
Part XII


As always this story is a work of fiction. The places are real, the people are not.

If you wish to send me a comment on what you think about the story please do so. I enjoy reading them. You can send them to

Good reading,

Matt (Socks)

*** Modern Day ***

Justin woke up the next morning at 8:00, after having the best sleep in several years. His meeting with Nate went a bit different then he thought, but he was glad it had. He rolled out of bed and made his way to the shower. It was a big day. He was going to meet Jason, whom he had met on the flight from Seattle three days prior.

After his shower he got dressed in basic work clothing. He would stop by the store and pick something nice out. He was not going to meet Jason until around 5:00 that evening, so he had some time to kill in Albuquerque. His first stop would be his brother's work to do some work on the system he designed.

He went downstairs where his father was sitting reading the newspaper. It was an oddity that he would be in the house at this hour.

"Morning dad." Justin said as he opened the fridge to get some milk.

"Son." His dad nodded without. "Sleep well?"

"Yes." Justin smiled and grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet and a box of cereal. "Everything okay?"

"Did not rest very well, and decided to let Jim take care of all the work." His dad laid the paper down and watched his son pour the cereal and the milk into the bowl. "Son," his dad said with a solemn voice, "when did you know that you liked other men?"

Justin coughed on the cereal that was in his mouth and spit it back into the bowl. He wiped his mouth with his hand and looked at his dad. "What?"

"I just wanted to know when you knew. I had a long talk with your mother." His dad smiled a bit. "Well all night. She did most of the talking. She is insistent that you have been corrupted by someone, and that you in turn have corrupted Nate."

Justin sat with his mouth open. His dad did not say any of that with malice. He was attempting to convey what his mother had said.

"I knew what I was at 13 or so." He said putting a spoon full of cereal in his mouth.

"Did someone molest you?" His father asked with a serious look on his face. "Did someone touch you in any way?"

"No." Justin laughed at the question. He had heard this multiple times, and he was sure that while it might be true for some; it was not true for all. "I just... I like guys because I like them. I was… born this way." He had to hold himself from laughing as he said that.

His dad nodded his head, and picked up the paper and started to read again. "That's what I thought."

Justin went back to eating his cereal, watching his dad. Sometimes his father surprised him. The fact that he had accepted without question was beyond surprise.

"I am heading to Albuquerque today." Justin said absently. "Going to run by and see Matt as work, and do some upgrades on his systems."

"And your date?" His dad asked, nodding his head, and not putting the paper down.

"Yea." Justin felt his face get red. He was not always comfortable talking about his relationships. "That too."

"Are you staying the night with Matt?"

"Depends on how long the date goes." He could not believe he was talking with his father about this, but he felt energetic being able to talk about such things like Matt did. "He has a layover for a flight till the morning."

"Just be careful." His father folded the paper and stood up to leave.

"Thanks dad." Justin called after. He finished eating his cereal and headed back to his room to get his car keys, and headed out on the road.


Justin pulled onto I-25 and headed north. It would take about an hour to reach Albuquerque, and then an additional 30 minutes to make it to the east side to Matt's research center. He listened to the radio for a few minutes, before remembering he needed to call Kimberly. She would probably have words with him.

The car came with a touchscreen and was simple to hook up to his cell phone. He punched in the number and the speakers of the car transmitted the rings.

"Hello?" a male voice picked up.

"Senator!" Justin yelled into the air excited.

"Hey Justin." The man laughed. "I hate when you call me that."

"But it is the proper way to address you." Justin always had this conversation with him. It was a way of harmless flirtation he figured. Kimberly always got a kick out of it.

"So what are you up to?" the man asked back.

"Heading to Albuquerque to visit Matt at work, and then have a date."

"Oh yea. Kim told me you had met this mysterious man." The man chuckled a bit. "How exotic."

"I hope so." Justin grinned. "I need some exotic in my life."

"Well hope it goes well for you bud. Here is Kimberly. She is giving me eyes, afraid I will embarrass myself."

"Too late!"

He heard Kimberly tell him to stop being an ass as she got on the phone.

"Hello sweetie." She said in her chipper voice. "I was expecting your call last night!"

"Sorry." Justin said back with a sorry tone to his voice. "Things got... complex."

"Tell me about it." Kimberly said in her normal commanding fashion. He knew she didn't want him skirting around.

