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Watching Noah Grow by Erastes
Copyright 2018 by Erastes
Chapter 34 – A Special Celebration. 

The first couple of days of the new week went without incident, and Cheryl seemed to be adjusting quite well to working at the factory.  This seemed to have a positive effect on Noah as well, because he didn't seem as worried about her.  The three of us continued to do all of the same types of things we normally did after dinner, which included playing games and watching TV.  On Tuesday night while we were eating dinner, Cheryl made an observation. 

"You know, this is going to be the first time I've had the Fourth of July off in years, and it will be a paid holiday too." 

"Yes, you'll get paid and will be able to spend the day with us.  Noah has already told me he wants to do something similar to what we did on the Fourth last year, but this year you can do it with us.  In fact, we have everything planned out and I've already picked up the things we're going to need to take with us." 

"So what are we going to do?" 

"We're going to leave for the park after lunch and spend the rest of the day there.  We'll pack a cooler so we can have a picnic dinner, and then we'll stay and watch the firework display.  We'll head home after that ends, so you and I should still be able to get a decent night's sleep before going to work the next day." 

"Oh, that sounds lovely.  It's something else I haven't done in a very long time, because I was always working and didn't have the time." 

"Yeah, last year you were working some nights too," Noah chimed in. 

"Yes, I was working a split-shift at the time and volunteered for some extra hours after one of the other employees quit.  After the boss hired someone else to fill that position, he let me work the day shift as a reward for bailing him out." 

"You're still working the day shift, but now it's at the factory," I offered. 

"And since I'll be getting paid holidays from now on, I'll get to do these things with Noah and you."

"Yes, you will, and we're looking forward to it."

"Mom, is it ok if I sleep with Brian tonight, since he doesn't have to work tomorrow?" 

"Did you check to make sure it's ok with Brian?" 

"Yes, he did, and I told him it was ok with me, but he had to get your permission first."

"As long as it's ok with Brian, I don't have a problem with it either."

"Yay!  Thanks, Mom."

"Ok, now that's been settled, which game would you two like to play tonight?" I followed. 

"Can we play Ticket to Ride?"

"I don't have a problem with that." 

"And neither do I," Cheryl added. 

I got out the game and Noah helped to set it up.  It turned out to be a fairly simple game to learn, and each player had to form his own strategy about how he was going to proceed.  Everyone's dealt four train cards, which signify various types of train cars, and they are also given three destination tickets.  Each player has to decide which two destination cards he wants to keep and then he places the third one at the bottom of the stack. 

The idea of the game is to form your own routes to your destination, and the longer the route, the more points you earn.  It also boils down to balancing greed, your desire to add more cards to your hand, and the fear of losing your route or a part of it to one of the other players.  Although there are several versions of this game, and they cross other countries, this game used North America, so it served as a geography lesson too. 

It was more fun than I had first imagined, and I began to see why Noah liked playing this game and had urged me to purchase it.  Cheryl seemed to enjoy playing it as well, but mostly because she was getting a kick out of watching her son.  I think she was impressed with how well he was competing with us and holding his own, even though we were much older and knowledgeable.  However, in this case he had more experience, at least when it came to the game, and he ended up winning, so he was happy as we headed to bed. 

Before we fell asleep, Noah insisted that we suck each other off, and I was happy to agree with his suggestion.  This time he opted to straddle my chest so he could fuck my face, and shortly after he'd busted a nut, he began sucking on my penis like a newborn calf on its mother's udder.  Once he'd brought me to release and swallowed my load, we cuddled together and made the brief journey to the land of nod. 

When we woke up in the morning, we went over and had breakfast with Cheryl, and then we let Noah choose what he wanted to do next.  He opted to have us play the game of Life, and we spent nearly two hours doing that.  I had forgotten how involved that game could be, and when we finished, Noah went to see what was on TV.  While he was doing that, Cheryl began fixing our lunch and I packed the large cooler with multiple things to take with us when we left for the park. 

