Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 15:15:05 +1000 From: Max Dowling Subject: Impossible Love 48 Impossible Love 48 Maxieplus Leon brooded for the rest of the day I didn't feel sorry for him because I do know that property prices will rise, we have a big shortage of properties at the moment. By the time Gianni drove us home he was giggling to himself, I guess he feels so much better about it. "You got me good Antonio." He laughed. "Yes I did, now you know it's dangerous to interfere with my business." I smiled sweetly. They changed their clothes and Gianni and I played with Lukas, we will be eating at the Italian club tonight so I have to find something nice to dress him in otherwise the other mothers will gossip about us. No steps tonight only our balcony with the boys. I dressed casual and got a pinched bum off Carlos as I walked by, the message I got from Roberto said simply `The package has landed' I will ring him tomorrow and thank him for all his hard work and make sure he sends an account to me. "Matteo has landed at Tullamarine baby, expect a visit tomorrow." "Really? I can't wait to introduce all my brothers to him. Did Roberto say where he will be staying?' "No Gianni just that he has landed." I showed him the message and it lifted his spirits immensely. Let's pray he's not like Basilio. We picked Anna and Gino up then Federico and Alice and we all walked together down to the Italian club around seven. I had spoken to Angelo privately this afternoon and told him to spread the word, Remo isn't to be told anything. Tonight I will speak to grandad if I get the chance otherwise I will go visit him Monday. The boys had to celebrate Matteo's arrival by calling into two bars on the way and Federico joined them, the last bar was the best so Alice Anna and I walked ahead. I parked the new stroller in the foyer and went through the big doors. After greeting as many people as I could, we found Nona and Nono at our regular table, there was no sign of Remo or his family but I pushed in three extra chairs anyway. Maxie and Tommaso were sitting with their parents and Angelo was with a beautiful blonde lady and a few friends. As usual, Nina was surrounded by her ladies, and all through the night that would change constantly. Gran took Lukas and Alice watched, Anna looked so uncomfortable she was sitting funny in her seat. "Do you want a cushion?" "If I could Antonio, this kid is awake and kicking." I went to find her one just as the boys arrived, they were all in good spirits and it was hard not to notice they were out to party tonight. I grabbed a cushion from the kid's room and got Anna comfortable just as Gino sat down to open another vino. "Get this bloody thing out of me will you, it's driving me crazy." She almost yelled and some ladies heard, they all wanted to rub her tummy and for whatever reason, the baby went back to sleep. Remo Dave and Queenie arrived and I waved them across, they squeezed in and I introduced them as Carlos placed another table next to ours to make it more comfortable for everyone. "Is that the boy you are helping Antonio?" Gran whispered. "Yes gran, he's a great kid and will do well with his shop." "Good to see he's got his head screwed on properly, do you want to change places so you can talk to grandad?" "I will get to him later gran, I don't know what I want, some advice I suppose." "Well he's full of that grandson, did you buy a tape measure?" "No gran I haven't got around to it yet," I grinned. "I have a spare one, put this in your pocket." She handed a new one over to me and I did what I was told, I doubt whether I will use it but they come in handy sometimes. When I saw a break in Nina's business I went over and had a word with her, she promised me Dave will be called to do the plumbing on the new shops, she took his card and a hundred dollars for her time. I laughed as I walked back to the table and waved to Tommaso's parents, his dad blew me a kiss, normally I would take offense at that but not here and not amongst my friends. Sabine and Tony arrived with Iris and now thanks to Carlos we had plenty of room at our table. Leon went and got a small bowl for the center and when it appeared so did many gift cards, each guest at the table threw in a hundred-dollar gift card, we will hand them to Remo when the times right. Surprisingly people came from everywhere and did the same, the ladies in Angelo's kitchen had put the word out, some were for twenty, some for fifty whatever they could afford. I will bundle them up and give them to Dave to hold for him. Sabine looked ravishing tonight and Tony didn't take his eyes off her all night, they had just about every dance together except