Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 23:16:19 EDT From: Subject: north country part 6 This story is (C)Copyright 2006, by TM. All World Wide Rights Reserved. This story may not be sold or made part of any collection without prior written permission. North Country Chapter Six Vince woke me early, for some unknown reason; but it was a relief in that he allowed me to piss in the urinal, before he himself left to go out into the cold air to relieve himself. The thought of escape pierced my thought process and that was about all I could think about. I had to get the hell out of here and I felt that if I didn't escape soon, I'd only be subjected to more of their servitude training. Vince came back in, shivering from the cold air and quickly stoked up the embers in the stove; adding several large pieces of firewood. The crackling sound seemed to fill the air and the heat began emanating from the stove rather quickly. After he'd gotten the coffee pot onto the stove top, Vince came over and began to release my bindings. It seemed that the only thing that Vince could do was to display a big grin before telling me that today was going to be the day that they removed my foreskin, and I had another session lashed down to the table, urinal duty and 'ass slurping'. I guess Carl wasn't kidding when he said that everyday would be repetitious not forgetting the addition of one or more new lessons. By the time Vince had helped me down off the web sling, the coffee was ready and Vince was eager to have his first taste. He had no sooner gotten over to the stove and I grabbed his shoulder, twisting him back around, facing me. I wished that it was someone other than Vince; but, my right fist connected square with his jaw and my left fist found its intended target, that being Vince's stomach. I watched, as his eyes rolled back and he slumped to the floor. I had to grab him to prevent him from falling onto the hot stove; as I eased his head down to the floor. I stared at him momentarily, amazed that either I was stronger than I knew, or Vince had a 'glass jaw'; in either case I had to go now... Now or never, as the end result would be freedom or torture. I slowly opened the cabin door and was hit with the cold night air. I looked around and the entire camp seemed to still be asleep; not even the wildlife was up yet. As I stepped out onto the small porch, I noticed that there was one, lone campfire burning; but I saw no movement anywhere on the common grounds. My butt still burned from last night and my feet were extremely sore; but I knew that I couldn't turn back now. I also knew that in the dark, I was nothing less than lost. I walked as fast as my aching feet would allow, down to the common area of the camp and passed the campfire; feeding briefly on the heat that was being given off. To my right was the direction we went yesterday in the truck. Straight ahead was where they led me yesterday morning to receive my bath and enema. Off to my left is where, I think, the direction they had brought me into the camp on the first day. Pondering the three directions, I chose the path towards the stream. No sooner had the camp disappeared from sight, I heard Vince yelling and screaming. My heart began to race even harder and my brain was communicating with my feet; urging them to move faster. With more voices now, I knew that the entire camp was becoming aware of my escape. Then I heard the sound of evil and meanness; the loud barking and yelping of the dog. Jesus, I'm screwed! The ground cover was torture enough, but I had to suffer countless tree limbs and branches bashing themselves into my body. Somewhere along the way, I'd gotten off of the path and now I found myself deep into a heavily wooded area. I had to get down and crawl over and around some of nature's finest work. At one point the voices and the barking didn't seem so loud and I thought, just for a quick second, that I'd heard the babbling of the stream. I followed my perception and continued toward where I assumed the stream was. Every few minutes I stopped, just to listen to the voices; trying to determine if they were following me, or if they had taken a different direction. I was right! I came to a small opening in the woods and the stream was right there in front of me. It wasn't the same place as yesterday, but IT was the stream; it just had to be. Damn, the water's cold; but it was necessary that I get across. This part of the stream is a lot deeper than where I knelt yesterday. The water was almost up to my nipples as I struggled to keep upright in the fast moving current. It was even colder when I reached the other side and had climbed up a small embankment. I stood there, shaking the water off my body the best I could. I could hear the men and dog, but they seemed to have been on the path used yesterday. I also heard the rumbling engine of the pickup truck as it came to life in the stillness of the early morning. I needed sunlight for direction, and for warmth. My body shivered and quickly filled with goose