Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Wish You Were My Dad Chapter 8 (Gay/Adult Youth) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading his. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 8 The next few weeks at school were pretty tense. I was expecting some sort of retaliation for Dylan catching Cory. Mom talked to the police about pressing charges, and Cory hadn't been at school since. His friends seemed to go out of their way to avoid me. If this is what having a dad was like, I really wished I had found Dylan sooner. The weather was getting worse. Cold and rain were common occurrences as autumn pushed its way in. With October came Halloween; my favorite of holidays. When you're poor, Christmas is treated one of two ways: Either it was a huge deal or it wasn't a thing. In my house, Christmas wasn't a thing. Mom was usually too broke to get a lot of gifts and our place was too small for a real tree. Instead, she focused on Halloween. The decorations never went out of style and costumes were, relatively, easy to come by. Candy was also cheaper than presents. Mom had earned a promotion to supervisor, which meant that she got a raise and a regular schedule; however, it also meant longer hours. Although that year Halloween fell on a Friday, it was still one of Mom's work days. I begged for her to try to take it off, but since she was new to the position, she didn't feel she could. "I'm sure your dad wouldn't have an issue with you going with him," Mom said, with a bit of snide in her tone. I think she was jealous of all the time Dylan and I spent together, while she was at work. The only real time we had was on Sunday, since she had Sundays and Mondays off, while I went to school and babysat Monday through Friday. "Yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine with it," I said, genuinely feeling defeated. As much as I loved Dylan, Halloween had always been about Mom and me. "I wish you could come, though. Maybe you could call in sick?" Mom laughed and said, "I doubt Dave would like that." Dave was her boss and a total prick. Mom guessed she would've been promoted sooner had she slept with him months ago. Dave had a reputation at work as a man who didn't like being rejected. "Anyway, we need the money. Rent is going up in January, and I want to get ahead while we still can. I promise we'll do a movie night or something, okay?" "Alright," I said, giving her a hug. "Can I ask Dad if I can go trick or treating with him and Tiffany?" I smiled as Mom grimaced at the word "Dad." "Fine," she replied, "but tell him he's late on child support." I laughed as I closed the door. I hurried down the walkway. I wanted to run but couldn't bring myself to seem that desperate, since I'd seen Dylan a few hours prior. I knocked on his door feeling pretty good; of course, whenever I thought about him, my mood always got better. "Coming," I heard Dylan shout. A few seconds later he opened the door, grinning. "Hey, Mikey. Come on in." He stepped aside, as I walked passed him. The smell of his cologne made my dick twitch. I was very glad to be wearing underwear and jeans, as I was bombarded by Tiffany hugging me. I gave her a hug back just before Dylan told her to get back in bed. We went to the living room and sat on the couch. "So, what brings you by so late?" "Were you going to bed?" I hadn't realized the time. "I can come back tomorrow--" "--You're fine," he said, taking my hand in his. "What's up?" "I was wondering if I could go trick-or-treating with you and Tiffany on Halloween?" My heart ached as I saw the unusually sad look on Dylan's face. "I'm sorry, Mikey, but I'm not going out trick-or-treating. Tiffany's going to her grandparents', and I already made plans with some friends." "Oh," I said, unable to hide my disappointment. I tried to recover quickly and said, "That's okay. I'll see if I can find someone else to go with." "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone." "It's fine, honestly," which was a lie. I didn't feel it was fine. I know now that I wasn't owed anything, but I was barely a teenager, who was going through puberty. Nothing ever made any sense, and how I felt was the only compass I had in life. "I should go. It's late." I pulled my hand away and stood to leave. Dylan stood as well, looking about as disappointed as I felt. "I'm really sorry, Mikey." "It's fine," I repeated, more to myself than him. I didn't know whether or not Dylan followed me to the door. I was in that self-obsessed tunnel vision teenagers get when upset. "What did he say?" Mo asked when I walked in the door. She was finishing the dishes with her back to me. "He's busy," I said and went to my room. I flung myself on my bed and cried. I've never been one of those people who turned their sadness and disappointment into anger or rage. I never understood how that could happen, so I just cried and cried. I loved Dylan. I wanted to be with him as much as I could, and he was always there...until now. Yes, it was one night. I would see many, many other Halloweens, but Time doesn't work the same for kids as it does for adults, and teenagers, especially, have a hard time sorting that out. They're always on the cusp of understanding their own mortality, while battling the constant ignorance of childhood. I could, as a concept, grasp that I had many more years ahead of me (like understanding the Universe is big), but it's too abstract to actually comprehend (like knowing how big the Universe ACTUALLY is). The rest of the week went by like normal. Dylan tried to apologize the next day, and to avoid falling into my hard feelings, I gave him a hug and told him I was fine. I admitted to being disappointed, but I found some friends to hang out with that night, which was a total lie, but he seemed to accept it. After school on Friday, I just headed home, since Dylan's mom was picking Tiffany up from