Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 14:10:19 -0400 From: JJ Rockwood Subject: Zachary All Grown Up Chapter 95 Zachary All Grown Up Chapter 95 By JJ [ ] FOR ALL THE COUNTLESS HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT THAT NIFTY PROVIDES WHAT IS A FEW COINS OT KEEP THIS PLACE ALIVE. PLEASE GIVE WHAT YOU CAN !!! Chapter 95 While they were watching TV I went and sat at the island with the catalog. It was from 1979. I couldn't believe the pieces that Becky's parents bought. If they still had all of them and they were in good shape I could do my whole house. I decided I was taking the complete dining room it would fit all of us. When I got to the bedroom section I was excited they had the same four poster bed we slept in. The night stands were different and so were the bureaus but I actually liked these better. They had unique end tables and a coffee table and I was taking those. I would have to Zachary show some of the lamps they had and also what was offered in the book maybe he could find them online. There was a roll top desk I hoped they still had. Hopefully they didn't want too much money for them. I called Becky and asked what actually did they have in storage. I say 'Becky I want the complete dining room, the complete bedroom, the end tables and coffee table and the desk and maybe some of the lamps.' Becky says 'I'm not sure what exactly is there my brother and sister took some things but I will call them right now and get back to you.' I say 'Thanks' and hang up. I let DJ know that we are eating for 5:00 and start getting things ready. The five of us will fit at the island. I figure a salad and biscuits will go fine with the pies. I put the first pie in the second one I will bake off while we eat. Zachary and Stephen come into the kitchen to help. Stephen sets the island up and Zachary makes the salad which isn't much all I have is lettuce and few tomatoes and I give him a can of olives. When the pie comes out it needs about 20 minutes or so to set up and I make the biscuits. A little before five Eric and DJ arrive and I get a longer hug from Eric than normal and a warm smile. I assume he has come to his own conclusion with it but I have decided at some point I will talk to him. I am happy I do have thoroughbreds for grandsons. Stephen asks 'What did you guys do today?' Eric answered 'The three of us played video games and cards with the 'rents. What did you do?' Stephen says 'Nice. I helped Zachary put away all the Christmas stuff he and Papa bought for me and him. Then Zachary and me watched TV.' Eric asks 'Did he bring you some good stuff?' Stephen says 'Eric you should see it. It was really neat I got more lights and Santa that lights up. Zachary shoosted them for me.' DJ says 'You are going to be just like Papa with Christmas.' Stephen beamed. Eric says 'Papa this is real good. Did you make it?' I answer 'No at the place we stayed did. We had it for supper and I knew you guys would like it.' DJ and Stephen both answer 'It is.' I ask 'How has school been?' Eric and DJ say 'It is alright it is hard to get back into it after the all the time off we had.' Stephen says 'It's boring. I wish I could stay home every day.' DJ says 'How are you going to learn how to read and write and count your money?' Stephen thought about and says 'Yeah I guess you are right.' Eric says 'Look we are already half way through January before you know it we will be swimming and working in the garden.' I ask Eric 'What is up with the new middle school will it be finished next year? You will be in eighth grade.' Eric answers 'Papa I don't know all I know is that Stuart and the rest of all the eighth graders from the other schools will have one graduation ceremony.' I say 'That was the way it was when I was in school. There wasn't a middle school.' Stephen snorts 'Papa you went to school like us?' I laugh 'What do you think? They sent us right out to work.' Stephen just shrugs. I was happy DJ, Eric and Zachary had a second piece of the pie. I ask 'Eric do you think you are going to go out for cross country in high school?' Eric answers 'You know Papa I think I might. I am not big enough for football and I'm not crazy about baseball, maybe basketball but at least with cross country and track I can get muscular and strong. I answer 'The treadmill is here but not alone that goes for you too DJ and I can show you some weight training exercises to give you core strength. Too bad there wasn't swimming you are built for that too.' Eric smiled 'I would like that Papa.' His smile warmed my heart. DJ smiled at me knowing that Eric still wanted to be close with me. Damn my first grandson is going to be