Chapter 17

Ian-Michael (Guy) Comes of Age


The years raced by and soon Eve and Quinn's son Guy's eighteenth birthday is here. It was his first trip away from Australia, a gift from Elizabeth and Robert as they return to England and their ancestral home, Dove's Lake. Guy has grown into a tall and very handsome young man and is looking forward to his first experience in London.

The combined gene pool from Eve and Pierre gave Guy the best looks a young man could have hoped for, although Guy personally didn't seem to take notice. Being raised on the ranch with Eve and Quinn as his loving parents and surrounded by rowdy ranch hands as well as those who were highly educated gave him a solid understanding of the world and people around him. Kindness and love only added to the gentle and intellectually astute young man he had become.

Guy quickly discovered he loved London and all of the excitement and life that filled the city with energy. While exploring London he soon found a favorite café next to a bookshop where he usually found something of interest to read while lunching. He noticed on one of those visits to the cafe an elderly lady who appeared to be almost studying him as he read and sipped his wine.

After glancing over the top of his book several times catching her staring only to glace away when she realized he was aware of her. He decided to approach her and said, "I seem to have gained your attention, is there something I could do for you?" She smiled and apologized for disturbing him, she said, "Yes, there is something about you that has my attention, I'm just not sure what it is."

He introduced himself as Guy Thompson and gently shook the old woman's hand asking if he could join her for a moment. She said her name was Alexandria, no last name was given. She explained that her friends called her Alex.

With a smile Guy asked, "Are we friends, or should I call you Alexandria?" She laughed and replied, "Alex will be fine if we are not friends I believe we soon shall be."

Guy explained to Alex that his real name was Ian Michael Thompson but everyone has called him Guy since he was very young.

She said, "So Guy it is then. Alex went on to explain that there was something about him that reminded her of a grandson, she couldn't explain exactly what but added she thought it was the way he carried himself. You have an air of an aristocrat, you look comfortable with whom you are; there is an aura of confidence about you, that's the best way I can explain it."

Guy said, "You spoke of a grandson and I noticed a flicker of sadness in your eyes as you mentioned him, I hope I have not been the cause of a sad memory."

"You are very perceptive young Guy. I'm not sure if it's a sad memory or just a memory. His name was Pierre, he was terribly handsome, but not so much as you are. I'm afraid he was also a bit of a..., how can I put it,... a scamp perhaps, but it's much more than that, there was a darkness about him, and I'm afraid that darkness cost him his life at a very young age."

Guy said, "I'm sorry for your loss, you must have loved him dearly regardless of faults that he may have had, we never really know another's heart."

"That's true, Guy you have a bit of an Australian accent are you from there?"

"Yes, Australia is my home I'm here visiting with my grandparents who live just outside of London. Perhaps you know them, They're Lord Robert and Lady Elizabeth Helmsley."

Alex said, "Oh gracious yes, everyone knows of the Helmsley's, although I've never met them personally."

Guy excused himself explaining it was time he got back to Dove's Lake and thanked Alex for her pleasant conversation and said he hoped they would meet again.

When he left the café he noticed a fair sized crowd had gathered around his grandparent's birthday gift of a bright red Austin Healey. Guy was always a bit embarrassed by all the questions about his car but at the same time he was pleased that people seemed so intrigued by it, it was a fun topic of conversation with other men who were interested in cars.

In the evening at dinner Guy brought up his encounter with an elderly lady named Alexandria and related their conversation. When he mentioned that she spoke of her grandson named Pierre who died very young, both Elizabeth and Robert reacted with a bit of a surprise.

Elizabeth asked about Alex's last name but Guy said, she never gave her last name and he had a feeling it wasn't given for a reason. Elizabeth said, "How interesting, I wonder if you'll run into her again."

Guy said, "I hope so grandmother, there was something about her that touched me, a familiarity of sorts, it wouldn't have surprised me if she had hugged me before I left, but she did not."

