Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 21:44:55 +0000 (UTC) From: Harrison Morris Subject: Falling For His Father, Part 3 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please consider a donation to the Nifty Archive to continue having free access to the hottest erotic fiction on the Internet. Trying to act normal in case Pete was home, we wandered in the living room to find him sitting on the couch, glaring at us with his arms folded. Not the posture of someone who was particularly happy. "Hey, Petey!" Ted said, cheerfully. "The world travelers are back from their tour of the countryside!" "Don't `Hey, Petey' me," Pete snapped at his father. "I know what the two of you spent the whole day doing!" The shock registered on Ted's face was nothing compared to how quickly all of the color drained from his face. I was pretty shocked, too. He must've either followed us to the beach or figured out where we'd be and arrived late to join us and ended up seeing us together. So much for the two of us figuring out a way to let Pete down easy... Falling For His Father Part 3 Ted found his voice before I could find mine. "Petey, I'm so sorry. You have to know that it was all by accident. We didn't mean for it to happen." "Oh really? By accident, huh?" Pete's eyebrows continued to be furrowed, showing that his anger wasn't going to subside. So, there went the theory I had just two minutes ago that Pete dealing with finding out about his father and I would be a breeze. Finally able to speak, I tried to reassure him. "Pete, listen... This wasn't something that was planned out. It's just..." Ted placed his hand on my shoulder and tried to finish my sentence for me. "One thing led to another and..." It's funny how words seemed to fail both of us. Each time we'd been naked together over the past three days, everything seemed to right and so easy. You'd think words would come easily. Not now. Not when we were facing the fact that Pete had found out about us in one of the most hurtful ways possible. Curling his mouth into a sneer, Pete continued talking when his dad couldn't. " ended up spending the entire day at the stupid beach instead of showing my man around the rest of the area like I wanted you to?" "What?" Ted lent his voice to the amount of confusion both of us were feeling. Pete held up his phone. "I was watching the whole time. We still have that GPS program that connects all of our phones...yours, mine, and Mom's. I checked in on you three times today while I was visiting with Mom and you never left. I know you love that place – although, why you do is a mystery to me. I hate the beach! – But we're going to be going home the day after tomorrow. Rob deserved to see all that The OC has to offer." Trying to lighten the mood, I stepped in. "Pete, really. It's okay. I enjoyed myself today. Besides, I watch The Real Housewives of Orange County. I think I have a pretty good handle on what life here is like." Pete rolled his eyes in response to my attempt at humor. Looking to cover our tracks, Ted picked up the conversation. "I'm really sorry, Petey. You're right. I should have insisted that we drive around and see more sights. But you know how I feel about my special place at the beach. I got caught up in the moment and the next thing I knew, the whole day was gone." Ted turned to me. "Robby, I'm sorry I short-changed you." "It's okay, Ted. I didn't feel short-changed at all. I had a lot of fun this afternoon!" I smiled at him, hoping Pete wouldn't read between the lines of what I really meant. "I'm still kinda ticked," Pete said, getting up out of the easy chair. "But, as long as Rob doesn't mind," he threw his arm around my shoulder and leaned in to kiss me, making me squirm. "Then I guess it's okay." "Good! I'm glad that's settled!" Ted said, looking relieved that we hadn't been found out after all. "Now tell me... Where do you want to head out to get some dinner?" "Ugh! I feel so gross right now. Before I can even think about dinner, I need to run up and get a shower!" Pete said. "I'll be thinking about it and let you know when I'm done." Pete reached across and tapped me on the arm. "Hey, Babe. You wanna join in and help me get clean?" "Cool it, you horn dogs." Ted tried to sound jovial, but I could see in his eyes that he wasn't having the idea of his son dragging me off for a sexual escapade in the shower. "Dinner's in an hour. If you two go upstairs, I won't get to eat before Midnight!" "All right, all right!" Pete said, laughing, as he made his way toward the stairs. "I'll be back down in a few minutes!" Once Pete had disappeared upstairs, Ted plopped down on the sofa and let out a huge sigh. "Oh my God! For a minute there, I thought we were screwed!" "I know," I said, as I sat down next to him and reached out to rub his shoulder. "I thought he'd followed us and seen us on the beach." "It just goes to show that I need to sit down and talk with him sooner than later," Ted pointed out. "I don't want the truth to come out some other way. I won't have Petey hurt like that." "Ted?" he turned to look at me. "You aren't having second thoughts about us, are you?" He smiled that heart-melting smile of his and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on my lips. "Absolutely not. This afternoon with you reinforced for me that this is something I want to explore further. In just these past three days, being with you has changed my outlook on a lot of things." Ted had a huge smile on his face, making me know he wasn't just giving me lip service. Frankly, these past few days had changed my outlook too. I never would've imagined in a million years meeting someone like Ted and feeling the spark that we obviously both felt. Ted kept talking. "I know Petey's going to be hurt when he finds out. But, I'm not giving you up, Robby." "Just what I wanted to hear." This time, I was the one who leaned in to kiss him. When we parted, I looked at him seriously. "Do you want to tell him tonight after dinner? I can make myself scarce and find a hotel to stay in tonight to give you two some privacy." "No," Ted reached across to lovingly stroke the side of my face. "Not tonight. The two of you are supposed to head back up north in the morning the day after tomorrow, right?" "Yeah." "Okay. I'm pretty sure I'm going to tell him tomorrow night. I was thinking tomorrow afternoon, you'd throw out the idea to go back a day early to give Petey and I one night alone to hang out and chill before he has to leave. When Petey objects because he drove down here and you won't have any way to get back up to campus, I'll offer to pay for an Uber for you to go back separately. Then, tomorrow night, I'll sit down with him and let him know about us in the gentlest way possible. I really don't think you should be here when I tell him." "I agree with that. I think me being here will only make things worse. But, I do have one problem with your plan." "What's that?" I reached over to rub his chest through his shirt. "How are we gonna celebrate our secret being out in the open while I'm four hundred miles up north and you all the way down here?" Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, Ted pulled out his phone. "I already have that covered. With a little help from my friend, Travelocity, I'm planning on booking a hotel near campus next week. I won't tell Petey I'm going to be in town. Maybe you won't mind hanging out with me when you're not in your classes." I practically leapt forward to throw my arms around him and lean in to kiss him. "When I'm not in classes, Hell! I'll skip classes for a week!" "Robby, you're working toward being a lawyer and trying to get into a good law school. You don't really want to start skipping classes now when you're so close to being done, do you?" Before I could answer, we heard Pete's footsteps on the stairs and had to pull ourselves apart before he entered the room. Dinner ended up being fun. We went out to some surf and turf restaurant that the family used to go to pretty often when Ted and Mrs. Davison were still married. Although I still felt pretty awkward being at dinner with both of these men, given that Pete had an incorrect notion about what we were to each other and Ted was facing the prospect of ruining his relationship with Pete tomorrow night. But, despite that, the three of us managed to have a few laughs and had a generally enjoyable evening. Things got a little more awkward after dinner when we went to a movie. I found myself between Pete and Ted. On one side of me, Pete alternated between fondling my crotch and trying to pull my hand over to give me the idea of doing the same to him. On the other side of me, Ted and I were covertly holding hands so Pete couldn't see. So, yeah... It was nerve-wracking to say the least. Later on, back at the house, it became obvious that Pete was feeling pretty horny. After trying unsuccessfully to get me to fool around with him in the movie theater, he came up with another idea that he thought would ensure the two of us having sex. "Sooooo, Rob. How would you feel about taking a soak in the hot tub?" Before I could register my uncertainty about that idea, Ted spoke up. "Oh, Petey. You don't want to rev up the hot tub. It's been making a lot of weird noises lately and it's not firing up the bubbles like it used to. I've been meaning to have someone come out to look at it, but never got around to it." "Damn! A good soak in the tub is just what Rob and I needed," Pete elbowed me softly and winked at me. I smiled at him for affect, but was inwardly relieved that I didn't have to spend the next half an hour to forty-five minutes trying to rebuff Pete's advances. "It's no problem, Pete," I said, reaching out to grip his shoulder. "I'm actually feeling pretty wiped-out. I had a big day today." "From what? Sitting on a stupid beach, looking at the water? How tiring..." Pete said, mockingly. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ted scowl a little bit, obviously offended by his son openly making fun of his favorite place to spend time. So, I quickly spoke so Ted wouldn't have a chance to say something he might regret later. "I think I'm gonna head up to bed." "It's probably for the best," Pete remarked. "I've got a big day planned for us tomorrow." Again, I noticed a strange look on Ted's face after Pete said that. "Oh?" I said, quizzically. "Yeah," he said, smiling broadly, making me feel like a scumbag for what Ted and I were doing behind his back. "I don't want to give too much away. But we're gonna have a lot of fun. More fun than I'm sure you had this afternoon!" To myself, I thought, "I doubt that..." Instead, I just grinned. "I'm looking forward to it. Good night, guys!" "I think I'm gonna head up, too!" Ted said, making me hope that maybe he'd stop by my room for a little late night make-out sesh. "Dad, can you hang back for a minute? There's something I want to talk about with you." "Uh..." Ted said, hesitating. "Sure, Petey. Whatever you want..." "Okay, then. Good night, guys," I offered again before heading up the stairs. I was halfway up and out of view of both men when I heard Pete exclaim softly, obviously trying to talk so I wouldn't hear from upstairs, "Damn, Dad! All week you've been doing nothing but cockblocking me with Rob!" "I'm sorry, Petey," I heard Ted reply. I couldn't help but grin to myself, thinking of my time with Ted in the hot tub, making out in the gazebo, fucking in his bed, and then earlier today on the beach. "But, despite you being an adult and me being cool with you being gay..." "I know, I know," Pete interrupted him, sounding like a petulant child. "I need to respect your rules. I get it, Dad." "All right, then." I heard Ted say, followed by the sound of him obviously patting Pete on his back. "Now that that's settled, let's head on up to bed." "Not yet. Like I said a minute ago, there's something I want to talk to you about." "Oh," Ted said. I heard the chuckle in his voice. "My cockblocking you wasn't it?" "No." At that moment, I felt a sneeze coming on, so I high-tailed it the rest of the way up the stairs to the second floor, not wanting either of them to realize I was eavesdropping on their conversation. My curiosity was piqued, though. What was it that Pete wanted to discuss with his father? I went about going to the bathroom and getting myself ready for bed. I'd been in my room for about 45 minutes when I heard a soft rapping on the door. "Yes?" As I crossed my fingers under the sheet that it wasn't Pete, coming in to try and have his way with me, the door opened far enough for Ted to slip in decked out in a t-shirt and his boxer-briefs. Once inside, he shut the door quietly behind him. "Hey, you..." Immediately smiling, I couldn't hide my excitement. "I was hoping you'd stop by sometime tonight!" "I had to wait until I was sure Petey's asleep. I needed to see you." "I need you too, stud!" I said back to him, rubbing the place on the bed next to me. "And don't worry. We can both be quiet. We'll stuff the pillow in our mouths if we have to!" "No. You've got the wrong idea, Robby. As much as I wanna do that - believe me, I do - I don't think we should risk waking Petey up. I needed to see you before you fell asleep to warn you." "Warn me? About what?" "What Petey has planned for the two of you tomorrow. It's what he stayed behind downstairs to talk to me about." "Oh. What? Is he planning on showing me his stamp collection or something?" I laughed, but Ted didn't. The guy genuinely seemed nervous. He sat down on the bed and I climbed out from under the covers to sit next to him. "No. Worse. He's pissed at me for cockblocking him all week this week." I reached over and rubbed his forearm. "Did you tell him that the reason you've been doing that is because you want mine and don't want him to have it?" I knew how the conversation had gone, but didn't want Ted to know I listened in. "Yeah. THAT would've gone over really well..." Ted laughed softly. "No. He asked me to take a hike tomorrow." "What?" "He's taking you out for lunch tomorrow and to do a little light sightseeing since I allegedly didn't do my job earlier today." I reached up to put my hand behind Ted's neck and leaned in to kiss him softly. "I got to see everything I wanted to see today and was left more than satisfied at the end." In response, Ted moaned softly and leaned in to kiss me back. "What is it about a sightseeing tour that's worthy of warning me? What? Is he going to take me up to Makeout Point or something?" Again, not laughing, Ted continued. "No. I'm to be out of the house by 6:00 p.m. because he's bringing you back here for a romantic dinner and a night of passion before you two have to head back up to school the next day." "Seriously?! How many times do I have to put this doofus off before he gets the idea that the last thing I want is to have sex with him?! Ugh!" "Now, Robby... Be nice." "What? Do you WANT me to fuck around with him?!" "Don't be THAT nice..." he laughed. "Okay then!" "Look, Robby. I'm giving you fair warning so you can figure a way out of being alone with him. I know we've only been together a couple times and we're not serious or anything. You can absolutely do what you want to do. I don't have any right to ask you NOT to fuck my son tomorrow night. But..." "You don't want me to." I finished his thought for him. Ted grinned bashfully. "No. I don't." He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "God, this is such a fucked up situation!" "Don't worry, Ted. The only man in this house I want to get naked with is you. And, I don't see what's so fucked up about it. I want you. You want me. Seems pretty straightforward to me." Ted turned to look at me. "But, what about Petey...?" I reached over to rub his shoulder. "Pete'll come out of all of this fine, eventually. When he takes me out to lunch tomorrow afternoon, before he has a chance to spring this romantic evening on me, I'll tell him I have to leave a day early to go back up to campus and finish a term paper that I forgot about. You'll tell him about the two of us after I leave. Everything will be out in the open and we can all begin the healing process. I