After we finished eating, Noah helped me carry the cooler outside and load it into the trunk of the car, and then he raced over to his side of the house.  I went to my side and retrieved the soccer ball to take with us, and when Noah returned, Cheryl was with him.  She was carrying a neatly folded blanket, while Noah held onto a Frisbee, and we all got into the car so we could head over to the park.  It was a different one than where Noah and I met for lunch. 

We left the cooler and the blanket in the car and merely took the Frisbee and soccer ball with us when we got there.  We agreed to toss the Frisbee around for a while first, before Noah decided it was time to switch.  Nearly as soon as we started kicking the soccer ball around, other kids came over and asked if they could join us.  Before long we had enough to play a game, so we headed over to the pee wee soccer field to choose up teams. 

It was only half the length of a regulation soccer field, and slightly more than half as wide, and the goals were smaller too, but it would serve our purposes.  It had been lined and the nets had been added so the recreation department could use it for their summer soccer clinic for the kids, and it would also be used in the fall when the pee wee soccer league held their games.  In the meantime it was perfect for what we intended to do.  Cheryl agreed to play too, so I made sure she and Noah were on the same team, while I played against them. 

We actually had a good time doing this, although Cheryl became slightly winded in the process, but Noah and I were in fairly good shape because of our nightly runs.  The other kids who'd joined us seemed to have a good time too, although none of their parents participated.  In the end Noah's team won, and I felt it was due to the fact that Noah was one of the best players on either team. 

"Wow, you were better out there than I would have guessed," Cheryl told him once the game ended. 

"That’s cuz I don't think any of the other kids have played on a soccer team before." 

"Maybe not, but your ability definitely stood out," I assured him.  "All the hard work you've done is obviously paying off, and you did well against the one kid on my team who was pretty good too.  You got by him a couple of times, so I think you'll do fine when you make the team." 

"Yeah, but he was younger than me." 

"Even so, he appeared to know what he was doing, so it should prove to you that you can hold your own out there."

We were still talking about this when the kid I'd just mentioned came up to speak with us, and he was accompanied by an athletically built man.  "Hey, my dad wanted me to bring him over so I could introduce him to you." 

"Hi, I'm Jeff Rich."

I shook hands with the man, told him my name and introduced him to Cheryl and Noah.  He focused on Noah and spoke.  "I haven't seen you around before, so I take it you don't go to Hilltop Middle School?" 

"I haven't been, but I think that's where I'll be going when school starts again, cuz we just moved." 

"Yes, he'll be attending Hilltop this year, although his mother hasn't enrolled him yet," I interjected. 

"You don't know how pleased I am to hear that.  I'm the P.E. teacher there, and I also coach the modified soccer team.  I certainly hope you are planning on playing this year." 

"I was going to try out and hoped I'd make the team." 

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that.  From what I saw today, you might even be one of my starters.  I lose a lot of the better athletes to the football program, but you'll definitely fit in well.  Do you know what position you want to play?" 

"Not really, cuz I've never played before." 

"You can't be this good and never played before."  He looked at Noah to see if he was merely joking. 

"I haven't.  I just know what Uncle Brian has taught me.  He's been working with me a lot, and I run with him every night." 

"Then you've had a good coach, because I was impressed with your skills.  My son practices with my team and serves as one of the ball boys, so he's better than most kids, but you blew by him a couple of times." 

"That's probably because I'm older." 

"No, it's because you were better.  Jason's no slouch on the soccer pitch and can usually hold his own even with kids older than him, but you blew right by him." 

"So you really think I'm good enough to play on the team?"

"I have no doubt about it, and I'm looking forward to working with you this year." 

After we finished our conversation, the coach and his son left, and Noah was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  "Mom, did you hear what that guy said?  He said I'm good enough to play on the team." 

"I heard, honey.  And I'm proud of you." 