After Guy had gone to bed Robert asked Elizabeth if there wasn't a Rosenberg named Alexandria that died a few years ago.

"Yes, and there was something odd about that, Alexandria had been the matriarch of the Rosenberg family. She was a powerful woman with an iron will; I recall reading in the London Times that she lost interest in the family fortune after Pierre's death and it was announced she died shortly after. There was never a mention of her funeral though and that is strange considering the Rosenberg's flare for making news headlines."

It was then that Elizabeth decided she would follow Guy to his café and see if the elderly lady he spoke of was there. She knew she wanted to meet this mysterious woman.

It was on the third trip that Elizabeth noticed Guy sitting and chatting with an elderly woman. Elizabeth walked in exclaiming with a happy smile, "Guy, what a surprise to find you here, I was just on my way to the bookstore and spotted you." She reached out her hand and introduced herself to Alexandria before Guy had a chance to say a word.

Alexandria barely showed surprise as she took Elizabeth's hand returning her smile as she said, "It's so nice to meet Guy's grandmother, he speaks highly of you."

That ever so slight display of surprise didn't go unnoticed by either Elizabeth or Guy. Elizabeth thought, "This lady is quick, she covered her surprise almost before it was noticeable."

Now the question; is Alexandria really the matriarch of the Rosenberg family who Elizabeth thinks she might be, and is she hiding from her family, or is the family hiding the fact that she is either still alive or they haven't any idea what happened to her. If she is hiding from her family the more important question is, why?

There is obviously something felt between Guy and Alex, but is it a genetic family connection or is it simply a heartfelt feeling between a kind young man and a lonely old woman.

Elizabeth felt at loose ends, troubled as if there was something she was missing and her discomfort didn't go unnoticed by Guy. And from the expression on Alex's face Guy thought she also was troubled but unable to put her finger on what it was.

Elizabeth was thinking she wished Michael was here, but she didn't want to create a fuss by asking him to fly over if there wasn't a need. She wished Guy and Alex goodbye and went on to the bookstore, or in this case went past the bookstore and waved to the chauffer to bring the car up to where she was waiting.

Guy also excused himself wishing Alex a wonderful day and walked to his car and drove back to Dove's Lake. He and Elizabeth arrived within seconds of each other and they walked in together finding Robert on the phone; he looked up and motioned for them to come over. They overheard him say, "Michael hold on Guy and Elizabeth just walked in.

Robert said, "Martin has sensed that something is happening here that he couldn't explain but he felt ill at ease, and Michael called to see what's going on if anything." He handed the phone to Elizabeth who was somewhat skittish about discussing her feelings in front of Guy, but did say she agreed with Martin's concern. She handed the phone to Guy saying, "Michael wants to speak with you."

Guy listened quietly before speaking, "Michael I don't understand what Elizabeth and I may have stumbled into but I believe we all feel a bit disjointed and we aren't sure what to do. He added that he believed that Alexandria appeared troubled also."

Michael asked what guy knew of this elderly woman he had befriended. Guy said, "Michael I really don't know anything about her, she's someone who said she felt drawn to him. Other than that I don't even know her last name, but I like her and feel drawn to her for some reason."

There was another period of silence while Guy listened, and then Eve came on the phone and said she wanted him to return to the ranch, Quinn echoed her concern and Guy said he would have to give that some thought before making a decision, and then Michael was back on the line with Guy before asking to speak again to Robert.

Guy turned to his grandmother and told her that his mother and dad wanted him to fly home immediately, but wasn't sure that was necessary or even wise until they had more time to figure things out.

The following day Guy told his grandparents he hoped to see Alex again and would ask more about who she was in a way that could lead Alex and himself to find a reason for their mutual attraction as friends. Guy added, "I don't want to just question her in a matter of fact way but rather in a way that would make her feel comfortable revealing more information about her."

