Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 00:23:48 -0600 From: Retta Michaels Subject: Beginnings - Jordan - Chapter 6 Jordan By Retta Michaels Disclaimer: If you are under the age of eighteen, or live in a locale which doesn't allow you to read these sorts of stories legally, then please don't. Come back when it's legal for you to do so and it will be great with us who are here legally. In fact, we'll support you and in the right circumstances help get you laid. Now, skedaddle and shut the door on your way out! Now, for the rest of you who are supposed to be adults, act like it! Notes From Retta: This story is my gift to you, my readers. It's twelve Chapters long symbolizing the twelve days of Christmas. I may not be able to give you the Lord a leapin' but I sure and give you the band singing. Thanks for all of your letters telling me what your thoughts are in regards to the story. This chapter got into some little known clauses in the contracts which affected some of the better known bands. One ended up with everything while everyone else sucked a meager living. Think about some of them you've known all the way from the sixties clear into the nineties, you'll probably be aware of the clauses. One thing which is interesting about the contracts, is if one looks at them really close, you can see they've not been updated in like forever. There are antiquated clauses which refer of sound film in some and some that don't refer to digital entertainment arts and media at all. The loopholes are big enough to drive a freight train through, or an armored truck on it's way to the bank. My question is, who are the lawyers who get paid the bucks they do to secure their clients interests? Because I'll tell you now, they should be disbarred. What's funny is in the next chapter, we'll deal with the issues of what will happen if two different contracts come into play that have competing clauses. It's happened once and it was rather interesting how the band made payments to the two who had the contracts. In regards to the Entertainment Law, I'll give a huge shout out to Daniel. A phone call and he started telling me horror stories of the rich and famous. It's absolutely amazing people could blindly sign contracts which screw themselves so badly and name s of personalities which are famous today are the ones that did it. Chapter 6 When I got back from the hospital, I was surprised to see RJ there. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at home with Roger?" He smiled sheepishly and said, "We were, but after that phone call, he saw I was excited for something other than him, so I got told to get my ass on a plane to get here." "Oh, I'll call and talk to him." "No you won't" said Roger lifting himself from laying on the sofa, "I'm here. " "Oh, I'm sorry business interrupted a romantic time for you two." "No, because this interruption is the best I've ever seen and they're over there redesigning Athens." Athens if you must know is the nickname we have for our stage equipment. In our company, there's Athens, Parthenon, Acropolis, and another...but it's all Greek to I went over to the table they had everything laid out upon and as soon as I saw it, I said, "That's not Athens. What's this?" "This is Aetna. It's the mountain which all stages aspire to become." "Oh, show me what you've got." They explained it to me and instead of being a stage, we'd be performing in the round and the very center would be an airlift which would be able to shoot us up from under the stage and it'd have the ability to having us do aerial work from the scaffolds above. They explained the jumbos would be wrapped around the base, above, and would dangle from all over the place. Whenever an effect would be needed, something would be lowered from the ceiling scaffold and it'd be retracted so it wouldn't be obtrusive to any of the other songs or affects. "Isn't that going to cost a lot?" Wend, Chad, and RJ all looked at me like I was insane. "Well..." RJ came over and put his arm around my shoulder and began speaking to me like I was a small child. "Jord, this group's already brought in over fifty million dollars into my coffers. I think I can spend thirty million on a stage if I want." "Jesus, thirty million? How much are we paying for it?" "Not a damned dime." "Oh, well then, I guess we can afford that." "I knew your cheap ass wouldn't put out a penny, so why would I expect you to pay a dime!" He laughed and said, "Chad says you guys want to talk with the accountants because you don't know what you're worth or something like that. " "Yeah, it'd be nice to know so we can run away from home." He laughed and said, "Your ass runs away again and I'll spank it, you got me!" "Ok dad" I said batting my eyes. "Roger, get this kid away from me, he's getting kinky on me." "Only in your fantasies geezer" was my reply. "You do realize I'm only fifteen years older than you." "Damn, that's nearly double my age. So, when I'm thirty, you'll be like sixty huh!" "Bullshit, I'll be so reconstructed by plastic surgery by then, Michael Jackson will ask me how I did it." "Oooh, that's spooky." I began singing, "They call him Thriller....Phyllis Diller.....ooh" and then began making gagging sounds...and then stood up, "So, I'll have to make up a song about your butt being the back of your head and your nose being longer than your.....ummm...ummm...." Roger started laughing and said, "Don't worry hon, I'll ride it all the way to the top." RJ said, "You guys are too rough on this old dude." He turned back to the guys and said, "So, what are the measurements