Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:23:17 -0600 From: Retta Michaels Subject: Beginnings - Jordan - Chapter 4 Jordan By Retta Michaels Disclaimer: If you are under the age of eighteen, or live in a locale which doesn't allow you to read these sorts of stories legally, then please don't. Come back when it's legal for you to do so and it will be great with us who are here legally. In fact, we'll support you and in the right circumstances help get you laid. Now, skedaddle and shut the door on your way out! Now, for the rest of you who are supposed to be adults, act like it! Chapter 4 When we arrived at the performing arts center, it was the largest place to date we had performed. We went in and the place was alive with activity. The stage wasn't needed but the lighting technicians were buzzing about doing what they do. It's amazing how they could take a place that is so-so and turn it into a perfect environment so everyone looks their best. I walked around the aisles and took a look at what all we'd be working with. Chad was over talking with someone about how to go about getting off the stage and where the little girl would be sitting who was our Make-A-Wish girl. It might not sound like much, but to me, when someone's dying wish is to see us perform, it's more than humbling. It's a blessing and I'm going to do everything I can to make their time watching us the best they've had because their time on this earth is treasured. [For those of you who don't know anything about Make-A-Wish, then please Google it and you'll be amazed] Soon enough, we were told we could go onstage and then, it was lighting check. We were to stand in our spots and the lighting techs would make sure the lights were where they were needed. Tonight's lighting test was more for us because we were going to be performing material we'd never performed before on stage. Chad and I were called over to the keyboard and when given the opportunity, he loaded his disc into it so it would know all the settings and tones. He tested it out for the first two songs and then the Cherry Pop song. As soon as Cherry Pop started, the other guys were all running over to see what he was playing. I looked at him and smiled because that should have gave him clue one how good it was. He smiled and told them it was one of the new songs for the fourth release. What was amazing was when he started to do the beatbox, RJ who I'd not seen until then, came running up and then started to do another beatbox which was perfect for it. Chad's eyes got big and I knew a dream of his to perform with someone whom he considered a star, was being made. The guys were all grooving to the song and then I started to sing. When they heard it, they were blown away. RJ, who was doing the beatbox drum rolls off to the side into the microphone stopped and looked at me. I gave a wink and continued to do a sort of funk rap of the Cherry pop. He was listening to the words and when he caught the jest of it, he came over and started to do the drum rolls again. It was like he'd came over so he could hear the words better. I don't know why he thought he had to hear them better, the speakers in the building were making the place shake, and his ears weren't deceiving him. When we finished, the guys were quiet. I think they were afraid Chad and I had gone over the edge. RJ walked over to the keyboard and said, "Guys, that's the filthies clean song I think I've heard. It's so catchy, I'm almost afraid of how popular it's going to be. I'll tell you now that song's going to be in the top ten if not number one. It grabbed my attention and I'm not easily taken. He turned to me and said, "You've got a rap style that's so Eminem that if you weren't signed to me, I'd be grabbing you and putting you up against him. Your lyrics are machine gun fast and almost faster than an auctioneer. I think people are going to be listening and relistening to the song just to get all the words. I'll tell you now, people are going to love it, but it's going to be hell for them to sing." He paused and said, "Now, for the advice...Your tone and range is utterly amazing.One thing we're going to have to do is get you a better sound system to pick up the low notes and get them out and what is that? Five octaves?" "I don't know. Mariah calls it vocal gymnastics, I do the same." "And, you're voice had changed, right?" "You know it has, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten hired." "ooh, you're a sarcastic asshole!" "And?" "And, if you weren't a friend, I'd really be digging off into your ass." "Well..." I held out my hands to the sides like, "What's stopping you now!" He came over and put his arm around my head like he was going to rub knuckles across it and then ended up giving me a hug." We both began giggling and it was something which I knew would become a joke between us. Until today, if he'd walked by me, I wouldn't have been able to tell you he was my boss, much less a