Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 05:57:27 +1100 From: Max Dowling Subject: Impossible Love 61 Impossible Love 61 Maxieplus It took half an hour or more to get there and I knew instantly it was the place because there were many cop cars and two ambulances out the front. Gino parked and I sat and watched because I was welded to the spot, it was the ambulances I was looking at. "Do you want me to go?" I didn't answer so Gino opened his door and I watched in silence as he walked over to some police officers. I already knew what answers he will get, Gianni's either smashed up or he's dead. I wasn't prepared for this and I wasn't prepared for what Gino would tell me, I didn't want to know but I had to do something. I opened the car door and walked over to where Gino was. "He's being stabilized before they move him Ant, there is a body but it's not Gianni's, Gianni has been beaten, he has multiple injuries and is not responsive" I heard him but didn't want to believe him. "Ant please don't go in there you don't know what you're going to see." "I have to, I have to see for myself I have to tell him I'm near." I walked past the police and into the warehouse, they tried to stop me until Shane came over and he grabbed me. "Antonio, it's best you leave it up to the medics." "I need to see him." I walked past him and stopped when I saw Gianni laying on the floor, his face was covered in blood, he was almost unrecognizable. "The other body?" "We think it's the son, he's been shot twice. It looks like he was calling someone because he has a phone in his hand, we will retrieve it when the coroner is finished." "I can guess who he called, me. You need to catch that man he will be heading for the airport." "Yes we have a call out to the federal police at the airport, and a team of detectives are on the way, come away Antonio." I couldn't leave and I couldn't leave my Gianni, so I knelt and took his bloodied hand gently. "I am here my love, I will see you right, Antonio's here." I told Gino I was going to ride with Gianni to the hospital he said he would meet me there, the ambos had done all they could now it will be up to the doctors. "Will he survive?" I asked one of them. "We have to hurry, the operating theatre is on hold but he has to have tests before they operate. At this stage it's all look's pretty bad, it's a very nasty head wound we don't know about the internals, any medical history you can give us would be helpful." "He's fit and looks after himself, no known medical issues at all, no medications and no GP to speak of." "Good, he has a fighting chance then." They got him in the ambulance I looked at Gino. "Can you call Angie, she can tell the boys who will tell the rest, can you ring Sabine separately?" "I will do that shortly Ant, anyone else?" "Not at the moment maybe Stavros Nina and Angelo if you have time or tell the boys to let them know." "God bless him Ant, I will see you at the hospital." He walked back to the car talking on his phone. I sat with Gianni as the Ambulance sped up the freeway towards the best hospital in Melbourne The Alfred, in my home suburb of Prahran. I didn't want to hurt him by cuddling him, so I placed my hand in his he didn't react but deep down inside I knew he felt me with him. I jumped out and they wheeled him inside to emergency, he was immediately taken into a back room which I was barred from going into. My brick hurt so much and I stood there watching the doors close behind him. I had a decision to make as I stood there, I was either going to fall into a deep chasm or be strong for my family. I couldn't go down that rabbit hole too deeply I may never get out again. I have to stay strong for my Gianni, and I have to put aside all feelings because I know he needs me more than ever to make decisions for him and no matter how he comes out of this, I will know I did everything I could for him. I walked back to the waiting room, it wasn't a busy night just some druggies trying to get a fix and some families waiting for news on a loved one, then there was dear Gino, he had two coffees in his hands and had found a quiet corner. "Did they say anything?" "Not much, they are assessing him now it may be a long night, why don't you go home get some rest." "Dream on Ant, I'm here until the fat lady sings." He passed the coffee to me and I put my head on his shoulder and said thank you. We sat in silence as we watched the nurses and doctors come in to collect their next patients, Gino had gone to the inquiry counter a couple of times but there was no news. It was when gran and grandad came rushing in I got all emotional again and cried into nans arms. I needed her strength and she didn't ask me any questions I figured Gino had done most of the talking. The boys, Sabine Iris, and Tony arrived then Stavros and Angelo. Stavros went to the counter and asked for somebody, a few minutes later a pretty nurse came out to talk to him, then she went back through the doors. "My niece will scour the rooms and find out as much as she can Antonio, we wait." He said. Sabine looked like she hadn't slept at all and Iris took my hand. "Did someone ring Federico?" I suddenly noticed he wasn't there. "He's