Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 05:28:00 +1000 From: Maxwell Dowling Subject: Impossible Love Chapter 21 Impossible Love 21 The blood drained from Gianni's face as he slumped back onto his knees, I got up and went to calculate the damage, over a hundred and eighty grand was taken, luckily I had paid cash for my warehouse otherwise there would have been a lot more taken. He slowly came over to the table and took the book. "I will pay you back Antonio, every penny I will get back for you today." "Don't worry about it Gianni, we can talk about it later on, but for now what are we going to do about your father?" "I have no idea Antonio, why would he do this to us, to me. If he only wanted money why didn't he talk to me, I would have given a shit load more, and I was going to give him more today at the bank." I made coffee then went to get Lukas, after changing him I got his bath out while Gianni stared into space, he was still in shock. Lukas was bathed and dressed in his finest gear for his day of crawling around which he practiced as soon as he was put down, but not before I smelled and kissed him all over. "Maybe he's in debt Gianni, he will come back so don't worry about it." "I am sorry Antonio, really I am." "It's okay Gianni, we weren't to know, can I ask you something?" "Yes Antonio." "The Cartasso wines, specifically the best one, do you know who created it?" "Yes Antonio, my grandfather, he got many awards, they are all displayed at the winery. I look at them all the time and remember him." He didn't want to know why I had asked so I didn't tell him. He pulled me down onto his lap, and I kissed him. Yes, I was happy Basilio turned up and yes I was happy because Gianni was happy, and apart from some cleaning and some support for his son I was pissed off when he told me he asked him to move in. "I need to talk with you." "Yes, Antonio?" "Gianni you have a wonderful son, and you still have me but I'm not his father. I understand you had a housekeeper where you lived in Italy, but I'm not your housekeeper, I'm your partner. And I am more than happy to look out for Lukas because I love him very much, but I'm still not his father." "I understand Antonio, I do, and I try to be a better dad every day, but it's not like home here, it's different, I will hire a housekeeper." I dropped my head and said, "Gianni, we don't need a housekeeper just a cleaner so we can spend more time with Lukas as a family, we should be talking more, taking more responsibility for each of our lives and not leave it up to the others to get things done, because if that happens nothing gets done. I went to his grandma and grandad's place alone yesterday and they were so disappointed you didn't come for lunch. Everyone has accepted you and Lukas into their families, don't you see it? Don't you see that we are a family unit that is growing every day, or is that not what you want Gianni?" He had more tears and looked me in the eyes and answered, "I do want it Antonio, it's just that I'm used to doing whatever I want and I had no one to look after, and Lukas was well looked after. But you are right, he was with me most of the time back home but not here." "I'm not saying you don't love your son, what I'm trying to tell you is some people love their children but don't want to be around them, and I think Basilio is one of them and I don't want you to be like him with Lukas, or me for that matter. He cares more about his wine and money than he does for his family. I am getting the feeling that his love for you isn't that strong after all." "That impossible love Antonio, I think I see what you mean now and I will try to be a better man for you and Lukas because I do adore you and I have an exceptional love for my son, he lights my life up and you make it shine bright." "Thank you." I kissed him. The boys came in looking for food so I went about warming Nona's take-home. Gianni picked Lukas up and started kissing him as he giggled at his funny daddy. "Where's Basilio?" Carlos asked. "Gone," Gianni replied. "Gone home?" "No, he's gone, he left early this morning with all Antonio's money he keeps under the sideboard." "What, he stole money from you Antonio?" "Yes, and he also took Giannis." I placed the food on the table. "Why?" Leon asked. "We don't know why, but we do know he took the money." "That's terrible Gianni, we have to go after him, have you got his address?" "No, we will leave it brothers, he is welcome to it. I will replace it when I go to the bank today." "We will have to find another hiding place," he said as I sat down and started helping myself to some nice cannelloni. "We will keep the same place Gianni. I doubt whether he will be back for more," I answered. "Then we have to up the security." He looked at me. "No, I don't want to be worried about thieves getting in, up until now this place has been very secure and nothing's soiled its beauty, we have trusted everyone that