Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:32:01 +1100 From: max dowling Subject: Impossible Love 78 Impossible Love 78 Maxieplus The boys were back at home when we got there, I think they have just had sex because Carlos was moaning into Leon's neck and kissing him repeatably. The second the boys saw their bikes they wanted to ride them, they will be pushed at first while they coordinate their feet on the pedals, Lukas showed them how to do it, he's had a bike for some time now and screams his way around our balconies, it's like a race track. Unfortunately, there are scrapes and marks on the balustrade from him crashing into them, but they can be repainted when they get sick of the games. "Did you have a good time at the Spa boys?" "Yes Antonio, we were starring because we are celebrities now," Leon answered. He then looked at me and told Carlos to go and get his wet bag, I was forced to sit outside while they both plucked me into next week, my eyebrows looked a lot better but Gianni was still good to go, I wouldn't allow them to touch his they were awesome as they were. "Would you like a body wax now Antonio?" "Don't you dare Leon, he stays the same." "But he is a little untidy down there Gianni." "He's not he is perfect down there, I checked him out myself today." "Okay then, Antonio if you ever want your crack waxed I will do it for you." Carlos grinned. "I will do yours first my Carlos." I winked, he grabbed his crotch bundle and shook it at me. I went to the bedroom and opened the safe. I dragged a very large plastic bag out from under the mattress and placed it on the bed, there's no way this is going to fit in here. Bundles and bundles of one hundred dollar bills stared back at me, I called Gianni in to help. "What the hell are we going to do, she needs more room at home that's why we have this." "We will get a bigger safe Antonio, grans money must be well looked after." "I think I will unload mine and ask the boys to store it until a new safe arrives, there should be room for it all then." He helped me sort out the money and we both pushed grans bag into the safe leaving Lukas's money to the side where he can get to it. I then took my plastic bag down to the boy's flat. They were more than happy to look after it for a week or so and I noticed that they didn't have a lot of room in their hide hole either. "We had better buy one too Antonio, we have been talking about it," Maxie said. "I will get Gianni to order one with ours and have it installed in your wardrobe." "Okay just let us know what we owe you." "It can stay there permanently, and when your ready to do it you can buy this apartment off me, but only when your ready and when you agree to my price, no negotiations." They hugged me hard and I even got a few lip kisses. "Thank you, Antonio, you know we will look after it, is Alice okay with it?" "Yes, she said she is happy for you to have it, but not anyone else." I winked. "We can start renovating then Tomas, get your plans out." I looked over the plans when he got them, they are going to extend out onto the balcony and enclose it then relocate the kitchen for a more open plan living space it will be big and lovely. "Hang on, how did you know I was going to sell it to you?" "We were praying you would, so were only doodling with these plans, how can we ever thank you, Antonio?" "Be good and never move from here, make it your forever home." I kissed them both again and left with love in my heart. I hate to think how much is in the plastic bag of grans, and I bet it's only half of what she has stashed away. They were getting ready to do the show when Conner Brent and the kids arrived, they have been here before and we have been to their place on a few occasions. The kids were the first to scream, little Curtis ran over to hug Lukas and Jack grabbed the three babies for a hug. Teddy was a gorgeous kid he was quiet and a bit reserved, but the big boys were his best friends because they can talk football to him, how they know about Australian rules is beyond me. Conner looked gorgeous as usual and Brent was in a class of his own, in my eyes he's a little better looking than Grant their minder. I offered wine around and they had a small one each so I skulled mine and poured another one. "I'm immune, all Italians are immune." I lied I just wanted to drink tonight. "So you're ready for your big radio talk Conner?" I giggled. "Yes I'm looking forward to it, I hope it doesn't hurt too much." "It will not hurt you Mr, Rock star as long as you don't be advertising any new albums or shows, that costs money." "I won't be, and anyway it's a wine show, I know about some wines." "That is fair, and you may mention your babies and husband if you must." Leon was laying down the law. "Gianni go and get dressed please, wear the grey suit." "Leon?" "Don't argue, we must look the part in case fans are camped out