Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 03:51:28 -0500 From: David Mathenge Subject: The Manhunt, The Salvation And The Southern Skies 4 The Manhunt, The Salvation And The Southern Skies (A Memoriam Of Trees II) 2009-2010 I, Alexandre Savoie, claims ownership to this story. All events are purely fictional and cannot happen in real life. Donations are very well accepted, with great kindness. Thanks all in advance. This is part four of Memoriam of Trees Book Two. Light up and enjoy. August 2nd 2009 Woods north of the touristic city Quebec, Canada Alice and I have flown for a few hours. My trace powers kept detecting the culprits running north, in the thick woods. However, Alice and I could not see them. The tree tops hid them from view. 'Land, Alice, please. We'll never get through with them assholes.' But she refused the command. She neighed and I understood her message. 'Use power and create obstacles.' Oh, why not? Good idea... I concentrated myself on a spot in front of the running guys. I ordered some trees to fall down as if cut down by a timber. The crackling noise confirmed I succeeded. The guys screamed, but went around the fallen trees and swerved their course to the west. I used another twinge of power to make some shrubs grow at drastic speed and make a barrage to block the guys. It happened. But the guys made their way north again before the shrubs had the time to encircle them. 'Now what?! I can't use power all the time to make the woods do this, Alice! It disrupts the natural set!' Alice neighed and I capted another message. 'Command the rivers nearby. Scare the guys and stop them short with fright.' Hmmm... sounds epic. I concentrated myself again. My senses capted three rivers from a bigger one's delta. I created a wave of nature power, let it grow bigger, and threw it into the delta. It reached the water surface and I heard a voice. 'What does the Hero of Lemuria commands?' 'Take as much water as you can from your bed and wash the guys away. Strike them hard!' 'Your commands are heard and will be done.' The noise that followed was awesome. It sounded like a thunderous tremor, mixed with a splash. The guys screamed with fright. But... they ran away again. This time to the east. 'Fuck! They are very hard to stop!' Alice neighed. 'Make the animals do it, then.' 'What?!' Alice did not answer. She merely continued to fly on. 'Well... I guess I can try... but...' Which animal could work? Perhaps if I tried with smaller ones, and then go with bigger and more dangerous ones next... I called for birds and squirrels to attack the fleeing guys. It was certainly working, cause before I finished making the command, flocks of birds passed us by by millions, and went straight towards the ground in front of us like javelins. The guys' screams were not as satistying. And they continued to run. The birds tried to peck them, the squirrels to sratch them. But to no avail. 'Enough.' I said. 'Stop the attack. I'll try with bigger ones now.' I commanded the raccoons, the foxes and the hounds to attack. The fleeing men began to panick. But they held on. Perhaps they would lose their breath with my final attack? The second salve of animals retreated. This time I called for stags, bears and wolves to fend the guys off. It worked! The colonel and Patrick were now on their knees and would not move anymore. Terrified to death. 'Land, Alice, please.' She did so, gracefully landing right in front of the two men encircled by my minions. 'Thank you all. I'm very grateful for you help.' They all left. The two guys were jawdropped. 'How could you do all this, nigger?' The colonel asked. 'I can do everything I want. And right now I want you dead!' 'Why?!' They both screamed. 'Good question. You both killed someone. Catherine, and myself.' Patrick was staring at me in disbelief. 'Who are you?' 'I am Maxime. You are thinking correctly. But I have come back from the dead as another man.' Patrick fell on his knees with shock. But the colonel, although shaken, was in cold fury. 'Black people are half breeds needing to be eradicated!' 'Silence!' A wave of anger went from me and hit the colonel right on the chest. It cut his air supply. He fell on his knees too. 'Now, colonel, die.' I made his lungs crush themselves. The colonel spitted blood and fell to the grass, limp and dead. Patrick got up and ran, calling for help like a coward. 'NO! You won't escape me again!' I screamed. I raised my hand. A tree branch came to life, and hit Patrick so hard he flew right towards me. He fell on my feet. Patrick raised his head and looked in my eyes. 'You will die, too, for having poisoned Catherine.' 'She is not dead, idiot.' 'What?!' 'I used a decoy. The real Catherine is imprisoned somewhere. I supposed you know where is the rest of your pathetic gang?' 'La Macaza Prison?' 'Yes.' 'Where is Catherine?' 'I am not telling you. The dead keep their secrets to the grave. Or so they say, considering what you are capable of d--' I shut him up with a punch in the face. Patrick lost two teeth. I picked him up by the scruff of his neck, and raised him to look right at me. 'Where is Catherine, filth?' Patrick laughed in my face. 'Speak!' He spit at me. I punched him hard again and threw him on a tree. He was knocked out. I walked to him. 'You fucking asshole. Fine... I'll extract your mind, and then I'll eliminate you.' I raised my hand. Catherine was locked away in the LA Prison. In the USA. She was scheduled to be terminated before Christmas. Done with my info, I looked at Patrick's worthless carcass. 'Good bye.' I then sent such a powerful surge of power right at him that even the tree behind wilted and died instantly. I used some other power to erase the bodies from physical existence. I also healed the tree back to life. Then I lit myself a cigarette, relaxed a bit, and mounted Alice. 'We are going back to the city.' It was evening as I entered the motel. The guys I ensnared earlier were all there. Ready for some sex. I took them all one by one. I topped them and fucked them very hard with my big black stallion. They were completely under my spell. My dick had been magicked to cum for a minute instead of ten seconds. The experience was exhilarating. The creamy white load I was spitting covered all of them. Our group sex lasted for several hours. The following morning, I charmed their memory so they would forget about me and the night. Then I went back to Alice, who was gently sleeping in the grass between two buildings. I caressed her, and she woke up. 'Feel like going for a long trip? The time has come for us to go save our friends at La Macaza.' She got up and presented her wing for me to climb up on. I commanded the bonds on the policemen to let them go. Then I mounted my steed. 'Let's go, Alice.' She graciously took off to the air and we left the cities of Saint-Jovite and Mont-Tremblant for a very long time. To Be Continued