For the next 15 minutes he explained the events of the previous day. He included the fight he had with Matt, which she expressed disgust at, but also figured he needed to get the anger out of him. She knew there was only one other time he had gotten into a fight with Matt. Again, she knew it was a necessary need to release anger.

"I was so angry at Nate." Justin said. "I was ready to damage him, and in the process damage myself. Matt gave me a way to vent, and I took it. Of course I now have a shiner for my date, which will be fun to explain."

"I still can't believe you told those things to Nate, and with Sarah standing there." She responded. "Well, not surprised really. I mean you do have the habit of letting anger get the better of you. After all, you kissed Nate in front of half the student body at lunch."

"That was fun." Justin grinned. "I wasn't going to forgive him either."

"But I am guessing you did?" Kimberly wanted the rest of the details and her voice told of annoyance at her having to fish for information.

"After I got back from the fight with Matt, I decided to take a nap." Justin's voice got somber. "I ended up dreaming about Cody and the day he told me about how he felt about Grayson."

"Who would have thought that a person that had such a strong exterior was vulnerable like that one the inside." Kimberly said, also subdued. "I don't think he could have had a better friend than you that day."

"I told him that you have to find yourself, and if that means exploring, then you have too." Justin sighed heavily. "I never let Nate explore something that he may have needed. And I could not curse him, while blessing Cody."

"So what happened?" Kimberly wanted to get off the subject of Cody, and Justin could hear it in his voice.

He then proceeded to tell her about how he went back to Nate's, and found out the wedding had been called off.

"If the Senator had ever been with another man, and not used protection, I wouldn't have been that upset." Kimberly said with a hint of superior judgment that she sometimes had. "She just wanted him to be this perfect person, who only had sex with her. Maybe he never even bothered to tell her that he had sex with you."

"Never thought of that." Justin was silent as he contemplated that possibility. It would explain more than just the STD issue. He shrugged and continued with the account that took place that night.

"Twice??" She screamed into the phone. "You mean to tell me he was upset after doing it once, and then he has no problem doing it twice in a row now? That is just messed up."

"It was make-up sex." Justin giggled. "The best there is."

"Apparently." Kimberly laughed. "Well love, I am glad you got that worked out. And now you have a date today. Are you going to tell him how naughty you were last night?"

"No!" Justin teased back. "I don't suck and tell."

"Oh my." Kimberly laughed hard. "I did not need to know that."

They chatted for a while longer before Justin ended the conversation. He approached the outskirts of Albuquerque, and never felt comfortable talking on the phone, even if it was hands free.


Justin pulled up in front of a large black marble building that was three stories tall. In the center was a large window that went from the bottom floor to the top. There was a large rock boulder sitting outside with a sign attached to it: LoriTech. Justin always thought it was cute that Matt named his company after his wife. He truly loved her.

He climbed out, and grabbed a large bag out of the trunk, that rolled on wheels. He normally didn't need all the equipment for the upgrade, but he also needed to prove a point to the new head of IT.

Normally, he did not interfere with the normal operations of the company computer department, but he did perform the upgrades, and the heavy maintenance that was required from time to time. Today's update was simple, but the IT director would not install it. He knew it was pride talking, but he was not going to let his program be destroyed. It was special to him.

He walked into the building, pulling the large case behind him. Inside was the familiar stone floor, with a high ceiling. Four large white banners dropped to the floor in the four corners of the lobby. Matt had the colors changed every month, to show support for the various cancers that LoriTech was working on. This month was bone cancer awareness.

*** 15 Years Ago: February***

Justin, Nate, Grayson, Neil, Kimberly, and Mark sat in the bleachers watching the varsity basketball game. They were playing a team from one of the northern schools and were holding up, but having a hard time getting ahead.

Justin kept looking at Grayson who was not so much into the game, but was very much excited to watch Cody run up and down the court. Every time Cody made a basket, Grayson was most arguably the loudest in the gym.

The game was in the last quarter, and the score was 52 to 51. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Cody got the ball and made his way down the court. There were 25 seconds left in the game, and Cody prepared to shoot the basket. Just as he was about to attempt to make the 2-point shot that would win the game, he seemed to pause, and his face became a contortion of pain and he dropped the ball.

The rowdy crowd started to boo, but then turned to silence as they saw what was going on with Cody. Cody had grabbed his back and collapsed to his knees and then fell face forward on the court, without moving.