for ...." Chad said, "In inches or fractions!!!" Everyone really started laughing then. RJ composed himself and said, "You've been around A-O over there too long. He's rubbing off on you." "Yeah, he's done that a few times." Chad quipped. I went over to the sofa and sat next to Roger. He put his arm around me and asked, "How ya doin' hon?" "Great. We're rejuvenated, so we can think about a concert tour. I'm sure by August and September, if you ask me the same thing, you'll be hearing me groan." Roger smiled and said, "Then they've not told you about how long you're going to be out on the road." "No, why?" "Fourteen months." "Jeez. They're planning on working us to death!" "No, just during the Summer months, and then you'll be doing other countries. And, then, you'll be working weekends and doing a lot of Promos. It seems everyone's paying you guys to make a commercial and Japan is even begging you for a bunch of commercials." "Wow, they pay a lot huh." "Yeah, but RJ's got you going at auction for a lot of different products Pepsi's won you guys for twenty million a commercial." I turned to RJ, "How much of that are we seeing?" "You guys are seeing all of the endorsement fees minus the taxes. Why, you thinking about going broke?" "No, I'm just wondering when to hire me a double. So I can make more money." "Well, if you do, make sure he can sing like you." "Oh, I can't sing..." "Like hell" "Ok., maybe I can a teeny weenie lil bit." "Whatever. Guys, we've got to get this over to an architect. What are you doing tomorrow?" Chad was quick on it, "You gotta ask Jill." "She needs to start getting you guys a week in advance calendar. You're far enough along you can start figuring out where you're supposed to be and start planning your lives around this party." Chad and I said, "Nope. Leave it as it is." Wend said, "I'd like a calendar." Chad said, "Wend, trust us, you don't want one. If you get it, then you'll start going out and soon, you'll be in Las Vegas or at some party. Then, before we know it, you'll be strung out on drugs or alcohol and the first time you're late to a concert and I have to explain you being stoned or drunk, I'll fire you myself. So, don't ask for a calendar until this is over." "Maybe I want one just to know where we're going to be so I can have family in." "Then ask Jill, she'll tell you. Let's just keep this together and milk it for all it's worth." "O.k., I understand. I think all of us are just as paranoid about it as you are." "No, I figure if I wanted to be drunk, broke, and in a gutter, I'd saved myself the hassle and not wind up there with someone pointing down at me and saying, "Man, didn't you use to be..." "No, there are worse things than that... being drunk, risssssh (Rich), and beuunnn (being) upppp on stagssssh(stage) makin' an ashhhh outtufff(out of) yoursssssefff." Wend imitated. "Not happening, Jordy and I made a pact. He's going to fire anyone that even attempts to offer me the stuff and I'm going to do the same for him." RJ said, "What if I offer you a drink at our house?" That's when I butt in saying, "RJ, you guys do that and you can drink by yourself because I'll have him pulled out of there and won't accept another invitation. Zero tol, means zero...not one...from anyone even our best friends." "O.k., Roger remember that." RJ said with finality to his voice. He turned back to the drawings and Wend wasn't done with the subject. "Guys, would you do that for the rest of the band too? I can't speak for anyone else, but if you see anyone coming at me with something, then get them away from me and I don't care how many guards it takes." "Sure" said Chad, "You in Jordy?" "Yeah, I'm in, but remember that Wend, it's me that's going to watch out for your ass and I'm expecting you to watch out for ours." "O.k. Let's bring this up at a meeting and if anyone doesn't want in, they don't gotta, but we'll still subtly make sure the person offering gets shown the door because it might be us next." "O.k., deal." I said. Roger smiled at me and said, "RJ, these guys cover problems before they come. I'm proud of them." "Yeah, I wish I'd had people around me like that before I'd ended up on an operating table getting a bullet cut out of me." "Well, you learned, and that's what matters. We're here for you now." RJ smiled and said, "We appreciate it, but it's going to take a bit of arranging to do because a lot of our parties at the house involve alcohol." "Well, we'd appreciate the invitation to parties, but why don't you make an alcohol free zone, like your living room or something?" "That's a good idea. There are a lot of our friends who've been in recovery for various stimulants and we've wondered how to handle it." Roger stated. "Well, tell us who those people are and we'll watch out for them." "No, that'd be a confidentiality breach and the person's going to have to tell you them self" "O.k., I appreciate your keeping their business private." Bandy came in and said, "Jordy, I need your help with this song. There are parts I've got really good, but others which I just can't get." I got up off the sofa and went into the bedroom with him where he'd been working. He smiled and said, "You've got that ability to sing this stuff and I don't." "You do, you just don't know it. Where's your water?" "Don't got any." "Go get some and I'll wait. There's some in our fridge." "He went in and got some and then came back sipping it." He sat it down next to the keyboard and I pointed to a coaster on the dresser. "Chad doesn't let anything near this keyboard or his laptop. He has things in them that aren't