bumps. I started once again through the woods, 'assuming' that I was headed in the direction of town. I hadn't given much thought, until now, on what, if any, plans were viable options. My best bet would be to come across other hikers and campers. They'd be the most likely to help me out and understand my plight. I knew, also, that once the sun came up that I'd be able to get the bindings off of my balls, as I couldn't even feel where the final knot was. I'd rather die then let those bastards cut off my foreskin, let alone re-capture me; which would mean relentless hours of torture and abusive treatment. I must have gotten a decent distance between myself and the other men; as their voices faded and finally fell silent, even the wailing dog was not heard. The good thing; was that the last time I heard the truck rattling, it was somewhere ahead of me. That, to me, meant that I was headed in a direction which would take me out into the open where I'd get a good view of my exact location. Once on the road, and with the sun coming up, I'd know which direction I needed to go so that the long trek back to town would be easier to navigate. By now my body was covered with cuts and scrapes; some of which were still bleeding. I'm sure that any hiker would be able to render first aid if my cuts were serious, but in the dark nothing was a shoe-in. I decided to stop right where I was, until the sun came up; which was a welcome relief just to be able to stay in one spot; without the worry of someone sneaking up on me. Cold, tired, sore and hungry, I huddled against myself trying to find warmth. By the chirping of some birds, I knew that sunrise was coming; and it finally came up in a blaze of glory. After surveying my surroundings and inspecting my body for nasty cuts, I managed to untangle the two knots in the leather cord they used on my nuts. It was such a relief to me and my balls. Everything had happened so fast, and worst of all, without any thought given to a plan. It was now becoming evident that without food and fire, I would find myself in distress unless I came across some hikers. Hikers, I had to find hikers, if I was to survive. Not to mention the speed and stealth of a man like Carl; who apparently was the one who followed me and stole most, if not all of my things during my nights sleeping alone. I would constantly have to be on guard against having him sneak up on me. I slowly crept out into the open, and seeing not a soul; I ventured out onto the road, and equated the journey I'd have to take to get back in to town, or have a good chance at coming across a fellow hiker. The idea of flagging down a vehicle was not an option. For all I knew, some of the people in town are being told of my escape this very minute. I stayed off the road, but kept it in close proximity to me all morning long. I didn't hear any motor sounds nor did I hear any human sounds. Several times I ducked into the woods and walked hidden amongst the trees and bushes. My feet were becoming numb for the previous nights torture and all of the twigs and rocks I'd walked on. My body was in dire need of food and water, which I knew weren't coming via a pizza delivery truck. As the sun came directly overhead, I decided to find a safe spot to rest. I so wanted to hear the noise of a brook or stream. Cold water or not, I needed to drink and soak my feet; but unless I wanted to waste time and back track, looking for the stream was out of the question. It seemed that I'd made decent progress during the day, as the sun began to fade. The air here sure goes from warm to cold in the blink of an eye; and my body was telling me to find warmth. Thankfully, I found a downed pine tree and was able to snap off some of the branches; using them to lay on and to cover myself up with. I was more than scared, as the night came quick. I needed to sleep but I had this constant reminder that Carl was most likely sleuthing around looking for me. The night was filled with the sounds of nature; animals crawling around and the nocturnal noises of the winged creatures swooping around looking for food. I dozed off and on, but never really slept soundly; which would just be another hindrance to all of my efforts. With no hope of a good meal, or water; I brushed myself off and got into a clearing to warm up with the rising sun. I was amazed that not a single vehicle had scoured the road during the night and even more surprised that I hadn't run across the men from camp yet. Since I had made it safely through day number one, perhaps today I'd be able to make it the rest of the way into town. In my mind, I could see the rustic town, with it's feeling of friendship and warmth. I just needed to get to my car and retrieve the hidden set of car keys. I even had a few dollars tucked away underneath the driver's seat; which would be enough for me to get a shirt and possibly an inexpensive pair of jean. And, with the help of my dad, I could get him to wire me some money for gas and food. It seemed that today was going to turn out okay; and I wasn't