has been in here, even my gran dusted my money when I was in Italy and not a penny was touched." He took my hand and squeezed it. "It's the gypsy in him Antonio. They have a bad reputation for stealing in Europe," Leon offered. "Thank you Leon. But if he wanted money he only had to ask Gianni. I suppose the pull of all that cash lying about got to him, maybe he has big debts, maybe he just didn't care enough. I am starting to understand why Sabine took Gianni, she could maybe tell the future and in her world your future Gianni would be all gone by now and you would be living in a caravan on the road somewhere in Italy. You told me once that the money was your poppa's, that's why you never touched it, do you still feel that way baby?" "No Antonio, the money was mama's and now is mine, and I owe Sabine an enormous apology if this is the case." "We will wait and see baby, let's not judge at the moment, he maybe will turn up with it." "I doubt it." Gianni was at his lowest and I have to try and prop him up, so happy then so sad, it's a rollercoaster for him. "What have you on today boys?" I tried to change the subject. "Nothing really Antonio, what are you doing?" "I'm going to pack up some food and some wine and I'm going to take our son to the park to get some sunshine and fresh air, it's getting stuffy in here." I wanted to get Gianni out of this place, his father has placed a curse on it and I didn't like it one bit. But I do know if I ever see him again I will walk straight past without even blinking. "A picnic in the park, can we come?" "Of course you can, it wouldn't be a picnic without you two there." I smiled at them. "We will go buy a couple of chickens and some salads." "If you want that will be very nice, we can get it on the way to the bank, and Gianni I want those statements while you're there." We readied ourselves and on the way out we ran into Anna, we told her she and Gino were welcome to come so she ran inside to ask him. "We will see you there boys, I will get something on the way." "Okay, we will be an hour and will meet you at the park." I pushed Lukas who once again wanted to look at everything on the way, while Gianni had found the spring in his step, but that was all for show. We waited until he did his business and when he came out he passed statements to me and stashed stuffed envelopes into his backpack. "Your money." "Thank you, but you didn't have to." "Yes I did, no one fucks with my family, especially with their hard-earned cash." I nodded my acceptance. We met Gino and Anna at the entrance then walked around to find a good spot away from screaming kids and parties. Over one little hill was the perfect spot and I set the blanket down and then the wine was opened. I lay on the rug with Lukas and Gianni was talking to Gino, but nothing was said about his father or the robbery. I had already decided to tell him about it in private, just in case he gets robbed because I know he keeps cash in his home also, but that's for when we are alone. Anna and Carlos started making up some food into plastic containers she had brought, and a chicken leg was passed to me so I unpicked it a bit and mashed it between my fingers before I fed it to Lukas, he likes chicken so he was very interested in his food today. I sipped the wine and felt eyes looking at me so I turned to Gianni, his eyes were filled with tears as he crept over and whispered, "I will be the best husband and father there is Antonio. I promise you." He kissed me deeply but then Carlos wanted one, then Leon, Gino said he would get his later but Anna also wanted one. I have no idea why Basilio took our money and I have no way of finding out so the only thing I can do is support Gianni as much as I can and hopefully he can pull himself out of his funk. We had a really good afternoon, I didn't drink a lot because someone has to stay sober for Lukas. Anna was showing and looked as healthy as any pregnant woman does, she glowed. I was telling her we are going to look for a cleaner, someone that can clean the apartment and take care of Lukas for a few hours when needed. She couldn't think of anyone but thought it a really good idea, I told her I would talk to Nina and she told me to run it past Nona first, she might get her nose put out of joint if we don't ask her first, which reminds me. "Gianni, when you have time can you and the boys install that baby capsule in the van for me?" "Yes baby, I will get onto it as soon as possible." "I need to be able to get Lukas around and I don't want to use public transport, it's a hassle." "No problem, we can do it when we get home," Gino said. Good make sure you do. When we got back the boys, Gino and Gianni sat on the steps, Anna went for a shower and I took Lukas upstairs. I opened a wine and sat on the small balcony and cleared my mind, then I rang grandma. "I would be honored to look after my great-grandson Antonio, what about I come over Wednesday and Sunday to