backed up." "Oh, that's a good idea." "Yeah, but I wished he'd back things up because we'd be hurting if something happened to these. Our futures are in here." "I'll buy you guys a backup program so it will be stored in a master server somewhere automatically." "Let me have the address of the site and I'll get us signed up. If it's done automatically, then it will easily pay for itself the first time something happens. O.k, show me what you've got and what you don't. I'll sing along and when you get to a point you don't know, touch my throat or I'll point where it's coming from in me and then you can feel it. Then try hitting that part of your throat with the words." We did it and it wasn't three seconds into the song, Band was over touching my throat. He paused and said, "Let's start over. Why aren't you singing this song?" "Your voice sounds better doing it. Mine can hit the note, but it doesn't sound like you. You'll clean up with this song." "Oh, well, that's good. I'd like to have a song that's up on the charts as mine." "You have several Band." "Not by myself. The ones I have are with Wend and that's different." "O.k, we'll have to find songs that showcase each of us as individuals." "Don't bother, Wend will get all insecure and then I'll have to deal with it." "No, you'll get a song and if Wend gets insecure, then I'll deal with Wend, or the group will. That's bullshit. It was you that got you into the group and no matter what, you're an individual." "That might work for you and Chad, but if I tried that, Wend would come unglued." "No, because the last time Wend tried that shit, he got offered a bus ticket home. If he thinks he's big enough to not get offered that same ticket, then he's not thought RJ was serious and I'll tell you now, RJ is dead serious." "Well, he's said that he can go solo at any time and has made threats towards me and any member that attempts to put him out." "Oh really! Well, I'm about to take ole Wend up on his offer." "RJ!" RJ, Chad, and Wend came into the room. "What do ya need Jord?" "Wend, we need to talk with RJ private, would you give us a moment?" Wend got a look on his face and said, "No, if it's about me, you can say it in front of me." "O.k., from what I just heard, you've been making threats again and think you can go solo, is that correct?" "No..." "Then would you mind telling us what you did mean when you said you would do something to anyone who threatened to put you out, because I recall you were offered a bus ticket home the last time and now Band's feeling insecure about doing this song because he knows you're going to use it against him." "Band can do anything he wants and he knows that." "So, when he does this song and it flies up the charts, you're going to be fine with it?" "I'll probably ask for equal treatment, but if I start asking for equal treatment in this group, I'll probably ought to piss in the wind because we know who gets preferential treatment here." "Care to elaborate?" "Take a look at how many songs you get to sing and Chad gets to sing?" "And, I have control over that Wend?" "Well, you could take time to tell them it's not your show, but then again, you've thought that for a while or at least you act like it." "No, but I'm not dumb enough to fuck with a good thing that pays the bills. So, you have no control over that, but you think you have control over Band, right?" "I don't control him and he knows that." "Wend, you've made so many threats you know that's a lie." Bandy said," "Name one!" "O.k." RJ interrupted saying, "Band, don't say a word because I can myself." He turned to Wend and said, "The first night I offered you a ticket home was one. But, I chose to let bygones be bygones because you straightened out. Then, at Thanksgiving, the crew of that float wanted him on the other side due to weight proportions and you threw a fit. If I recall right, you apparently told him you'd throw him over there if he attempted to take one step, or that's what I was told by the crew who reported it to me. Then, there was the David Letterman show when the producer wanted to have you arranged a different way because of the color of shirts you guys were wearing. I believe you threatened Bandy if he sat at the end of the sofa closest to Niles, then you'd see to it that he could suck Niles dick. Should I go on? Because I've got four more. Believe me, I have ears around this industry. BUT, then again, you only wanted one now didn't you? So, we get to this point, I told you the first time that if you wanted to be a horse's ass, that you could find the road and I'd send you home with a bus ticket and a check. Go pack your shit Wend, it's over." "You can't fire me! We're into the fourth album." Chad turned to him and said, "No, we're still promoting albums for him and if you had read your contract, you'd realize all it took was one out vote and you'd be gone. In this room, I think if you asked everyone for a vote, you'd find three out votes to your one. So, Wend, your threats are over. Go home." "You can't do this to me! I'll go solo." RJ was livid, "Go ahead. You're welcome to that career in ten years when you've got enough money to produce your own album and can find a chain that will sell the records. I'll tell you now, once you're blackballed, you won't find that chain Wend." Wend turned around and stormed out of there. Band looked shocked and said, "Guys, I didn't say anything because I didn't want it to be this way." "Loving someone doesn't mean you have to take their abuse Band, he's got control issues and he needs to think about them when he's out of