Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 04:37:51 -0800 From: Wayne G Subject: Wayne's Journal - Part 32 Nifty doesn't exist without donations. If you enjoy these stories please donate to Nifty. And yes ... I've donated myself! Do it! :-) Be warned. This is a story about men who have consensual sex with other men. If that's not your thing, go away. If it's not legal for you to view this material, also go away. I love hearing from readers. It's the only reward for doing this. Please contact me at: If you'd like to be on a list specifically for notification of updates to my story on Nifty, email and let me know. I'll add you on. Thanks for reading! Daniel 16 March 2018, Friday 724 AM St Joe's Hospital Dr. Carson opens the ward door. All three of us stand up when she does. Before we can even ask she smiles. "Hi." She nods. "Wayne pulled through fine." I feel a flood of relief, and I close my eyes, silently giving thanks that he's still with me. Martha and Laura both hug me and I gladly cling to them. Dr. Carson continues. "He needed a unit of blood, but we removed the bullet, and everything went really well. The path of the bullet missed his internal organs, and that made things about as uncomplicated as something like this can be." I nod at her. "Thank you doctor. Thank you." I sniff and wipe my face. "When can we see them?" "Well, once Saul heard Wayne was out of surgery he moved himself to Wayne's room, IV pole and all." She shook her head and smiled. "We left them together, so they're both in room 215." She sighed. "Look, Wayne just got out of surgery only a half hour ago. He woke up, and we did a few assessments, but he's still loopy from anesthesia." She looks at us, and can see what it would mean to us to see them on our faces. "If we keep it brief, and calm then I'll take you in." We trail behind her down the hall, and she stands aside. We all enter the room. Saul is awake. And he smiles when we come in. His head is terrifically bruised on his right side around an impressive row of stitches. It glistens with ointment in the fluorescent light. The bullet carved a straight line, about a ½ inch wide across the side of his head, about an inch above his right ear. Apart from the bruising it looks almost like some severe tribal adornment. His hair will never grow back there, and that will absolutely be a visible reminder of this day. "There she is." He says when his eyes land on Martha. She goes to his side. I can tell she wants to touch him, but she's cautious. Instead, Saul reaches out and puts his hand on her face. "My warrior." His voice is reverent, and filled with his love. His eyes shine as he looks on her. She puts her hand on his. "And you're my brave fool." She laughs and cries at the same time. Laura and I stand beside Wayne's bed. He lays on his uninjured side, and the activity in the room must have woke him. He looks at both of us, his eyes glassy and unfocused. But he smiles. My Wayne ... I sit on the chair by the bed. Laura gently rubs his head. "Hey." She says. I only sit. I give them their moment and time. Family deserves that. Laura dotes on him for a few minutes. I can hear murmuring conversation between them. I'm just so happy to hear Wayne's voice again. Then she wipes her face and looks at me. She smiles, and nods, then steps aside. I stand and move to the side of the bed. He looks up at me. "You're okay?" He asks. HE is the one who has been shot, and the first thing he wants to know ... is if I'm okay. I didn't think I had anything left in me, but I feel myself begin to cry. "Because of you." I reach and take his hand. His smile grows wider. "Good. It's my job. I take care of you." I grip his hand. "You did a good job." I can't help but stream tears. I let them fall. He stares up at me, then he sighs. "I don't think I'm gonna be able to marry you tomorrow." He frowns. "I'm sorry." I smile at him. "You know, we can do it here if you want. It doesn't matter to me where it happens Wayne. I just want it to happen." Wayne shakes his head. "No. Not here." He swallows, and I can see his resolve harden. "I don't want to start this way. I know it's going to happen. A delay is okay." Wayne's eyes grow clear for a moment and his voice is strong. "As soon as I can walk out of here we'll do it." Then he frowns again. "Sorry mom." He says to himself. Laura chimes in. "Mom and dad would just want you to be happy and healthy Wayne." She smiles down at him. "That's all." Wayne thinks, then he nods. He blinks heavily, and I can tell he needs sleep. I stroke the side of his