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Watching Noah Grow by Erastes
Copyright 2018 by Erastes
Chapter 23 – Including Glen. 

When I picked the boys up the following weekend, they all had their report cards for me to look at.  This was the first time I'd seen Glen's report card and his grades were acceptable, but I was convinced he could do better. 

"This is ok, but I know you're smarter than what your report card indicates, so I want to see some improvement by the next marking period.  Maybe Gus can help you, or I can work with you after we do our adventure or mystery each week." 

I think seeing his report card had answered my question about his initial reaction when I warned him I'd be doing this. 

"Ok, I'll try to do better," he agreed. 

"I know you will and I'm counting on it," I assured him as I gave him a hug. 

"The rest of you all did better this time, and I'm proud of each of you.  Thanks for buckling down and working harder.  I'm very pleased and proud of each of you." 

I gave the other three boys a hug, and they were all beaming.  Glen still looked a little down, so I felt I should clarify the situation for him.  "Don't worry, I'm not upset with you.  I told these guys the same thing I just told you when I saw their report cards for the first time, and now you see they're all doing better, and I know you will do that as well." 

He suddenly cracked a little smile.  "Ok.  I promise I'll do better next time." 

"Don't be afraid to let me know if you need some help, because I'm willing to do that for you too." 

"Ok, I'll tell ya if I need anything."

Once that was out of the way, we focused on the mystery I'd set up for today.  It was a little easier than the ones I'd arranged previously for the other boys, but it was just so Glen could see how it worked.  He'd participated in an adventure the first time he'd joined us, the zombie apocalypse adventure, and then he was there for the treasure hunt that I'd arranged for his brother's birthday, and now he was getting a chance to work on a mystery with us as well.  This meant he had now done everything the others had when we were together, except for going swimming. 

After I took the other boys home, Noah returned to spend the rest of the weekend with me.  We pretty much did the same things as every other weekend, meaning watching TV together, Noah playing with the RC car, and me helping him with his schoolwork, but Noah also made sure that I masturbated him multiple times each day, along with one final time before I took him home on Monday morning.  He was becoming a real horn dog.


Before I picked the boys up the following weekend, we had an intense snowstorm that started Thursday afternoon and didn't let up until just before lunch the following day.  It had been severe enough to get the kids sent home early on Thursday, and classes were canceled on Friday as well, so I decided to do something special with them the next day.  Before I went home Friday afternoon, I stopped at several stores until I found what I was looking for, and then I went home and planned how I was going to do this with the boys the following day. 

When I met up with them at the park the next morning, the boys immediately began telling me about having the previous day off from school and that they'd had snowball fights at the park.  They also said that they'd built a couple of snowmen and a snow fort at the park too, so they were hoping I'd do something there today, so we could utilize those items.  However, I quickly explained that I had something else planned, so they hopped in the car and we took off. 

I was pleased to see they were all dressed appropriately for the weather conditions, since they obviously felt we'd be doing something outside today, but they had no idea what.  When they eventually noticed that I wasn't heading to the house, they all began asking where we were going. 

"I have something special planned for today, so I hope you'll enjoy it." 

"Why?  What are we gonna do?" they basically all chorused back. 

"You'll see shortly," I answered, hearing several groans in response. 

"You always say that," Sam complained. 

"Yeah, he does," Noah confirmed, but I didn't respond.  Instead, I drove until I reached our destination. 

"What are we doing at the state park?" Gus asked when he realized where we were. 

"I have something special planned, so get out and I'll get the things we need out of the trunk." 

They did as I asked, and I went back and opened the trunk so I could take out the two plastic sleds I'd put in there.  I wanted to get more than two sleds, but these were all I could find this late in the winter. 

"Is there a place we can ride on those?" Glen asked, since he'd never been here with us before. 

"Yes.  The other three know there's a good size hill here, because we passed it on the hikes we've taken before."

I then led them down the snow-covered trails to that location, and then we climbed the hill so they could sled down it.  Since there were only two sleds, I felt they could pair up to do this and I'd just watch, but the boys didn't like that idea.  They insisted that I go down the hill with them, so we had to figure out a way to make this happen.  I suggested that we take turns with one person staying behind each time, but they came up with another idea. 

"One of us can ride down with you, and then the rest of us will get on the other sled together," Sam stated. 

"I'm not sure you'll all fit on the sled at the same time."

"We'll figure something out," Gus responded. 