that cycle. Right now, with him staying here, he's in the cycle. He knows he can't threaten us because it's not tolerated, so why does he do it when he's in private with you? I'll answer that, because he has you afraid to say anything." "Well, he'll break all my shit on his way out." RJ said, "I'll replace it for you Band, you can't be replaced." "No, he's told me he'll tear up photos of mine he knows can't be replaced." RJ said, "You stay here, I'll have security go with me to your suite and get him into another so there's no problems." "Band, I'm sorry you're upset with me, but one threat is one too many. Chad and I discuss things and sometimes we don't see things eye to eye, but he'd never threaten me because he knows I'll always protect myself and cut him loose. That's what brings about respect between us because I demand the respect and I give it in return. There are little differences, but he knows I bend just like him. It's never through threats." Chad said, "You threatened me last night." I looked at him and said, "When." "In bed." "Don't you say one word Chad!" He chuckled and said, " did." "That's different. "Fuck me now, or else I'll rip your balls off" is a rather crude request, but it was meant with the most love known at the moment." Band busted out laughing and said, "Guys, please don't take me into your bedroom." I looked around me and said, "Damn, I guess we're here!" Chad said, "So, we need to get the other guys together and we've got to get us back into the choreography because without Wend, there's going to be an open spot." "Let's wait on that Chad." "He's not going to be allowed back in Jord. I won't vote him back in. If he's threatened one of us and he's threatened all of us, then I'll not vote him back in. Get that through your head now." "No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is we need to think about getting a replacement." "Well, maybe RJ has someone whom he thinks has the sound of voice that would apply." Band said, "I've got someone in mind, but he's not as muscular as Wend is." "Who is he?" "He's a guy I was in high school with. He's got a voice identical to Wend, but I don't know how he'll be around all of us gay guys." "Well, he'll have to adjust or it will really be lonely out here for him. Why don't you see if you can get his phone number." "I have it, but it's in my address book in the suite." The phone rang and Chad answered it. He spoke and said, "Guys RJ's been hurt. Wend is being restrained but he just stabbed RJ." "Oh no." I went out to the living room and said, "Roger, we've got to go. RJ's just been stabbed." "What!" " He went to Wend and Band's suite to protect some of Band's things and apparently Wend just stabbed him." Roger ran out the door and down the hall. I followed. When we got to Band's suite, the security staff were leading Wend out in restraints and he was yelling he was going to kill us all. Jill came running up the hallway towards him and said, "You think about that because you've just earned a restraining order." Roger went into the suite and RJ was laying on the sofa. Blood covered his midsection and he said, "Roger, the little bastard got me. It's not bad, but it sure burns like hell. Get Jill in here." Jill said, "I'm here RJ." "Don't let the press have anything. Make a statement an accident occurred, but it's being dealt with internally. The press will take that, but Wend's fired. Make sure you have his pay as of midnight tonight wired to his trust. He's still under the age of twenty one. He thinks he's so cool, wait until he finds out he's not allowed to have that money. Make sure his parent's know that because I'll have our attorney's checking those accounts." "Do you want us to hold anything for your care?" "No, I'll sue him personally and garnish what he's not earned in the future." Chad said, "RJ, is there a way the band can keep him away from our houses? Jord's parent's are there." As soon as he said it, I made a mental note to call my parents, but what mattered now was seeing RJ was cared for. "Has anyone called an ambulance?" "No! I don't need an ambulance. It's superficial. If it were deep, I'd know it. It's just going to need stitches and I'll have one of our medics do that. If I go to the hospital, this will get out and I don't want that." "RJ, this isn't a time to mess with your health." "No, the band's business is the band's business. If it gets out this has occurred, then all sorts of things will be in the press. If all we make is a statement that Wend's been fired, then speculation will rest on Wend and I'm sure he's going to be thankful enough he's not going to prison to keep his mouth shut. Roger, help me up so I can get to the medics." "RJ, you need to be seen by someone skilled and qualified." Roger said panic stricken. "O.k., then call my plastic surgeon. He'll keep things from getting out. Tell him it's an emergency." The first thing I thought was making a comment about him admitting he had a plastic surgeon, but didn't. The situation didn't call for laughter, it was serious. "RJ, Band says he knows someone whom he went to high school with who has the same voice." "Call them and get them here, but don't tell him his percentage because it will be different." "O.k." I turned to Band, "Go get a change of clothes and your address book, no one is sleeping here tonight." On the way up the hall, I stopped by Niles and Red's room and knocked. Red answered the door by yelling through it, "We didn't order room service." "Red, it's me Jord, open up, it's an emergency." Red opened the door and said, "What's going on?" We