two he had with Iris, and I think I had every dance with everybody in the room, my feet were so sore. I had to pull the pin around nine I was stuffed. The boys had sat either side of Iris and they giggled their way through the night, I hope they aren't trying to get her drunk again. My man danced with me the most, he was on a big high and he couldn't wait until tomorrow, so was Sabine she has waited for this moment for many years, I hope he's nice and doesn't cause a fuss with her when he hears her story, he will understand surly. "She's a customer I told her I don't date my customers but she insisted. Dad and Stavros are going bat shit crazy she's ten years older than me Antonio and I don't even like her, she's too pushy and wants to rub my ass all the time." "Do you think she maybe wants to bed you tonight?" "I know she does, how do I handle this. I can handle the women that are the same age as me but not the really old ones." "Leave it to me baby, and if you are asked to dance accept the offer." "What do you mean?" "You will see." I went back to the table after leaving a red-faced Angelo with his older woman, she was feeding him strawberries from her cocktail. I gathered the boys together and they laughed their heads off, they wanted him to suffer I wanted to help because that's what we do. The first cab off the rank will be me, when the band started up I walked over and asked Angelo to dance, he blushed his way through me pulling his chair out and I said to the lady. "We won't be a moment." Her face went blank. Next was Gianni, Leon, Carlos, who got a bum feel in and then Maxie and Tommaso, by the time we got to me again she had excused herself and gone to the ladies, never to return. Angelo thanked us and we told him to stick with the boys at least they loved him for who he is, not his bum, yeah right. The food was amazing and Remo danced with Sabine and Queenie and when he asked Dave he gracefully didn't accept. Remo's laughter was heard all over the place. Dave danced with queenie Sabine, Nina, and five of her single girls. Finally, I was seated next to grandad. "How's my business grandad." "Why didn't you buy that Apartment?" For God's sake how the hell does he know. "I was going to but Leon stuffed it up for me, so I let him buy it." "Offer him four twenty, it's a bargain." "I will grandad I just want him to suffer for a few days." "Antonio the block of flats down the road that are similar to yours are going for a half a mil at the moment they are being renovated by hippies and will fetch a good profit. Give it six months and yours will be worth a lot more especially if it's on the street" "You mean hipsters, grandad." "Yes those people." I laughed. "Can I afford it?' "Not if you keep throwing your money away Antonio, but of course we can afford it." "We?" "I meant you." He grinned. "I will make him an offer then. I was disappointed he started bidding for it he knew I wanted to buy property in the area." "Well your warehouses have done very well." "Thank you grandad keep an eye on them for me will you?" "Yes I believe you are too busy reuniting brothers and setting up friends in their own business, which I have to say is very commendable, a fresh pasta shop will bring in plenty. You should have opened it yourself." "I'm not greedy grandad." `You should be." He smiled then he went to play cards with Stavros, I guess he's going to brag about the new apartment. I next spoke to Leon he agreed twenty thousand was a good profit then I told Gianni who kissed me and said he was pleased. I asked him if he wanted to go me shares but he said grandad would get angry if he did and he can always buy one if he wanted to match it. Remo Dave and Queenie had a great night they laughed so much it was so nice to see, God knows they have done it tough these past months. Lukas also had a wonderful night because I hardly saw him after gran whisked him off to the playroom, but I was informed he was sitting with the others in front of the TV. Gino and Anna left early she was beginning to feel uncomfortable again, her time is near so Gran said, maybe a premature baby for them both. Gianni was very active tonight he wanted to do a bar crawl on the way home and just after Angelo thanked us all he whisked me off to do just that. Naturally, I was stuck with the baby so I escorted Alice and Federico home then got Lukas into bed. They rolled in a half hour later and sat on our large balcony, it wasn't the same so we took the baby monitor and our glasses out to the walkway to sit. "Gino's baby will appear very soon so gran said." "Good I can't wait to meet the little bambino," Gianni said. "Us too," Carlos added. "You must ring the man and change the