Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 22:54:11 -0700 (PDT) From: John Colorado Subject: Sunrise on the Edge of the High Desert Chapter 16 Sunrise on the Edge of the High Desert by John of Colorado Chapter 16 If you are here illegally, then it is time for you to leave. This story contains man/man sex. If this bothers you, then it is time for you to leave also. This story is fiction but some of it is based on real situations. The names and places have been changed. We took our tour and decided we liked Timberline Lodge the best. James wanted to take another trip to our building site and take a lot of pictures. He wanted to make sure what he designed would fit into the environment. We got all our stuff together for a picnic and would make this an all day affair. We wanted to hike a couple of trails, go swimming and just plain take it easy. We took lots of pictures, had lunch and was on the way back from our hike. Jack, leader of the pack, slipped on some loose gravel and fell over an 8 foot embankment. He landed on his back in a field of large boulders. He did not move. We rushed to his side. Sam took charge. He supported his head and neck and we lowered him until he was lying flat on the ground. Sam was still holding his head to prevent any movement. He told me to call 911 on my cell. Fortunately, we had registered the ranch with air-life. They knew how to find us, which would save a lot of time. They were bringing a helicopter and would be there in ˝ hour. I told them to head due north from the ranch house for 3 miles. We would build a large signal fire with lots of smoke to guide them to us. James and I headed to the lake's edge and built a fire. We got a lot of green branches and soaked them in the lake. We would use these to create our smoke. Air-life was going to call us when the left the ranch house. All we could do was wait. After what seemed an eternity, air-life finally called. James and I rushed back to the fire and started putting the wet, green branches on the fire. We had lots of smoke. They probably could see it in the next county. Air-life called back and told us they could see the smoke and would be there in about three minutes. I told them that we had marked a landing place for them. Soon they were on the ground. James and I took them to where Jack lay. They put a neck collar on Jack and placed him on a stretcher used for back injuries. He was still unconscious. However, he had a pulse and was breathing on his own. Jack was placed in the helicopter and Sam was invited to go along with them. James and I would follow in the car. Soon they were airborne. James and I extinguished the fire and made sure it was dead out. I had James drive. I knew that we would never make it, if I did the driving. Now that help was here, I was coming un-glued and a complete basket case. James came to my rescue and took over like a champ. I called Larry, the ranch foreman and told him what had happened and that we were on the way to the hospital in Bend. We would call him when we knew more and when Jack could have victors. He told me not to worry about the ranch and that he would call my mother and let her know. What would we do without friends. James drove like crazy on the way to the hospital. I am glad that he did. I sobbed all the way, when I wasn't passed out, which was most of the time.. When we arrived at the hospital, James and I were taken right to Jack's room. Sam was there waiting for us. Jack was in a coma and was on life support. We walked into his room and I collapsed. James was there and caught me and broke my fall. When I came around, Sam and James were both there hugging me. Sam was putting smelling salts under my nose. "Come on Adam, wake up!" "Don't hit me with any more of that terrible stuff. That is nasty junk!" Complained Adam. "Then stay with us or I will give you a double dose." Laughed Sam. "Adam, Jack is going to be all right. He is going to need all the help that you can give him. You have to be strong for him. You can do it Adam. We are going to be here giving you that needed shove." That was all I needed. Immediately, my mind snapped back in order. "Sam, just what are we dealing with and what is the diagnosis? What are his chances of recovery? You know how Jack feels about life support. Initial life saving matters are to be undertaken but if there is no possibility of him surviving on his own, he wants to be disconnected and all tubes removed." Adam reiterated. "I know this is extremely hard on you. Jack has a good chance of survival. I don't know what his odds are but I think we must give him a chance to make it on his own. Right now we need to tell him that we love him and want him to fight. We have to give him a reason to go on living. We have to talk to him day and night even if we have to work in shifts. The next 24 hours are critical for him. Adam, I have already had time with him but not very long but I have had time. Do you want the next shift?" Asked Sam. "I am so scared! What do I say?" Asked Adam. "Adam, Just talk to him. Tell him anything but he has to hear you voice with out fear in. You can show sadness and even cry but show no fear. Whatever you do don't lay a guilt trip on him. You have to be strong for him. He will feed off your strength and energy. He has very strong feelings for you and I know that you feel the same for him. Let him know that you are here for him." Sam said with tears in his eyes. "Adam, he is in love with you. I think you are the one to pull him through this critical period. I will be here to help you but you are the one he needs." "I love Jack dearly and I would do anything for him" cried Adam. "Hey, man tell him and not me." Replied Sam. Adam moved to Jack's side and took his hand in his. He couldn't hug him because he had to lie flat. With his other hand, Adam was gently stroking Jack's forehead and cheeks. Crying he said, "I love you man. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else and kissed him on his cheeks!" Sam motioned for James and they left the room. Adam started talking non stop and every other sentence was `I love you.' The shift nurse came in and took Jack's vitals. "You must be doing something right, his blood pressure is starting to rebound. Keep it up, whatever you are doing." And she left the room. The doctor found Adam still at Jack's side and still talking. He started examining Jack and then he smiled. "Jack is one lucky fellow. You have given him a reason to live. I think he is starting to show signs of coming out of his coma. I think in a couple of hours, we will know for sure! Would you like for me to give you a sedative and you can use the bed next to Jack?" Asked the doctor. Adam lost it and started sobbing uncontrollably. "No, Thank you. I want to be here when Jack wakes up!" "I understand and I don't blame you one bit. Jack needs you more than you need sleep. Could I have the nurse bring you some coffee or anything.?" The doctor asked. "That would be great and could I get a sandwich also? I haven't eaten since noon yesterday." "I'll do better than that, I will have them bring up a full breakfast for you." Replied the doctor as he was walking out the room. "Thank you!" Adam whispered. Adam was just finishing breakfast, when Sam and James came in. They both went over and kissed Jack good morning. Sam asked Jack, "Did Adam treat you ok during the night. If he didn't we will just cut his nuts off!" Adam ran to Jack, "Jack you are waking up! I saw you smile. Your eyes are open. Quick James go get the doctor. He just left." Adam and Sam were kissing Jack and each and tears running down their face. The doctor came in on the run. "Jack, welcome back! Guys would you step out in the hall. I would like to examine Jack." "I would like to stay if I may. I don't want to leave Jack. Besides I have seen him naked before and so has Sam and James." Adam begged. "Ok, with me." He pushed the call button and a male nurse came in. "Would you help me examine Jack. He is starting to wake up?" They gave Jack a quick examination and told us that they wanted to take him down for x-rays, cat-scan and etc. They would be gone for probably 1-1/2 hours, and told us that we would have plenty of time to take a walk, have some coffee and what ever.. Sam and I kissed Jack good-by. The doctor and nurse just smiled and said, "How about us, do we get a kiss good-by?" I grabbed the nurse and Sam grabbed the doctor and planted a big kiss on their lips. "We had better get out of here now or we will have a long delay getting Jack to X-rays." Laughed the Doctor. "Just wait until we get back, we will have lots of time then, maybe!" "Bring our guy back in one piece and you will get more that a big kiss." We called Larry to tell him the good news and that we would call later when we knew more. After what seemed like forever, the doctor and nurse brought Jack back into the room in a wheel chair. Jack had big tears rolling down his cheeks. Adam was immediately by his side and gently wiping them away with a washcloth that he had grabbed. "Jack, what is wrong!" "Adam, I think the doctor had better tell you. I can't!" Cried Jack. "Adam, as you know Jack had a very traumatic fall. He evidently damaged some nerves someway. We couldn't find anything with all our test. We will refer him to a neurological specialist for more complete testing. Jack is paralyzed from the waist down. We can't tell if this is temporary or permanent. We will just have to wait and see." Reported the doctor. "Big Guy! I kept having this dream. You were there hugging and kissing me and telling me how much you loved me. I kept trying to talk to you but nothing would come out of my mouth. I was afraid that I was going to loose you but you wouldn't let me leave." declared Jack. "Jack Rabbit, that was not a dream. I was there the whole time and I was not going to let you go. I didn't know if you could hear me or not, but I had to let you know that I was there for you and that I will always be there for you. I don't want to hear any static from you either. I will be your legs and we will pick the pieces and patch them together and move on." Cried Adam. "I love you Jack Rabbit and I know we will get through all of this somehow." Adam threw his arms around Jack's neck and started kissing him affectionately. Sam and James were now hugging Jack and Adam at the same time. "Jack, we are going to be there with Adam pushing you toward a new life. We are not going to let up until you are back on your feet and then we still be there loving you. Man, we are going to smother you with love. And whatever it takes to give you a new life." Said Sam. "I can't let all of you give up your life for me. I will just move into some type of home and let you guys go on living the life of your choosing." Jack said choking back the tears. "Jack that is not an option. I don't want a life without you in it. You are my life. I will choose a new life but it will be one with you in it. I am going to be by your side always, so you might as well get use to having me around because there is no way I am going to let you go it alone. Jack you are mine and I am yours alone." Adam said hold Jack tight against his chest. "Jack, Adam is speaking for me. You now have two nurse maids. You will have to like it because you can't leave it." Sam uttered . "That goes for me also. I have known you only a short while but I am with you to the end." Agreed James. "Jack, I wish I had three good looking studs taking control of my life. Just accept it as gift and be thankful for such good friends. I have a feeling that these guys are more than just friends." The doctor said. Jack looked at Adam and said, "I know all that is needed is Thank you and a kiss. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, AND THANK YOU! Now who wants to be first with a kiss?" "I think the first two kisses should go to the doctor and this nurse. They are responsible for you being here right now." Said Adam. He then kissed both of them on the lips and said Thank You. Both of them moved to Jack and gave him a big kiss and he told them Thank You. James and Sam got their kisses. Jack became very emotional and looked as if he was going to pass out again. The doctor told every one that he felt that Jack should probably get some rest and that he would give him something to make him sleep. "Why don't you two go back to the ranch. I know that there are lots of people waiting for some kind of news. I am not leaving Jack. I can sleep in this chair. So I will see you sometime tomorrow." Stated Adam. Sam and James agreed and started to leave. The doctor told Adam that he could sleep in the bed next to Jack. "Doctor, would it be alright if I sleep in the bed with Jack?" Asked Adam "Sure, but there is not much room in one of these beds." "I am going to be glued to Jack so close anyway that you couldn't even get a sheet of paper between us." Responded Adam. "I wouldn't recommend doing anything else but snuggling. We have to wait for awhile to see how Jack progressing before you try anything else. I will leave a note for the next shift not to be surprised when they find you in bed with Jack." The doctor advised. "Thank you, Doctor, in my emotional state I doubt if I could do anything else. I guess you have my number." Laughed Adam. "Jack is one lucky guy. I wish you were crawling in bed with me!" Grinned the nurse. They helped move Jack to one side of the bed and left. I stripped of my clothes and folded them neatly and placed them of the chair and got into bed with Jack. "Big Guy, I love having you naked in bed with me. I love you." And Jack kissed Adam goodnight. "Adam I can still hear your voice talking to me when I was out. Thank you for being there for me. I may not have use of my legs, but I still have my heart and it is full of love for you! Love you Big Guy!" "Jack, I don't know what the future holds for us. I promise you one thing there will be no others. Just you and you only. Let's take it one day at a time and make the most out each and every day. Love You and good night." "Goodnight, Adam." Adam just laid there thinking about his life and what the future might hold for him. Sleep didn't come easy. He awoke from a deep sleep when the nurse came in to check Jack's vitals. He was glad that he had put his boxer briefs back on, because he had kicked the cover completely off. Jack's temperature was up a little so the nurse gave him something to lower it a little. It started to work almost immediately because Adam could feel his body start to cool. They went back to sleep and slept until morning. They both woke and ordered breakfast. The nurses came in a wanted to know if Jack wanted a sponge bath or to go soak in the whirlpool for awhile. He choose the later. I was told that I could go with him and that the tub was big enough for both of us. I agreed and they told me that would free them up and I could act as his supervisor. He might as well get use to it because I was going to stick with him like glue. I wanted to get good training on being a `supervisor'. They helped him into the tub and Adam joined them. They pushed the start button. I made a mental note to ask the doctor about a whirlpool for the house. We had the hot tub and I wanted to find out which would be better. The nurses came back in hooked up Jack's auto-lift and got him out. I told them that I would dry him and take him back to the room. Jack said, "Adam, you have to stop fussing over me like a mother hen. Let the nurses earn the money that I am paying them." "Jack they earn every penny of their money and besides I like doing things for my favorite guy. Love you Man!" "Thanks Big Guy. I appreciate everything you are doing for me. "Hey, remember Thanks is all that I need. Just wait until I get you home and really start to take care of you!" "Remember what the doctor said, You have to wait until I heal before you start pounding my back side." "Who said anything about your backside! It is your front that I am after!" Chuckled Adam. "You are a regular slut aren't you! But I love you the way you are, so don't change." Laughed Jack. "You two seem to be in good spirits. Maybe we should just leave you in the whirlpool and let it swirl all your troubles away." Laughed the nurse. "I won't ask what is so funny because you just might tell and I really don't want to know!" Blushed the nurse. "That is good, because we wouldn't tell you anyway. Big dark secrets!" Replied Jack. "Has anyone every told you that you two make a cute couple?" asked the nurse. "You knew all the time what we were talking about." Laughed Adam and the nurse turned even a brighter shade of red. Adam leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks, you are real cute yourself. If I wasn't already taken by this ugly mutt, I would make a play for you!" "I don't think my husband and three kids would let you!" "Oh, darn all the cute ones are always taken. Maybe next time." Now we were all laughing, when the doctor walked by. "Ok, guys back to the room. I need to do some more poking and looking. Then we have you scheduled for more test." With that we all headed back to the room. When we arrive in the room, they put Jack on an examination table which had been moved into the room. The nurse started to take Jacks clothes off. Jack told her that I would do it for her and she agree to let me. Jack just looked at me and smiled. The doctor had a very small