even going to pursue these guys legally; I just wanted this nightmare to end and I just wanted to get home and have a brotherly confrontation with Ryan. I thought I saw smoke from a campfire. It seemed to be in the direction which I was needing to go; so I took off in that direction, not knowing what I'd find once I got there. I slowed to a crawl, as the campfire neared. By the time I'd gotten there, I had crawled through the brush and dead vegetation for about one hundred yards; not knowing if this whole thing was a set up and the men were waiting to pounce on me. I scanned the area, and listened for any sign of life; but the campsite appeared to be empty. I'd stumbled onto a camp where the hikers failed to totally failed to extinguish their fire. I quickly stirred the hot embers and found several small branches with which to rekindle the flame. The heat was a god-send. Shockingly enough, these campers weren't all that careful about leaving the place nice and clean either. On several of the large rocks surrounding the fire, I discovered bits and pieces of what appeared to be scrambled eggs; which I consumed with ease. I even found a couple fragments of what remained of a piece of partially eaten bread which I also ate without reservation as to who's mouth had been eating away at it before me. Once again I scanned the horizon, looking for the campers and trusting that none of the men from the mayor's camp were anywhere around. Thankful that I was still alone, I looked on the ground for anymore tidbits of food; but none were to be found. I'd have to wait on good fortune, perhaps closer to town; before I'd get a good meal into my body. I waited until the fire had reduced itself in size before I began tossing handfuls of dirt on it; making sure that it was totally extinguished, then set off in the direction of town. Only once, did I believe that I heard the engine of the rusty truck; and I responded by laying flat on the earth until the sound faded away. I made fairly good time and prayed that I'd come in contact with fellow hikers; but to no avail. Late in the afternoon, I got my first glimpse of town; from high atop one of the mountains. I knew that it was going to take at least three more hours to get there but I was determined now more than ever to make it before the air turn unbearably cold. As I crossed over the road, on the last stretch of trail leading into town; I was only about a mile or two from freedom, when a car sped passed me like a bat outta hell. I watched as the car continued on it's way for about a quarter mile. Suddenly the car came to an abrupt stop and made one of those seldom used, three point U-turns. I continued watching as it came careening down the road, passing me once more. This time it stopped about a hundred feet passed where I stood. I noticed the driver's door open and saw only a partial head sticking out when I heard, "You, naked kid! Ya need a ride into town?" I didn't waste time in answering him; as I took off towards the vehicle in the fastest time I could muster up. I was just about to the back bumper of the car, when the driver stepped out and I froze in my tracks watching the driver sprint behind the car and came at me with a flying tackle. Both of us hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. I thought for a moment that I was going to black out from the contact with mother earth. As the stars cleared from my eyes, I came face to face with my attacker. It was the kid from the grocery store. He had me pinned down and regardless of how hard I fought; I failed to get him off of me. His strength must have come naturally, as he was smaller than I am. He twisted my arm and flipped me over, face down into the dirt. It was only a matter of seconds before he had my wrists bound with one of those plastic ty-wraps. He even managed to bind my feet together; after which he pulled them up and, using yet another plastic ty-wrap had them affixed to my wrist; leaving me hog tied. He managed to drag me backwards, towards his car; and with a great deal of effort and adrenalin he had me crunched up in the trunk. I started crying instantly, as the car started moving; towards town I think. The ride lasted less than ten minutes, plenty of time at this speed to make it back to town; and the motor was shut off. I heard the car door open and close; assuming that my captor was going to open the truck lid and haul my ass out, but he didn't. I stayed in the trunk for what seemed like hours, before the lid popped open. The first thing I noticed was that it was now pitch black outside. I could barely make out the forms of the men standing there, gazing down at my tortured body and tormented soul. Several pairs of hands were used to lift me up and out of the trunk before they simply released their grip; sending me crashing to the ground, or should I say pavement. Flashlights were turned on and began blinding my vision with their quartz light. I couldn't see anything at all, but knew that my life was about to become a living hell from here on out. The