friend. And, I don't think he was used to being treated in the manner in which I was treating him which he was getting used to now. When he let go of me, I said, "Dayam, use some right guard!" He gave a look of fear and then sniffed his pits, "You little asshole!" "Had you there, didn't I?" "Yeah, I was got. I admit it." He then came over to me and said, "I like you kid. You've got spunk and don't back down. That's something I really admire." "Well, thanks, I guess." "You guess! You're going to hold your own in this industry with that wit and have people afraid of you. For that, I'm really proud. What's interesting is how fast you speed rap, I think you'd have someone called a motherfucker fifty different ways before they realized the words you were using. To be honest, I'm going to do a word per minute on you and see how fast you can get those out. I'll be willing to bet you it's well over two hundred." "I don't know. We'll try it and then, I'll know. I'll try to go faster for the test though, just to mess with you." He laughed and said, "I'll have you checked when you least expect it. Who's to say, that mic isn't already into a recorder." "If it is, then you got me. If it isn't, then I'll speed up. All I want to know is how fast Eminem can do it so I can beat him by one word in that minute." "You're cocky." "No, confident." "O.k., but what matters is that song's going to make you rich." "Well, Chad too!" "Yes, Chad too. Now, I'm going to go over and give him props." "When you do, be sure to know that is the second time he's played that song. The first was at the room on those new keyboards. He just began jamming like they were made for him." "Well...then, he's good!" "Good! Good? He's excellent and you know it." "Well, o.k., I admit it." "Good. Now, go tell him before you know you're way older than us, you might have alzheimer's or something." "Now, I've got it! My little cousin! You remind me of him." "Poor kid." "Yup, you're an asshole." "Official asshole to you." "And A-O is my new nickname for you. Asshole-ay Official-lay." He walked away singing A-O, A-O, Daylight come and I want to go home. As soon as he started singing that, I was hit by an inspiration and ran over to Red. And said, "Red, give me a moment. I've got a song for you." "O.k., what you got?" "You remember the old railroad gang songs?" "Yeah, I know the sound, but I don't know any of them." "Well, I'll talk with Chad and we'll pull one up for you. Just as soon as I thought of it, I heard your voice on it and it just blew me away." "Wow! That'd be great! You mean like I'll have a solo?!"" "Yeah, why you don't want a solo?" "No, it's just the guys think you and Chad are the solo-ists." "No, this is a group and everyone should be able to have a spotlight. We'll do what we can to get that changed." As soon as I spoke those words, I thought of another song in the style of Janet Jackson's "Black Cat" entitled "Get it Changed" and said, "Hold up, another idea's hitting me. Let's get over to Chad because he can tune in and help me pull out the sounds." We went over to Chad and RJ. They were talking and I said, "Sorry guys, but this is an emergency." Chad gave me a look and said, "What's up?" I've got two songs, and they're bursting to get out. Here's the way the first one's in the style of an old railroad gang song and it's a sort of clank...bump....clank clank....bump bump....then, it goes back to clank. He started testing sounds and withing about fifteen of them, he had the clank down perfect. RJ stood back and watched us. Then when we couldn't get the bump right, RJ went over to the bass drum on the drum set and said, "Chad record this and then synthesize it so it's mixed in with a very short lion's roar." Chad recorded it and then messed with the effects toggles and slides until he pulled them together. It still wasn't right, but it was really close. I said, "It's missing a bit of a metallic sound like a pots lids clanking together. He said, "I'll check the data base and if we don't have it, then I'll record some and work with it. He went throught the data base real fast and then on the third screen, he hit paydirt. The first one was too small of lids, but the second ones were perfect. He drew them in and instantly, I was all smiles. As soon as he saw the smile, he started doing the clanks and the bumps to the speed I told him. "You're a crack whore, your mama's doin' lines, all skin and bones, racing down the line...." As soon as the words were out, Red started singing them. I said, "Red, watch me and put your hand on my throat. You've got to growl it like you're really pissed. This is your woman and she's just went out and spent the grocery money on a vial, Are you going to sing it up here or are you going to let that bitch know what you're really feeling?" He started to sing again and as soon as he sang the words, RJ was over and looking at us. His face was all smiles and he said, "That's awesome, you're using our shit