on his way," Tony said. The boys were walking up and down and they were asking me all sorts of questions, this is what I didn't want, questions that cannot be answered. I can't be mad at them but I did say. "We wait, he was in a pretty bad way so we wait and pray, that's all we can do. Is someone sitting with Angie, I don't remember?" The boys answered. "She is alert and has been informed of your whereabouts, there are two cops there with her and Tommaso and Maxie, they are helping her Antonio, and monitoring the computer. They still think the man will get in touch with you again about a drop-off." Leon said. "Why the hell would he do that now we have him back?" I looked at Stavros. "Money Antonio, he hasn't finished with Gianni's family yet. If he can do this to his son and Gianni, he is capable of much worse, this maybe is just a warning. You're not to worry there are police patrols everywhere around your apartment and the community has been alerted so they are all out on the streets making a barrier for any intruders that may come by the flats." He said. I looked at him once more and quietly said to myself `who the hell are you?' Stavros has everything organized and I was so very grateful to him. The pretty nurse came out and motioned him to go to her. They talked for ages and I watched his reactions, he asked a lot of questions and the nurse answered quietly, I couldn't hear a thing. When she left he stood there, he was arguing with himself and I knew the news wasn't going to be good. "He had internal bleeding which has been operated on. The head wound is a big worry because he has a fractured skull, they don't know the extent of the damage at this time Antonio but for now, he is stable, and no broken bones. Sabine made a very deep-throated noise and collapsed on a chair, she was more distressed than I have ever seen her. "Calm down my lady it will all be well," Stavros said to her. "How can it all be well, my son is at war and I can't help him." "You are helping by being here and praying for him," Gran said. "When can see him?" "Not for a while they are going to do more tests and they need more head X-rays." "I understand." I dropped my head and fought off the compulsion to sob again, we wait and pray. The boys went to find more coffee and Gino went to ring Anna, Tony had taken Sabine out for some fresh air. I looked at Stavros and said. "And what aren't you telling me?" He nodded. "I know I can't get anything past you Antonio, they told my niece he may never come out of the coma, he may be brain dead but they won't know until they hook the machines up to monitor his brain waves, that is the worst scenario, Antonio." That brick hit me in the face full force and I sat there staring into nothing as it started beating me over and over in every inch of my body. I had almost let go for an instant but I must be strong. "Thank you." I nodded. I sat for two hours in that bloody emergency waiting room until finally I had enough and went to the reception desk myself. "I want some news on Gianni Cartasso please and don't fob me off like you have been doing with the others." "And you are sir?" "His family, his husband." She stared at me. "His husband?" "Yes, his husband and the people over there are his family, who did you think they were, tourists. Now please get me a doctor to talk to." I was almost screaming, she hurriedly looked at her computer and paged someone. "Doctor won't be a minute Mr. Cartasso." "Thank you." I walked back to my family. I had just sat down when a young man who looked like he was just out of medical school came and talked to the receptionist. She pointed my way. I got up as he walked over, he introduced himself as a surgeon of some sort and asked me to follow him into the back offices and cubicles, I couldn't see Gianni but I knew he was near. "Mr. Cartasso, your husband is being settled in and you can see him in a minute, but first I have to talk to you." "Okay hit me with it." He told me what Stavros had said nothing new except he started talking about organ donations. "Never going to happen, doctor." "I am sorry but I am under orders to talk to you about it, maybe it's too soon." "I am all for organ donations doctor, but he's not going to die he's going to get well, and you can trust me on that one." "I wish I had your confidence, he's in a bad way and we don't know how he's going to be if he regains consciousness if he does at all." "He will." I winked at him, be strong and positive Antonio. His phone rang and when he hung up he said. "Follow me." He smiled. I was taken to the ward and then to a private intensive care unit where I saw my Gianni once more, he was bandaged up around his face and head it wasn't one of my better moments because I then decided to start crying. Just to see him helplessly wired up to all those machines was heartbreaking I screamed inside. `Come back.' "Our biggest worry is his brain, we don't know enough about it to make a solid diagnosis. He's either going to come out of his coma unscathed or he will be a complete vegetable. The sheer force of the head trauma has placed him in a coma, we have drained the fluid on his brain through a small hole and we got the