Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 03:24:33 +0000 From: Mike Yonge Subject: Of Gord and John 9 Gay/Beginnings DISCLAIMER: This is a story out the fantasy that is my mind. It is a story that deals with homosexual material. If you live in a jurisdiction that by some law or reason prohibits you from reading this material then please do not read any further. If homosexual material like this offends you then you should stop reading as well...Though frankly if homosexual material offends you I can't understand why you would be here in the first place. The copyright of this material is mine, subject to the agreement under this website. I trust that you will enjoy reading the stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them. If you have any comments to pass on, I would very much like to have them. You can write me at: One other thing: The good folks at work hard to bring you these stories. Without a site like Nifty none of our stories would ever reach you. So if you have enjoyed reading at this site, please if you can send in a donation to to help out. Thank you. Mike Chapter 9 John was at home. Immediately after getting off the phone with Sally, he called Arnie to tell him what he had heard. "Just so's we're ready Arnie. When is George is on a tear like Sally says he is today, he is like a tornado, nothing stands in his way. Arnie suggested that John leave the house right away, just in case George was on his way out there. John for his part decided to take the back roads into town cutting across the trail in the field to the concession road as Mike had done the night before. It was just as well because as he turned onto the concession he saw the cruiser come to a stop by the kitchen door. He hurried down the road. He made several turns on his way to town. Even if George figured out that he had taken the back roads he would never know which back roads in particular. George at the same time was breaking all the speed limits as he sped toward the farm. In his anger he didn't see John pulling away down the concession road. He was busy pounding on the door, and trying to look in the window, and bellowing like an angry bull. He was sorely tempted to break down the door and force his way in, but for once thought better of it. So deciding that either John was not coming out or John was already in town he walked around the house a couple times checking to see if he could see any sign of the man. Then he realised that John's car was missing. He threw himself back into the cruiser and sped off back to town, cursing and shouting in his rage as he drove. George was out of control. John arrived in town and went immediately to Arnie's office. He informed Arnie that George had indeed come to the house. "Well then unless he breaks in again he will be showing up at the store in a few minutes, That officer Mike called Sean already, he called me right after you called from the house." said Arnie. John got up. "Come on Arnie, we can't let Sean take what is coming on my account." They left the office for the short drive to the hardware store. They were just walking in when they saw the cruiser racing toward them. "You go inside John" said Arnie. "I'll try to calm him down, but keep your hand on a phone, in case we have to call for backup" John hurried inside. Customers in the store went outside to see what the commotion was all about. Whenever George was in a rage it was always fun to watch, as long as you weren't his target. "Where you goin' George?" said Arnie blocking the big man's way to the store. "Let me by. That fuckin' fag reported me to the Commissioner agin." "Did he George? Or did the Commissioner just see the police report?" "Well he got me in trouble, he reported me to the police and now I'm gonna get him" George reached for his gun. Arnie kept blocking the way. "George you don't want to do this, c'mon man snap out of it. He reported to me that you were out there watching him and trailing him, is that not true?" George brought his hand back. "That fag needs watching, I don't care what the Commissioner or anyone else says. He's a pervert and we need to get rid of his kind" "George! You're in trouble because of what you did not what John has done, now go back to your office and cool down! Arnie's voice had now risen to an unusual volume for him. He hated this man, he hated having to deal with him. Why the people of this area put up with him never failed to mystify him. He was a bully and often out of control as he was right now. People were afraid of him. George tried to push past Arnie. Arnie blocked his way. "Get the fuck outta my way" George roared. He let loose a punch that sent Arnie flying back and to the ground out cold. Inside the store Sean and John watched in horror as George ran toward the door. They both wanted to lock the door and run out to help Arnie at the same time. Sean tried to keep the door closed but George just barrelled through knocking him to the floor. As George rushed in, he had his gun out of the holster and bellowing at John, who had rushed over to Sean and was on his knees to help him. "You fucking pervert if the law won't do anything to stop you I will!" George screamed. He levelled