against us. I've got respect. You're going to make some of these so-called rap artists suddenly see where their roots are and they're going to change real fast or be left in the dust. This is awesome. As soon as you said railroad gang song, I was put on point to be pissed and then as soon as you started the words, and using the rhythm, I knew what was up and it's a whole new style of rap. This is going to be something else." His face was lit up and I knew his brain was turning. He turned to Red and said, "Listen to him, your voice went into the tone it should've when he explained it. It's blues man mixed with rap. It's awesome, totally awesome and you're pegging it. Get those words down, because I think we're going to have you all in the studio for a while when we get you there. You'll be moving the records out and everyone's going to be wondering if you're going to let anyone into the top ten because all your albums are there!" Chad was smiling and said, "O.k., what's the other one?" "O.k., Think of Janet Jackson's "Black Cat" the screaming guitars and the metal sound in that style.". Chad started playing some riffs on the synthesizer and then started watching my hand. He began to speed it up and slow it down according to where my hand was. The one thing I was completely amazed by him was his built in ability to have a metronome built into his head to get the song's speed perfect. As soon as he had the speed, he began playing the riffs and I started to sing. My voice couldn't do Janet's as good as she could, but it was going good. Red started smiling and started singing in the tone of voice I'd shown him. As soon as he started, I knew he had it down. I backed off and he caught the draft of what the words were meaning. It was a story about someone being fed up with their lover and their lover's attitude and them telling them to get it changed" RJ went back to the back of the theater and yelled, "Play it again. Something's not right. I'm not hearing it back here. It's way up there about twelve feet." Chad started messing with the equalizer on the keyboard and RJ yelled, more mid and less high. Chad made another adjustment and Red continued to sing his heart out. What was interesting, was Wend, Bandy, and Niles came over and started to sing harmony and backups for Red and that's when RJ yelled, "Oh My God! You guys are killing me!" Chad stopped and RJ said, "Guys there are so many styles coming from you, I'm not hearing a group anymore. I'm hearing a helluva writing team and you're cranking out hits that are so fucking awesome!" Chad smiled because I think he thought RJ wasn't liking the music. I knew I saw the guys all let out a breath they were holding and smiles suddenly shown on their faces. RJ came running back onto the stage and said, "Guys, they're your songs, and you've got first rights, but any you don't think you want, come to me first and let me have a chance at them. That song there is developing Red's style and I love it, but I can also hear about four other people's voices singing it. One of them that instantly comes to mind is Martha Wash who really would be great for you guys to work with. That woman's voice will keep you awake at night" "I nodded to Chad and he started to play, "I don't know anybody else". I started belting it out and walked over to the center of the stage and hit my zone. Chad knew where I was because we'd done this at his mom's house. The tone was so good his mom yelled for him to turn down the stereo before she realized it was my voice she was hearing. When she came into the room, she said, "Kid, you got soul. And you've got it perfect. Inside you is someone that's got it and she's begging to come out." I thought it was funny at the time, but RJ said, "You've got her voice!" I never really heard him because it was kind of in the back of my mind. I was into the zone and as long as Chad played, I was in it." RJ came over to me and put his arm on my back. I never heard him, but as soon as he touched me, I stopped cold. "We've got a sound check and the only mic which has been checked has been yours, Red's, and Chad's. The guys are feeling left out." "O.k., all they had to do was ask. Sheesh." He smiled and said, "I think they're a bit afraid to since I'm here. They're thinking you're being auditioned for something." "Oh, well, I'll go tell them you're just building a friendship and you've passed that audition." He laughed and said, "Well, I'm glad I passed." "I'm glad you did too, otherwise I would have had to severely punish you and you wouldn't like that." I said waggling my finger at him. He laughed and said, "You're so damned precotious you have no clue how cute you can be." "Oh, I've been told....believe me, Chad tells me." "I know. He's over there watching every move you make and you have no clue how much he plays off you. You think he's the leader of you two, but you're it." "No, he lets you think that." "No, I see it." "Well, that's because I love