plastic was cut which had held my feet to my hands and I was hauled up onto my feet. I was surrounded by at least six men from camp plus the teen who'd captured me. Then, the mayor stood directly in front of my face; and I could tell by his breath that he'd been drinking. I could tell by his face that he was beyond mad. He stood there, silently, starring at me as if he could see into my brain. His ominous presence sent a rapid feeling of fear throughout my body. He slowly stepped aside, revealing none other than Vince; who stepped forward, alcohol on his breath as well, and Vince swiftly connected his fist with my jaw and his booted foot made contact with my nuts. I dropped like a rock, only to be hoisted by up onto my feet. A solid punch to my gut was followed by a huge chunk of man spit to my face. He, along with all the others laughed at my current situation. "Is it time now, NOW do I get to fuck the slave?" Shouted the boy. "Indeed, boy, now IS the proper time to claim your reward," the mayor said with a slightly slurred voice. I was quickly turned around facing the kid's car and my wrists were freed but were quickly re-tied with rope; each separately. I was then shoved forward, onto the trunk lid of his car; and my arms were pulled out and forward, with the two ropes being tossed through the open windows of the car. The ropes were then tied together, thus leaving the upper portion of my body immobile. Ropes also replaced the plastic that had been holding my feet together and those ropes were tossed under the car; to be tied off to the rear axle of the vehicle. Now my ass was exposed for any and all to see the remnants of the thrashing from two days ago, along with the scratches obtained while trekking thr ough the woods. The cold night air had found my asshole and balls, which made the whole scene that much more revolting. "Before I fuck him, can I try out this little thing I got last month? Heck, I've only got to try it out on a few stray cats so far, but I'm dying to see how good it works on a slave like this stud." The teenager said with glee. "Don't see why the fuck not, go to it and have yourself a blast. After all you're the one we need to be thanking for recovering our property. We probably wouldn't have found the slave until tomorrow, so you just take your time and enjoy him and his slave ass. Fuck him all you want and then me and the boys will have our turn with his sorry self." Came the slurred words from the mayor, leaving me to wonder how much torment would I have to endure before they'd most likely kill me and toss my body into a train's boxcar. "Might gag the fag slave, before somebody comes a snooping around back here," came words of advice from one of the men. In short order I had a smelly rag stuffed into my mouth, thus silencing any outburst I may have made. Another of the men called out, "rustle up a couple of those milk crates over there, seems like the kid might be needing them to be high enough to fuck this worthless piece of shit." The next thing I knew was that a severe, if not life threatening pain struck my nuts. I screamed into the rag, but my stomach was about to deliver up a health dose of the 'dry heaves'. The men laughed, at my expense, as the same pain came calling. I realized that the kid had some kind of electrical toy which he was using on my balls. Over and over again the pain shot through me, until the teenager changed targets. I felt a hand yanking on my dick, pulling it down away from the metal of the car; and suddenly the same shock was sent through my cock. It was so severe that it caused me to release my bladder and a pool of piss, steamed on the ground below. I was about to think that the boy rather enjoyed playing with his toy more than he ever imagined; but soon he was done and I knew what was coming next. I could feel the hard plastic of the milk crates bang again my ankles; as I heard the boy's zipper. Laughter ensued, which for once wasn't being directed at me. Apparently the boy had removed all of his clothes, much to the amusement of all the men, until I heard the mayor say; "See there, the boy remembers his lessons well. He knows that he is supposed to be naked in front of those far superior to his kind. No need to laugh at him; he's only doing was is most proper as a fag slave should do." The kid stood up on the crates and I could hear him spit, presumably on his cock. "No good lube for his ass, so we'll all just use spit, until we got enough cum dripping from his hole." Shouted Vince, who was still in a rather mean spirit. In one fast, continuous motion, the boy rammed his cock into my ass. I howled but it was of no use; as it only brought out more jeers and laughter from the crowd of men. His cock was pumping like a runaway locomotive, each time burying itself up to his pubic hair. A few properly placed slaps on my ass kept my mind reeling. It wasn't until the kids final thrust accompanied by a moan and a few choice words for me; did the boy unload his sperm up my ass. I couldn't actually feel the cum, but I just