give your little flat a sweep, that will free you up to help Gianni at the market? "But Nona, it won't take all day." "Yes it will Antonio, I need some time with Lukas don't forget." "Okay, only if you're up to it, if you feel the extra work will be too much just say." "I can cope with a little cleaning Antonio, what is it you want me to do?" "Change the bed, vacuum, do the washing, I think that's about it. I can do dishes and clean the bathrooms." "Okay, I will work with you and maybe I will bring your grandfather one day, he can fix all the little things that need doing." "What things?" "Just things when I find them Antonio. Leave it up to me, I will start tomorrow bright and early." "Thank you." "Have you sorted out your little problem yet?" "Some of it gran, I have paperwork I want grandad to go over, I will leave it on the table for him." "Then I will see you at seven-thirty." Gianni and the boys came looking for more food, their party had ended when Anna wanted Gino to do something for her. "Did you do the baby seat?" "No Antonio, we will do it tomorrow." "I rang gran and she's happy to come here twice a week to clean, let's not make it hard for her, we can pick up as we go Gianni." "Yes, Antonio, I don't want her to be exhausted." "A message from Sabine Carlos, she is coming in two weeks." Leon was looking at his phone while Carlos shoved a tray of lasagne in the microwave, gran would be furious. "Is Ramone coming with her?" Carlos asked. "No baby, he's going to Monaco for the Grand Prix I think, she wants to see Lukas and check out the event. I sent her the plans but didn't hear back from her, I suppose they have her approval." "Have you boys done anything more about living here more permanently?" I wanted to know if they had got any further to living their own lives, and I wanted to get rid of the gloom in the house. "The apartment is in the company's name Antonio, maybe we thought we may buy that off them if they agree, and stay near to our brothers. As far as jobs go, we still work for the Cartasso event side of the business and we can always pick up work at the bar, or when Gianni starts his hobby winery we can do the promotion." "Sounds like a plan guys, Gianni have you thought any more about making your wines?" "Yes Antonio, I am not going ahead with it." I took some food and sat with him. "Why not?" "I want to just do the café Antonio, maybe I will change my mind later on but for now it's just the café. When papa was here he had some good ideas for wines but I needed him for some recipes, mine aren't good enough." "They can be, all you have to do is let the customers be the judge Gianni, you may think they are crap but I think you are being too harsh." "Yes Gianni, you are too harsh, you don't need your poppa to make good wines, we know you have plenty of recipes and ideas, we have seen them remember," Leon said. "It's a lot to set up then fail." "Whose going to fail Gianni, you? I don't think so, no I doubt very much that you will fail, and if you do, it will be your lack of believing in yourself, not your wines." "I will think more Antonio, can we go and sit on the walkway?" "Sure baby, let's chill out, no business talk tonight at all." I will ask the boys what he needs to start up a small winery and then I will investigate it all. Before we went out I rang Gino, he was up for another drink and I also put Lukas to bed, well I didn't, Gianni did, and I could hear him talking to him while he did it. I went in to kiss him good night before we went to have a small party. Gino apologized for not doing the baby capsule and I said I will do it tomorrow, then I know it will be done. I still had that money in my backpack and have to put it away, I was in two minds as to whether to place it elsewhere, and I might have a look around. As luck would have it, it was Gino that gave me an idea, he said he had been painting the spare bedroom for the baby and he had to nail a window frame back on, the previous owners had loosened it to make a hidey-hole. He said he found an empty wine cask in it, maybe the previous tenant was a secret drinker. Our window frame in the bedroom would be ideal, maybe grandad can help with that. He talked more about his baby and we listened because it was warming to hear the love in his voice. I nearly cried when he told us it would be a boy, he couldn't keep that secret to himself any longer, a boy and a mate for Lukas, they could play cricket in the street together. We didn't stay on the walkway into the wee hours because by midnight I'd had enough, so I checked Lukas and told the guys I was going to bed. That started a mass exodus and surprisingly the boys went to their bed. Gianni stripped and got into bed and was still a bit depressed and probably felt foolish, he had so many expectations of his dad that were dashed yesterday. I pulled him in and kissed his face several times. "Now I want you to get a good night's sleep and clear your head of