Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 00:26:00 EDT From: Marrauder 390 Subject: Will's Story Parts 11-13 The story that follows is pure fiction. Do not read anything into it. It's make-believe: what you see is what you get. It never happened, it ain't gonna happen no matter how long you wait. While we're all sure that there may be characters who resemble those depicted in the story, any resemblance to persons living or deceased is unintentional coincidence. The author of this story neither promotes nor agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Any sex acts depicted should not be attempted without proper precautions. You only have one life. If you value it, you will act wisely. If reading or possessing copies of this document violates local, sub-national or national laws where you live, please leave now. If you are below the age of consent in your community to read or possess material of this nature, please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual behavior, man/boy, man/teen, or boy/boy relationships, then please do not read any further. The author and this site assume no responsibility for consequences resulting from reading or saving this document. The author reserves all rights to this story. Please do not reproduce or distribute without permission. Positive comments and questions may be directed to The author will neither read nor reply to flames. The author tries to reply promptly to all positive mail, so if you don't get a reply to a positive comment within a week, then please re-send it, as Hotmail may have lost it. Neither animals nor republicans, nor delicate equatorial ecosystems were harmed in the creation of this document. Do not insert in ear canal. Caution! Coffee is hot. Will's Story XI I stood glued to the spot, waiting for Will to start screaming, or hit me or do something. He remained still, not fully awake yet not surrendering to sleep. The room was silent save for the crackling of the logs in the fireplace and the low thrum of the circulation fan. I was terrified. What was I doing? What was I thinking? This was a boy and I was a man. I told myself that it was okay to have a certain curiosity, but to be as close as I was, for as long as I had been, completely absorbed with the boy's body... that was going over the top. I was shaking as I retrieved the flannel blanket and covered the boy up, yet as I tucked the blanket under his chin, I found myself leaning down and kissing him on his forehead. The beautiful smile that I was rewarded with made me feel even worse. I felt awful as I slid into the big overstuffed chair next to the couch. From where I sat, I could see Will's sleeping form to my left while the flames danced in the fireplace in front of us. My mind was muddled. I didn't know what to think. I had never had any feelings towards men or boys before, and yet both times that I had seen this boy naked, I found myself compelled not only to take a peek, but to examine him as thoroughly as I possibly could. What was the attraction? Why did I feel so? I couldn't stop believing that my actions were wrong, but yet it felt so right. I studied the flames and mulled over this, wondering what was happening to me. Finally, I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept there, I'm sure that it couldn't have been too long as the fire was still burning cheerily in the fireplace. At first, I didn't know what had awakened me or why I was there. I was very slow coming to my senses, but gradually, I realized that I could hear a soft sobbing coming from somewhere in the room. Will. I looked over to the couch, but only saw the red flannel blanket, no little boy. "William?" I said out loud as I jumped out of the chair. "William, where are you?" I heard a sniff behind me, and turned to find Will. He was facing the French doors leading out to my deck. Still unclothes, and his hair now tousled, he was illuminated only by the dancing light coming from the fireplace. Will's body was radiant, his lean tan body a study of firelight and shadow, skin glistening with perspiration as if oiled. Behind him, the softly falling snow visible through the panes of the French doors offering a contrast that bordered on the surreal. The boy's hair was in disarray, transmuted by some strange alchemy of the firelight into strands of gold. From his hair, my eyes moved away and once again feasted upon that special place where his neck meets his shoulders and all too soon, my gaze slid down the gentle slopes of his traps to the tops of his arms. I scrutinized each muscle and curve now brought into sharp contrast by the golden firelight as it cavorted and played upon the perspiration covering his skin. I watched as the light and shadows frolicked across the perfect little knobs of his spine as they made their way down his neck into his upper back. I traced the path of the downy wisps of hair as they changed into a dusting of golden glitter where the firelight capered randomly across the cleft of his spine and the tiny little muscles of his back. Had anything ever looked so perfect? I was scarcely able to move or speak, lest I break the spell. I felt myself trembling with excitement. When the boy slowly turned to face me, his body so beautiful that it seemed to be glowing. The spell was broken. It was obvious that he was trying to stop himself from crying, but he wasn't having much success. "What's wrong?" I asked, rather lamely, aware that I had again been staring. "What did I do wrong?" he