know it's not ideal and it's not pretty. But, we'll all get through it." Ted grinned at me. "You've got it all figured out, don't you?" "Not completely," I replied. "But the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew what I wanted. I know as long as I keep my eyes on the prize, everything else will fall in to place eventually." I turned and scooted back on the bed with my back against the headboard. "So, I'm a prize, huh?" Ted followed me, crawling on top of me to kiss me. "Absolutely," I said between kisses. "The grand prize in the sweepstakes of life." I reached up and stroked the side of his face lightly as he kissed me, bringing my right hand around to the back of his neck to pull him further into the kiss. After a few moments of melting into the kiss, Ted pulled back. "Dammit! I can't. I want to. But, I can't." When Ted begrudgingly climbed off of me and rose to a standing position, I could see by the distended bulge in his underwear just how much he wanted to. "I'm not going to get another chance to be naked with you before I leave early tomorrow evening, am I?" "I don't think so, Babe." This time, I didn't shudder when Ted called me that. "But, I'll be up in your neck of the woods next week and we can make up for all the lost time." I got off of the bed and walked over to him, by the bedroom door, and said huskily, "I'm gonna hold you to that, stud muffin!" "Stud muffin?!" Ted said, incredulously. "We're gonna have to put our heads together and come up with a different pet name for you to call me." I playfully slapped him lightly on the arm a few times in mock anger. "How about asshole? Is that a better pet name?" "Hmmm... Maybe we can stick with stud muffin." "I'll give other pet names some thought as I drift off to sleep tonight." "Here," Ted said, wrapping his right arm around me and pulling me to him. "Let me do something to inspire you." He then kissed me passionately, taking my breath away. As we kissed, his tongue battling mine inside my mouth, I could feel his still-bulging fabric-covered crotch grinding against me. After we parted, I said, still trying to catch my breath, "I've got it! How about `Big-dicked man of my dreams'?" Smiling broadly, Ted put his hand on the doorknob. "I like it!" We shared another quick kiss before Ted whispered. "I need to get to my room. I'll see you in the morning." "Good night, Ted." And with that, I was alone in the guest room again. Late the next morning, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Pete had texted me earlier in the morning, asking me to be ready to go by 11:00. I walked into the kitchen to find Pete alone, gulping down the last of a glass of water. He smiled upon seeing me. "Good morning, Babe. Right on time!" "I'm nothing if not punctual," I grinned back at him. "I thought I'd see you down here before now. Did you just get up?" "Yeah," I admitted, sheepishly. "About 20 minutes ago. I guess I was more tired than I'd realized." "We'd better head out. I've got a big day planned for us." "What exactly is on the agenda for the day?" I pretended to not know what he had planned. Pete moved toward me, wrapping his arms around my waist to hug us together. "I thought we'd do a little sightseeing since Dad only showed you the beach. Then, after lunch at this really great place I know down by the water, we'd do a little more sightseeing. Then, who knows what might happen?" By the look on Pete's face, I could tell that he wanted the romantic dinner he had planned to be a surprise. "All right," I said with faux excitement, trying to act like I was looking forward to the day. "Then, let's get this party started!" As we made our way to Pete's car, I tried to sound casual when I asked, "What's your dad up to today?" "He's at the gym right now. Then, if I know him, he'll get in some yoga. After that..." Pete shrugged. "Who knows?" After we were in the car and had started on the road, Pete reached over and gripped my shoulder. "I'm really glad we're doing this. I've been wanting to spend some time alone with you ever since we got here. With my mom's health scare earlier and my dad always being around, I haven't gotten the time with you that I wanted to. I love my dad. But, I'm glad he's off doing his own thing today so it can be just you and me. This is going to be a great day!" All I could do in response was smile. I didn't want to say "me too" or anything like that because it would be a lie. But I sure did feel like a scumbag. I couldn't wait to be in an Uber, heading back up the coast later tonight so that Ted could finally tell Pete what was going on and I could stop all this pretending. Two hours later, we'd been all over the northern part of the county...looking at the place where the Rams' stadium used to be in Anaheim before they left for St. Louis in the mid-90s...seeing the area of Anaheim where Gwen Stefani is from...and a whole bunch of other things that I couldn't have cared less about. But, of course, I had to act like I was in awe of all of it. Right around the time when I thought I'd had a fake smile plastered on my face for so long that it was going to stay permanently frozen like that, we pulled into a seafood restaurant in Newport Beach. Minutes later, the hostess seated us out on a back patio that looked out over the water. It really was a breathtaking scene. I would've enjoyed it a lot more if I didn't have so much on my mind. As she slipped menus onto the table in front of us, she smiled. "Tristan will be your waiter today. He'll be with you shortly!" "Thanks!" Pete said as she walked away. "So... Before our waiter gets here, there's something I want to talk to you about. I've been thinking a lot lately...going back and forth. But, I think it's the right thing to do and I want to see what you think." "Okay," I said, inwardly freaked-out at what this might be. "Lay it on me!" "I feel like bringing you down here to introduce you to my parents, even though you didn't get a chance to meet my mom because of her health scare, I think it's brought us closer together. Rob, I know how I feel about you and I know what being with you back at school this past semester has done for me. I flatter myself to think you feel the same way. Otherwise, why would you be here with me right now, on my home turf, meeting my family? I think the time's right for us to move in together." This is the point where, if it wasn't an absolute necessity that I keep my wits about me, I would've fainted from shock. It's really striking how two people can perceive a series of events in completely different ways. Where Pete thought this week had brought us closer together and reaffirmed how he felt about me and thought I felt about him, I thought this week had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I just wasn't that into him. What could I say? In roughly six hours - give or take - Pete would be told that not only was his idea of our blossoming relationship a mirage, but that it was his father that I was truly interested in. I had to slow Pete's roll on this plan or he'd only end up more hurt. "Uh, are you sure about this, Pete?" "Absolutely!" he smiled. "I've been thinking about it for weeks. This is right. I can feel it." When I hesitated, because I was searching for the right thing to say to put him off, he took my lack of a response as proof that I wasn't into the idea. Of course, I wasn't. But, I couldn't let him know that. Ted wanted to be - and should be - the one to tell Pete about us. I had to continue playing the devoted boyfriend (shudder) for the time being. "I don't think it's the right time to think about us moving in together." "Oh," he said, glancing downward to his menu. "Listen, Pete," I continued my explanation. "We've both got a lot of our plates when we head back to school tomorrow. We've got the rest of the semester to get through. We've got final projects, final papers, and final exams. Why don't we talk more about it over the summer?" There wasn't exactly elation on his face, but it wasn't the look of crushing disappointment that had been there just a moment ago. "Okay. I guess