need you and Niles over to our suite. "Why? Can't it wait?" "No, I'm afraid to tell you it's a band emergency and I'd prefer to tell you when the whole band's together. Everyone else knows, but just the same, we need everyone together when you're told." "O.k., we'll be there in a moment." He had a house coat on and I'm sure they weren't dressed. I left and when I got back to my suite, Roger was taking his briefcase with him. He said, "Don't let any of the press talk to you until we have a statement." "O.k., I'll tell the others the same thing." He left and Chad said, "Jord, this is terrible. I knew that dumb ass would do something like this." "Then why didn't you do something or say something?" "I'm sure I didn't because of the same reason RJ didn't. Don't rock the boat and make it take on any water if it's not sinking." "Well, if you know you've got a live torpedo strapped to the hull, then who in the hell needs to worry about water? That's bullshit." "We all handle things differently Jord, you handle things right now and everyone else would rather sleep through the nightmare. Now, we're all facing the reality. Maybe you've got your head on better than us." "No, I'm not about to let anyone try to blackmail me or my future. Maybe it's for the best." "No, maybe we need to start paying attention to seeing everyone gets a fair shake Jord." "Well, we'll do that, but you know as well as I things don't always come out equally except for the cut in the end." "That's true, but I can't help but thinking their percentages on their merchandise was down from ours." "This is going to suck Chad. All those percentages are going to be messed up for the accountants. RJ told us not to tell the new guy a thing about how much he'll make." "I didn't think of that. I'm sure Wend's still going to see a percentage, but how do they figure all that?" "I don't know. Is it in our contract?" "I don't know and wouldn't begin to know. Do you have yours with you?" "Yeah, don't you?" "No, it's at my mom's lawyer's office." "That's real convenient to reach. I'd hate to see what stick of dynamite you'd have to put under his ass in order to get that thing on Christmas day." "Probably couldn't." I went into the bedroom and got into my box I kept all the paperwork in. Somehow, the morbid curiosity of knowing what I'd be entitled to after being fired was something I wanted to know. Not one time in all of this had I ever thought it. I just assumed we'd all get equal shares after the band disbanded. I took it into the living area and saw Niles and Red standing there. Band went over to Red and was crying on his shoulder. Niles looked at Bandy and said, "What's going on? Did Wend do something to you? Because if he did, I'll kill him." Chad said, "Guys, Wend just got fired and RJ's been stabbed." "WHAT!" "It's been a dramatic evening and that's the end result. So, what we're facing is getting someone new. Band knows someone and he's been trying to get ahold of him." "Wait a second. Wend gets fired and we're going to take the first person someone can think of? Isn't that a little out of our league?" "Can you think of anything better?" "Have you ever heard of an audition?" "Yeah, have you ever heard of publicity?" I said. "Yeah..." Niles said looking at me rather unsure of where I was going with this. "Well, don't you think it's going to hit the press when they get told Wend got fired if we don't have a replacement on that same press release? Because I'll tell you now, until he gets replaced the press is going to have us disbanding and our stock as a group is going to be at an all time low. I doubt if a promoter one will hire us and all the concerts we've got sold will be really iffy." "I hadn't thought of that. So, what did RJ say." "He basicly said to get him here and not to tell him any percentages he'd be making." "So, he said for us to basicly hire the guy and get him here?" "Yeah, I think he realizes the press will find out sooner and as long as we have control of the release and the scoop on it, then we'll have a handle on it." Niles said, "Well, who's in charge of getting Wend home and keeping his mouth shut until then?" "I don't know." "Where'd they take him?" "Security was leading him away, but I don't know." "Where's Jill?" "She's probably with RJ." "Well, someone needs to get her to call the security and have our best guys sent with Wend so his mouth stays shut until the release is made and someone needs to put the fear of God into him if his mouth goes open that the checkbook goes shut on his ass here. No one's drawn any check for him yet, have they?" "RJ told Jill to have a check drawn for him as of midnight tonight." "Someone needs to tell her to not send it with him. He'll be in Las Vegas on the next plane. He'll sell that check for a tenth of what he can get just to have that money." "Would anyone cash it?" "Let's see, I'm asking you to cash a check for a hundred million dollars and asking you for a tenth of it. You take a profit of all the rest. Will you cash it?" "Oh, that's terrible. He wouldn't do that to himself would he?" "You don't know Wend. He'd do it for a dollar if he thought he could fuck the group afterwards." "He hates us that bad?" "Wend is the most paranoid person I've ever met. We went out one time to McDonald's and he thought I got more fries than him. He took mine out of it's container and counted them and handed them back to me and expected me to not be grossed out enough to not want to eat them while he counted his. His bolts have a few nuts missing upstairs." "Ewww. I wouldn't eat with him anymore after that. " "That's