name on the sale document Antonio," "I will do it in the morning." I smiled then I went to get twenty grand in cash for Leon, he smiled and gave it back to me. "We are a good family Antonio, brothers do not make money out of brothers." "Thank you." I heard Carlos say quietly. "I wondering what time he will show up Antonio." "If he's keen it will be early, if he's not fussed it will be later in the day." "If he's nervous it will be around lunch time," Leon said. "Shall we take bets?" Carlos said, so we did. After getting comfortable in Gianni's big arms I fell asleep almost immediately, surprisingly I was woken by the smell of coffee and a fully dressed husband, he was eager to get to work. "It's too early Gianni, give us time to wake up?" "Antonio it's nearly six-thirty I want to get to work early today." "Okay let me shower first." He left to do Lukas and I rolled over for another half hour sleep. I was shaken awake as the boys left our bed and went to shower, I walked out and Gianni was pacing up and down, Lukas was in front of the you know what. "Have you had breakfast?" "No, I was waiting for you but you went back to sleep." "Sorry I was tired." "Can you stay home Antonio, I want to go." "Then go baby, I will catch up, you take the car and we can run to work." "You don't mind?" "Of course not, go." I kissed him and he grabbed the lift down to the street level. I put some toast on for bubs and then sat with my coffee and giggled, he's going to be either pissed off or very happy when we get there. "Where did he go?" Carlos asked. "He's gone to the market he's is still all worked up ." "Okay Antonio I understand I am a little excited myself to meet my older brother." "He will love you Carlos." I went to shower and dress and then I rallied the troops and we headed off to work. I will have breakfast at Angelo's. The new stroller was perfect for running, and Lukas loved the wind in his hair as he laughed his way up the street. When we got there Gianni was pacing again, it looks like I am going to have to calm him down. I sat him at Angelo's and ordered him a big breakfast but he wouldn't stop looking around for his brother. Sabine and Alice took Lukas for a cuddle and I sent some scrambled eggs over for him to eat. The boys ordered the same as Gianni and I had my standard bacon and eggs on toast. Angelo was on board this morning, and again he thanked us for helping with his problem, he said he gets older women hitting on him all the time. He also whispered to me he wasn't sure he was dead straight anyway. I laughed and told him he was, and not to play with my emotions. The boys in his restaurant will be moving into the flat tomorrow they were so hyped up. They had been making plans the last three days but in the end all they have to do is move their clothes in, I left most of the furniture in it anyway because Gianni wanted new stuff. The café opened when the boys came in and I had finished my breakfast, so I went to help set up, Gianni and his brothers were still eating. I went to check the bathroom and heard the bang at the back door, so I opened it and came face to face with, Gianni. Well it wasn't Gianni it was his half-brother but except for the shorter hair, he was the spitting image of my husband. "Good morning Matteo, what took you so long?" He stared at me like I was mad. "Antonio, Gianni's husband we have been expecting you." I shook his hand. "Why, how did you know I was coming?" "We had you followed in Ireland and the agent said you were on your way." "But I didn't know you or this Gianni, I was told to come here and speak with him first. I want to speak with a lady called Sabine." "Well, sit here and I think you should be talking to Gianni first." "Who is this Gianni?" "Your brother." You could have knocked him down with a feather his face dropped and his eyes were moist." "I have a brother?" "Three actually but Gianni is your real half-brother, he's blood." "I have so many questions Antonio Gianni's husband, where is he, where is this lady Sabine?" "We want you to talk to Gianni first, he doesn't want to upset his mama if you want to make trouble with her." "I am not here to make trouble. I am here to find my family. I was adopted out many years ago by a lady called Sabine, that's all I know. But I was told to come to Australia and see a Gianni. Is he really my brother?' "Yes, now sit here and I will get him for you, Sabine is also in Melbourne but you have to talk to her sons before you see her. I won't be a moment would you like coffee?" "Yes please, Antonio." He was a magnificent specimen, my imagination was running wild, his lips and eyes were the same as Gianni's and his build was awesome. I walked out and got