I can understand your point. We'll talk more about it before the fall semester starts. But, I want you to give it some serious thought. I think it's the right time!" "I will," I smiled. I felt like a total ass hat for stringing him along like this. But, telling him that I'd rather move in with his old man wasn't the appropriate response in this situation. We'd been looking the menu over for another couple minutes when the hostess returned to see no water or utensils on the table. "Excuse me, guys. Has Tristan been by to greet you, yet?" "No. He hasn't." I replied. She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry about that. I'll go find him. He'll be over shortly." "No worries. We're still looking at the menu," I called to her as she hurried away to find our wayward waiter. "I'm really looking forward to the rest of our day together," Pete remarked. "After we're done here, I want to drive down the coast through Laguna to Dana Point and show you that area down there." "Oh, good!" I grinned at him, trying to make a funny. "We can see where L.C., Stephen, and the rest of the gang used to hang out," making a reference to the MTV reality TV show from a few years back, Laguna Beach. Pete chuckled. "You and your reality TV addiction! I'm not sure if we'll have enough time, but maybe we can head farther inland from The Point and see some of that so you can see that The OC is more than just beaches and seaside towns. Then, I wanna get you back home for the rest of our evening." My eyes widened. I needed to change the subject fast before Pete had a chance to spring the idea of dinner and an intimate evening in bed on me. Maybe now was the time to tell him I was heading back up to campus tonight. "Speaking of that, I have some news you might not like." "Yeah? What's that?" "I've decided I'm going to head back up to school tonight." "What?! Why?!" Pete's eyes widened and I could tell he was disappointed. "I haven't done anything to cause this, have I?" "No. Of course not! I have a paper that's due in a couple days that I need to put finishing touches on and I have a project for another class that I need to put in some work on. When we get back to your dad's, I'm going to call an Uber and arrange to have someone take me back." "I'm sorry that you're leaving ahead of schedule. But I understand why. Why pay for an Uber, though? I'll head back early with you so that you don't have to pay." No way was I going to let that happen. Pete needed to stay so that Ted would be able to clue him in to the fact that something was going on between us. "I think you should stay and come back tomorrow morning like you planned," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Between this sightseeing trip and tending to your mom, you haven't had a chance to spend any time with your dad, just the two of you. I think you should call him and make plans to have dinner together and spend some quality time before you go back tomorrow." "Are you sure, Rob? I mean, I don't mind driving you back. Dad understands that I'm a man now...with a man of my own." I had to try hard not to let a look of distaste cross my face. "I insist, Pete. You stay and chill with your dad. I won't hear any more talk about you cutting your trip short to drive me back to campus!" Pete grinned. "Okay. You win! I can't argue with you when you've made up your mind." "Good!" I said, smiling at him and inwardly relieved that I'd talked him out of leaving early with me. "Let's finish up figuring out what we're going to have to eat. If this waiter of ours ever shows his face, we should know what we want to order." I may have only had my eyes on my menu for about 30 seconds when I saw someone approach out of the corner of my eye. "Hi, fellas. I'm Tristan. I'll be your waiter tonight." I could sense him placing water glasses and utensils on the table while I continued to survey the menu. "I'm so sorry about the delay. What can I bring the two of you to eat?" When I looked up from my menu to look at Tristan for the first time, my heart dropped at the familiar sight in front of me. I had come face to face again with the guy who, along with his older boyfriend, Rick, had happened upon Ted and me yesterday afternoon at the beach after we'd just had sex. Before I could utter a word, Tristan got excited when he saw me. "Hey! It's so good to see you again! Small world, huh?" "You know our waiter?" Pete asked. Ignoring Pete's question, or maybe not even hearing it, Tristan kept talking excitedly. "I know I said so yesterday, but I can't tell you how beautiful it was to see you and your man so in love and so hot for each other that you were moved to have sex on the beach like that. I couldn't stop gushing to Rick for the rest of the day. I think he was almost ready to put a piece of duct tape over my mouth eventually." Tristan looked around. "Where IS your man, by the way?!" "Uh..." I couldn't think of what to say. I didn't dare look at Pete. This was it. Exactly what neither Ted nor I wanted to have happen had happened. Our affair had been exposed before Ted had a chance to let Pete down easily. Tristan rubbed my shoulder. "Actually, I'll be right back to take your orders. Okay, Sweetie? I promise I'll be back in two minutes!" As Tristan walked away, I slowly turned to face Pete, his face red with anger. "Sex on the beach with your man, yesterday?! What was that guy talking about, Rob. You and my dad didn't... You know... Did you?" He had inadvertently given me a small opening to weasel my way out of this sticky situation. Was I clever and deft enough to actually do it, though? "What?! You think your dad and I had sex yesterday while we were at the beach?" "The waiter just said he saw the two of you. And you WERE at the beach yesterday..." Trying my best to seem offended at even the suggestion Pete was making, I snarked. "You're going to believe someone who barely makes minimum wage over me? I've never seen that guy before in my life. All your dad and I did yesterday at the beach was look at the water and have a long talk, getting to know each other better." "Then, why would he sound so convinced that you were the person he'd seen having sex on the beach?!" "Look at me, Pete," I said, pointing at my face and hoping I was sounding convincing. "I'm one of the most non-descript-looking white guys on the face of the planet. Do you know how many guys there probably are in the entire Greater Los Angeles-Orange County area who look like me? It was probably some other guy our waiter saw." For a moment, Pete just glared at me. Then, exhaling, he seemed calm. "You know... You're probably right." It was working! "Of course I am, Pete! I wouldn't do that to you." Inside, I felt like I was dying just a little bit. I hated lying like this. But I wasn't going to cheat Ted out of being the one to tell Pete about us. I knew he could soften the blow better than anyone else. He laughed. "Yeah. The idea of you and my dad. Completely ridiculous!" Trying to convincingly laugh along, I got out of my seat. "Before he comes back to take our order, I'm going to hit the restroom. I'm feeling a little lightheaded. I want to splash some water on my face and take a leak." As I stood up, my phone fell out of my shorts pocket. When I leaned over to pick it up, Pete seemed concerned. "Are you okay, Babe?" "I'll be fine!" I smiled at him. "Okay. But you'd better leave your phone here with me. You don't want to falling out on the men's room floor and breaking. Or, worse, in the urinal." Grimacing at the prospect of having to fish it out of a urinal, I placed it on the table. "Thanks! I'll be back in a jiffy!" Later on, I stood in front of the sink, looking at myself in the mirror after having just splashed water on my face, I didn't like the person I was looking at. I hated all of this subterfuge and lying. It wasn't who I was. I couldn't wait to be in a car, heading back up the coast so that I wouldn't have to look Pete in the face and lie to him anymore. And, to that end, I needed to find Tristan before I went back to the table to make sure he didn't bring up my tryst with Ted again. When I exited the men's room, fate had me practically run face first into Tristan. "Hey. I'm glad I ran into you. We need to talk..." Ignoring my statement, Tristan said in a rush, "Hey! I just put your order in with the kitchen. It's gonna take a while to make an order that big. But I'll have your food out to you as soon as it's done!" "What do you mean? Did my friend order our food?" I didn't like anyone else ordering my food and I hoped that Pete hadn't ordered for me. "Oh. The guy with you ordered six entrees of the most expensive item on our menu and four bottles of our most expensive champagne." "WHAT?! What in the world is he thinking? I have no idea what's going on here. But, I'm going to find out." I started to turn and head back to the table, completely forgetting that I wanted to tell Tristan not to bring up yesterday again, when he grabbed my arm. "He said you knew what the plan was. Your friend placed the order to go, told me that you were going to wait for the food to be prepared, and then he left." Completely floored, I couldn't hide my shock and confusion. "What the fuck?!" It was then that I remembered I was in a public place. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand any of this." I turned and walked back out to our table with Tristan following closely behind. Just as Tristan said, the table was empty. He'd even taken my phone with him! "Oh my God!" "You didn't know what he was doing when he placed that order, did you?" Tristan asked. "No. I didn't. Do you think you can cancel that order? I don't have the size bank account to afford six $30 meals and four $300 bottles of champagne." "Yeah. I'll go tell them to stop now." When Tristan left, all I could do was stare out over the water. I was dumbfounded. How could Pete do this?! I thought I'd covered my tracks pretty well. But, he must've known I was lying when I told him his father and I hadn't had sex on the beach yesterday. How could I have been so stupid?! I even left my phone with him!! I had Ted's number saved in my phone, but I didn't know it off the top of my head. I didn't even know Pete's number by heart. I couldn't call either of them. It was then that Tristan rejoined me with the hostess from earlier joining him. Tristan touched my shoulder. "Hey... I canceled the order and explained to Heather what happened. She agreed that you don't have to pay for anything that was ordered." The hostess nodded sympathetically. "Thanks," I said to both of them. "I really appreciate it. Listen, I hate to ask this, but I need a huge favor. I need to get back to the house I'm staying at ASAP. Is there any way you can drive me?" Tristan got excited. "Absolutely!" "Uh, no!" Heather interjected. "You're always ditching work, Tristan. I've had it up to here with you. You leave now and you can just not bother coming back!" Tristan looked dejected. "I'm sorry, man. I really need this paycheck. I can't drive you back." "I understand," I was kind of pissed at Heather. But, given how embarrassing this whole affair was and how big a fool I'd both been made and made out of myself, I didn't feel like I was in any position to cause even more of a scene. "My friend took my phone when he left. Can either of you at least call me a cab or an Uber?" "Sure. I'll go call now." Tristan said, walking back inside to grab his phone. Because of factors that were out of my control, it took nearly two hours for the driver to pick me up and another 45 minutes to get back to Ted's house. When he dropped me off, I didn't see Pete's car in the driveway. Maybe, by some stroke of luck, he hadn't come back home and Ted and I could strategize how to deal with all of this. I paid the driver and rushed inside, finding Ted in the kitchen with a half empty bottle of Scotch and a glass halfway empty. "Oh my God, Ted! I'm so glad you're here! We've got a BIG problem. Has Pete been back here?" Ted downed some of the Scotch in his glass. "Yeah." "Where is he now?" "Halfway back up to school. Somewhere else. At this point, who knows?" "So then, you know that he knows about us?" "Yeah. I figured that out when he got back home earlier." "I'm sorry, Ted. It all happened so fast and I thought I'd covered our tracks. But, it turns out I didn't. Where we went for lunch... Our waiter was that young guy from the beach yesterday who was there with his boyfriend. Before I could do anything to stop him, he blabbed about seeing us yesterday." Something was off about Ted. I mean, it was obvious from the way he was acting that he and Pete had had a big fight when Pete had gotten back home. But Ted seemed disconnected from everything that was going on. I guessed that the half-empty Scotch bottle had something to do with it. "Hey... No use crying over spilled milk, right?" Ted downed the rest of the Scotch in his glass and proceeded to pour some more. "I know this isn't how either of us wanted this to come out. But, at least now we can stop lying. Pete can start healing and you and I can be open about how we feel about each other." I reached up to try and rub his shoulder, but Ted jerked away from me. "I don't think that's a good idea, Rob." Ted said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. It wasn't lost on me that he hadn't called me Robby. "What are you talking about?" "I mean that you and I... We aren't going to happen." Had I just stepped through the looking glass into an alternate reality? "But everything that we both felt over the past week. The moments we shared... The way it felt when we kissed...when our bodies were together in bed or on that blanket on the beach. You said you wanted to explore the spark between us." "Yeah," Ted spat out before taking a drink. "I said all that stuff so that I could get you into bed. I'm a divorced man, Rob. I haven't had sex in more years that I care to count. I figured out that you were hot for me and I was horny enough to take advantage of you." "No you didn't," I said to him smugly. "I would've known if that's all you were doing. I felt something genuine between us and I know you did too!" Ted laughed. "I'm really good at saying whatever I need to say to get what I want. And what I wanted was to get off. I used you, Rob. Not that it was that difficult. A whore like you made it pretty easy." He knocked back the last of the Scotch in his glass. Before he could pour more, I reached out and covered the glass. "Stop it! I know why you're doing this. You think that, by pushing me away, you'll make up for Pete finding out about us the way he did. All you're doing is hurting everyone involved." Ted sneered at me and snatched his glass out from under my hand. "All you piss ant college kids think you know everything. Don't try to psycho analyze me! Now, I think it's time you head back to college. Find someone there to psycho analyze." He poured yet more Scotch into his glass. "I'm not going anywhere. Not until you snap out of it and we figure out a way to make things right with Pete so we can be together." Ted took a drink. "Not gonna happen, kid. Now, let me put this to you in a way that even a dumbass like you can understand. I've called an Uber and made arrangements for someone to drive you back up to school. You have from now until the car arrives to go upstairs, get all your shit together, and get the hell out of my house!" I wouldn't have moved from the spot, except that I felt tears starting to well up in my eyes and was actually on the verge of crying. I didn't want Ted to see that he'd had that effect on me, so I turned and went upstairs. I could tell in my heart or hearts that Ted was doing this because of Pete. But, I felt that, if I did anything more to press the issue, it would only cause more trouble. So, I did what Ted asked. I packed my stuff up and, in ten minutes, I was back in the foyer just as a knock came. It was the Uber driver. I walked back into the kitchen to find Ted where I'd left him, Scotch bottle in hand. "The car's here. I'm heading out." "Good." Ted practically spat at me, spittle on his lips. "I'm sorry about all of this, Ted," I said