Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 18:22:11 -0700 (PDT) From: 13greengrass <> Subject: WE'LL MAKE MORE This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters or events in this story and actual people and events is purely coincidental. This story is written for the enjoyment of men who love boys and it is to them that it is dedicated. I welcome feedback on my stories and sincerely hope that you enjoy it. WE'LL MAKE MORE I was having a garage sale. I had spent the last two weeks weeding through ten years of accumulation. I separated, boxed and labeled everything so that on the day of the sale, I could just open up my garage, set a few items out in the driveway, and plop myself down in a lawn chair. I had a book to read, a book of crosswords, and a tall bottle of water. I had placed ads in the local paper and put up signs on every corner in a four block radius so I was expecting a good turnout. I was dreading the whole event but anxious to unload the items that cluttered my garage and made it impossible to fit my car inside. I went out to the curb, pounded a sign into the grass, and sat down to receive my customers at 8:30 sharp. I had only lived in the neighborhood for about six months so I figured it would be a great way to get to know the neighbors as well. It was a tough lower-class part of Boston but I didn't feel unsafe displaying my possessions out in the daylight on a sunny August afternoon. There were some beautiful boys in the neighborhood. I knew from the view from my kitchen window. I hadn't been out there for five minutes before people started arriving, poking through my memories with a few bucks in hand, asking prices, making counter-offers. Clothes that I had once worn to look cool now went to a few bohemian teenagers who cooed and held them up to themselves saying, "Dude, how retro!" They held out a handful of bills and coins and asked how much they could take. "Take it all," I said, gesturing to all the clothes in their arms, already in a bargaining mood. Frankly, I was happy that the clothes were going to live through a second era of chic. They marched off quickly as if they were afraid that I might change my mind, smiling, waving to me over their shoulders. Old ladies scrutinized my dishes and glasses and one plugged my old Hoover into the outlet in the garage to test it out, only to shake her head kindly and decline. The old ladies were the toughest customers. They had seen it all, except maybe the books that sat, spines up, in a box on the floor. Many of them were gay-oriented or books about sex--"Gay History", "The Encyclopedia of Sex", "The Life and Times of Allen Ginsburg", "Sexual Discontents". There were several books of photography with male nudes and Madonna's "Sex". The old ladies got tight-lipped and looked away without opening them. It was an odd way to come out to the neighborhood. The customers came in waves. At times, all was silent and I had time to do some crosswords, but suddenly the people would stream in, all at once, as if they had all come in the same vehicle. They swarmed over the merchandise and I hopped and darted from one to the other, collecting money, bargaining, and demonstrating appliances. Then they'd be gone like a great exodus from the driveway and I half expected to see a tumbleweed roll across the driveway. The time dragged. It was during such a lull that I first met Josh. I had seen him around the neighborhood before, riding his bike and shouting to his little sister, who tailed him on her tricycle. "Go home!" he'd shout, but the girl was incorrigible, pedaling behind him. On this day, Josh rode up the driveway on his bike without his sister in tow. He was Asian--Korean as it would turn out--slender with dark hair and eyes, dressed in baggy shorts and a tee shirt. He was very handsome. He greeted me with a smile and came to a stop in front of me. "How ya doin'?" he asked. "Pretty good," I said. He got off his bike and dropped it in the driveway and looked around at all the merchandise--more scanned it. Apparently he didn't have any money. He wandered through the garage and came to a stop in front of the box of books. He started to walk away when something inside caught his eye. He bent over to get a closer look, then stole a quick glance over at me. He smiled shyly at me, then back into the box, then back at me, then meandered away, around the garage and back eventually to the box of books. By this time, three customers had arrived and I was tending to them, but I watched as he took a quick look around and snatched up one of the photography books, leafing through it very quickly and putting it back down. When the customers left, I found him standing by my chair. "You got lots of cool stuff," he said. "Well, I don't know about that," I said. "Anything catch your eye in particular?" He shook his head quickly. "What's your name?" "I'm David," I said, extending my hand. "What about you?" "Josh." Giving each other our names kicked something off. It was as if it was the shooting of the starting pistol of a great event and Josh began to talk. He talked about his bike, his sister, his house. "It sorta stinks `cause too many people live there," he said. He talked about school and how much he hated it. "I want summer vacation to last all year." He talked about the Red Sox and the Celtics and Weezer. He talked about his friend's dog "who humps legs" and his principal at school who lived just six houses down from me. The boy talked and talked and talked and I listened, happy to have an excuse to just look at him and the animated manner in which he spoke. "How old are you?" I asked. "Ten," he said. "Do you like movies?" "Um...yeah." He launched off on his favorite movies and actors, spending a particularly long time talking about Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarznegger. He recited lines from comedies he had seen, trying to make me laugh. When customers arrived, he became a high-pressure salesman, pointing out items that he liked in particular or making comments on things that people were already looking at. He took the opportunity afforded during one busy rush to revisit the book box, this time spending more time than before looking at the erotic photos of men in various states of undress. When someone would wander too close to him, he would quickly put the book down and feign interest in the Dust Buster or the electric fan until they had passed by, then he would hunker down over the box again, pouring over the fleshy photos. I was intrigued and hopeful. When we were visited by yet another lull, he pulled up a stool and sat beside me, using his hands to describe the cartoon he had watched that morning, sniggering and giggling throughout the retelling so that I really had no idea what he was talking about. It didn't matter. I enjoyed listening to him. From time to time he would ask me a question. "What would you do if a limousine drove up right now and a guy got out and said, `I'll buy everything for a million dollars!'?" "What is your favorite kind of sandwich?" "If you could have any kind of car at all, what would you have?" It should have driven me crazy, and I could tell that he was used to having that effect on adults because he was simply drunk on my attentiveness. "My friend Dominic always tells me to shut up," he said at one point. "He says I talk too much." I smirked. "Really?" He was oblivious to my sarcasm. He was off rambling about his teacher at school. "She tells me to stop talkin' all the time," he said. "Sometimes, I'm not even sayin' anything and she says, `Josh, stop talkin'." He shrugged and smiled at that. He got a look in his eye at one point as he peered over my shoulder toward the road and when I looked, I saw his little sister pedaling down the sidewalk as fast as she could with a tallish young man taking strides behind her to keep up. "Oh, damn," Josh muttered. "Who's that?" "My sister," he said. "And?" "And my uncle," he said. He stood up as the little girl wheeled up the driveway toward us and shouted at his uncle. "Take her home!" The uncle seemed oddly oblivious, looking around as if he wasn't sure who Josh was talking to. He lumbered awkwardly toward us and Josh's little sister rolled right up to me with a broad grin. Josh scowled at her. "Go away." "It's all right," I said, smiling back at her. "No, she'll break things," said Josh. "Believe me, she'll break things." He looked up at his uncle. "Why did you bring her here?" Josh was suddenly near furious. The uncle shrugged. He was handsome at a glance--tall and pudgy--but there was an odd look in his eye, as if he were looking everywhere at once. I guessed him at around seventeen years old. "We're just going for a walk," he said to Josh. His voice was deep and his words were slightly slurred. He made an odd sweeping motion with his head and looked at Josh from the corners of his eyes like a frightened horse. It dawned on me then that he was mentally retarded. "Henry, take her away from here," Josh ordered. The little girl just sat smiling at me from her tricycle, dark eyes twinkling. "She's not hurting anything," I said. "She just hasn't had the chance," Josh said to me, then he looked over at Henry. "I said take her away!" Henry made a slow movement toward the little girl but she quickly clambered off the trike and ran toward the garage. Josh looked embarrassed and he shouted at her in Korean. She ignored him. Henry was swooping down to take her hand just as she grabbed a wine glass from the table. She held it in her pudgy hand and grinned at Josh, who leapt toward her to grab the glass. She dropped it and it shattered on the floor. She immediately looked sorry. "Wow, that was fast," I chuckled. "I told ya," Josh said. "She breaks things." Henry was leading her away and she was looking at me as if she were expecting me to storm at her. "It's all right, sweetie," I said. "It was an accident." Josh snorted. "Yeah right." "What's her name?" "Elizabeth." I smiled at her. "Hello, Elizabeth!" She brightened immediately, smiling and trying to wave with an uncoordinated little hand. "How old are you?" I asked her. "She's almost two," Josh said, then he growled at Henry. "Take her home!" Henry led Elizabeth back to her bike. Once she was mounted, he took hold of the handlebars and led her away, mumbling to her all the way. "Stay on the bike, Lizzie, `kay? Stay on the bike. You busted that man's glass. That wasn't nice." Josh plopped back onto the stool and looked angry and embarrassed. "She breaks all my toys," he said. "Do you have your own room?" He shook his head. "No, I sleep with Henry but we don't have a door on the room." He spoke very softly then. "Sorry `bout the glass." "Don't mention it." When I looked at my watch, it was nearly one o'clock and I was amazed at how time had flown since Josh had arrived. His incessant talking seemed to make the time fly and I had made nearly three hundred dollars, in part thanks to his high-pressure sales tactics (although I had to take him aside twice to tell him to cool it). His contributions were noteworthy, however, particularly when a woman in a beat up station wagon drove up to peer at the garage from her car and Josh went out to the curb to talk to her. He shouted back to me, "How much is the fan?" "Five dollars." She handed him the money and he ran up the driveway to hand it to me, then grabbed the fan and delivered it to the lady, even opening up the back door and loading it inside. He smiled, thanked her and waved and she drove on. Curbside service. At about two o'clock, we were sitting amidst another lull and he turned to me, very seriously and shyly, and said, "You have a lot of books about sex over there." "I have some, yes," I said. He thought about what he was going to say next. "Why do people want to buy books about sex?" "Because it feels good," I said. He looked like he wanted to ask for more details, but he hesitated. "There are lots of gay books over there too." I nodded but said nothing. "Why would someone want a book about that?" I thought twice before I answered. "You seemed mighty interested in it," I said. "Ask yourself." He laughed nervously. "I was...just looking..." "Several times," I said. "For a long time." "No I wasn't!" "Okay, whatever." There was a silence, then he cleared his throat and looked down at his shoe. "I was just looking," he said again. "And you can look again if you'd like to," I said. "If you want privacy, go back around the garage with it." He looked further embarrassed, but oddly intrigued, like he was considering that. "Dominic says that boys doin' it with boys is normal." "Dominic is right," I said, suddenly wanting very much to meet Dominic. "How old is Dominic?" "Twelve," said Josh. "And he can make sperm!" Josh suddenly clasped his hand over his mouth and looked horrified. "Shit! Don't tell him I told you, okay?" "Okay." "He's right," Josh added sheepishly. "I do have a big mouth." "I've been enjoying listening to your big mouth," I said. Josh didn't know if this was a compliment at first, but then he smiled. "Really?" I nodded. "You haven't told me to shut up once!" Josh looked happy as a clam. His whole body seemed alive with energy, as if he suddenly wanted to leap about, but he stayed perched on the stool. "How do you know Dominic can make sperm?" "I saw it," he said, then he looked embarrassed again. Not the best secret keeper, I noticed right away. "I mean....well...." "Boys doin' it with boys is normal, Josh," I said gently. He just smiled nervously, looking around as if he wasn't sure if he had just admitted that. "I'm usually pretty good at keeping secrets," he said, as if he were reading my mind. "But I can talk to you. Most people don't listen to me." "If they listened, they might hear some secrets," I said, teasing him. "Like what you and Dominic do together." Josh looked at me with that nervous smile. He shook his head and said, "Nothin'," as if it were a joke--as if he was admitting even more with the tone of his denial which, of course, he was. He looked at the floor and bounced his foot. I sat silently until he looked over at me, still smiling. "Nothin'!" he said again. That he and Dominic did things together was obvious and I found myself wondering about Dominic and wanting to ask more, but I wanted to respect Josh's desire to be responsible with a secret. "Hungry?" I asked. "I could make some popcorn in the microwave." "Sure!" I came back out with a bowl of popcorn and Josh and I descended upon it like vultures. He scooped up handfuls and shoved them into his mouth at first, then looked into the bowl, gave me a look, and stopped. I took a few more handfuls and looked over at him. "You full already?" He looked at the bowl sheepishly. "I'll eat it all," he said. "Don't worry about it," I said. "We'll make more." He studied me for a few seconds, smiled and dug in, scraping the bottom of the bowl with his hands, licking the butter from his fingers. He was a polite boy, no doubt having to share with his family. His pink tongue mesmerized me, snaking around his little fingers, sucking on the tips. He noticed me watching but I doubt he knew why. He just smiled at me and continued licking. Josh prattled for the next hours about "The Simpsons" and Brittany Spears and more about Weezer, which was his favorite band. He talked about his house more, telling me that it only had two bedrooms, so his mom and dad had one room, he and Henry had the other, and Elizabeth slept in the living room. "There are clothes hangin' all over the place," he said with a curled lip. "My mom won't pay for the clothes dryer. She says it's a waste of money." When I mentioned that he looked pretty well-dressed, he shrugged and said, "My mom buys me stuff at Goodwill." He looked embarrassed again, like he'd wished he hadn't said that, but I piped in quickly. "I buy most of my clothes at Goodwill too!" It was true and it made Josh smile with some relief. "Who do you think will buy those books?" he asked. "What books?" I knew which books he was talking about, but I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to play with him a little. "You know," he said shyly. "The sex books." I shrugged. "Someone interested in sex, probably," I said. "That's why I bought them." He was listening attentively. There were no customers around and I gestured toward the book box with a jerk of my head. "Now would be a good time to go look at them, if you wanted to. It's all right with me." He looked like he wanted to say that he didn't have any desire to go look at the books--like he wanted to just shrug and say, "no thanks". But he seemed unable to speak and his eyes darted toward the box thoughtfully. "It's all right," I said again. "Really." He smiled nervously, embarrassed again, hesitant, but he rose to his feet and walked over to the box. With his back to me, he picked up a book and started to leaf through it, taking his time, lingering at times until I thought he would never turn the page. He glanced over to see if I was watching and I quickly looked away, acting as if I hadn't noticed, giving him his privacy. My eyes fell on a startling sight. Crossing the street, coming toward us at a distance, was a beautiful black boy. He was slender and dressed in a basketball jersey with matching shorts. His coffee-colored legs were sturdy and straight and he had cornrows lying flat against his head. I wondered if he was really so beautiful up close. I couldn't look away. He walked with a graceful swagger, arms swinging at his sides, a tiny lilt in his step, almost walking on his toes. He was like a vision walking out of a dream. I'd never seen him in the neighborhood. I would have become obsessed with him if I had, as I did in that moment. I had to get close to him which, as it turned out, wasn't going to be a problem since he looked as if he was coming to the garage sale. As he neared the driveway, I spoke to Josh, alerting him to the approaching boy. "Do you know him?" I asked. Josh turned around and dropped the book into the box. When he saw the boy, he stood up and started toward him. "What's up?" The boy gave a cool nod. "Whassup?" Both boys approached me and Josh gestured toward me with a sweep of his hand, as if he were presenting me to the boy. "That's David," he said, then indicated the handsome boy with a jerk of his head. Up close, he was even more beautiful than I had originally thought. "This is Dominic." My heart sang and the rest of my body joined in. I imagined that I heard my penis pounding on my zipper, begging to be let out. Dominic. The name of my new obsession was "Dominic". Dominic gave me the same cool nod that he had given Josh. "Whassup?" "How're you doin'?" Josh was off and prattling. "He's really cool," he said to Dominic, then he dropped his voice to a whisper, eyeing me for a moment, then leading Dominic away toward the book box. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but when they got to the box, Josh lifted one of the homoerotic photography books and flipped through the pages until he found one in particular. Josh whispered further and Dominic suddenly looked uncomfortable, shuffling his feet, smirking and shaking his head, laughing nervously and walking away. "Damn, Josh, you're weird," he said. Josh looked perplexed by his reaction. Dominic gave me a shake of his head and pointed at Josh. "Dude's weird." Dominic wandered around the garage, looking at everything with a distracted interest. When he came to where I was sitting, he found Josh perched on the stool again, talking wildly about him. "He's on the basketball team," Josh said. "He made 26 points in the last game of the season last year. He was going up against this tall dude from Hoover Middle School and Dominic just smoked him!" Dominic smiled modestly and shook his head again. "You been talking his ear off?" Josh brightened. "He likes it!" Dominic looked at me strangely. "Really?" "It makes the time pass quickly," I said. "I enjoy listening to him." Dominic laughed at that, then shrugged. "Josh is a motor mouth, man," he said. "He don't never shut up." Josh smiled at me as if he was fine with that analysis. I went into the house during the next lull to use the bathroom and left Josh and Dominic to tend to the shop. I had pulled out another lawn chair and the boys were sitting and talking and making fart noises when I left. Dominic had his hand in his armpit, flapping his arm like a manic bird, making Josh fall off his stool laughing. There were things about little boys that were less attractive than others. I used the bathroom then grabbed some homemade Popsicles from the freezer on the way out. When I reached the driveway, I found the boys hunched over the book box, whispering to each other and pointing at a book in Dominic's hand. I walked up directly behind them and stood there, unnoticed for a moment, and stepped up on my tiptoes to look over their shoulders to see what they were ogling. It was one of the photography books--a close-up of a man's penis in black and white, turgid and veiny, filling the entire page. I heard Josh say, "What if it was really that big!" "Know what it looks like?" Dominic asked. "What?" "Popsicle?" I asked from behind them, and both boys leapt to their feet, the book tumbling with a loud plop into the box. They spun around, bumping into each other, mouths and eyes wide open. Dominic started laughing immediately and it quickly spread to Josh. "Sorry," I said, straight-faced. "Did I startle you?" "What?" Josh asked. Dominic composed himself, rubbing his smile away with his hand. "Popsicle," I said again, extending them forward. "Homemade. Lemonade. Want one?" They both took one and we walked back to toward the chairs. "You scared the shit outta me, man," said Dominic. "You guys want to look at the books, feel free," I said, plopping down into my chair. "Seriously. Feel free." Josh watched Dominic's reaction carefully. He obviously followed the older boy's lead on most everything. Dominic chuckled nervously and stammered to speak. "Just don't get the pages sticky," I added. Dominic collapsed into giggles again. He seemed giddy with the conversation topic. Josh eyeballed me carefully, wondering if I was betraying the secret. "Josh wants to look at them," Dominic said, nudging Josh. Josh didn't deny it. "You were the one holding the book," I said out of the corner of my mouth. "Well...." "You looked plenty interested." Dominic told me a lot with what he didn't say. He wasn't denying anything, he was laughing about it, he was admitting nothing. But Josh's expression told me more. He was looking at Dominic like he was trying to figure out what he was saying. Dominic's reaction to the topic of penises was obviously out of character for him. I could see it in Josh's eyes. "You were the one who turned to that page," he said, not wanting to be the butt of any joke, even if he didn't understand it. "I was not!" Dominic said, still smiling. "You were too," Josh said. "You said, `It's bigger than my mouth!'" Dominic gasped, scowled, and knocked Josh off the stool with a stiff-arm shove. Josh toppled onto the ground. Dominic was laughing before he hit the concrete. He covered his face with his hands and shook his head guiltily. "No I didn't!" I helped Josh up off the ground and started to admonish Dominic for his violence, but Josh had already shaken it off. "That's what you said!" The damage was done. Josh had once again spilled every bean in the bag. Dominic laughed and pointed at Josh and looked over at me. "He said, `It's too big for my butt!'" "That's a lie!" barked Josh. Josh talked too much, spilled secrets, and was far from subtle, but I already knew that he didn't lie. He was too naïve to lie. Dominic was just trying to outdo him and to shift the attention from himself. "And it's your book!" he guffawed, pointing at me. This made Josh laugh. I laughed too, but more about the sheer giddiness with which these two lovelies discussed penises. "Boys, boys," I sighed. "Sit down and eat your Popsicles." The joke wasn't lost on them. When Dominic pulled the wrapper down from the top of his Popsicle, he sat staring at it for a moment, noting its obvious phallic shape, then started giggling and pointing at it, looking over at Josh, holding it in his lap so that it rose from his shorts like a hard on. It sent the both of them into gales of laughter and Josh made dreamy eyes and licked his Popsicle, making a humming noise in his throat. "Mmmmmm." Dominic laughed and tried to act offended. "Josh!" Josh upped the ante, going down on his Popsicle and inadvertently displaying his obvious talent and style, his lips wrapped around the ice, sliding it in and out. Dominic grimaced and groaned and shook his head, covering his eyes and playing disgusted, but he was laughing quietly and eyeing me carefully. I sat smiling, looking from one to the other, wondering how these two had ever managed to fall into my grasp. The next five minutes was like a flirting orgy. I ran my tongue down the shaft of my Popsicle, slowly and languidly, swirling over the tip, and both boys watched silently for a moment before bursting into giggles and shaking their heads, grimacing and saying, "Ugh!" Then Dominic shoved the whole Popsicle deep into his mouth until his lips were wrapped around the stick. He did it slowly and seductively and I couldn't look away. While Josh was acting grossed out, I sat with my mouth slightly open, hanging on every movement of his lips as they slurped on the Popsicle. He noticed that I didn't laugh it off and gave me a different look. It was loaded with meaning, as if I had said something, and indeed I had. Josh, at ten, was less graceful, less subtle. He made exaggerated groaning noises and rolled his eyes into his head. "Oooo, baby," he whispered, and Dominic started to laugh, but then stopped right away when he noticed that I was no longer laughing at this game. He smiled at me and said to Josh, rather hollowly, "You're crazy, Josh." I was supremely conscious of my hard on at that moment and thankful that there were no customers to tend to. Dominic sucked the last of his Popsicle into his mouth and waved the stick at me. "That was good," he said. "Got any more?" Josh, his sensibilities offended, clucked his tongue. "Geez, Dominic, that's rude, dude," he said. I waved him away. "No, don't worry about it," I said. "These are the last ones, but we'll make more." Dominic nodded and grinned, sucking on the stick. Customers pulled up into the driveway and started bustling out of their car. At around five thirty, Dominic's name rang out in the neighborhood and Dominic, hunched once again over the book box, ignored it. He and Josh were talking amongst themselves but didn't seem to be discussing the book in Josh's hands. Dominic was bent low and whispering into Josh's ear. The voice rang out again. "Dom!" It was a woman's voice. "Dom!" Dominic stood up and turned and shouted. "Coming!" He leaned over again and whispered some last words to Josh, then he glanced over at me and they both stood up. "Dom!" "Coming!" he shouted crossly. He and Josh bumped fists and Dominic smiled over at me. "You gonna be out here tomorrow?" he asked me. "Yup." "See ya." I waved goodbye and watched him jog away--that slender body, those cocoa legs. I watched him until he rounded the corner and disappeared and when I finally turned away, I found Josh sitting on the stool beside me. A car pulled up to the curb and came to a stop and Josh leapt from the stool and went to greet them. At six o'clock, Henry came around and told Josh to come home for dinner. Elizabeth was in a stroller, and when she got a look at the garage sale and all that merchandise, she began to struggle against the belt that held her in the seat. Apparently she was buckled in well because she strained and strained to get out and finally pouted and cried. Josh looked over at me hopefully. "Will you be out here when I'm done?" "It's late. I'm going to close up for the night." He looked disappointed for a moment, then said, "Are you goin' anywhere?" "I'll be around," I said. "I'll probably be reading the paper on the back patio." "I'll come over later," he said. "I have to ask you somethin'." "Ask me something?" He nodded. Henry was impatient. "C'mon, Josh." Josh got up and started away. "I'll be back later," he whispered, and he ran off. I moved everything into the garage and closed the door, then went in and made myself some dinner and poured myself a glass of wine. I was out on the patio reading the paper by seven o'clock, surprised at how eager I was to see Josh again and to hear what he had to say. My mind was entertaining me with the possibilities while I tried to concentrate on the crossword puzzle. Ten minutes later, I heard a bike fall on the concrete in the driveway and moments later, Josh came around the corner. The patio was leafy with greenery--rather secluded and impossible to see from the driveway. I had a pine table back there and chairs. I tried to look casual as I watched Josh settle into one of the chairs, saying hello. "Hey, how was dinner?" I asked. He shrugged. He had changed his shirt and was wearing a green tank top. He had a beautiful body. "Beans and franks," he said. I sipped my wine. "You'll be fartin' for real now." He laughed. To young boys, farts are always hilarious. They're sure bets for a laugh, in any context. "What're you doin'?" he asked. He got up and came over to me, standing beside me. "Crossword puzzle." "How does it work?" I explained it slowly. "These are clues over here," I said pointing. "And there are numbers in these boxes. The words go across or down, see?" I casually put my arm around his waist, pulling him gently toward me. It could have been interpreted as purely affectionate, and maybe it was. There was just something about this handsome boy that made me want to pull him closer. Josh didn't resist. In fact, he leaned into me slightly and I wrapped my arm further around him until my hand rested on the spot on his shirt where I could feel his belly button through the thin fabric. "How do you know if it's the right word?" he asked, leaning farther into me, settling down onto my lap, throwing a leg over mine until he was straddling my leg, his back against my chest. My cock stirred. "You start with the easy clues," I said. "And the more you get, the more letters you have to work with for the other ones." "Looks hard," he said. He was talking about the puzzle. "Takes practice is all," I said. His body felt so sweet against me. I let my hand fall onto his thigh. It looked innocuous enough, resting there on the denim shorts. "I do a lot of them. It's a way of thinking." We sat, supposedly looking at the puzzle, but I suspect both of us were more attuned to our bodies at that point and the spots where they touched the other. I took in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of him. A little musty after being out in the sun all day, but nice. He turned so that both his legs were between mine and put his arms around my neck. He looked at me fondly. "You're really cool." "Thanks," I said. "So are you." He smiled. "My dad let's me sit on his lap." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." We had run out of things to say in the moment. A first, I suspected, for Josh. The little chatterbox was sitting there quietly, looking like he was daring himself to do something but lacking the nerve to do it. "Dominic wants to know..." he started, then stopped and smiled nervously. "What?" "Dominic wants to know if you'll let us see your....ya know." "My `ya know'?" "Ya know!" "I know." I smiled at him. "Why?" He shrugged. "He didn't say." "But you know." "I know." He searched his head for the right words. "We like to...ya know..." "I don't know." "Ya know," he said, "Um....look at `em." "Oh," I said. "Just look?" He blushed and looked away. "What else?" I was rapt with the conversation. "Ya know." "No." "Ya know," he said, and he pointed at his mouth, still looking away from me. "With each other?" He looked at me, then shook his head, then shrugged and nodded. "Yeah but...not really, I mean....ya know...." "No." "I mean..." He looked uncomfortable. "I like to...ya Dominic, but...." "But what?" "I shouldn't say," he said. I slipped my hand up the front of his shirt, feeling the smooth skin of his of his belly, and found his nipple. When I touched it, his whole body shuddered. "But what?" "Um....well...." "What else do you like to do?" I asked, whispering softly into his ear. "He....ya know...I mean me too, know...." "I'm sure I don't." He looked exasperated, but he had gone too far to back out now. My fingers were tweaking his nipple very softly. He drew in a deep breath and let it out all at once. "Ya know...," he said as if I should know. "Older guys." "Older guys?" "Yeah," he said. "I mean...we like men' know whats." My cock was rock hard. I had so many ideas in my head in that moment, not the least of which was how bad a keeper of secrets Josh was and how I had to be careful about what I said and did to him. But then he stood up and turned around, nonchalantly falling against the front of me, wrapping his arms around me, laughing and acting embarrassed, hiding his face in my shoulder. "I can't believe I'm telling you this!" he said, then, "Dominic says it's normal!" "Well, it's not abnormal," I said. "How do you know that you guys like that?" "Because," he said, but he thought twice about going further. "Because, Dominic has a magazine and it shows men' know what's." "I mean...have you two ever....had one?" He looked coy. A slow smile crept across his face. "Yes." "Who?" "I can't tell you." It was good to hear that he knew when to shut up, but I was curious about how many men had been the subjects of these boys' affections in the past. Would they ask for money? Is that where this was going? "Together?" I asked. "Huh?" "Did you two have this guy together?" I asked. "I mean, at the same time?" "No," he said, and I felt his breath on my collar. I shivered. "No, it wasn't the same guy." My mind was swimming and scrambled and it took me a while to process what he meant. Each had had a man--one a piece. I wanted to know more. "How many?" I asked. "What?" "Men," I said. "How many?" "Who?" "You," I said. "How many?" "Just one." "And Dominic?" He shrugged. "Just one," he said. "But..." "But?" He looked apologetic and shook his head. "I can't tell." "So then what do you and Dominic do together?" "Some things." His vagueness was driving me crazy. I wanted details. "Like?" I pushed gently and rolled his nipple between my fingertips. He sighed deeply. "Close your eyes." He sounded short of breath. I closed my eyes. For a moment I just sat there, still feeling him standing between my legs, then I felt his breath on my face and suddenly his lips on mine, first very lightly, then pressing against mine and spreading slightly. I met his tongue with mine and he performed a little dance against mine with his lips. It was well-practiced but not terribly passionate. When our lips parted, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smirking and blushing. "Dominic likes that more than me." "Really, why?" He shrugged. "I dunno. It's not bad but...." "What else?" I was an eager audience and a willing participant in this game. He acted like he was trying to remember. He put his finger to his chin and looked up and said, "Ummmmmmm...." Then he looked like he remembered and he thrust his pelvis against me, grinding it against my stomach. I could feel that he was hard. He looked into my face and announced, "It's called `humping'." "Yes, I've heard of it." "I like it." "Me too." I pulled him to me, against me, feeling his writhing body in my arms, hearing his breathing get a little heavier. He grunted and moaned. "It feels good." "Yes." I felt light-headed. I let my hands rest on his bottom and it was like electricity. I whispered into his ear. "So what's your favorite thing to do?" Josh was a little lost in what we were doing and it loosened his tongue and his inhibitions even more than was normal for him. The words he spoke, his breath crawling on my neck, sent a shiver down my spine. "I like...sucking," he said. "I like to suck." "Yeah?" "I eat Dominic's sperm." He said it almost reverently. "I like it." "Yeah?" "Yeah," he said. "I like sperm. That's what it's called, right?" "Yeah." "Yeah." He thrust against me. "Dominic calls it `cum'. I can't make it yet so Dominic can't eat mine, but he says he will when I can make it." "What a pal." I kneaded his butt softly. "You won't tell, right?" "Of course not." Henry's voice in the distance made us both jump suddenly and Josh stumbled away, adjusting his pants. Henry was in the driveway, yelling Josh's name, and Josh walked around the corner until he could see the driveway. "What?" he spat. "You gotta come home now," he said. "Your mom said so." "Shit." "Don't swear," said Henry. "Shut up, Henry," Josh said, and he sighed in frustration. "Okay," he said. "I'll be right there." There was a pause, then Josh shouted, "Go home, Henry, I said I'll be right there!" Josh returned to me, standing at a distance. "I gotta go." "Okay." He shuffled his feet and seemed to be waiting for something. Finally, he shrugged and put his hands out, palms up. "Well?" "Well what?" "You never answered the question!" I was ecstatic and horny and restless and nervous all at once. I wanted Josh to come back and rub himself against me. It was easy to acknowledge that it was best if he kept his distance at this point. The bulge in his shorts was bad enough and he had to go home. I didn't want to say anything too definite until I had time to think about it--time to think about the prospect of trusting Josh--about trusting Dominic. I hardly knew them. I didn't want to look over eager. "Tell Dominic that it sounds like an exciting idea," I said. "But I need to think about it." Josh nodded, understanding. "Okay." "I'll be out in my driveway tomorrow," I said. "We'll talk then." "Okay," said Josh. "See ya." "Good night." I don't have to tell you what I thought about all night--what I lay awake in bed pondering and running over and over in my mind. I don't have to tell you what I was thinking about when I jacked off in the morning. I showered and took my breakfast out to the driveway while I opened up shop. There was a lot less merchandise than there had been the previous day and I suspected I'd do well with the after-church crowd. Before I had everything out on display, Josh came pedaling up the driveway, smiling broadly, hair sticking out in all directions. He looked as if he had awaken just ten minutes earlier and had leapt directly from his bed to his bicycle. He was wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a peach-colored tank top. I was happy to think that I'd have such a good view of his body all day. "Mornin'!" I said. "Hi!" He dropped his bike on the yard and began helping me set up. He began telling me about the episode of "The Simpsons" that he had seen the previous night, chuckling and acting out the parts, doing a fair imitation of Bart. I had seen it too and had told him so, but it didn't stop him from prattling on in the retelling. I enjoyed watching him talk. He grew animated and excited as his storyline progressed until he was unable to talk for the giggles. I shared my bagel with him then as we sat down and waited for the customers to arrive. I wanted to ask him if he had spoken to Dominic but I felt it was important to play it cool and not look over eager. He rambled on about how Elizabeth had fallen off the couch last night in her sleep and split her lip. It didn't need stitches but she bled all over the rug. His mother was trying to clean out the spot when he left. Then he got up and revisited the book box. "Tell me if someone's coming," he said to me over his shoulder, and he proceeded to leaf hungrily and attentively through the photography books for the next twenty minutes. He didn't speak a word to me