head. "Love you. I'm gonna be here when you wake up, okay?" He smiles at me, the expression handsome, but a little addled. "Okay." His eyes slide closed. "Love you." I stroke his head one more time, and we turn to go. Martha reluctantly moves away from Saul's bed, and they both still gaze at one another. Then she sets her jaw and steps back next to him. "So ... you're gonna marry me, right?" Laura and I stare at them, and Saul smiles. "I already have your ring Martha. I have for a couple of weeks." She laughs. "Well, I already have yours too." Very carefully, they hug one another, and Martha plants a kiss on his neck. "See you soon." She whispers and Saul nods at her. We leave the room, and follow Dr. Carson back to the waiting area. We're all so relieved, and now exhaustion has taken over. Laura is going to head back to the house. Matt has actually slept, so he's coming to get her. She has to call the band, and do some other tasks to get the wedding date changed. The best estimate puts Wayne back home in a week. That's only if there are absolutely no complications, and if he is healing well. Saul will be out in probably a couple of days, with the same caveats. I tell her to shoot for a month, just to be sure. We settle tentatively on 21 April. It feels weird to be planning it so soon after this crisis. But I know Wayne will want it settled, and he'll ask as soon as he's awake. If he wants to change the date after he's up and awake, that's fine. We'll deal with that when the times comes. Matt arrives, and we update him on everything. He's as relieved as we are. He takes Laura home. I stretch out on one of the benches in the room, and Martha does the same. I know I'm forgetting something ... but for the life of me I can't think of it. Too much stress, and too much time awake have taken their toll. Eventually, I drift to sleep - my last conscious thought of Wayne. Daniel 16 March 2018, Friday 620 PM St Joe's Hospital I sleep hard. And I wake slowly to low conversation. Martha is speaking to someone. A man's voice responds, and my eyes snap open. Antonio! I fully wake and sit up. The man who became my dad sits on a chair and talks quietly to Martha. He has his arm around her, and looks at her with undisguised concern and love. He turns his brown eyes on me. Wordlessly he puts out his other arm. I get up, sit on the chair on the other side of him and lean into Antonio. He puts his arm around me and pats my side. "Dad ... I'm sorry." I shake my head. "I forgot you." "Hijo, you had things to do." He smiles at me. "Important things, for the both of you." He squeezes us tightly, then he looks down at me. "Did Martha get it right, hijo? Did your Wayne save you?" I smile as he says "your Wayne", then I nod against him. There's something about a loving parent holding you, and I feel so safe and at peace as I lean against him. "He did." I raise myself and look at him. "And Saul did the same for Martha." Antonio returns my gaze and nods. "So Martha said. I need to meet these men." He stands, his wiry frame impatient with the desire to see Wayne and Saul face to face. Martha and I both grin at one another behind his back. Ah, I've missed this beanpole of a man - the man who didn't have to, but chose to be my dad. We find a nurse, and she leads us back to room 215. They're both asleep, and we're given a strict time limit on how long we can be there. The nurse leaves, and Antonio looks at both of them. He glances at Martha, and points at Saul. Martha bites her lip and nods. Antonio smiles and moves to the bedside. Very gently he reaches and plants a hand on Saul's chest. The man inhales at the contact, but he doesn't wake. "AquĆ­ late el corazĆ³n de un leĆ³n. Gracias por la vida de mi hija." (Here beats the heart of a lion. Thank you for my daughter's life.) Martha puts her arm around my waist, and hugs me close. I drape mine on her shoulder. We both watch our dad. My heart jerks around in my chest with emotion, and I struggle to control it. He spends a moment looking down at Saul. Then he turns, and takes a step so he stands by Wayne's bedside. He again reaches down, and puts his calloused, brown hand on Wayne's chest. Wayne sleeps on. "AquĆ­ quema el alma de un luchador. Gracias por defender a mi hijo." (Here burns the soul of a fighter. Thank you for defending my son.) Antonio stares down at Wayne, then he straightens and turns to us. His eyes glitter with unshed tears. We both go to him, and we all embrace, there between Saul's and Wayne's hospital beds. In this room are the people who matter most to me - all