sadly. "Yeah," he said back with no emotion in this voice. "Shit happens." "I'll be in touch with you soon, after this has all blown over." "Don't bother, kid. The only time I wanna hear from you again is if I get horny and need a whore to make me feel like a man!" Hearing that hurt. But, I wasn't going to let Ted see it affect me that way. "Bye." I started to walk away, but turned around to see that Ted had turned away to look out the kitchen window. He took another shot of Scotch and slammed the glass down on the kitchen counter. I shook my head sadly and left. The rest of the semester was a blur. When I got back to campus, I tried to meet up with Pete to apologize and explain things to him. But, he must've left standing orders with his roommates to turn me away. Eventually, I stopped trying to see him. Plus, that end of the semester grind took over and I was too bogged-down with work to even think about putting much energy into trying to make things right with him. After the semester was over, I thought about driving back down to try and see Ted. But, I wasn't sure that was the best move, given how we'd left things. And, with Pete still not willing to see me, I thought doing that would only make things worse. So instead, I went home to spend time with family, hoping that my loved ones would be the salve that would make things better for me again. It worked. Over the summer, I recharged my batteries and healed my wounds. In late August, I went back to campus, ready to take on my final year of college before moving on to law school. In addition to really buckling down and focusing on my studies in that last year, I did try and spend time making an effort to make romantic connections with other guys. Unfortunately, all of them only became a string of insignificant others. I could never find in any other guy the connection I'd felt with Ted. His ghost was never too far away, whispering in my ear that no other guy would ever mean as much to me as he had. Speaking of Ted, he was never all that far away from my thoughts. I didn't have a way to get in touch with him. His number was in the phone Pete had taken with him that day back in April. But, I thought of him occasionally and hoped that he was doing okay even if we couldn't be together. As I'd said, that whole year was a blur. I'd gotten into and accepted the opportunity to go to law school back East. By the time graduation arrived in early May, I was ready to start the next chapter of my life. It was the cap on a huge chapter of my life when I walked across that stage and took my diploma. It was also nice to see Pete do the same. It was the first time I'd seen him since that fateful day at the restaurant in Newport Beach over a year. Seeing him walk across that stage also hit me in a way I didn't expect. It tugged at my heart strings a little bit and made me realize I still wasn't really over everything that had happened last year. I knew I should try to find him after the ceremony and talk. But, I wasn't sure that enough time had passed to heal that wound. I wasn't healed yet and I wasn't even the one it had happened to. My parents had planned to take me out to dinner to celebrate along with my brother, sister, and two aunts who all came in for the ceremony. Before meeting up with them, I decided to stop by the student union to check out a mixer for all of the graduates. I know it sounds horribly cheesy to go to something like this. But, it was my last hurrah on campus and I wanted to soak up the last bit of atmosphere before I left for good. I'd been at the gathering for about 30 minutes and had just finished talking with one of my professors from this past year. I'd made a pass at flirting with him earlier in the semester, but it turned out that he was not same-sex oriented. He ended up becoming a mentor and friend to me, so it was good to talk with him one last time. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned around, expecting to see a classmate or another professor, I came face to face with the last person I expected to see: Ted Davison "Hey, Rob..." he said. He smiled at me, but not broadly, as if he wasn't sure how I'd react to seeing him. "Hi, Ted," I said, coolly. "I figured you'd be here for the graduation, but I sure didn't expect to see you." "Yeah," I said, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his head, and looking uneasy. "Uh, is there some place we can go to talk privately?" I motioned for him to follow me and we ended up in a courtyard outside the student union, away from the crowd. Before he could say whatever he wanted to say, I asked, "How are things between you and Pete? They must be good enough for him to invite you here for graduation." "Petey and I are okay. We aren't as close as we used to be anymore. But we've worked through a lot of stuff and we've found our way back to good." "I'm glad to hear that," I said, giving him a once over. "And how are you? You look good." It wasn't a lie. Ted still looked as sexy as he did the day I met him. In fact, if possible, he'd gotten better. In that moment, I knew that I wasn't over Ted yet, even after a year. All of those feelings I'd buried...the ones that I thought I'd gotten rid of, were starting to come rushing back to the surface. "I'm doing okay. Uh, actually," he hedged, "I'm not all that great." "I'm sorry to hear that," I said, trying not to add any emotion. Ted had hurt me badly. I was just now realizing that I wasn't over it yet and I didn't want to open myself up to him again by being sympathetic. Choosing not to expand on what he meant when he said he wasn't doing great, Ted changed subject. "You got any plans this evening?" "Yeah," I said, grinning. "My family's here and they taking me out to dinner to celebrate. In fact, I need to get going and meet up with them." "Oh. Okay," he said, looking dejected. "It was good to see you, Rob." "Thanks. You too. Take care, Ted." I turned to start walking away when Ted reached out and grabbed my arm. "Aw, hell! Don't go, Robby!" I looked down to see his hand circled around my upper arm. "What is it, Ted?" "I came here, not expecting to see you, but hoping I would. There's something I need to say to you. I'd talked myself out of it. But, I can't let you walk away...walk out of my life without saying it." I didn't like the way I was feeling, standing there, looking at him. I wanted to both kiss him because of the effect he still had on me and slug him for how badly he'd hurt me over a year ago. Against my better judgment, I turned to face him. "Okay. Say your piece." Ted's face softened and he reached up to place a hand on my shoulder. "I wanted to say... I'm...I'm sorry." "That's it?!" "No. It's a start. I'm sorry that I acted the way I acted the last time we say each other and I said those awful things to you." "I understand why, Ted." "No. I don't think you do. That day was the worst day of my life. I was at home, trying to figure out how I was going to sit Petey down that night and tell him that he couldn't be in a relationship with you because *I* was...because I wanted to be. That's when Petey stormed in and told me what happened at the restaurant. The hate and anger in his eyes... I'll never forget the look he gave me that day as long as I live. I tried to calm him down and get him to understand what happened. But, I couldn't. The only thing I could do to make things right, he told me, was to not only end things with you when you eventually got back to the house, but to break your heart. Otherwise, he told me he'd not only never speak to or see me again, but he'd tell the entire family what I'd done and ruin my life." It was hard to hear Ted's story. I knew he'd done what he did to me a year ago because of Pete. But, I had no idea he'd been blackmailed into doing it. My heart went out to the guy. Hearing his story didn't erase everything I'd gone through, but it made me a little more sympathetic to the position he'd been placed in. "I cared...I CARE about you a lot, Robby." Ted continued. "But Petey's my flesh and blood. It was an impossible choice I had to make. But, I