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Watching Noah Grow by Erastes
Copyright 2018 by Erastes
Chapter 17 – An Interesting November. 

The next morning as I was dropping Noah off at the trailer, Cheryl came out to ask me a question.  "I hope you had a nice weekend, and if you don't mind, I have something to ask you." 

"Sure.  Go ahead."

"A week from this Thursday is Thanksgiving, and Monica, Debbie, and I are going to chip in so we can all celebrate together.  None of us have families that live nearby, and since the boys are all friends, we thought this would be a good idea.  We wanted to invite you to join us, if you don't have any other plans." 

"Thank you, and that's very nice of you to think of me, but I'm going to be going home to spend Thanksgiving with my parents.  I was going to tell the boys next weekend that I wouldn't be around over the Thanksgiving holiday, because I'm leaving on Wednesday and not returning until Sunday.  I know none of them will be happy about this, but I haven't seen my parents in a while and want to spend the holiday with them." 

"Oh, I didn't know that, so you should go be with them.   I'm sure we'll figure something out to do with the boys over the weekend too, so don't even think about any of that.  Just go and have a great holiday with your parents." 

"Thank you, and I hope this doesn't create a hardship for Monica, Debbie, or you, because I'll be doing the same thing at Christmas too." 

"Oh, I'm sure the boys will survive without you bein' here either of those times, and I'll tell Debbie and Monica so they'll know as well.  We realize the boys enjoy spendin' time with you, but they've got to learn that you've got a family too, so they can't monopolize all of your time." 

"Sometimes I wish I lived closer to my parents, and it's the reason I like going home whenever I can, so I hope the boys can understand that." 

"We'll make sure they do, so just have a safe and enjoyable trip."

The following weekend when I picked up the boys, I brought them back to the house and we played out our little mystery first.  I did that because I wanted them to enjoy themselves before I broke the news to them about not being here the following weekend.  Once they'd solved the mystery and figured out who'd done it, I told them about my plans for Thanksgiving. 

"Look, I won't be picking you boys up next weekend, because I'm going to spend Thanksgiving with my parents.  I'll be leaving on Wednesday and not returning until Sunday, so we'll be taking a week off." 

"Do you have to go?  We really like doin' this with you," Sam whined, with the other two nodding in agreement. 

"Yeah, I was thinking we could get together on Friday too," Noah added.  I understood he meant spending the entire weekend with me, but he didn't want to say that in front of the other two. 

"I know, but I want to go home and spend some time with my parents too." 

"Yeah, we're all gonna have Thanksgiving dinner together at my apartment," Gus added. 

"So we'll all be spending time with our families then, so enjoy the holiday and I'll see you the following weekend.  Oh, and I'll be going home for Christmas as well, so that's another weekend we won't be getting together." 

"This sucks!" Noah groused. 

"It will only happen a few times during the year, and we'll spend the other weekends together, so it shouldn't be too bad.  Look, I didn't go home for my birthday, which my parents wanted me to do, or it could have been worse." 

"Ok, you can go then and we'll just spend time with each other," Sam offered. 

"Yeah, you should get to see your parents too," Gus agreed. 

"It's just that we'll miss doing stuff with you," Noah added.  I knew the other boys would think he was talking about our mystery/adventures, but I was pretty sure he was referring to me masturbating him as well. 

"I'll be back before you know it, so have a good Thanksgiving and don't eat too much turkey and get fat." 

"We won't," they replied together.

After I took Sam and Gus home, on the ride back Noah clarified what he'd meant earlier.  "Man, I'm going to miss you most, because I wanted to spend all of that time with you.  I was hoping you would rub my penis each night too." 

"I had a feeling that was what you'd meant earlier." 

He giggled.  "Yeah, I really enjoy that."  I made a face.  "I meant yes, I really enjoy that."

"I know, but we'll do it the next weekend, so just take care of yourself in the meantime, but don't get caught."

"Yeah, I don't want my mom to know I've been doing that." 

"How do you clean up afterward?" 

"I use a towel or my underpants to wipe it off." 

"Then I'm sure she knows what you've been doing." 

"Really?  Ewww, that's gross, but it would be worse if she saw me doing it." 

"Yes, no boy wants his mother to catch him masturbating." 