pressure down." "Are there any signs of life?" "Some at the moment but we can't be sure for another few hours or so." I sat next to him and started talking, the doctor left me as I talked to my Gianni non-stop, I talked about everything we had been through, his children and his family. I had to stop I was getting a little horse and needed a drink. Sabine was shown in with Leon and Carlos. "Talk to him, it's the only weapon we have, please just talk to him about anything." I urged them on. I poured myself some water my throat was parched, Carlos had started crying and Sabine found enough courage to hold her son's hand and talk to him. I found a chair for her and gave Leon mine, then I went to tell the others. The first thing I did was get a coffee from a machine outside Gianni's room then I went to the waiting room. I told them what was said and what we are going to do as a family, if anyone's going to pull him back it's going to be all of our combined strength. "Ant why don't you go home for some rest." "I wouldn't leave you Gino so why would you think I would leave Gianni?" "Just that you need some rest also that's all." He looked warmed at my words, I wouldn't leave anyone one of my family to fight on their own. "I will be fine, has there been any word from detective Shane Stavros?" "Nothing Antonio, they say he's not booked a flight to Italy but are chasing up leads. They say he's in hiding but are confident he will be arrested." "Thank you, now I must go back and sit with Gianni. I don't know whether they will let you all in to see him but I do suggest you all go home. I also know I can't force you to so please pray for him." I looked at Angelo he hasn't experienced anything like this in his short life and I said to him. "The best thing you can do is go into work baby, look after your shop. If the café can be opened, open it, the staff needs to work and I will update you all as I get news." I hugged gran and whispered in her ear. "I am sorry gran they won't let any more visitors into his room, can you take charge of the boys please." She smiled and hugged me back. "I will gladly do that son, and keep me updated." I kissed everyone then headed back to that terrible room. The boys were both talking to him and I noticed Sabine was just standing there looking out the window, I placed my hand on her shoulder and she turned to cry into my chest. I stroked her back until she calmed down then I whispered into her ear. "Whatever happens I will be here I will never let them turn the machines off, and I will never give up hope. I promise I will do everything in my power to bring him back to us whether it be good or bad, he will be with us again." "Thank you." She whispered. If she found strength in my words she didn't say, the boys stepped aside and I said to both of them. "Please go home I have this, get some rest and let Angie know what's going on." "We stay with you and our brother Antonio, we will never leave this room without you both," Leon said. "Good because we have much work to do, Sabine I would like you to do something for me, I want you to ring Roberto to find the best brain surgeon in the world and make sure he looks at Gianni's reports, they will be on file somewhere maybe Stavros's niece will help you." Her eyes opened and she started to protest. "We have much to do boys so no slacking off to go buy cheap plonk." I looked at them both and was drawn into a family hug, then we got to work after we calmed Carlos down. Every time a nurse or doctor arrived we asked many questions, they were sick of the sight of us by dinnertime. We talked about everything and anything and by eight in the evening we were playing cards on Gianni's chest. At nine he was taken to be given more scans and I waited outside the room for him. I knew he was hearing us he just couldn't respond at the moment. At midnight he was secured back in his room and I was quietly talking to him while the boys took a nap. I woke when the nurse came in to change his bag and check his medication. She explained to me what everything was and I had a better understanding on how medical machines worked. She also said his brainwaves were improving immensely. The boys woke up and we started talking again mainly about the funny things that have happened. Sabine was let in again around eight in the morning, she had done everything I had asked her to do, and now she wants to sit with us. She said she had Roberto on to it and Stavros has secured the hospital records online thanks to his pretty niece. She held Gianni's hand and started talking about when he was younger, how proud she was of him, and how much she loved him. The conversations were varied as the boys and I remembered highlights of our lives with him. "We told the security we didn't know you Antonio, it was all Gianni's idea." Carlos was laughing again, thank God. I remembered the day they got me good with the kid's photos. I thought about them a lot especially Lukas, I wanted him to be here with us he has a very calming aura and would be good for his papa. But it may also frighten him and I will go home for an hour to shower and see him at some stage today. "The next twenty-four hours are crucial