asked. "When can I go home? I want to go home." I rushed in and wrapped him in the red blanket, and hugged him tightly. I told him about my phone call with Rob, and of Rob's request that he stay here tonight and maybe tomorrow, until the situation gets sorted out. Will's bleary, tear filled eyes looked up at me. "You would let me stay here? You like me enough to let me stay here?" he asked incredulously. "I don't have to leave?" How would you answer that question? It was obvious to me that I liked Will as a student and as a person. I had seen him go through so many changes in such a short time. I enjoyed working with this boy. And yet there was more. I was beginning to realize that there was something more to my feelings about the boy. Counting this time, I had seen him naked three times, and each time had filled me with such an excitement as I had never known before. I freed my left hand and gently stroked the back of his head, down to the nape of his neck, still holding him tightly against me with my right hand. This seemed to calm him immediately, and I could feel the tension start to leave his body. I took my time responding to his question while my hand toyed in the bristly shaved hairs on the back of his head and neck. I drank in his particular smell, so much like home cooking, and full of boyish musk. I noted that the heat in the room was making it more pronounced as it continued to bejewel his body with perspiration. Minute by minute I was losing control and I was sorely tempted to bury my face in his shoulder and inhale deeply. Rousing myself from this state of near bliss, I drew myself together and told him that he could indeed stay with me until the situation was resolved and it was safe for him to go. It was nice to share the house on so special a holiday with one so in need. Isn't that what the season was about? "Then can you do one thing?" he asked shakily. "Can I ask for just one thing?" "What's that?" I asked, not knowing where this was going. "I'm afraid, Mr. O'Connor. I've never been so scared. Can you hold me while I sleep?" I wasn't too sure about it, but I immediately agreed. How could I say no to a child who had gone through as much pain as he had in the last several hours? I led him over to the couch and settled into a corner. Will crawled tentatively on top of me like a small child and nestled up against my chest. He waited for me to put my arm over his shoulders, and I swear that he was asleep seconds after that. I sat there for hours, reveling in his smell, his weight on top of me, the little noises that he made while sleeping. Despite his size, he never seemed too heavy. I watched the firelight dance atop the perspiration on his skin where it poked out from under the blanket, and in the tangled mass of his blond hair, all the while longing for a camera to save the moment. The neat freak in me finally gave in to temptation after a while, and I smoothed his hair. It was as soft as a baby's hair, and very silky to the touch. It begged to be smoothed, and smoothed again. This boy never used styling products, that was sure. There was no possible way that his hair could have had such texture and softness if it had been attacked with the crap that so many kids put in their hair. While I played with his hair, and occasionally his beautifully shaped rubbery ears, I couldn't help but notice all the different colors in his hair. His hair color was really a mixture of blondes and browns with a few black hairs thrown in. It was no wonder why bottled hair color looks so fake; how could anyone but an artist create such a combination of colors? As I had for perhaps the hundredth time that night, I wondered how anybody could contemplate a human body and decide that there is no God. XII I don't remember falling asleep that night, but I certainly remember waking up on Christmas Day. I don't know how long it went on as I lay dormant, but finally, rising towards consciousness, I became aware of the most pleasant feeling on my face and hair. My eyes were still closed, and I couldn't hear a sound, save for my own breathing, and the crackle of logs on the hearth. Except for the extreme warmth of the room, there was nothing to remind me of the events of the previous night. I lay still, eyes closed, and basked in the most wonderful feeling that seemed to move across my eyebrows, down my nose, across my lips, around my ears, and through my hair. The strange feeling flowed across my face like electricity, yet with the gentle touch of a summer's breeze. As it continued, the pleasant sensations seemed to build, and I would have been content to let it continue forever when I felt Will shift his position ever so lightly on the couch beside me. I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me, an intense look on his face, as he traced his fingers ever so lightly across my face. Still naked, he didn't notice that I was awake for almost a minute, and then as he did, the most extreme look of horror flashed across his face. He tried to scramble away from me, but his feet got stuck in the blanket that I had wrapped him in, and he crashed heavily down on top of me. Instinctively, I hugged him tightly, crushing him into me to stop his struggling. I looked to his face, and saw the look of horror still there. His struggles gradually subsided as I continued to hold him tight, his rapid breathing returning to normal. I looked at his face and Will stared balefully back at me for a long moment, and then burst into tears. I let go of him