We had a fairly normal weekend after that, and I masturbated him each night before we went to sleep.  He also had me masturbate him in the morning too, saying it was only fair since I wouldn't be there to do it for him the following weekend.  Since he'd made a logical argument, I did what he wanted, although we had to get up a little earlier on Monday morning so he wouldn't be late for school and I wouldn't be late for work.

I was busy all day on Monday, and on Tuesday too, both at work and at home.  At work I was busy trying to tie up some loose ends before I left, and both nights I was busy packing for my trip.  I was doing my best to make sure I didn't forget anything I would need, while also trying to make sure I covered all my bases closing up the house. 

I'd taken Wednesday off as a vacation day so I could catch an early flight, and I planned the return trip for Saturday evening, just in case there were any problems with the flight.  That way I should still be back in time for work on Monday, even if the flight was delayed or canceled due to mechanical problems, overbooking, or bad weather. 

Fortunately, Wednesday was a lovely day, although a bit on the chilly side.  I got to the airport in plenty of time for my flight, and it departed on schedule, as well as arriving at my destination on time.  My dad was there to meet me and drove us back to the house. 

"Mom didn't come with you?" 

"No, she's a nervous wreck and busy trying to get everything ready for tomorrow.  You must remember how she gets when preparing for a big holiday dinner." 

"Yes, I do, but I thought that since it would just be the three of us she wouldn't make such a big deal out of it this year." 

"Maybe, if it was just us, but she's invited her sister and brother-in-law too." 

"So Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill will be joining us?" 

"That's what she told me.  Your mom feels bad that they never had any children and doesn't want them to be alone for the holiday, so she invited them to come have dinner with us." 

"Well, it will be nice to see them again, and now I understand why Mom's freaking out.  She always does that when Aunt Sue will be there too." 

"Yes, I guess it's just a little sisterly rivalry, because she always wants everything to be perfect when Sue visits." 

It was nice seeing my mom and dad again, and we spent the entire evening together.  Well, not exactly, because mom was busy running around cleaning this, straightening that, and making sure each item for tomorrow's dinner was ready to be put in the oven.  Dad and I had a nice conversation, and I got to spend some time with my mom too, but hopefully I'd get to spend more time with her once we'd finished eating Thanksgiving dinner. 

Other than Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill, we didn't have any other relatives living close by, although we all had friends in the area.  That was different, though, because they all had their own families to spend the holiday with, so we didn't expect to see them over the weekend. 

After getting a good night's sleep on Wednesday, I found mom scurrying around the kitchen when I woke up the following morning.  "I was just fixing breakfast for all of us, so go in and sit down at the dining room table with your father until I bring it in."

"Please tell me what I can do to help." 

"Nonsense, you're a guest." 

"I'm not a guest.  I'm family, so tell me if there's something I can do for you." 

"Just get yourself something to drink, because your father already has his coffee.  There's juice and milk in the fridge, and there a pot of coffee on the counter, if you'd prefer that instead." 

"So there's nothing else I can do to help?" 

"Just go in the other room and get out of my way."

I tried to be thoughtful, but she wasn't having it, so I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed into the dining room to join my dad.  A few minutes later, Mom appeared carrying a plate of food in for each of us, and then she went back to get one for herself.  I was surprised that she actually sat down so we could eat together, and we actually had a chance to talk a little more. 

"So other than today, do you have anything special planned before I catch my flight home?  Are you planning on going shopping tomorrow?" 

"Lord, no.  I'm too old to be fighting those crowds.  I started my shopping two weeks ago, and I'll do the rest during the day, while most people are at work." 

"How about you, Dad?" 

"Your mother wants me to help decorate the house and put up the tree this weekend." 

"Well, I can help with that." 

"I'd appreciate it, because I'm a little shaky going up on the ladder to hang the Christmas lights without someone steadying the ladder for me." 

"I'll do one better and hang the lights for you, and you can steady the ladder for me." 

"Are you sure you know what to do?" 

"I watched you do this every year when I was growing up, so I'm pretty sure I can handle the job, as long as you'll allow me to do it this time." 

"Sure, and that will help a lot." 

After we finished eating, I turned and spoke to Mom.  "You're not going to stop me, because I'm going to clean off the table, rinse the dishes, and put them in the dishwasher for you, so don't try to argue with me about doing it." 

"I suppose, but just try to stay out of my way," she replied with a grin and a wink. 

Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill showed up shortly after noon, so we could visit before we ate.  My mother even came out of the kitchen long enough to greet and speak with them briefly, but she put her foot down when Aunt Sue offered to give her a hand. 