As a toddler Guy took immediately to Quinn, and he seemed to always think of Quinn as his dad. There had never been a reason to bring up the topic of Pierre. Elizabeth and Robert would never mention it and they were certain Eve and Quinn wouldn't want it brought up for any reason.

After more thought she asked Robert to call Michael and tell him not to fly over now, it might bring up more questions that were unnecessary at this time, let's see how this plays out before we do something that we can't undo.

It was a couple of weeks later that Guy felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. It was Alex; she asked if she could join him for a few minutes.

Guy pulled a chair out for Alex as he said, "Alex I'm happy to see you again, I was worried that we all left our last visit feeling a bit befuddled."

Alexandria laughed, "Yes, I know I was and it appeared you and your grandmother were also. I still can't for the life of me figure out why, do you have any ideas?"

Guy thought for a minute before he said, "Alex, I feel good when we are here together chatting, it makes me feel like it's what should have been, and I know that doesn't make any sense, but that's the feeling I have."

"It may not make any sense Guy, but I feel much the same, it's like there's eighteen years of my life missing, and those eighteen years belong to you. I feel like I've missed something important and you are what or who I've missed, that is until we met here a few weeks ago."

"Alex may I ask who you are, I mean who you really are, I don't even know your last name, I don't mean to pry, I'm just looking for answers."

It was Alexandria's turn to hesitate before replying, "Guy I believe I can trust you with what I'm going to say, but still will you promise me you'll never repeat anything I say?"

Alex, "I promise you anything that you tell me will be held in total confidence."

"My name is Alexandria Rosenberg; I'm from a wealthy and powerful family, a family consumed with greed until there was nothing more important than gaining more wealth and more power. I believe my son Gerardo, Pierre's father had Pierre his own son and my grandson killed out of fear of something Pierre had done that angered the Royal Houses of Europe. They are the one group that could destroy the Rosenberg family

"If you recall I mentioned that there was a certain darkness about Pierre. He was very handsome and attracted women from all facets of society, he would wine and dine them until they thought he would ask for their hand in marriage, then his dark and evil side took over and he would utterly destroyed them with his cruelty. He delighted in destroying their reputations and then their families. Many of these beautiful young women took their own lives rather than face life in disgrace."

"After his death I had a recurring dream concerning a child, my great-grandchild that was alive and safe but was kept hidden from me. I've spent the last eighteen years hoping to someday find out if that dream was just fantasy or if there really was a great-grandchild. Now I'm in my nineties and time is running out, I'm afraid I'll never know, but you have given me hope that if there was a great-grandson he may somehow have turned out like you. Guy, you are a very special young man and you have filled an empty place in my heart and I thank you for that."

Guy was almost overcome by Alexandria's story. He said, "Alex, if you were my great-grandmother, I don't believe I could feel any closer to you then I do right at this moment."

He embraced Alexandria and kissed her cheek, a tear slipped from her eye as she smiled and returned his kiss.

That wasn't the only tear that was shed that afternoon as Elizabeth sat silently in the shadows witnessing a special moment between Alexandria and her great-grandson. A secret Elizabeth knew she must take with her to her grave.

After a month passed and Guy realized he would never see his friend again. He left the café feeling downhearted. As he walked to his car he noticed a striking young lady admiring his car as she chatted with a middle aged man. Guy walked up and stood beside them as he said, "It really is a beautiful automobile isn't it?"

The young lady replied, "It's gorgeous, I would give anything to ride in it, I wonder who the lucky person is who owns it."

Guy laughed as he said, "My name is Guy and I guess I'm that lucky person, may I ask your name?"

Blushing she replied, "I'm Mary, I hope you don't mind my father and me stopping to admire your Austin Healey 3000 BN6."

Guy shook hands with Mary's father who she introduced as Mike Lark. Guy said, "If you're the Michael J. Lark who races fast cars then there's a good reason Mary knows so much about these machines."

Mike laughed, "Guilty as charged, and yes Mary knows more about fine cars then most men do. But this particular model neither of us has had the opportunity to drive, and it is a beauty for sure."