any nasty thoughts Gianni. We will deal with it if it ever arises again, but for now, it's us three and our great friends and brother. "Thank you Antonio. I do feel bad for you and a little foolish that I was made to look like an idiot, but I will try harder to make your life better, I promise." "I promise I will make yours better too, and nothing is going to get us down or break us because we are a family." I kissed him again and yearned for some Gianni dick, but he closed his eyes and went to sleep. It was a different morning when I woke to a wet warm feeling in my groin. Gianni had decided to blow me when he woke up and as per usual he was doing a good job of it. It didn't take me long to get off, so I insisted I do him the same way and by the smile on his face he needed to start his day off nicely. We showered and I started organising some breakfast while he attended to his giggling son. I put some baby food on the table and they sat and had a really good catch up. I grabbed the backpack and emptied it and there was still some picnic stuff in it plus the paperwork and envelopes. I left it all on the table. "Didn't you get any money for yourself?" "No Antonio, I will start again, the other day was a good day for the café but I have decided if papa needed the money then he is welcome to it, the bigger money is invested but I can't touch it without Sabine's signature. The one you have is our company one." "Well you know he was using the company account to get his wines, and I saw him take money out of the register to give to Nina." "He did that to me?" "Yes Gianni, he has owed her money for a few years so she said." "More headache Antonio, he should have asked me. Thank the gods a lot of money was separate to pay suppliers and wages." "Well it's over now." There was a knock on the door and a smiling gran and grandpa came in. She headed for Lukas and took the baby food off Gianni while I made coffee for them both. "I can see why you need a housekeeper Antonio; this place is filthy." "No nan, it's messy not filthy, there's a difference." "I had it all looking nice for your homecoming and now I have to start it all over again." I started picking up Lukas' soft toys and threw them into his bedroom. "I can see I didn't train you too well, you pick up one mess and make another in your baby's room, and what is that on your plate Gianni?" "Some eggs on toast Nona." "It doesn't look anything like eggs on toast, here hold my grandson." She passed Lukas to grandad then she picked his plate up and threw the contents into the kitchen bin. Then she started to make him a nice breakfast. I can see heads will be butted if she has her way, but I also know I should keep my ungrateful mouth shut. Gianni was pleased with his breakfast, the plate was almost overflowing and lucky me I got one too. Lukas was taken back and I talked to grandad about installing a secret stash cubby in the window frame. He went to have a look and asked me where the tools were. I had some tools in a cupboard by the front door and Gianni was going to use them to install that bloody seat in my van. He sniffed as he looked through it and asked if we had any nails. I did have a jar of odd nails in the kitchen cabinet. "Grandad, before you look at the window frame can I give you these statements?" "Are they Gianni's accounts Antonio?" "Yes, please just look for any discrepancies, from what I can see Gianni hasn't used the account to buy personal stuff, so there should be only business deposits." "Certainly Antonio, and if you had continued to college you could have done it all yourself." He laughed, I'm over it. I tucked into the rest of my food which was delicious and then I cleaned up the plates. Gianni was looking at his statements and grandad was staring at him until he looked up and said, "I went to college." He laughed. Well I'm a successful businessman, so up yours, I said to myself only. "There is no withdrawals in this account grandad because I use my everyday one for my needs. I didn't think you would want to see the statements from that one because the only deposits are from my work at the winery." "If we need to look at them I will ask you to get them for me son, but for now this is enough to go on with." Gran started by picking up some clothes, I helped her but got a stare again. "Shouldn't you and Gianni be heading off to work?" "Yes Nona, right away Nona." She slapped me on the arm for being insolent, Gianni laughed. We got ready for work and Gianni put his jeans and t-shirt on as I stood there and tapped my foot until he changed into his standard uniform, then I put my new shorts and tank on and he went ape shit. My ass has never felt so loved as he smoothed his hands over it. We were lucky we were in the bathroom. "Antonio, do you go out on the street like that in daylight?" "Yes gran, I run in shorts and they are the new uniform at the café." "What sort of place are you running Gianni, a Florentine