Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 15:16:18 -0800 (PST) From: Author James Subject: Chronicles of a Real Dark Knight 10 Disclaimer: This story, though maybe not in this chapter but in subsequent chapters, will have celebrities in it. I have no knowledge of their sexuality and this is not intended to imply their sexuality. This is all from my own mind. Scary!! People actually get a glimpse into my mind!!! Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox. Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros. X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. Talamasca, Lestat, Louis, and all related characters created by Anne Rice. Copyright Anne O'Brien Rice. I don't know for sure if I will use all the above elements, but just in case, I have myself covered. In this story, which has been floating around in my head most of my life, you will find many universes merging, as the above copyrights reveal. I hope you all enjoy this. I appreciate any feedback that you may want to give. This story doesn't deal so much with sex, sex, sex, but more of my feelings that I struggled with and am starting to come to terms with. Part of his background is mine. I do hope that you enjoy it!!! Any emails you send, please tell me what chapter and story you are commenting on. Thanks. Chapter 10 Clubbing with Royalty The limousine made it's way through the streets of London. Rain had begun falling outside causing a fog to form. The weather conditions made me a little nervous considering what I had gone through earlier. "You are going to love this, Eric. A bunch of rich young men and women, well, you will like the men, who are drinking and drugging it up. They won't hesitate to make passes at anyone who is willing to perform." "God, Serena. Do you only think about sex?" "I think about it often," she said getting rather serious. "It's one of the few things in this world that feel awesome and is free, that is if you find someone willing. And men seem to be always willing. That's something a straight woman like me and a gay man like you have in common. You can have a natural high almost any time you want." "I get it from my lover. I don't need to get it from strangers." "That is something you are blessed with, Eric. Not everyone is so lucky to have the perfect man in his or her lives. Some of us have to get what we can when we can. You may not agree with that. But it is not your life to live. Perhaps if you would hop down off your moral high horse and see how the ordinary people live you would see things differently." The car ride was quiet for the rest of the trip. Neither William nor Harry wanted to get in the middle of an argument between a Slayer and a mutant. When the car pulled up to the curb, the driver got out and let us out. William and Harry were first to exit the car followed by Serena. I got out last. Serena seemed to be basking in the attention of the lights of the bar and the looks of the patrons. Music boomed out the door and intensified when the bouncers opened it. It was a dance mix of "As Long As You Love Me" by Backstreet Boys. William and Harry entered and mixed in with the crowd well. Serena blended in well also. I was the only one who stuck out like a sore thumb. My three colleagues got into the music and started dancing. I, on the other hand, was busy scoping the place for anyone who looked suspicious. Someone came up and touched my shoulder. I turned quickly to see Christian from BBMak dancing. "Hi, Eric! What are you doing in London?" "Working." "Really? I didn't think that psychologists got called out of the country." "Sometimes we do," I said. I didn't want to tell him the whole story, or even a cover-up story. It would have been too complicated. "You should loosen up! Dance!" "No thanks." "Come on! Dance with me!" Christian began to gyrate close to me. I danced half-heartedly. My mind was on the Princes and where they were. Serena was enjoying four guys dancing around her. "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" dance mix came on and Christian continued dancing with me. I noticed a look in his eyes. Was he feeling something for me? I couldn't risk it. "I'm going to get something to drink," I replied. I turned and walked around trying to find the bar. "Haven't seen you here before," the bartender said. "First time here," I answered. "Welcome. What can I get you?" "Ice water, please." "Coming up." The bartender turned around and got my drink. When he came back, he asked, "How old are you?" "Twenty-five." "A bit old to be here, aren't you?" "I'm working." The bartender looked at me rather askance. Obviously a twenty-five year old in a teen club saying he's working sounds a bit perverted. I decided to clear it up quickly. "I'm working for some friends who asked me to come with them tonight. They are teenagers." The bartender just humphed at me and walked away. I turned back to the dance crowd and watched everyone enjoying themselves dancing and making merry. Christian