of them. Antonio may not be my father, but he's my dad. And I may not share blood with Martha but we share so much more, and she is my sister. Wayne is the love of my life, and Saul makes my sister happier than I ever thought she would be. We silently hold one another, and I breath deeply - calming, cleansing breaths. Then I hear movement, and I look down. Wayne is on his side, and he blinks. He looks up, at first a little confused. But then he smiles. "Hey." He says, and he reaches for my hand. I step over and take his in mine. I'm happy to see his eyes are mostly clear. The drugs used during the surgery have worn off, and now his pain is being controlled by opiates administered through his IV. "Hey Wayne." I smile down at him. "I have someone I'd like you to meet." Dad steps up beside me and looks at Wayne. "Hola Wayne." He puts an arm around my shoulders. "It's very good to meet the man my son loves." He smiles. "And it's obvious that you love him." Wayne sets his jaw, and nods. "Hola Antonio." He swallows. "I do love him. Very much. And I'm happy to meet you." He sighs. "Though I do wish it were under different circumstances." Antonio laughs quietly. "Yes." He shrugs. "But, you and Saul are alive. My son and daughter are alive." His expression is intense. "And I have you two to thank for that." Dad sits in a chair so he is eye level with Wayne. "I will never forget what you have done, either of you." He looks up at us both with a proud smile. "You saved what is most precious to me." After a moment he turns back to Wayne. "And if I can give you anything in return, you only need to ask." Wayne's eyes met mine. "I only want one thing. I want your permission to marry your son. That's all I want." I feel my throat try to choke me to death, and I frown as I try to stop yet another emotional display. Antonio smiles and nods. "You have it." He stands and turns to me. "Hijo, you better take care of this one." He puts his hands on my shoulders, and leans so our foreheads are together. His voice drops. "I look forward to the day when I have two sons." I close my eyes. Antonio is apparently determined to make me cry yet again. I nod against him. "I will dad. And me too." The nurse returns, and after saying our goodbyes to Wayne, and after Martha gave a sleeping Saul a kiss we left the room. Though we protest, dad convinces us to go home. He makes a reasonable argument about needing rest. I let the nurses know we'll be back tomorrow morning, and we head out. I feel guilty about leaving, but I know we can't stay there the whole week. Antonio drives us home in my car, and even though I slept at the hospital, I nearly fall to sleep on the short trip home. We pull into the drive and walk into the house. Multiple cars are parked on the road in front of our home. Dad stops us as we enter the living room. "Hey." We both turn to look at him. I can hear conversation in the kitchen, and it seems like everyone is still here. He steps and puts a hand on each of our shoulders. "I'm proud of you both." He pats us. "You have chosen wonderful men. I don't worry about your choices." He looks at Martha. "And if your Saul ever asks for me to give you away, and if that is what you want ... I will." Martha laughs. "Well, maybe we should talk about that." Antonio and Martha walk toward the kitchen, arms around each other's shoulders. They talk rapidly in Spanish about Martha and Saul's dual proposal to one another, and he laughs with joy. Relief is finally starting to settle into my soul. The terrible, icy feeling of potential loss is gone and I feel like I can take a full breath again. We know they're going to be okay. I smile and I walk behind Martha and Antonio into the kitchen. I was right, ALL of them are there. They turn to look at us as we enter, and a chorus of voices ask about our two men. God, it feels so nice to be surrounded by family. Because, that's what they are now. All of them. Wayne's Journal 22 March 2018, Thursday 520 PM Our Place I'm back in the land of the living, and there's a lot to write about. We're marrying tomorrow. Daniel planned out a date deep in April, but Antonio has to return on Saturday, and I'll be damned if he's going to miss this. There's no way for Laura and Anna to get anything together so last minute, but I don't care. We have the license, we have family and friends, we have our officiant. We're set. Davis took on all of Daniel's clients while he spent as much time as possible with me at the hospital. "We're partners man. I'm gonna take care of this, and you handle the important