the gun at John and shot him. John fell over sideways with a scream of pain and lay still. Sean was up and on George like a tiger wrestling him to the ground. At the same time, he was hollering for help, the police and an ambulance. In the struggle that ensued George managed to get free and ran out. He jumped into the cruiser and sped off. The next thing that Arnie knew was that he was waking up with a crowd of people around him. He heard sirens in the background. His face was incredibly sore. Officer Joe was kneeling beside him. "You ok Arnie?" And then he saw Doctor Brown. "What happened? Where is John? Where is George?" he tried to get up but the doctor restrained him. "You just stay there Arnie" he said "we're gonna get you to the hospital and have you checked out, then we can talk." Arnie looked at Joe "Joe, what did he do?" He grabbed Joe's arm "Arn" Joe said softly "I hope he'll be alright but George shot John." "Ohnn my God" Arnie moaned "where is he? Where is John?" "They just took him away" "What about Sean?" "Sean is alright, got George down but he got away. Pete and Mike are out looking for him now. The Commissioner has asked for some State Troopers to help out." "You get him Joe, he's likely to try to kill himself, you get him alive." Joe nodded, "we will do our best Arn." When Mike pulled up to the hardware store earlier responding to a call he found Arnie on the ground out cold. A couple people were tending to him. His blood ran cold as he dashed into the store where he found Sean leaning over his brother. John lay in his brother's arms, There was blood everywhere. Sean looked up at Mike tears streaming down his face. "He never hurt anyone." He looked so helpless. Mike asked if an ambulance had been called. Nancy told him that she had called for it. Doc Brown had also been called and arrived as she was telling Mike that. Mike Was struggling violently with his emotions as he saw his dear love lying there in Sean's arms. He forced himself to take over the scene while Doc Brown hurriedly checked John out. He looked up at Mike. "We have to get him to the hospital right now, no time to wait for the ambulance." "Right" shouted Mike "In my cruiser" He picked John up as though he were a twig and he and the doctor ran out of the store to the car. Doc Brown got into the back and Mike gently eased John in with him. With sirens blaring and lights flashing they took off out of town and down the highway to St Johnsbury. At this time Joe had come back this time he had Pete with him. Joe immediately took over. After talking briefly with Sean who was on his way out to his car to follow his brother, he dispatched Pete to continue the search for George. He then called the Commissioner to apprise him of what happened. Mike guided his cruiser down the highway as fast as he dared and then some. Tears were in his eyes. "Please let me get there on time " he prayed silently. He found himself chuckling slightly at that in that he had never prayed before. Doc Brown was tending to John as best he could trying to stem the bleeding. "Is he going to make it Doc?" Mike asked Doc Brown who was generally a very jovial man looked gray. He just raised his brow abit. Mike could see the concern written on his face. "Please let us make it " he prayed silently again. What would he do if he lost John? They had just met and yet this man had become the most important person in his life. What would he do without him? They sped along in silence, both men deep in their thoughts. It was about a half hour (probably a land speed record for that trip) that they arrived at the emergency doors of the regional hospital. Someone had called ahead and a gurney with a doctor and two nurses was waiting for them as they pulled up. Mike stood back but close as they put John limp and seemingly lifeless body on the gurney. He followed it in to the hospital. He was stopped at the operating room doors. He stood there staring at the closed door for several moments, before he slowly turned and walked away. One of the orderlies came to him and asked him to move his cruiser. As he ran back to the emergency room from parking the car he saw Sean and Nancy drive up. He waited for them to park and catch up to him. Sean and his wife ran to him when they saw him. "How is he? Where is he?" the questions were flying. "Mr. Grifter they took him right into the operating room," Mike's voice caught in his throat, he turned away from them so they couldn't see his face, but he had to fight for control before continuing on. "He didn't move the whole ride and Doc Brown wasn't looking very happy as we drove." They hurried in silence to through the Emergency Room doors, and made their way to the waiting room outside the operating room. Taking their orders, Mike went to the cafeteria and bought them each a coffee and came back. They all sat in silence for what seemed like hours. "You know Officer Mike, you don't have to wait here, you might be needed back in town." Said Sean at one point . Mike looked at him and they could see him almost struggling to reply. His throat was dry as he replied. "I'll stay until I, uh we know how he is" About an hour later the doors opened an older Doc Brown came out