Guy held out the keys and said, "Take Mary for a drive, you're welcome to see what the Healey can do."

"Guy, that is a generous offer but I have a meeting to get too shortly, but I'm sure Mary would enjoy a ride if you wouldn't mind."

Mary looked at her dad and said, "Dad, you're embarrassing me, as well as this man, we don't even know him."

Guy smiled that killer smile of his and said, "Mary, I'd love to give you a ride in the Healey, it'll be nice to have someone with me who appreciates the finer things that make these cars special. You can probably give me pointers since you more than likely know more about these cars then I do."

Seeing her father was on his way without so much as saying when or where to find him after his meeting, Mary looked at Guy saying, "I guess you're stuck with me for a while, honestly there are times I could strangle my father."

Guy opened the door and Mary slid into the passenger's seat, Guy started the car and pulled away from the curb. He headed towards Dove's Lake for no other reason than to get away from the city and show Mary what the Healey could do.

As they passed Guy's grandparents estate Mary said, "I've always wondered who lived there, it's such a beautiful place."

Guy replied, "That is my grandparents home, would you like to see it?"

Mary laughed and said, "I doubt your grandparents live there, but I wish they did I'd love to see it."

Guy slowed and did a turnaround and headed back to the front gate and turned in, Mary's mouth dropped open, she said, "What are you doing, we'll get in trouble for heaven's sake, turn around and get us out of here."

Smiling Guy, pulled up to the door and the butler Gordon stepped out with Reg, one of the footman, Gordon asked if Guy would like the car garaged or would he need it again.

Guy said, "Reg can garage it for now, but I will need it again soon, I'll let him know when to bring it out front." Gordon rolled his eyes knowing that the only reason Guy had Reg put the Healey in the garage was because Reg loved driving it.

Elizabeth who doesn't miss a thing came out saying, "Guy, your home early and who's this lovely young lady with you?"

Robert followed Elizabeth out saying, "Elizabeth, you could have at least waited until Guy brought his young lady inside."

Elizabeth took Mary's arm and walked with her into the house. Guy started laughing, "If you'll both give me a second, I'll introduce you to Mary, I met her and her father in London while they were looking at the Healey. Mary, I'd like you to meet my grandparents, Lord Robert and Lady Elizabeth Helmsley."

"Lord and Lady Helmsley, Guy you should have warned me, I had no idea I would be meeting royalty"

The usual refrain came from Robert and Elizabeth, "We're not royalty."

Now I really feel embarrassed, Mary added, "Guy was kind enough to give me a ride since my smart-alecky father threw me at him and left me standing there by myself while he went to a meeting."

Elizabeth laughed saying, "I like him already."

Guy explained that Michael J. Lark better known as Mike Lark, was her father and I believed Mary really did want to take the car for a spin.

Robert stopped dead in his tracks, "Not Mike J. Lark the race car drive?"

Mary said, "The one and only and wait until I get my hands on him."

Robert didn't hear another word Mary said, "Well this is exciting I'll get to meet him when he picks you up."

Guy said, "Grandfather I'm planning on driving Mary back in a few minutes, I don't want her father to think I've kidnapped her."

Robert's face fell a foot with disappointment. Elizabeth said, "Robert, these two young people may want to be alone you know."

He said, "Oh yes, I suppose, darn it."

Mary said, "Well I could call and let him know he needs to pick me up at Lord Robert and Lady Elizabeth Helmsley's estate. That'll really rattle his cage and it'll serve him right."

Elizabeth said with a big smile, "I really like you; you're my kind of girl."

Robert said, "I like you too," and handed her the phone, "Please call your father, I really want to meet him."

This time it was Guy who rolled his eyes, "Mary, you don't have to call your dad if you don't want to, I'll be happy to drive you back to the city."

With an impish grin Mary said, "No, I think your grandfather wants to meet dad, I'll call him and have him pick me up."

