Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2022 18:13:09 +0000 From: ^sharper Subject: YOU KNOW HE'S SUB, DON'T YOU? - PART 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE. PLEASE CONTACT IF YOU LIKE TO PRAISE OR MOAN. SEARCH NIFTY FOR or link TO READ MORE ^sharp TALES. REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR DONATION TO WWW.NIFTY.ORG !! HERE :: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ YOU KNOW HE'S SUB, DON'T YOU? - PART 50 Jobal looked at me again. "You want the toilet?" he said. "Yeah I think so," I said. I mean my bladder was full but I hadn't thought about it. "Hold it. Hold it till Po says it's ok for you to go." He let me lick his hand. "It's difficult to pee through a hard on in any case," he smiled. "See you can control anything. Or not control it. It's up to you!" They grinned. I just felt dizzy from being in such close proximity to two such incredible men. I could smell their sweat. I could hear them breathing. When they touched me it was electric. All I could do was whatever they made me do. All I could say was whatever they made me say. "What about cleanliness," Jobal continued. "You mean ..." "Yeah. That's the biggest complaint we get from our people. Cleanliness. General cleanliness, good hygiene, and then cleanliness in the the rectum. That's a big thing. So we need them to be clean." "Yeah, well ..." "Yeah, well, make sure to get into the habit, yeah? Or there'll be complaints." "Yeah. I will." "Yeah? Ok. It's a common complaint, yeah? But easy to fix. So just make it a habit, them it's fixed!" Jobal looked at me, "Do you wash yourself?" "Well, yes. I ..." "I mean down there. Do you keep your rectum clear?" "Oh. Well, no...t particularly." "That's another thing's gotta step up." "He's pretty clean," said Po. "Pretty clean isn't good enough. Like I say, that's our biggest fail is cleanliness. So get it fixed. Pity to spoil something otherwise perfect." He called me perfect! He let me suck on his fingers. I was so horney I could hardly breathe. Jobal noticed. "Shallow breathing shows they're excited," he said. "You see brother this is what I was saying; you can see now that you can do anything. Cause you're in charge. Yeah? Cause you're superior. We're superior yeah, so we are in charge. So feel free to do exactly as you want to. No restrictions. That's for losers, like blue eyes here. That's not for us brothers yeah? We're superior. We're on top. Yeah?" "Yeah, I get it," said Po, "I can see it now. I can do whatever I want ..." Jobal wiped his fingers on my chest. "These things have no value," said Jobal. "You can use them, or not use them. You can keep them or you can throw them away. It doesn't matter." Po laughed, "Yeah!" Jobal rested his behind on the back of a chair, bracing his legs in a wide stance that gave him perfect stability. He pushed his hands together and cracked his knuckles. It was impressive. "Listen bro': Lead The Superior Life, yeah? 'Lead The Superior Life.' That is our motto. Now it's your motto." "Lead The Superior Life ... Yeah, I like that," said Po, grinning. And then he looked at me and I knew what he was thinking. "Ok. Keep up the work. It takes a long time to become a man, my brother. This is a first step ok? But you're doing good." He looked at me. "Stand up straight, man. You might be a fag but you still stand up straight, yeah? Get fit; stay fit, yeah? Walk like a Soldier, yeah? You ready to be one of Jobal's soldiers?" "Yes," I said quickly. He smiled at Po as if they shared a secret but it made me feel like I had passed a test. I was so proud. Jobal stood. His t-shirt fell long and loose about him, right to his crotch - which I wanted to look at. Jobal caught my glance and pulled his tee down in front, "Not for you, bitch. Not for you. Doesn't stop does it?" Po laughed, "Can't get enough." "So I heard you give a good blow job," he said. And I nodded, still hopeful. I knew he'd enjoy it. "If you're as good as I hear we'll have no complaints," he said, as though he had just read my thoughts. He looked at Po. "I'm going to introduce you to those people we talked about," he said, stretching. He stood. "Yeah ... I don't know ..." Po closed his lips. "Just to talk bro, just to talk. Well that's for later. Ok. I'm off." "You'll tell me how it goes?" said Po. I think he was trying to sound cool, but I could tell he wasn't. They started to move towards the door. I suddenly didn't know what I was supposed to do and I was frightened. Can you believe it? I was actually scared I'd get something wrong. And I was so excited. It was fucking amazing. And I looked at Jobal and I looked at Po but they didn't neither of them do or say anything so I was just there, I mean, fuck knows ... I ended up waiting in the room whilst they worked their way up the corridor to the front door. And that was it. They fived and Jobal left. And Po clicked shut the door. And that was it. I don't know, but I'm not sure I even knew then what had just happened. Po came back from the hall and touched my head. "Well done," he said. I looked up He tapped his chest and I stood. He copied what Jobal had done, stroking my back and watching me react. "Do you want to go to the toilet?" he asked. "No," I said. "Thanks. Not yet." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF YOU KNOW HE'S SUB, DON'T YOU? - PART 50