Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 19:15:28 +0000 From: David Lee Subject: Cuddle Therapy, a short story Cuddle Therapy © 2022 by David Lee Cuddle therapy had been around for probably 15 years or more when Angela Jensen opened her practice. It originally was all done at her studio, but she expanded to outcalls during the height of the pandemic when many such facilities were shut down for periods of time due to the fear of infection. Many of her regulars were devastated at the idea of having to lose what they felt was keeping them from becoming depressed, especially in a time of social isolation. She couldn't keep up with all the appointments on her own, so she hired others who had training, and monitored them closely to make sure they used ethical practices. Easton Harker was one of her greatest success stories. An older man, who was employed by her, had worked wonders in turning him from a stressed-out loner into a friendly, out-going young man. While she would love to keep him as a client, she felt it was time for him to graduate. His cuddler, Craig Mason, felt he had done all he could, and that Easton should be encouraged to become a licensed cuddle buddy and work for her clinic. With his empathy for others, he would be a natural. In addition, he could make some money on the side. Some cuddle therapists were charging $80 or more per hours. ----------- Easton took their advice and studied to become certified. He did most of the classwork online and then practiced in Angela's facility in one of the rooms which was monitored with a security camera. Those sessions were free of charge for a select group of clients who were referred by agencies that helped people living near the poverty line and couldn't afford to go to a fully licensed practitioner. Craig had taught him a lot through example. He was nearly old enough to be Easton's grandfather, and he had been the kind of caring role model which he wished some male in his family would have been. Sadly, that had never happened . After making a few out-calls, and receiving positive reviews from those clients, Easton was deemed ready to strike out on his own. Since he was amenable to working for less than half the going rate, his services would, no doubt, be in high demand. Angela had a new client whom she urged Easton to take if he were willing to cut his price a bit more and charge only $25 per session. Since this person was trying to get his college degree and was dependent on aid-money to afford the service, Easton agreed to do it. He really didn't need the extra cash for living expenses, and he was happy to do the charitable thing. His main interest in this parttime job was to spread the benefits to others that he'd found in the practice. He texted the prospective client, Samuel Booker, to set up an appointment for their first session. ---------- Easton rapped on the door and gave his name so whoever answered would know his reason for being there. When Samuel opened the door to his apartment, he was surprised to see that the person who stood there wasn't anything like he'd imagined. Easton was surprised as well. Neither had known what to expect. They hadn't seen a photo of each other, and the biographical information had been somewhat limited. All Easton knew was the age and gender of his client and that they'd had similar experiences in growing up. Sam had known he'd be working with a male but had assumed he'd be paired with an older man, possibly and African American. Easton thought Sam looked much younger than 22. Neither had assumed that the other would look strikingly different from himself. While Easton was a blond, blue-eyed guy of northern European descent, Samuel had dark curly hair and a complexion which resembled mahogany. "Um, come on in," Samuel welcomed him. "Are you sure you're going to want me as a client?" "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" "Well, we seem to be from two different worlds. Sometimes people like you don't want to touch people like me." "Are you making assumptions about how I treat people based on the color of my skin?" Easton asked with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, I guess I was. Sorry about that. What can I do to make it up to you?" "How about a jock-type hug?" The men embraced each other around the shoulders. Sam was a little stiff initially, but soon relaxed as Easton turned and held him closer to his chest. "That felt nice!" Sam exclaimed. "I can't remember the last time someone actually touched me, except by accident. Wow! "Did Ms. Jensen fill you in on my background?" "Not in any detail. She only told me that you had grown up with issues similar to mine and thought we'd be a good fit. We can chat a bit to see if she's right. Is there anything you'd like to share, or would that be painful? I don't want to stir up bad memories for you. I have enough of those of my own." "We can do that. I'm sorry to be a poor host. Let me take your jacket and let's sit where we'll be comfortable while we talk," Sam offered. "Should we use the sofa or what?" "The sofa would be fine. If you're not uncomfortable with the idea, we could lie on it together, or we can sit side by