The boys agreed to let Noah go with me first, but I told them that we wouldn't do that until I was sure they could all go down together.  That's when Gus laid face-down on the sled, with Sam laying on his back, and then Glen climbed on top of Sam.  It didn't look very comfortable, but no one complained and Gus used his arms to get them started down the hill.  When they reached the bottom, Noah and I went next. 

We did that multiple times, but when Gus rode with me, the other three were able to sit on the sled together, with the two smaller boys sitting between the legs of the boy behind them.  We continued sledding until we started to get too chilled, and then I made sure everyone brushed the snow off before we got in the car. 

When we reached the house, I made lunch for all of us, which was their choice of chicken noodle or tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, and hot chocolate to drink.  That not only filled them up, but it warmed them up as well.  Once we finished eating, we rinsed everything off and placed it in the dishwasher, and then a short time after we were done with that, I took the other three boys home. 

Noah returned with me, and we basically did the same things we'd done the previous weekend.  That included me masturbating him several times before I took him home Monday morning, but we also spent plenty of quality time together. 

The following workweek passed by quickly, and I was just about ready to go pick up the boys up again, when my tenant knocked on the door. 

"Brian, I hope I'm not bothering you," he said after we'd exchanged greetings and I'd invited him inside.  It was the first weekend in February, so I felt I knew what he was here for, but I listened just the same.  "I wanted to catch you and give you the rent check before you left to pick up the boys, and I have something else to tell you." 

It was apparent that he and his wife had seen me with the boys on at least one of the previous weekends.  I hadn't been trying to keep it a secret, since we often did things in the backyard and Noah drove the RC car out on the street, so I didn't react.  However, I was curious about the reason he had come over to speak with me. 

"I wanted to let you know that my wife and I have agreed to start looking around for a three bedroom apartment.  We love it here, but now that the kids are getting older it's becoming a hassle, especially with them sharing a bedroom.  It will only get worse as they grow older, seeing they aren't the same gender, so we're going to start looking around to see what's available.  I want to assure you that we don't have another place yet, but I wanted to make sure that we gave you plenty of notice, since you've been so good to us.  I'll let you know when we have an exact date that we'll be moving, just as soon as we know ourselves." 

"Thank you for telling me, and I want you to know that I'll miss you as well.  You've been very good tenants, so if you need a letter of recommendation or anything else, just let me know." 

Once that had been agreed to, we said goodbye and I took off to pick up the boys.  They were all waiting for me at the park, as usual, and as soon as they spotted the car, they raced over and hopped inside.  Glen wasn't with the other boys, so I wondered if there was a problem. 

"Gus, where's your brother?" 

"He was sick on Friday and stayed home from school, so Mom told him he couldn't go with us this weekend.  She wanted him to stay home and get better, but she said it was also cuz she didn't want him giving the rest of you whatever he had." 

"So you didn't get sick?"

"Nah, only Glen.  Me and Mom were ok, and I think she felt he was fakin' it, cuz he didn't seem sick when I got home from school.  That's why she wouldn't let him come today, even though Glen said he was feelin' better." 

"That's very interesting."

During the ride to the house I tuned out what the boys were talking about, because my mind was elsewhere.  I was thinking about what my tenant had told me earlier and wondered when he and his family would be moving out.  My curiosity was also due to the fact that his announcement had given me an idea - I was considering inviting Cheryl and Noah to move in there.  

I thought it might be a good idea, but I wanted to consider all of the extenuating factors first.  I knew if I did this it would not only give me a chance to spend more time with Noah, but it might also present an array of problems and potential dangers.  With Cheryl living right next door, there was a strong possibility that she might become aware of what Noah and I had been doing and then report me to the police.  It was something I had to take into consideration before I made a final decision about doing this. 

Even though I wanted to think about it some more, I had to focus on spending time with the boys instead.  As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I asked a question.  "Since Glen isn't with us today, I think this might be a good time to take you boys swimming again.  What do you think about that idea?"

"Yeah, let's go swimming!" they all screamed. 

We got out of the car and went into the house quickly, so we could get the things we needed to do this.  I grabbed our swimsuits out of my dresser, while Noah and the other two retrieved towels from the linen closet.  Noah grabbed one for me too, and then I placed everything into my gym bag.

"We've been waitin' to do this again, but we knew you would say 'no' cuz you hadn't taught Glen how to swim yet," Gus added. 