The couch's, referees, and the physical trainer ran to Cody, as the rest of the players backed off to give them space, and what privacy they could have. Justin looked at Grayson who had his mouth open in the middle of a shot, but no words were coming. Nate grabbed Grayson, and held him close, as this was not the time for him to run out on the court. Even though they had been a couple for two months, no one but their small circle of friends knew.

Justin watched as Cody's parents went to the floor. Something very wrong with Cody. The trainer had given the signal for the EMTs to bring in a stretcher and take him to the hospital, as they were ill equipped to deal with the situation.


The group of friends arrived at the hospital as soon as they could. They had all called their parents to let them know what had happened, and to let them know they were heading to the hospital to see how Cody was doing. Grayson was silent, and rode in the back of Justin's car wrapped against the door and having a blank stare on his face. Justin and Nate sat silent as they drove, not sure what to say.

They arrived at the hospital and Grayson stayed motionless, and did not seem interested in leaving the car. Justin tapped the wheel a couple of times trying to think of the right things to say.

"You okay bud?" Nate said, turning around in the front seat, and reached out to grab Grayson's hand.

"I won't be able to see him." Grayson frowned, but grabbed Nate's hand. "I mean his parents don't even know about me. How will it look with me in there?"

"You are a friend." Nate said point blank. "We are all friends, and we are concerned. It is not that big of a deal. Parents won't even think much of it since they are most likely under a ton of stress."

Grayson sat thinking for a bit, and then shrugged his shoulders. "I know I will want to grab him, but I can resist at school, I can resist now."

They climbed out of the car, and walked towards the front of the hospital. Neil, Mark, and Kimberly were standing outside waiting.

"Everything okay?" Kimberly asked, looking at Grayson.

"Just a bit nervous is all." Justin responded, pulling Grayson into a hug.

They made their way through the hospital towards the ER waiting room, where they found both Cody's parents sitting.

"Brother and Sister Lane." Justin said softly, trying not to startle them.

"Hey kids." Sister Lane looked up, a smile forming on her face. "I am thankful you came."

"How is he?" Nate asked, knowing that Grayson was about to jump out of his skin not knowing.

"He is awake. They have taken him back for an MRI to see what happened." She responded holding her hands in her lap, rubbing them together every so often, in a nervous tick.

"He said he felt a sharp pain in his lower back." Brother Lane spoke up. He was holding himself together, but Justin could tell he wanted to break down. "He had been complaining of back pain for several months, and the doctors figured that he was just having muscle spasms."

Grayson wiped his face as tears had started to run down his face, and he made his way to the bathroom. Nate followed him.

"Who is that?" Sister Lane asked, watching Grayson go to the bathroom.

"Grayson." Kimberly turned her head to see Grayson and Nate enter the bathroom. "He is a friend of ours.

Both of Cody's parents looked at each other.

"Cody asked where Grayson was." Sister Lane said. "The EMT said that the entire ride, that was all Cody wanted to know. Where was Grayson?"

Justin shifted uncomfortably at this revelation, and was not sure how to respond. He knew that for the most part they did not care about Nate and Justin being together, and had them over for dinner at the request of Cody. But he could not handle the thought that they may think that Cody had been `converted'.

"He is a friend." Justin said slowly. He knew this was a delicate situation, and he had never imagined that Cody would freely ask for a specific friend that the parents hardly knew. "I know he has been tutoring Cody in English."

Cody's father shook his head. "I don't think so. I think there is more going on here." The pain in his face turned quickly to anger, and Justin was all too familiar with the look. His mother got this way frequently, and he knew it was about to be a blast of slurs aimed at being as hurtful as possible.

"I think you little faggots influenced my son, and now he is running around with a faggot." Brother Lane stood up. He was not as large as his father, but Justin could not help but feel intimidation. "Probably gave my son something, and now he has some mysterious illness." He balled his hands up, and raised his voice as loud as he could. "Get out of here! All of you! We don't need your kind in here polluting our son's head with anything. He thinks he wants Grayson, but what he really wants is Connie. He still talks about her all the time."

Justin was about to respond but he decided against it. He bowed his head, and turned around and motioned for Kimberly and the others to follow. He stopped at the bathroom, and knew this was going to break Grayson's spirit.