Guy looked at his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I need a drink."

Elizabeth just started laughing.

Mary had connected with her father and quickly said, "That the man you forced me to go with is crazy, he broke into an estate belonging to Lord and Elizabeth Helmsley, the police were called and I've been arrested, dad you need to get here as quickly as possible." And then Mary hung up the phone.

Elizabeth couldn't control her laughter, Robert and Guy stood there looking horrified. Robert said, "Guy, I think we both need a drink and I have a feeling Mary's father will need one when he gets here."

Mary stood with her hands on her hips, "That'll give daddy something to think about while he tries to figure out where your estate is. Lady Elizabeth, your home is gorgeous I'd love to see more of it if you don't mind."

Between bouts of laughter Elizabeth said, "Just call me Elizabeth, we're not formal here, and I'd love to show you around the estate if you like."

Mary's father ask the concierge where the Helmsley estate was and calmly drove his Jaguar out to Dove's Lake where he was greeted at the door by Guy and his grandfather.

Guy immediately tried to explain as Mary's father raised his hand to stop him, "No explanation needed I'm quite aware of Mary's ability to try and one up me. I'm the one who needs to apologize for any worry she may have caused you folks."

"Mr. Lark, this is my grandfather, Robert Helmsley who wanted to meet you, and I really had planned to drive Mary back to the city, I hope you understand."

"Oh, I understand completely Guy, don't give it another thought. It's nice to meet you Lord Helmsley, I've heard a great deal about you and all you've done for veterans both here and in Australia."

A very delighted Robert said, "Please call me Robert, and the pleasure is all mine, I've wanted to meet you and here you are what a wonderful surprise. Your blue Jaguar is a thing of beauty, is that an E Type?"

"Yes it is you have a good eye Robert."

Guy said, "Please come in my grandfather and I were just having a drink would you like to join us out on the veranda?"

Mike said, "I'm afraid my daughter has taken up enough of your time and I'm fairly sure that's why you both were having a drink."

Robert and Guy looked at each other and laughed, Guy said, "Well I have to admit it's a tossup between Mary and my grandmother, but we'd love for you to join us we both would like to hear about your life racing these fast cars."

Robert added, "Besides we haven't any idea where Mary and Elizabeth are or what mischief they may be up to so you might as well relax until they show up, that is unless you need to be someplace."

Mike said, "Not at all, and thank you for your hospitality."

About thirty minutes later the men heard Mary and Elizabeth coming toward the veranda, Mary said, "I thought my father would have been here by now, he must be having a hard time finding your home."

Trying to keep a straight face, Guy said, "Oh Mary, your father called back and said he had to go to Liverpool and would stop back to pick you up in a couple of days."

"HE WHAT! Mary came storming onto the veranda and spotted her dad sitting there looking innocent. She yelled, "Okay, who said that?"

Robert pointed at Guy, Guy pointed at Mike, and Mike pointed at Robert.

Mary said, "Well aren't you the three musketeers."

They all burst out laughing as Elizabeth put her arm around Mary and said, "Welcome to the Helmsley's."

It turned into a pleasant evening and Mike invited all of them to the next race that will take place in Cardiff two weeks from this coming Saturday. Robert was excited and told Mike they would be there, at least he would be, it would be up to the others whether they came or not.

Elizabeth was happy to see Robert so excited she hadn't realized he was so intrigued by auto racing. It'll be good for Guy and Robert to get out together involved in something they're both interested in.

Saturday came and Robert and Guy were at Cardiff where the race would take place. The road they would be racing on was a fifteen mile stretch that ran along the sea cliff. Mike spotted them, whistled and waved them over to where the drivers and crew were located.

Mike's crew was going over last minute checks before line up and starting time. He was driving a 1967 MGB GT Special in racing Green.  He shook Robert's hand and thanked him for coming to the race. He put his arm around Guy's shoulders and told him Mary wasn't here, and hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed, he leaned close enough so his lips were brushing Guy's ear as he said, "I'm especially glad that you're here Guy."