"You're right.  I wanted to wait until the state park opened again so I could teach him there, because the high school pool has been too crowded to do it when we've been there.  However, this would be a good time for the rest of us to go, so let's get going, and we'll eat lunch after we finish up there." 

"So there won't be any adventure or mystery today?" Noah wanted to know. 

"Maybe we can do something when we get back, if there's enough time.  But for now, let's head over to the high school."

The boys were eager to do this, so before long I was pulling into the high school parking lot.  We hurried to the locker room to change first, and that's when I noticed a slight problem.  "Gus, you've obviously grown a bit since we last did this, because your trunks almost look as if they're painted on you now." 

"Yeah, they're really tight and kinda squeezing my nuts." 

"If it's too uncomfortable we can wait and do this another time." 

"No, I can stand it for today, cuz I want to do this." 

"Ok, if you say so." 

His swimsuit certainly didn't leave anything to the imagination, but it obviously wasn't presenting enough of a problem to keep him from doing this.  When we got to the pool, there were only a few other people in the water, which confused me, so I went over to ask the gym teacher who was serving as lifeguard.  He gave me a brief, but sufficient answer. 

"There were a lot of people here the first few weeks, but hardly anyone has shown up since the new year began." 

After I thanked him for that information, I suddenly had an idea.  I was thinking that I might be able to bring Glen here and teach him how to swim now, seeing the pool wasn't so crowded, but then I realized the drawback to my scheme.  He would need a swimsuit first, and Gus obviously needed a new one too, but it would be a couple more months before I'd be able to buy them at one of the local stores.  After thinking about this a little more, I decided to order the swimsuits online and have them delivered to the house, and then I'd be able to start teaching Glen how to swim too.

I didn't mention this to the boys, however, and merely put them through their paces in the pool.  After having them tread water and practice the 'dead man's' float for several minutes, I asked them to swim from the shallow end of the pool to the deep end, and then back again, so I could see how they were making out.  I have to admit that I was quite impressed with how well they were all doing, and they were proud of themselves as well.  At this point, I allowed them to do whatever they wanted, while I merely kept an eye on them. 

After allowing the boys to swim for as long as they wanted, we returned to the locker room, stripped off our swimsuits, and took a quick shower to wash off the chlorine.  I was amazed at how willingly the boys did this, and that no one made a big deal about being naked in front of each other and a couple of other boys who showed up before we finished.  It also gave me a chance to see how much Gus and Sam had developed, and I was also able to compare them to Noah's increased maturity.  There was no doubt that all three were in the throes of puberty and maturing nicely, and I was more than a little impressed by their current state of development. 

When we finished showering and were all dressed again, I had the boys place their swimsuits in their towels before they rolled them up, and then I put everything in my gym bag so we could leave.  I took the boys out to eat before we returned to the house, and then I asked them a question. 

"I prepared a mystery for today, so do you want to do that now or would you prefer doing something else?"

"Let's do the mystery!" they all chorused back, so that's what we did.

It was another simple one, since I'd expected Glen would be with us again, but they didn't seem to mind.  Once they solved it and we'd finished up for the day, I took Gus and Sam back their apartment building and dropped them off, saying that I'd see them again the following weekend.  Noah and I then drove back to the house, even though the other pair thought I was dropping him off at his trailer. 

As soon as we got back, Noah wanted me to masturbate him first, and then I let him take the RC car outside to play while I got online and ordered the swimsuits for Gus and Glen.  Hopefully they'd arrive before Saturday so I could take them swimming, but if not I'd just have to find something else to do with them until the weekend after that.

Once I finished placing the order, I went outside to see what Noah was up to.  He was still driving the car up and down the street, but he stopped shortly after he spotted me. 

"Do you want to drive it for a while?" 

"No, you can do that.  I just wanted to see how you were doing." 

"I was going to stop anyway, because I wanted to see what movies were on TV." 

"Ok, we can do that too." 

After we put the RC car away, I checked the cable guide and saw that the 2007 Transformers movie was on, so I asked Noah if he wanted to watch it.  "Yeah, I think I heard the other kids talking about this movie before, so I want to see what it's about." 

"I'm not surprised, because most kids seem to love it.  In fact, there have been several Transformers movies made over the years, with the final one coming out last year." 

"So there's more?" 

"Yes, there are.  If you enjoy this movie, then maybe I'll buy the Transformers collection so you can watch the rest of them as well."