stuff." Davis said gruffly to him once when they were both in my hospital room. Daniel responded only by giving the big man a hug. It was totally not broceptable, but Davis endured it like a champ. Matt and the rest of the crew continued to work at preparing the gym for opening day which is coming on 26 March. That's this coming Monday. He said they've only got one more day of work, and we'll be set. That'll probably happen Saturday, the day after the wedding. I guess Daniel and I will have a working honeymoon! I don't mind. I've been laying around way too long. Martha is quasi-famous now. Well, we all sort of are, but mostly Martha. An upstairs apartment tenant caught everything that happened on his cell phone camera. Couldn't really make out anything audibly, other than the gunshots, but the video was clear. Martha plainly beat the living hell out of Eddie, and she ended up in the paper. That video clip also played on our local news station, then even beyond. It was on CNN's national website for a few days! As a result Martha now has a waiting list of people who want to sign up for Krav Maga - mostly women, but not all. Apparently watching a 130 lb woman take down a 250 lb attacker with a gun is good press for a martial arts instructor. Who knew? She was also contacted by her teachers in Mexico. Unsurprisingly they are pleased to be associated with Miss Lopez and they offered to sponsor her school. She's one of the first sanctioned female instructors of Krav Maga in the states. Go Martha! :-) Though this means Martha is for certain going to be far too busy to handle the housekeeping/cooking job she has done for Daniel over the last five years. That makes me both sad for us, and happy for Martha. With their marriage proposals, I also foresee her moving out to live with Saul as well at some point in the future. Eddie is going away for a long long time - probably life. He's still recovering from his encounter with Martha, and will be for a few more weeks. He has multiple broken bones, and had to have a couple of surgeries. But none of us feel bad about that. It was eventually revealed that he has ties to the white national movement in the country, and is a Nazi sympathizer. I'm glad he's off the streets of Eureka. Good riddance. Saul and I are still recovering. I do the wound care for his head, and he does mine for my back. Since we're both medically trained it makes sense. Martha and Daniel watched the first time, and from that point forward they were more than happy to allow us to handle it ourselves. There's no sign of infection for either of us, and we're healing. That's all we can ask. Saul suffered headaches the first few days, but they've passed now and things checked out okay for him after a follow up appointment. We both still have pain, but it's getting better. I DESPISE opiates, as they make me feel so altered and out of it. I have no idea what anyone gets out of taking them. I've not taken any at all today. I feel it ... for sure. And I've already been told, in no uncertain terms that I'm not to be a hero about it. But I can handle it with lots of over-the-counter help, which translates to the maximum daily doses of both Ibuprofen and Tylenol. It tamps the pain down to livable. And that'll do. This morning I even started doing cardio again, though gently and at a low intensity. I can't stand to lose my progress. I hate the bike, but it doesn't involve my back at all, so I can do that pretty safely. Daniel made me do it with my shirt off, and with no bandage. If he saw any sort of bleeding my session was over. Luckily that didn't happen, and I've managed to keep off the fat during my downtime, thanks to the momentum of my metabolism. Another week and I hope to be back to full training mode. I'm looking forward to that. Daniel was afraid I'd be in too much pain to do it, but it had the opposite effect. The routine, and activity helped a lot. It just felt good to move again. Martha is making us a nice, simple cake, and I've reviewed and finalized my vows. Daniel said he's ready whenever I am. Well, I was ready a week ago, but we know how that went! I've confirmed with Anna about the structure of the ceremony, and Daniel has given carte blanche approval for anything I want. He's just happy to get married to me, and I'm glad for that. Laura and Matt put in an offer on a house here in Eureka. Their place in San Diego goes out of escrow in another 10 days or so. And the place they are looking to buy, they can purchase outright with the money from the sale in San Diego. They're so excited about