Head Start. Mom had left me a couple of bucks to get a pizza, and she bought a few new horror movies for me to check out; nothing with spiders, however. I was playing some video games when there was a knock at the door. I hadn't ordered pizza yet, and it seemed too early for trick-or-treaters. To my great surprise it was Dylan. Before I could say a word, he said, "Get your jacket. We don't have a lot of time." Despite being confused, I did as I was told. "I thought you were hanging out with your friends," I said. "I was going to, but I couldn't leave my son behind on Halloween, could I? What kind of dad would make me?" I couldn't help but smile a big, dopey grin. Once Dylan got on the road, he reached over and took my hand in his. Our fingers interlaced and everything felt normal again. "Where are we going?" I asked, excited to be anywhere with the man I was falling for. "There's a haunted corn maze and hayride just outside of town," he replied. "I've always wanted to go, but nobody ever wanted to." "Same," I said. "I've asked Mom multiple times, but she's said she can't afford it. I think it's because she's too scared." Dylan laughed. "Some people don't like being scared." "I don't mind long as there's no spiders." Dylan squeezed my hand and said, "I didn't check, but if there are any spiders, they're gonna be fake, so you have nothing to worry about." I returned the bit of affection and replied, "I can't be scared when my dad is with me." The parking lot was loaded with cars. It took Dylan about 10 minutes to find a place to park. The line was even longer. I grew a bit insecure being in public with Dylan. I really wanted to hold his hand, but if someone Mom knew saw that, I didn't want to risk him getting in trouble. We hadn't done anything wrong, and even if we did, I would spend the rest of my life lying my ass off; however, Dylan didn't need that level of drama, especially with Tiffany at risk. When we got close to the front of the line, a sign read that anyone under 16 had to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. There were other rules, as well, but they weren't of great concern. "Two tickets, please. One adult, one student," Dylan said. The woman at the booth looked at us and could clearly see that we looked nothing alike. She also looked like a hard ass when it came to the rules. "He's your kid?" The look on her face plainly showed doubt. "Yeah," Dylan said, matching her attitude. He rattled off when he knew about me, including my birthday. I was rather impressed until I remembered that he was the one who checked me in at the hospital just under a month prior. "Dad," I said, hoping to solidify the ruse, "Mom said you still owe her child support." Dylan involuntarily snored. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen him do, and I made a note to make him do it again. "Well," he said, quickly recovering, "you tell your mother that the check is in the mail." The woman just rolled her eyes and gave Dylan the tickets. Dylan thanked her and took my hand. I just waved as we went in. We walked through a small beer garden and sitting area, and made our way to the haunted hayride. Living in a city for all my life, being around non-urban animals was wondrous. Until that point, I had never seen a horse up close. "Beautiful, aren't they?" Dylan asked, having noticed my line of sight. "My parents own a couple of them, though theirs are more for riding, where those are definitely work horses?" "How can you tell?" I asked still in awe at how massive they were. "Size mostly. Work horses are very bulky and muscular. Riding horses are more lithe and slim." "Do you think I could pet them?" I asked, noticing some small kids hanging around them. "I don't see why not." I was nervous, which Dylan assured me wasn't necessary. They were soft and gentle. One of the employees brought us some sugar cubes. I first dropped one cube, afraid the horse was going to bite me. Dylan chuckled and held my hand still as the horse's lips took the cube from my open palm. "I should take you out on a ride one of these weekends." "Really?" I asked, as we moved back to let more kids in. "I don't see why not. Your sister will be riding them soon enough, so there's no reason why you couldn't." It was the first time Dylan ever called Tiffany my sister, and it made me love him even more. "Dad?" "Yeah, Mikey?" "I love you." Dylan looked down at me, smiled, pulled into a hug and said, "I love you, too, Mikey." It felt so natural, so right. "Come on," he said, pulling away. "We got to get good seats at the back." "Why the back?" "You'll see." The hay ride was a blast. We were loaded into an old fashioned, pioneer wagon. There was about 20 of us, including the small kids, crammed in the back. I found out why we needed to be in the back. The front was really dark, with the coach driver only having a lantern. It was hard to see anything. The sides were also heavily boarded to keep the little ones from falling out. So, the back was where all the action was, with the actors climbing up, doing their scary thing, before jumping off. Dylan and I sat at the very back on the right. Most of the parents had the same idea about seating Dylan had and kept the smaller kids up by the driver. We were chased by werewolves, vampires, witches, devils and at least one guy with a chain saw. There were even trap doors in the roadway, hiding "hell pits" where some of the actors would run out and chase us. Every time I jumped, I'd do so into Dylan, who'd hold on to me. "Your kid is a little jumpy, ain't he?" The guy across from us laughed. His daughter looked about 17 and bored as hell. "Just like his mother, I'm afraid," Dylan jabbed back. "Thanks, Dad," I mockingly groaned. This caused Dylan to snort-laugh again, and I just melted into him. "Did you like the hay ride?" Dylan asked once it was over and we were in the sitting area. "I did...well, until