him." "He knows it and he loves you too." Until then, the "L" word had never entered my vocabulary for anyone other than my parents, or grandparents. Saying it sort of scared me, excited me, and made me a bit relieved. Now I know what I was feeling and I knew Chad was it. The guys who played the instruments came on and our guys came out. Chad pulled everyone into a huddle as we normally did and Chad said, "Guys, we're on. Do your stuff and know we're all pulling for each other." Usually, everyone broke with a loud "YES!", but this time, I tapped Chad on the shoulder and said, "Guys, we've got everything locked up for all of our records, the fourth, and there's not much more than go out and have them firmly convinced they're decision's a sound one." Wend said, "Is that what you've been doing?" I stood up and said, "Well, I didn't see your butt out there doing anything." "Who the hell could have, you were taking up all the time!" "Then get your ass out there and strut big man because mine's tired of pulling yours!" Wend came up and bumped me in the chest and Chad stepped in. "Wend! Guys!, He's right. You all have been over there sniveling and not stepping up. You all have talent and so does Jordy. He's out there showing what he's made of and you're trying to fault him for it. Back the hell off or you'll push his ass off the stage and when he goes, this group is done." "Is that what you want?" Wend sneered." "No, but I thought we were a group" I said, "That means we pull together. You've not been there. Go test your fucking microphone." Wend started to come towards me and I turned to RJ, "I'm taking the night off. I'll be in the limo." RJ looked at me and said, "What!" "These guys can do it without me. So fuck them." RJ came over and said, "I don't know what was said in that huddle, but my suggestion is you ALL get back in it and apologize to each other and grow the fuck up." Chad said, "Wend, Jordy, get your asses back into this huddle." I went over, "Wend, I'm sorry." "You're real fucking sorry. A sorry excuse for a singer." "And your point is? Because while I've been out attempting to sing, you've been back letting me do the work, pull your own weight from now on." I turned to Bandy and said, "You need to get that dude off your shirt tail because he's about to cost you a career." "Where he goes, I go." "Adios motherfucker." I turned to Chad, "Come on, they don't need us. Let's see how far they get." RJ came out and turned to the band, "Start playing and get the shit going fast." He turned to me, "Suck it up and show that punk what you're made of." He went over to Bandy and Wend and said something, but what I know is when he turned around, they came to center stage and took their positions. He came over to Chad and said, "I thought you had better control of these monsters." "I try, but some of them don't know how to shut up." He glared at me and then over at Wend. I went to my mark and when the first notes sounded, I put on my smile and went into step for the first song. The choreography was so instilled into us, we could do it in whatever mood we were in." We went through the whole set and everything was perfect. Chad came out and then we went through our songs. It wasn't as perfect, but I knew it was me that was having issues. It's hard to sing a love song when you're pissed off at someone." We left the stage and Red and Niles went on. They did their songs and then Wend and Bandy came on. Bandy messed up a line really bad and Wend turned to him and really chewed into him. I went out onto stage and said to Wend, "When we're done here tonight, you and I are going to spar bud and I'll tell you now, the first place I'm aiming is your mouth." "We'll see how far you get without anyone there. Chad's about as tired of your shit as I am." "We'll see...we'll see..." I went back to the side of the stage and Chad said, "Watch it." "Or? Because I'm beginning to believe you're tired of my shit like he's said. " "It's gotten old here, I know that." "Well, we'll have different rooms when this is over tonight then." "What's gotten into you?" "Let's see...I have a jealous boyfriend and a jealous team mate...and something's into me. So, is that psychopathic, or sociopathic. Is it the world that's fucked up, or is it you that's fucked up." "You might need that room. That's for sure." "Well, the way it looks, you could probably share with Wend. Bandy is feeling about like me right now." "Because I don't tell you everything you want to hear, you going to spend the night with RJ?" "That's it! I'm out of here." "Where you going? The truth fucking hurt!" "No, but a boyfriend who can't handle his jealousy can. Deal with it because I'm so fucking done." I went to the fire escape and went out. When I saw a cab, I hailed it and said, "Take my ass to the nearest bus station." "O.k., that will be seventeen dollars." "Get me to an ATM and I'll get if for you. I don't have anything but plastic." "The car doesn't roll until