the front." Gianni stomped into the bedroom to do his bit. "Antonio, please get dressed." "I am and don't start in on me." "Okay, then you may stand at the back of the studio." I rolled my eyes at Brent, we are in for a bumpy night I think. The kids arrived and said their hellos I think they are a little in awe of Conner especially Tommaso, did I see him check him out? They found the station and started looking at the likes and comments, Iris will be on in twenty minutes. "We had better go down, are you coming Brent?" "No Antonio, I can watch the kids." "I sort of have to go, Iris has almost begged me otherwise I would sit with you." "It's okay, Grants here to talk to, and I love being around the kids." He smirked. "Just talk you two, no hanky panky." Conner waved his finger at them. "Sure boss." Grant smiled. Gianni came out in his best suit he looked magic except his green scarf was still tied around his neck. Leon looked at him sourly but he let it go. "Come on we will be late for our Iris's talk." We piled into the lift and when I looked back at the faces I had second thoughts. I will get this producer thing out of the way and come back and listen to the show. "Good evening Iris you look lovely tonight." "Thank you Leon, Conner so nice to see you again." He kissed her cheek and also complimented her. She had a pale blue sequinned frock on with her pink loafers, I had to have a photo. "You take one photo Antonio, and your off the show." "Antonio, please don't upset our host." Carlos was now onto me. He flitted around with his face powder and we all got some, he's doing the shiny bits again. I heard Iris talking to someone on the phone then she sat at the big desk and inserted her recorded wine show talk. It started playing and we all clapped at her knowledge of all things radio. "Leon I have some news from the studio head they have asked me to appoint a producer for the show, so I have asked Antonio to be my assistant." "Iris, whatever you want, you are the star of the little wine show and Antonio will be a fine asset to your team." I looked twice at him I thought he would blow a gasket but he was calm and happy for her and me. "Wine my Leon?" "Yes please, my Carlos." Conner laughed. They sat at the table and clinked glasses, Conner was a little lost he didn't know what to do or what to say, so Iris poured drinks for us and we sat with the boys. "Did you hear me, Leon, Antonio is now the producer of the show, you and Carlos can go on as usual but he has the last say." "Yes I heard you our Iris he will make a fine producer for your little wine show." Somethings up everything isn't as it seems I leaned in and whispered. "They are up to something Iris be very careful." She smiled and took a sip of her drink. "Conner I would like to talk about your next album if I may, you have one coming out soon I heard." "Yes, Iris it will in the stores within three weeks." "Good, Antonio do you have a problem with that?" "No Iris not at all, do what you feel is right." I wasn't so sure and Gianni wasn't either he just had a confused look on his face. Her talk was coming to the end and she was signing off. There will be a three-minute ad break and then we go live. She got up to place her headphones on her head but Leon was quicker and sat at her desk. "Leon that's my seat." "No it's mine Iris, your little show is over you can rest now." "What? What the hell are you talking about, come on it's time." "Good evening my and Carlos and Gianni's friends out there in radio land, welcome to the Iris Wilson half hour, I am your host Leon Cartasso and I will be bringing some very special guests to you tonight. We have Gianni my brother here, say hello Gianni." "Hello, listeners it is Gianni here." He waved. While they prattled on, Iris was about to explode, both Conner and I moved back as she took one step towards them. "How dare you, how bloody dare you, get out of my chair and get out of here." "I cannot do that our adorable Iris Wilson with the bright pink loafers on, I am the new co-host of the show. You only do the little wine show and do not forget it." I stepped forward and yelled. "That's enough boys please don't do this to Iris she's your friend." "She is our beloved friend Antonio, but she also made us a star with her and this is our reward. Now we have a contract with money to do a new show on the radio. Say hello to my other brother Antonio listeners out there somewhere, he is Gianni's husband, and his children are Lukas Luca Antonio and Gianni just like their fathers and brother." Iris swayed and gripped her glass. "We will be back after this advertisement with our first special and permanent co-hostess Iris Wilson." The ad started playing and he stood up. "Please be seated Iris I will be talking to you about your vines and your charities, Mr. Conner's you may join in at any time." "What the hell have you done to my show?" "We