brothel?" I was waiting for the slap but it didn't arrive. We said goodbye to them and little Lukas got extra kisses, the heartbreaking bawling started as we went down the stairs. He is so used to going to the market with us, I just hope we are doing the right thing by him. Gianni held his arm around my shoulder as we walked up the street, he even kissed me a few times when we turned into a less busy street and his hand rested on my ass. The café was busy and Alice was so disappointed Lukas was at home. "He will be here tomorrow honey, it's just Wednesday and Sundays gran will look after him. She wasn't happy but understood. I also had a word with her about the back door to my shop, would she keep it locked when Lukas was sleeping, I didn't want my son to be bothered by people coming through it, I didn't tell her about Basilio. I saw Gianni pull the staff into a small huddle and then they went off to do what they do best. I looked over at the coffee machine and there was Angelo with his perfect bubble butt in black stretchy shorts and a tank top, he grinned at me and I started rising because he was awesome, then the little shit ran his hands over his behind. "I told the staff to clean out the register every hour and to give the notes to me." "Good idea Gianni, where are you going to put the money?" "I will place it in my backpack, the lady in the alterations shop will sew in a secret compartment." "Well if that's the best there is then so be it, good thinking." "What would you have done Antonio?" He asked. "Let Stavros look after your backpack and when he goes home, let Alice take care of it. I think it needs to be somewhere away from the cafe." He looked me in the eye and in front of about six hundred market shoppers he took me in his arms and kissed me again. I heard a few claps but that was all. "Of course Stavros will want to be paid, do you want me to talk business with him?" He smiled and said, "Thank you." "Stavros, I have some business to discuss with you." "Pull up a chair Antonio." "We have had some trouble with missing money in the café and would like to know if we clean out the notes every hour, could you sit on Gianni's backpack, and when money is handed to you put the money in it for us?" "That would be perfectly fine Antonio, does this have to do with his father placing his hand in the register several times yesterday?" I didn't want to say it but I trusted him. "Yes, he took too much my friend, it's weighing heavily on Gianni." "He's gypsy Antonio, always expect the worst even if he comes back, be very, very cautious." "We will Stavros, it is all very disappointing." Business concluded and he held his hand out so I fished around and found a hundred dollars and passed it over. "That's a week, not a day." "I understand Antonio, it's good to be working again." He laughed his head off. I didn't have to ask Alice, she and I have a very good hidey-hole for the notes, in her bra. As I got up to go back and tell Gianni I saw a dark curly-headed man in an overcoat rush into the store. "What fucking now?" Stavros got his phone out, I think to call security, Basilio was helping himself to the till again, and some top-shelf wine. "Get your hand off it Basilio, it doesn't belong to you," I shouted. Gianni came in from the back, he stopped suddenly because he couldn't believe his father was using him again. "It's family money Antonio, none of your business. I have a right to use my son's money any way I see fit." "Stop it papa, just stop it." "You disrespect me Gianni, hey, you would do that to your poppa?" Gianni walked over to him and took the two bottles out of his hands then he fished in his pocket and grabbed whatever cash was in there. "The only thing you had to do papa was to ask me for some money and I would have given it all to you. But to take Antonio's hard-earned cash, that is not what my family does. My family is kind and considerate like Antonio who has been very good to you." Gianni rose to his full height, he looked awesome. "Now get out and please don't come back, you are no longer family." He was furious with him, I got a glare from Basilio as he turned and was greeted by two security men who escorted him off the market property, but before he went out the door he yelled, "Family money Gianni, don't you ever forget that I am your father and that money belongs to me." He passed the money to me with another bunch with an elastic band around it and I stroked his arm and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you my friend." "Your welcome baby." He managed a goofy smile. I marched back to Stavros who secured it in the backpack and sat on it. "His ass is nice, isn't it Antonio?" "Whose ass?" "My grandson's Antonio, do you think you would consider becoming his lover, I know he likes you?" "What? No way, he's a baby." "Don't tell him that Antonio, he thinks you have the hots for him." He laughed so much he attracted attention from everyone. I walked off