I see green." "Well, I guess it doesn't roll." I got out and took off running. I ran down the street and then turned right towards the river. When I got to the river, I turned right and headed to the ocean. I got to the ocean and went out onto the beach and sat down." Someone walked by and said, "Are you?" I looked up and said, "Nah, I get teased about him a lot, but I'm not him." "Oh, well you do look like him and they're in town tonight." "Well, I'll have to stay in I guess." "It'd be a good thing because that guy just came out as being gay." "Must suck to be him." "Well, I think it's kind of cool." I looked at the guy again and said, "You gay?" "Nah, but I sure admire someone that will stand up for what they believe in, though." "Yeah, I guess they do that, don't they." "If you're not him, I'd suggest you to get your boyfriend away from the beach." "What do you mean?" "He's back there sitting on the wall." "I turned around and there sat Chad." "Go back to the theater Chad. You don't need me." "No, we all need you. Wend's finding that out now. Right after you left, RJ went up and offered him his bus ticket home and his cut of the proceeds. Then, he turned to everyone and read us the riot act. I got told to find you, or lose our contract. I'm not going back without you." "So, all I'm meaning to you now is a recording contract?" "Did I fucking say that?" "Which time?" "I'm sorry Jordy, what else can I say?" "Well, you could say I was working my ass off instead of agreeing with Wend. You could say you were working your ass off instead of the other guys. I wasn't hogging the stage and you know it." "Well, they got insecure and so did I. Can we say we're sorry?" "Not if all it means is a recording contract. No, you can't say you're sorry." "You don't get it!" "What don't I get?" "You don't get it. If you're not there, there's no recording contract for you. There's no recording contract for me. And, there's nothing for them." "Who said that?" "Who the fuck do you think?" "RJ?" "Yeah" "Well, remember to remind me of that when we go to record the fourth album. Everyone else will get a shot except him." "You've got to perform in order to make it, or did you forget?" "Well, it seems I forgot just like my boyfriend forgot he was my boyfriend and stood with the pack to verbally beat me up." "I'm sorry Jordy, how many times do I have to say it?" "Well, if you don't know, then I'll tell you." I got up and went over to him. When I got to him, I hugged him and said, "You didn't have to say it but once and all you had to do was hug me, but I guess you don't know that yet. And, to spur my ass back there all you had to do was get sarcastic about that little girl, but you don't know that. And, the next time you ever think you can stand with the rest of the guys, one time will be one too many for that apology because I plan on having cash on me from now on." "You should have taken a bus. They're cheaper." He chuckled. "If that was to make me feel like going back, you're sure mistaken." I said to him with ice in my voice. "Jordy, this sucks. We're having our first fight over other people." "Yes, it does because you got jealous and so did they. If you think I'd want to be with someone that's that fucking old, then take a look at yourself and then take a look at him." "He was coming on kind of strong." "I can say no." "I know that, but what we're going to have a hard time about when we get back is Wend. He's really wanting to beat your ass." "And, I'm wanting to beat his. So, we're even. He's a total dick. I don't know why Bandy puts up with him." "Probably loves him just like we do each other." "So, you feel it too." "Yes" Tears sprung to my eyes and I said, "Then why don't you say it." "Because about the time I realized it, you were running out the door." "Well, we're going to have to go back. I wonder how much of an ass chewing I'll have to take." "I don't think any. Your parent's are here." "Oh man, it's going to hit the fan, isn't it!" "Well, your dad looked miserable and your mom looked pissed." "What did I tell you.They're probably here to pick me up." "RJ was trying to keep it from you. He told me to keep the guys from saying anything to you. I think Wend saw his chance to be something more in the group if he had you gone, so he started stuff with you. I can't prove it, but that's what I think." "I so want to punch him in the mouth." "You have bigger things to worry about than that." "No, I know how it will go and on my way out the door, I'm going to hit him. I swear." "O.k., I'll make sure you have a few seconds to spare. If you go home, the concert's done anyway, so I guess it doens't matter." "Well, let's go back and face it." We rode back on a bus. The bus had a lot of teens in it and as soon as we got on, everyone recognized us. Chad mumbled something about painting on a smile and then we started signing autographs. Everyone was patting us on the back and no one said a thing about us being gay. What