and I concentrated on my crossword puzzle, a little happy for the quiet time. When he came back to his stool, he looked smug and he adjusted his cock in his pants with a quick move of his hand. The stiffness was still apparent. I smiled at him and at it. "Can't help it," he said. "Perfectly normal." "Why does that happen?" What followed was an academic discussion about the male reproductive organ. It was so academic that it almost wasn't sexually titillating to me, but I enjoyed watching Josh squeezing his little hard on and adjusting himself in his pants as he listened. From what I could tell, he had spent most of the morning with a raging erection. He asked serious questions and I gave serious answers but the lesson abruptly ended with our first customers of the day. The morning was slow business, but I was right about the after-church crowd. Families dressed in suits and dresses ambled up the driveway, talking amongst themselves, picking through the goods. They were a more congenial lot, I noticed, as if church had set them that way. They looked into the book box and reared away from it as if it were Satan's cradle. The after-church crowd made a substantial dent in my inventory, hauling away mostly kitchen appliances and utensils, linens, and towels. The children that they brought in tow did a remarkable job of convincing their parents to buy the toys I had for sale, taking advantage of their generous post-church mood. By one o'clock, I was finding it difficult to contain my curiosity about Dominic. The last of the after-church crowd had wandered away and as I was turning to Josh to finally ask him, a soft voice called his name from the sidewalk. We looked over to see a girl standing there with her friends. She was tall and pretty--light-skinned black with neat braids and small hoop earrings. "Josh," she called out. "Where's Dominic?" Josh shrugged. "Is he at home?" Josh shrugged again. "I don't know." The girls murmured to each other, then started to walk away. "Tell him I wanna talk to him," the girl said over her shoulder. "'Kay?" Josh nodded. The gaggle of girls wandered off and Josh looked irritated. "Who was that?" I asked. "Tiffany," said Josh. "She likes Dominic." "And how does Dominic feel about her?" Josh jerked one shoulder. "I don't know," he said. "And I don't care. I don't like girls yet." "Yet?" "My dad says I'll like `em some day," he said. "But...I don't know...." He changed the subject abruptly. "Dominic will be over after church," he said. "I called him last night. His mom makes him go every Sunday." I didn't think I had to wonder what the phone conversation had been about. I scanned the street, hoping to see Dominic's lithe frame, strutting in our direction. He was nowhere to be seen. "You talked to him last night?" Josh nodded. "Yeah," he said, then he smiled at me shyly. "Yeah," he repeated, with more meaning. "He said, `cool'." "Cool." "Did you think about it?" I had thought of little else, but I said, "Some." "And?" "And I'm still thinking about it," I said. Before I gave an answer to such a loaded question, I wanted to see Dominic. I needed to see that he was serious about it and that he was discreet about it. Leaving the question dangling put the power in my hands, and at this point, I needed to have some control of the situation. There was an awful lot at stake. "There's Dominic," I heard Josh say, and I looked over to see the young god trotting toward us, smiling, dressed in a pair of sweats that had been cut off at the knees and a clean white tee shirt. "Whassup?" he said brightly. "Hi," I said. "Tiffany's looking for you," Josh announced unenthusiastically. "She just walked by." Dominic tried to look suave, as if girls were always looking for him. He smiled and looked around. "Well, she'll find me if she keeps lookin'," he said. "Girlfriend?" I asked. He shrugged and grinned broadly. "One of `em." Such bravado. "How's business?" he asked. Josh grew suddenly animated. "There was a whole bunch of people came over," he said, hopping off the stool. "They bought up a whole bunch of stuff. Mrs. Eldridge bought all the towels!" "She needs all of `em," Dominic snickered, then he looked over at me. "That lady's got nine kids." Nothing was being said about Josh's important question and my pending answer. I decided that it would be best if I waited them out about that--make them pursue it. "The books are still here," I said. "Not the gay history book," Josh said. "That fat lady bought it, `member?" I nodded. "Hopefully I'll sell the rest of them before the day's over," I said. "If not, maybe I'll give them to you guys." They both looked excited for a moment, then Dominic shrugged and shook his head. "I wouldn't have anywhere to keep `em," he said. "Me either." Josh looked disappointed. "Why don't you guys grab a couple and go around back behind the garage where you can look at them without being disturbed?" I suggested. "I'll take care of business. And I won't go back there." They looked at each other for a moment, then smirked and headed toward the book box. "The photography book," Dominic said. "And that red one with the pictures." They collected three books, all with pictures, and covertly slipped away around the side of the garage and around the corner to the back. It was very secluded back there, surrounded by a seven foot wooden fence and lots of bushes and trees. After they had been gone for a few minutes, I snuck into the garage where there was a window at the back, left ajar. I could hear their voices as I neared the window and when I ventured to peek out, they were right outside, tucked away between two lilac bushes. They each held a book open in one hand and had their other hands down the fronts of their shorts. They were talking softly but I could hear them clearly from my vantage point. "Look at that," Dominic whispered. "You can see the tip of his dick is wet!" "Lemme see." Josh leaned over and gave an approving grunt. "Cool." "I wonder if it's piss or cum." "Look at this," Josh said, showing Dominic a picture. I could see that it was a color photo of two men, nude. One was squeezing oil onto the other's chest. Dominic stared at it for a while and I could see his arm flying as he masturbated himself inside his shorts. Josh was pumping too but with less enthusiasm. "Look at his dick," said Dominic. "It's fuckin' huge!" "Look at his balls!" Listening to their voices, seeing them pour over the books, it was evident that Josh had an interest in male bodies, but not a passion for them. He seemed to be emulating Dominic more than anything. Dominic, on the other hand, was breathing heavily and his voice dripped with excitement and horniness. Male bodies was an interest they both had, but perhaps Josh's interest was more a passing phase. It bonded them. No doubt their experimentation together gave Josh an intimacy that he craved, but I suspected that his father was right about Josh some day liking girls. "His balls are fuckin' huge too!" he said. It was the excitement of discovery and the whetting of curiosity talking and Josh looked like he wanted to touch the huge nuts through the page of the book. "Yeah," Dominic said, deep in his throat. It rang of sensuality and lust. He pulled his hand out of his pants to flip the page, then he held the book up in front of him and pulled his shorts down. With his back to me, I could see his brown buns as the shorts slid down to his thighs. He gazed at the photo--a white man, hairy chest and legs, cock stiff. He was a little stocky and he was staring off into the distance with a lusty look on his face. "Look at that!" he gasped. Josh copied Dominic, pulling his shorts down. I saw his little pecker pop up and throb. Josh craned his neck to see the picture that Dominic was ogling, then said, "That's your favorite one, huh?" "Yeah, man," he said. "It looks like David, don't it?" Josh gave another look. "Sorta." It looked a bit like me. I remembered the photo. Dominic's ass clenched as his concentration on his cock increased. His arm was flying up and down. It was a glorious sight, but I found myself wishing he would turn around so that I could see his cock. "You gonna cum?" Josh asked. Dominic grunted, then stopped. "If I keep goin' I will." He looked over at Josh. "Did he say anything about it yet?" "Who?" "David," Dominic said impatiently. "What did he say?" "Nothin'." "Did you ask him?" "Yeah, he said he's still thinkin' about it," Josh said. "Why do I always have to ask? You're the one who wants to see his cock." "So do you." "But I already asked him," Josh said. "Now it's your turn." Dominic looked back at the page in the book. Josh was flipping through the pages of his own book, his dick standing up proudly, pert and hairless. Dominic reached over and took it in his hand. Josh didn't flinch. Obviously, Dominic had handled him often. The older boy stroked the small cock gently. "What do you think he's gonna say?" Josh shrugged. "I don't know. Probably `yes'," he said. "I told you what we did last night." "Did he really touch your butt?" Josh nodded, looking Dominic in the eye. He held his hand out and made a pinching motion. "He squeezed it a little." Dominic let go of Josh's rod and went back to his own. "Tell me exactly what happened." "I told you..." "Tell me again." As Josh talked, Dominic gazed at the picture in the book, pulling on his tool with quick, even strokes. "He let me sit on his lap," said Josh. "Then he started playing with my nipple." "No way!" Josh nodded emphatically. "You know how I like that!" he said. "How did he know?" Dominic shrugged. "Anyway..." "Anyway," Josh went on. "I got between his legs and hugged him. Then I kissed him and..." "Did he kiss you back?" Dominic interrupted. "Or did you just kiss him and he just sat there." "He kissed me back," Josh said. "He put his tongue in my mouth!" "Liar." "I swear he did!" Josh said, clearly enjoying himself now. "Then he touched my butt and kinda squeezed it. Then we humped." "You humped him or did he hump you back?" "I humped him, but he liked it," Josh said. "He said so." "He said that he liked to hump?" Dominic sounded as if he were questioning a witness in court. "That's what he said?" Josh nodded. Dominic's hand was moving quickly below. "Shit," he said between his teeth. "So now it's your turn to ask him," Josh said, pulling absent-mindedly on his own cock but watching Dominic's with great interest. "Are you gonna cum?" "Hell yeah," Dominic said, and he shifted slightly as Josh dropped to his knees, his shorts down around his amber thighs. I still couldn't see Dominic's cock, but I knew where it was--in Josh's mouth. His hands were suddenly on Josh's head and he was fucking his face, throwing his head back, mouth open, then letting out a low growl as he curled forward, hips jerking, ass muscles contracted, knees buckling slightly as he fell over the edge. The orgasm was short and when he was done, Josh clambered to his feet. A white pearl of sperm dappled his cheek. He smacked his lips and pulled up his own pants. I watched Dominic's glorious ass disappear back into his shorts. "You gonna ask him?" Josh asked. Dominic nodded. "Yeah," he said. "Dude, wipe off your face." Josh stuck his tongue out and captured the glob and pulled it back into his mouth, then he wiped his face with his tee shirt and zipped up his shorts. "You're still hard," he said, pointing. "I can't help it," Dominic said. "Let's just wait here a sec `til it goes down." Josh grinned mischievously. "Maybe he'll like it," he said. "See what he does!" Dominic looked like he was thinking about that, then he chuckled and said, "Awright, let's go!" By the time the boys had come around to the driveway, I was sitting in my chair with my crossword puzzle book covering my raging hard on. I acted as if I hadn't seen them coming and when I looked up, the bulge in Dominic's sweats came into view. Josh had all the books in his arms and he went over to the box and deposited them inside, watching me for a reaction over his shoulder. Dominic just stood there facing me, looking as if he were trying to think of something to say. I let my eyes drop to his bulge, then looked up into his face. "I see you had a good time," I said. He acted as if he hadn't noticed the lump. He looked down at it, then smirked at me and covered his mouth. "Ooops," he said. "Ooops indeed," I said innocuously. "Is that what Tiffany was looking for?" He shrugged. "Maybe," he said. He lowered himself down into the lawn chair beside me. "So," he said, adjusting himself blatantly. "Did you decide yet?" I couldn't resist the temptation to tease him. "Decide?" He nodded. "Yeah," he said. "About....ya know..." "About `ya know'?" He looked a little embarrassed. "Ya know." I smiled at him. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." Josh had come over and climbed onto the stool. He didn't look like he was going to help Dominic out. "About what Josh asked you yesterday," Dominic said. "Ya know." "Josh and I talked about a lot of things yesterday." A customer had pulled up to the curb and was getting out of his car. Dominic blushed. "Dude, you know what I'm talkin' about." I put my book down and stood up, thankful that my erection had subsided. "Be more specific." With that, I walked away to meet the customer in the driveway. He was already looking at the VCR that was for sale. I left the boys to talk it over, and talk they did. As I told the man about the VCR, I noticed them leaning over toward each other, whispering. They were very quiet and of all they said, I only heard Josh's voice say, "I swear I did!" The man and I bartered over the price of the VCR and he forked over some bills and walked away with it under his arm. I went back and sat down nonchalantly. The silence was broken almost immediately. "You said to be specific, right?" Dominic said, already starting to giggle. Josh was sniggering into his hand. "That's what I said." "Okay." Dominic took a deep breath and shot a quick look at Josh. "Can we see your dick?" The words sounded so sexy coming out of his gorgeous lips. "How do I know I can trust you?" "We won't tell!" Josh piped in quickly. He suddenly looked so excited that he might fall off the stool. Dominic shrugged. "Ain't no way I'm gonna tell anyone," he said. "You think I want people knowin' that shit?" We both looked at Josh. He eyed us defensively. "I won't tell!" "Motormouth," said Dominic, then he looked over at me. "He won't tell. You have my word on it." I wasn't convinced that Josh could be trusted, but I had already decided that I would take the chance. I looked thoughtful for a moment. "You can vouch for him?" I asked Dominic, jerking my head toward Josh. "I won't tell!" Josh said. Dominic nodded. "He's cool." "Then tell me about the men." Dominic looked confused. "What men?" "Josh told me that you each have had a man," I said calmly. "Different men, but he wouldn't tell me who." Josh blushed. Dominic glowered at him. "You sure you can vouch for him?" I asked. "What the fuck?" Dominic growled at Josh. "He was playing with my nipple!" Josh said in a desperate whisper. I laughed quietly. "It was a moment of weakness," I said. "If the cops pick him up for questioning, we'll be all right as long as they don't play with his nipple." I laughed, but it wasn't really funny. Neither of them laughed and Dominic took a deep breath and sighed. "Jesus, Josh." "So who are these men?" Dominic looked reluctant to speak. We were all silent for a while. Finally, Dominic spoke. "Promise you won't tell?" It seemed like such an absurd question, given the circumstances, but I nodded and promised. "Mitch Haskins," Dominic said. He spoke the name with a certain discretion, as if the name itself was a secret. He leaned forward in his chair and smiled coyly, almost wistfully. "He used to baby sit me when I was ten," he said. "He was eighteen or somethin' like that. He lived next door. He let me take a shower with him once and he let me play with his..." He glanced down at his own crotch. "'You know what'?" I offered. He gave a wrinkled-nose smile and nodded. "Yeah." He shrugged and tried to look nonchalant. "No big deal. It's normal, right?" "It isn't abnormal," I said. "Where is he now?" "In the Marines," Dominic said. "He went in last year." "Miss him?" He smiled nervously and shrugged. It was meant to be ambiguous but it looked like a "yes" to me. "That's it?" I asked. He nodded again, although I had a distinct feeling that there was more to that story. I looked over at Josh. "What about you?" Josh smiled at the sudden attention. He looked over at Dominic as if waiting for permission to speak. "Go ahead, motormouth, you've already said too much," said Dominic, and Josh looked slightly hurt. Dominic's opinion of him obviously mattered a great deal. He looked over at me. "Only once," he said dismissively. "Twice," Dominic chimed in, and Josh giggled. "Twice." "With Henry," Dominic added. It appeared that he was taking his own revenge on Josh for being such a blabbermouth about his business. I was having a rough time picturing Josh and Henry together. "You told me to!" Josh said to Dominic. "No I didn't!" "Yes you did," Josh insisted. "You and Mitch were doin' it and you said, `It's fun, Josh, you should do it with Henry!'" Dominic had that guilty look on his face and he laughed out loud, covering his face and shaking his head. "No I didn't!" But I knew he had. "When you say doin' it, what do you mean exactly?" I asked. "Jackin' him off," Josh said. "Henry's so stupid though he told my dad." "Josh got grounded for like a week!" Dominic laughed. Josh grimaced. "Henry's dick is disgusting. It's all bent up." We all laughed at that. Then Dominic looked over at me and said, "Well...?" I thought about it, then said, "When the garage sale's over." Dominic looked around. "Doesn't look like anyone's comin' now," he said. I was turned on by his eagerness but it was only going on three o'clock. "Two more hours," I said. "Can you wait that long?" He blushed again. I seemed to be remarkably adept at making the handsome boy blush. He didn't answer and it made me wonder if he could wait that long. Do I have to tell you how long those two hours felt? At about three thirty, business picked up and all three of us were helping customers, carrying merchandise to their cars for them, wrapping breakables in newspaper. The rush lasted about twenty-five minutes and time went by rather quickly with us preoccupied, but every once in a while, I would catch Dominic looking over at me, watching me move, studying me. He would smile coyly when he noticed me noticing him and I would wink meaningfully. When the rush died down, the sexual tension mounted with each quiet minute. They brought the books from the box to where we were sitting and took to leafing through the pictures in front of me, lingering on certain pictures more than others, pointing and showing me a few. "How did they do that?" Josh asked, indicating a photograph of a bouquet of penises. "Trick photography," I said. Dominic pointed out the moist tip of a cock. "Is that cum or piss?" he asked. "Dunno," I said. "Could be pre-cum." "Huh?" I looked him directly in the eye and spoke softly. "You know when you were playing with Mitch's cock and it got all wet on the tip?" I said. "That was pre-cum--preseminal fluid. It acts as a lubricant." "A what?" asked Josh. "I thought that was piss!" Dominic laughed. "Lubricant," I said. "While fucking, you have to have something to make the dick go in easier." "Into the woman?" Josh asked. "Or the man," I said, then looked at them meaningfully. "Or the boy." They fell silent, uncertain about what to do with that. Josh looked utterly confused, but Dominic blushed and looked away. At four fifteen, Dominic tried everything he could think of to get me to close down shop early, but I held firm, betting that there would be one more last rush before the end of the day. "Everyone's gone home now!" Dominic whined. "Patience, boy," I teased. "You'll