"I've got everything arranged and know what I'm doing, so you'd just get in the way.  Sit, relax, and visit with Brian and John." 

"Nancy, I know this is your house, but I'm your older sister and want to help." 

"It's all taken care of, and it's just a matter of knowing when to put something in the oven or take it out.  I've got it all figured out, so just relax until I call you out to eat." 

"You're still as obstinate and pigheaded as when we were growing up." 

"And you still want to be in charge, now leave me in peace before something starts to burn."

We all knew that they weren't really upset and that they loved each other dearly, but this was just the way they interacted.  According to Dad and Uncle Bill, they'd been doing this ever since they'd first met them, so they told me to just ignore them and enjoy myself.  We then went into the living room to chat. 

Mom came in to join us from time to time, but for the most part everyone just grilled me about my life and how things were going.  I hadn't seen Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill since before I was in grad school, so they wanted to know about that as well.  There was also some awkward moments, such as when they asked me if I had a girlfriend and when I was going to settle down, but I merely answered that I was focused on my career at the moment. 

Although I've never actually told my mom and dad that I was gay, I'm pretty sure they know, or at least suspect.  They knew I never dated in high school or brought any girls home, so I felt they'd put two and two together and came to their own conclusion.  They seemed to be fine with it, although I'm sure my mom would probably have preferred to have grandchildren, but they've never pressured me or made any derogatory comments. 

We had a lovely dinner together, and Mom truly outdid herself.  Everything was delicious, and even Aunt Sue complimented her on the meal, which caused my mom to blush before she thanked her.  I offered to help clean up afterward, but I was summarily banned from the kitchen when Aunt Sue announced that she'd help with those duties.  I thought my mom was going to argue with her about it, but she merely smiled and thanked her as the two of them started to carry the dirty dishes out of the dining room. 

Since my offer of help had been rejected, I followed my dad and Uncle Bill into the living room, and they quickly turned on the TV so they could watch the football game.  When the women came in to join us later, they saw what we were up to and didn't stick around.  I'm not sure where they went or what they did, but I didn't see them again until the game ended and we returned to the dining room for dessert. 

My mom had made a couple of different pies, one apple and the other pumpkin, and she had vanilla ice cream and whipped cream, if we wanted to add either of those to our slice as well.  After we'd polished those items off, we chatted for another hour before Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill thanked my mom for the wonderful meal, said their goodbyes to each of us, and returned home. 

We merely had a light snack later, since we'd eaten such a large meal earlier, and when we finished, I helped my parents bring the artificial Christmas tree and ornaments down from the attic.  The outdoor decorations were stored in the garage, so I'd help Dad with that in the morning, but at least this was out of the way for the next day.  Once that had been taken care of, we cleaned up and went to bed, ready to get a fresh start in the morning. 

When I got up, I found my mom in the kitchen again, getting ready to make breakfast for the three of us. 

"Mom, I want to take you and Dad out for breakfast tomorrow morning, so don't start getting things out before I get up." 

"You don't have to do that.  It's cheaper and easier to just fix something here." 

"That may be, but I want to do this, so don't forget." 

"It seems silly, but if that's what you want." 

"I do.  We'll go out for breakfast, and then we'll just have a light lunch at home later, before Dad drives me to the airport." 

"You're leaving tomorrow.  I thought you'd be staying until Sunday." 

"I did it in case flights were cancelled due to bad weather or something else.  I don't want to be late getting back to work." 

"It just seems that you weren't here for very long." 

"But I'll be coming home for Christmas too." 

"I hope you're planning on staying longer next time." 

"I've looked at the calendar and I'll fly here on Friday.  That will give us the weekend too, and then Christmas is on Monday, and I'm taking vacation days on Tuesday and Wednesday.  That means I'll plan on leaving Tuesday afternoon, which will give me a day to rest up when I get back, as well as to allow for bad weather again." 

"Ok, I guess that will have to do." 

After we finished our breakfast, I went out with Dad to get what we needed out of the garage.  While we were doing that, I spotted something I thought I could use in the future. 

"Dad, do you use the sleeping bags any longer?" 

"No, we haven't used them since we took you camping the last time." 

"Damn, that was probably ten years ago.  Would you mind if I took them back with me?  I might be able to use them." 

"Might as well.  They're not doing anything but collecting dust here." 