Mr. Cartasso, his scans are excellent and brain waves are still improving." The doctor said to me when he came to check his chart later in the morning. It was when the doctor left that I felt it, just a wisp of touch, but I felt it, his finger rubbed mine. I cried so much I thought I would never stop and the boys couldn't console me until I caught my breath and said. "He's going to be all right." I had told them I had felt the slight touch and we started again in earnest, we laughed about his torment of poor Luca at the lake when they threw him in the water in his Sunday best, and the many times they had donned skeleton masks and poked their heads into Sabine's bedroom window giving her such a fright, one night they had dressed in Kiss outfits and makeup and had given everyone a concert. They remembered running off to the winery and creating havoc with the guys that worked there and being chased through the vineyards, but for some unknown reason, they were never caught. "They wouldn't have dared to touch my sons Antonio." Sabine smiled at last. Leon talked about Gianni's need to kick people when they were little he would kick people on the street and mostly on their legs or ankles, he thought it was a very funny thing to do. Carlos talked about how Gianni was always chasing him around the property and calling out he was going to fuck him one day, he was scared of Gianni in his early teens because he had the biggest dick he had ever seen. I looked up at the machines and my jaw opened. "Look." They looked up. "At what?" Leon said. "The brain wave machine is more active, he's coming back boys and he's rushing home to see us again." I pushed the buzzer which got a nurse in, and I told her what was happening she checked then called for the doctor. Tony Alice and Federico appeared not long after and for joy my son Lukas was with them. "Daddy." His arms went out for me, I held him and kissed his face so much he squealed for me to stop. He looked at Gianni and threw himself onto his bed, I didn't have a choice he wanted to hug him. "He knows he's sick, well he understands Gianni's not well that is," Alice said. If the doctor was annoyed he didn't show it I guess he's used to a lot of Italians especially in this area. "Federico did you get any word back from Roberto?" "Yes Antonio, a report will be sent to the doctor sometime soon." "What report?" The doc asked. "We have had a specialist look at Gianni's case he's the best in Europe, doctor Levine. He is doing an independent assessment and will let you know his findings." Federico said. "Doctor Levine, the doctor Levine from Hamburg." "Yes, that one," Sabine said. "Well It's very unusual, but I will be interested in what he has to say." "We apologize for doing this, but we have to know more," I said. "I understand completely I wish I could consult him on all of my patients, this is awesome." Thank god he was going along with it and he was eager to go see if anything had been added to Gianni's case files but he was still looking Gianni over. "He touched me." I looked at Alice. "What?" She looked at Gianni then and stroked his face. "He lightly touched my hand with his finger he was hearing us." "I grant you this his brain waves have improved overnight but it's still too early to tell how much he's going to improve. Once again I must stress what I am telling you is the worst-case scenario." "Well if he doesn't improve we will have him flown to Europe for specialist treatment better still we will have doctor Levin flown here." "You can do that?" "We are the Cartasso family, we can do anything," Leon said in a deep voice, the doctor almost did the sign of the cross because it was then he looked at me and my earing and when Leon placed Gianni's earing and scarf on the bed next to him he blushed. "Forgive me my prince I wasn't expecting it, not here." "All good Doc, just bring him back to us," I said. "It's too soon to bring him out of the coma he has some inside healing to do. It could be dangerous." "We will be guided by you then," I replied. "How many princes are in Australia at the moment I thought they were all in Italy and the UK?" "There are only the two of us, I am an honorary prince by marriage to Gianni." "And Mr. Cartasso?" "He's a genuine prince, nephew of the current king Menowin and third in line." I smiled, the doctor's eyes widened. "I know of Menowin, my father talks about him often." It was at that moment Gianni went into a sort of coughing fit. "Please clear the room, nurse call in the troops asap." The nurse pushed a red button and started giving orders. As we were herded out of the room the doctor had Gianni's sheet off him and he was holding his head as he took the pillow from under it. Lukas started crying because he got frightened and Sabine passed him to me. I talked quietly to him and smiled because I knew his daddy was doing all things possible to come back to us. It was two hours later we were spoken to again by the doctor. "Mr. Cartasso." "Call me Antonio please doctor?" "Mike, I'm doctor Mike. He's not awake yet but he was rejecting his ventilator. I took a chance and removed it and he is now breathing on his own. If I didn't know any better I would call it a