"And you better get used to calling him coach from now on," I added.

"So I just call him coach when I see him at school?" 

"I suppose you could call him either Coach Rich or Mr. Rich.  You might ask him which he'd prefer when you see him at school."

"Ok, I will, but I can't believe that he said I was good enough to be on the team."

"You'd better get used to it, because it looks like the coach has already made up his mind about that."

"I know, but I still can't believe it.  I was worried I wasn't going to get picked." 

"You don't have to worry about that any longer.  Congratulations!" 


We'd been at the park for quite a few hours by now and had spent quite a bit of time playing soccer, as well as tossing the Frisbee around, so we decided to get a drink and rest for a bit.  I walked over to the car and took three bottles of water out of the cooler, and then I brought them back to share with the others.  I was surprised that Noah hadn't followed me when I did this, but he was too busy talking to his mother about what the coach had said to him. 

After handing a bottle to Noah and Cheryl, I spread out the blanket, because I'd brought that back with me as well.  We then sat down on it and got comfortable.  "So what do you want to do now?" I asked. 

"Let's just sit here and talk for a while, because I'm beat," Cheryl quickly answered. 

"Can I go see if any of the other kids want to play?" 

"Sure, honey, but don't go far.  We'll be here when you're ready to come back." 

After Noah ran off to find someone to play with, I turned to Cheryl and spoke.  "Did you hear what Noah called me in front of Coach Rich?"

"You mean when he referred to you as Uncle Brian?" 

"Yes.  How do you feel about him doing that?"

"He asked me before if I'd mind if he did it, and I told him 'no', as long as it was all right with you."

"He suggested it was how he wanted to explain who I was to the other kids when he started at the new school, but I didn't know you had discussed it with him." 

"We did, and I hope you told him you were ok if he did that too." 

"Yes, I'm fine with it, as long as you are.  I know he didn't feel comfortable referring to me as the neighbor or the landlord." 

"He also wanted to tell people you were his step-dad.  That's how close he feels to you." 

"I know, but I told him that wouldn't be wise, because it would create questions since we aren't married." 

"I know, and I told him the same thing, but I thought it was sweet that he wanted to do that." 

"Yes, it touched me too, but I'm glad he settled on Uncle Brian." 

"Me too." 

Noah didn't return for over an hour, and when he did it was for a definite reason.  "I'm starving.  When are we going to eat?" 

"We can eat now, if you want," his mom answered. 

"Yeah, let's do that." 

"Then I'll have to go get the cooler.  Do you want to go with me and help carry it back here?" 

"Yeah, come on and let's go get it." 

Cheryl stayed on the blanket while Noah and I went to get the cooler.  After carrying it back, we started getting out the food so we could eat.  I had the disposable plates, napkins, and silverware on top, so we each took what we needed before we started passing out the food.  I'd made a sub sandwich for each of us, and we had different types of salads too.  We each took what we wanted and began to eat. 

"How long before the fireworks start?" Noah asked after devouring half of the things on his plate. 

"It will be a couple more hours before it gets dark enough, so you'll probably want to think about what we can do until then." 

"What did we do last year?"

"We went out to eat lunch and dinner, and we spent quite a bit of time at Chuck E. Cheese.  We also spent some time shopping." 

"Oh, yeah.  That's right.  You bought me a bunch more clothes."

"Guilty as charged."

"Well, I'd like to take a walk around the park," Cheryl responded, since Noah hadn't suggested anything.  "It's a lovely day and I think I should walk off some of the food I've just devoured." 

"I don't have a problem with that.  How about you, Noah?"

"Nah, we can do that if you guys want." 

The park was fairly large, and we began a circuitous route around it, moving clockwise along the perimeter.  On the way we ran into some people that Cheryl knew and was friendly with, so we stopped to chat with them.  We also ran into a few people I knew from the factory, so we stopped a few more times to chat before making our way around the park.  Noah didn't seem to mind, though, because most of them had children too, some of whom had played soccer with us earlier, so he chatted with them while we chatted with their parents.  By the time we made it back to our blanket the sun was beginning to set, so we sat down and waited for the fireworks to begin. 