There were four of them, one for each of us and another so I could invite a friend to join us each time we went.  I set them on the garage floor where I could get them later, because I planned on shipping them back to the house. 

Once that was taken care of, I did the hard part as I helped Dad put up the strands of Christmas lights along the eaves.  While I was doing that, I could see Mom putting a single electric candle in each window along the front of the house, and later we'd put the tree up in front of the picture window in the living room.  When I'd finished putting up the last of the outdoor lights, I helped Dad bring out the other decorations as well, which included a lighted Santa, a sleigh, and two reindeer which I set up on the roof. 

When we finished and were pleased with the job we'd done, we put the ladder away, along with the boxes those items had been stored in, and then I asked Dad if I could borrow his car. 

"I just need it to run to the UPS store so I can pack the sleeping bags up and send them to the house.  Would that be ok?" 

"Sure," he answered simply before tossing me the car key. 

"Tell Mom I won't be gone for very long."

When I got to the UPS store, I bought two boxes large enough for two of the sleeping bags and some packing tape.  Then I went outside and boxed everything up before carrying them inside.  I wrote my address on each one and then paid to have them shipped to the house. 

As soon as that had been taken care of, I drove back to the house, went inside, and helped Mom with the tree.  They had switched to using an artificial tree after I went to college, because it was easier and made less of a mess.  After Dad and I had put it together, I helped him hang the lights, and then Mom hung the ornaments.  She preferred doing that herself, because she never thought Dad or I did it correctly, so we stood aside and let her have her way. 

Later that evening, we turned everything on - the tree, the candles, the outside lights, and Santa and the reindeer on the roof, and then we stood in the street admiring our handiwork. 

"Looks pretty good to me," Dad said in his droll manner of speaking. 

"I see some changes I want to make to the tree, but you two did a pretty good job out here." 

"Thanks, Mom.  Do you need my help with anything?" 

"No, it's just a few minor changes, and I can take care of that." 

We then went inside, and while Mom fussed with the tree, Dad and I went into the living room to watch TV and chat.  Before we went to bed later, I made one final announcement. 

"Don't forget that I'm taking you out for breakfast in the morning, so don't start fixing anything," I warned my mother.  "And Dad, you can help her remember, just in case she forgets." 

"You know your mother pretty well, because she might forget on purpose," he remarked with a chuckle.  "Don't worry, I won't let her forget." 

I set the alarm on my cell phone before I got into bed, so I'd be sure to be up before my parents.  It's not that I didn't trust my dad, but I knew my mom sometimes did what she wanted and then claimed she'd just forgotten.  If I was up before her, I could make sure that didn't happen.  Once the alarm was set, I got comfortable and fell asleep. 

It turned out that it was a good thing I'd set my alarm, because Mom was already in the kitchen getting ready to start breakfast.  "I told you I'm taking you out for breakfast today, so put that stuff back!"

"Oh, it's so expensive to eat out." 

"I don't care, because I'm going to do this.  Where's Dad?" 

"I let him sleep in." 

"Yeah, so he wouldn't stop you either.  It's a good thing I know you as well as I do.  Go wake him up and both of you get dressed, because we're going out to eat." 

Mom looked mildly upset that I'd outsmarted her, but she did as I asked.  She knew there was nothing she could do to avoid this now, so she got ready to go with me. 

I took them to I.H.O.P. for breakfast, and we had a nice meal, but I also had a chance to talk to my mother without her constantly getting up and running into the kitchen.  When we finished eating, I paid the bill and we left, and both my parents thanked me after we got in the car, ready to drive home. 

I went to my room to pack my suitcase when I returned, because I didn't want to forget anything.  After I finished, we asked each other what we wanted for Christmas, and then we had a light lunch before they drove me to the airport. 

"It was nice to have you home for a few days," my mom said as they were dropping me off, "and I look forward to seeing you again for Christmas." 

"And thanks for helping me put up the Christmas decorations," Dad added. 

"You're both welcome, and I look forward to seeing you at Christmas as well.  I just wish you'd given me a better idea of what I could get you." 

"Don't worry about that," Mom responded.  "Having you home is present enough." 

Rather than argue with her, I merely responded that I love them before I went into the terminal and checked in for my flight.  I was eager to get back and already looking forward to seeing Noah again, although I'd have to wait another week before that happened.

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I wish to extend my thanks to Donny and Emoe for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:






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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.