Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:31:41 +1100 From: max dowling Subject: Impossible Love 71 Impossible Love 71 Maxieplus They spent an hour with us and by then Gianni was fed up waiting for me, when they finally left I found myself in the bathroom bent over the hand basin, he couldn't wait a minute longer and he did push to the hilt, forcefully. It wasn't a long time but it was awesome, any time I spend with my Gianni in the nude is a good time. The boys were sitting at the table when we came out and Iris shouted she need more cheese platters made up. We had also bought some storage containers and sold them to customers that liked to take them home, they had sold out. I opened another stack and started sharing the cheese and biscuits out equally into containers, Gianni didn't want his café to look like a grocery store so he didn't sell his biscuits in the shop, he had them prepacked with his brand on them and they sat out the back, we included them in the price of the cheese. "Ise here." I heard laughing coming from the café doorway, a small boy was all smiles as he walked very steadily towards me, he was gigging to himself. "How did you get here baby, did you come with nonna?" "Si." "Where is she?" "Bubbies." "Oh okay, so she let you just run around on your own." He shook his head yes. "Big now." "That's right you are a big boy now, have you been working hard?" The head nodded yes again. "Well, I hope your getting paid." He patted the small pocket on his overalls and nodded vigorously yes again. I was dying to see what gran was paying him but thought maybe it was a secret between them both. "Lucas baby where did you come from." Gianni took him from me. He pointed towards the florist shop and Gianni started walking to the doorway. "He came with gran." I said. "Well did you then, come on let's go say hello." "Papa ook." He had pulled ten dollars from his pocket to show Gianni, but I guess he's been told to hide it from me for some unknown reason. I followed them into the shop and gran was sitting having a nurse of little Antonio this time. Lukas jumped up and down and Alice put the television on for him. I kissed gran hello then started playing with Luca. "And what brings you here today gran, business with Remo I think." I had to say it. "Yes Antonio, I have business here at the market, unlike the secret business you have with your grandfather." "What?" "You know the little chats you have with him when you think I am not worthy to talk to also." "But gran he could have told you." "He shut his mouth like you told him to, so I asked Leon if he knew about the new business." "How the hell did you hear that from the kitchen." "Stavros and I went to the same listening school, we have excellent hearing. Don't think this old grandmother is stupid Antonio." "So it was you that told them." "You shut me out and I don't know if it's a secret or not, please do not disrespect my intelligence." I left it alone, kissed Luca then went to annoy someone else. I will tell Iris later on but I did chuckle to myself and will include nonna in everything I do from now on, I guess that's why she tried to shut me out. We locked up and I helped to load the kids into the van, I had a list of stuff to pick up from Maxie's business on the way so I thought I would get the kids settled first then go across to get the extra goods with my trolley After checking their nappies, I put the babies on the floor and Lukas in front of the television, I went to the kitchen and found an empty jar for him to put his wages in. When it was time to leave for the shops Gianni decided to come with me, and the boys who had already opened a bottle were asked to look out for the little ones. He and I walked across the road and were met with absolute chaos. Tommaso was packing boxes and Maxie was trying to clean up the mess in the cooler. "What happened here?" Gianni asked. "It's got out of hand, we haven't stopped all afternoon, I'm still trying to clean up the mess from moving yesterday," Tommaso replied. "I see, so you are chasing your bums to get orders out, are they urgent?" "No Antonio, we just want to give our customers good service." "Well settle down nobody expects you to do same-day delivery, if you start doing that they will expect it every time." "I know we made a mistake trying to keep up with them and now we are behind on the bigger orders." "Give us an invoice and we will help get the stock together." "Thank you." "But next time do it over a few days will you, you don't want to be running yourselves into the ground so early." I went into the cool room and Gianni had already started helping Maxie, a few stacks of boxes had fallen over and there were cheese packets all over the floor. It took us an hour to get things sorted out and to collect Gianni's order then we made the kids lock up and go home. They need to have an opening and closing time then stick by it, if they can't keep up then they will have to hire someone that can help. We caught the lift and before the door opened I knew something was wrong, the babies were all crying and Leon and Carlos were trying to calm them down, Gianni took two and I took another and gently talked to them. "Where is Lukas?" "He's in his room he was screaming at Carlos, so I put him in his room." "I see, and what did you do to upset him Leon?" "Nothing Antonio." I walked down the hall and my baby was laying on his bed crying his eyes out. "Oh baby, don't cry tell dad what's the matter, hey it's not that bad." He moved into my arms