As he walked in he saw Grayson sitting on the bathroom floor, in the arms of Nate. He was crying as hard as he had seen anyone before.

"We could hear." Nate said just shaking his head.

"I don't think he fully meant what he was saying." Justin said, sitting down on the opposite side of Grayson. "I am sure the stress was too much, and the realization that something might be wrong with Cody is too much to handle."

Grayson didn't seem to listen. He just continued to cry. Nate and Justin just sat and held him, trying to make him feel better. They had no idea what was going on, and now they very well might never know. He hoped their parents could find something out via Church communication, but attempting to see Cody at this point was not going to happen.

They heard the bathroom door open, and Neil walked in.

"You okay little man?" Neil walked in. They had been sitting in the bathroom for 10 minutes, so it stood to reason that the others might be concerned.

"Just working through what Cody's dad said." Nate said. "He was loud enough that we could hear him in here."

"That is jacked." Neil said absently. "I am sure that Cody wants you by his side. He will be out of here tomorrow, and you will see him. His father can't control his whole life. He is almost 18 after all."

Grayson sniffled, and rubbed his eyes. He had cried all the tears he could cry. "I just hope it is nothing that is dangerous, and I will never be able to see him again."

"He is fine." Nate said with a smile. "He is big, strong, and is most likely the healthiest of us all. He will come out better than ever. And he will want to see you."

"Yea." Justin said. "On the way over here, he kept asking the EMTs where Grayson was. That's how his parents found out. Cody wants you by his side."

Grayson smiled. "Really?"

"Yep." Neil said with a grin. "You have to be strong for both of you now."


Three days passed before Justin heard any word on Cody's condition. The doctors were not sure what was causing the inflammation, so they were sending him to a specialist in Albuquerque. He had not been able to return to school the two days after the incident at the basketball game.

Grayson was in better spirits, as Cody was able to call him and talk to him for an hour. He did not seem to care that rumors were spreading around school that Cody had requested to see Grayson when he was being transported to the ER. It seemed to be a good moral boost for him as he was now openly able to comment about his relationship to those that seemed to care about him.

Saturday, Justin and Nate headed to Neil's house to hang out for the day with the gang, minus Cody. They wished they could see Cody, but his parents had been absolute in their determination to not allow any of his ‘tainted' friends to come by.

Justin and Nate arrived at Neil's house with Grayson just pulling up in his own car. Kimberly, as predictable, had already arrived earlier that day. His mother let them in, and offered them something to drink, which they declined politely. The door opened directly into the living room where Neil and Kimberly were sitting in the large love seat they usually occupied when they came over. Justin and Nate took their normal positions on the couch, but did not hold each other, as they did not feel like making Grayson feel uncomfortable about not having Cody there.

Grayson eyed the recliner where Cody usually positioned himself, and Grayson sat in his lap. He was hesitant to take the chair, but figured it was the best option.

"Hey bud." Neil said looking at the sad face Grayson supported as he slowly made his way to the chair. "Come over here." Neil made room for Grayson to sit between Kimberly and himself. Kimberly, understanding what Neil was saying, patted the couch.

"Are you sure?" Grayson looked at Neil, surprised he would give space on the love seat to him.

"Sure." Neil grinned.

Grayson sat down in the spot, which was crowded, but Neil and Kimberly seemed to not mind. Neil grabbed Grayson and pulled him into him. Kimberly looked a bit shocked at the action, but relaxed when she saw Grayson close his eyes and lean his head against Neil's chest.

"I miss him." Grayson said, giving a full attempt to hold back the tears he so wanted to let loose. "I wish I could see him for a bit, and just hold him."

"You will." Kimberly says reaching her hand out and petting his hand. Everyone in the room was the same age, but Grayson was the smallest, and sometimes they all wanted to treat him like the little brother they all wished they had. He was sweet, and innocent to many things, even though he had been picked on at school due to his being one of the first to come out.

Justin smiled at Neil and saw how much he really did care about the others in the group. He did not care what others might see, but he wanted everyone to feel safe, and that is what he was doing for Grayson at that moment.

"Do you think Cody will be at church tomorrow?" Justin asked Nate and Kimberly absently.

"He might." Nate shrugged. "Depends on how well he feels, and if his parents want to handle all the stares from the judgmental bats."