small miracle." He looked a little lost so I patted his shoulder and said. "He is a Cartasso, and he is the head of my family, he has no option but to fight, and thank you for what you have done." "I will go and read Doctor Levin's response you can go in now I am listing him as non-critical but keep the visitors at a few at a time, and Antonio?" "Yes Mike?" "He will return to you all, but I have to tell you how much of him will return is an unknown. He may recover fully or partially, or he may stay the same you have to be prepared." "I will be Mike, I will meet every obstacle as it arrives head-on." I smiled although it was a forced one. I thanked him again and went to see Gianni, Lukas was happy once more as I placed him back on the bed, Gianni was breathing it was fast and shallow but he was breathing on his own. Sabine kissed him and told him she was here with him and she sat and held his hand once again. I couldn't see his face it was covered in bandages from the nose up but his lips were now on display so I couldn't resist and kissed him and whispered. "I am lonely Gianni, and I need a real man, do you know where I can find such a person?" No response but I know he would be thinking about it. Mike came back he was all smiles and his offsider held a syringe and they both fiddled with his IV. "I have added a small stimulant to his IV bag as per Dr Levin's instructions, something new I have learned today," Mike said. "Thank you Mike let's hope it helps." "It's a new treatment, and if it works it will speed his recovery, I believe." As the days went by there was no change even though I had a crowd of friends sitting and talking to him by this time. The bandages had been removed and a deep gash was revealed across the side of his head as well as the tiny hole they made to ease the pressure on his brain. I was exhausted and so were the boys, but we never let up telling Gianni jokes and the little things the three babies were doing to keep everyone amused at home, apparently they were starting to roll around and have discovered their feet, I am missing them so much. A week later I was looking out of the window, there were just us three and the boys started telling him about the two men buried under the statues in the town square. They were laughing because I had believed them. Carlos suddenly stood up and waved his arms around and almost screamed. "I give up, I bloody well give up with you lot, I'm over it, you hear me Gianni over it?" He was impersonating me and doing a really good job of it too. They started laughing and I smiled with love at them. I heard something and looked over at Gianni, he had raised his arms slightly and was mimicking Carlos, the boys started crying. "Antonio." It was just a whisper, but a very welcomed whisper I started talking to him again through my tears because I knew for certain he was hearing us and slowly coming back. The boys grabbed their backpack and took out a bottle of wine and glasses, they opened it and passed it around. Leon put some on Gianni's lips and he tasted it. "More." We didn't want to choke him so I went outside and got some ice chips and told the nurse he was coming around to ring Doctor Mike. I placed a few chips into his mouth and he started biting them. The six days he was under he must feel like crap, and I knew that this is what people do for their loved ones, wet their lips. "Welcome back baby," I whispered into his ear. "Don't go leave me another man." "I know I have the best man in the world, I wouldn't even think of going out with Angelo." His eyes opened then slowly closed as I popped more ice into his mouth. The doctor arrived and he looked like shit, he hasn't slept either the hospital had become busier, "What is he doing?" "He's talking a little he knows we are here, and he's had some ice chips." "I don't know what else to do Antonio, he will come around but I can't place a time on it, is he sleeping now?" "I think so." I kissed Gianni's lips he responded. "Awake Doctor Mike, so we had better not fool around in the shower." He gave me a quizzical look and Gianni almost yelled. "Not!" "He's awake now, all he needed was an excuse." I laughed and hugged Gianni to me. The boys were on the phone and I saw Leon put a plastic bag full of wine in the little fridges freezer, I suppose when it's frozen they will break it up. He looked at me and said. "Frozen cheap plonk Antonio fixes everything." He looked at Gianni and started laughing. "Remember when we made wine ice blocks brother and dropped them in our lemonade." Carlos started laughing Gianni was rolling his head from side to side. "Hurt." "Okay, no more funny stories boys he's in pain." "I can fix that." The doctor fiddled with Gianni's medication bags and he went back to sleep. "Sorry Antonio, but it's rest he needs a lot of rest, it's his best friend at the moment, and please, no alcohol it could be dangerous for him." He looked at Leon who blushed. The messages were sent out, I had no idea what was going on out there but I was assured that everything was running smoothly. I had taken to showering in Gianni's bathroom and hadn't left the room much only to talk to family or doctors. I think Gran was doing the