and started again. I have no idea what the boys did but it shouldn't have been done this way, my kid is scared. I heard Gianni scream. "Give him back the money, NOW!" "It's okay baby, papa seems to be a little upset also, do you want to tell me what happened?" He sniffed and I wiped his nose then he pointed to his pocket. "Took." "My dollar, took." "Uncle Leon took your money?" "Si daddy, took." "He's naughty and papa will sort him out baby, don't you worry about it." "My's." "I know it's yours, you work very hard for your money." "Tells nonna, she fix." "You tell her then and she will get mighty mad at Leon." I stood up with him in my arms and walked out to the family room, Gianni was still on the balcony telling them off, my babies had settled down a bit, but I could see they were still a bit stressed. "Talk to your brothers and daddy will fix this for you, okay?" "Okay." He knelt on the floor with the babies, they all wanted to cuddle him. I guess they went out in sympathy, maybe Lukas screaming may have frightened them. I opened the big door. "By god. I will strangle you Leon, you don't treat babies like that and you should, and will, go and apologize to Lukas." Gianni was furious. "Did you take his money?" I added. "No, yes Antonio I was taking it to place in the jar you left." "He thought you were stealing it, did you explain what you were doing?" "I don't think so Antonio, I told him he had to save it in his jar so he won't lose it. We are sorry Antonio, he got upset and screamed to upset the babies so I sent him to his room." "You need to apologize he's not even two years old he doesn't understand adult things." "I feel awful now, I am sorry." His head dropped and he went to talk to Lukas. The babies started again and we went to hold them. "Leon come and sit on the couch with me." I took Lucas's hand and he sat on my knee his head dropped to my shoulder. Picking up the jar I showed it to him. "Daddy put this big jar here for you, he wanted you to put your dollars in it so you won't lose it. We want you to save it and keep it safe." "No!" He shouted at me. "Why not baby?" "Give myes dollars." He put his hand out and Leon handed his ten dollars back to him. He slid down my legs and went over to the computer after jumping up and down a few times he finally grabbed a spare envelope then he ran back to me. "Lucks with poppa." The penny dropped so I grabbed the pen off the table and wrote his name and the date on the envelope, then I sealed it after placing his well earned cash inside. "Come on baby help me." I walked with him into the bedroom where I pulled the cupboard out and then I made him place it in the safe. "Now, it is safe and you won't lose it, papa will keep it for you." "Good daddy." I returned everything to its rightful place and he went out to watch his programs but he didn't look at Leon or Carlos so I guess they are still in the bad books. "It's in the safe, that's where he wants to keep it, I'll just put this jar away then." I almost laughed because I have to take some blame for this fiasco. Little Antonio was smiling when I looked at him again so I blew a tummy fart on his belly and he erupted in giggles. "We are sorry Gianni, Antonio, we didn't guess." "Well maybe next time listen to him very closely and if you don't understand him, let us deal with it." I smiled. Nothing was too good for our little boys tonight, they were waited on hand and foot and when we went downstairs everyone was there. Alice took Lukas and got a good rundown on what happened to him, she kissed him then slapped Leon lightly on the knee Lukas laughed at long last because someone knew what he was wanting. The babies were all being loveable and wanted to be picked up and I immediately took Sam to enjoy his company. "The kids aren't coming down?" "Yes they will be here shortly," Iris said. "So how is work treating you Gino?" I knew he had been busy. "Flat out, Pat and I got it all done but boy it's hard to coordinate the shipments, it's like every time I turn around another big order comes in. I had to ring Tinker twice to see if he got the instructions." "He's on top of it all Gino, if somethings not quite right he will ring you," Gianni said. "That's what he told me I just wasn't so sure he was getting the orders and placing them with the others." "He will be on top of it, have some faith in him." I smiled. "So Anna how would you like a couple of hours of work a day, mainly in the morning, you can take Sam and it's warm in the shops." "What shops Antonio?" "The kids need help and I reckon it's right up your alley. They need someone to print out the daily invoices and maybe help stack the cheese with the order slip ready for packing, it's light work and will bring in some extra cash for you." "Do they need me, I would love a part-time job, and it's only across the road awesome." "They think they don't need help but they do, and your perfect for the job and handy if they get really busy." "Working at the publishers I got to coordinate all sorts of things and was good at it too." "Perfect I will let them know and you will start tomorrow." "Now I can buy the one-carat diamond engagement ring you promised me ages ago Gino." He fished his wallet out of his back pocket and handed her his credit card. "Go to town baby." Then he kissed her. "We will go to town, together." She smiled. The kids came down with a cheese platter, it's not happening yet but I think I am going to get quite sick of eating cheese. "I can start tomorrow boys, I will get the order slips ready