of the room, with another man, the surgeon. The three of them jumped up and looked expectantly and hopefully trying to read the doctors' faces. The surgeon spoke first. "Well we were able to save him but he is not anywhere near out of the woods. The next 48 hours will tell. The bullet when through both lungs and also grazed his heart. We will have to watch him closely for the next little while. He will be in the recovery room for another hour at least. Once he starts to wake up we will put him in the intensive care ward. You will be able to see him then, one at a time." Doc Brown talked briefly with Sean and his wife and then took Mike aside. "I just have to get cleaned up, could you take me back to town with you?" Some time later in the intensive care ward, John was slowly becoming aware. At first he wasn't sure what he was aware of. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could hear his brother Sean shouting, or was that Mike? He tried to call out to Mike. Somewhere back there he caught a glimpse of George screaming at him. He felt a horrible dread and saw a flash of light. There was more yelling and screaming, then he thought he heard Mike again. All his thoughts were coming in a jumble. He called out again to Sean and to Mike. he slowly became aware that someone was calling his name "John. John. It's ok I'm here. It's Sean" Sean was sitting by John's bed holding his brother's hand gently massaging the back of it. John started to stir and mumble. Sean jumped up and the nurse came running over "Ohhnnn Mike, help me help me Mike." They heard him mumble, his voice becoming clearer with his urgency. "Sean are you there? Help me . Oh no!!! Mike? Where are you Mike? Sean? Mike.?" The Nurse looked at Sean "He's starting to come to, sometimes when a person has been on these drugs they may be a little confused." She smiled at Sean as they both watched John. He slowly started be wake up, mumbling and muttering. Sean started softly calling his name. "John. John. It's ok John I'm here, It's Sean" John's eyes fluttered open. Then he stared wide eyed and tried to get up. Sean and the nurse kept him down. "John lay back John you're in the hospital you have to lay back." John could hear what sounded like his brother and a woman's voice. They sounded like they were somewhere in the background. He opened his eyes slowly at first getting accustomed to the light, and still waking up. Then he felt a great stab of terror coursing through his body and his eyes opened wide. At first he didn't see his brother, only shadowy figures leaning over him. Much like the form of George he had just seen. He tried to get up and away. Through the fog he heard his name being called and something about a hospital. Then he felt the pain. He collapsed back on the bed with a groan. John lay back groaning. The nurse gently stroked his brow, calming him down. John was obviously in pain and still not quite awake. "Where am I?" "You're in the hospital John, but you're ok now. I'm here" John opened his eyes again this time he saw Sean and he smiled. "Good, that's good" he closed his eyes again and fell asleep. When they got back into town Mike went straight to the station after dropping the doctor off at his. He had called Joe on the radio and gotten instruction to wait at the station for him to return. Only Sally was there. "How is John, Mike?" she asked as he came in. "Looks like he'll make it, but it is still touch and go right now." He replied. "Arnie has a broken nose , it's a good thing that Doc Brown has an assistant this year, he was able to work on it here in town." Sal mentioned Sal continued as if to herself. "You know it was nice this past month, no yelling and screaming and belittling of people ." Her voice trailed off as two officer in State Trooper uniform walked in. "I'm looking for Officer Joe Smyth" Mike walked up to the men. "I'm Officer Mike McKinnon , Joe asked me to wait for you here and told me to let him know when you arrive." He motioned to Sal who was already on the radio to Joe. He then took the officers in the office and gave them a rundown on what had happened. I can't believe we are out here tracking down a police chief for an assault on some old fag" snickered one of the officers. The other laughed as well "He should be getting a commendation for it not an arrest." Mike looked at them without hiding his contempt. "The 'old fag'" he said emphasizing the phrase the one officer had used "Is fighting for his life in the hospital and could die from a gun shot wound that was intended to kill him. A gunshot wound he got while attending to his brother who had also been assaulted by the same Police Chief. Maybe you think it is alright shoot respectable citizens because you don't happen to like them, I happen to think that as an officer of the law it is important to provide protection to all our citizens even if it's from the police themselves." The two officers stepped back as if hit, and immediately apologised. They looked at each other and said no more. Just then Joe arrived and the conversation turned to the job at hand, to find George. When Joe saw that Mike's uniform was covered in blood, he sent him home to get a clean uniform.