was funny was one guy who I swore was gay got up to let us have a seat together. He smiled at us shyly and nodded. We smiled back and when we sat down, I held Chad's hand. The way I saw it, if it was going to be our last few moments together, then I was going to show him all the love I had. "When we pulled up in front of the center, the bus dropped about the whole bus full off and we went right up to the front door along with them. One girl said, "You two probably aren't them, are you? You're just putting us on." I smiled and said, "Right now, I wish I wasn't him, I hope you enjoy the show." The guys all gave us high fives and then everyone thanked us for the autographs when they got inside and saw how much they cost in the merchandise booth. Yeah, five dollars for an autograph is terrible. When we got to the ticket booth, Chad pulled out his stage pass and said, "He's with me." "How'd you know I didn't have mine?" "I saw you lay it down when you were going at it with Wend." "Then, why didn't you pick it up for me?" "I wasn't sure if I'd find you. I just figured since you always went to the beach when we were home that's where you'd go now. The only way I knew to get there was to follow the river. So, I got lucky and found you." "I wasn't there long." "Well, that guy sure was giving you the eye." "Most do, it's probably because we're famous." "No, it's because you're that cute." When we got back stage, I saw my mom and dad and went over to them. RJ was there and the conversation was heated. RJ said, "You can take him and I can't legally stop you. What I can do is sue the shit out of you and that will be guaranteed. So, do what you've got to do and I'll do what I've got to do. My advice to you is when you get home, take one last look at everything you have, because you're going to lose it." My mom turned to me and said, "See what you caused!" "Me! I'm not causing you all to be broke, that's your decision." "Shut up!" "No, I think you need to grow up. How long have you all told me to follow my heart? How long have you all told me to go for what makes me happy? Huh?" My dad said, "Your mother's upset because she doesn't understand how it's not her fault. I've tried to explain, but she keeps saying it's something she did." "And how's that going to change if you all take me home?" "It's not, because try as I might, I keep telling your mother you're going to do what you want and we're going to have to let you spread your wings and fly." "Then let me and go out front and enjoy the show. We've got a lot of new material and I think you'll like it." "No young man, you're going to march right out there and get into the car and go with us back to Florida." "No." "NO!" "Yeah, you heard me. You want to play this game, then I'm going to say no. Now, go get the police and I'm sure they'll put me in juvie because I'm not about to go back with you. You might want to ruin your own life, but you're not going to stand in my way and ruin mine." My dad looked at me and smiled. "How dare you!" "How dare you!" I countered back. "You're so selfish you'd deny me this?!" "We didn't send you with these....these....people so you could become a pervert!" My dad's voice bellowed and he turned to mom, "You've said enough!" "Apparently, I've not!" "Mom! If you really want to know, Chad and I met each other while I was living with you. I fell for him when I was living with you. So, how did sending me off with them turn me into a pervert? I think that happened while you were on watch, not them. Now, for your information, if you think I'm a pervert because I love someone, then you're a real pervert, aren't you! Or have you been lying every time you've told dad or me my whole life that you loved us?" "That's different!" "How's it different? Because you made the choice about dad and you think you can pick and choose who I'll love? Because I'll tell you now, that's not going to happen because the answer will always come back to NO!" "You....You...." "Pervert? Please say it mom because I've got plenty of witnesses that will testify you're mentally abusing me. And, while I've got this pass around my neck, I'll have your ass bounced out of here with a finger snap." She turned on her heel and said, "Come on Larry, he's no longer a son of mine." "Doris, you get your ass back here right now, or so help me you'll wish you'd never pushed me to this!" My dad's face was red and he was livid. She turned back to us and had her hand on her hip, "Or what?" "I'll tell you what. You want to play God with our son's life, then get over it. He's said No and I'm supporting him on it. If you want to think you can push me around woman, then as soon as we get to Florida, I'll sue you for divorce and ask for custody and get it!" She looked at me and said, "You get your tail out to that car, or so help me!" "Security!" As soon as I said the word, three came running. "Take them to a dressing room and shut them the hell up before they make any other