for the day and enter your overnight orders into the computer. If I get the time I will start putting boxes together." Anna smiled at them. "So you're working for us now?" Maxie said. "Yes Maxie, cash only please." She laughed. "We didn't know whether to ask you or not, but I guess Antonio got in first, thank you both," Tommaso said. "Dad is also willing to help but that's if he's not working for the day." He added. "Good," I said. "How is my wine coming along Iris?" Gianni was curious. "The upgrades are finished Gianni we are capable of doing eight thousand bottles a day, we need to do some tastings before I will let your wine hit the market." "Okay, I will leave it all up to you and Antonio then." "You do that my boy." "Uncle where have you been, we haven't seen you for days," Carlos said as Federico walked up to sit with us. "I am too busy Carlos, the new shop is flat out I need to get staff and I need you boys to start entering the orders from our accounts again you have been very slack nowadays." "We do it uncle it's all up to date." Leon moaned. "Not the postal ones there's a stack on my desk to be entered also. I will see you in the shop tomorrow, won't I?" "Yes uncle, you should get Iris to make the Cartasso's cheaper wine for your Australian orders you will get it faster than from mama's winery." I looked across at Iris she had a slight grin on her face. "We need to have a meeting Gianni, Antonio." "Okay Federico in your own time just let us know when Sabine is available," I said. Later when I had a moment with Iris she said the Cartasso wine can be made anywhere it's all pretty much the same it's the different additives and label that makes it stand apart. "Can we do it?" "We sure can." She winked, I took that as a good thing for our little company. Gianni was smiling at me and so I said. "We had better get Tinker over here to look at the winery, maybe he will think it's not good enough." He kept smiling and I started reacting. We all had dinner at our place, Anna was excited to start working again and the boys had given her a key so she can let herself in anytime. She sort of knew what they wanted and was more than capable of doing the coordination work. Sabine has tomorrow off work to do a charity job with Tony, so we scheduled the meeting for Sunday night. Gianni was still smiling and when I moved in behind him he whispered. "Good for your little company Antonio, but we have to vote on it first." "Well I imagine we will only be doing the Australasian orders for this area, the shipping will be easier." "We need to find a better cheaper shipping company," I replied. "Go ship, Antonio." "Who is Go ship?" "Rick Conner's business I think Antonio." "Oh, and how do you know that?" "I listen to Brent's conversation with Dianna he mentioned he had to go to a board meeting at Go Ship, it's a very big company." "I wonder if they do our ports, we had better have a good talk to them, maybe we can get mates rates." "We will Antonio, he likes me." "Does he?" "Yes he cannot stop looking at this humble gypsy man with the big dick." "Well you had better start winking at him then, or better still, flashing." He laughed his head off and pulled me down to the couch with Lukas then he started kissing me. the boys and Federico were having a meeting at the table and the kids were on the floor playing with the babies so I didn't feel like I was ignoring anyone. We ate a lot of food which was a good thing, gran will slowly refill the freezer again, hopefully. "Did I hear you mention Go Ship Gianni?" "Yes Iris, I think Rick Conner owns it." "He does, along with Brenten Walsh and the two uncles." "I will talk about doing business with them." "We already do Gianni, they ship for the winery. You can leave it all up to granny Iris my boy." "Thank you Iris, you are too good at your job." "I know." She walked off giggling and helped herself to another drink. By this time Gianni had his hand down my track pants and was playing with me, I suddenly realized what time it was and Lukas was still up so I said. "Bedtime baby." He didn't move because he had already gone to sleep, so Gianni gently picked him up and I went to do the same with the babies. Nappies were gently changed after I wiped them down and we placed them into bed, they were out like a light in no time. Kissing them while they are like this is my greatest pleasure, especially when Gianni is behind me trying to slip one in. "Come on Iris we will walk you home," Gino said. By this time everyone was tired and ready to hit the sack. The kids left and the boys jumped into our bed, so Gianni grabbed my hand and we headed for Angela's old room and slipped between the covers. In the morning there were five in the bed, Lukas had been restless during the night and the boys had bought him in and they thought they may as well stay with us. I slipped out of bed and walked to the kitchen, turned the coffee on then went to wash and brush my teeth. When I arrived back Gianni was sitting at the table he had made me a coffee so I sat with him. "Is Lukas still asleep?" "Yes Antonio, I told him to have another ten minutes so he closed his eyes." "Antonio can I ask you something?" "Of course husband." "Well, when you bought into Iris's winery did you know about getting the accounts from us, or was that her idea?" "All Iris's doing Gianni, I knew you would throw some business our way, maybe do a new label like, four brothers wine, something like that but before I signed over my money Iris had already suggested we do some of your