have made it better, and when we found out the station's manager uses the same spa as us, we as stars had a small talk today. He made us sign a contract and we got you a wage also our Iris, pretty good for some dumb Italians you bet yourself." He puffed up. She had to sit down and gather her wits because the ads were ending. When the show returned Leon gestured for her to talk. "Well that was a surprise, I am Iris Wilson and I am sitting in my living room with a group of lovely young men, what do I say... let the party begin." I laughed at her face she was loving it and when she looked at me she said. "I guess you are fired." "No Iris he is the new producer of your little wine show, but we don't need him here now unless you want to talk about your interests Antonio, have you acquired any new investments lately?" "What? I'm out of here, good luck Conner your going to need it. You know what Leon you are a dickhead. I will never understand you, and I don't care, I just do not care anymore, you lot can all go to hell and I hope you all burn." I turned on my heels and screamed at them as I left. "Fucking fuck wits the lot of you, how am I ever going to survive living with you all." I got in the lift then I burst out laughing, they got me going again it was all an act I frigging well fell for it, once more. Brent was in stitches on the couch when I came in and the boys were laughing their heads off. "It was pure magic Antonio, pure theatre, the internet has crashed again there's so many trying to log on," Maxie said. "I need a drink I bloody well have had enough of them, I have this time." I sat at the table and listened, it had gone from bad to worst and Conner was arguing with Leon about music, he is still insisting Carlos sings better than him, but when he made him sing a few lines of one of Conners hits it was clear that poor Carlos hasn't got what it takes, he sucks at singing. "There Mr. knows everything about songs, my Carlos is a superstar, did you hear his notes did you see his showing his butt cheeks better than you? well did you?" Conner couldn't answer he was screaming with laughter, and so was Brent. "Now we have got that out of the way our Iris, have you any more to say on our big radio show." "I think I had better keep my mouth shut Leon, ask Gianni how Lukas is going at school." "I will then our Iris, Carlos you have a lovely voice so we will have you singing on next weeks show and thank you for your appearance, listeners Carlos Cartasso's new album will be in the stores in a week buy yourself a piece of history. Gianni our brother how is Lukas doing at his pre-school?" The lift opened and Conner fell out the door, he was laughing so much, the tears were streaming down his face and he grabbed Jack as he passed and sat at the table. "A small wine if I can please Brent." Then he started again cuddling Jack to him. I passed his wine over and he said. "I have never heard so many funny one-liners in my life, Antonio, do you think we should film the next one it would be very popular, what a bloody madhouse." "It can be Conner, I think it was well-rehearsed tonight. Iris is going to wet herself when she sees the listener count." "Still rising Antonio, twelve million." "I think we should start filming it kids, what do you think?" I said. "For sure put faces to voices but I think Gianni has to lose his suit, the boys are just having a lend of him anyway." "You reckon?" I knew they were. "We reckon." They laughed again. The lift was coming up and Iris was almost carried into the room I grabbed my phone and snapped a few quick ones, I will get the kids to upload them to the website, got you Iris bloody Wilson, pink loafers, and all. "How did we do boys?" "Look Iris still rising and people are begging for more, the replay has crashed, it will come up again but I expect it to go down again. Gianni had Luca under his arm and he leaned in to kiss me then pointed him in my face so I could kiss our bubs. "Did we do good Antonio?" "Yes you did good baby, got me again and got Conner also in fact I think you got everyone tonight." "They all slapped hands even Iris so I poured her a glass of wine and passed it over, if anything, I will get her well and truly poker-faced tonight. Brent was readying the kids for their walk home and Conner was very animated with Brent. The kids were still at the computer trying to get online so they can replay it, but I don't think that's going to happen tonight. I didn't ask any questions and when our guests left I started getting kids ready for bed. It was a madhouse down at Iris's and I don't want to process it, I couldn't work out whether I had been got at again, or what they were saying was true, but I didn't care. I slipped between the bed covers and leaned into Gianni who had a big smile on his face, I didn't ask any questions and snuggled in to go to sleep while he burst out