knew what he'd done. After stepping down from the crates the boy took two last shots, delivering electrical jolts to my cock and balls. After once again slapping my tender butt with his hand and telling me, "I'll be fucking you again real soon fag boy", he moved away. By now, I'd lost all hope of rescue, not to mention release from these bonds; but I suppose I've never been one to give up at anything I sent my mind to. I continued swallowing the bile which crept up into my throat, wanting it all to just fucking stop! After the second cock had unloaded up my ass, I heard someone (probably the kid) say, "I need to piss, so hold on just a sec." I felt the car move slightly and then noticed out of the corners of my eyes that there were two boots, just in front of my head. Standing on his own car, the naked teenager grabbed his cock and began spraying my body with his acrid urine. It seemed that everything this kid did, brought the crowd of men to laughter and clapping. "Next time, BITCH, I'm going to use your fucking mouth as my urinal and maybe even let you taste my shit if you're a good faggot slave." My ass was used by all of the men and not surprising was the fact that they all followed the teenagers example and stood on his car to piss on my weak and abused flesh. I was thinking, now that they had their fun for the night; that at least I'd get some form of relief; but again, as usual, I discovered my thinking wasn't in line with theirs'. I heard the men talking but the volume of their voices made it impossible for me to clearly hear what they were saying; until finally I heard the mayor telling two of the men to 'go get the trucks'. The stench of piss was everywhere and yet I wasn't as repulsed about it as much as I had been when I first experienced another man's urine; but it would be nice if I could rinse it off my body, along with two days dirt and grime. I knew, and I could feel the dick snot dripping from my ass; as my bindings were removed from the car, yet still attached to my four limbs. Simply put, two men flipped me over onto my back, arching my body, which was most uncomfortable. At least for now, I could see the men as they walked passed me, flashlights still bouncing their beams of light in many directions, as my limbs were once again fastened to parts of the car. I heard the trucks coming and I once again was confused. Two trucks and I was still tied to the car. "Well who wants to go first", asked the mayor as he apparently was still partaking of an ample supply of liquid refreshments. "I'LL GO FIRST! Carl yelled out. I started to lift my head, so that I could possibly see what they were talking about; but one of the men quickly slammed my head back down onto the deck lid. The next thing I know, Carl is standing next to me with a lit candle. The flame flickered brightly in the calm, cold air; illuminating Carl's face. He tilted the candle, sending droplets of hot wax onto my chest. I screamed behind my gag, and he just laughed. The wax even found my nipples and that, I might say, is most unpleasant. Soon Carl was joined by another of the men standing opposite him, and he too began dripping hot wax. It appeared to me, and felt hotter as the two men lowered the candles even closer to my body. Someone was now dripping the wax on my naked head, and ears; which seemed to excite the crowd even more. As my eyes cast down, I saw the mayor standing over my cock, and he too had a lit candle. He began dripping the hot wax onto my cock and pubic region which seemed to only continue the hoots and hollers from the men. I watched in horror, as he grabbed my cock at the base and raised it skyward; only to drip the molten liquid on the very tip of my dick. I was beyond screaming and the small amount of thrashing around I was able to do, did not deter these men from their sadistic ritual. I knew that I'd passed out from the pain; as when I came to, the men were all standing around passing their bottle of booze back and forth. I couldn't even feel the cold air on my cock or balls. All I knew was that they felt a lot heavier now than normal. It must have been one hell of a wax job they'd done. Not to mention, that I was totally amazed that not one single resident of town had heard all of the commotion. What happened next, I really don't want to mention; but, my mind tells me that I should, just in case you find yourself in a similar situation. The kid, climbed up onto his car once again, and I assumed it was to piss. The next thing I see is the boy's ass, as he squats over my chest. I can clearly see his hairless crotch along with his cock and low hanging nuts as he is f acing me. But, I wasn't expecting him to unload his turds onto my upper chest. One after another they dropped from his ass, while the men roared with laughter. He seemed pleased that he could 'perform' in front of the other men, as he purposely lowered his head so that I might see the evil grin on his face. Chants of 'more', 'more' filled the air; but the kid was done. He jumped off the car like a frog, to