Pedro to take a coffee out to him then I went to whisper in Gianni's ear. "You owe me fifty bucks." "What for Antonio." "The bet last night. I told you he would turn up early." He looked around and saw no one. "He's in the staff room." He bolted out of his chair and ran towards the tea room, my tears arrived as I looked at the boys. "He's here." I managed to say. They went the same way as Gianni. I grabbed their appointment book and followed. All I heard was crying and some laughing and when I arrived they were holding each other tightly. Matteo was asking questions but Gianni was too busy kissing his face, umm. "Give the man some space Gianni, he hardly knows you." "Don't get any ideas Antonio." He laughed at me. I sat and sipped my coffee until the noise settled down because Leon and Carlos didn't want to be left out. They eventually sat and Gianni held his hand. "Now tell me what happened and how did I get such a big family?" "I am Sabine's sister's son and my father was called Basilio he is also your father. Sabine adopted me when my mama passed away and she also adopted these two so I would have brothers." "Where is Sabine, I need to see her. I have waited so long and where is my papa I want to know him also." "We have some good news and some bad Matteo, your father passed away three months ago. Sabine is around and wants to talk to you first, she has something to tell you and it's not all good so to start your story we think you should talk to her first. She had no choice to adopt you out, but she has been keeping an eye on you now and then." I said to him. "Please?" He put his hands together and was begging me. "Come with me." I knew Sabine was in her shop because I saw her turn the lights on. He followed me with his brothers out to the front. "See that dress shop?" "Yes Antonio." "That lady in there with the long dark hair is your mama." He started crying and when I looked again Sabine looked up and screamed. She ran from the shop into Matteo's arms he embraced her gently and started kissing her cheeks. "Mama." Was all I heard as I walked away from the very emotional reunion of mama and son. My tears were flowing when I went back into the shop staff room to grab some more tissues and a stiff drink. The boys came in and had one also, they had been crying and said that Sabine and Matteo had gone off to Nina's office to talk. I was worried that Sabine might chicken out but Gianni said that Nina was going to sit with them. He was so happy and Matteo was everything Gianni had expected his big brother to be like. Tall dark and handsome, like him. He served customers looked up at the office block and drank vino, but not too much. Sabine's shop was busy and her girls were coping with the rush, I did offer to help but was shooed away. Alice wanted to know what was happening so I told her as I cuddled Matteo's nephew, which he is about to meet. Remo had arrived and was in the restaurant kitchen. I think he's forgotten about making posies up. It was close to lunch when Gianni got a phone call from Sabine, he ran up those stairs to meet with his brother and I prayed everything was okay. I did send Nina a message and got a thumbs up back. She came down after Gianni went up I grabbed her and asked if it was okay. "He's finding it difficult understanding why his Papa was so evil Antonio, Gianni will confirm what was said and as far as everyone knows Basilio committed suicide." "How's Sabine?" "How do you think, she's ecstatic her babies are now all with her. It's about time." She smiled. "And you?" "I was prepared for it, but something you do not know Antonio, my baby died at birth." She placed her hand on my shoulder and kissed me. "It's okay Antonio, I have had time to let him go, but Sabine has always held onto Matteo." "Now, where are those good for nothing market owners?" "Out the back with their noses stuck in a vino bottle." She rolled her eyes and walked off. I rang the apartment owner's conveyancer and changed the name to mine, then I went to have another wine after I served a customer. By the time we were locking up all the tears were out of the way and Leon and Carlos were trying to get their new brother drunk. It will be a family night tonight with Federico and Alice included because he is his uncle. He played with Lukas constantly and asked so many questions he almost knew Gianni day by day year by year. Sabine sat with us and he kept looking at her eventually the penny dropped and he joined the dots. She was Sabine Cartasso he had heard of her and the winery from the many magazines he had looked at. "So my family are rich then?" "Yes brother, and so are you," Gianni said proudly. "What do you mean I don't have money. I