that. It's actually really close by our family home that Grayson currently occupies. And, finally ... I marry Daniel tomorrow. I'm holding on to that, and I'm not gonna let it go. Till next time. Daniel 22 March 2018, Thursday 720 PM Our Place Today is Wayne's first full day home from the hospital, and I watch him carefully. He's stiff with pain, but he seems to bear it well enough most of the time. Laura said he always had a high pain tolerance, and that's apparently still the case. Though now he looks tired. Dealing with a painful injury all day takes a lot of energy out of a person. He's at the kitchen island, and he's trying to focus on his wedding vows, or something. But he's obviously beat. I sit beside him. He registers I'm there and he turns the sheet of paper over so I can't see what's on it. "Hey, no peeking." He smiles at me. I know he's trying to put on a good show, like he's not exhausted. Martha is at the sink, washing the dishes from dinner, and dad helps her. She ran a protesting Saul off to the cottage, and ordered him to bed. And I think Wayne needs the same treatment. I put my hand gently on his shoulder. "Come on." I pat him. "It's your bedtime." At first he looks as if he's going to argue, but instead he takes a deep breath and then he nods. "Okay." Yeah, he's tired. I stand up with him, and I lead us to our bed. Once in the room I help him get undressed, and he is looking longingly at my crotch, still covered by my clothes. "I really want to use that again soon." I grin at him. "I know." I pull his chin up again so he looks me in the eye. "But not yet. If I hurt you, I'd HATE myself." "We could just be really careful." He tries to bargain with me and he turns on his best smile, though it's a little strained. "Daniel, I've not gotten off in a week." His voice takes on a pleading tone. "I can't really do anything with that motion yet with my right hand!" "Ahhhh ..." I know it's cruel, but I laugh a little and he frowns. "I'm sorry love. I am." I study him as he looks hopefully at me. "Okay ... tell you what. You lay on your good side, I'll spoon you, and so long as we can do it without pain then we'll give it a shot." His face instantly brightens and he grins. "Okay!" I help Wayne lay down, and I strip. I lay behind him, very careful to avoid his injury. I have to watch and only let my lower body come in contact with him. I lube us both, and he's already breathing hard. He really wants this! And to be honest, so do I. I know he wouldn't have cared if I had taken care of myself, but thanks to all the stress, and my concern for him I've not gotten off for a week either, and now that he's so close, my body demands it. My cock is rock hard in my hand as I guide it slowly into him. Wayne moans quietly as I enter his body. I then reach around his hip and begin to stroke him with my warm and slick hand. Slowly I sink into him until I'm completely inside. He begins to grind a little against me, and I frown. "No." I pat his hip. "Let me do the moving." He licks his lips and nods. "Okay." I oblige him and start that familiar motion with my hips. He rolls his head around as I move, and my hand continues to work on his dick. "Ahh. Daniel, I'm not gonna last." His voice is strained. We have only been at it about 40 seconds, but it has also been a week for us both. "Me either." I pant behind him. "Go ahead Wayne, I'm right there too." He does. He grunts and a crazy amount of semen splatters up his chest. And he just continues to unload as I stroke him. I do the same, but inside him so my mess is contained. Though I can tell, he has gotten quite the deposit from me. Wayne lays there breathing heavily with his eyes closed. "Oh, fuck. Thank you." He laughs. "Though it felt like you turned on a fire hose up my ass." I smile. "Well, it has been a week for me too." "Ahhhh ... that explains it!" He makes a noise as I pull my hips back, and my cock exits his body. I sit up on my elbow, and I look over his side. "Holy shit Wayne!" There's semen all over the damn place! It's on his belly and chest, his groin, my hand, the bedspread ... it looks like a cup of the stuff. "I told you!" He said and laughs. He grimaces at the ropes of come tangled on his hairy chest. "Though ... yeah, we need to take this bedspread off to be washed." We get up. I throw on shorts, and take the bedspread to the laundry room, and toss it in the washer. I come back and duck into the bathroom. Wayne is inside warming the shower. We quickly rinse, and then I make sure his injury gets cleaned well. It can get wet now, and as