take a position standing next to me. The men were still chanting, as the kid began to smear his turds all over my torso. If there had been anything in my stomach, rest assured it would have come sailing up and out. Suddenly my legs were released, but then they were bent backwards; straining every last muscle in my thighs, and the ropes were tied to the same ones which bound my wrists. The sound of the truck engines starting up, caused my to freak out. The kid once more jumped on the back of his car and once again squatted over my chest. I heard the sound of his car staring up and I became even more frantic. From the amount of illumination and the sound of engines, I knew that one truck was behind us and the other truck was in front of us. The car started to move forward with a small jerking motion and the kid leaned over me with both his hands now firmly on the vehicle. The teenager quickly moved his hand, so that he could remove the stank rag from my mouth; and I was most relieved to suck in the fresh air. However it was short lived, as he maneuvered his body so that his butt was directly over my face; and I watched in horror as his dirty ass lowered onto my face. He dropped his head and said to me, "Lick me clean bitch, and eat my shit. If I can do it, so can you." There seemed no earthly way for me to get air to my lungs as the full weight of his body was now resting on my face. Several slaps to my head, caused me to open my mouth, trying to suck in air; but all I got was a good taste of his young ass. I knew the guys in the truck behind us were probably busting a gut laughing at me; as I began to dart my tongue up against the boy's hole. I must have struck one of his nerves, because now, instead of slapping my head he was gently rubbing it. I'd all but forgotten that we were moving, until I noticed the faint lights on either side of the vehicle; which only meant one thing. We were going down the main street, dead smack in the center of town. I could only hope that the only people out at this hour were the town drunks, as for sure I was exposed not only physically but exposed for all to see this kid sitting on my face and me licking his ass clean. Our little motorcade slowed and made a turn off of the main street, and I soon found myself in a well lit building; or at least from where I was laying it was a building. The kid eased up off my face and adjusted himself to where his dick was gliding across my lips. "Open you fucking mouth bitch!", the kid hollered, and I obeyed. I didn't want anymore trouble, not tonight. With his soft dick buried in my mouth I got his full discharge of piss, which I wasn't able to swallow fast enough; thusly I was slapped in the face with his shit covered hands. After the teen had climbed off of me, and the car; it was plain to see where we were. In a damn car wash, of all places! I knew that the one truck was still behind us, and could only assume that the other truck was in front of the car; thus partially blocking the view, should anyone pass by. I could easily see the wands (2) and instantly knew what was about to take place. The familiar sound of the coin slide in motion, the sputter of air just before the water starts to spray were the first sounds I heard; other than those of a few of the men. One should be appreciative and thankful that the wands weren't all that close to my body, as the water pelted my skin. The terrible stinging sensation, reminded me of my youth when once I was stung by a jelly fish. The men moved the wands all over my body and I was amazed that they pulled the wands back whe n they went to spray my face. Then the soap came out, putting suds on me from head to toe. I seem to remember one of the men making a comical remark saying something like, "Do you think he'll need a wax job too?" After pausing for a minute, the water once again flowed, washing the suds away along with any remnants of the candle wax. It seemed that they were more interested in spraying my genitals and ass more than anything. Naturally I screamed, but to no avail. My balls were bouncing around like a canoe in a hurricane; helpless to defend themselves. Suffer as I might; but the knowledge that all of the piss and shit were being hosed off my body and perhaps even alleviating a scrubbing in the cold stream was of some consolation to my tormented body. Somebody came up and pried my ass open, while the other stood at a safe distance and discharged the stream of water at my well fucked ass hole. I was slowly coming to grips with the fact that there was no such thing in my thought process as 'humiliation'; not after tonight. All I could do now was to conform to anybody's and everybody's wants, needs and desires. I lay here, as such, a broken man; now nothing more than an object of others pleasure and amusement. No escape, no tomorrows, only the here and now. Over powered by these men and the boy, no say in my future; as if the old real me no longer existed. After turning my over, once again they drenched my body with the soap and water; and once more