with one hand and stroked the back of his head, telling him that everything was okay, that he had done nothing wrong. His crying didn't subside, and quite automatically, I began to rub his back with the hand that had been resting on it. Gently, more softly than I could have imagined I was capable of, my hand traced lazy circles on his back. This seemed to calm him down faster than my words, so I continued in silence, the circles gradually getting bigger and bigger. My hand toyed with the protruding nubs of his spine, playing with each one for a moment before moving on. My hand traced each shoulder blade, from the nape of his neck, covered in downy blond peach fuzz, to the little knobs at the top of each of his arms. I gently traced the length of each trapezius and over to outline each tiny delicate collar bone. Downward my hand searched in lazy circles, toying again with the little raised nubs of each vertebrae, then onward into the trench of his lower back, and back to the top, repeating the whole process again. By my hand's third trip, Will seemed much more calm, and I again risked a look at his face. He stared into my eyes, searching, his face so close to mine that I could smell the sweetness of his breath. I was still stroking the back of his head with my right hand, and despite his best efforts, he seemed to be slipping into a pleasant dreamy trance. I took note of this and quickly zipped my left hand down his back and poked a finger into the crack of his rump and wiggled it. He let out a delighted squeal, the trance broken, his problems momentarily forgotten, the happiest smile on his face. I quickly resumed stroking his hair, and rubbing his back, as if nothing had happened, and he calmed down. I waited patiently, stealing looks occasionally at the boy's face. Each time he seemed about to slip into the trance, I would slide my hand down to his rump crack, some times wiggling my finger in the top, sometimes further down. Each time, he giggled delightedly and squirmed into me. By the second time I had goosed him, his arms were wrapped happily around my neck, his warm, soft face resting on my shoulder. I could feel his body heat even through my sweatshirt, and his soft breath tickling at my neck. He continued to make happy noises, so I kept up alternately rubbing his back and goosing him. I don't know how long this went on. Its safe to say, at least fifteen minutes, perhaps more. I don't know. We were both having fun, we were both enjoying the game no matter where my fingers landed. Once, by accident, my fingers ended up goosing the back of his scrotum, and a couple of times I found my fingers on his anus, almost penetrating. None of this offended the boy; he positively reveled in the attention. If anything, he was becoming more relaxed with me, which greatly increased my chances of goosing him where I wasn't aiming. All in all, I had never seen such a happy creature in my life as the squirmy naked boy clinging to my neck. All too soon, we were interrupted by the phone. Reluctantly, Will rolled off of me so that I could get the phone. I barely made it before the answering machine picked up. Rob was on the other end, looking to set up a time to talk with the boy about the events of the previous night. He apologized for calling early (I had absolutely NO idea what time it was), and asked about Will. I related that he seemed much better after a long hot bath and chicken soup, and that he seemed to be fine. At about this time, I felt two small arms wrap around me. Will looked up at me mournfully, his bright green eyes shining with unshed tears. It was clear that he was thinking about his home situation and I wrapped my arm around his head and hugged him in tight against me. After the call from Rob had broken up our little game, I decided it was time to feed Will. Still hugging him, I led him to the kitchen and told him I was going to make breakfast and that he could help if he wanted. Without much conversation, we made lots and lots of bacon (we both love it), poached eggs, and hash browns. Placing the food in front of him, I proceeded to make crepes, stuffed with cherry pie filling. I thought his eyes would pop out when he saw the finished product, topped in ready whip, cherry filling leaking out the ends. It was quite hard to keep ahead of him as he ate 'til he was stuffed. Finally, I got to sit down and eat some breakfast myself. Will watched intently as I ate, and didn't make any attempt at conversation. When I finished, he followed me silently to the sink, and we washed the dishes. When we were well into doing the dishes, and after I had graced the tip of his nose with a large mass of soapy bubbles, Will finally broke the silence. "Um, Mr. O'Connor, you really don't mind me being naked, do you?" he asked. I was completely taken off guard by the question. I hadn't thought about him being naked in the hour or so that we'd been in the kitchen cooking and eating. I had really enjoyed spending time with him, and I honestly forgot that he was naked. This shocked me for a moment, especially when I remembered how obsessed I had been the night before with checking out each and every part of his body in detail. I didn't know how to answer Will. If I said "yes", he'd be upset, wouldn't he? And if I said "no", then I'd be doing something wrong, right? I stopped washing the dishes, completely frozen by the dilemma. What a conundrum. What to do? Seizing what I thought was my best chance, I told him that he was my guest, and that he