get what you want with patience." He blushed again. I was getting used to seeing him blush and I was rather liking it. Now that we were being open about what that energy was between us, just making those little innuendos and dropping those small hints would make him pop a boner. I amused myself, controlling his cock with my words and the way I would look at him. Once, he lifted the hem of his tee shirt to wipe the sweat from his face and he flashed a delightful bit of bare flat tummy that caught my eye. "Hey," I said. "Do that again." "What?" He really had no idea. "Lift that shirt again," I said pointedly. He blushed and lifted it again, wiping his face but not covering his eyes this time so he could watch me watch him. I panted like a dog and licked my lips and the bulge in his shorts came to life. He laughed excitedly and sat down in his chair, shaking his head. We all watched the time crawl by. At four forty, three cars rolled up and our last rush of the day was underway. It lasted for fifteen minutes and I sold over fifty dollars in merchandise. As the cars drove away, the boys were bustling around and cramming things haphazardly into the garage. "Won't you guys have to go home soon for dinner?" I asked them. "Not `til six," Josh said hastily. "Fuck dinner," Dominic cracked. My cock was throbbing in my pants as I pulled the garage door closed. When I turned, Dominic and Josh were standing there, shuffling from one foot to the other, looking very edgy. Josh was smiling nervously. Dominic looked very serious, his hands folded in front of his crotch, no doubt hiding his erection. He was staring at me intently. When I looked into his eyes, there was a mix of lust and apprehension, as if he were on a roller coaster that was making the first big climb and he was wondering if he had made the right decision by getting on. "Ready?" I asked them. "Yup!" Josh was giddy. He smiled and stood on one foot and curled the other up behind him, hanging onto it with his hand. It was a random expulsion of nervous energy. Dominic just nodded and followed me into the house. We went around to the back, to the patio door where no one could see them enter the house. "Want anything to drink?" I asked them as we entered the kitchen. I locked the door behind us. "No," said Josh, seemingly eager to get things underway. "Got any wine?" asked Dominic. "Not for you, Junior." The boys laughed. Not that it was particularly funny. We were all in that giddy place where anything was funny. We stood in the kitchen for a moment, looking at each other, smiling, then I motioned to them to follow me and we headed upstairs to my bedroom. They looked around as they followed but stayed close on my heels. In my room, I turned to them. "Do you want me to get undressed?" I asked them. I really wanted them to say "yes". Josh hesitated and Dominic smiled, shrugged, and nodded. "Yeah," he said. His voice had taken on an oddly husky tone. "Sit over there," I said. Facing my bed were two matching chairs, about five feet from the bed. I pointed at them and both boys went over and sat down. Dominic laughed and tried to keep from smiling, but he watched without blinking as I peeled my tee shirt off over my head and tossed it toward my hamper. I toed my shoes off and pulled off my socks. Josh was also watching, smiling, giggling, staring. His mouth hung open slightly as I undid the front of my pants. The outline of my hard cock showed through the denim of my jeans. Their watchful eyes turned me on. I unzipped and pulled down my pants, stepping out of them, leaving me only in my boxer briefs. My stiff cock made the briefs look distorted, cotton stretching off in one direction. I squeezed it through the fabric and noticed Dominic's hand reach down and grab his own boner through the sweat shorts. I slowly pulled the briefs down and let them fall to the floor. My cock was up and bouncing like a rock star on stage. The boys looked like adoring fans, eyes wide, smiling. I heard Josh giggle and Dominic gasp. I rubbed my balls and gave my dick a couple of squeezes, then I laid down on the bed, propping pillows up behind me and settling in. Dominic started to get to his feet, his eyes on my cock. I put up one hand to stop him. "Take off your clothes," I said to them. They both looked surprised. They looked over at each other, then started laughing, covering their mouths. "Take off your clothes," I said. "And you can come over here and do what you want." The sexy, seductive talk was turning all of us on. Even Josh, at only ten, got a genuinely woozy look in his eyes as he watched Dominic for a cue. Dominic was smiling at me, trying for the life of him to look reluctant or only mildly interested. "That wasn't part of the deal," he said. I didn't say anything. He looked over at Josh. "Wanna?" Josh nodded quickly, but he waited until Dominic started to kick off his shoes before doing the same. I lay on the bed, watching them undress bashfully, my cock straining up, my fist wrapped around it. Josh followed Dominic, pulling off his socks, removing his shirt, unbuckling his belt, opening his pants. It was as if it were a dance and he felt he had to stay in sync with what Dominic was doing. Dominic on the other hand kept his eyes on me and my cock, revealing his light-brown chest and belly, lean and slender. Without the shirt, the bulge in his sweats was pronounced. He copied me, squeezing it through the fabric, smiling at me. "You like my body?" he asked in a hoarse whisper. I nodded firmly but slowly. "I sure do." "You like mine?" Josh piped in. He threw his chest out and struck a pose, his slender thighs parting slightly, his little cock jutting forward in his light blue briefs. His skin was like smooth amber. "Yours too," I said. Dominic pulled his pants down and stepped out of them. He wore plain white boxers beneath. Josh dropped and stepped out of his own shorts. They looked at each other then and chuckled. Then Dominic pulled his boxers down in one quick motion and stood up, his proud little cock pointing up at me. He put his hands on his cheeks and looked at me--the great revealing of the prize. Josh had dropped his briefs at the same time but I couldn't take my eyes off of Dominic. His lovely brown body was magnificent. He got up on his toes, waiting for my approval, holding his breath. He didn't have long to wait. My eyes fell on his body and a hum emerged from my lips. I smiled at him. "Wow!" I said, and Dominic and Josh both exploded into laughter. Looking over at Josh, he was a dream to behold. Smaller and more petite than Dominic, he had sturdy legs and a stiff little cock. I gave him a hum too. "Awright," I said. "C'mon." They approached the bed rather quickly but crawled up onto it slowly, their eyes on my cock as if it were a rare bird that would take flight if they moved to quickly. Josh spoke first. "It's hairy!" They both laughed at that. Again, it wasn't funny, but they were drunk on the excitement. I put my hands behind my head and took a deep breath, settling in, inviting. They moved up to either side of my hips and knelt there, looking down at my cock. I could feel their eyes on it and I made it jerk up and down. This made them dissolve into giggles. Dominic made a move like he was going to reach out and grab it, but he stopped, suddenly shy. "Go ahead," I said softly. He didn't need to be told twice. He reached out his hand and wrapped his long fingers around my rod. At the touch of his hand I groaned involuntarily. Josh put his hand on it too, squeezing it at the root, then pointing at the tip. "Cool!" he said. "Precum!" "Ssssh," Dominic hissed. He was staring at the cock, stroking it, concentrating on it. He reached out with both hands, cupping my balls in one and stroking my cock with the other. Josh put one hand on my cock between Dominic's hands and with the other, he touched my nipple, rubbing it with his finger. My cock was engulfed in boy hands and I was in heaven. Dominic leaned close to it and for a moment I thought he was going to put his mouth on it, but he just stayed there with his nose three inches from my turgid cock. He looked like he was waiting for just a little encouragement. "Wanna suck it?" I asked. The boys looked at each other and laughed. We were moving along at a good clip now and they were both eager to keep up, but Dominic was trying to still look cool doing it. His hand pulled on my cock sweetly and he acted indecisive. "Ummmmm, I don't know..." What bunk. I was pretty sure that he wanted it desperately but there was no use pushing it. I didn't need to. I looked over at Josh. "You wanna know what precum tastes like?" I asked. Josh didn't hesitate. As he started toward my cock, mouth open and ready to taste, Dominic suddenly moved in and beat him to it, licking the tip of my cock and smacking his lips. I moaned. Josh looked a little disappointed. "Dominic!" he hissed. "He was talking to me!" "I'll make more," I said quickly. The floodgates had opened in Dominic and he was through acting coy. He ran his tongue on the underside of my cock, up and around the head, over the piss slit. I squirmed and groaned loudly. Dominic pushed my cock upright with one hand and took the head in his mouth. Josh lapped at the base of my cock, his hand cupping my balls gently. He sucked on the side, running his tongue up and down, while Dominic sunk farther and farther down onto my cock. I reached down and put my hands on their heads, helping Dominic bob up and down and directing Josh to slide his lips up and down in rhythm with Dominic's strokes. My cock was singing with pleasure. The tongues and lips and fingers were flitting over it, sucking and licking. I heard Dominic let out a small satisfied moan. I pushed Josh's head down further. "Lick my balls, Josh," I whispered, and he quickly acquiesced. His tongue slathered my nuts tenderly, lifting them slightly in his hand so that he could cover them with his tongue. Dominic looked lost in his task, sliding my cock in and out of his mouth, taking the base of it and stroking it in rhythm. I knew then that he had done more with Mitch Haskins than just masturbate him. My orgasm was approaching. It screamed from a great distance, like a dragon coming over a hill, huge even on the distant horizon. I was going to cum a gallon. Josh was slurping on my balls and Dominic was trying to swallow my cock and every nerve in my crotch was running amok. I reached down and pulled on their legs, repositioning them so that they were up higher on the bed, lying on their sides, their delightful little cocks bobbing and weaving within my grasp. Josh was curious about what I would do and he stopped to look down at himself as my hand seized his boyhood and stroked it gingerly. He smiled to himself and went back to lapping at my balls. Dominic didn't miss a beat, however. As I reached for his cock, he spread his legs, cocking one leg up and back, thrusting his dick out at me. He groaned loudly, his voice muffled with cock. I thought right then that if it were possible to die of happiness, then I would surely breathe my last, lying there with a boy cock in each hand and my dick smothered with boy lips and tongues. I fondled their balls and masturbated them lovingly. My orgasm was gaining ground. I could feel it starting deep in my balls. "I'm gonna cum," I huffed suddenly. Suddenly, they were jockeying for position. Josh had abandoned my balls and was trying to climb my cock with his lips, attempting to dislodge Dominic from his position on my cock. He wanted the load. Dominic was not going to surrender his advantage. He plunged deeper down onto my cock, making long strokes in and out of his mouth, bumping heads with Josh. My balls were busting. Josh nudged Dominic with his nose but Dominic held on and I burst into his mouth with a loud grunt. Dominic stopped bobbing, letting the sperm shoot into his mouth, his eyes half closed, dreaming. A bit of it escaped down the side and Josh lapped at it quickly before Dominic had a chance to make a move for it. Clearly, however, Dominic was taking the lion's share, sucking on it like it was a baby bottle as I emptied my nuts into him. "Dude!" Josh snapped angrily. Dominic ignored him. He was swallowing and sucking and dominating the situation, unwilling to share, his mouth fixed on the head. My head was reeling with the impact, my body trembling. "Dude!" Josh growled again. Dominic didn't seem to even hear him. He was lost in his meal, suckling like a euphoric baby. His eyes seemed to be rolled up into his head. He stretched his legs suddenly and it became obvious that he was nearing his own orgasm. I dove down suddenly, unhanding Josh's cock and pulling Dominic's cock into my mouth. I engulfed it with one move, sliding up and down on it. The sudden sensation, coupled with his oral orgasm, pushed him over the edge and as I shot the last of my sperm into his mouth, he shot the first of his into mine. He kept my cock in his mouth for as long as he could, but then seemed to fall off of it, his head coming to rest on my thigh, as he made hoarse, high-pitched squeals in the back of his throat and his body jerked on the bed. "Dude!" Josh growled again. He was missing out on all the milk being served. He leaned over and sunk down onto my cock, squeezing at the root until I felt another small bit ooze out of the tip onto his tongue. I held onto Dominic's hips as he tumbled to the end of his orgasm. When he was spent, I let his luscious little prick slip out of my mouth. Josh released my cock and sat up. "I didn't get any!" he complained, but Dominic and I were smiling and quiet, lolling there on the bed, gazing at each other. His spectacular body was close enough to smell and I breathed him in like a fine aroma. "I'll make more," I said to Josh. "You can have the next load." "That's sucks," he said, and we all laughed at the expression. "You had some earlier, Josh," I said, and they both looked at me, surprised that I knew, and we all laughed again. Looking back, that was when Dominic and I fell in love, I think. In the aftermath of our ecstasy, in the wake of our separate explosions, with our heads resting on the other's thigh, we gazed at each other with naked hearts and we connected. Josh was oblivious to this. He was bitching about being left out so I pulled him down to me so that he was nestled against me, his head on my shoulder and his arm over my belly. "You're a pig, Dominic," he said, pouting. Dominic just smiled blithely and gave a deep sigh, his breath rustling the hair on my thigh. "I gotta get home," Josh said, his voice vibrating against my chest. "Yeah," Dominic said dreamily. "My mom's gonna be callin' dinner soon." None of us moved. I toyed with Dominic's half-flaccid cock with one hand and cupped Josh's ass with the other. Dominic spread his legs and sighed. I watched as his cock rose gracefully to life again. My own dick was growing, crawling across my belly. Josh took hold of it and gave it a few tugs. He had inadvertently been excluded from the first round and Dominic seemed to be only just starting to feel guilty about it. "Sorry Josh," he said. It had been so long in coming that Josh looked at him suspiciously. I patted him softly on the bottom. "Sorry," I said, "We'll make it up to you." "How?" I rolled over to face him and Dominic rose up on his knees. "I have some ideas," I said, and I lowered down to his chest, placing a small kiss on his left nipple. He snickered and moaned. "Oh, dude..." I licked the little nub and sucked it in between my lips and he pushed my head away and pulled it closer in one jerky movement. He arched his back and stretched upward, thrusting his smooth little chest up toward my face, straightening his legs. His little cock was stirring to life suddenly. I pinched the other nipple gently and he laughed deep in his throat. "Oh, dude..." Dominic seemed to suddenly get the idea. He reached over and took Josh's prick in his hand, rubbing it and stroking it gently, poking at the little hairless nut sack, raking his fingernails down the sleek thighs. Meanwhile, I focused on Josh's nipples, licking them and rubbing the wetness over them with my finger. I nuzzled Josh's neck then, planting little kisses on his collarbone and shoulder, licking behind his ear, sticking my nose inside. Josh was making a noise like a car that wouldn't start. It was a low vibrating laugh, coming out in soft puffs, like a very small cough. He was smiling, eyes closed, tipping his head back to invite me to continue. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and we touched noses, lips, kissed. It was the same little boy kiss as the night before, but laced with a dash of lust. He groaned loudly suddenly and I looked down to see that Dominic had taken his cock into his mouth. He was sliding up and down on the little prick, fondling the wee balls below, moving in between Josh's legs and spreading them wider. Josh pumped his hips forward and back, fucking Dominic's lovely lips. I went back to Josh's nipples and nibbled and licked them, actually biting them once and receiving a yelp from Josh followed by a burst of laughter. He slapped me playfully on the forehead. "You bit me!" My tongue traveled down his torso to his belly button, licking and teasing and darting around on his flat tummy. His stomach muscles tightened as he tried to keep from laughing, then he burst out into giggles but did not push me away. I crawled up and straddled his head, letting my cock dangle down into Josh's face, and he grabbed it eagerly and shoved it into his mouth, sucking, playing with my balls hanging low in their sac. My mouth made its way down his body to his cock, to Dominic's lips, slipping up and down on it. I sucked on the side of the little prong and Dominic's and my lips bumped into each other, lingered there, kissing with Josh's little cock in between us, lips laving the little pole, tongues intertwining around it and each other. Josh was panting, sucking on my cock as I pumped it in and out of his mouth. He reached up and put his arms around my hips, lifting his face up onto my plunging rod. Dominic and I were rubbing our faces together, kissing, sucking on Josh's dick, tongues chasing each other up and down and around his little balls. Dominic's hand was wrapped around his own cock, pumping fiercely. I straightened up and reached over him, taking him by the hips and directing him to shift his body so that his ass was within my reach. He maneuvered with Josh's cock planted in his mouth. I leaned over and kissed Dominic's ass gently, one on each cheek, then reached down to take hold of his balls. I tugged them a few times and reached up to take a hold of his stiff pecker. He tilted his ass up to make it easier to reach his cock and in doing so, afforded me easy access to his puckered hole. I didn't miss the opportunity and planted my tongue directly on it, swirling it around and over it. Dominic moaned. Josh moaned. The little boy was swirling his tongue around the underside of my cock and I heard myself moan. I plunged my tongue into Dominic's hole and wiggled it, stroking his beautiful dick while he sucked Josh, who seemed to be trying to swallow my cock, his fingers digging into the flesh on my hips. My balls were stirring again. Josh was about to get his helping of milk. I increased my speed on Dominic's cock and licked his asshole furiously. He raised his head up at one point, looking straight up to the ceiling with my tongue planted deep in his ass, and shouted, "Fuck! Aw, fuck!" and I quickly pushed his head back down to Josh's slick cock, setting him back to work. I ran a wet finger over his little bud and poked one finger in, only up to the first knuckle. He wiggled his ass and gasped, shooting me a surprised glance back over his shoulder. I poked in deeper and it went in with relative ease as I jacked him off with firm and even strokes. I found his prostate and tickled it with my finger and the boy raised his head again, looking