stupid remarks.I GUESS if my parents aren't going to go out front and hear me sing a love song from my heart to someone I love, then they can wither and die in a dressing room for all I care!" I turned to my dad and said, "I'm not going back. Get that through her head." "You won't be because I'm going out front where I'm wanted by my son and if she can't figure out where her place is, then she needs to think about it on the way back to Florida." "Larry! Are you leaving with me!" "No, I'm going out front. So, say your piece and prepare yourself all the way back to Florida to figure out what you want in a divorce. I won't tolerate this any longer." He turned and said, "Where do you want us?" "Well, I'll get you a spot next to the Make-A-Wish girl. She's on the front row. That way, you'll see what it looks like from the best seats in the house." While I was talking, my mom came over and grabbed my arm. Her nails dug into my arm and I turned back to her. "Your hurting my arm, let go!" "No, you're leaving with us. You've caused enough problems." "Don't make me get the police to remove you!" "You don't have the chance because you're leaving." She said through clenched teeth. She gave a yank and that's when I said, "SECURITY! Remove this woman from the building!" The guards came over and forcibly picked my mom up from the floor and took her towards the side exit. The whole while, she was cussing a blue streak and making a real spectacle of herself. They, in turn, were telling her to leave the premises and if she returned, trespassing charges would be pressed against her. My dad came over and said, "I'm going to let her sit out there and cool off while I watch the concert. On the way home, I'll tell her what I expect and she'll either simmer down, or she'll find herself a single woman. What she's done tonight is just terrible and I'm not proud of her." "Dad, I love him. If anyone's going to be the one to take me away from him, then let it be us that decides that." "I know you love him. I knew it in Florida. Ididn't say anything to your mom because I knew this is how she'd handle it. Instead, I tried to let you know, I'm supportive. Now, your mom has to decide if her personal feelings are enough to split up her whole family, or she can live and let live. My thought will be she'll decide at the last minute to make up her mind and then say she'll need counselling. We've been together long enough, I can pretty much calculate down to the minute when she'll decide." "Well, if you need me dad, give me a call and I'll be there for you. But, tell her I'm not wanting to speak with her until she can give unconditional love and love me for who I am." "I'll tell her, but I don't think it will help." "Well, you've got your life and I've got mine, but you heard her. I'm no longer her son." "You'll always be her son. She can't deny you your birthright." "Yeah, well that may be, but so far, I've turned down a new house and a Hummer so I would feel good about myself. I guess I'll have to take something in order to have a place to live." "Well, I'd like to say you'll always have a place to live with me, but I don't blame you if you don't feel comfortable staying there with her as she is. Heck, I'm not ready to live with her as she is!" "Dad, I'm sorry." "No, you didn't do anything but do what we taught you and follow your heart. I'm not blaming you one bit. It's like she's reneging on what she taught you." "Yeah, and that's not cool." "I'll stress that when we're on our way home.Well, you get ready and have a good show. Do you want me after the concert?" "Yeah, we're going to have a meet and greet, then we're going to the hotel to renegotiate my contract because Chad and I are going to be releasing some duet albums. You'll hear some of that music tonight." "Is it really going over for you good?" "Until today, we were having a hard time. Then, that guy pulled his stunt and RJ used the publicity from it to turn the tide in our favor. Since that announcement, I hear we've sold over a hundred thousand copies and that's probably doubled since then. It's enough, they're going to get us into the studio to record two more to fulfill our contract and then a fourth one of material everyone wrote. Then, as I said, the release of Chad and I's duet material which is really excellent. You'll see it all tonight, or a large part of it." "O.k., I'll be back after the concert." "I'll be in the meet and greet room. So, you'll know where I'll be." He went towards the stage front door and I went over to the dressing room. When I entered, the group all smiled and welcomed me back. Wend said, "Jordy, I'm sorry." "What's to be sorry for?" I said smiling. I figured if he'd apologized, then it was enough for me. But, if at a future date he wanted to bring anything back up, I'd handle it then. RJ said, "Guys, the house is packed and we've had enough surprises for one night. Go out there and put on the best show they've ever seen and make it to