side, so we have the possibility of some contact." "I guess sitting would be best for now. I'm not quite ready to, um, like, snuggle. I share this apartment with three other students and it's possible one of them could come in while you're here and wouldn't understand. I'm sorry." "You don't need to apologize. We need to do whatever makes you feel good. It's called cuddle therapy, but we don't have to make any contact for the present if it feels creepy to you. Whatever we do, you are always in control. I'm not going to attempt to take you anywhere that doesn't feel right to you." "Thanks! This is all new to me. Did you feel like that when you started therapy?" "Yes, I did. In fact, I had a difficult time accepting a hug. The first time my therapist did that to me, I was stiff as a board! You reacted a lot better than I did." "Thanks. May I ask about your journey, or whatever it's called? Did you also have a father who was rarely around as you were growing up?" "No, actually there were times when I wished he weren't around. He was domineering and I don't think he even liked me. Nothing I did pleased him, no matter how hard I tried. You can imagine how I ended up with low self-esteem. "He was never warm or affectionate. He wasn't someone I wanted to be like when I grew up." "Your father sounds like mine, except that he was rarely present in my life. When he did show up, I got the feeling that he didn't like me either. I was always in the way. I heard my mother arguing with him when he wanted to take her to bed instead of taking care of me. I was pretty young when I figured out what they were doing in the bedroom. "You can see why I've ended up with no self-esteem, too. I've become a depressed loner who can't seem to make friends. My shrink has brought me a long way, and I know in my head that what's wrong with me isn't my fault, but I still can't feel it in my heart. That's why she recommended cuddle therapy. She says I need to know that I'm okay on a visceral level, or something like that." "She's right. When you finally make a breakthrough, you'll find that your whole outlook is different. The air is fresher. Colors are brighter. Even food tasted better." "Oh, I hope it works for me. Right now, I seem to have to push myself to move forward. My grades are okay, but I don't have any joy in my life even though spring is here." "Well, when can we get together to start? I'm free most evenings after supper and my weekends aren't all that booked either, other than getting my hair cut or my car serviced and the like. "Since you don't have much privacy here, why don't we plan to use my place. I have a small split-level home which has a comfortable family room that the previous owners added at the back. There's even a deck we can use when the weather turns warmer. I think you'll like the environment." "That sounds great! Is there a bus stop nearby? I don't have a car." "The bus service is lousy. It's too roundabout. Let me pick you up." "But I don't want to inconvenience you." "It will be fine. So, what day should I come to get you? I know finals are coming up and we'll have to work around your schedule." "Next Saturday after lunch would be good. Is there anything I should prepare or bring?" "Just yourself. If you want to write down anything else you'd like to share, that would be okay. Or we can just wing it." ---------- The following Saturday, Sam was standing on the front steps of his building in his rain jacket, trying to stay dry, when Easton pulled up to the curb promptly at 1:00 PM. They made small talk on the way to Easton's home. It was a bit of a distance; however, it wasn't very far on the other side of the university campus. "Um, I think you told a little white lie," Sam grinned. "I could have taken the bus to campus and walked a few blocks to your house." "There's hardly any service on my side of campus because the neighborhood is filled with young families instead of students, and it's a six-block hike at least. That's a 12-block roundtrip and you may feel tired after our sessions -- especially in the beginning when you may feel like sharing the hurt." "Okay, I appreciate your kindness, and I won't call you a liar!" "That's a good beginning. You need to be able to trust me." ---------- Easton had a love seat in his family room which was built like a double recliner. It was wide enough so that two could share it without being on top of each other but narrow enough so that they could touch if they wished to. By manipulating a couple of buttons on the sides of the arms, they could lie back with their feet up and adjust the headrest to a very comfortable position. It was quite conducive to relaxation. Once they were settled into position with Samuel on his right, Easton spread a lightweight Afghan over both of them like a security blanket. The soothing atmosphere made Sam feel like he was safe. As Sam continued the sad story of his childhood, getting into unpleasant details, he moved his left hand closer to Easton's right and they made contact. Easton didn't move his hand immediately. After a few minutes, he laid his hand on Sam's and gave it a slight squeeze. "Thanks," Sam whispered. I feel better." "Would