washing again because she dropped it off every day, she called by with Angie Lukas and one of the bubs to see their papa. She also had food, because the hospital food wasn't very good, the nurses had a ball eating the different types of dishes, and they said they will wait until he's better to go to the Italian club one night when we invited them, I think Doctor Mike is coming also. Maybe Stavros's pretty niece will accompany him. It took a few days to get Gianni to open his eyes again and he did that while I was bathing him. I had become an expert and started playing in his crotch area one day and he got stiff, at least I know that still works. "More." He mumbled. I pulled the stiffened member and the boys left the room so I gave him head at long last. He blasted a load down my gullet as his breathing got heavier. "Thank..." "My pleasure baby." "Stay." "I haven't been very far away Gianni, do you want some ice?" "Please God." "Are you feeling okay, like no pain?" "Yes headache, but ok tell not dope me up again." "I will baby." "Ti amo."(I love you) I fed him some ice once again and he wanted more and more he was dry. He touched his head and said. "How?" I told him the truth and that his head wound was the worst it had placed him in a coma. "How long?" "Almost two weeks tomorrow." "Dio mio." (my God) "Babies, Lukas?" "They are well and all take a turn to come and see you, it's little Gianni's day today and Lukas comes almost every day to see you." "Bene." (good) I kissed his lips again. The boys popped their heads in to see if it was safe, then they saw his eyes open and started a sort of party, Gianni held his arm out and they both held his good hand and kissed him. The wine was produced and the icy blocks smashed so Gianni could have fun also, he grinned a little. "Happened?" That all-important question was finally asked. I told him what I knew and he said he couldn't remember. Doctor Mike came by and smiled from ear to ear, he asked Gianni if he was up to doing some more tests and he must have another MRI to see where he's at. "No!" He said. "Okay maybe in an hour or two then," Mike said. "He doesn't want to be put to sleep again, is that something you can arrange?" "Yes his eyes are clear and it looks like his responses are very good." He looked down and Gianni's sheet was poking up like a flag pole, I laughed because he had another stiffie. "You want another one?" "Please." "I can see I'm not needed here anymore, carry on regardless Cartasso's." He laughed as he went to find another patient who needed him more. I did my duty while the boys went to scare off any nurses coming our way. "Thank you." He struggled to say. "Your welcome." "How you cope?" "Fine, I made a pact with myself not to go down that rabbit hole Gianni. I wanted to be strong for you, and I think most of the time I succeeded. I may crash later when I feel you are safe enough to leave you on your own." "Thank you." "My pleasure, is there anything I can get you?" "No, kiss me." Which I gladly did, then I heard him before I saw him. "Papa papa." "Son." Gianni said. I picked Lukas up and he nestled into his daddy, gran and grandad had arrived and little Gianni was with them he was awake and all smiles when he saw me. I passed him over to lay on the bed next to Gianni and he stroked his head with his good big hand. I say his good hand because the other was still bandaged he had cuts and scrapes to each one. Sabine and her tears were the next to arrive and then Alice Angie Maxie and Tommaso with two more babies. Gianni was surrounded by family and babies so I took a photo and sent it to Ramone and Menowin. I got responses and questions so went about answering them, while the family entertained Gianni. Gran unpacked her biscuits and started handing them out but my husband didn't have one. I had insisted he stick to his hospital routine and the nurses can feed him just in case he choked or something. I am not a nurse at all, but I felt after all this time I could have been one. He fell asleep on his own and everyone quietly left to cut down on the noise. The boys had their heads stuck in the bottle of wine and I chased Angie to ask her if she was coping okay. I wanted to know if she needed me to hire someone else to help. "No Antonio, they are wonderful babies to look after, don't worry about me or them, I have this, and I am keeping an eye on your gran she's coping very well and sticking to the agreement." I wanted gran to settle down a bit more but this thing has bought her back into our lives full time again. Gianni surprisingly woke when Gino Anna and Sam arrived two hours later with Angelo in tow. His eyes were on Angelo and me, I started laughing as he lifted his hand and pointed to me. "Don't." "I won't, chill out will ya." "What's he saying Antonio?" Angelo asked. "Just a private joke baby, nothing you need to concern yourself with." "You have been stirring him haven't you?" "Yes, I figured if he thought I was fooling around he would force himself to wake up." I laughed. "And you put me in the mix didn't you?" "Yes." I giggled. "I want to go home." "Yes baby, as soon as the doctors say you're fixed." "Now." He almost roared. "Behave." I slapped him.