should make himself comfy. I reminded him where I had placed some clean clothes, if he wanted them, and I told him it was his decision what to wear as long as we were alone. "Cool!" he cried, and scampered out of the room. XIII I'd like to say that Will put on the clothes that I had set out for him, or that he put on his own clothes, but that was not to be the case. In fact, getting Will into clothes reminded me of WWF wrestling. There was lots of posturing, threatening, speechmaking, squirming, escapes, and struggling before I could get him decently attired in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Washing my dog had never been as hard as getting this boy into clothes. Rob's interview with Will was short and to the point, and I was glad for that. The things that the boy was saying had happened to him the previous night were almost too much to hear. I wondered if he knew how close he had come to death. It was quite hard to bear, and yet the boy was somehow able to discuss this with Rob, a total stranger, in a rational manner. What strength this kid had! When Will had finished, Rob sat across from him and silently finished his notes. I wondered what he was thinking. I was sure that he saw his own son when he looked at the boy. Looking up, Rob asked Will if he was comfortable staying with me. Will replied that he was, and that he felt safe and begged Rob to let him stay. Turning to look at me, Rob asked if I was comfortable having Will in the house. I turned to look at Will, and saw the fear in his face. Before it got any worse for the kid, I answered Rob that he was no problem and that I was happy having him with me. Nodding his assent to my statement, Rob called his sergeant and told him to meet us at my house. * * * Rob's sergeant came along shortly with an older gray haired man, and immediately, without benefit of introduction, they cloistered themselves in my TV room with Will. No attempt was made to include me, or to introduce me to the newcomer. I recognized the sergeant from when he was a D.A.R.E. officer at my school, and felt quite puzzled at the way he snubbed me in my own house. I couldn't figure out who the other man was. He dressed too well to be a caseworker for Child Protective Services, besides, he was too old. Most of those folks burned out before turning 40. It's a cruel world. While the group was occupied in my TV room, I went to my den and made my Christmas phone calls. I had to use my cell phone because the little group kept using my regular line. Despite the Christmas cheer that I was helping to spread, I felt quite anxious. By the time I had finished my phone calls, Will had been in the room with the cops for over forty minutes. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to at least try and pretend that things were normal. To achieve this illusion, I decided to bake cookies. It seemed a waste of perfectly good cookie dough (I prefer it raw myself), but it would make the house feel and smell festive. It would also help me to keep my hands and mind busy. I was taking the second batch of Tollhouse cookies out of the oven when Rob came to get me. When I entered the room, it was apparent that Will had been crying. His face was all red, puffy and wet. The gray haired man, whoever he was, was sitting on the couch next to Will, an arm wrapped around his shoulder protectively. He didn't seem to be having much luck in comforting the boy and seemed quite relieved when Will jumped up and ran over to me. I felt awkward as the crying boy wrapped his arms around me tightly and renewed his sobbing, but instinct took over and soon I was hugging him back, whispering nothings in his ear, trying to calm him down. Will calmed down faster than I thought he would, and finally the gray haired man spoke to me. "Mr. O'Connor, my name is Dan Miller, and I'm the duty judge for the holiday. This is quite a mess we have here." At hearing this, Will hugged me even tighter and looked fearfully up at me. He was shaking all over despite the almost oppressive heat in the room. He seemed to be having trouble standing so I moved him back to the couch and we sat down where Will had been sitting when I entered. The judge scooted over to make room and resumed speaking. "Will's situation troubles me deeply," said the judge. "And I am at a loss as to what to do." Motioning to Rob, he continued "If you'd be good enough to take William out to sample some of those chocolate chip cookies that we're all smelling, I'd like to talk to his friend alone." Will clung to me tightly, but relented when Rob gave him an exaggerated sad look. The judge talked to me for about a half hour. The gist of what he wanted was for me to assume temporary custodianship of Will, by direct court order, at least until family court had resumed after the holidays. He promised that the police would investigate how or why Will's mother had come to "forget" about him, and he also promised direct financial support, also by court order. He wanted me to know that I was under no obligation to say 'yes', and that his purpose in using the court order was to protect me from legal action by the boy's mother and any possible repercussions that could arise when the school system was apprised of the arrangement. This judge was one slick character and I was glad that he was on Will's side. More coming soon.... Positive comments may be sent to Flames will be deleted. If I don't reply to your positive comments within a week, please resend, as Hotmail may have lost it.