why he and Band ended up together. You'd already picked Chad, and I distanced myself from him, and that put me with Red, so Band basicly got stuck with him." "Band can hear us, Niles." "Band knows it's the truth. He's been sucked into that septic tank and sometimes, the best hand isn't always the flush. We scored like four aces while he was dealing with Wend." Band came over and said, "I'm not complaining. It wasn't always bad." Niles said, "It shouldn't have been bad at all Band. You should know that. What's the new guy like? Do you like him?" "I don't think he's gay, but I hope the group doesn't make it a condition of his employment he and I have to be together." "No, but it'd help if you liked him. You'll be singing love songs together." "Oh man, what am I going to do about that? Wend hasn't been fired from our duet group." "Oh, I hadn't thought about that." Niles looked at us and said "Well Band, I'd say you're solo and I don't think the company's going to hold you to that contract since the President of it got stabbed by the party responsible." Until all this conversation, I had not thought of any of this. I went back in and got the whole box of contracts we had and took it in. I made careful note to hand it to Chad so the other guys wouldn't know what percentages we were making. Chad gave me a look like, "don't show these people these things!". He took them and I said, "Just check to see if Band's protected by any clauses". He looked at them and said, "Yours are different that mine. Did you know that?" "What do you mean?" "Yours says you can leave the group at any time and go out solo. Were you aware of this?" "No" "Yeah, and our duet contract has the same clause. Here it is." "Until then, I'd never paid the contracts any mind. I believe I'd read them, but I sure didn't remember the clause." "Do you think RJ was planning on taking you solo?" "I don't know, but I'll tell you now, I'm not going that route until we're out of options." "Well, you made that statement about going solo, so I didn't know. The way your face looks though, I know you didn't know about it." "Are there any other clauses that I don't know about?" "Yeah, but I'm not saying a thing in front of the group because if they hear us talking, they'll not only be pissed at you, but they'll be running to their attorney's." "Let's go in here then, because I need to know." "Later, it can wait. I'm pissed, but not at you because you didn't know." "Well, I'll tell you now I thought I was getting the same contract everyone else got." "I know that, but who would have thought we'd be reading each other's paperwork? I'm glad I know now, but I know and when you find out what the difference is, I think you're going to be pissed because you're someone that believes in fairness." I gave Chad a look like we needed to talk now and he said, "Jord, if I tell you now, you will probably run down that hall and slit RJ's throat yourself. " "It's that bad?" "Yeah, but we all signed the contracts we did, and it's legally binding, but now I understand the music business better." "Chad, what's going on?" "Jord, you take those contracts back and you hide them. I'm sorry I've even seen them and I'll try to forget what I just saw. It's going to be hard, but from now on, I'm checking all contracts and covering my ass. You better believe it." "O.k., then we'll lay ours out side by side and have us comparing them." "O.k, but right now, your contracts are entirely different than ours. I really wish we'd communicated better through everything, but who knew we were getting the eggs and you were getting the goose." "Chad, get in the bedroom now. I'm not going to play 'beat around the bush' anymore." Chad went in with me and not only closed the door, but he locked it and then insisted we go into the bathroom so no one could hear us talking. "Your contract states if the group breaks up, you're controller of all the group's collective properties. It just doesn't say that in the group, but in our duo group too. Not only that, but you're the one that gets the residuals and royalties for any future enterprises after the breakup of the group." "So you mean..." "Yeah, you get the moneys forever for any airplay the songs get after the breakup and we don't get a thing." "That sucks Chad." "Yeah, and I know you didn't know. That's what really sucks." "So, you're missing the rainbow during the rain storm." "What do you mean?" "I now know Chad. How do you think I'll handle it?" "I don't know. What do you mean?" "The clause in the contract states as long as we're a group. So what does it take to disband the group? Us just saying we're through? Or does it require legal work? So, what happens if as holder of that contract, I just don't ever disband the group?" He smiled. "You'd do that too, wouldn't you?" "Yeah, because what's right is right. Or, I'd do it after I made sure we had legal paperwork done so that any check would be split through all of the different guys that remain in the group when it broke up because I just can't see me wanting to give Wend a thing." "That's your choice and you're holder of the paper, but as I said, from now on, I check all of my contracts in the future and I'll be sure to make sure that clause isn't in anyone else's that I handle in the future." "So, how do we handle it with the guys?" "Well, we have several ways we can handle it. We can not say a thing. Or, we can tell them and let them all be aware of it. Or, we can not say a thing and make things right from now on and whenever the group disbands, we do what you say and get the percentages right." "Chad, this