the end in one piece." We broke and then went to stage right so we could be ready when the announcer made his announcement of us. I could see him enter from stage left in front of the curtains and then the crowd got quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats as the show will begin in three minutes." That three minutes was the longest of my life. Inwardly, I was wishing it was a bigger venue so we'd have the full concert stadium entrance and didn't have to go through this, but we didn't yet, but I knew it wouldn't be much longer. When the three minutes was over, he made the annoncement and the curtains opened and the band began playing. When we hit our cue, we ran out onto stage to a loud screams of the crowd. It was deafening. We played our sets and everything went perfectly. Little did we know how gaga the crowd would be over Chad reappearing without his shirt on. The screams were continuous after that until we left the stage. I can't tell you how the other guy's sets went because by that time, we were in the dressing room sucking serious face. What I do know is when Red and Niles arrived back at the room, they did the same. By this time, Chad and I were scarfing everything in sight. When Wend and Bandy got back, they were really excited and talking ninety miles an hour about how excited they were, the music went over. About five minutes later, a knock came on the door and Chad went to open it. It was my dad and he said, "Guys, the crowd isn't leaving, they want an encore." Chad looked at me and turned to the guys, "Do you think you guys can handle Cherry Pop? All you really have to do is sing back up and dance around, Jordy will be the one that's going to have them really crazy after that." Everyone agreed and I said, "Dad, come to the side of the stage and listen to the song. It's a whole different style than anything I've ever done before, but one word of caution, the words are going to be sung fast and it's clean even though it sounds filty." "O.k." He smiled and we all ran back out. When we re-entered the stage, the band and everyone was gone. Chad went to the keyboard and then gave a brief test of the equipment. He didn't announce it, he didn't explain it. He played it and as soon as the audience heard it, they were all dancing everywhere they could stand. The words ripped from my body and I do believe I sang over three hundred words a minute. They were coming out so fast and at such a staccato, everyone was straining to hear what I was saying. When we got to the chorus, I slowed down and went into it at normal speed. The guys all sang their best and it sounded like we'd practiced it and were in the studio. They were perfect. When the song ended, Chad said, "That was an hour long song folks...done in three minutes." They began to chant, "MORE! MORE!! MORE!!!" and Chad took us into the track gang song. The song didn't even have all the words and as I sang, the words flowed from me and the band shucked and jived their way through it. It was interesting because they were all over doing choreographed movements that no one had taught them and were putting on a good show. At the end of the song, Chad said, "Now, that's all folks! Have a Good Night and drive safely!" Notes From Retta: So far, I've gotten letters telling me you've loved it and I'm really thankful. It means a lot to me. Now, here's the request I'd like to ask some of you. Nifty has a different section if you didn't know that's called It's a site where they put their best works. If you've not been there, go and read those. You'll be amazed because it's just awesome. Take a look at the stories and see what you like. When you get a chance, go to the forums and submit my name. It's my dream to be placed on there and if you think Jordy's the one that's my best, then by all means submit it. If you think none of mine compare, then don't submit any. If you think a different story is better, then submit it. Here's a hint I'l tell you about the site. There's some authors who are my favs. Dan Hanrady is one that's tops on my list. Another is Ardveche. Try those and if you don't like them, then I just can't give any better advice. From My Keyboard To Your Heart, Retta Copyright Notice - Copyright © December 2007 by RettaMichaels The author, RettaMichaels copyrights this story and retain all rights. This work may not be changed or duplicated in any form, media, ( known or unknown) without the author's expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. Disclaimer: All individuals depicted are fictional, and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental -- From My Keyboard To Your Heart Rhett Here is a list of stories I've written and where to find them: With Love - Nifty - Beginnings Section Rural Love - Author Heading - Write Me A Love Story - Author Heading - To Love Him - Author Heading - Military Zone - Nifty - Military Section Evan - Nifty - Beginnings Section Jordan - If I Could Give It All Back -