman to make babies. That's something else we learned in our sex ed classes. I never knew it looked like that though! "That's ----- ," I say hesitantly, not really knowing what to call it. "Spunk, cum, whatever!" he says, still breathing hard. "Oooh, that was wicked!" "Will I be able to do that?" I ask. "Not just yet, you're only eleven," he says gently cuddling me, "but your balls are developing well, so you will pretty soon." So that's what happened; my cock jerked and I got the really awesome feelings, but nothing came out, `cause my balls aren't making that stuff yet. "We'd better get cleaned up, then it's off to bed for you!" James whispers, grinning at me. "We don't want your mum finding us like this, do we?" He's right about that! We hurry off to the bathroom; a few minutes later I'm in bed. When mum gets back it'll be like nothing's happened. But it has. I knew James liked me, but I'd no idea he'd want to do that! That was wicked! It's our special secret too, and that makes it even better. I wonder when we'll get to do it again.