a great mother duck like I was! For dessert we had the two tins of cookies. Eric is an eggnog drinker also and likes his cookies.' Zachary asks 'Are they still sledding at the school and park?' DJ says 'No both places have bare spots from the sun. Was it cold in Vermont? Did you ice skate?' I answer 'No believe it or not there is no snow on the ground this storm missed them completely and it has been warmer up there then down here. Do you guys want to do anything together tomorrow? You can come for breakfast tomorrow if you want? It won't be till 9:30 or so after I get back from shopping.' Eric says 'I will.' DJ says 'Me too I want to do the treadmill first.' Stephen was happy both his brothers were coming. I say 'Ask Stuart too and what about doing something tomorrow?' Eric says 'I'm going to the movies with a couple of friends.' DJ says 'I want to finish two papers that are due next month so I don't have to do it the next few weekends.' I answer 'Smart move. Eric enjoy the movie.' They help clean up and the two older ones head home. I say 'Stephen let's get your shower out of the way before you get tired.' Stephen answers 'Okay.' He heads upstairs singing and I get the Ethan Allen book and give it too Zachary. I say 'Listen everything that Becky's parents may have in storage is marked in this book. I plan on taking everything except the kitchen set and the single bedroom only for the fact we can't use it.' Zachary looks at me surprised. Just then Stephen yells down 'Papa I'm naked and ready come turn the water on I can't.' I go up and get the shower set then sit on the toilet while he showers. He is singing 'Good King Wenceslas' and I wait for him to do his hair. I remind him to wash good and twice especially the man parts. Zachary comes up with warm towels and Stephen yells 'Thanks Zachary.' I help him dry off then he runs into his room to get his pajamas on. Zachary says 'I don't believe it everything we wanted is there. Do you think it is in good shape?' How much do they want? I will help pay for it.' I answer 'Becky says 'As kids they were not allowed in the living room and if the dining room was used a dozen times that's was a lot. Price I don't know we will see. All that stuff was expensive then. Becky seems to think they would be happy with someone that appreciates it as much her mom did. There might be some lamps but look at the book maybe you can find them online. I'm taking the roll top desk I really like that. I think we should buy a new couch and chairs. We can get rid of the one in the basement and put this one down there. My recliner and the other chair can go to Goodwill after all we have to buy two chairs for the bedroom.' Zachary says 'We have to paint the upstairs then, the wallpaper in the hallway and stairs is in good shape just a good wash down.' I say 'We can hire a painter it won't take longer than a couple of days. Your Poppi knows a couple from the club.' Stephen comes out of the bedroom all ready and Zachary asks 'Where are you sleeping?' Stephen says 'With Papa the tree is in there.' Well that settles that. Zachary goes in to take his shower and Stephen and I head downstairs. I leave Stephen looking at the tree and the fireplace as I run upstairs with warm towels. Zachary is waiting for me and I wrap him in a towel and kiss him. He smiles and says 'I feel like Stephen when he got all his Christmas stuff and we are lucky enough to maybe get all this furniture.' I smile and kiss him again and say 'I am so lucky that it takes so little to make the two of the people I love so happy.' We kiss again and we are both hard and I say 'Go I would love to get off but sooner or later he will come looking for us.' Zachary leaves to get dressed and I jump in the shower. When I come downstairs they are watching a movie and I ask 'What should I make for breakfast?' Stephen says 'Papa we had pancakes yesterday and French toast today both with sausages. Can we have pancakes or waffles with bacon and eggs? Cuz then we will be having oatmeal or cereal everyday' Zachary says 'That sounds good to me. What can I do to help?' I answer 'I have to go to Shoprite for a few things by myself and I can make the bacon before I leave and while I wait for Anthony to pick me up for BJ's I can knock off whatever I decide to make and keep them warm. You can set the dining room for seven in case Stuart comes and I'm sure Anthony will stay to eat.' Stephen answers 'Okay Papa we will.' I ask 'What are we watching?' Stephen answers 'Some old movie.' I laugh and say 'I can see that. But what is it? It looks familiar but I can't think of the name of it.' Zachary answers 'Remember the Night.' I say 'Oh yes why are