borrowed from my friend to get here." "You have half of our father's money Matteo, nearly one million euros." "Really?" "Yes my brother, I will transfer it into your account tomorrow." "Wow but he didn't know about me." "No he didn't, but I do and I cannot keep your inheritance from you." He was stunned into silence then he said. "Thank you little brother." Then more crying. The party had started and when Federico arrived he was so happy for his sister and nephews he had also waited a long time to meet Matteo. I would like to say that I slaved over my cooktop to make a feast but it was all thanks to gran we had any food in the house at all. I defrosted heaps of different containers and made up some garlic bread while the boys went through photos and memories with Sabine and Federico. My boys weren't left out and by this time. Matteo had accepted them as brothers and did I see some kissing also. Lukas wanted TV Alice wanted cuddles so while the party went on she sat with him and they talked about all the stuff that was going on. Sabine was happy again and held onto every word her son spoke, he told us his adoptive parents were working class and didn't follow the gypsy life he had a good education and was working, surprisingly in his family vineyard. He couldn't stand it one day and decided to go in search of his real family. All his adoptive mother knew was the name of the Swiss school and Sabine's first name. I told him we found him through an agency and they had followed him to Ireland, we came clean about his new friend telling him he was there to steer him to Australia and there was no need to repay him the airfare because we had already done that. We also told him he has another cousin named Adamo and his father was the king of the gypsy. Gianni also told him he was a prince. He held his head and nearly turned in circles at the news, so much family. He was amazed that we had gone to so much trouble and he also wanted to skype Adamo as soon as possible. "Our mama was sad for a long time because she had to leave her baby. We are happy you are alive and well to meet her." Carlos kissed his cheek. I still can't work out whether he's gay or not but by the looks he was giving me I think he was. I made up a bed for him just in case, and I asked Sabine to stay the night which she accepted but she insisted she had to stay in Lukas's room with him. We all had too much to drink and as usual ended up in our room, the boys stripped off and jumped in. Gianni and I stripped and said goodnight to Matteo, he made a sad face and took his clothes off he was gorgeous as he wiggled his ample uncut dick and said. "Now which one is first." He jumped in between me and Carlos, then Gianni sat up and said. "You can look, but you cannot touch, especially this one." He kissed me. Matteo cried with laughter. I was in heaven when he rolled me over and planted his dick in my crack, Gianni rolled me back and did the same then he held me in his vice like arms. "Mine don't touch." "Aww your no fun brother, it looks like I am going to have to teach you all about the sharing I have learned." "Grr." I didn't mind I loved Gianni holding me and I loved Matteo's ass resting on my dick. How am I ever going to survive? Surprisingly in the morning Carlos had his ass almost in Matteo's face. I threw back the covers and went to the toilet then went to check on Lukas. I didn't have to do a thing because Sabine had him up fed and in front of the TV while she made breakfast for us. "What are you doing?" She stared me down and replied. "I can cook Antonio. I'm not completely useless." "Okay baby keep your shirt on." I laughed. Matteo came out in his boxer shorts he was beautiful and my dick stirred as he wiggled his bum at me. I rolled my eyes and thought I had died and gone to gay heaven. He kissed Sabine, Lukas then me good morning. "Carlos has a nice ass on him Antonio." "He certainly does Matteo." "But your's is better." "Matteo, don't disrespect your brother with his husband please." He rolled his eyes. "No mama." She smiled. He got himself a coffee and sat with me and we watched Sabine do a good job of cooking. "What is Gianni doing giving me all that money?' "You will get to know him well Matteo, he wouldn't have kept it from you, somehow he would have found a way to get it to you. That's what your brother is like generous and honest. If I am not talking out of school he is giving you half your father's estate, he has no use for it his mama left him plenty." "I like him, he's all I ever wanted in a brother I think we will get along really good Antonio." He moved closer and his hand rested on my thigh. "Oh no you don't. I get enough of that from the other two, one