the horse shit towards the end; the smell was nasty." Dylan laughed and said, "Well, they do that, you know, but I'm glad you liked it. The maze should be even better, too." "As long as we don't step in any horse shit..." The maze was timed, so there wouldn't be a crowd gathered at the opening. We were given a map and told there would people in the maze to help if we needed it. Dylan was handed a flashlight that had a blue lens, which was supposed to make things extra spooky. The first things I noticed when we entered was how soft the ground was, as it had rained earlier in the day, and how quiet it was. The corn stalks were over six feet and the maze path was only wide enough for two people to walk side by side. Dylan and I held hands and make our way cautiously. I don't know how long we had been walking before we ran into our first "villain." Out of seemingly nowhere, a man in a hockey mask with a chainsaw chased after us. I screamed and nearly pissed myself. Dylan pulled me along and laughed as we were chased. "What the fuck was that?" I demanded, trying to catch my breath. "Language," Dylan chuckled. "I don't think your mom would appreciate you swearing like that." It was true. She didn't allow profanity in the house, unless you were an adult, of course. Most kids, though, swear when adults weren't around, and I was no exception. "Sorry," I said. Dylan laughed and pulled me into a hug. "I don't care if you cuss, Mikey. Just don't tell your mother. She might increase the child support." We both laughed and tried finding another way out of maze. Just before we found our way out, it started to rain and it was coming down hard. An employee offered to take us to the exit, but Dylan and I decided we could find our way out. Unfortunately for me, that was big mistake. At the exit stood a giant, very realistic, mechanical spider. Now, I'm sure you're thinking that it might not be that big of deal, and that I was just being a pussy. In part, yes, I was being a pussy; however, that fake spider was hand crafted to look as realistic as possible. It was modeled on the Cobalt Blue Tarantula and was extremely realistic. I was mortified and could only squeak out a shriek of terror. "Oh shit," Dylan said, moving between me and mechanized monstrosity. "I'm sorry, Mikey. I honestly had no idea this was here." He pulled me into him and called out for help. I actually pissed myself. The creature of my nightmares was made real, and I started to cry. Dylan picked me up and carried me out, following the instructions of maze. We were lead through the staff area to avoid a scene. It might have been the last night for the maze, but I doubt they wanted a freaked out 13-year-old ruining their attraction. "Daddy," I whispered as we got to the truck. "What, Mikey?" "I peed myself." I began to cry harder. Dylan held me tighter and said, "I don't care, baby. I only care that you're okay." He held and rocked me till I calmed down enough to get into the truck. Dylan had me remove my pants and underwear before getting in. The rain and darkness of the parking lot was cover enough. He put my soiled clothes in the truck bed and we drove right home. I did my best to hide my privates. Not that I was worried about Dylan seeing me naked, as he had already, but I didn't want to risk someone in a bigger truck looking at me. "Stay here," Dylan said as he stopped in his parking spot. He rain from his truck to his apartment. Within a couple of minutes, he came back with a pair of shorts. I put them on, as he grabbed my dirty clothes from the back. "I already asked your mother if you could stay the night, since I didn't know when we were going to get home." "Thanks," I said, still shaking. I didn't want to be alone after seeing that spider. I went into the bathroom to clean up, while Dylan ran a load of laundry. I was so embarrassed. I beat myself up mentally. The last time Dylan thought I had pissed myself, it wasn't urine. How could he like me now? I thought. He must think I piss myself all the time. I was curled up on the couch when Dylan came in from the laundry room. He pulled me into his arms and held me. I could tell he felt horrible. We both knew he was joking when he said he hadn't researched if there was a spider in the maze. I never blamed him for it. He just held me and stroked my back, as we watched TV. Neither of us spoke and laid in silence. Dylan got up to use the bathroom and check on the laundry. By the time he came back with everything, we were ready for bed. I followed him to his room. I stripped down, leaving his shorts on, while he stayed in his underwear. He turned off the light and pulled me against him. My face was level with his collar bone, and I inhaled his scent, feeling safe and relaxed. "Dad," I said, quietly. "Yeah, Mikey?" I replied in a whisper. "I don't blame you for the spider. I know you didn't do it on purpose. Shit like that happens." Dylan hugged me tightly and said, "Thank you, Mikey. I appreciate that. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, right?" "I know you wouldn't. It's one of the things I love about you." We must have been thinking the same thing. As I tilted my head up to kiss Dylan on cheek, he tilted his head down to kiss me on the forehead. His lips were so soft and gentle. We both paused, clearly shocked at the situation, but neither of us broke apart. Once the shock was gone, the kiss became more natural and caring. There was no tongue, no movement. We just leaned a little more into it, making sure the other knew it was okay and wanted. Dylan broke away first. "I love you, Mikey." "I love you, too, Daddy." We kissed once more before I tucked my head under Dylan's chin and fell asleep, all thoughts of monstrous spiders replaced with awareness of Dylan's breathing, scent and our hard, cloth clad cocks rubbing against each other. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 9***