Guy felt a chill run down his spine as Goosebumps made the hair on his arms stand up. There was also a slight stirring in his groin as Mike winked and walked back to the car asking if his crew thought everything was ready.

Robert was so busy asking the crew questions and wasn't aware of what took place, but come to think of it nothing took place, at least Guy wasn't quite sure if it did or not. It seemed like an odd thing for Mike to whisper to him, or was Guy assuming more than he should, but then why did Mike brush my ear with his lips, he surely didn't need to be that close.

Good night I've lived around gay men all my life, but none of them ever made a pass at me. Of course they wouldn't with Quinn always looking over their shoulder. This is a bit of a conundrum. I'm eighteen years old, highly educated, have more gay friends than straight, and I don't have a clue if Mike made a pass at me or not.

I'm sure as hell not going to ask grandfather what he thinks about it. Now calm down and think about what happened, I did have a sexual reaction to his close proximity, was that a gay reaction or just a normal sexual reaction to someone being that intimate?

Mary is beautiful and I didn't have a reaction of any kind when I was with her with the exception that I found her to be somewhat overbearing. I guess that is a reaction, but it doesn't mean I'd have the same negative feeling around other girls.

Peter said he hadn't ever been attracted to men before he met Martin, and Martin said he hadn't had a sexual attraction to either boys or girls until he met Peter and even then he wasn't sure why he felt the way he did. I had no idea these feelings could be so complicated.

Robert startled me by yelling for me to get to the starting line the race was about to begin. It was also where the checkered flag would wave in the winner as they returned from the circuit.

I saw Mike in the green MGB he was three lines over and two places back in the lineup. He spotted me and flashed a big smile as he waved. The engines were deafening as the starting flag fell. From where grandfather and I were standing we could see the drivers jockeying for positions trying to overtake the lead cars.

From the starting point the road at Cardiff wound its way down the cliffs to the sea before winding upward again and then disappearing behind the cliff sides in the distance before reaching the top on the other side where they raced round the turn where they started on their way back to the finish line. Of the twelve cars that started only five made it around the curve and back down the winding road.

Guy grabbed Roberts arm as he said, "I can't imagine the adrenalin rush they must be feeling."

Robert replied I don't know how they manage to keep their cars on the road as they round those sharp curves at the speeds they're traveling."

As they came back into view Mike was in third place, when they hit the short straightaway on the beach Mike zipped around the car in front of him as he moved into second place. There was hairpin curve as the road started back up this side of the cliffs; it didn't seem possible they could hold their cars on the road as they hit that curve.

As the lead car rounded the curve it slid across the road into the cliff side and flew into the air, Mike appeared to accelerate at the last minute barely moving ahead as the other driver flipped over him and landed on the beach below. He slowed long enough to see the driver stand and wave him on. Mike finished in first place with only three other cars still in the race.

Robert was actually shaking as men crowded around Mike to congratulate him; Robert reached into his breast pocket and took out his flask for a shot of brandy before handing it to Guy. "Ye cats! I don't think I could take much more of that kind of excitement."

"I hear you Grandfather that was a bit intense. Let's congratulate Mike on his win and head back home, it's been a long exciting day."

"Sounds like a plan to me Guy."

They finally managed to get close enough to Mike to offer their congratulation, it was apparent that Mike was still operating on adrenaline. He was excited as he should be after winning that dangerous race, and thanked Robert and Guy for coming; he hugged Guy and whispered I hope to see you soon handsome.

On the drive back to Dove's Lake Robert said, "Guy you're too quiet is there something bothering you?"

"No, not really grandpa, I guess I'm just tired."

Robert patted Guy's arm as he said, "I was afraid you were upset about Mike's daughter not being there this afternoon."

Guy laughed a little, "Actually grandpa, I was relieved Mary wasn't there, I think she's a beautiful girl, but she's a bit over the top for me."