they found pleasure in rinsing out my ass. Just from exhaustion, I was glad that this particular ordeal was over; as I now knelt there in the wash bay, hands properly placed behind my head, watching as the teen and the two men made quick work of washing the piss, slime, shit and dirt from the kid's car. Once the spray had ceased, the air started to feel colder, colder in fact than the previous night; but perhaps it was just a mixture of being wet and emotionally drained that caused me to feel this way. Before any of the vehicles moved, not to mention started, they hauled me up to the lead truck and pulled me, without regard to my safety in to the bed of the pickup. Once there were two or three men in the cab of the truck, the men standing with me, turned me around facing the back. I was then lifted up onto the roof of the truck, on my back. The ropes that had remained dangling from my wrists were passed to the men seated up front and they tied the two rope ends together; my arms now spread out nearly horizontal to my body. They proceeded to bend my legs backwards towards the front of the truck; with my ankles actually resting on each side of the truck bed. The two ends of the ropes were then secured to the door handles, thus making me look something similar to a slain deer in hunting season on the way to the tagging station. My head was slightly tilted back, so I can only assume that it was resting on the upper part of the windshield; making my torso and pubic region the highest point. The mayor climbed up in the truck and took a small piece of rope and wrapped it excruciatingly tight around my balls and tied it off to my locked collar; and in doing so caused my cock to be more pronounced to the world. "Enjoy the ride back home boy", the mayor said with a certain degree of indifference in his voice. Grabbing and tugging on my foreskin he concluded his words by saying, "it's coming off, no doubt about it slave boy; you're going to loose this thing you consider part of your old self." All three motors ignited simultaneously and the vehicles began to move forward. As we made the turn back onto the main street, I continued feeling as if my life had ended and a new life lay ahead. I didn't even turn my head when I heard what sounded like an inebriated man call out, "you got yourself a good one there mr. mayor." The cold air no longer bothered me, nor did the bumps in the road; as they drove me back to my new life. All I could see were the countless stars in the night sky and a few billowing clouds. Even the cord around my nuts seemed so insignificant as it strained with every bounce of the truck. The truck slowed, turned and with the dirt road splattered with chuck holes, I knew we'd arrived back at camp. I was, maybe wasn't, surprised to discover that the grocery store teen had also driven up with the other vehicles; as I was taken silently from the truck and forced to the ground to begin crawling back the remaining distance to the camp. The two campfires were full ablaze when we got there and the warmth felt good and emitted a rather 'comforting' atmosphere. I was hastily brought up onto my feet and pushed back against the thick pole they used on me a few days ago. The same poles were used again, spreading my feet and hands. The mayor came up and removed the rope from my collar and allowed it to momentarily drop free. One of the men came up and following direction from the mayor began screwing into the ground, one of those things pet owners use to chain their dog up to in the back yard. Once the task had been completed the mayor took the free end of the rope and ran it through the large steel loop on the dog anchor; and he seemed delighted in pulling it for all he was worth. I no longer had the strength, nor the will, to scream or struggle; as I watched my balls being stretched beyond belief. Vince had gone up to the 'Pain Center' and returned with several items. The first item, being a wide leather band; was placed over my forehead and pulled tightly behind the pole and fastened, thus immobilizing my head. The next two items were those heavy metal clamps, which the teenager was allowed to place on my nipples. The last item was slipped over my cock and the mayor made some adjustments on it; which included spreading my foreskin over the cold hardened steel. "I'll leave this on your worthless slave dick, just so you'll have a constant reminder that this piece of apparatus is going to remove your skin in the morning." That's all the mayor had to say to me, before he ordered everyone to their cabins, except that from now on, one male would stand watch over me from a safe distance. I was left there for the night, with only the fading warmth of the campfire to ward off the worst of the cold night air; to contemplate the atonement for my sins. To Be continued..... Only 35 more chapters to post if you would like to read more of this story and other stories by the SanibelBoys go to Just be sure that your profile shows your 'adult' age ,no exceptions, thanks, marcus, trey and billy