came over. "There you are. Enjoying yourself?" Christian asked. "Yeah. I'm doing okay." "Just okay?" "I'm not much of a club person. I don't fit places like this." "You seem fine to me." I smiled at him. I turned to see what William and Harry were doing. William was busy dancing away. Serena was dancing. I did notice she kept her eye on William although I did not know if it was out of lust or because it was her job. Then I realized I couldn't find Harry. I looked around the club from where I was. He was nowhere to be found. "Excuse me," I said to Christian and I headed over to Serena. I grabbed her arm and turned her toward me. "What? Are you insane?" she asked. "Where's Harry?" "What?" "I can't find Harry. Where is he? Did you see where he went?" She nodded. "Stay here and watch William. I'm going outside to see if he's there." I turned without waiting for an answer and walked outside. Relaxing I stretched out my molecules, hoping I would locate his somewhere. I heard a noise coming from a nearby alley and investigated. As I stepped into the darkened alley, I made out two figures at the end. They stood entwined. "Hello!" I called out. One turned and looked at me. It was a vampire. The light fell upon the face of his victim. It was Prince Harry. I approached the vampire and he dropped Harry and turned to face me. "Leave him alone," I said. The vampire snarled and swung a fist. I blocked. He swung another and I blocked, and then ran my fist up under his chin. His head flew back with the impact. Then I grabbed the vampire and tossed him into the wall. He stood to attack again. I swung my leg up and kicked him in the face then threw a punch. He grabbed my wrist and threw me into the wall. Then he kicked me. Taking my head he rammed my face into his knee. I felt my nose break and the blood flow. I reached up and grabbed him by the neck and flipped him over unto his back. I straddled him and began hitting him, hoping I would knock him unconscious. "Eric!" Serena said. "Harry!" William stated. He ran over to his brother. "A stake, Serena!" I called back. Sure enough she had one. She pulled it out and tossed it to me. I rammed it into the vampire's chest and he turned to dust. "Are you okay?" Serena asked as she came up to me. "Your nose is bleeding horribly." "I think he broke it." "Lovely." "Yeah." We turned to Harry who opened his eyes. "What...what happened?" "Vampire," I said. "You need to be careful. Why did you come out here with him?" "He was cute. Before he got all vampy on me." "I think we should call it a night," I stated. "What?!" William declared. "Just because Harry was stupid doesn't mean..." "Eric's right, Will," Serena said. I was surprised that she was backing me on this. "I'll get the car." Serena turned and left the alley. "And it case you didn't notice, William, your brother nearly died and I have a broken nose. Yes, it's a good idea we leave." A few moments later the car pulled up to the alley. We helped Harry into the car and then climbed in ourselves. When we got to the palace, the palace doctor took Harry to the infirmary to be checked out and given some blood. I went as well and waited my turn to be attended to. Harry was hooked up to a vial of blood and the doctor patched my nose. I went in to check on Harry, who would be staying in the infirmary for the night. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah. Tired. But I think I'm okay." "Good." "Eric. Can I ask you a question?" "Sure," I replied going over and sitting down on his bed. "What's up?" "When will I fall in love?" I smiled at him. "I don't know. Love has a way of creeping up on you." "How will I know I'm in love?" "Tough question. Let me see if I can try to answer it." "Is it when you get butterflies in your stomach?" "Yes, and no. Lot's of people get butterflies for other people, but that's not love." "What is love?" "Love. That's a word that has lots of meanings to it. Love is when you care about someone. It's not always mushy love. Love is when you enjoy doing things for someone else. Love is when you try to change something the other person doesn't like." "Does it mean you conform to what the person wants?" "Yes, and no. You can change your behavior about something. But if the person wants you to change who you are as a human being, chances are they don't love you. They have an image of who you should be, what they think the ideal you should be. And that's wrong. "Or sometimes one will lie to you and tell you what you want to hear, not the truth. Love has to be honest and real, not deceitful." "Love can be complicated." "It sure can be." I paused a moment, then asked, "Why did you want to know?" "I thought I might have been falling in love tonight." "With the guy who turned out to be a vampire?" "Yeah. Dumb, huh?" "Not really. It's flattering for someone to tell you nice things. And it's even more flattering when they are gorgeous. Dating someone like that is okay. But you should really get to know the