laughing. Gran was on board in the morning and I checked the kids out then gave her a big hug. "Did you hide it, Antonio?" "Yes, gran so much cash you really should place it in the bank." "I will go tomorrow with the other bag, can I still leave that one here?" "Yes alls fine, Gianni was going to get a bigger safe anyway, so I will get him onto that today. Also, he's ordered the van for you and grandad it will be delivered tomorrow. It will make it easier for you both to transport the kids." "He doesn't have to do that Antonio, we have discussed buying a bigger car but I will thank him for his kindness, he's a very good grand son-in-law." She grinned. "Well you deserve to ride in some comfort gran, but be warned it will have Gianni's cafe logo on it." "I will be riding like a queen Antonio and proud to display his advertising, how much is he paying us to do it?" I cracked up laughing and went to see if Lukas was up yet. "Good morning son, where are you playing today, grans, Alices or are you going over to Brents, they did ask you to go there one day." "No daddy, nona Alices today she misses me." I kissed him and replied. "Good decision." One day I will take him to the big park so he can learn to play football with Teddy and his mates but I will have to do it after we pick him up from kindy. He scooted out to talk to grandad and Gianni arrived in his underwear, gran kissed his cheeks and fussed over him then it was my turn. "That was a very crazy radio talks last night, was our Iris very upset?" "No gran it was all a set up to rile me and Iris up." "I thought so Antonio," On cue, Iris struggled with the tie on her dressing gown as she gently walked out of the hallway. "Headache pill my lovely?" "Yes please, Antonio, and coffee I need a coffee my throat is like a stable floor." "Well, you shouldn't drink so much." I slyly grinned. "No, I shouldn't let you pour my drinks. Good morning Gran grandad Gianni." "Good morning our Iris," Gran said grandad was watching cartoons but he waved over his shoulder. The boys arrived full of beans and after they greeted everyone they went back to put some clothes on, but Iris had a good look anyway. They headed for the babies' room and got them sorted out for their day and everything was pretty much normal in my world, except Iris moaned a lot. I got on the floor and welcomed my kids to a new day then they wanted to ride their bikes. One fell off another gripped the handles and went for it, straight into the big bi-folding doors. He cried because he couldn't go through them and bashed his bike up against them several times. He wanted to go outside but I thought it wasn't a good idea until Gianni got up and opened them for him. He scooted around the corner with my husband following. The other one decided he wanted to snuggle with grandad so his arm went around him and he pulled him in, with Lukas being held on the other side. The boys arrived because they could hear the racket and deemed us awake. They tinkered with the computer and got the replay going. "Nineteen million hits Iris, another hit show. I think you are officially world famous now" Maxie said. "She is only world-famous because of me and my Carlos Maximillion, we do all the hard works," Leon said. "Yes you do Leon but it's still Iris's show." "Yes, we will be fixing that very soon." Iris's head snapped up and she replied. "You won't you know, I knew what you were up to and there is no way you are getting your hands on my show." '"We know the owner." He said. "You don't know shit Leon, sorry nona." "We heard he does go to our Spa and one day we will go and see him then we talk about contracts." "You won't it's not possible, SHE won't allow you to take over." When Iris looked at me and winked I knew who SHE was, you sneaky devil, what else don't I know about Iris Wilson? "Breakfast is ready Maxie please stop tinkering with the radio and come and eat." "Can we tell them?" "Of course you can," I said. "We are buying Antonio's flat, Alice has said it's okay." Tomas grinned at everyone. "Well done kids, when do you take it over?" Iris asked. "When we have enough, we are going to talk to dad today and we want to talk to grandad if he can pry himself away from the tv." "Do whatever you want boys grandad is educating the babies." He waved his hand again, then he got up to get them some food. "But do we have enough?" "How much is he charging?" "We don't know but it won't be a fortune." "Properties are going up in value, what about a nice one-bedroom place near the market it's going cheap?" I started laughing. "I want five hundred for it." it's worth a little more but not much, it's time to be a businessman, and that's the price I heard them discussing on the steps with Gino anyway. "Sold but give us time to gather the money." I saw gran smile and she placed her hand on my shoulder indicating to me she's already working on it. They talked about finances and I ate not saying anything then when I finished I looked at Gianni and he was more than ready. We went to shower and dress but took our time. "What are we going to do for them Antonio, I want to contribute." "So do I Gianni that's why I placed a hefty price on it." "Maybe fifty each?" "That's a fair gift for them my love and I think gran has something in mind also, can you bend over I want to rim you." "Be my guest." As it turned out gran did put something into their gift she matched us dollar for dollar and when Maxie and Tommaso's parents were alerted they also collectively matched what we had, which meant they only had to find three hundred thousand. We gave them a card, which we all had signed, at the Italian club the next time we went there. We had written the amount we had collected and this was for their wedding present, we had the cash to give them at home, they will give it to me and save heaps on transfer fees because I will make the sale three hundred. I felt like it was time we had another wedding and Tommaso's father was delighted to be pushing the kids into having one. "What do we do Antonio, we can't take this money it's too much." Maxie was in a mess after he opened it. "You thank everyone, and then you have the best wedding money can buy and invite everyone, you should have it here, after all, you got together here." "It's too much," He looked at Tommaso who had started crying, and grabbed him. "Will you marry me?" "Yes of course I will." The club erupted and a big bowl was placed on the table, people threw cash into it all night, which should cover everything they will need for their special occasion. I had spoken to gran, she said she loved the kids so much and had wanted to offer them one of her apartments, but she was very pleased to at last contribute to our friend's happiness. "Antonio, you have money to burn, this old lady has some money but never uses it. I want you to keep the cash I am holding in your safe, if not for yourself for the children's banks. Please take out the money for the kids before you do anything, there will still be a lot left. It makes this new heart of mine sing to do this for such lovely boys." "Thank you gran, you won't be leaving yourself short?" She huffed at me and said. "Please just do it, ask no questions." We dropped Lukas at his kindy and will let gran and grandad pick him up today the cafe is getting busy again, the racing carnival starts next week and everything is in place for Gianni's display. I was busy all day I didn't even stop for a coffee, Iris was in her element talking and selling wines, she told me on the quiet that she owned the radio station, it was a backstreet set up and she had two internet radio minded boys running it. There are several shows on the station that are popular but she would like more just to get the advertising in. I thought that would be the case, there's plenty of garage radio stations out there, she started it just so she could talk about wines but now she has a headache because advertisers are begging to be allowed to throw their money into it. "You wouldn't like to own half of an internet radio station would you Antonio?" "Put me down as a partner Iris, and I will talk to Sabine and Gianni about advertising." I walked off laughing my head off, I think that's what she was angling at. That same night I spoke to Gianni about his new bubbles, we had finished the first run and it will be hitting the stores very shortly. He had chosen a royal blue label with stars on it and we decided to call it Gianni's Starry night, Iris said it was one of the best she had ever tasted and the French were angry he had made better sparkling wine than them, they were always angry with the Cartasso and Gianni range. "The initial order has been completed and will be shipped to your warehouse tomorrow, the guys can take it to the birdcage next week." "Good Antonio, the display is ready?" "Yes my love, blue ceiling with millions of stars." We took the opportunity to launch starry night at the racing carnival, the display will look awesome. The girls from Sydney have arrived back and I handed them their invitations, one had got married and the others are still looking. They almost destroyed Sabine's little frock shop and bought up heaps of outfits, she didn't seem to have much in her shop by the time the carnival started. She does very well out of it. I was sitting by myself out the front watching Lukas push Luca around on his bike when I heard it. "Nooo!!" It was Sabine I rushed to her shop to see what the matter was. "Whats happened?" "They have hobbled me, look Antonio they have sent me a request and stopped me from entering fashions on the field." She handed over a printed-off email and then I followed her back to the table and she ordered wine. I read the note and started laughing, Gianni and Iris came out to see what was