sucks. I sure didn't know it was that way." "I know Babe, but it makes sense now. Take a look at various groups that have broken up. One member's not crying to the media and the others are about how bad things are. It's been that way and I'm guessing that's how they do it. They make one the leader and the other's are add-ons. It's probably not that way in a solo contract." "Who would have thought we needed a lawyer before we even signed our first contract!" "Well, we know it now. Let's go out and I'll run with whatever you want to do." "Let's not tell them tonight. It'll be like throwing gasoline and a match into a powder keg. It's just not the right time, but I want everyone to know it in the future. Do you think Wend's the holder of their assets?" "I hope not, because Bandy's the creative one there." "No, both of them sang the same. They both put effort into it. We need to see their contract." "I'll ask Bandy to get it and let me look it over. If it doesn't match yours, then we know he got the one that's probably like mine." "Chad, do you think this was done with any malice in their intention?" "I don't know, but I'll tell you now, we signed those contracts before RJ became head of the company. He probably isn't aware of it and he was a solo act, so it's probably something he isn't even aware is occurring. We'll ask him and if he's aware of it, then I'll tell you now, I'll not accept another invitation to his house." "Me neither, and I'm going to ask you another thing." "O.k., I'll answer if I know the answer." "Do you think as holder of that contract, I can talk to the guys and say, "Hey, let's break this up and seek another contract because the one you got sucks."?" "I don't know. That would be something that would be fair." He hugged me and said "Babe, I know it's not your fault and I know you're the type of person that's wanting to make things fair for everyone, but we have to be careful on this and we have to be ultra careful if they ask us to sign any other contracts because they might take our percentages back down in them." "They wouldn't dare." "IF it gave the company a bigger share they a heartbeat." "O.k., we know and now that we know, we can be careful and watch out for everyone. Let's go back in there before everyone thinks we went to have a quickie." We went back to the living room and Jill was there. She smiled and said, "Guys, I'm guessing you needed a private moment!" "Yeah, but it wasn't for what you think. Chad and I had to talk about some things." I turned to Band and said, "Band, if you want, you can stay here tonight. Chad and I want to let you know we'll bunk with you as long as you need." Jill smiled and said, "Guys, you two are so sweet." Niles and Red said, "How about if everyone bunks together for the next few stays and that way we're all showing support." "Great idea Niles, Chad and I are in." Chad smiled at me and said, "Jord and I are in too." I winked and he came over and said, "I like it that you speak for us hon. I'm just joking." "No, I should have asked, but I knew where your heart is because I've got it right here." Pointing at mine. "Guys, get a room. Your quickie should have been enough." Band giggled. Jill said, "RJ's going to be sedated and he's going to be really sore the next few days. He's told me to tell you guys to do what you want about hiring the new guy. Jordy and Chad, the guys were telling me what they thought about getting the guy hired and getting the press release out about both incidents at the same time and about keeping security on Wend until the danger point is passed." Chad spoke and said, "We agree." "So, Band is going to call the guy and see if he's interested. Did you get through Band?" "Not yet. He's not at home, but his sister was and rather excitedly, she's going to give him a message that I'll call him back when he gets off work." "When is that?" I asked. "He's apparently working at a Kentucky Fried Chicken and doesn't get off work until ten or ten thirty Florida time. She told me which one." "Man, we've got to wait four hours until he gets off work?" Jill looked at me and said, "Well we could, or we could saddle up and go get him. I'm sure if we just happened to show up where he worked, his manager would let him talk to us." "Wow...put some pressure on someone will you?!" "Yeah, when it's the future of this group that's in question, I will. We're going to need someone for the concert Saturday because if Wend's not there, all those people can ask for their money back and we'd be responsible for that refund." "Guys, I'll call and have the Cardinal ready by the time we get to the airport. I don't think it's being used for any flights right now." "You keep it wherever you are?" asked Jill "Well, it's mine and I figure if Chad and I need a quick vacation, then it's available. " "Let me hook you up with a company that will earn you some money with the plane when you've got dead air time. That way you don't have a five million dollar investment not making you money." "O.k." "Guys, Jordan's so humbly offered his plane for us to use, my suggestion is to be ready in about five minutes for a flight. I'll go tell Matt we need to be ready to go." "Jill, what happens if the guy doesn't want to come with us?" Until then, I don't think the thought had occurred to her. "You guys ready to buy a Kentucky Fried Chicken?" she smiled. "I don't think the plane will fit through the drive thru. Otherwise, I'd tell you to just get a box meal. BUT, if you're that hungry, have you taken a pregnancy test lately?" "SO, RJ's not available and you're going to turn