"My dad said that he had a quick conversation with Mr. Lane." Neil said, looking down at Grayson. "He said his father was livid that his son had gotten tangled in the `fag web of lies', and could not believe that my dad was okay with me hanging with you guys."

"He has a lot of anger in him." Kimberly said with a hiss in her voice.

"Dad said that he was not worried about anything." Neil laughed. "He said I had a girlfriend that I was very into, and being around gay guys meant I did not have to fight for her attention."

They all laughed at that.

"What would he say if he saw you like this now?" Justin asked, pointing at Grayson.

"I would say I think my son is a good friend for showing compassion." A voice from the kitchen doorway surprised everyone. Grayson's eyes shot open and he attempted to get out of Neil's embrace, but Neil just held on tight and would not let him go. Neil laughed a bit.

"Hey dad." Neil said with a smile. Grayson stopped fighting, and watched with wide eyes as Neil's dad walked towards the recliner.

"How are you holding up Grayson?" Neil's dad asked, sitting down.

"I am good sir." Grayson turned red. Neil's dad laughed.

"Did you find anything else out about Cody?" Kimberly asked, ignoring the red cheeks of Grayson.

"Not much." Neil's dad leaned back in the chair and sighed. He looked like Neil, but was overweight. Justin always figured that was what Neil would look like in 20 years. Kimberly said if she was with him that long, he would be working out to prevent that. "He is angry, but I think it is more to do with his son being ill, and not knowing what is going on. They took him to a specialist on Thursday, but won't know the results until Tuesday of next week."

Grayson tapped Neil's arm indicating he was fine and wanted to sit up. "Sir, do you think it is something really bad?"

"I am not sure." Neil's fathers face went grim. He grabbed the arms of the chair tight, but relaxed his grip as he saw all the teenager's eyes gravitate to the activity. "I know he has been having pain in his back for several months now. They determined it to be some form of arthritis, or probably a damaged disk from a football injury or something."

They all sat silent thinking about what might possibly be wrong with Cody. All prayed that it was something simple, and not dangerous.

"Okay kids." Neil's father stood up and walked back towards the kitchen. "I will let you visit without an adult figure around." He grabbed Grayson's hand before leaving, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Your dad is awesome." Grayson said with a smile. "I am not sure anyone else would like their son cuddled up like that."

"He raised me to be kind to all." Neil smiled. "He always said that if you cannot give kindness to another human being when they are in need, you are not a human being yourself."

"That's why I love you." Kimberly grabbed his hand that was resting on the back of the loveseat.

"That and I have a…." He paused and turned red.

Everyone started laughing, as they knew what he was about to say. Justin and Nate had both seen him in the locker rooms, and knew he was not small by any means.

"I always wondered why Kimberly had a hard time walking some Sunday mornings." Nate said with a sly grin. "Now we know."

"Shut up." Kimberly said, throwing a pillow at him. Nate deflected it and laughed.


They spent several hours at Neil's, visiting, playing video games, and having a general good time. They knew things were not the same without Cody, but they kept busy, and kept Grayson busy so he was not too depressed.

They all decided they would call it a day, and head home at 4:00. Justin said he had some chores to do at home before the sun went down, and Nate had to get home to get some homework done for Monday.

Nate, Justin, and Neil stood on the porch to his house and watched Grayson and Kimberly drive off.

"You are a great guy Neil." Justin said, turning to face him. "I think it was a great show of love by giving him the opportunity to have someone to hold on too."

"I am no Cody." Neil said with a chuckle as he ran his hands over his stomach. "I am not the rock he is, and I think Grayson needs that more than just someone to hold."

"So spill it." Nate said leaning against the wall of the house.

"Spill what?" Neil said, turning to face Nate. "I am not gay."

"No." Nate responded. "What does your dad know that he was not telling us?"

Neil shifted on the balls of his feet, and scratched behind his ear. "I am not sure what is going on, but dad feels that Cody has something really bad. He won't tell me anything. I think he doesn't want to worry me, and of course not spread rumors. But I can see it in his eyes. He is deeply worried about Cody."

"Well maybe he will be at Church tomorrow." Justin said looking down the street in the direction Grayson drove off. "I would like to see him. His father can't keep him away from us at church."

"I am going to go with Kimberly tomorrow." Neil laughed a bit. "She wants me to convert."

Justin laughed harder than he anticipated at the comment. "Why does she want you to convert? Not like you two haven't done things that are inappropriate."