thing your brother isn't good at, is sharing." "What about you?" "No Matteo, sorry, I don't either." He put on a sad face then he smiled when Gianni came out he was nudo. "Boy don't you get tired dragging that around with you all day brother?" Gianni looked confused until I indicated his dick size. "Oh that, it's Antonio's I just keep it warm for him." "Boys stop it, your poor mother missed out last night because of you all." "Sorry mama, what's his name, Tony?" Matteo asked. "Yes, Tony." She answered. She served him first then Gianni then me and the boys. It was delicious just the way I like my bacon and mushy eggs. Leon and Carlos were having a moment they were also nudo. Gianni had at least gone and put on his jock when he got embarrassed talking about his dick. I think it was because he was getting a woody but the boys were all-natural until they started kissing. You would think I would have something better to do than compare dicks in my head. "Do you have work today mama?" "No son, the markets closed today and tomorrow." "The boys are moving in today sometime. I might go and give them a hand." I said. "Okay we all give the boys a hand, are they gay also?" "Yes Matteo but unfortunately for you, a couple." "No good, this is no good everybody has someone but not me." "Well let me introduce you to Angelo the next time you are at the café." I laughed, poor Angelo his ass would explode if Matter goes near it. "Who is this Angelo?" "Someone that teases me, and I want you to get him back he's straight." "I do not play with straight boys they need to leave me and go with the girls." He dropped his head, there's a story in there somewhere. Sabine got a call, Tony must be hanging out for some company by now. "I have to go sons but I will see you on the steps tonight." She kissed everyone and flew out the door. Matteo looked around the apartment and then he went for a shower. I looked at Gianni he was smiling from ear to ear he was so happy. I grabbed another coffee and went to sit outside. I sat with my legs through the fire escape rails. I was thinking all about the awful things Basilio had done to his sons, and how sad it has been for them not to know them intimately. My mind wandered and I started silently talking to Luca I felt his presence and wanted him to know I was including him. Mateo had five brothers and hopefully, in time he will get to know each and every one of them. I sipped my coffee and felt the stares on my back, Gianni was watching me and he knew what I was doing. I heard him say. "He will get to know our Luca also Antonio, nothing in this world will ever let us forget him." He sat next to me and we kissed deeply, his hand went to my face and he gently soothed that aching stomach that had appeared. It appears whenever I think of Luca because it still hurts. Nothing else had to be said and after ten minutes he kissed me again and we heard movement in my old flat. I was helped up and we went to look in the windows. Maxie, Tommaso his poppa, and some other guy were moving them in. I knocked and smiled at them, they let us in. Poppa hugged me and I looked around the flat, they had just bought up a new bed and Tommaso's mum was making it, I hugged her and then we said if there was anything they needed just to let us know. Back in our Apartment Matteo had finished his shower and had dressed in shorts his anvil-like legs were superbly on show. Gianni fired up the computer and the boys made a call to Adamo, while I showered. I could hear laughing coming from the family room and I felt much better when I came out, Gianni had placed a photo of Luca on the desk so he was included. While they were seated he also transferred money into Matteo's account and he went crazy, he grabbed Gianni and kissed him full on the lips I got a stiffie. I decided that Gianni had accepted that Matteo was a good person and he deserved it, so I will go with his decision. Today we lounged around, cleaned the apartment, and went to do some shopping. We wanted to show Matteo the area so he won't get lost, and I also wanted to show my four guys off. We walked past the warehouses and Italian club, the boys again pointed out the gay club, the sauna the orgy club. Matteo didn't believe them at all, I think he thought them very strange. We ran into people we knew and I tried to introduce him to some of them but there were too many. They helped me stack the cupboards and I sat with Lukas for a while on the sofa. In normal circumstances, they would have left the shopping up to me and I would have done everything but today I think they are trying to impress their brother. They certainly were impressing me. Donations to Nifty gratefully accepted. Thank you.