We spent the next couple of hours watching the movie, and he seemed to enjoy it.  He never asked if I was going to buy the rest of the series either, but it was something I was still planning to do.  I probably wouldn't do it immediately, but I would definitely add this to my 'to do' list. 

The rest of the weekend fell into the same routine as all of our prior weekends together.  Noah had me masturbating him several more times over the next couple of days, and I spent half of Sunday helping him with his studies.  He seemed to be even more determined to do better on his next report card, because he asked me to quiz him on the things he had been working on in school.  I was happy to do it for him, and I was proud that he was doing this under his own volition. 

When I dropped him off at the trailer on Monday morning, he thanked me, told me he loved me again, and said he'd see me next weekend.  I told him I was looking forward to being with him again, and then I headed in to work. 

It turned out to be a busy week at the office, although not overly eventful, and I was grateful when it finally came to an end.  When I arrived home from work on Friday evening, I found a package outside my door.  It was the swimsuits I'd ordered for Gus and Glen, so now I'd be able to take them swimming tomorrow.  I just wondered how Glen was going to react when I informed him that I was ready to start teaching him how to swim. 

I was excited for the rest of the night and couldn't wait to see how Glen reacted when I gave him his swimsuit.  I planned it all out in my mind before I went to pick them up the next morning, because I wanted it to go smoothly. 

As I was driving to the park, I wondered if Glen would be with the other boys today.  I hoped last week was merely a fluke and he'd learned his lesson about pretending to be sick so he didn't have to go to school.  I felt his mother's choice of punishment had probably been sufficient to convince him not to repeat his transgression, and I was glad to see he was waiting with the other three. 

"What are we gonna do today?" Glen asked as he slid into the backseat between Gus and Sam. 

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better today," I said, hoping to see his reaction. 

"Yeah, I'm better now.  So what are we going to do?"

"Why don't you wait until we get to the house and then I'll explain it to everybody." 

"He always says that," Noah chimed in, "and he won't tell you more, even if you tease him."

Noah's warning must have worked, because Glen didn't continue asking what we were going to do.  As soon as we reached the house, I led the boys inside, grabbed the box sitting on the counter, and handed it to Glen. 

"Here, these are for you and your brother.  I told Gus I was going to buy him a swimsuit for his birthday, and I bought one for you too.  Consider it a late birthday present." 

"Why are you giving us these now?  It's cold outside."

"It's so I can take you to the high school so we can use the pool there. I'm going to teach you how to swim."

"We're gonna do that now?" Glen asked amazed. 


"But what about Noah and Sam?  You didn't buy them a swimsuit." 

"Yes, I did, and they're in my bedroom, so we'll have to go get them. 

"So are we gonna change here?" Glen asked, looking slightly concerned.  

"No, because it's too cold out to be doing that, especially on the way back, so we'll take what we need with us and change in the locker room at the school." 

"Will there be other boys there too?" 

"There might be, but we change in an area that's pretty isolated, so it shouldn't be a problem." 


I was somewhat surprised that he didn't argue about changing in front of the other boys, so maybe he'd already done that when they stayed together over the holidays.  Of course, I had already seen him naked, when I gave him a bath on New Year's Eve, so we quickly got everything we needed, placed it in my gym bag, and headed out. 

Once we got to the high school, the boys followed me to the locker room and we made our way to the section at the back.  We quickly stripped out of our street clothes, put on our swimsuits, and were ready to head out to the pool.  I was pleased to see there were only a couple of others there, and they were in the deep end. 

"Ok, here's what we're going to do.  After I describe to Glen what I want him to do, I want you three to do it first, so he can see how it's done." 

"Like you had us do when we showed Gus and Sam how to swim," Noah stated when he realized what I meant. 


I then led the boys to the deeper part of the shallow end so Glen could practice squatting down and holding his breath underwater.  He was a little scared about doing this at first, so he grabbed onto the leg of my swimsuit and held onto it as he was doing this.  As soon as he gained a little more confidence, he let go of my swimsuit and repeated the process on his own. 

Once he'd done that for a while, I took turns using each boy to demonstrate how I placed my hands under his midsection when I first taught him how to swim.  Then I had each one kick his feet, and eventually use his arms to pull himself forward, so Glen would see how that worked too.  Before I let Glen try those things, though, I had the other three boys swim to the deep end and then back again. 

"Wow!  They can really swim!" Glen squealed.  "Will I be able to do that too?" 

"In time, but not right away.  You have a lot to learn before you'll be able to do that too." 