"I think she is my match dude." Neil said, putting his hands behind his back. "I think she is who I am to be with. Sometimes we find our match early. And sometimes we find them in the strangest places."


The next day at Church Justin was sitting with Nate, Kimberly, and Neil looking to see if Cody or his parents were present. After sacrament, they had not shown, and Justin was confident that they were not going to show today. He thought about Grayson, and how disappointed he would be if Cody were not at school on Monday.

Before the presentations provided by members of the Church, the Bishop stood up to make an announcement. Justin and Nate grabbed each other's hands for the first time in Church, as they knew what was going to be said. No one seemed to notice, or if they did, no one said anything.

"It is with a heavy heart that I must bring some bad news." The Bishop grabbed both sides, and looked grim. Justin swore he looked grimmer on the day he reprimanded the entire congregation for judging Nate and himself. "I know most of you know that Cody Lane collapsed at the basketball game Wednesday, and it has yet to be determined what the problem is. He is currently out of the hospital, and at home, awaiting some test results. He currently is not able to walk due to the pain he has in his back. The family has asked that I thank all for keeping him in your prayers. The ladies of the Relief Society will be organizing meals to take to the family."

The rest of the meeting was somber. It was clear the people asked to give a talk, shifted some of their words to be more in line with the illness that was on everyone's mind.

During Justin's young men's meeting, the Bishop asked if Justin and Nate would go with him to provide the sacrament to Cody's family.

"I don't think that would be a good idea Bishop." Nate responded to the request. He shook his head. "Brother Lane has told us he does not want us around Cody."

"His exact words were `tainted' individuals." Justin retorted with a snort. "He doesn't want us to taint Cody."

The Bishop eyed them with curiosity. "Why would he think you would influence Cody?"

The two eyed each other. Apparently no one had bothered to tell the Bishop what had transpired during the ambulance ride. The two sat for a moment, as this was something Cody should really be doing, and not the two of them.

"We don't feel it appropriate to comment on this." Justin finally said. "I think this is something you will have to talk to Cody about."

The Bishop leaned back in his chair and drummed the side of the chair. "Fair enough. But I still wish for you to come with me." He eyed both Nate and Justin. "I am still convinced that you two are still okay. You have not done anything that has advanced more than just being close?"

"No Bishop." Nate replied with a smile. "I am pleased to say, we are just close, but nothing more physical than a kiss here and there."

"Good." He looked at his watch. "Meet me at Lane's house at 2:00."


At 2:00 Justin and Nate pulled up in front of Cody's home. They saw the Bishop was already present, and must have been inside. Justin sat in the driver seat looking at the front door. His hands still holding the wheel and his face pale.

"You okay?" Nate asked, reaching his hand to grab Justin's.

"I am afraid something bad will happen." Justin looked down at his lap.

Nate pated his hand and looked out the window. "I am sure things will be okay. We are here at the Bishop's request, and if Brother and Sister Lane do not wish to have us here, then we simply leave."

Justin nodded his head. "Let's go."

Justin and Nate got out of the car and grabbed the two trays and the supplies out of the back seat to provide the sacrament to Cody's family. It was odd walking up to the door, where they had been welcomed several days before, and now seemed forbidden and doomed. Nate rang the doorbell.

"Hello boys." The Bishop said, opening the door. "Come in. I have already talked to the Lane's and they have accepted that you two will be here to provide the sacrament."

Justin and Nate nodded and walked in. They knew their way around the house, but followed the Bishop as he led them to the back of the house, and Cody's room. Inside Cody was lying in the bed with his back propped up by pillows. His parents were sitting on either side of the bed. As soon as he saw Justin and Nate he broke out into a large smile.

"Hey guys!" He said with excitement and he made a motion to move, but grimaced in pain, and stayed put. "I am sorry, I would get up, but it is very painful to move."

"It's okay buddy." Justin said with a smile. His fears were put to rest. Cody was in pain, but he still looked the same. He was in a tight tank top that showed off his chest and stomach. Justin had to hold back a groan. His size made the queen bed he was laying on look small. "We understand."

Cody's parents looked at each other, but said nothing. Whatever the Bishop had said seemed to have appeased the Lane's. Also their sick son may also have a role to play in their subdued behavior. It had been five days since Cody had fallen at the game, and no one had seen or heard from him except for Grayson that little bit.

