Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 02:46:24 -0500 From: David Mathenge Subject: The Manhunt, The Salvation and The Southern Skies 3 The Manhunt, The Salvation And The Southern Skies (A Memoriam Of Trees II) 2009-2010 I, Alexandre Savoie, claims ownership to this novel. All names, characters and events mentioned indicia are purely fictional. If any of those happen, this is coincidential, not to mention impossible, as there is several topics concerning mythology. This is part three of the second novel of the Memoriam Of Trees series. I've made it late because of wedding preparations in my own life story. It's tiring stuff. Please, forgive and forget the late following. And enjoy! August 2nd 2009 Mont-Tremblant Touristic Capital Quebec, Canada The mountain was in sight. Alice's gracious flight had already attracted a lot of jawdrops and round eyes from walking bystanders as we bothlanded softly on the pavement of the city's touristic entrance. Some of the women hid their children's faces in their robes. I sent Alice back to the skies, and was about to go in the cabriolet, when... 'OI! YOU THERE!' It was the local policemen. Guns pointed at me. Ready to shoot me down, as if they believed they could. Protected as I was by the magic of the Trees, they had no power against me and my own life. I gritted my teeth, though. 'I am no one you need--' 'Drop your weapon, and surrender. Act quickly or else!' 'Listen to me, fool! You are making a mistake! I am not--' 'Ah, not going to cooperate? Hey, men! Kill him! Move in and kill him!' 'Tsk... headstrong fool!' The firing started. They all were shooting right at me. As if nothing was happening, I simply leaned on the cabriolet barrage, lit a cigarette, and blew the smoke up. The policemen stopped shooting, and all backed away in amazement. 'But! But! You are supposed to be dead!' I laughed cruelly at them. 'I cannot be defeated by any means. I am already dead and got back here as another person. Your time would be better spent worrying about other matters than my own. I have been sent backto save the world. So all of you back off!' The policemen made another backwards step. But the chief would not give up the battle without a true fight. 'At him again, men!' The shooting came in again. The bullets would all melt before meeting their targets. I smoked in silence, oblivious of the commotion. Eventually, there was no bullets left. The policemen were all jawdropped. 'Well... well... I...' stuttered the chief. But I cut him short. 'Go away. I have stuff to do. If you are not giving up on me, thenI will have to use my own ways of offence as well.' The chief found his courage again. 'Oh, do you? So, what's going to happen if we make you angry?' 'You'll have the spectacle of a lifetime.' I sneered. 'Now all of you back off.' The chief would not listen. He took his talkie-walkie. 'Send the army. The guy is not destructable...' There was no answer. The magic of the Trees had made the apparel unusable. 'Do you copy?' The chief was in shock. 'What the Hell is happening?!' 'I am not here to cause any trouble. I am here to save your world. Back off. Now!' I ordered. The chief took out a taser. 'That's it, I'm going to tear you down with my bare hands!' He ran right at me. I spit my cigarette off my mouth, and raised my hand towards him. To every witness' horror, the chief stopped dead and suspended himself in midair. I had used telekinesis. 'Tsk... you fool.' I simply said. 'Never get it, do you? I played enough. So let me make a simple demonstration...' I raised my other hand, and called the Trees' Magic to bind all of the policemen into a tight circle of them, all in one place, until my task around was done. All of the policement flew in the air, and landed abruptly on the pavement, in a perfect circle of thirty nine of them, with the chief on the center. Like bound and gagged with invisible cords, they could not move or say anything anymore. Satisfied, I lit myself another cigarette. 'That's all. Be thankful. I did not kill you. Merely made all of you inept until I made my task here and got out safely. Good bye.' The witnesses all got outta my way, as if they were afraid they'd get some illness from me. The cabriolet was no longer working. The machinist would not let it work because of the ruckus. So I too, the long way around, climbing up the cobblestone path. I forgot the Blues Festival was on this week. Music was playing, with several crowds all assembled to the stages, mostly of those who saw nothing. I passed a few hot men, and knew they were gays, and made a wave of my hand to ensnare them a bit to me. At least for later... Some ladies turned and mumbled things like 'beautiful guy' or 'he's so handsome'. I was finally