I put Glen through his paces and told the other boys they could swim on their own while I worked with him.  Since there weren't very many others in the pool at the time, I knew the lifeguard would be able to jump in if they encountered any problems.  I certainly didn't want to hold them back while I was working with Glen, because he still had a lot to accomplish.  Unfortunately, he also had a basic fear of the water as well, and I knew it would take a considerable amount of time for him to overcome that problem.  Over the next couple of hours I worked solely with Glen, and when I felt we had done enough for his first outing, I informed the boys it was time to leave. 

"How did I do?" Glen asked as we were getting out of the pool. 

"You did fairly well, but I could tell you weren't comfortable being in the pool."

"Yeah, I was a little scared, cuz my mom always told us not to go in the water cuz we might drown.  I guess I'm still kinda worried about that happening."

"Yeah, my mom had me a little scared about bein' in the water too," Gus admitted after overhearing my conversation with his brother.  "I got over that when you started teachin' me how to swim, and Glen will get over it too." 

"I'm sure he will," I agreed as we entered the locker room. 

Once we'd stripped out of our swimsuits, we grabbed our towels and headed toward the shower. 

"Hey!  Where are ya goin'?" Glen asked.  "You ain't got nothin' on." 

"We're going to shower so we can rinse the chlorine off our bodies," I informed him.

"What's that?" 

"It's a chemical they put in the water to kill bacteria, but it also leaves a slight odor and dries out the skin, so we always rinse it off before we get dressed."  

To my surprise, Glen merely grabbed his towel and followed us, without using the towel to cover himself.  There was a younger teenager in the shower when we first entered, but he left shortly after we showed up.  That hadn't seemed to bother Glen either, so he was apparently becoming comfortable with being naked in front of us and others. 

As soon as we finished rinsing off and dried our bodies, we got dressed and I led the boys out to the car.  I decided we should eat before we headed to the house, so I asked the boys where they wanted to go.  "Can we go to that place where we had the salads before?" Noah quickly asked. 

"Do you mean Zaxbys?" 

"Yeah, that's the place." 

"I suppose we could, if it's ok with the other boys." 

After I explained that Zaxbys had different types of chicken sandwiches, chicken fingers, wings, and salads with chicken strips, the others agreed they would be willing to eat there too.  Noah and I ordered the same salads we had the last time we were there, while Sam and Gus ordered sandwiches, and Glen had the chicken finger plate.  None of us were able to finish everything, so we took the rest back to the house with us. 

"We have time to do a quick adventure before I take you home if you want," I announced as we pulled into the driveway. 

"Yeah, let's do that!" they all agreed. 

"So what are we doin' this time?" Gus asked. 

"I thought today you boys could be dragon riders.  You can fly around the backyard as you patrol the kingdom and attack any enemies you see." 

"But we don't have dragons to ride," Sam objected. 

"Yes, you do.  You have me." 

I then squatted down and had Noah hop on my back, and then we went around the yard to patrol our kingdom.  Whenever he pointed out an enemy patrol he'd spotted, I would swoop down and blast them with my fiery breath.  When I finished doing this with Noah, I did the same with each of the other boys as well.  To my amazement, Gus let the other boys ride on his back too, so there was only one boy who wasn't involved in our adventure at any time.  When it was Gus' turn to ride on my back, Sam volunteered to take one of the others on his back, so it worked out fairly well.  When we finished for the day, I thanked Gus and Sam for doing this. 

After we went inside again, the boys decided to polish off the food we'd brought back with us, so I gave them each a drink as we sat down at the table.  When we finished, I took Sam, Gus, and Glen home, and they let me know they were pleased with what we'd done. 

Of course, Noah went back to the house with me and asked if I'd masturbate him as soon as we got inside.  I did what he wanted, and then he chose to watch TV next, so I followed him to the living room so I could do it with him. 

We only had a snack after we returned from our walk and showered, since we'd eaten twice earlier, and then we watched TV until it was time to turn in.  Noah insisted that we masturbate each other before we went to sleep, and since I'd anticipated his request, I happily gave in.  After we cleaned up, we cuddled together and fell asleep, content that we had our human teddy bears again. 

Noah had me masturbate him several more times on Sunday, in between helping him with his schoolwork, and then he had me do it one final time on Monday morning, before I dropped him off at the trailer on my way to work.  Another hectic weekend had come to an end.

                                                *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *

I wish to extend my thanks to Donny and Emoe for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:






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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.