needle and started poking all over his lower body trying to see if he had any feeling at all in his lower half. He did not find any response at all until he came to Jack's penis. I held my breath, I knew that he was going to stick it with the needle. He did and Jack let out a scream. The doctor finally hit a nerve ending.. He rolled Jack over and told him he was going to test his anus. Again, Jack yelled. "Very good Jack! That means that you won't have to have bags to take care of your waste. You will be able to tell if you have to use the bathroom. Also, this gives us a little more hope in restoring movement to your lower body. I have finished my examination." Explained the doctor as he was covering Jack with a sheet. "Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack are you ok? Where do you hurt?" Sam walked in with the family and Josh and Debbie ran to Jack hugging and kissing him. "You got here just in time, we were just taking Jack down to run some more test. I will let the nurses take him down and we can all go down to the cafeteria and have some desert. Of course I don't think the kids should have any. Everything is so full of sugar and it will rot their teeth." Teased the doctor. "Are you serious. We have sweets at home and our teeth are in good shape. I would sure like to have a piece of pie with ice cream on top of it!" Lamented Josh. "Gotcha ya! I was just kidding. Let's go! My treat!" Said the doctor taking the kids by the hand and headed out of the room. "Jack you get left out this time." "I wanted to talk with all of you alone. We really can't find anything wrong that would cause him to loose the use of his lower body. He does have some bruising but nothing that would cause him to loose the use of his legs. We don't know if it is just a temporary thing or not. In other words, he may or may not get the use of his lower body back. We hope to know more from the tests. I really don't know what more I can tell you. We will probably start him in rehab tomorrow. Sam would you like to stay in town tonight and go through the training with Adam. I know that you are a RN and will know a lot that is going on. I think that between the two of you, you should be able to do as mush as a trained professional and it will be a lot cheaper. And yes, Josh you will be able to help also. In fact all of you working together will be a great help. We have to be very careful and not let him feel like a cripple. He might just give up!" Explained the doctor. "Count me in." Said Sam. "I know we will need all the help that we can get. We all want the same thing for Jack-the old Jack that we all love!" "Jack is already receiving the best medicine there is—love from his family and friends. I can feel the closeness and the energy flowing from each of you already. There is enough energy and love in this room to send him to the very top. So in Jack's behalf, I would like to say Thanks!' The doctor said with tears in his eyes. Now the tears were flowing freely. "I feel that we have to really mourn our loses before we can start healing. It appears that the healing has already begun. I have to eat and run. I have a busy schedule and there is no time just to sit idle. Take your time and we will page you when Jack is back in his room." Adam took the doctor in his arms and gave him a big kiss. All together, everyone said "Thank You!" Soon Jack was back in room and we all gathered back in there. The doctor went over the results and told us that they didn't find anything new. The good news was that they didn't find any signs of infections, or blood clots or anything that could become a hazard. Everything was looking good and they were extremely hopeful that his paralysis was just probably a temporary problem. Time would tell. Jack was able to convenience all us that he was in good hands. "Besides there are a couple of cute nurses and I can't make time with them if someone is always in my room acting like clinging vines." Laughed Jack. "Ok, then you are on your own. Don't blame us if you don't get any loving!" Laughed Adam as he kissed Jack goodby. "We will catch you again, this evening. I think Sam and I are getting a motel room. James has to go back to the office and the family is going back home." "I wish I was going to the room with you two. Have fun!" Responded Jack. "Oh, every other time, we will do it in your name. That is as close to fun as you are going to get for awhile. When the doctor gives us a good ahead, look out because your ass will belong to both of us." Sam said rubbing his crotch. We all said our good-byes and left. When Sam and I walked into the motel room, I lost it. I had so much built up inside me that I started to sob uncontrollably. "Sam, what am I going to do. I want Jack like he was before the accident. I don't want him to be in a wheelchair." "Adam, you have to remember the old Jack is still inside. That you can't change. His body maybe be different but he is the same Jack that we love and care about. We can learn to love him all over again. What we don't want to do is treat him as a cripple. That would destroy him completely and we would lose him forever. We can do everything possible to get his old body working again. If we can't get his old body back then we will just have to accept his new one and go from there. We must never give up hope. Are you with me Big Guy?" "Sam, I just needed someone to keep me from drowning in my own self pity. Of course, I am going to accept Jack as he is. I just needed someone to slap me in the face and make me fact reality. I will never stop loving Jack. I know that we can still have a life together. I hope that I am not inferring that we are going to cut you out of our lives. We may become the three musketeers. We found you and now we will never let you go. Love you man!"