you like a hug?" "Yes, please." Easton reached over and pulled him closer. Sam lay there on his side for several minutes as his tears fell on Easton's chest. Easton produced some moisture of his own, empathizing with how his client was suffering. Sam was purging his soul. This was a good beginning. ---------- The following Saturday, Easton picked up Sam at 11:45 AM. He had convinced him to come for lunch which would give them more time together. Sam was thrilled. He didn't want to impose but having a free meal which he didn't have to prepare was a welcome thought. They each assembled their own sandwich from the array of fixings Easton laid out. There were chips, a bowl of fruit, and a choice of healthy drinks. Sharing food was another kind of bonding experience. Their conversation was light, revolving around Sam's coursework and Easton's day job in cyber security. They also discussed some of the music they liked. Easton was amused that his companion wasn't much into rap but liked Hamilton. In the midst of it, he realized he'd made some assumptions based on race as Sam had initially. He mentally chastised himself. The more they talked, the more they found that their worlds weren't all that different. After lunch, Easton showed Sam his back yard and the spot where he would soon be planting a small vegetable garden. "I need to get out here with a rake and clear the dead stuff when I find the time," Easton commented. "Bring out some tools now and I can help. I'd enjoy being out in the fresh air." "I'm supposed to be helping you!" "This will help." And so, the two of them raked and spaded the area for the next hour. "Hey, I still feel guilty for making you work for your lunch." Easton said. "You didn't. I volunteered. Besides, doing something for you makes me feel good. I hope I'll have a place like this someday." ---------- Sam's school schedule prevented them from getting together on the following weekend. Easton had another client whom he would see to fill the timeslot. She was a middle-aged female whom he would only work with at the clinic. Because she was rather strange, he didn't want to make any contact with her where there wasn't a security camera recording their activity. In this case, it was a good thing he'd not opted to do an outcall. When they shared a hug, she suddenly came on to him, kissing him and trying to get her hands down the front of his pants. He disentangled himself from her and said that he could no longer work with her. She threatened to accuse him of sexual misconduct if he dismissed her. Fortunately, it was all caught on tape, and Angela had been monitoring the situation because of Easton's prior concerns. When confronted with the evidence, the lady left quickly. Easton decided not to press charges because he felt the possible publicity could hurt the program and give him a bad name despite his innocence. ---------- Two days later, the woman was found in her apartment unresponsive after a family member had requested a welfare check. There was an empty bottle of pills and a note saying that everyone was against her and she was tired of living. She never regained consciousness. Easton was distraught. He hoped his rejection of her advances hadn't driven her over the edge. He also prayed that some family member wouldn't sue him. He felt a bit more at ease when her relatives brought suit against her psychiatrist instead of him. Luckily, the pills which she overdosed on hadn't been prescribed by the doctor, and the case would eventually be dropped. The scare from the event made Easton question if he wanted to stay with the program or get the hell out! ---------- Once Sam's spring term was over, he felt more at ease. He was taking a couple of courses in summer school and increasing his hours at the department store where he worked. However, the stress was far less than it had been in the winter. He also felt lighter-hearted having benefited from sessions with his psychologist and his cuddle buddy. In the month of June, Easton decided to invite Sam over for a picnic supper every Friday. Sam always insisted on contributing to their meal, usually with dishes from the deli or fresh vegetables, depending on what was in season. Easton appreciated it but hoped Sam wasn't spending too much money. He knew the guy was living close to the edge trying to get his degree as well as supporting himself. He would try to figure out some way to lighten his burden. ---------- In July, Easton received word that the grant, which paid for the sessions for those in need, had run out. It looked like the clients would either have to pay the whole cost themselves or drop out of the program. Since he was about ready to quit anyway, that didn't matter much. However, he would hate to give up Sam. The young man had made a lot of progress, and Easton had formed a very strong bond with him. When Sam came for a session late in July, he appeared to be downcast. "Hey Sam, why the long face?" "I just got word recently that the funds ran out and I won't be able to see you again. Perhaps it's just as well. My shrink says I should level with you, and you might not want to see me after I do. I've developed an emotional bond with