happening. "They have asked you to consider being one of the judges Sabine, a real honor." "No it's not Iris, they have hobbled me, stopped me from entering." I looked at Iris she was grinning. "Iris did you have anything to do with this?" Sabine asked. "Why would you think that Sabine, although I have done it in the past many times it goes with you being a local celebrity." "I won't do it, I just won't, Cody Mitchell and I have a plan and we are going to win all three carnivals." "You can refuse Sabine, but it's awfully common to do that." Iris is loving this. "You have won two years running dear mother in law, one year off won't harm your record." I tried to perk her up. "What do I tell Cody?" "Tell him I'm available." Iris laughed her head off, then walked back into the cafe. "Bitch." I heard Sabine whisper. Oh, dear Iris what have you done. Sabine was being comforted by Gianni and when the boys found out they plied her with more drinks as she cried on their shoulders. I had a plan already but will wait until she is on her own. The girls arrived and ordered up big, I was talking to them about their love lives actually, and they were complaining about the friend that landed a rich husband they were all better looking than her. "Well I will write down the address of the Italian club and you all come as my guests, there's plenty of single Italian men there, some rich some with good hearts, and some that I consider very very handsome." "Really?" "Yes, very handsome and young." "We will come, we are sick of the racing crowd they are mainly drunks and misers they only want one thing." "Well if there's one thing I know about Italians baby, they are respectful and generous to their women." I winked. They decided they will come Saturday night to check the place out and thanked me because they had run out of places to party at. I got up and went to use the computer. Gianni poked his head in and asked if I was all right. "Yes dear husband I have a few things to do then I am all yours." "Well don't be too long." I printed off what I had written, made sure Iris was busy and walked out the front to take and Sabine's arm. I pulled her into her shop and made her read the letter. "I can do that Antonio?" "You certainly can dear mother-in-law, it was only a request, you can refuse because you will be needed at your son's birdcage event, and Iris has done it before so she tells us." She started laughing so much she almost fell over. "Now sit at your computer and fire this email back to the organizers, word for word." I winked and she did what she was told. I helped Luca turn his bike around he had got stuck at the wall and doesn't quite know how to do turns yet. Lukas had been showing him in-between trying to get the other two set up. I think bike racing in the market is going to be their thing. Alice and Bianca were watching from the florist shop doorway, so I went back to play in my husband's pants. "What have you been up to Antonio, you look very busy today?" "Nothing much my husband, I invited the girls to the Italian club this Saturday, I have settled your mama down and I am about to get those lazy brothers of ours into the back room, they are taking up valuable seating." "You are so good for my business Antonio." "I am, what are you doing?" "Talking to you." He kissed me. "Well I just saw some government people go up to Gino's office don't you think you had better go see what they want?" "I am going now Antonio but one more kiss will happen first." He walked me over to the bathroom wall and kissed me deeply, my legs were like jelly and my hands were everywhere trying to grab a hold of something Gianni. He left and I spoke to the boys, it looks like they have settled in for the day so I maneuvered them out the back and sat and had a wine with them. Iris was behind the wine counter unaware that Sabine has declined the invitation but suggested they contact Iris Wilson because she had nothing planned for the day, I can hear her screaming already in my head. I saluted the boys for giving us another crazy night and couldn't wait to get home to listen to the replay. "We have booked some studio time tomorrow and my Carlos is going to be making his first cd." "You what?" "We are making music tomorrow Antonio." "What the hell, Leon he can't sing, sorry Carlos but it's true." "I know that Antonio, but Leon will not listen to me." "You can sing better than that rock star and you are going to be making a cd and it will sell millions." "What the hell are you going to sing?" "Rick Conners songs Antonio." "You can't they are all copyright you have to get his permission." "We won't tell him, Antonio, until Carlos's cd is a best seller." He winked at me. "You are both crazy, I don't know you anymore." "Have some faith in your brother do not be disrespectful." I nearly fainted at their stupidity. Donations always gratefully accepted at Nifty