back at me, grimacing and smiling at the same time. "Oooooo," he intoned. "Ooooooo, ooooooo!" I pushed his head back down to Josh's dick and he promptly got back to work. Dominic's ass was a sensitive spot, to be sure. With the steady strokes on his cock, just a few tickles of my finger inside him sent him over the edge. His hips bucked and his ass tightened, capturing my finger inside while he came onto the bedspread--two, three, four spurts. The sight of him writhing with Josh's glistening cock still slipping in and out of his mouth was enough to send my juices flowing. My balls, nestled in Josh's little hand, pulled up in their sac and I felt my dick tingle, cocking my trigger, then exploding into Josh's mouth. I rose up on the bed so that only the head of my cock was in Josh's mouth. This made it easier for him to swallow the gushing cum without choking. I heard his lips smacking on my dong. He gently squeezed my balls as if that might increase the flow. I pulled my finger out of Dominic and, as I emptied my balls into Josh's eager mouth, I buried my face in Dominic's butt, kissing his anus gently, lapping at it with my tongue. At that moment, Josh gave a whimper below me, like an excited puppy, and his whole body shook. His legs tightened and relaxed several times while Dominic slurped on his prick and then, with a violent jerk of his hips, he shuddered and lay suddenly still. For a moment, all three of us were frozen there, Josh with my cock in his mouth, me with my mouth on Dominic's asshole and Dominic with his mouth on Josh's prong. Then, I collapsed onto my side, my dick popping out of Josh's mouth, and I lay there exhausted and satisfied. Dominic crumbled to his belly, lying there in his own cum, ass in the air, and Josh ran his fingers across his chin and cheeks, scooping the last of the sperm up and licking it off greedily. I watched him lazily, marveling at this little boy's appetite for sperm. His dick was glistening with Dominic's saliva, still stiff and excited. It was six thirty by the clock on the table beside my bed. I announced this reluctantly, knowing that it would send the boys packing frantically, trying to think up excuses to tell their mothers--why they were so late for dinner. Dominic grabbed a few tissues and wiped the sperm from his belly, leaping to his feet, searching for his clothes, cursing under his breath. Josh seemed less inclined to leave but he could acknowledge that he had to. "I'll tell her that I was fishing," he said thoughtfully, and Dominic rolled his eyes, pulling on his boxers. "Got no fish," he said. Josh pulled on his tee shirt and searched for his underwear. "I could tell her that we were helping Mrs. Pembroke in her garden!" "My mom sees Mrs. Pembroke every Sunday in church, fool," said Dominic. "What if they talk to each other?" Josh stepped into his underwear and picked up his shorts. Dominic struggled hastily into his sweat shorts, fumbling with the drawstring. "I'll tell her that there was a car accident," Josh said. "And we helped the victims!" "Don't be dumb, Josh," Dominic sighed. I was lying on the bed, watching them dress, admiring the view but worrying about Josh and his ability to keep a secret. I worried that the cops would be knocking on my door first thing in the morning. Josh zipped up his shorts and sat down to put on his shoes. "I'll tell her that there was a fire!" Dominic shook his head. "No." "A lost dog!" Josh said. "We had to take it to the pound!" Dominic shook his head and sighed impatiently. Obviously he, like me, thought that all of Josh's alibis were deeply flawed, although neither of us were overflowing with good ideas either. Once they were completely dressed, they stood looking at me, sprawled naked on the bed, feeling stupidly happy and satisfied. "We were playing basketball at Kenwood Park," Dominic said decisively. "We lost track of time." "My mom will be pissed!" Josh said. "She'll smack me with a spatula!" "Worth it," Dominic murmured. "What?" "It's worth it," he repeated, and he looked over at me with a smile. "What are you doin' tomorrow?" "What time?" I asked. "Ten?" "In the morning?" I smirked. The boy was eager for the next round. He nodded. "My mom works in the morning," he said. "My sister's supposed to watch me." "She'll never let you go," Josh said. "She doesn't get up `til noon," Dominic smiled. He raised his eyebrows at me. "I gotta cut the grass," Josh said. "Make it later." Dominic was still staring at me but he spoke to Josh. "Come over when your done," he said. I said nothing. I was staring into Dominic's eyes. Even after two orgasms, my cock was stirring again. Josh looked from Dominic to me and to Dominic again. "I'll get up early," he said. "I can be done by ten." Dominic eyed Josh with a little irritation. I said nothing. The idea of another session with Josh appealed to me, but at the same time I was pretty excited at the idea of being alone with Dominic and his hot hole. Dominic clearly wanted to be alone with me and I was a little stimulated at the prospect of watching him manipulate to make it happen. "Ten it is then," I said. "And don't shower. I'll wash you here." Dominic swallowed hard and smiled. Josh giggled. "I'll need a shower after cuttin' the grass!" he said. "Your mom will wonder how you left the house all stinky and came home clean," Dominic said. "I'll sneak out," Josh said. "She won't notice anyway." Dominic looked hopeless. He clicked his tongue and shook his head at Josh, who shrugged and said, "What?" "Nothin'," said Dominic, moving toward the door. "Nothin'." He smiled over at me and waved, grinning broadly. "See ya!" Josh waved and followed. I slept with Dominic in my mind. He fit into my body like a baby bird into a nest and I surrounded him with my arms and chest and legs, containing him close to my heart. When I awoke at nine, I started filling the tub. It was one of the attractions of the place--the huge tub. Whoever lived here previously enjoyed company in the bath as much as I did. I added bubbles and while the water ran, I got some breakfast and brushed my teeth. I was ready for them, in only a pair of boxers and a tee shirt, sitting on the couch when they arrived. The came to the back patio door again. Josh was dressed in a pair of ferociously bright yellow shorts with a dark blue tee shirt, stained with sweat, and Dominic was dressed in another pair of loose-fitting basketball shorts with a matching jersey. He looked slightly sleepy-eyed, as if he had just gotten out of bed. They smiled and greeted me and we knocked fists as they came in. "I'm stinky!" Josh announced proudly. He sniffed his own armpit. "Kinda." "You're too young to stink," I said. He looked disappointed. "But you still need a bath," I said, and he smiled at me. "A bath?" Dominic asked, doubtful. I crooked a finger at them, beckoning them to follow, and I led them to the bathroom. A light steam rose from the frothy tub. Three towels lay out beside it. Candles burned in the corners. The boys gasped simultaneously. "Cool!" Josh said. Dominic laughed. "It's so fuckin' huge!" I reached over and took hold of Josh's tee shirt, pulling it up over his head. He raised his arms to oblige. "Stinky first," I said. Dominic reached over and yanked Josh's pants and underwear down with one fell swoop and laughed at him. Josh, attempting to step out of his shoes and shorts at the same time, got his feet tangled and he fell to the linoleum with a thud. He lay laughing on the floor. I reached down and pulled the shoes, socks, shorts and underwear off him, lifting him up into the air as I did, his flaccid little cock bouncing. Josh was laughing from his belly and when I released him, he tumbled gently onto the rug, sprawling naked. I turned to Dominic. He seemed to already be staring at me, looking into my eyes, smirking nervously. I felt a pull in my chest--an aching for him, wanting to kiss him. I stepped to him and we stood for a moment very close, then I reached down and pulled his jersey up over his head. His eyes didn't leave mine and when the shirt came off over his head, his eyes were still looking at me. He looked like he wanted to look away, but his eyes stayed locked on mine. It was an odd moment that seemed extended over time, but it couldn't have been as long as it seemed since Josh didn't notice. He was prattling on about the lawn. "Mr. Henshaw was complaining about me runnin' the mower so early," he was saying. "But there's no way to turn down the sound, right? So I says...." I put my arm around Dominic's naked torso, so smooth and toned, the color of milk chocolate with a flat little tummy and a sexy little outie. He put his hands on my shoulders and craned his neck up. He was kissing me, his handsome face moving closer to mine, closing his eyes. When our lips met, firecrackers went off in my head. I knew then that I had it bad. I had it real bad. I'd gone and fallen in love with a twelve year old boy. Josh was still oblivious. "So he closed his window, right? I cut the whole yard except for the part near his window..." When our lips part, we're looking into each others eyes again. "Josh," I said. "....I waited as long as I could, ya know...?" "Josh." "Eventually, I gotta cut that spot!" "Josh." "What?" "Take off Dominic's shoes and socks, will ya?" Josh, suddenly hip to the game again, reached over and tugged a shoelace. I lifted Dominic slightly, his feet dangling below, and kissed him again while Josh, back onto his story, removed each shoe and sock. "I cut it as fast as I could, but if you go too fast, the mower won't cut it right. It leaves big strips of tall grass and..." Our tongues met. Dominic's mouth was so sweet and beautiful against mine and he was breathing heavily through his nose, already becoming passionate. When Josh was done, he threw the shoes noisily into the corner, along with the socks, and ambled to his feet. I lowered Dominic down to his feet. "....and I pushed the mower back into the garage and I took off before my mom even got out of bed!" He laughed at his own finesse. I pushed Dominic's shorts down over his hips and, as loose as they were, they fell in a clump on the floor. He was wearing the same pair of white boxers. Josh unceremoniously yanked them down Dominic's gorgeous legs. His cock bounced up straight and he stepped out of the last of his clothes. Yeah, I had it bad. That boy looked like a god to me in that moment, his beautiful brown skin aglow, his small but perky cock throbbing in front of him. "Now you," he said, pushing his hands up the front of my shirt. His fingers crawled through the hair on my chest. Josh had seemed to suddenly notice something in the room, as if for the first time he had gotten a whiff of the powerful energy between Dominic and me. He stood, quiet for the first time since he'd walked into the house, and he watched us, gazing at each other, Dominic pushing my shirt up and pulling it off over my head. When I dropped my arms, they encircled Dominic and he moved closer, bumping into the protruding bulge at the front of my boxers. He knelt in front of me, pulling my shorts down my legs, and he grabbed my cock in both hands, lowering his face to it, taking a deep breath of it. I stepped out of my shorts. I felt his breath on my balls and his nose nuzzle them softly. Then he mashed his face into my crotch, his nose against the shaft of my cock, his lips against my nut sack. He took another deep breath and Josh finally broke his silence. "You went first last time!" he said. "I'll make more," I said to Josh, short of breath, putting my hands on Dominic's perfectly-shaped head, pulling his face closer. Josh was having none of that. "Dominic!" he growled. "Get off! I get to go first!" He pulled at Dominic's shoulder. Dominic didn't back off. He flicked his tongue across my balls, then trailed it up my shaft. Before he could get the head in his mouth, however, Josh grabbed my cock and pulled it away. "Dominic!" he shouted. "Boys," I said. "Share your toys." Dominic laughed but Josh didn't think it was funny. Dominic was licking my cock and balls madly, holding my nuts in his hand. Josh's hand on the head was only adding to the excitement. Josh opened his mouth to complain, but I pulled his head down to my cock and filled that busy mouth of his with the head of my dick. He slid on effortlessly, giving a little surprised noise, and started to bob up and down on it. Dominic's tongue, meanwhile, was fluttering around my balls and stroking the base of my cock. Every so often, he would follow Josh on an upswing and attempt to push him off, but Josh refused to relinquish his prize, rising to the tip of my cock only to plunge back down, bumping Dominic with his nose. My cock was stirring toward a climax but it was too soon. Reluctantly, I pushed them off my dick. "There'll be more of that later," I said. "Let's get you boys cleaned up." "You too!" Josh said, and he stuck a toe into the water and pulled it out quickly. He inserted the toe again and swished the water around with his foot. "Perfect!" We all clambered in, sloshing and splashing as we jockeyed for positions. Dominic moved right in with his shoulder in my armpit, his head on my shoulder, his hands reaching in the water for my cock. Josh put his arms around my neck and climbed on top of me, bumping Dominic who pushed him back to his own side. Josh was stiff now and poking me in the side with it. I grabbed a handful of his ass and gave a gentle squeeze and he chuckled, planting a little boy kiss on my lips. With my other hand, I had found Dominic's butt. I slipped my fingers into his crack and probed his little hole and he jutted his ass back to allow easier access. He nuzzled my jaw with his nose. He softly bit me on the earlobe and licked my neck. Josh kissed me again. When I probed between his cheeks and goosed him gently, he gave out a hoot. "Hey!" he said, and he looked over at Josh. "He poked my butt hole!" He wrinkled his nose and scolded me. "Dude, that's so gay!" Funny words to hear given the circumstances. The boy had been fighting over the rights to my cock head just moments ago and now he was getting homophobic. He was looking over at Dominic, expecting him to agree. Dominic blushed and smiled and looked at me then back at Josh. He shrugged, giggled, and spread his legs a little more under the water. My finger eased in and his eyes got a little softer. I poked Josh again and he pulled away. "Dude, stop that! I ain't gay!" He was serious only in his imitation. Apparently, in his world with Dominic, fucking was gay whereas sucking wasn't. Dominic had clearly not shared with Josh any information regarding the remarkable sensitivity of his asshole. Josh had no idea that, under all the suds and water, my finger was planted up to the second knuckle in the asshole of his buddy. Dominic wasn't telling either. I went back to stroking Josh's little mounds and pushed my finger all the way into Dominic's hot little hole. "Where's the soap?" Josh asked. He found it in the corner and began lathering up his hands. I took my finger out of Dominic and took the soap from Josh, pulling the little boy closer to me. "You first, stinky," I said. I rubbed the soap over Josh's back and chest, instructing him to stand up in the tub. When he did, the water came up to his lower belly. His small dick head rose above the water and he jutted it forward. "Sea monster!" he growled, waving the head menacingly. I lathered up my hands and began to run them over Josh's torso. He squirmed a little, ticklish, but he surrendered to my ministrations. His body was so smooth and sleek. Dominic rose up behind me, pressing himself into my back, humping me with his stiff little poker. He reached around me and pulled at my cock. With Josh still soapy from the waist up, I stood up and hoisted him into the air, bringing his lower body free of the water, sending him into gales of laughter. Dominic grabbed the soap, lathered his hands, and began to run them over Josh's ass and legs and thighs. When Dominic took Josh's cock in his soapy hand, Josh smiled and gave a soft sigh, lowering his head to my shoulder and putting his arms around my neck. I reached down through the soap and let my finger slide between his cheeks, across his pucker. "Hey!" "I have to clean it," I reasoned, and this he would allow. My finger rubbed across it a few times and Dominic smiled up at me, rubbing the younger boy's ass with his soapy hands, slipping Josh's balls through his fingers. I rubbed the little bud, back and forth, while Josh held on to my neck, his soapy body against me. I relished the feel of it and I "accidentally" let a finger slip in to the first knuckle and Josh didn't complain. Finally, after a very thorough cleaning of his anus, he murmured into my ear. "It's clean." "Oh, right," I said, and I let him slip gently back into the water. I turned to Dominic. "Your turn." He stood in the water as well and it came to just below his balls. His cock wore a sudsy beard. Josh reached out and gave it a friendly squeeze, shook it like a hand. "Nice to meet you." We all laughed. I was soaping up my hands and staring at the flawless body before me. Dominic was staring down into my face. I got up on my knees and began to run my hands over him, slipping and sliding over crevices and curves, up to his chest, over his strong shoulders, and down his rib cage, over his hips, up his back, up into his armpits. The whole time, he was staring back into my face, almost looking like he was about to say something. Josh was watching over my shoulder for a while but then lolled back in the water and acted like he was swimming in the ocean. He was a little kid first, a sex god second. I slid my hands up to his throbbing cock, grabbing the shaft with one hand and his balls in the other. His eyelids drooped slightly and he smiled. By his cock, I led him slowly to the side of the tub. I slid my slippery fingers over the stiff prick, stroking up and down a few times, and he moaned and hoisted himself onto the side of the tub, lifting his legs slightly, then catching himself and stopping suddenly. He looked over to see if Josh was watching. Josh was blowing suds from his hands with big puffs. It became clear that Dominic didn't feel comfortable with butt play with Josh present, and I realized that it was why Dominic wanted to be alone with me. I stood in the way of Josh's line of vision and pushed Dominic's legs up slowly, running my finger down over his balls, down his perineum and into that velvety hole. The soap made my finger slide in easily and I poked it in and out a few times. Dominic stifled a moan, nervous but unable to resist, keeping watch for Josh who was singing a song behind me. There was a sloshing of water suddenly and I pulled my finger out just as Josh was coming around the side of me to get a better look. Dominic and I eased back into the water and he floated into me, forehead to forehead, while Josh bobbed next to us. "What if this tub was as big as a swimming pool?" he asked us. "Then it would be a swimming pool," I said. "Your turn," Dominic said to me. "Yeah!" Josh floated toward me. There was only one bar of soap, so Dominic lathered his own hands first then, holding the bar out to Josh, he rather obviously intentionally dropped the bar into the soapy water. "Ooops," he said half-heartedly, smiling into my eyes. "Hey!" Josh went in search for it, running his hands through the water. "Dumb ass!" "Sorry," Dominic said. His hands were rubbing my chest, up over my shoulders, down my back. His own soapy body slipped against mine like a sleek eel. I attempted to scold him slightly for his mistreatment of Josh, but he kissed my lips before I could speak. Josh was sloshing through the water, grabbing blindly. He laughed and his hand came up, wrapped around the soap. "Ha!" Dominic was gently pushing me backwards through the water, toward the side of the tub and Josh followed. I stood up, the water line ringing my thighs, my cock laced with