we watching it.' Stephen says 'The guy on TV says it takes place at Christmas. Did you ever see it?' I say 'Yes with my grandfather he liked the woman that stars in it.' Stephen says 'Your Papa liked a lot of blonde women he liked that other one about the witch.' I laughed 'I guess he did.' Stephen says 'They are saying it is close to Christmas but I don't see any lights or anything.' I laugh 'Give it time.' As the movie progressed Stephen seemed to enjoy the funny parts and when it came to Christmas he was in awe. There was a huge tree with tinsel, filled with ornaments and popcorn strings and glass beaded garland. He says 'Hey where are the lights?' Zachary answers 'Where they live there isn't any electricity. A lot of the farms or where people live in the country didn't have electricity yet and some not even telephones.' Stephen says 'Wow that is why all the bedrooms have fireplaces.' I say 'Yes.' He then says 'Even without lights I think that it is one of the best trees I have seen in the movies. Our beads aren't like theirs.' I say 'That is because they are expensive the ones we have are good enough.' The smartass says 'Well next year I am buying some for my trees I have the money.' Zachary says 'Go for it.' By the end of the movie he was bored and they headed up to bed. I stayed behind to lock up and make sure everything was off. I went up and 'tucked' Zachary in and headed to my bed. Stephen was laying there looking at the tree and says as I get into bed 'Papa I would like a tree like this but without those lights. I want to use my lights you got for me.' I say 'Well in the fall we have to look they may sell them unlit.' We say our goodnights but I am asleep before he is. I get up go in, piss, wash and get dressed Stephen looks like he never moved all night. I went down put on the broiler and cooked off the bacon put it on paper towels and left it to drain. Still haven't decided what I was making waffles or pancakes but made the batter for waffles but it could be used either way. Put on my shoes and went and warmed up my truck. I cleaned up and washed everything from the bacon and batter then took off. Shoprite wasn't crowded and I was in and out in no time got home put everything away and decided on pancakes. While the griddle was heating up I took out two platters to put them in. I figured I would make about forty pancakes there would be seven of us and we were all guys and after all any leftovers would not go to waste. I put the oven on low to keep them warm and put the bacon in there. It didn't take me long to knock of the pancakes and I had enough time to put on coffee and clean up the mess. I look in on both of them and they are both sound asleep. I turn off the tree in the bedroom it is getting light out. At 8:40 Anthony is outside and we leave. Anthony says 'There is more in that unit then what is marked in the book. Becky wrote it down. My in- laws don't want anything for the furniture and you have until the end of June to move it out of storage. That is when they have to renew their lease.' I say 'I am giving them something. Who pays the storage fee?' Anthony says 'Becky does and they send her the money.' I say 'How much?' Anthony answers '$110.00 a month.' I say 'Fine I will pay the next five months that is well worth the furniture I am getting. Tell them that is the only way I will take the furniture. Wait till we get back and to tell me the changes this way Zachary can hear them and I can see what the boys may want of mine.' Anthony asks 'What else is going on?' I smile and say 'Eric has figured out that Zachary and I are a couple.' Anthony chokes on his coffee 'Is he okay with it?' I answer 'By the two hugs I got from him yesterday I would say very okay.' Anthony asks 'Did he ask you?' I say 'No he asked DJ and DJ didn't commit but asked Eric would it make a difference and Eric answered 'No he thought it was cool.' Anthony says 'I would have figured he would have asked Stuart seeing they are close.' I say 'I found out as close as those two may be with their interests and ages he talks about things with DJ as far as girls, sex, pubic hair, etc. I guess DJ always looked out for him when he was young like he does Stephen now.' Anthony laughs 'DJ is definitely you, Stuart is Michael and Stephen is me and I think maybe Eric has a lot of you in him too. Jeez my boys are all Becky except for the youngest will be built like us.' I say 'There isn't nothing wrong with that at least none of them have taken after Michael.' We are in and out of BJ's fast seeing how it is Monday the store is not crowded at all. Anthony stops at his house and drops his groceries and we head to my house. Zachary