person, get to know who they are on the inside and what they think and believe. "Too many people rush off with lust instead of love and their relationships and marriages end horribly because they didn't take time to achieve emotional intimacy." "Emotional intimacy? What's that?" "It's being able to share with someone your deepest thoughts, feelings and dreams." "That would be cool." "It is. And I'll be you will have plenty of time in life to experience it, provided you stop getting the hots for vampires." "Yeah," he said with a grin. "Serena will be down in a little bit. Take it easy and sleep well." "Thanks." I stood and left the infirmary and headed upstairs. I started to wander but thankfully a butler was kind enough to put me on the right track. I found the right staircase up to the bedrooms. Serena came out of William's room as I turned into the corridor. "How is the nose, Eric?" "It hurts, but it's getting better." "Good. Hate for that cute nose to not heal right." "Thanks, Serena." "See you in the morning, Eric." Serena went down the stairs and off toward Harry. I walked up to William's bedroom and knocked. "Who is it?" he asked. "It's Eric." "Come in." I walked in and saw William standing at the window in his bathrobe. The lights were out and he was looking out at the sky. I walked up to him. "How is your nose?" he asked. "Its broken but it will be fine." "Good." After a moment, "I'm sorry about how I was acting earlier. It wasn't right for me to question you. I had my own selfish motives and I wasn't taking into consideration you or Harry." All was quiet for a moment. "Do you know what my future holds for me?" "What?" His question took me by surprise. "My future. Do you know what my future is?" "I can't predict the future, if that is what you are asking." "No. Do you ever know something completely certain that nothing else could possibly be?" "I think so, sort of. What are you talking about?" "My future, Eric. I know what my future will be." "Really?" "Yeah. It's going to be horrible." "What makes you say that?" I said with concern. "Because my future is set. There is no way to get around it. I'm going to go to college and get much education. I will meet a girl of wealth, marry her, and we will start a family." "'re gay." "Doesn't matter to my family. Doesn't matter to my title. It will not matter my feelings toward the woman I marry. All that matters is fulfilling my obligations to my family and to the crown. "I go to clubs hoping that I will find Mr. Right, and somehow keep him close to me as I live out the life dictated to me by fate. It is my goal to have a relationship with a man that I love and who will love me for me, not my title." "You realize that will be difficult. Your title is not easily hidden, especially in this country." "I know. Clubs have the darkness that can conceal my face. My face blends in with everyone else's. I'm a face in a crowd, not a face with a crown." I noticed in the moonlight a tear falling down William's cheek. He may have been acting on hormones the past couple of nights, but there may have been this underlying feeling, no, longing, for a normal life with whom he naturally loves: a man. I reached up and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, William." He turned and placed his head on my shoulder. His body shuddered under the tears. "God, it hurts. I feel so alone and empty. I have no bright future of getting what I want out of life. I have no way to accomplish my dreams. If I can't reach my dreams, why should I continue to live? If I can't have what I naturally desire, why should I be in this world?" Tears welled up in my eyes, too. William and I stood there crying. Time no longer had meaning. All that mattered was this young man gripping onto his hopes and dreams and attempting to reconcile them to his reality. The odds were against him in accomplishing both his dreams and his family responsibility. He was in a true Catch-22. William pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. "Why can't I have a normal life? Royalty isn't the problem. It is family obligation and expectations that I have to wrestle with." "I wish I had the answers for you, William. I don't." "But I thought you were a psychologist. Aren't psychologists supposed to have answers for their patients?" "No, William, psychologists don't always have the answers. They help their patients find their own answers. Maybe, as I think about what you've said, I can come up with some suggestions to help you. Until then, there is nothing more I can do except be a shoulder for you to cry on." William nodded. He stepped away from me and went over to his bed. Climbing in without a word, he went to sleep. I went over to the easy chair and sat, watching him and praying for answers. To Be Continued... Poor William. Even royalty has the same aspirations as common folk. They don't always get to do what they want. Other factors guide their lives. Let me know what you think. More good stuff coming up.