in the habitable parts. The flonflons of Blues down the path was now a soothing noise. I stopped a bit to light another cigarette and think... The Major... his home was right underneath the mountain. Actually, it was standing in the stinking riches' quarter. I went a little too far north. I had to turn southeast. I cut through the woods. The first signs of autumns could already be seen in there. Some tree leaves yellow, some mushrooms growing on the tree foots. Being so far north of Montreal, the signs of autumn were coming earlier. It was it. The house. Or was it a house? It looked like a mansion. A beautiful one. It was barred by a tall masonry wall and the gate was in solid black metal. There was a caller beside it, but I would not go inside detected. I used some magic to lift myself over the wall and land on the other side, and I took ut my knife, analysing the grounds. It was all deserted. A fountain could be heard flowing gently somewhere. I made my way to a window and peered inside. It was a study. 'That's the best bet...' I muttered. I used some magic to dematerialise myself and reappear inside the study itself. There was a sudden noise, and I spun around. A man had walked in. I had only the time to make myself invisible before he actually was facing me. The guy was having his head facing in the room behind him as he entered. As he was now looking my way, he had stood rooted to the spot. Did he actually notice I was there before the magic worked? It was about half a second... The man was the colonel itself. The asshole who shot me to death. He stared right at me, but he seemed not to see me anymore. Then, he heaved a sigh of disbelief, shook his head to give himself some sense and went to fumble into some of the drawers. He had his back on me now. Something was for sure, I wanted him dead for what he did to my farm, to my team of workers, to my lover and to the poor kids and disabled friends. I used magic to make the study door shut close with a loud snap and followed it with a thunderous tremor. The colonel held himself up by clamping his hands on his desk. 'What the...' He shut the drawers and tried to open the door. It would not move. He took out his gun and scanned the room. He seemed scared. 'Okay... who's there?' I used magic again. I amplified my voice and made it very gore and murderous. 'Colonel. This is Maxime.' The colonel cried out loud with panick and frantically pointed his gun everywhere. 'Wh-what?!' 'I, Maxime, wants you dead.' 'No! No way! I am dreaming right?' 'No...' I made myself visible again. The colonel let out a yelp of surprise but stood his ground, keeping his gun pointed at me. 'You are not Maxime, nigger. How did you do this?' 'I am Maxime reborn. Now you are going to get a little taste of what suffering is like!' The colonel started to shoot. Impatiently, I used the magic to wrench the gun out of his hands and throw it by the window by itself. The colonel gave a little exclamation of surprise, but decided to flee. He opened the study door and took flight. 'Tsk... stupid old ranger wreck...' I muttered. I waved my hand, and screamed with anger. The study exploded with a powerful surge of telekinesitic power. Every furniture, decoration, documents and accent stuff exploded by itself. The noise it made was awfully powerful. 'Takes care of the military files. Now to the asshole...' I used magic to detect the location of the colonel. He was in the sunroom with another guy. Patrick... another one to utterly destroy. I made myself invisible. As I passed through every opulent room, I used the wave of telekinesis to make everything explode. The noise was exhilarating. The door to the sunroom was locked. With a wave of my hand, I wrenched it out of its gongs all the way to the outside of the house. Patrick and the colonel had taken flight. I left the room by a back door. And I used my detect magic. They were running to the car. I concentrated myself. A wave of power left me and found its way to the Car Garage. I commanded the garage to exploded, this time with fire. The following noise and flash of light on the other side of the house confirmed I succeeded. The deflagration of the explosion had started a fire in the side of thr mansion. Good work. My trace power detected the guys were running to the woods. Well, well, well... time for a manhunt. I whistled loudly. A neighing could be heard in the distance. Alice appeared, blocking the sunlight. And she landed in front of me. I patted her gently, mounted on her back, and took off towards the sky. I unsheated my sword. The blade sparkled in the light. 'Our first battle together, Alice. Help me chase them and hunt them down. They are threats, and will be stopped... by us!' To Be Continued