made the one that I thought was the only choice I COULD make. It hurt like hell to hurt you like that. I hope someday you can forgive me." For once, I was able to look beyond my own pain and anger at the situation and look at Ted. It was plain to see just from retelling what had happened over a year ago with Pete the emotional turmoil he had been in and the toll the whole situation had taken on him. All three of us had paid a horrible price for Ted and I being attracted to each other. Maybe the way for me to finally make peace with the past wasn't to bury my feelings and lie to myself that I was over them. Instead, maybe the path to freeing myself of this emotional albatross that had been around my neck was to give forgiveness. I wouldn't forget. But maybe it was time to forgive. I smiled at Ted and reached up to rest my hand on his shoulder, looking him directly in the eye. "It's okay, Ted. I do forgive you." In the moment I said those words, it felt like a thousand pounds of guilt and sadness was lifted right off of me. I hadn't felt this good in over a year. It was obvious that Ted was feeling something similar. He smiled broadly at me and placed a hand on each of my shoulders. "Aw, Robby!!! Really?! I know I don't deserve it..." "Ted, it's okay," I interrupted him. "It's time we all put this behind us. I forgive you." He surprised me by pulling me into a big bear hug. "You don't know what it means to hear you say that to me!" He released me from the hug and looked me in the eye. As we looked into each other's eyes, it was if there was some sort of gravitational pull between us. It was easy to see that the feeling that had been there between us a year ago were still as strong as ever. I think, before either of us knew what was happening, we were kissing right there in the middle of the courtyard. It felt good to have Ted's body next to mine like that have my hands on him and his hands on me, kissing him as if no time had passed at all. As we parted, Ted looked at me, wide-eyed. "I'm...I'm sorry about that, Robby. I shouldn't have... I just. I couldn't help it." "I know what you mean. It was as if something pushed us to kiss each other." Ted chuckled. "I guess the magic's still there." He fidgeted around. "I don't know where we go from here." I knew where my heart wanted it to go. But my brain knew it probably couldn't happen. "I'm sure Pete wouldn't be happy if it went where I think we both want it to go." "Yeah. You're right. I'm glad that at least we got to talk know. We put this behind us." "Yeah. Me too," I said. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss him again. "I'd better let you go and meet up with your family. I don't want to keep you from dinner. It was really good to see you again, Robby." "Same here, Ted." I reached up to lovingly rub the side of his handsome face and drift down over his dress shirt-covered chest before I withdrew it and turned to walk away. That's not how I wanted it to end. But, despite what had just happened between us, it had to end there. We couldn't move forward because of Pete. I understood that, as much as it hurt like hell. Dinner with the fam was great. We all had a good time. I ate a lot and drank a lot. My parents paid a lot. All in all, a good time was had by all. The next day, I was in my apartment, packing up the last of my things to take back home with me when a knock came at the door. It was Pete Davison. "Pete..." It was a shock to see him standing there, to say the least. "Hey. I know you're probably packing up to head home. But, do you have a couple minutes?" "Sure. Come in." I motioned for him to enter. He looked around. "It's been forever since I've been in here. God... The things that happened in this apartment..." He trailed off. "Yeah..." What else could I say? I was still nervous - even over a year later - about giving him the wrong idea. "Listen, I won't take up too much of your time. My boyfriend's waiting for me anyway." "Oh, you're seeing someone. I'm glad to hear that." I was genuinely happy for him. After everything he been through...everything that everyone involved had been actually warmed my heart to know he'd met someone new. "Thanks. We've been dating for about five months. And actually, that's part of the reason I'm talk to you." "I'm glad you stopped by. I tried to talk to know...after what happened. But, you wouldn't see me. Eventually, I stopped trying. But, you've been on my mind a lot over the past year, Pete." "You've been on my mind, too. For a long time, I was so angry at you. So hurt that you deceived me the way that you did. And, not only did you deceive me, you and my own father went behind my back. There you bed together, happy, and laughing at what a fool I was. Do you know how awful it is to have a complete stranger tell you that the person you feel like you're falling in love with has been fucking your own father behind your back?" "Pete, it wasn't like that. Your father and I were so tortured by what we were doing to you." Pete held up his hand. "Please. Let me say what I came here to say. For a long time, I was so consumed with rage. Rage at the both of you for what you'd done. Rage at what life had done to me. But, when that finally subsided, I realized that I'd known all along. I mean...not that you and my dad were fucking. I knew all along that you weren't in love with me. I was content to keep my head stuck in the sand because it was comfortable, even if it wasn't real. And now that I have someone in my life, I've realized that it's not right to keep holding on to these feelings. It's time to let that go...all of it. And that's why I'm here." "Pete, I appreciate you coming to tell me all of this. I hope you'll let me tell you something that I wanted to say to you back then. Something I've wanted to say for the past year. I'm sorry. I was a coward for not telling you how I really felt. I justified it by saying that I didn't want to hurt you. But the truth is, I was a coward." Pete smiled and extended his hand to me. As we shook, he spoke. "I'm glad this is all over. No hard feelings anymore, okay?" "Absolutely! Now, go ahead and find your man!" "Actually," Pete mused, "There's a small bit of unfinished business I have with you." "Oh...?" "It's my father... I saw the two of you yesterday at the student union. Saw you talking. Saw you hug and then kiss." "Shit!" I exclaimed, feeling like I could crawl in a hole and die. "I'm sorry, Pete. I didn't know you were there. It just...happened." "I know," Pete smiled, letting me know he wasn't upset. "I watched the two of you. I could see the chemistry between you, even after all the time that had passed. When you kissed, I could see what you wouldn't let me see a year ago. The two of you have such a spark. Dad didn't know - and doesn't know - that I was there yesterday. But, after he was with you, he was so much lighter, so much happier. It made me realize that I was wrong to do what I did a year ago. I shouldn't have made him give you up. But, I was so angry. I couldn't stop myself from doing what I did." "I understand, Pete. You were hurt." "But it wasn't any excuse. I robbed both of you of happiness because I wasn't happy. I'm here today to correct my mistake from a year ago." "What are you saying, Pete?" "I'm saying that my dad drove back home last night. I don't know what your plans are after you leave here today. But, I think you should strongly consider hopping in your car and going to see him." "I don't know about that," I hedged. "So much water has gone under that bridge." Pete interrupted me. "That's not true. I saw it yesterday. There's still so much between the two of you. My dad still wants you. I can tell it." "What about you? Is it going to hurt you if he and I work through things and end up dating?" Pete smiled. "No. I've moved on. I want my father to be happy. And if I know nothing else, it's that you will make him happy." Pete looked at his watch. "Listen, I really have to go. I hope you'll consider going to see him. If you don't, it'll be the worst mistake you could make." "I'll think about it. Thanks