gently as I can I wash it with soap then rinse it thoroughly. Wayne only sets his jaw and closes his eyes during my gentle washing. Though I know it has to hurt him. "I'm sorry Wayne." I kiss the back of his neck after I finish. He turns around and puts his arm on his unaffected side around me and he kisses me gently. "I know you're not trying to hurt me. Thank you for helping me Daniel." "It's my job." I smile at him. Done with the bathroom we scamper across the hall into our bedroom. I get Wayne into bed, and I sit beside him. I rub his neck and head, and though I was worried about his pain keeping him awake, he drops off to sleep quickly. "Love you." I whisper and I get up carefully so I don't wake him. I leave and go into the kitchen. Martha and dad are there at the island. I'm not sure where Laura, Matt and the kids are right now. Maybe they went out for something. But looks like it's just us right now. I take a seat at the end and smile at them both. I love that they're both here - that we're together again. Even if it's just for a little while. "Hey Daniel." Martha looks at me. It's obvious she and dad were in deep discussion about something and I wonder if I should give them privacy. Before I can ask she continues. "So, dad and I were talking, and I have a question for you." Dad jumps in. "Hijo, if it doesn't work for you, just say so." Antonio frowns at me and nods his head. "Okay?" I frown back. "Uh, okay." I look back to Martha. "What's up?" Martha took a breath. "So, the catering business isn't doing so hot right now." Antonio grimaces and nods his head as she says it. "Dad thinks it's because of all the bad press el presidente is throwing at folks with brown skin ... but, it doesn't really matter why." Antonio has run a catering business for years now. He's a fantastic cook, and that's how Martha learned the skill. "Wow. I'm sorry dad." I reach and pat his arm. "How can I help? You need money?" Before he can answer Martha continues. "Daniel, he needs a job." She looks meaningfully at me, and presses her lips into a thin line. "And ... I know of an opening that's coming really soon." I stare at her, then the light bulb comes on. "Oh." My eyes widen. It's perfect. "Oh!" I jerk back to Antonio. "Dad, you want to live here? You want to work here with me?" I think he could hear the excitement in my voice, because he grinned. He put his hands up. "Only if it's what you both want. And if it's what your Wayne wants." He shakes his head. "I won't do it if I think it will cause a problem." He looks seriously at me. "This thing - this shooting ... it makes me want to be close to you." He shrugs. "And with you and hija here, and my business failing, I have nothing to go back to in San Diego." I turn my face up and close my eyes. I can't believe how everything has fallen into place. Martha pats my shoulder. "Daniel, next month I'm moving in with Saul." I look at her and I can't help but frown. She smiles. "Don't do that. Be happy for me." I sigh. "I am. You know I am." I slump. "I'm just feeling a little selfish too. I'm allowed a bit of that." "You are." She agrees. Then her eyes narrow. "But get over it quick." Then she laughs, and both dad and I join her. We continue talking about the necessary steps we all will have to take to make this happen. Antonio, our dad is gonna live here! I feel, at last, the circle is complete. That this huge debt I have never been able to repay ... that I'm finally granted the moment to come through for him. Even when I paid for Antonio's leukemia treatments a few years back ... I still never felt it was enough. But this ... yes. This is perfect. And it's not like it's charity. He'll work, and he'll work hard. But yes, I can give him the chance to do it, and I will. I know Wayne won't have a problem with the plan. He and Antonio have gotten along so well over the last few days. Though that'll be the very first thing I ask him when he wakes tomorrow. Dad's a great cook, he can step into that role easily, and he will do an amazing job. It feels like the last piece of a great puzzle has snapped into place. As I sit with them I think about all the good things that have happened. Our dad is moving here. I'm opening a gym next week with one of my greatest friends. My sister is in love and engaged to a kick ass guy. Wayne's family is coming home. Our circle of friends is filled with generous, brave, and loving people. And I'm getting married to the man I love tomorrow. My god. I don't know why I deserve it ... but I'm living my fable. I'm living a goddamned fairy tale.