you that strays into dangerous territory. When you hold me, I want to do more -- things I know wouldn't be ethical between a cuddle buddy and a client. I'm sorry!" Easton took the sobbing young man into his arms and held him close. "People sometimes develop a crush on their therapist. It's not all that uncommon." "It's a lot deeper than that!" "Have you fallen in love with me?" "Yes, and I know you can't return that love. I'll do my best to leave you alone. I'm not a stalker." "Samuel, did it ever occur to you that I might feel the same?" "Seriously?" "Seriously. It's been difficult for me to remain professional when my body longs to feel your naked skin again it -- to kiss away the tears and make everything good for you. Cuddle therapists aren't allowed to do that." "Okay, if that's true, I have a solution," Sam smiled. "As of this moment, I'm quitting the program. You're no longer my therapist!" The two kissed for the first time and found it to be as wonderful as they'd been led to believe. Nature seemed to echo their emotions as a powerful storm moved in with thunder and lightning. The tornado warning siren went off and the pair headed for the basement laundry room which was the safest spot in the house because it had concrete walls on two sides and only one tiny window. "Did we make the gods angry?" Sam joked. "I know that kiss packed a wallop, but I didn't think it would set this off!" ---------- The electrical power went off before the storm blew on through. Later, looking out the front windows, the guys could see fallen trees in the next block. Easton's trees didn't seem to have sustained much damage other than a few small branches on the ground. Given the aftermath of the storm, it didn't take a lot of arm-twisting to convince Sam to stay overnight. "I have a few candles and one old kerosine lamp that was my great-grandmother's. We'll have to make breakfast on the grill unless the lights come on before morning. "You have your choice of two bedrooms. The one across the hall from mine has the best ventilation since the A/C won't be running. The other is down the hall." "I was kind of hoping to share your bed, after I've taken a shower to wash away the stress of the day," Sam replied. "Or am I presuming too much?" "You're not being presumptuous. You've opted out of our contract, and we can do what we want. I'd still like to be your cuddle buddy but on a different level." They spent the night skin to skin in Easton's bed. And yes, before they slept, they rubbed their bodies together until they both climaxed. --------- When morning broke, they were snuggled together under a sheet because the storm had caused the temperature to drop dramatically, and it was slightly chilly. After rubbing noses, they got up to pee and shower. Sam called the store manager to see if it was going to be a normal day of if the storm had changed their plans. He learned that the store would remain closed for at least the day because of street conditions and the lack of electricity. That was okay with him. Easton's grill had a side burner as well as the four interior burners. He lit two of them and turned them low to cook bacon. On the side burner, he made scrambled eggs. He managed to toast some bread after the bacon came out. They sat down to a substantial breakfast despite having to make do. The young men spent the majority of the morning raking up small branches and leaves from the yard and helping some neighbors with their cleanup. At noon, Easton performed more culinary magic by cooking a frozen pizza on the grill. He seemed excited about being able to solve the problems nature had thrown their way. Around 4:00 PM, power was restored, and the guys looked forward to being able to cook their supper on the range. ---------- As they sat on the deck after their evening meal, Easton made a proposal which he hoped would meet with Sam's approval. "Um, I've been thinking about the coming school year. I'd like you to move in with me so you won't have to pay rent. You could use my bike for going to classes if my schedule didn't allow me to drive you there. We've known each other longer than lots of couples do before they cohabitate. After you graduate, if we still feel the same as we do now, we could make our relationship permanent." "Is this like a proposal?" Sam asked. "Yup, I guess that's what it is. I'm proposing; not propositioning. I'm not inviting you for sex." "Does that mean we won't have any?" "No, it doesn't. It means that if we do, you'll be the one to call the shots. I'm willing to be your perpetual cuddle buddy if you prefer." "Okay, I'm in, as long as some of our sessions end like last night." And so, they began a new life-journey together that was bound to last. -----------------------------END--------------------------------- Author's notes: Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder. Thanks to David S for editing. He finds the typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions. Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service. It costs the site to do it, so please consider donating to defray their expenses. Thanks, David Ps: I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest