Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 15:49:03 +1100 From: Max Dowling Subject: Impossible Love 58 Impossible Love 58 Maxieplus After a little knocking on our bedroom door, the apartment went silent and Gianni and I were at last on our own. We spent the first half-hour kissing and looking into each other's eyes then he said. "I want to fuck with you so bad Antonio." "Be my guest." I readied myself for the onslaught but instead, he mounted me, that was a surprise but I didn't complain, he was horned up and didn't care how I got him off and it was all my pleasure tonight. We were in bed on our own in the morning, Angie had done the night feeds. I didn't hear a thing, she said they were easy to coordinate and as I took coffee into Gianni, I again locked the door because I had some unfinished business, I wanted what he had received last night. The boys will go open the café while we go to the bank so they drove and we walked after many kisses from our boy. I didn't check my balance because I was ushered into the manager's office to be seated with Gianni while the cards were being activated, I guess everyone knows us by now. It didn't take that long and we walked to the market where we found Gino unloading his plants. He had almost doubled his order and was trying to find some more space. We helped him move his tables around and then we helped him to make a great display of the blooms. Pat was eager to get to the club tonight, she has a new Sabine original to show off and she was dying to see the little boys again. Remo was around and was excited more than ever to be working, he gave me a running list of the pasta he had been making with a big smile on his face. "It's art Antonio, I never looked at it that way but it is a form of art that I am doing." "It is baby, maybe you can make up some recipes of your own when you get the time." "Maybe I will Antonio, I can sell it in the restaurant." "Yes, that's a very good idea, has dad started his new job yet?" "Yes he's doing well now, gran is keeping the fires burning at home and he and I work. Are you going out tonight?" "Yes, we will all be there." "Good because I want to see the babies." "You will, they will be excited to meet you." He ran off and I noticed Angie in the dress shop, she looked great in the red sequinned dress she was trying on. Sabine saw me and rushed out and ordered coffee. "Sit with me Antonio," I grabbed a small cream cake and sat. "Now, what's with Iris wanting to move out of her home, Tony is a little furious with her?" "I think she wants to scale down a bit Sabine, something like you and Ramone are doing. She's over the lunches and parties she wants a simpler life." "But she doesn't have to move out because of that." "Think about it Sabine, she lives a fair pace from the market, she loves all our company, she's alone in that big house and she wants you and Tony to have a good start with your lives together. She's bored in other words." "I get it Antonio but she doesn't have to move." "She does, she wants to get back to basics, the house will be Tony's in the end, and yours. Like Alice, she doesn't cope with the stairs much anymore and she wants people around her not charities that only want her money, real people and that's what we all are to her." "Okay as long as she's thought this through thoroughly." "She has, you know she lived on the farm for years before she got married and she said it was the happiest time for her, I think she's looking for that happiness with us, and our community." "Tony is furious, he even said he would place her in a home if she didn't behave herself." She smiled. "What did she say?" She laughed and answered. "She slapped him." "See it's working she's having fun, he has to realize that she has plenty of go in her still." "Promise me you won't let the boys put me in a home Antonio?" "I promise that isn't going to happen no matter how crotchety you get." I laughed. "Thank you, salute." She lifted her coffee cup. "Make sure Angie uses that card Gianni gave her in your shop will you?' "Yes of course anything to do with the staff is catered for, do you know if she's got money?" "I think she said something about a security firm she and her husband own he's supposed to be buying her out but is hiding money, she is going to get Stavros onto it, he knows people." "Good because she's too nice to be ripped off." I was pleased Sabine liked Angie that's half the battle over. "And by the way Antonio?" She lifted her arms. "I will get him would you like a wine also?" "Yes please not the expensive one just the cheap plonk." I laughed as I grabbed my baby and dumped him in grandmas arms so she could teach him some more Italian words. I went and got a bucket and ice then opened a bottle, the boys heard me and were immediately out the front with their gasses. Gianni wiggled his hips as he and iris served a few customers, I shifted in my seat because I had risen for the performance. "When are Roberto and Adamo moving here?" They nearly fell off their seats . "It isn't going to happen, Adamo is far too busy with his wine-making to move to another country. They love the village life Antonio don't take them away from all that." Leon said. "Only trying out some ideas boys, we will leave them there then." I hear them and I wouldn't try to upset their lives I loved them too much. "Okay, I had better make plans to go over again I don't know when maybe after Christmas." "That would be perfect Christmas in Italy is amazing. We can go to watch the lights on the mountains at night they are wonderful." Carlos grinned. Iris came out and sat, taking Sabine's hand she said. "Has Antonio worked my new life out yet?" "Yes signora I am more relaxed about it, and I will be talking to Tony tonight." "Will he go for it?" "After seeing me in my new frock he will go for anything." Sabine laughed. Angie came out and asked Sabine why the shop assistant insisted she uses her work card. "Because it's work-related Angie, you have an image to upkeep, the Cartasso image, we certainly don't scrimp on clothes." "Don't we?" Poor Angie. "That's correct." "I'll take the blue one too then." She giggled as she went back into the shop. Glasses appeared and Angie then sat with Stavros, she does know him because her firm does some security for the market so she ordered wine and sat talking. "Is your dress stunning Sabine?" Iris wanted to know. "Another Cody Mitchell original tonight it's a special night for everyone, so I have to look my best for my babies." "Good, I will just throw on an old one I have in the cupboard." "You do that Iris, and don't think for one minute I haven't seen your Paris couture gowns. I suppose you call them your old ones." Iris sniggered into her cheap plonk. "You can wear your sneakers with them." That got me a slap, I'm back in business, they all want to abuse me again. Gianni finished what he was doing and joined us. Angie had finished her business with Stavros and she came to sit with us with a big smile on her face. "Did you get it under control?" "Yes thank you he knows a lot of people even my ex's lawyer." She laughed. "Good he will get some dirt for you." "Yes he will, he does business with my ex and he wouldn't discount for him so he is not very pleased. I asked him to, interfere." She was passed a glass of wine but only had half of it because she had to get her purchases home to show gran. I fished around in my bag and found the keys to the new apartment and gave them to Iris. It was like giving her first prize in a flower show, she thanked me and said she will start moving in on our days off. The boys decided we will all help her but she wants to give the flat the once over because she doesn't want to overcrowd it with furniture. Lukas was getting tired and was put down for a nap and Sabine went back to her shop to count the money. I started cleaning up again and the boys went to eat something at Angelo's, that cleared the way for some more customers to sit down. "Are you wearing a suit tonight Antonio?" My husband asked. "Just a jacket and tie baby, nothing special." "I'm wearing mine I want to get dressed up." "Okay we get dressed up, and you can ask me for a dance." He giggled and blushed, he loves dancing with me, especially in bed. The day was relaxed now the family was back and we breezed through it perfectly. With my kid and husband by my side, we vanned it home with the other two. I stood waiting for the lift to arrive when a piece of carpet hit the pavement. When I looked around the corner Iris was standing there smiling. "What the hell are you doing?" "Renovating Antonio, you don't think I would live in that pigsty do you?" "It was good enough." "Not for me honey a new bathroom kitchen and polished flooring for me, no charge to the owner." I give up, she wants to renovate before she moves in, well if she wants to pay for it she can. "You are coming tonight aren't you?" "I will meet you here at seven and walk down with you all." She smiled then she said with her hands on her hips. "Do we have a problem?" "No, not at all, do what you want by all means be my guest." "Good because I need an old lady's shower installed I can't hoover my leg over the bathtub." "How did you find tradies at such short notice?" "I have had them on standby for a week now, all I had to do was convince Sabine, which I thank you for." "Why Sabine?" "Because now she's at home convincing Tony it's the right thing for me to do." She laughed and went back inside. I rolled my eyes and sang out. "Seven it is then." I couldn't wait to get upstairs the babies were awake and had been fed. Gran was feeding Lukas something and Angie was sitting at the table doing her make-up, I noticed as I kissed him Lukas had a little blusher on his cheeks. The boys had the babies and I have to try and snaffle one but it was a hard task, they blocked me at every turn. Gianni was talking to little Antonio, Carlos had Luca and Leon was showing Gianni how to sip vino. I went to grab a glass first and then I will go and check my suit can handle one more wear. I was just about to go into the bathroom when Gianni ran in. "Hold onto little Antonio, I have to pee." He handed over the baby and I sat on the bed, he smiled when he saw my face, and his hands were moving just like Lukas's did whenever I held him. He was beautiful in every way and his eyes were dark like his hair. Gianni came out and tried to take him off me but I resisted his pleas so he went to grab another one. This was the first time I had to even hold one of them without having a bottle shoved into his mouth and I was enjoying it. I felt more than heard a fart, it's time for a nappy change so I went out and Leon was arguing with Gianni about him pulling rank and taking little Gianni off him. I passed Antonio over to him he thanked me and when he sat down I said. "He needs changing, poopy nappy." I laughed so much gran slapped me. "Do not play your games with the babies Antonio. You should have changed him yourself he's uncomfortable what kind of a father are you." And so it went, I wouldn't win a kick in a mob fight at the moment. "Sit down Antonio." I sat at the table and she shoved a tray of biscuits in front of me. "Now eat." I guess someone has to eat something I looked at my other son he was looking at me, I winked and he shot across the room and I fed him a biscuit. I showered and dressed alone because Gianni wasn't finished yet, the babies will sleep tonight with all that play going on. Angie packed their travel bag and we put new bedding in their baskets. Gran rushed to change and all of a sudden the apartment went wild with people going everywhere to get dressed. Gianni and I took our time and once again pants were down and my knees were touching the carpet again. Anna looked beautiful, she has regained her figure and little Sam was the spitting image of his father, he has the best smile. Iris walked down her few steps and naturally, she looked a million dollars in her Paris creation, photos were taken. I have a funny feeling Iris's tummy was full of butterflies as we all walked together to the club, she was very excited to be amongst her friends. Leon had taken one basket and Gianni and Carlos had the others I carried the traveling bags and Lukas. Because the babies weren't allowed into the bars the boys decided to give them a miss tonight. I think Leon was a little pissed off he likes a bar crawl. I couldn't believe the crowd when we got there and thankfully Grandad had gone earlier to get a big table otherwise we would be eating on the street. Two seconds it took I hadn't finished closing the door behind me when my babies suddenly disappeared, it was like a feeding frenzy at the zoo ladies came from everywhere. "They have been waiting to see these little miracles all day Antonio." Nina was in my ear. "As long as I get them back I don't mind at all." I smiled as I walked past Gianni who was trying to retrieve one of them from a very annoyed lady. "No no no have some respect Mr. Cartasso." The ladies screamed laughing at Gianni's face. "Come on big boy they won't be harmed, let the ladies welcome them." "But they are doing it all wrong Antonio." "They are born mothers maybe it's you that's doing it wrong." He glared at me I bowed to him and said. "Dance oh dear husband of mine?" I had to distract him. "Yes please, but there's no music yet." "I will sing in your ear." He grinned. And I did take his hands and hummed a lovely tune to him. He was happy with that, then I took his hand and walked him over to the table. Everyone was seated and gran had Lukas in her arms, his hand was stretched out he was pointing to the babies, I think he wanted them with him, he's just like his daddy. I was hungry and went to get some food, Gianni was right behind me, I grabbed the pasta he grabbed the salads and bread. When I got back I counted babies there were five at the table so I calmed down a bit, then Sabine walked in with Tony, and I was sure the room stood still she looked damn amazing as she made her way to the table even I was impressed by her grand entrance. So was Iris and I saw her nod and smile to herself. She has just accepted Sabine for what she is, a wonderful addition to Tony's life, and of course gorgeous Tony in his tuxedo didn't go unnoticed by every lady, and some guys in the room. We ate our food and as usual, everyone was eating when they felt hungry there are no rules here. A very well-known Gypsy song started playing and Carlos, Leon with Gianni rushed onto the floor and started their very sexy Gypsy dance. I ran up and did the same as before, I had arms and legs everywhere. Gianni and Carlos stomped their way through the medley they were on their knees jumping in the air and tap dancing along with some leg slapping. I nearly cried at Gianni's stunning performance and as he grabbed me my arms flayed out simulating I knew what to do. I think I was believable but I did hear a lot of laughing. Stavros and his mates entered the competition along with a barrage of ladies. The most amazing thing that happened on that dance floor was Sabine was all of a sudden up and dancing on her own, she did the sexiest dance I have ever seen. I don't think Tony was impressed but maybe I read him wrong as he dashed up to join her before anyone else could. Gran and grandad were up and so was iris and Stavros, he had gone to get her. The party went on for ages then I had to go and organize the babies they must be asleep by now. They weren't there, Angie had relocated them to the children's room, and when I looked in yes they were fast asleep. Gran will go and have her dessert with them when she's finished her dance, then Angie can come out and enjoy herself, I did see some young men eyeing her off when she went to eat she also looked stunning. Gianni had Angelo in his grip and was teaching him some steps and Maxie had Tommaso and they were sliding from side to side. I was grabbed by Tommaso's father and danced around the floor he thanked me once again for looking out for his boys then he dumped me cold and grabbed his wife. I went back to the table and had a vino. I had to slow Gianni down the sweat was pouring off his face and he was out of breath. I calmed him down by grabbing him off Angelo and we started doing a slow step. Iris was all smiles in her couture gown and I think she's trying to give Sabine a run for her money, she was looking mighty fine and Stavros had a big grin on his face. Federico and Alice were the first to sit down, and then it was Gianni and me he needed to have a drink. Pat and Fred were looking out for little Sam as Gino and Anna danced. He will be taken to the children's room to chill with Lukas and the babies. Gran disappeared and the boys took Angie for a spin around the dance floor. I think she had a good night she seemed to know a few people and she didn't stop most of the night. I danced my feet off and even managed to have a cuddle with Angelo along the way, no ladies for him tonight he has a business to run. Remo had made some friends and was off with them and Dave and Queenie were dancing up a storm then he asked Angie to dance, umm I wonder. "Are you happy for iris Tony?" "She's always had a very strong will Antonio, nothing I say will change her mind just keep an eye on her please." "We will, and I know she will be at our place more than hers, she's lonely that's all." "Yes I get that she's lonely but why did she have to move out to find friends, she has plenty." "Do you think that maybe she felt like a third wheel? She knows you live with her to keep an eye out, but now you have Sabine she wants to give you both the best start as humanly possible. She will be okay where she is, there are plenty of eyes watching her, if she can't cope then she will have to be moved home again, but not a nursing home. If that ever happens it will be the death of her, enjoy your time with Sabine, leave Iris to us please." "I hope your right I just don't like it that's all." "I understand Tony, but I have my eyes on her." I winked. I have two now Stavros has his eye on her also. Gianni was on top of the world when we finally dragged him out of the club, we said our goodnights, and the babies were all still fast asleep, the boys started doing a bar crawl so I had Lukas and one baby to haul home, plus the nappy bag over my shoulder. Gianni and I helped Angie settle the babies in. I kissed them and then sat looking at my eldest son for a while, he was so handsome, Gianni had sat with me. "We are so blessed Gianni, the love is overwhelming." "Yes Antonio, I feel butterflies every time I am near them." "What are the others up to?" "All gone to bed I think baby, let's go and cuddle." He took my hands and led me into the bedroom where he took care of me and he even hung my suit up this time. Again I didn't hear the boys during the night, Angie said they slept through which is a good sign, we have work today and I hope the boy's hangovers aren't too big, I often wonder how they do it they drink so much during the day but never seem to get drunk. I must ask Sabine when I see her next. After showering I heard little cries and when I arrived out to the family room I noticed my eldest son was in front of the TV, he's getting pretty good at turning it on. Angie had one baby and was changing him and Gianni had another one to kiss and play with. The third arrived when I went to get him and so I checked him out and changed him also, I will give him a nice warm bath after he's fed. Gran arrived with bags of something, she took care of the kitchen while grandad took care of Lukas. I sat quietly and watched Gianni's smile as he fed little Luca and now and then he would make a face and say. "Hi little man." I had burped and dressed Gianni bubs and passed him to gran who was juggling pots and pans, she kissed and cuddled him then passed him to grandad. The boys arrived looking as fresh as a daisy. They argued with Angie who gave Antonio to them for a cuddle. "He needs a change." "Why always us." They protested. "Because you're the best at it." She smiled then went to help gran, they both giggled. I sat and opened my backpack then started counting cash to be stored. It had been a good day for my shop and I asked Gianni if he wanted me to do his shop, the answer was yes thank you. I started doing his totals and he did do very well, I think he will have to go to the bank to get rid of some of his cash. I stored it away and then I saw grandad checking the books. "Are you taking the babies today?" Angie asked I looked at Gianni then gran. "No not today maybe Wednesday I want to place them in the window and surround them with flowers to introduce them to the market crowd." "Such nonsense Antonio, you would use your sons for cheap advertising in a shop window?" "No gran I just thought there are plenty of people around and they might like to meet them." She huffed, I guess I had better lose that idea. We dressed and started off to work Gianni needed the van today because he was running out of stock and wanted to go get some from the warehouse. I opened the doors and turned the coffee machine on, picking up the mail that had been shoved under the door I sorted them into the rubbish bin, the bills were put aside for Gianni. One was a letter and it was addressed to me for some reason. I opened it and read the short note my hand was stroking my neck as I read it again. I couldn't believe what I was seeing how bloody dare they. Seven million euros for the babies, please place it in this account by Monday next week and there were number's and the stupid idiots had a name on it, I recognized it as Magdalena's brother's name. There was a postmark it was mailed in Brisbane, fuck me they are in Australia, what do I do now. There's no way they can touch the boys, I was more annoyed that they think they can blackmail us but I guess if they are Basilio's friends, they also think stupid. I passed the letter to Gianni who was just about to go out the back door. He read it and laughed then kissed me tucking the letter into his back pocket. I suppose that's the end of that, but it had unnerved me to know they are here in Australia, we will have to be more vigilant. After making a coffee I sat out the front, said my good mornings to Angelo and Maxie then Sabine came in to open up. She ordered a coffee and sat with me, I told her about the letter, and she also laughed and she took the envelope I was still holding "Why does everyone think it's funny?" "Because there's no way they will get their hands on that sort of money Antonio, we, the Cartasso family will deal with it." "But they may try kidnapping them." "Then we had better be vigilant." Didn't I just say that? "Yes, but what if they come here..." "We will be ready for them Antonio, just go about your business as usual they won't cause trouble, I am sure." "What makes you so sure?" "Because once again we are the Cartasso, nobody fucks with us and now we have a very powerful ally in the Gypsy, did Gianni ring Menowin?" "I don't think so, he did take the note though." "Leave it up to him then." She smiled. "They chased these guys all over Italy what makes you so sure they can catch them here?" "Because they used the hotel in Brisbane's envelope to mail it." She gave it back to me and sure enough, there was the name and address of the hotel. I stared at her and said. "You were about to tell me the mafia were looking into it weren't you?" "Yes." She laughed, I huffed. What could I do they were all onto it, I am worried about the babies but in reality, there are plenty of adults around to protect them. Before lunchtime, I noticed a big crowd gathering over by Gino's stall. "What's happening over there Gianni, has someone fainted?' "No Antonio, the babies have arrived." "What?" "The babies, you do know the babies don't you?" I'm not going to buy into it sorry you're on your own. Gianni laughed his head off and I promise you I'm not going to acknowledge the fun he's having at my expense. I saw Angie, Leon, and Carlos come around the corner. Carlos was pulling three little bright plastic carts behind him and each one held a sleeping baby. They were coordinated, yellow blue, and green, a fantastic alternative to a triplet baby pram. Carlos was pulling it and Leon walked behind to make sure babies weren't snaffled by the market crowd they attracted. He pulled up in front of the café and unhitched each trolley and pushed them up against the flower shop window. The crowd didn't smother them they were just curious that's all. Alice was keeping an eye on them and with all of us only eight feet away they had plenty of security. It was at that moment the florist shop got busy again. "So do you like their new rides, Antonio?" Carlos asked. "Yes it's a very clever idea baby, I love them." "Easy to park too Antonio." "Yes baby, you both did well I love them." I am not even going to overreact. "Antonio?" Leon said. "Do they need changing?" "No." "Good." I smiled and was dying to pick one of them up but they are asleep. Toys and fluffy animals came from everywhere. I understood some people are excited about the new arrival and want to be included and there were some lovely toys. The cameraman from the local paper I wasn't too sure about as Gianni posed with them, I declined to be photographed, but he did get the shop name in his photos also. "They are for the gazette, just a welcome to the neighborhood write up Antonio, nothing over the top." Gianni said to me. "That's okay baby." I didn't react. "Antonio?" "More wine honey?" I was laughing to myself, the trolley train wasn't tiny it was solid and a little bulky, let's see if they can get it all into the van, plus themselves. I will be jogging home tonight I can almost hear the screams already. "What's so funny Antonio?" Leon said. "Nothing baby, just thinking I might run home tonight." "Good, you have been very slackness lately Antonio." I walked over to look at the babies they were adorable hidden under all those bears rabbits and cats, I guess they will have to be stored in the van also. Angie checked them out now and then, she said they won't need a feed until they get home. I went to man the wine counter with Iris she was a little busy, so I bagged and took the money while she did her thing. When Gianni came back I asked him if he had rung Menowin and he said he did get in touch with him. His orders were to leave it up to him he has men in Brisbane who can take care of the little problem. I had my doubts because when it comes to the gypsy they can be a little over-excited and may lose them in the confusion. I think another talk with Stavros's nephew Shane the cop will be in order. The market was buzzing today and the babies were adorable and admired by the market shoppers, they were being quiet as to not disturb them. At lockup, I told Gianni I was running home which isn't unusual except he likes to run with me. "But I have the babies." "That's okay honey, I will see you at home, and maybe we can go for a run together tonight." I winked he blushed. I left shortly after and it took some time before I heard the lift coming up. I was onto my second vino and was sitting out on the balcony with my feet up when the first two arrived. "It's all your fault Leon, why do you always do this to me, now I have a big rash on my thigh." I heard them open a bottle and then I saw their poor red faces, it must have been a squeeze. Gianni and Angie with four babies came through they couldn't complain to me because I was having a laughing fit. Poor Angie she looked at me knowingly and nodded. "Touché." She straightened her hair and took the babies into their bedroom while Lukas turned his shows on, they will wake up soon and bottles have to be done. I'm just going to sit here and watch the clouds fly by. Leon was putting some salve onto Carlos's burn well it looked like carpet burn to me but I didn't ask. "Did you bring the backpacks, Gianni?" He nearly threw them at me while he skulled his glass of wine. "Do you want me to do your books honey?" That death stare was back and I felt sorry for my Carlos he limped over to where I was laying and said. "It wasn't me it was Leon being stupid and I apologize for not putting it past you first." "Apology accepted Carlos, anyone could see the train wouldn't fit in the van properly. Maybe leave the transport to me in the future." I got a slap from Gianni and a sour look from Leon. "Now I had better get these books done and go have a drink with my mate Gino." I pulled out the cash receipts and started counting up money. When I was done the boys were kissed and cuddled and I grabbed two bottles and headed downstairs. Lukas who had been sitting on the sofa noticed and screamed. "Daddy!" "Come on baby we have to go see little Sammy." He rode down in the lift with me and collected many kisses and tickles as we walked around the corner. There was a skip outside Iris's place full of old broken tiles and sheeting but she was nowhere in sight, oh there she is out the front with Gino and Alice. I sat and talked for the next hour and one by one the boys and Gianni arrived at the stairs. Nothing else was said until later in the night after everyone had gone to bed. "And that's for making me uncomfortable." "And because I am the man of the house you should have said something, so have that one too." "And this is for hurting Carlos." He moved violently. "And Antonio this is for getting me real good." He laughed as he slammed once again into me. I wasn't listening I was moaning. Donations to Nifty are always gratefully accepted