stock in her winery. Now she's got her sights on the Cartasso label. Nothing to do with me but she does make a lot of sense." "She does Antonio, and last night I replaced that money into your wedding account. I want you to buy yourself something nice Antonio." He leaned in and kissed me. "You didn't have to do that baby, I am happy to have bought into the winery, I am also hoping the boys will run it when I get too old." I smiled. "You will never get old Antonio, in my eyes you will be always young." More kissing. "So we have a meeting, do you have any ideas on which direction the Cartasso should go?" "Yes some ideas Antonio, I don't think it's a good idea to make it here." "Okay, can you tell me why not?" "I think it should stay at the Cartasso winery and I think all the Gianni brand should be made here in Australia." "No way, nope not going to happen only the five cheaper ones will be made here the expensive ones must still be made in Italy." "Maybe your right Antonio, maybe just the five or six then." He was joking with me again, and thank you God, we thought he was only going to get two made here now he's thinking about five, I can't wait to tell Iris. "Don't think I don't know what you just did Antonio, you get more money out of me every time I look at you." "Not me Gianni, let's talk about the Cartasso cheapies in the shower." He groaned, I had that permanently surprised look on my face. We negotiated my winery to do two of the most popular Cartasso wines which will take the edge off the winery and give them some breathing space. "Four brothers wines sounds good to me but I much prefer Antonio's wines, seeing it's coming from your business." "Do you have any more recipes?" "Silly questions Antonio, I have many beautiful recipes in my head." "Good we can discuss it, now can you bend over some more." By the time we were finished gran was in the kitchen, Lukas and grandad were watching their morning shows and the babies were changed and on the floor again. They came alive when they heard us coming so we knelt and did some good morning kissing. I said my hellos to gran and she said to ring the kids, breakfast is nearly ready. I grabbed my phone and coffee then went to sit with grandad while Gianni turned the computer on, he was sending the photos to Magdalena we had taken last night. She said her little café was doing very well they even had Gianni's and the Cartasso wines now and they sell very well for them. "Have you heard from Stavros, I believe he's not very well." Grandad laughed. "He will get over it Antonio, he was a little upset he was the last to know." He chuckled again. The kids came up and started playing with the babies, so I went to see gran. "Are you taking Lukas today gran?" "Yes, we have a business to attend." "What have you actually got him doing, I hope he's not cutting anything up?" She turned and gave me another one of her sour looks. "He supervises, he has the recipes in his head and tells me what to do, then he helps put the labels on. Nothing to place him in any danger grandson, I teach him a rhyme so he repeats it back to me that way he will know all my recipes by his heart." "Good, I guess that's one worry off my mind. Can I ask you something else?" "Yes Antonio, breakfast is ready boys when you are." "The money you gave him, is that a daily thing or weekly?" "Weekly Antonio, I want him to get used to it, so no need to be throwing cash at him he's very happy he will get his wages at the end of the week." "I thought I might chip in also." "No, leave this to me, we can over spoil him if we don't hold back with our emotions. Did he find an envelope?" "Eventually gran, it's in the safe." "Good, he said he wanted to put it there. And you're not to worry, also his piggy bank is full so you need to empty it, and to him he's a millionaire, so leave it to me." She winked. I had noticed his piggy bank was overflowing I must take it to work we are always looking for loose change. While she set the table I went to get it and after I placed it in my backpack I sat down to eat. Iris came up and sat with us, she only had coffee and a piece of toast. "Lukas can you go and get ready please we are going to be busy today," Gran called. He jumped up and went to his bedroom, then he came out with an armload of clothes and dumped them at my feet. "Can't decide eh?" He shook his head no. He likes me to dress him that way he doesn't get all twisted and tangled in his clothes. "I will put the washing on Antonio, and mop over the floors before I go." "I can do that tonight gran." Again no answer, I guess I'm still in her bad books. "Grandad do you know if Stavros found a place for Angelina yet?" "Yes he has Antonio, he had a nice piece of real estate to sell her." He chuckled. "Is it close by?" "Just up the road and around the corner Antonio." "Good." I was pleased it was all working out for her. We said our goodbyes and Lukas was jumping up and down to get gran moving faster. The babies were placed in their travel capsules and Gianni carefully drove us to work. The first thing I did was made sure my babies were looked after then I set about counting Luka's money. I got Leon to check it just before he and Carlos scooted off to help Federico. Two hundred and ten dollars was placed in my wallet to give to my eldest son for his savings, I will find a new envelope for him when I get home. My next trick was to fill the cake unit, do some cheese platters and make myself a coffee while Gianni wiped the dew off his fridges. Nina walked in and said good