"Over the top, what do you mean, over the top?"

Guy smiled at his grandfather, "I was trying to be polite, but to be honest I thought Mary was terribly obnoxious."

Robert let out a belly laugh, "Well that makes two of us Guy. What a wonderful grandson you are." He laughed again and gave Guy a hug.

It was late when they arrive at Dove's Lake and Guy excused himself and went straight to bed. Robert turned off a few lights before joining Elizabeth in their room. Elizabeth was of course more interested in how Guy and Mary got along than the race. Robert said, "Mary didn't come, I thought Guy might have been disappointed but he said he was relieved."

Doesn't he like her; she's such a beautiful young lady.

"He agrees with you on that point, but thought she was a bit obnoxious."

"Did he really say that?"

"Indeed he did."

"What did you say to that?"

"I said that makes two of us."

Elizabeth put her hands over her face and laughed.

Robert asked, "Why are you laughing I thought you would be disappointed."

Wiping a tear from her face Elizabeth said, "Oh how I love our grandson, he is a class act. And let me add, that makes three of us who thought she was obnoxious."

Robert kissed her goodnight and turned out the reading lamp.

Guy was lying awake mulling over Mike's behavior towards him. He couldn't help but wonder if he was over reacting to something that was totally innocent on Mike's part. And why was he thinking about it at all? Was he attracted to Mike without admitting it to himself? Mike's handsome, full of energy and he certainly lives an exciting life.

He has a daughter so he's married or at least had been at one time, neither he nor Mary mentioned a wife or mother. It's kind of odd that type of thing didn't come up in the conversation when we were all together at the house, especially since grandmother was there and she rarely misses anything. Guy soon slipped into a restless sleep.

The next morning at breakfast Guy asked Elizabeth if Mary had mentioned her mother while they were taking a tour through the house.

Elizabeth said that Mary told her that her mother, whose name is Grace and Mike weren't exactly compatible. They agreed to an amiable divorce and Grace moved to America and started her own advertising company. Mary would be leaving in the spring to join her mother and would be studying at Yale toward a law degree.

Guy looked up at his grandmother and said, "She'll make a good lawyer." He and Elizabeth both laughed at his not so subtle innuendo.

Later that morning Guy asked Reg if he'd pull the car out of the garage, telling him it needed to be washed and polished. Normally Reginald would wash and polish the car, but Guy went out to help hoping to ask Reg some questions about relationships. Reg was only a couple of years older than Guy and he thought he'd feel more comfortable talking to someone close to his own age.

As they worked Guy said, "Reg, you're twenty now aren't you? I was hoping to ask you some personal questions about relationships if you don't mind. There's no one else around here that's close to my age and this is the type of thing I can't talk to my grandparents about."

Reg seemed surprised and pleased that Guy would want to discuss such things with him. He said, "If I can be of any help Guy, you know what is discussed between us will not be repeated."

Guy realized he hadn't given a thought to how personal this might be and the possibility that it could be used as gossip. Guy said, "I appreciate that Reg, my question concerns how a guy knows when he's met the right girl, or guy for that matter."

Reg was surprised that Guy included the possibility of the right person being either of the female or male gender, but this family is rather exceptional in how they see things considering their son Michael is openly gay. "Guy, I think you'll know when that person starts taking up all your thoughts and your body responds with an accelerated heartbeat and possibly some type of sexual arousal. I doubt it's the same for everyone but I think those are pretty good indicators. May I ask you a question?"

"Yes of course, what is it?"

"You came home a couple of weeks ago with a beautiful young lady; I was wondering if that's who may have triggered this conversation."

Guy replied, "Well yes and no. She is very beautiful, but my response to her was kind of negative, she struck me as loud and overbearing."

Reg laughed, "That just means your discerning radar is working properly and that's a good thing to be aware of. I was only near her for a few minutes as you arrived and had the same feeling."