and Stephen are in the dining room and we can hear Stephen singing 'Good King Wenceslas' again. Anthony joins in from the kitchen and it gets quiet and Stephen peeks out of the doorway. Stephen says 'I'm glad it's you and not a robber.' I laugh 'I don't think a robber would be singing carols.' Stephen says 'You never know.' They help me put away my things and as we are finishing I looked at the clock and was going to have Stephen call his brothers when there was knock at the back door. They came in and hugged me and Anthony watched how Eric hugged me and gave an extra squeeze like grownups do. Anthony looked at me and his eyes were wet and nodded. I say 'Go and sit everything is ready. Where is Stuart? And who wants eggs with their pancakes and what kind?' everyone wants their eggs over easy except Eric. He asks 'Papa can I have mine scrambled? I'm not much of pancake eater.' I say 'Of course I will make you three.' DJ teases 'He wants to keep that slim figurine of his.' Eric laughs and nudges him. Stephen moans 'Maybe I should eat scrambled too. This way I will look like Eric.' Anthony says 'Sorry nephew you are taking after us it is in your genes just the way Eric will always be lean and mean.' Stephen mutters 'Damn.' Then he gets quiet as Eric and DJ look at him with big eyes. I laugh to myself. I ask again 'So where is Stuart?' DJ says 'He has to help Dad fix two chairs he broke in the cellar.' Stephen says 'Two, I thought it was only one.' Eric says 'He broke one the other day and tried to clue it and Dad sat on it and almost fell.' DJ says 'In all honesty those chairs have to be a hundred years old at the least.' Zachary asks 'What chairs? How did he break them?' Eric says 'The chairs that go with the table in the downstairs kitchen that the owners left. Instead of getting a ladder he stood on the chairs to get something.' DJ says 'Dumbass. He's lucky he didn't break something.' With everyone getting their eggs we all sat and ate. All you heard was forks clinking and once in a while a voice 'Papa you sure make good breakfasts' and others grunt in agreement. Stephen, DJ, Zachary, and Anthony had seconds on the pancakes and bacon. Anthony says 'Seeing you are taking that dining room and all the pieces that go with it maybe Andrea will want this for her basement all this should fit with no problem.' DJ says 'Papa I think mom would take it. I heard Andrea tell my dad that even the table is getting weak.' I say 'I will ask her later also who would like my bedroom set who has room for it.' Eric says 'I would if I had my own room not that I mind sharing with Stuart.' DJ says 'I have the biggest room can I have it.' Stephen frowns. DJ says 'Stephen your bed is brand new just like Eric's and Stuart's.' Stephen says 'They were our cribs.' I say 'They are all in great shape and were expensive I know I bought all three of them. DJ is sleeping on your dad's old bed.' Stephen asks 'Papa are you leaving going somewhere why are you getting rid of everything?' I say 'No I'm buying new furniture that is all. Eric do you have room for my desk in your room go up and look at it see if it will fit.' Stephen says 'What about me?' I say 'If you take the desk you can't get a bigger tree.' Stephen says 'Okay I would rather have the tree.' Anthony says 'That reminds me' and he pulls out a piece of paper out of his pocket. The other bed isn't a twin it is a double and there is that is long dresser plus a chest of drawers.' I say 'Okay I will take that also so now I will see who needs another bed and bureau and nightstand.' Anthony says 'If Andrea can't use it I will take it Anthony needs to get out of his youth bed.' I say 'Why don't you take this other set?' Anthony says 'Becky says 'Anthony will ruin it and it is too expensive for it to get trashed.' I say 'Then you can have mine these boys are all set now.' Anthony says 'Thanks.' I look at the whole table and say it won't be for sometime though. I have to have upstairs painted and new windows put in.' Anthony asks 'What is wrong with your windows?' I answer 'I'm getting rid of the triple window in my room and putting in a bay window.' Anthony says 'That will go good with that bedroom set.' I nod. Eric says 'Papa can I go look at your desk?' I nod. DJ says 'Papa I want to see your bedroom set again I'm pretty sure it will fit.' I nod again. I look at Stephen is there anything you want to look at?' He laughs 'No I'm not getting anything except the new furniture in Zachary's room will it have more room for my clothes.' Zachary says 'Where am I keeping my clothes?' Stephen shrugs 'With Papa's after all you work together.' I think to myself how can he be so shrewd but yet na