suds and throbbing madly. Both boys grabbed at it at once, their slippery hands sending pulses of ecstatic pleasure through me. "I'll wash it," Dominic said. "I will!" Josh was squeezing a little hard. "Easy," I said. "He went first last time!" Josh was standing on his own code of ethics, of equity. Dominic was being piggish, wanting what he wanted, his fingers sliding up and down my shaft. He was ignoring Josh, smiling up at me. My head swam with pleasure. "Dominic," I said, not very convincingly. "Share." Dominic looked irritated and he surrendered my cock to Josh's little hands. While Josh slipped and slid his fingers over my pecker, Dominic ran his hands over my belly and hips and thighs, sliding his hands down my legs to my feet, back up to my hips. "Turn over," Dominic said. I did so, my cock slipping out of Josh's reach, and both boys chuckled and lathered up my ass. When Dominic rubbed his fingers across my asshole, Josh huffed in mock disgust, then laughed. "Gotta clean it!" he yelled to me. "Yes," I said. Dominic poked a couple times but didn't insert his finger. They washed my back and ass and then I slipped into the water like a crocodile. The water was very soapy now and the bar was lost somewhere beneath the waves. I surrounded them both with my arms, our slippery bodies colliding and mingling, hands grabbing at my cock until it felt like I was about to explode. I squirmed away from them, being careful to not waste my load in the water where no one could enjoy it. I poured shampoo into my hands and rubbed it on each of the boys, then while I lathered Dominic's lovely cornrows, gently working the soap in, he washed Josh's hair, making the little boy curse when soap dripped into his eyes. "You dumb ass!" he spat. Dominic was apologetic but he was giggling as well. I washed my own hair. I deemed neither of them up to the task and made quick work of it, then stood up, pulled the curtain around the tub and turned on the water from the shower. "Augggh!" Josh screamed as the cold water splashed over us. We all gasped and laughed and bumped heads in the water as it warmed up slowly. The shampoo ran off of us, down our backs and chests, dripping off our jaws. The water was nearly white with soap and the shower was slowly making the water in the tub rise dangerously. I turned it off before it lapped over the sides and opened the drain. It would take a while to drain entirely. I stepped out of the tub and dried myself off while the boys lingered in the water. Josh was sloshing back and forth in the tub, causing waves to lap up near the edges. Dominic sat silently in the raucous water, watching me towel off with a sincere look of interest. He smiled at me as I dried off my boner. "C'mon, little boy," I said to Josh, grabbing his wrist as he dove by me. I pulled him up out of the water and he clambered out onto the rug, dripping, water cascading over his amber skin. His little dick was soft and he did a silly little dance there as I dried him off, pulling on each small foot, drying between his toes and making him laugh. "There's soda in the fridge," I said to him. "Cool," he grunted, and he was off, out of the bathroom, his voice trailing off toward the kitchen. "What kinda soda? We can all drink some and have a burping contest! Wanna? Huh?" "Sure," I said. Dominic stood in the tub and walked toward me, his hard little cock leading the way. He stepped out of the tub and into my arms, into the big fluffy towel that I wrapped around him as his lips met mine. It seemed that whenever we had the chance, we fell into each other, drawn to each other, drunk on each other. Now, with Josh rummaging through the fridge, the bathroom was silent with our longing. I ran the towel over his lithe body, down over his back and pert butt, drying his chocolate skin as he pressed himself against me. We were panting again, our nakedness like electricity between us. "I want us to be alone," Dominic finally said, more blurted. "Ya know?" "I know," I said. We heard Josh's voice in the distance as he approached, his bare feet slapping on the wooden floors. "Dominic!" he said brightly. "Dominic!" "Tonight?" I whispered. He nodded desperately. "Okay." "Can you make it?" He nodded again. "Yeah," he said. "But don't tell Josh." "Okay." Josh suddenly entered the room. "He's got Mountain Dew and Orange and..." He stopped and looked at us, frowning at us. "What?" "Nothing," I said. "Yeah, nothing," Dominic added quickly. Josh looked at us in our longing, in our passion, and didn't understand it. Dominic's arms were draped around my neck and my arms held him close. We were in love. To Josh, we looked strange. "What's with you guys?" he said. We looked like we had no idea what he was talking about. "You're kissin' all the time," Josh said. "You act like boyfriend and girlfriend." He laughed out loud. "I mean, boyfriend and boyfriend!" He erupted into loud laughter. Dominic pulled away slightly and scowled. "Shut up, Josh." "Okay." The boys went out to the kitchen to drink sodas while I made a quick clean up of the bathroom. I could hear them burping loudly and laughing. When I came into the kitchen, I smiled to see these two beautiful boys sitting naked at my table. I nearly pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. We were all limp by now and our nakedness was less about sex and more about camaraderie--about baring ourselves to each other, sharing secrets, and bonding. I grabbed a V-8 and popped it open and came to stand by the table between them. Josh cut loose with a bodacious burp that echoed off the tile in the kitchen. It was remarkable that such a little boy could produce such a noise. We all laughed. I watched Dominic's Adam's apple bob while he swallowed the last of his soda, his graceful neck stretched back. He noticed me watching him and gave me a flick of his eyebrows. He lowered the can and licked his lips, then looked down at my cock. It was stirring slightly, hardly noticeable, but Dominic seemed attuned to it and while Josh rattled on about how many cans of soda it would take to make the world's largest burp, Dominic leaned closer to my dick and took it gently in his hand. "What time is it?" he asked suddenly. He stroked my cock a few times and it jumped to attention, as if he'd hit my on switch. I moaned involuntarily and interrupted Josh. "It's almost noon," he said, grabbing his own share of my prick. "Hey! I get firsts this time, remember?" "If you fill up on soda," I said. "You won't have room for the milk." The boys chuckled and Josh made a pass at my rod with his mouth, leaning toward me, but I pulled away and crooked a finger at them. "Follow me." "I gotta pee!" Dominic said, running off toward the bathroom. Josh followed me upstairs to my bedroom. By the time he reached my bed, his cock was stiff with anticipation. I laid down and stretched languidly and the little boy clambered up onto the bed. He sat between my legs and tugged at my turgid member, then cupped my balls gingerly in his hands. "Here's where you make sperm, right?" he asked. I nodded. He leaned forward and made a few sloppy swipes at my balls with his tongue. He sat up, pulling hair out of his mouth. "That feel good?" I nodded. "If I do that more, will more sperm come out?" he asked. I smiled at his question. "Couldn't hurt," I said. "I've got a big load for you right now if you want it." I reached over and took hold of the boy's head. He smiled at me. His mouth was open wide long before I pulled it onto my cock and I encouraged him with my hands to slide up and down on my rod. His warm wet mouth was exhilarating. "How much can you take?" I whispered, and I pulled his head down, going easy when my cock bumped the back of his throat. He made a little gagging noise and pulled back. "Go easy," I said. "And relax your throat. Try to swallow it." He gave me an uncertain look but he went back down on it, getting most of my dick into his mouth before pulling back up then plunging back down. His fingers were toying with my balls, rolling them in his hands as if he were trying to coax from them the maximum load. My cock was hitting the back of his throat and he wasn't gagging but he wouldn't take it any deeper. I was impressed by what he was doing and I closed my eyes, my hands on his little ears, and slid my cock in and out of him. Eventually, my cock head hit the back of his throat and went further, down into his gullet, once, twice, three times before he pulled it out of his mouth and looked at me in awe. "Did you feel that?" he asked, wide eyed. I nodded and smiled. "What?" Dominic had just walked into the room. "I swallowed it," Josh said. "I swallowed the end of his dick!" He quickly demonstrated for Dominic, who watched with genuine interest. Josh was a natural cock sucker but I didn't dare tell him this. He was working hard at pretending he wasn't gay, and maybe he wasn't. I didn't want to ruin a good thing. After several slippery rides on my cock, I felt my balls tingle and boil. I groaned out loud. Dominic moved in next to me, into the nook of my arm, and started kissing me, his soft lips sucking on my tongue. His breath smelled of mouthwash which he had found in the bathroom. I felt his hard cock press against my hip as he wrapped his arms around my neck. My hand naturally fell to his smooth ass and he arched his back, thrusting toward my hand, sighing deeply when my finger fell into the crevice, pressing his puckered button. "Fuck," I heard him whisper into my ear, his eyes closed. His breath on my ear made me shiver all over with pleasure. "David." When he spoke my name then, naked and pressed to my ear, it sounded like a sacred word, a prayer. It was both desperate and soothing. Add to that the mastery with which young Josh was deep-throating my cock and my whole body felt like it was about to burst. I wasn't kidding when I told Josh that I had a big load for him. With all the lovely foreplay, my balls were aching. My orgasm had just come over the hill and was in the homestretch, barreling down at the little boy between my legs. Dominic was kissing me deeply, pulling on his own cock. My finger toyed with his hole, softly rubbing it, stroking it, squeezing his ass cheeks, pulling his hard rod into my hip. I grunted and felt my balls erupt. Josh was surprised at the first explosion, which nearly blasted a whole in his esophagus. He choked and coughed and pulled his head off quickly and the second and third spurts splashed him in the face. He recovered quickly, diving back down on it and sucking out the next several surges, my cum dripping from his nose and chin, his hand wrapped around my shaft, milking me for all he could get. My body was arched back and up, my cock rising toward the ceiling, and Josh held on, rising up from the bed, his elbows on my thighs. He was ready to go anywhere that erupting cock was going. When I finally fell to the bed, spent, he released my cock and gave me a wide smile. His face was shiny with semen. "Wow!" he said. "That was a lot!" Dominic laughed at him, pointing at his face, and Josh mugged for us, staring cross-eyed at the glob of sperm hanging from his nose. I leaned closer to Dominic. "Lick it off." The boys laughed and Dominic moved closer to Josh, taking the little boy's face in his hands and lapping at the dripping goo. Josh gave a disgusted look but he didn't pull away. He surrendered his head to the older boy, who licked away every drop. Finally, Dominic released him and Josh sat up and gave out a loud burp, a satisfied customer. My cock never really went limp. It lay like a tired snake across my belly and the boys rolled it about in their hands. Dominic gave me a sad look, nudging my jaw with his nose, kissing me softly on the lips. I had an idea then. I reached to my bed side table and turned on the TV with the remote, flicking it directly to the cartoon channel. Sponge Bob Square Pants shouted out from the TV and Josh turned around as if it were a mating call. He sat up on the bed, grabbed his soda, and sank to the floor, laughing and hypnotized by the program. Meanwhile, I turned my attention to Dominic. I knelt between his long, sleek legs, my hands in the soft hollows behind his knees, lifting, spreading. My tongue and lips traveled down his chest and belly. He tucked his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, surrendering, and I settled in for a delicious meal between his god-like thighs. His cock was twitching by the time my busy mouth got to it and I teased it with little kisses that made Dominic sigh and chuckle softly. I lapped at his silken balls and thighs. He moaned. I took his cock into my mouth and sucked it in and out, my tongue running wildly over him. He held his breath for a moment, then grunted and said, "Fuck!" very softly but urgently. I sucked on the gorgeous cock for a while, running my hands up his body and down his legs, soft, smooth skin everywhere, young muscles flexed and stretching, toes curled then splayed. He squirmed beneath my mouth. I let his perfect cock slip from my mouth. I kissed his balls in their wrinkly sac, then dove down lower, my nose nudging his scrotum, my tongue searching and finding that hot hole. At first contact, Dominic coiled upward, fetal, grabbing my head, holding his breath. His eye lids drooped lustily and he moved his mouth without making a sound. I swirled my tongue around the bud, then pushed inside, wiggling in. He still wasn't breathing. He dropped his head back and grabbed my head from behind, pulling me closer, holding me there while I assaulted his anus with my tongue. It was like a desperate snake trying to get into its hole. I pushed him up further, raising his hips higher so that I could penetrate him more deeply with my tongue. He still hadn't breathed yet. I pulled my tongue out and spread his ass cheeks, pulling open his pink hole. When I pushed my tongue in deeper he nearly bellowed. It was so loud that I thought it would capture Josh's attention, but Josh was apparently too involved in Sponge Bob to notice. Dominic pulled his own legs back and relaxed, allowing my tongue to go in further. He was yanking on his cock suddenly, his hand a blur, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. I slurped and stabbed at his ass with my tongue, mashing my whole mouth into him. I spit on two fingers and rubbed it against the boy's asshole, then slid them in nearly without effort. Dominic gave a guttural groan, then threw back his head and smiled, sighing, whispering, "Jesus fucking Christ!" He looked as if he'd found religion. I nosed his hands away and took his cock into my mouth, bobbing up and down on it, torturing it with my tongue. My fingers slipped in and out of his ass, tickling, wiggling, bumping against his prostate, making his legs twitch. The boy looked lost to the world. He threw his arms out to the side, plopping them onto the bed, and made several loud grunts and groans, biting his lip, smiling, frowning, finally shouting out loud as I felt his warm load spill onto my tongue. His whole body was trembling and jerking, his head rising and falling on the pillow with every spasm. I half expected to see Josh up and trying to hijack the load, but I heard him laughing at Sponge Bob behind me and knew that I wouldn't have to share. Finally, Dominic collapsed, panting on the bed, my fingers still up his ass and my mouth still containing his dick. He was looking down at me with a dreamy look on his face. I let his cock slip from my mouth and I crawled up beside him, taking him into my arms, kissing his lips. The heat between us lingered even after both of our orgasms, like it was never going to go away. Like it was part of our relationship now. We laid that way until it was nearly noon, the TV blaring, Josh laughing, and Dominic and I forehead to forehead, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, whispering to each other, making tender jokes. "I have to go now," he finally said softly, noticing the clock. "Okay." "What time tonight?" he asked. "When can you make it?" "About seven?" he whispered. "I can tell my mom that I'm going to my friend Curtis' house," he said. "I won't have to go home until ten." "Will Curtis cover for you?" He nodded and smiled. "I'll tell him I'm going to Tiffany's." I liked the way the boy thought. He kissed me once and rose from my arms, rolling away and off the bed, his flaccid cock hanging down sweetly between his thighs. I was already looking forward to seven o'clock. We found Josh watching the last of `The X-Men' cartoon, sitting cross-legged and naked on the floor. "C'mon, Josh, we gotta go!" Dominic said. "Hold up," Josh replied. He wanted to watch the conclusion. Dominic turned off the television. "I gotta get back to my house," Dominic said, leaving the room. "My sister will be up soon and I gotta climb through my bedroom window and be in bed before she comes in to wake me up!" Four minutes later they were both dressed and stepping out onto my patio through the sliding door. "What about tomorrow?" Josh asked me, smiling at both of us. "We'll see," I said. "Yeah, Josh," Dominic said. "He has work to do and shit." He nodded at me with a knowing grin. "See ya later." I wanted time to leap ahead to seven o'clock, skipping everything in between, but once it arrived, along with Dominic at my door, I wanted time to stop. He was dressed in a clean pair of parachute shorts and a bright white tee shirt with a picture of Tupac on the chest. He stepped in with his eyes on mine and he moved into my arms immediately, wrapping his own around my neck, craning his head up and back, pulling my head down to his. We were kissing suddenly, tongues searching, breathing quickening. I hoisted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I walked us directly to the bedroom, feeling his hard cock pressed against my belly. He hugged me like he was trying to climb inside me--absorb me into him. I was delirious with the happiness of having my boy in my arms again. In my room, he found my bed covered with a large thick blanket. Next to my bed were candles, flickering softly in the room, and a bottle of baby oil. Soft music meandered through the room. Even as I undressed him, our lips seemed magnetically drawn to each other. I pulled his shirt up over his head and we kissed. Our lips didn't part as I pulled his shorts down over his hips, down his firm thighs. Our tongues met while I peeled his underwear down, then lowered him onto the bed, bending over him. We reluctantly parted as I pulled his sneakers off and each sock, then pulled the shorts and underwear off over his muscular feet. When I stood up and looked down at him, he was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen in my life. He smiled up at me, spreading his cocoa legs, his hard cock jutting up toward the ceiling. He toyed with his own nipples. I stood speechless. He gave a little giggle at the sight of me, slack-jawed, eyes swimming. I shook my head. "You are just perfect," I said. As if to disprove that, he pulled his knees up and farted at me. He guffawed and I slapped him on the ass for ruining a perfectly good romantic moment. He jumped to his knees and began to undress me, frantically, yanking at my shirt, unbuckling my pants. I helped him along, shedding my clothes until they all lay in a heap on the floor. His fingers wrapped around my hard dick, pulling me onto the bed. He fell back onto the blanket and opened his arms to me. I covered him with my own body, feeling the smooth warm flesh below me, the jutting angles and curves. We kissed again. His lips were so soft and pliant. He was a very oral boy. He loved to kiss and we rolled around on the bed, touching each other everywhere, humming into each other's mouths. Our stiff dicks collided and he took them both in his hand, squeezing them together. He looked down at them, then smiled up at me. "They belong together," he said. Oral and romantic. I loved that. I rolled over on top of him again. He spread his legs beneath me, pulling his knees up, inviting me, even reaching down to my cock and pulling it to his asshole. Perhaps he hadn't been fucked before as he seemed ready to try it even without lubrication. I rolled over again and pulled him on top of me. He humped against me, grunting with the effort, eyelids drooping slightly in passion. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down softly. It didn't take him long to figure out what I wanted. "No sharing this time," I said to him. He grinned and took hold of my cock, tugging at it a few times, fingering my balls with his other hand. Then he set to work. He planted kisses on my cock head and down the underside and my whole body buzzed with excitement. He flicked his tongue over my balls, then up the shaft. When he reached the top, he took the cock into his mouth, moving up on his knees between my thighs so that he could get a better angle. He bobbed up and down on my cock with a smooth and exhilarating talent. I felt his tongue swirling against me as his lips formed a firm seal around my meat. All the while he pulled at the base with his hand in rhythm to his head bobbing and with his other hand, he cupped my nuts and pulled them up with the same movement. Where had he learned how to do that? My entire cock and balls were moving up and down, his mouth engulfing me, his smooth little hands containing me. This wouldn't take long. Not at this rate. I was already feeling my balls stir. I watched him work. Seeing my cock between his sexy lips, sliding in and out of that handsome face, made my head feel light and slightly dizzy. Looking at the determination and pleasure with which he blew me was something to behold. He was engrossed, excited, thrilled with his mouthful. He looked as though he would be quite happy to have my cock in his mouth for the next several hours. I put my hands on his head, on those tight cornrows, the small, soft ears, the slender neck. I heard him moan in his throat and it buzzed down the shaft of my cock and into my balls. His deft fingers pulled and stroked me. My shiny slippery cock slid in and out of his talented mouth. I felt my orgasm approaching like a rumbling far off. I seemed to lose control of my mouth. I moaned and gasped and heard myself say, "Oh, you know what you're doin', don't ya?" He smirked at me as my cock slid into his mouth. After several more ins and outs, I grunted and shouted and erupted into his mouth. He swallowed and held on, wrapping his hand around my shaft to hold the head in his mouth, despite my writhing and bucking and panting. I filled his mouth and he swallowed every drop and when I finally lay exhausted on the bed, he squeezed a few more drops from the tip and kissed it several times. "I love your cock," he said dreamily. "My cock loves you," I sighed. I pulled him up by his armpits and snuggled him against me. His kiss tasted like my cum. My hands were all over his ass, squeezing and kneading. My cock felt like it would never be flaccid again. Dominic had a perfect ass. Whenever I touched the little puckered bud, he made a happy groan low in his throat and lifted his ass to meet my fingers. When he straddled me, my cock had a natural way of navigating itself toward that holy hole. I let my cock nudge his anus for awhile and slide back and forth in his crack and he kept making motions with his hips, trying to make my dick slide in without any more lubrication than the drying saliva he left behind. I intended to set this boy's ass on fire. I was going to tease him and warm him up so much that by the time I fucked him, he'd be wild with readiness. I rolled him onto his back and lifted his legs. He was more than compliant. He took hold of his legs behind the knees and pulled his legs back further, spreading his ass. "Yeah," he hissed, knowing where the attention was now going. "Yeah." I kissed and nibbled his inner thighs, flicking my tongue across the silken flesh and making Dominic moan softly. I lapped at his balls, nestled in their silken sac, and let my tongue travel south toward his eager hole. As soon as my tongue touched him there, he became loud--groaning and panting and speaking in fragmented outbursts. "Fuck yeah....that's makes me....mmmm.....Jesus fuckin' Christ!" I giggled into his asshole and he giggled back. I lapped at it a few times, then shoved my tongue inside it. As before, he became like a wild animal--grunting and growling, whimpering softly then yelling out. "Oh....yes....keep doing that! It's so....I'm....oh....oh...!" He grabbed his own cock and started jerking off. He already looked mighty close to blowing so I chased his hand away with a swipe of my own. He chuckled and made another grab for it but I chased his hand away again. He whimpered, almost whined. I sat up and reached over to the baby oil. He looked at it curiously. "What's that for?" "You'll see," I said. "Roll over." I squirted a bit onto my hands while he flipped over onto the bed, looking back at me over his shoulder. I started at his shoulders, square and broad for his age. The muscles felt so sexy in my hands as I rubbed his back, down across the shoulder blades, down to the slender waist. I massaged him gently, softly. Most boys like a gentle massage--nothing too hard. Dominic dropped his head to the pillow and sighed as my fingers plied his back. I dribbled more oil onto his rump. He giggled at the feel of it and raised his ass slightly, already set to start fucking. I rubbed his glorious buns with my oily hands, reaching down between his legs and rubbing a flat hand over his perineum and his balls. I was about to tell him to get up on his knees when he did so himself, jutting his ass up with his head still flat on the pillow. I dribbled more oil onto his ass and it rolled down his thighs--muscular and hairless and firm. My hands caressed him with the oil--down his thighs, over his hips, down between his legs until I found his throbbing cock. My slippery fingers made him coo into the pillow, saying something that I couldn't understand. Slowly, I rolled him over onto his back, his cock in my hand, and he landed with his knees still up, legs spread. He was putty in my hands. I rubbed my oily hands over his belly and chest, tweaking a nipple, tickling his armpits gently. His body glistened in the candlelight like mahogany, chest heaving, arms up and spread on the bed in complete surrender. He looked up at me with a smile. I leaned over to him and kissed him, feeling his slippery body against me, my fingers sliding down over his curves and angles. I rolled and pulled him up on top of me. He sat up quickly, straddling me, and reached back to my cock. He was suddenly trying to insert me into him, placing my cock head against his slippery pucker and trying to sit down on it. I stopped him by cupping his little bottom and lifting it away from my raging hard on. "Have you ever been fucked before?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, not really," he said. "I put a broomstick up there once but..." He shrugged, then looked at me as if he had just thought of something. "But I wanna!" I sat up and kissed him and rolled him over onto the bed. I lifted one leg and ran my slippery hands over his cock and balls, over his ass, into the crack, teasing his hole. He moaned at the contact. I stuck one finger in and out, then two. He lay with his eyes closed and his lips open just slightly, a small smile on his face. He had a ready asshole. "Josh has never....ya know?" I asked. He frowned and shook his head. "Hell no," he said. "He thinks that's gay. He would never...I wouldn't want him to....his dick's too small...shut up and do it, man!" My two fingers were sliding in and out of him as we spoke. I wiggled my fingers inside him, tickling the prostate, and he groaned loudly. "What is that?" he gasped. "I mean, why does that feel like that?" "Like what?" He smiled and shrugged. "So good." I almost came again to see him lying there in such pleasure--to have my fingers inside him, his hard dick bobbing against his tummy with every heartbeat. He grunted. "Why does it feel so good?" "That," I said pointedly, bumping his prostate. "That is your prostate." He purred. "That's what makes it feel so good." I poked at the gland a little more and Dominic moaned and rolled his head back and forth on the bed. "C'mon," he whispered. "Do it." He was ready and so was I. I laid him flat on his back and clambered up between his legs, lifting them and resting his ankles on my shoulders. He looked hypnotized, his eyes swimming with a crazy passion. I dribbled some oil onto my cock and rubbed it in, then leveled my cock to his wondrous back door. I pushed the tip in slowly and the head of my dick disappeared inside him. It was a smooth insertion and Dominic did nothing but sigh and smile into my face. So handsome. I leaned down and kissed him and when I did, my cock just sank into him, inch by inch, and Dominic's ass just opened to let it in. I pushed until my balls bumped against him and knew that I was all the way in. He sucked on my lips and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him as we merged. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded but said, "Just wait a sec." Embedded in his ass, his breath in my face, his arms around my neck, I was suspended in a heavenly nirvana. I marveled at how natural it felt and, at the same time, how otherworldly it was. Forehead to forehead, we waited for a moment, then he struggled to take his legs from my shoulders and he wrapped them around my waist. He reached down and cupped my ass, pulling me into him with his hands and legs. I was in as far as I could go. "Okay," he gasped. And off we went. I started out slow, sliding my cock in and out of his ass with a slow but steady rhythm. Then, as our bodies meshed, the rhythm quickened and we became like one writhing, sweating animal. I pumped in and out of him while he pulled me and released me with his legs and hands. We mashed our lips together--not a kiss anymore, but a melding, a merging, a soaking in of the other. He was breathing hard and grunting with every thrust and I fucked him wildly, pulling my cock out to the head and plunging it back in. He wrapped his arms around my neck again, pulling at my hair. We bumped noses, panting into each others face, stealing little kisses between the loud moans and the little splotches of conversation. "Oh yeah...ooooo....oh, David!" "Oooo, little boy," I growled. "Oh, you are perfect!" He snorted a laugh and kissed me. "You're perfect!" he said. Having just had my orgasm, I knew I had some staying power, but Dominic had been stimulated to the brink and now I could tell that he was about to explode by the way he sank his fingers into my shoulders and gritted his teeth. I kept pumping away but he buried his face in my shoulder and went into a guttural huffing and puffing. He threw his head back onto the pillow and gave out a yelp, then seemed to sneeze, cough, and hiccup all at once. I felt his cock throb and spit sperm out onto our bellies, mashed against each other in our embrace. His anus twitched and pulsed in time to his cock's spurts, milking my cock. His orgasm didn't seem to last that long--only about ten seconds--but then he was grinding his teeth together again and tossing his head back and forth. I kissed him on the jaw and neck and he pulled my head down to him, kissing me wildly, panting anew. He was going to go round two on the orgasm and he was thrashing about in my arms, holding onto me like I was a ride at the fair. After a little more thrusting into him, he threw his head back and shouted, "Fuck!" and again, I felt his marvelous little prick explode against my stomach. He was spasming in my arms, murmuring incoherently, fingers grasping my shoulders. As the wave subsided, he looked up at me and smiled brightly. I was aware that my orgasm was approaching as well and began to quicken the thrusts even more, plowing into the little boy so hard that we were shaking the whole bed. The change of pace seemed to throw a switch in him as his expression grew very serious and I felt his fingers tighten again on my shoulders. Was he going for round three? "Ohhhh," he groaned. My balls were telling me that they were ready to go. I pounded into his smooth little ass as we mashed faces, kissing, licking, sucking. He was looking like he was going to lose consciousness. His body was moving with my every thrust and I could hear my balls slapping against him. I was tumbling, falling into my orgasm. My cock seemed to expand and swell and explode inside him and as I emptied my second load into the beautiful boy, I felt his little dick twitching against me, slipping in the gooey mess between us, as he fell into his third climax. Multiple orgasms. Ah, the joys of youth. We lay like we were shell-shocked for a long while--me on top of him with my cock inside him, he with his limbs around me. I didn't want to take my dick out of him. I wanted to just stay that way forever. He made no move to separate. After what seemed like a very long stretch of suspended bliss, I raised my head and looked down into his handsome young face. He was smiling up at me. "Don't move," he said. "'Kay?" "'Kay," I said gladly. He closed his eyes. Our breathing had steadied now but, remarkably, my cock was still stiff and planted deeply inside him. I moved to reposition myself slightly and we heard the squishy sounds from below--my cock in his ass and his dick slipping around in the cum on our bellies. We laughed at the sounds of it. "How was it?" I asked. "Fuckin' great!" he enthused. He gave a throaty laugh. "This is your first time?" I asked. He nodded. "I told ya," he said. "Yeah." "Except with the broom." He smiled sheepishly and nodded. We laid like that, undisturbed, for the next fifteen minutes or so. By all practical means, I should have been spent and unable to maintain and erection, but my cock stayed stiff inside my lovely boy. Once, he reached down with curious fingers to investigate the spot where my cock met his ass, touching my shaft, fondling my balls with a warm smile. I reached down to his sticky prick, which had gone soft, and came up with a finger full of cum. I licked it off my finger and kissed him, showing him what he tastes like. We should have grown tired of that position. A limb should have gone to sleep or my back should have started to hurt or his legs should have grown tired of being spread and wrapped around me, but we were blissfully content there and, after a few more minutes, I started to pump in and out of him again, very slowly. He gave a slightly pained look and I stopped. "You all right?" I asked. He nodded, then shrugged. He had to be sore. His virgin little butt had been spread wide for nearly the last half hour. "I'm a" "Sore?" He nodded. I started to pull my cock out of him but he held me fast. "No, keep it in," he said. "My legs are sore, that's all." "Roll over," I said, and my cock came out with a soft pop. He rolled over onto his belly and I climbed on top of him, sinking my cock in between his ass cheeks, finding that miraculous hole, and sinking down into him again. It was like going home. I covered his body with mine, kissing his ear and cheek and head. He lay below me, smiling softly. He linked his fingers with mine. "Okay," he said. That I was ready to go again was beyond my understanding. I wasn't even sure it was possible until I gave a couple of slow thrusts and felt the pleasure in my cock. Three? I began to leisurely fuck him--smooth gentle thrusts that bounced us on the mattress and set us into an easy-flowing rhythm. I bounced on him for a while until I grew tired and lay still, my lips against his ear. "Does it still feel good?" I asked. "Hell yeah." "Remarkable," I whispered. I rolled over so that we were on our sides, spooning, with my cock still inside him. The clock on the table said it was just before nine o'clock. The night was young and I had him all to myself. I was happy and content as we lay there. I kissed him softly on the ear. "Comfortable?" He kissed my hand. "Yeah." "I wanna stay like this all night," I said. "Forever," said Dominic, and my heart melted. I inhaled the smell of him--sweat, sperm, and deodorant. He nearly purred like a kitten as I held him to me and we sailed away into a blissful sleep. I woke up moments later, or maybe it was twenty minutes, an hour. I couldn't tell. I woke up to my own fucking motion as I slipped in and out of him with a slow and easy thrust. My cock slid smoothly into him. He was in a half sleep, moaning with an impish little grin. I thought I was dreaming--how could this be true? How could I have merged so completely with this boy that I fucked him instinctively, in my sleep? It was as if my cock had taken root inside him. I glanced curiously at the clock. 9:15. About twenty minutes had passed. Had I stayed hard the whole time, planted inside him, or had my cock slipped out and then naturally found its way home again to his slippery, accepting ass? I had no idea. I kissed his neck and he curled his chin down to protect it, chuckling softly, pushing back against me so my cock slid deeply into his ass. "Is that good?" I whispered. He didn't answer. I think he was sleeping--squirming around, impaled on my cock, in that in between spot, just below consciousness. He took my hand and tucked it under his cheek, resting his face upon it. His breathing steadied. I slipped in and out of him and he stirred again, not waking up, squirming in my arms. At one point, he turned his face up toward mine and let out a barely audible hum. A small buzz erupted in my balls and I was suddenly close, kissing the handsome boy's face and cheeks and nose, brushing his sleeping lips softly with mine. I reached down and touched his cock. It was stiff and when I touched him, he growled and stretched his legs straight. His little cock jutted out and into my hand. When I looked down into his face, he was looking up at me with heavy lids, stirring awake, coming to the surface just briefly to kiss me on the lips, smile, and whisper, "Oh, Poppi!" I spurted into him and held him tightly against me as my body trembled. His hand reached into mine and took hold of his own cock. He gave tough yanks on it while I came for the third time inside him. He was still yanking as my body slumped against him. I kissed his neck, licked his ear, nibbled on his jaw, and he huffed and puffed, his hand moving like a blur. He grunted loudly and shuddered. His body spasmed. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," he said, in rhythm with his tremors. Two pearls of his lovely white cream dribbled onto the bed. He chuckled softly, grunted once, and collapsed against me, eyes closed. He smiled blithely. My cock was sore. I was amazed that I was still embedded in him but I could feel my cock softening finally and as our breathing slowed and steadied, my cock fell out of his warm wet hole and seemed to collapse like an exhausted soldier on his thigh. We were drifting back into a blissful sleep, a satisfied stupor. He stretched languidly, arms straight above him, and rolled over toward me, pressing his chest against me, throwing a leg and an arm over me, nudging my collarbone with his nose. My arms enveloped him. I inhaled him deeply. I meant to just lie there and bask in his smooth, slender naked body lying against me, but I drifted off again with the smell of him in my nose. I woke up to Dominic's hand on my cock. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at it with a smile as if it were a precious jewel in his hand. He yanked on it to awaken me. "We stink!" he proclaimed. "We've got fifteen minutes to get unstunk!" I looked at the clock. 