morning then made herself a coffee and she indicated she needed to talk to us both, so we refreshed our drinks and sat with her out the front, Stavros was there today, but I didn't make eye contact with him. "Now boys I have thought about your staff situation and have decided a simple ad for experienced cafe staff on the local backpackers site will fix that problem, it will be easier for you both because when your not busy you don't call them in, they like cash also." She smiled and we agreed but if she had someone who was desperate for work she is to ask us. "Get here!!" Nina shouted then she leaped off her stool and grabbed one of them, the other stood there in terror. "We were just coming up, uncle Federico has had us working like slaves all morning." Leon moaned. "Upstairs, NOW!" I laughed so hard I spilled my coffee. If she could she would have pinched their ears for their insolence. I looked over at Stavros he was still staring at me. "Wish me luck Gianni, I don't think this is going to end very well." "Give me a call if he starts beating up on you." "I will." I stood up and walked over to Stavros's table to sit down. "Do we have a business to discuss Antonio Cartasso?" He said. "No, but I wanted to apologize for not saying anything to you about the winery, and I am sorry." "It is of no concern to me Mr. Cartasso." He's fobbing me off. "Okay, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." I got up and started to walk away when I heard. "I should have had your grandfather beat you right from the start insolent boy." I turned and smiled then slapped my ass and bent over. "Or you can do it now Stavros." He went to get up I screamed for Gianni as I ran inside the café. I couldn't stop laughing and Gianni told me off for being silly, so I helped him and Iris serve some customers. After the rush I sent Stavros a free platter of cheese and a bottle of good wine, I know it won't make him feel better, but I did. It looks like I have upset gran and Stavros thank god Gianni accepted the purchase at face value, I had told Iris what gran had done when I had a moment alone with her, she patted my bum and said. "Next time my lovely, next time." "You don't know how hard it is Iris." "I do Antonio, but this old lady still has some tricks up her sleeve." "Good luck with that my friend." When we finally got in after picking Lukas up I was knackered, it had been a busy day for me. I flopped on the couch while Gianni settled the boys on the floor, then I got up and took an envelope and wrote the balance his name and date on it. I fished his piggy bank out of my backpack and sat with my son again. I showed him the empty money box then the cash, his eyes widened and I think he understood so I made him put the cash in the envelope, and then we took it to the safe. He then grabbed his money box and handed it around to gather up some more loose change, there wasn't much coming so I explained to him if he leaves it on the kitchen bench we will put all our change in it when we have it. He gladly did the chore, then he went back to watching his cartoons with one eye on the piggy bank. I didn't feel like going downstairs tonight I needed some rest, so I sent the boys down with Gianni and laid on the couch. I could smell food when I woke and all of a sudden I was hungry, it had all been laid out and the kids were there to supervise it being served up. The babies were on the floor again and Lukas was in front of the tv watching his cartoons with the sound down. I stretched and sat up kissing my son on the head then went to the toilet. "Are you feeling better Antonio?" Carlos said. "Yes thank you, I needed that sleep it has been a big day. How did Anna go boys?" "Very Well Antonio, she had it all organized before we arrived, she had entered the overnight orders then she prepared the cartons and labels for us to pick and pack. It was a very different day and thank you for suggesting we hire her." "Well when your established you should hire some part timers to do all the packing for you, that will free you up to have more leisure time." They started laughing and Tommaso said. "We had three pleasure times today," A blushing Maxie looked at him. Dinner was awesome, Maxie had made fresh garlic bread and halfway through Iris appeared and ate with us, she was telling us she had spoken to Go Ship and got a very good price for the shipments, including Australia wide, and she wanted to know if my flower business was to be included. "No, we may leave that to my drivers they depend on the income Iris, but we do use a different company to do the interstate ones maybe I will have a look at the prices." "Okay so if there anything else I can help you with just say." She smiled at Gianni. "When do I talk about my babies Iris," He asked again. "Two weeks the show is only on every three weeks Gianni, then we talk about your babies." "Good." He then bent over and kissed her cheek. "I got to say the station is going crazy with phone calls maybe I might suggest you have a show of your own." "No Iris I want to do it with you, we have so much fun." he laughed and Leon slapped his hand. If I didn't know any better I would hazard a guess that Gianni is deliberately doing this because of our big partnership secret, but he wouldn't do that would he? We locked up and the kids saw Iris to her front door, the babies were sound asleep and Lukas wasn't far off, he had wanted to see if his two envelopes were still there before he went so Gianni showed him, he will sleep well tonight and so will I.