in a huff, and a half a stiff. When I went back into the café Gianni was already onto a small change, he had written a sign for the window, `no alcohol to be served to intoxicated persons'. He had no idea after three days of being drunk his father was an alcoholic, but he did now. "Thank god," I said. "Let's get back to work, do you want me to tell the staff?" I offered. "Already done that Antonio," He can't run a business like this in an uncontrolled atmosphere. It was two when the boys turned up, we made them sit out the back to have a wine with us and we told them what had happened with Basilio. They were gobsmacked and again wanted his home address because they were going to make him disappear. I laughed and said, "Like the two guys buried under the statue in your village?" "Yes Antonio, and the other seven buried amongst the vines." Leon sneered very scarily like. I couldn't stop laughing and of course, I got a clip under the ear from Gianni. "Have some respect for my brothers Antonio." He at least was smiling. "Sorry." I squeezed my eyes shut and willed myself to stop it. "Gianni, you had better take Antonio into the toilet and shaft him, he's getting much too cheeky nowadays," Carlos said. Gianni looked at me and I shivered just as sweet Angelo walked in to use the toilet. "Is it safe to go in there Antonio?" "Yes of course it is." He smiled at the boys and I heard the lock on the door engage. Trusting little soul I thought but when I looked, all three boys were looking at the toilet, they were almost drooling. "Oh come on now, he's a baby." Then I stared with them. We grabbed the backpack from Alice who had been sitting on it since Stavros left, then Gianni put it on his back, he turned the lights out and kissed me in the dark, we lingered for some time until we had to go home to relieve gran. I had eyes everywhere while we walked down the street, Basilio could do anything, he was plain crazy in the shop today. When we walked in I didn't recognize the place, it was wonderfully tidy, Lucas was on the floor all dressed and he was the first person Gianni picked up and kissed. Nan must have been working flat out all day to get this place into shape, she even had moved furniture to make it look bigger. "Oh nan, it's wonderful, thank you so much." I hugged and kissed her. And she smiled because she is always proud of her work. "Please sit down and I will make you coffee boys." We sat and Lucas bent over, he wanted to say hello to me too so I took him and kissed him. "Antonio, Gianni, I have been working flat out all day today, can you please come with me," grandad said. We followed him into the bedroom where he showed us our new hidey-hole, he had done a great job and it was very undetectable, a magnet kept it closed and I saw he had placed my envelopes in it. "I have also installed the baby seat and I have done your paperwork." He was a gem, a bloody gem. We thanked them both sincerely and I was dying to find out if he found anything, not that it matters now, hopefully, we have seen the last of him. "Gianni, there is nothing suspicious in your accounts, there are deposits from shares from your company, and many from wine sales, you have a very substantial balance Gianni, at first I thought it was thousands but I was shocked to see it was millions. I had no idea the Cartasso family is this rich." "I don't know grandad, most of it was my mother's, if I get more statements it will probably show up as a deposit, do you want me to get them?" "No Gianni, let's believe that most of this money came from your mother, to reassure you this particular account is very well looked after, you need two signatories to withdraw from it." "Yes I know, Sabine's and mine, but I never need to withdraw from this account anyway." "So you got my money out of your everyday account then?" I asked. "Yes Antonio, I never use this one, I have a lot of money in my everyday account, I get a good wage from my work and as I said you have the company card, and I have one too if we ever get stuck." "Maybe you had better get me the statements from that account Gianni then we will know some more." "Thank you, grandad, I never look at it, I just go and get some euro whenever I need to buy something for myself. If it's for Lukas, Sabine usually buys his stuff. And I never pay for wine or food, that comes from the big house." I think grandad was having a moment, he didn't look too well. I picked up the statements and looked at the balance then I put it down because it made me sick to see it. I liked my Gianni when he was a gypsy peasant, I don't need to know how much money he has. "Well it looks like it's all on the up and up." Nonno then looked at gran. "We had better get home mama, you must be missing your cooker." He got a slap, and gran got a big hug for all the things she has done for us. They left and we laid on the floor with Lukas, he was getting good at crawling and we wanted to watch him for a while.