that caustic sense of humor on me huh? I'll let you know now I don't think I'm preggers but if I am, I'm naming it Jordy just to get even." "Oh no, you wouldn't." "I would and I'm naming you God parent just so you'd really be hassled. That means taking that child to church every Sunday. And, seeing he's a morally upright person for eighteen long years." "O.k., because if he's around me that long, then some of my caustic sense of humor will rub off on him and I can send him home to you. Yup, that sounds like a plan. Guys, you're all witnesses here. " She gave me a look and said, "I'm not even going to bother arguing. You've just gotten even with me for the next eighteen years. I can't top that one." The guys all took off to their rooms and Band turned to me and said, "Jord, the clothes I took weren't flying clothes. Do you have any sweats you could lend me?" "Yeah, come on." We went into the bedroom and I dug some of my sweats out and then got him an I Pod that wasn't a group issued one. He smiled and said, "Jord, in case I forget. Thanks." "No problem Band. You're a nice guy and as soon as we get back, Chad and I need to speak with you in regards to business. We're going to need to see your contracts." "Why?" "Well, if I tell you, then you'll worry, but we just want to make sure you're o.k., on things." "I'm sure I am." "Well, let Chad look them over. He's got a head for finding things with contracts you wouldn't believe. It could be that your contract for you and Wend's duo could either be screwing you or having you secure. We want to make sure." "You mean our contract isn't like you guy's?" "I didn't say that. What I'm saying is Chad found some irregularities with ours and he wants to make sure yours isn't the same. He and I are equal partners in life, but those contracts we have don't say that." "I'll go get mine now and then we can read them on the way." "O.k., but try to keep it from the rest of the group. We can't tell RJ until he's better. I don't think RJ knows the contracts are like they are." "O.k., but that's messed up Jordy." "Yeah, and if I wasn't so keen on making sure things are fair, I'd be the one that could screw Chad out of things. So, we don't want Wend having that hold over you." "Oh...O.k." We went back into the living area and Chad said, "You let the cat out of the bag, didn't you?" "Chad, I didn't mean to, but he says he's going to have you looking at his contract. He says he'll keep it quiet." "O.k., but he'll be suspicious about the whole thing now." "Well, do you think Jill and Matt will keep things quiet if we speak with the group about it on the way to Florida?" "I think she will. I'm sure Matt will." "O.k., then why don't we take our contracts and have a meeting?" "Don't you think getting the guys to wondering about all their contracts up there in the air is a little heartless when they can't get to them?" "O.k., go call them and tell them to bring them if they've got them." "O.k., what do we do if they don't?" "Then, we go ahead and tell them." "O.k., I'll call them." He made the call and Bandy came in with his holding it out to me. "Chad and I decided to get the other guys involved and have them bring theirs and that way we can have a meeting with Jill and Matt about it." "O.k., I was worried whether I'd be able to keep it a secret, or not." "I know. It's hard isn't it." "Yeah." Chad got off the phone and said, "They have theirs and they're bringing them. I sure hope Jill's not in on this." "I don't think she had a clue." "Well, we'll find out." We all met in the corridor and went down to the limo to take us to the airport. When we got there, the Cardinal was gleaming in the sunlight. Jill said, "That's a beautiful red." "It's the same red as a McDonald's soda straw stripe." "How'd you decide on that?" "Well, we were discussing different reds and it was the one that came to mind, so that's what we told them to paint it." "Oh, well, it's beautiful and that symbol on the back is beautiful in the gold leaf." "That's Chad and I's symbol. It's on everything we have together." "Cool idea." "Yeah, we did Internet searches until we came up with one that we liked. It's the baroque one. You'll see the symbol throughout our house from the curtain tieback holders to the silverware. Even the headboard of our bed has it." "Wow, do you mind if I borrow the idea?" "No, I don't mind. I can give you a good listing of where we bought things." "No, I'm thinking a different symbol, but having it the same throughout the house like you guys did." "O.k., whatever you come up with, let me know and I'll help you search for things. We found a lot of items on ebay." "O.k." The engines spooled up and the whine was heard a bit in the interior. We taxied out to the runway and when it was our turn, we began lift off. From My Keyboard To Your Heart, Retta Copyright Notice - Copyright © December 2007 by RettaMichaels The author, RettaMichaels copyrights this story and retain all rights. This work may not be changed or duplicated in any form, media, ( known or unknown) without the author's expressed permission. All applicable copyright laws apply. Disclaimer: All individuals depicted are fictional, and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental -- From My Keyboard To Your Heart Rhett Here is a list of stories I've written and where to find them: With Love - Nifty - Beginnings Section Rural Love - Author Heading - Write Me A Love Story - Author Heading - To Love Him - Author Heading - Military Zone - Nifty - Military Section Evan - Nifty - Beginnings Section Jordan - If I Could Give It All Back -