for stopping by, Pete. It means a lot that we've settled things. And, I'm happy for you." "Thanks. It was good to see you, Rob." With that, he was gone. I couldn't stop thinking about what Pete had said to me. He was right. There was still something between Ted and me. But had too much time passed? I wasn't sure what I should do. After a talk with my mother that night - she always knows the right thing to say at exactly the right time - I decided to let my parents take my stuff back to their house up in Portland. Meanwhile, I got in my car and drove down the coast. A few hours later, I pulled my car into Ted's driveway and was standing on his doorstep. When he answered the door, I could see the surprise on his face. "Robby! What... What are you doing here?" "I'm here because..." I was more nervous than I'd realized. "After yesterday, I couldn't let that be the last time I saw you. I needed to see you again. Can I come in?" "Sure!" He stepped aside and shut the door behind me after I was inside. "Do you want to come in and sit down?" "Yes. I would. But first, there's something I have to do." "Okay..." He looked at me expectantly. Now was the moment of truth. This would tell me all that I needed to know about where things would go from here. I reached out to grab Ted and pull him toward me, leaning in to kiss him. At first, he didn't kiss me back. Perhaps it was the shock of me doing that before we had a chance to talk. But, when he started participating in the kiss, it was just as it was when we kissed two days if no time had passed at all. Pete was right. If I hadn't come to see him, it would've been a huge mistake. As our kiss broke, Ted broke the ice. "Uh... So, I guess something changed between Thursday and now." "Your son." "Petey? What does he have to do with you being here?" "He came to my apartment yesterday and convinced me to come and see you." "He did that? Why?" "Let's go sit down," I said. "I have a feeling there's a lot we need to say to each other. That is, if you want to." He flashed me that same smile that always made me weak in the knees and made me rock hard. "Of course! But, uh... Do you think we can talk later? There's something I'd like to do first." "Oh?" I looked at him curiously. With a sly smile, he slipped his hand down to cup one of my ass cheeks and leaned in for another kiss. It may have been more than a year since we'd had sex, but Ted was still as horny as ever. Moments later, we were upstairs in his bedroom, kissing like star-crossed lovers who had been kept apart for far too long. And actually, that's what we were. We had each other naked in a matter of seconds. I broke my kiss with Ted and kissed my way up his jawline to his right ear, whispering softly, "Fuck me, Ted Davison." He pushed me back to look me in the eyes, the look on his face a mix of hunger and passion. "No." "No?!" I was confused. Why in the hell had he brought me up to his bedroom and stripped me naked if we weren't going to fuck? What was about to happen? Nap time? "Absolutely not. We're way past the fucking stage, Robby. I'm never fucking you again. From now on, we're only making love." If a preacher had been with us in that moment, I would've married him right then and there. Hands down, that's the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me. We started kissing again and, the next thing I knew, we were both naked and he'd eased me back onto his bed. I couldn't help but think I was about to have him on top of me, relishing the feeling of his body on top of mine again. Instead, Ted surprised me by kneeling on the floor and taking my hard cock in his mouth. Last year, he'd only blown me once and either I'd forgotten how good his skills were, or he'd made some vast improvements. I found myself writhing on his bed in fits of pleasure. I actually had to try with all my might to not unload in his mouth. "You've gotta stop that, or I'm going to come!" I called finally called out to him, worried that I wouldn't be able to hold out if he kept going like that. Ted pulled his mouth of me and looked up at me with a sly grin. "You mean to tell me you don't want me to have your load?" "Not yet! I want to enjoy this a little while longer!" I reached out to him and he climbed up onto the bed with me, his own hard cock pointing the way. "Then, while you come back down from almost cumming, why don't you return the favor. I've missed your mouth, Robby." "Not as much as I've missed having you in my mouth, I bet!" Maybe it was the fact that it had been a year since we'd last been together or maybe it was the moment we were in...finally together again after being kept apart for so long, but Ted's cock seemed bigger and harder than I remembered it. I used all of the skills I'd learned so well – and put to good use on him quite a few times a year ago. I swirled my tongue around his head and then took him as deep as my gag reflex would allow. Then, I pulled off and flicked my tongue along the underside of the shaft. After a little more than five minutes, Ted put his hand on my shoulder. "Now, it's your turn to stop! I'm gonna go over the edge if you keep going!" I grinned at him after begrudgingly pulling his dripping cock out of my mouth. "Now you know how I felt a few minutes ago!" Ted laid down on the bed next to me and we cuddled together, making out and touching, exploring each other's bodies for the next several minutes, whispering dirty, sweet, romantic, and loving things to each other. We talked about how we weren't ever going to let anything come between us we were meant to be. Finally, after laying an absolutely breathtaking, tongue-powered kiss on me, Ted whispered, "You ready, Robby?" "Ready? For what?" "Ready to be truly made love to." I chuckled softly. "I've been waiting my whole life for that." Smiling at me, wordlessly, Ted got up and flipped over so that we were in a 69 position. He began rimming me and – getting the idea that maybe I should prep him some too – I began sucking his rapidly hardening cock. After a couple minutes, Ted pulled his expert tongue from my hole and slid his cock from between my lips as he crawled up so that his body was above mine. For a moment, we just looked into each other's eyes, smiling at each other. This had been a long time coming. Being with Ted before was nice. Mind-blowing, actually. But we were sneaking around back then. Now was different. We were free to be together and there wouldn't be any guilt. "You ready for me, Robby?" I reached up to stroke the side of his face lovingly. "For longer than you know." Ted leaned down to kiss me softly before he moved into a kneeling position and had me lift my legs up to give him access. That afternoon, Ted ended up fucking me a couple different times. And, to cement our relationship and prove that we were truly on an equal footing, I fucked Ted once. There truly was something different in the air in Ted's bedroom. We were truly meant to be. And, after we lay on his bed, spent and cradled against each other. It felt like nothing was going to come between us again. After that day, everything changed. Ted and I agreed to put the past year behind us and start over. I ended up transferring to USC Law School and moved into an apartment halfway between Ted's house and campus. We spent the next couple years dating and getting to know each other better. Eventually, as things began to get more serious and we realized we were actually moving towards being a genuine "thing," he had me move in with him. It's been amazing to share his life and his bed with him without having to pretend or feel like we were hiding from someone. I feel like we might be moving toward the ultimate declaration of our love for each other. But, we're not there yet. It's just been wonderful to be with the man who I truly love. We overcame a lot to be together. But all of the struggle and heartache was worth it. I love Ted Davison and he loves me. He's even managed to get me into doing yoga. Now THAT's love! It may not be the most perfect love story ever told. But, it's my happy ending. Copyright Harrison Morris, 2018