"Okay boys," the bishop motioned to a stand that had been cleared, "You may set up there and we can begin."

The preparation took only 2 minutes. Once that was done the sacrament was blessed and passed to the Lane's and Cody. Clean up took a little bit longer as they had to wash the trays and box them up before they took them back to the Church for storage.

"Justin, Nate?" Cody's mother asked as they were putting the final pieces in the box they brought along.

"Yes Sister Lane?" Nate said, turning around.

"Do you mind staying for a bit and visiting with Cody?" She turned towards her husband who just nodded and walked out the door. "He has been sad since he has not had anyone visit. We expected some from the basketball team to come, but they haven't."

"We would love too!" Nate said a little bit more excited then he had anticipated.

"I would like to talk to you and your husband some more Sister Lane." The bishop said with a smile. "Boys, you can take that back to the church in the morning when you go to seminary."

"Yes Bishop." Nate said with a smile.

They waited till the adults had left the room and closed the door behind them. Justin turned and stood next to the bed with Nate next to him. Justin wanted to cry, but he held back and wanted to preserve normality. This was not the time to become emotional.

"Guys," Cody said with a large smile on his face. "I was so afraid my parents would not let me see any of you again."

"I know." Nate responded. "I was afraid of that too. But I figured when you get back to school, we would see you then."

Cody looked down at his body and shook his head. "I am not sure when that will be..." He trailed off with sorrow in his voice.

"I am sure it will be in no time." Justin patted Cody on the back of the hand, which Cody turned over to grab. He squeezed Justin's hand hard.

"Here, sit on the bed. There is plenty of room." Cody patted either side of the bed.

"Are you sure? We don't want to hurt you." Justin looked at Nate with a frown.

"No you won't hurt me anymore then I already am. I need company." Cody pulled Justin by the hand, which forced him to sit on the bed. Justin could see the pain that action caused, but Cody smiled through the effort. Nate walked around to the other side and sat on the other side of the bed.

They sat and talked about the things that had been going on. The fact that Grayson had been a bit depressed but seemed to have cheered up after Cody had called. They even talked about how the school had found out about Cody's request to see Grayson while riding the ambulance.

"So pretty much everyone at school knows." Cody mumbled and gazed off at the wall, like he was watching something. "That explains it then."

"Explains what?" Nate had propped himself downward on the bed on his stomach, and was resting on his elbows.

"No one has come by to see how I was doing." Cody wiped his face as tears appeared. "None of the guys from the team have come by, or the football team. I figured they would be worried. But if they think I am gay, then they won't even bother."

Justin and Nate just looked at Cody with pity. Everyone had pretty much left them alone, and not really treated Nate and himself any different. Cody was a teammate, and that was a different environment. After all, Cody had seen the team naked. Now it was just a big conspiracy for Cody to get with someone. Nate reached up and grabbed Cody's hand and squeezed.

"We would have come, or called much sooner if we could have Cody." Nate said with encouragement. "Grayson too. I swear he would move mountains for you if he could."

"I miss him." Cody said, gazing at the wall again. "I am not sure if my parents will let him come over or not. I hope I can see him again."

"You will when you get back to school." Justin again said this time with more determination. "You act like you will never go back to school or leave this bed."

Cody fully broke down. His body shook as he sobbed. Nate moved up the bed and leaned as close as he felt he could against Cody's body. He had always wanted to be this close to Cody, but not in the way. Not when he was sick. Justin did the same thing.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked, rubbing his hand down the side of Cody's face.

"I…." Cody started to say. "Please don't tell anyone. Don't tell Grayson for sure."

"What is it?" Justin probed again.

"The doctor called yesterday morning. They want me to come in tomorrow morning as soon as I can get there." He heaved another sob, and forced the next sentence out of his mouth.  "They said it was cancer."

Justin laid fully next to Cody, and placed his hand on his shoulder. Nate repeated the motion as well.  As he laid there, looking at Cody, time seemed to slow around him, and he felt his heart stop beating. Cody was strong. Cody was the most athletic guy he knew. Cody was not supposed to get sick.

Cody took his arms and wrapped them around Nate and Justin, and pulled them in. He sucked in air as he attempted to hide the pain, but he wanted the two close with him. Justin and Nate grabbed hands over Cody's chest, trying to not cause more pain, as they all broke down.