"I've really enjoyed today," Cheryl said as we waited for the sky to grow darker.  "It was nice, and I'm glad we decided to do this." 

"Me too!" Noah chimed in.  "We played soccer and I met the coach, and now we're going to see fireworks." 

"Yes, it's been a very full and extremely satisfying day," I agreed.

We continued to talk until the first rocket blasted into the air.  It exploded with a loud boom that spread the multicolored flashes of light across the blackened sky.  As the first display was beginning to fade, I looked over at Noah to see his reaction.  Just as he had last year, his eyes were wide open and a huge grin covered his face, but this time his hands weren't over his ears. 

"That was neat!" he squealed.  "I even felt it in my chest when it exploded." 

"I did too," Cheryl agreed, but they were interrupted when the next set of rockets burst in the air. 

Some of them exploded with loud booms, just like the first one, while others sounded more like a series of firecrackers going off.  There was also a wide variety of different light effects, with some exploding out in all directions, while others opened up like an umbrella, and still others had the lights skittering about like a bunch of colored fireflies.  It was a spectacular show and we all enjoyed it, but like all good things, it soon came to an end.  Shortly after the finale, which was comprised of several rockets going off nearly simultaneously, we packed up and carried everything back to the car. 

"I wouldn't mind doing this again next year," Cheryl said once we were in the car.  "Now, I'm jealous that you guys got to do it last year without me." 

"Yeah, it was great then too," Noah agreed, "but you was working." 

"I know, but I'm glad Brian took you to see it." 

"Me too.  It was the first time I'd seen fireworks for real and not just on TV, and it was waaaay better."

"Yes, it definitely was and I'm glad I got to do it with you this time.  When we get home I'm going to have to shower before I go to bed, because I got quite a workout playing soccer and doing those other things with you guys earlier."

"Can I shower with Brian and sleep with him tonight?" Noah quickly followed.  

Cheryl looked over at me, silently asking for my input.  "It's ok with me, as long as you don't mind." 

"No, I'm going to bed right after I shower, because I have to work tomorrow." 

"Me too, but you get up earlier, so he can stay with me.  I'll drop him off at the park as usual, so don't forget to pick him up after your shift." 

"Oh, I won't, and thanks.  I'm not sure what we'd do without you." 

As soon as I pulled into the driveway, Noah ran over to give his mom a hug and a kiss as soon as he got out of the car.  She entered my side of the house with us before making her way across to her side using the interior doors.  We all felt it was safer that she do it this way, rather than having her walk around outside, alone in the dark. 

Once she was safely in her apartment, Noah and I went to shower before turning in.  While we were cleaning up, he asked a question.  "Can we suck each other before going to sleep?" 

"It's late and I'm tired, but I'll suck you off if you want.  I'll pass on you doing it to me, though." 

"How come?  I like to do that too." 

"I know, but I don't need to get off as often as you do, and I'd rather sleep instead." 

"Ok, as long as you suck my penis for me." 

I assured him I would and made sure he envisioned another fireworks display before falling asleep, but this time in his head as he enjoyed his orgasm.  After that we cuddled together and fell asleep, because we were totally exhausted after a long and enjoyable day.

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I wish to extend my thanks to Donny and Emoe for editing these chapters for me and offering their suggestions. 


E-mail responses to the stories, story suggestions, or other 'constructive' comments or advice may be sent to:  ErastesTouch@aol.com  - but please put the story title in the subject line, so it doesn't get deleted as junk mail. 


My other stories:






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Although the boys in these stories sometimes have unprotected sex, I strongly urge all of you out there to be smart and protect yourselves from various sexually transmitted diseases by using taking appropriate precautions before engaging in sex.