"That's interesting Reg, my grandparents had that same reaction to Mary. I haven't been around many young women so I guess it's a matter of meeting the right one."

Reg said, "Or as you said earlier, the right guy."

Guy didn't notice the flush in Reg's cheeks as he asked, "I wonder if it's the same reaction regardless of sexual gender?"

Reg replied, "There's no accounting for love Guy, I believe we fall in love with the person we're meant to fall in love with and gender has nothing to do with it. I do think the emotional and hormonal reaction would be much the same in either case."

Guy said, "I wonder why society thinks it's a crime for a man to fall in love with another man since love is such a strong emotion as well as a natural part of who we are?"

Reg replied, "That is a good question for our society Guy. There have been societies who never gave a thought to men falling in love with other men. It was a normal part of life for Greeks, Romans, and many native peoples around the world. It's become taboo in modern times when society decided to dictate that we're expected to follow in someone else's footstep rather than our own."

"We're to marry and produce children regardless of whether or not we're over populating the earth, or if that is a path that may not be meant for everyone. Our society has set the standard for all people and if you don't happen fit into their game plan, or are unwilling to be forced into playing their game you're considered unnatural and need to be punished. That line of thought has never made any sense to me, nor will it ever."

Guy sat back on the grass as he looked at Reginald pondering what he said, as well as the strength of commitment in how he said it. Reg stood looking down at Guy, his face was flushed, black hair falling over his forehead, sleeves rolled up past his elbows waiting for a response from Guy.

Guy smiled, thinking what a handsome man this was looking down at him, why haven't I noticed that before, was I too busy looking past him since he is a servant rather than seeing the actual man standing before me. Guy reached up and Reg offered his hand in helping Guy up. It felt like an electric shock hit guy as their hands touched.

Reg smiled back at Guy, it was then Guy realized his heart rate had increased, as well as a sexual stirring in his groin. He looked into Reg's deep blue eyes and discovered not just love, but what being in love felt like. He thought how odd this would happen during our discussion.

Did Reg feel this also, Guy decided to simply ask, "Reg, what are you feeling?"

Without hesitation Reg said, "I love you Guy, I think I fell in love the minute you arrived and I laid eyes on you. I hope that isn't too blunt but you did ask. May I ask what you are feeling?"

Still holding hands Guy said, "Not too blunt at all and I believe I now know what being in love feels like, its similar to being hit by a lightning bolt that sets your emotions on fire. That's exactly how I felt when you took my hand to help me up. I wonder why I didn't feel it before I've been here for several weeks."

Smiling Reg said, "The time and circumstances weren't right and also because you didn't see me until now."

"Reg, I've seen you every day."

"Yes, but you didn't really see me until right now."

It dawned on Guy what Reg was trying to tell him. "Reg, I suppose you're right, you were there all the time but I never really saw you, the handsome man that is now standing before me. I saw only the man who was accommodating and helpful without realizing what a special man you are. I hope you'll forgive me, I will say that I was aware of you and I liked you immediately Reg.'

Reg said, "There's nothing to forgive Guy, I knew you liked me and you were always thoughtful and considerate. To have you tell me you feel love for me is more than someone like me could hope for."

"What do you mean someone like you? Reg, your handsome dignified, cultured, I'm not sure what you mean."

Reg laughed as he said, "Guy you're Lord and Lady Helmsley's grandson and I'm their servant, that's what I mean."

"Reg, I live on a sheep ranch in Australia with my mother, dad, and a bunch of other guys most of which have male mates. I help on the ranch just as all the others do. I ride horses, shear sheep, package wool and muck out the stalls when necessary." Guy suddenly had the strangest look on his face and started to laugh.

Reg said, "What on earth are you laughing at?"

Guy replied, "I probably just described something that scared the crap out of you."

"Actually, you just described something that excited me, it all sounded wonderful, I think Guy Thompson, that you are a very lucky man to have such a family and friends."