9:45! He was already rolling out of bed, landing on his feet and moving toward the upstairs bathroom. "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" he shouted. I leapt out of bed and followed his lovely bare ass. His chocolate complexion, his smooth round butt, his square shoulders. I'd follow it anywhere. He was standing in the bathtub, fidgeting with the knobs, when I came in. "How's this turn on?" I pulled one knob and the water showered over him. It was cold at first and he howled and laughed, but it was warm by the time I stepped in and pressed against his sleek body. My cock poked him in the belly. "No time for that!" he said, grabbing the soap. "Sorry." It was a fast, if not unromantic, shower. We slathered each other with soap. I chased his butt around the shower, rubbing my slippery hands all over it, into the crack, a little poke at the hole. He slapped my hand playfully. I soaped my own body with his, rubbing against it until I was covered with suds. Puffs of soap ran down his dark sleek body as he rinsed himself off. I rinsed myself as he stepped out and toweled himself dry. "I'll be over tomorrow morning, `kay?" he said as he was pulling on his shorts. It was 9:57. I was out of the shower, a towel wrapped around my middle. My cock, mercifully, had gone soft but I stood watching him pull his shorts on with complete, unadulterated pleasure. His graceful body stretched as he buttoned and zipped up. "'Kay?" "Tomorrow?" I said. "What time?" We were looking at each other with distinctively hungry looks. "Ten?" "In the morning?" He nodded. "Nine thirty," I countered. "Nine." He sat down and started yanking his socks on. "Eight thirty," I said. "Dude," he said. "My mom doesn't leave for work until eight forty five." "Nine." He laughed melodically. "Nine," he said. "I'll set my alarm." "I'll leave the back door unlocked," I said. "You can come up and wake me." He smiled excitedly as he stomped into his shoes. "Don't tell Josh." "Not a word," I said. "I want it to be just you and me." "Me too." He jumped to his feet and threw his arms around my neck, kissing me deeply but without passion, rushing through it. Our lips parted with an animated smack. "Gotta go!" He dashed out. By the time I made it to the living room and looked out onto the street, I could just see his lithe form in the streetlight, rounding the corner toward his house. At five minutes to nine the next morning, I heard the patio door downstairs slide open. My angel had arrived. I had been lying awake for the past ten minutes, alert with anticipation but I closed my eyes and played asleep. I heard Dominic's footsteps on the stairs, taking them two at a time, and then he was suddenly in the doorway. I could hear his heavy breathing. I lay naked on my back on the bed, my hard cock arched up over my belly, twitching as if waving hello. He moved stealthily toward the bed. I could hear the rustling of clothes and peeked through my eyelashes to see him quickly undressing, tossing his clothes on the floor. I felt his weight on the bed, moving toward me, silent and slow. I pretended to be oblivious. His soft fingers stroked my cock very gingerly, as if he were trying to not awaken me. I gave out a low groan and spread my legs, feeling his breath on my balls as he lowered his face to me and kissed my cock softly. He kissed up and down the shaft with his soft moist lips. He tickled my balls with his fluttering fingers. I smiled and tossed my head, acting as if I was having a wonderful dream. He engulfed me entirely with one gulp, his warm, wet mouth capturing me, his tongue swirling around the flesh. He bobbed up and down on me with an eager mouth. When I raised my head to look down at him, he was smiling with my dick between his full lips. "Good morning!" I cooed. He fluttered his fingers at me, refusing to take my cock out of his mouth, sliding it in and out with a smooth, liquid motion. A delicious way to greet the day. His hands stroked my thighs and tenderly squeezed at my balls as he slurped and smacked eagerly on my cock. It had been turgid with the anticipation of this wonderful boy all night and all morning. It had dreamt of him, longed for him, waited for him. Now, as the boy made love to it, made love to me, my whole body was buzzing, all energy flowing into that pumping mouth, those glorious lips, that talented tongue. He sucked tirelessly, eyes crossing or rolling back into his head or swimming with pleasure, long curly eyelashes fluttering against his smooth cheek. "Oh, yeah," I whispered, stroking his head and ears and neck. I began to thrust my cock into his mouth with more force, taking a firm hold of his head. He surrendered it to me, to my strong hands, and I fucked his face, growling and grunting until I spilled my load into his throat. He drank it greedily and when the flow stopped, he lay with his head on my belly with my cock in his mouth, stealing a few final drops. "That was wonderful," I sighed. He released my cock and crawled up my body, pressing his naked body to me. I took him into my arms and kissed him slowly and sweetly. "You're more beautiful than the sunrise!" I said to him. He smiled, embarrassed, and buried his face in my neck. My hands traveled up and down his body, over his shoulders, down his back, over his slender hips, stroking his thighs and his impeccable butt. He sighed heavily and moaned. "Josh called me last night," he said. He raised his head and looked at me seriously. It looked like something was wrong. "He wanted to come over and surprise you this morning," he said. "But...." He stopped suddenly. "But what?" "Well," he said. "I told him that we weren't going to go back and see you ever again. I told him that I wasn't interested anymore." He looked terribly guilty. He looked at me defensively, raising his eyebrows. "Well, I didn't want him to come over! I want us to be alone!" "Okay." He was still on the defense. "He's too young," he said. "Ya know? I...I mean...." He gave me a meaningful look. "You want to be alone with me too, right?" I nodded. "So...." He went on. "I just....ya know...."--he shrugged--"I had to lie! He really wanted to come over and I didn't know how to tell him that...." He stopped and studied his own cuticle, fidgeting in my arms, looking a little sad. "It was all right to lie, right?" I didn't answer. I just looked at him. I wouldn't treat the question as anything but rhetorical. Josh was Dominic's friend. This had little to do with me. "Right?" he asked. "You tell me," I shrugged. He looked painfully thoughtful, struggling with his own conscience. He bit the cuticle. He thumped one of his feet on the mattress several time like an irritated horse in a stable. I stroked his back and bottom. Finally, he sighed heavily. "I want you to myself!" he whined. I nodded. I felt the same way, but we both knew there was more to it than that. "He's your friend," I said finally. He looked like he was going to deny that at first, but then his eyes softened and he looked guilty. "I shouldn't have lied," he grumbled. "I mean...what do I say to him?" I didn't answer. The question wasn't for me. He sighed and looked a little sad. "Do you like him too?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes," I said. "But I'm in love with you." He blushed again and hid his face in my chest. "He's fun and all, but I feel differently about you," I went on. "I need you. I don't need him." He gave me a thoughtful look. "Then maybe I could share once in a while," he said. "Right?" I nodded. Talking me into being shared by these two beautiful boys was not going to be hard. "I feel bad now," he said. "I shouldn't have lied." "We'll make it up to him," I said. "How?" I let my fingers stray between his ass cheeks and probe his hole. "We'll think of something," I said. "But for now, I want to make love to you." I kissed him warmly and he seemed to melt back into the pliant, sensual lover, darting his tongue inside my mouth. I loved him for his guilty conscience, and while I didn't know how we'd make it up to Josh, I knew how to make Dominic feel better. I reached for the oil beside my bed and dribbled some onto his ass as he lay on top of me. The cool oil made him gasp. My hands spread the oil over his buns, squeezing them and spreading them so that my fingers could find his anus. As soon as my slippery fingers touched him there, he seemed to heat up. He purred and gasped and humped his stiff little dick into me. I reached down between his legs and rubbed oil on his balls and cock, sliding them around in my fingers, making his little boy body shudder and tremble. He spoke in a high breathy tone. "Oh, yeah, Poppi!" Who would've thought one simple word, uttered by one little boy, could make me as horny as that word. "Poppi!" he said again into my ear. "My Poppi!" Every time he said it, I shook. I slathered my cock with oil and nudged his asshole with the tip of it. He pulled his knees up to my sides, straddling me, stretching his ass open to my probing dick. When we made contact, we both stopped breathing and the head of my cock slid slowly inside him. He grunted. I groaned. He made a low growling noise, like a playful pup, and ran his tongue across my neck. I pushed in further and he gasped, his fingers digging into my shoulders. I stopped and we lay there, forehead to forehead for a moment, breathing heavily into each others face. "Okay?" I asked, more begged. His ass was warm and slippery and tight. He nodded. "Yes," he said. "Ooooo, Poppi!" My cock seemed to slide in on its own, or perhaps Dominic's ass claimed it. It seemed to be sucked into the handsome boy's bottom. I was delirious with the pleasure and Dominic whined in a soft but high pitch. Suddenly, I was all the way in. I tried to stab in further, like I wanted to climb right up inside his torrid hole, but there was just no more to go. He raised himself up and, with his hands on my chest, he began to bounce on my cock, at first slowly and deliberately, then more wildly. He rode my cock like a bronco, staying in the saddle, pulling out to the head and plunging back down. I lay below him, bouncing on the bed, looking up into his handsome face. His eyes were closed and he was biting his lip, concentrating intently. Having spent one load already, and after all the deposits I had made the previous day, I was in great shape to go long with the boy and his insatiable hole. After he bounced on me for a long while, I sat up and pushed him back onto his back. I grabbed his feet, spread his legs and fucked him that way for a long time while he stroked his cock and balls and panted and gasped until sweat glistened just above is upper lip. Then I rolled him over and hoisted his ass into the air, plunging my cock inside with one long stab, impaling the boy. He yelped and laughed. "Poppi!" I growled and fucked him with hard stabbing thrusts, shaking the whole bed. He stroked his own cock with oily fingers. We must have fucked for a good twenty minutes when I rolled him over one last time so that we were face to face. It was the most pleasant way to fuck him. I could kiss him and look into that gorgeous face while my cock thrust in and out of him. I could watch the lust swim in his eyes, see the blissful smile on his lips, know that he was as engulfed in pleasure as I was. He could reach back and grab my ass, pulling me into him, encouraging me. He started to tremble in my arms and his voice came low in his throat, interrupted by hiccups of pleasure and lust. "Oh, Poppi! I'm...I'm cumming! I'm...cumming!" He was pumping his cock with one hand. I was cumming too. My balls were humming with the anticipation of it. I felt the twinges all the way down my thighs to my knees. This orgasm was going to come from the depths of me. He twitched several times then and cried out--loud unintelligible syllables that sounded almost like screams of pain. He hung onto my shoulders while his cock pulsed and exploded, coating his muscular tummy with a good flow of sperm. My orgasm appeared on the horizon. Dominic fell suddenly silent. He lay panting in my arms, his body being jolted with every one of my thrusts. His hand still worked on his cock though, pulling on it with the same urgency. He was going for a second. My first loomed in the distance like a hurricane in the distance. It rushed in my ears along with Dominic's voice, building in intensity again as he increased the rhythm on his cock. "Poppi!" His legs flexed straight, then curled back around me, then his cock was flowing again, filling his belly button with cream. I arched my back forward, hunching into my thrusts, and looked down at his glistening belly. Something fired at the back of my mind, an idea out of nowhere, out of place and yet entirely of the moment. An idea when I didn't even know I was looking for one. Just as the first wave of sperm exploded from my cock, I pulled it out of his ass and came all over his belly, my sperm mixing with his, dripping down his ribs, pooling on his heaving tummy. My body jerked madly until I was empty. He reached up and pulled at my cock, enticing a few more drops from it, and licked his fingers. He was looking up into my face with an odd, curious expression. "What?" he said. He could tell I was thinking about something. I smiled at him as my breath slowed down. "I think I know how we can make it up to Josh." At eleven thirty, Dominic and I were lying on the couch in each others arms, still naked but freshly showered, watching television. We smelled of soap and mouthwash and we lazed there with a comfortable familiarity, our bodies melding to each other, used to each other. Fingers strayed idly. We had made love all morning, especially in that first hour, rolling through orgasms like we were pursuing some sort of record. We were on a mission to expel as much sperm from our bodies as we possibly could and when we thought we were empty, we seemed to manage just a few more drops for the cause. Now we lay exhausted and satisfied, relishing the closeness, holding on to each other knowing that we would have to let go soon and he would have to sneak back in through his bedroom window. "I wish I could live here with you," he said. "Me too." A knock came at the patio door and we scrambled off the couch. I grabbed a robe while Dominic scampered around the corner and up the stairs. Tying the robe in front of me, I went to the patio door and peeked through the curtains. Josh's face was smiling back at me, waving eagerly. I opened the door and he pushed his way in. "Hey!" he said loudly. "Josh!" I said. "What are you doin' here?" "I just thought I'd surprise you," he said. "Dominic didn't wanna come." He looked at me up and down, then stepped forward, his hand slipping inside the robe and finding my flaccid cock. He rubbed it in his soft hand, then pulled the robe open and let it flop out. My cock was beginning to stir. "Wanna go up to your room?" he asked. Dominic's voice came softly from behind me. "Hey, Josh." He already sounded guilty and ashamed. He stood on one foot in the doorway, his other leg bent in front of him as if he were trying to hide his cock. Josh looked shocked. He looked at me, then at Dominic, then he released my cock. Dominic spoke up. "Sorry I lied to you," he said. "I...I feel really bad about it." "How long have you been here?" Josh asked. He was still putting everything together. "All morning," Dominic said. "I....I just wanted to be alone....with David. Ya know what I mean?" Josh didn't look like he knew what he meant. He was still trying to figure out what was going on and what Dominic was talking about. Dominic, naked and vulnerable, bravely stepped forward. "I like doin' it with you," he said softly. "So does David." He looked at me for help. "But Dominic and I like to be alone sometimes," I added. "Lots of times," Dominic clarified. "Him and each other." I almost laughed at the phrase. It was so...well...childish, like something you'd hear on the playground. "We like each other." Josh frowned strangely, then smirked. "You're like boyfriend and boyfriend?" he asked. I couldn't tell if he were teasing Dominic or not. "Yeah," Dominic said boldly. "Yeah." He smiled at me. I was beaming, my dick still hanging out of the front of my robe. Josh laughed and blushed, slapped his own forehead and shrugged. "That's weird!" "It doesn't mean that you can't...ya know...join us sometimes," Dominic said quickly. "I won't mind...ya know...we're friends and all." Josh looked thoughtful then, shuffling from one foot to the other, then stepping back and climbing up on one of the stools. "You coulda told me, dude," he said to Dominic. "Sorry," Dominic said. He crossed the room to Josh and extended his hand. "Sorry, dude. Sorry." Josh shook his hand immediately and smiled. "Okay," he said. "It's all right, I guess. But don't lie to me again, all right?" Dominic nodded. "And David and I can be alone sometimes too, right?" "No fuckin' way." Dominic was totally serious, shaking his head. "No, dude. I said I'd share, Not you two alone." "Why?" "'Cause!" Dominic said. "You don't understand how it is, Josh!" "But...!" "No." Dominic was not budging. He had staked his claim, and I (his claim) just stood there with my dick hanging out, smiling at him. Josh looked dejected at first. He looked at me as if he thought I might argue for him, but I just smiled at him and didn't speak a word. My love had spoken and the subject was closed. Josh finally relented, pouting. "Okay," he said. "Whatever." "Thanks, Josh." "If you guys wanna get all lovey dovey," Josh went on. "I don't care. I ain't like that." Dominic nodded. The two boys stood there for a moment in silence. Finally, I pulled my robe closed and spoke to Josh. "We made something for you," I said. "In the way of an apology." Josh's eyes lit up. "Really?" Dominic suddenly got excited and ran off to the kitchen. I watched his delicious naked butt as he disappeared around the corner. "What is it?" Josh asked. "Don't tell him!" Dominic shouted. "It's a surprise," I said. "We spent the morning making it." Josh stood waiting anxiously until Dominic came out of the kitchen with his hand behind his back, a mysterious smile on his face. He stood in front of Josh with great fanfare. "Ready?" he asked. Josh nodded eagerly. From behind his back, Dominic produced a Popsicle. It was yellowish in color and frosty from the freezer. Josh looked a mix of confused and disappointed. Dominic was still smiling at him. "It's a cumsicle," he said, and he laughed excitedly. "What?" "It's a cumsicle!" Dominic repeated. He indicated me and himself. "We made it for you! It's mixed with a little vanilla yogurt, but it's mostly cum!" He looked so proud. "I told you we spent the morning making it," I added. Josh's mouth was hanging open, then he guffawed, long and loud, doubling over, holding his ribs. He nearly fell over for the gales of laughter. We all laughed and when Josh took the treat from Dominic, my boy leapt in the air in excitement to see his friend so amused and he threw his arms around my waist. Josh studied the creation. "Is it really...?" Both Dominic and I nodded. Josh sniffed at it, then stuck his tongue out and licked it cautiously. He smacked his lips thoughtfully, then smiled. "It is!" He sucked the whole thing into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, slurping at it eagerly. Dominic and I watched proudly. When he took a bite out of it and let the lump sit on his tongue, we all laughed. He chewed it and sucked it down and licked his lips. "It tastes good!" he said. He offered it to both of us and we took licks out of curiosity. It was sperm, sure enough, but the vanilla made it sweeter than usual. Dominic noticed the time and went and retrieved his clothes from my room. I sat on the couch and watched him get dressed and watched Josh eating his cumsicle. He'd get more than his share of milk today. Dominic was fully dressed when Josh put the last of the treat into his mouth. His tongue was white and slimy and his lips were laced with cream. He struggled to swallow it all. I worried that he would get sick, but when he swallowed the last of it, he looked a little disappointed. He stuck his bottom lip out sadly. "It's all gone," he said. "Don't worry," I said. "We'll make more!"