Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 16:17:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Author James Subject: Tales of a Real Dark Knight Chapter 43 Disclaimer: This story, though maybe not in this chapter but in subsequent chapters, will have celebrities in it. I have no knowledge of their sexuality and this is not intended to imply their sexuality. This is all from my own mind. Scary!! People actually get a glimpse into my mind!!! Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox. Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros. X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. Star Trek and all related characters created by Gene Roddenberry. Copyright Paramount Studios. I don't know for sure if I will use all the above elements, but just in case, I have myself covered. In this story, which has been floating around in my head most of my life, you will find many universes merging, as the above copyrights reveal. I hope you all enjoy this. I appreciate any feedback that you may want to give. This story doesn't deal so much with sex, sex, sex, but more of my feelings that I struggled with and am starting to come to terms with. Part of his background is mine. I do hope that you enjoy it!!! Any emails you send, please tell me what chapter you are commenting on. Thanks. Chapter 43 Finding Out Bullwhip shot out a whip and swung from the window down to the ground. I tried to loosen the whip, but couldn't. I was being hanged. I watched as he disappeared into the shadows and slowly my consciousness followed. When I came to, I found myself in the alley across the street. The Huntress crouched over me. I tried to breathe deep remembering that I was in the process of being hanged. When I did, sharp needles penetrated my esophagus. "Don't breathe too fast. Your body just had a shock to its system. You nearly died." "What happened?" "Bullwhip tried to hang you. Then he got away. Freeze didn't stick around. He had his own plans to attend to. I had to use a Diamond Head arrow to cut through the whip. You plunged three stories to the ground. I brought you over here to resuscitate you." "Thanks," I said with not much enthusiasm. The Huntress detected it. "What's the problem?" "I don't know how much of this I can handle." "What do you mean?" "I told my best friend I'm gay. I lost Hunter. And now this. Too much at one time." "Not to mention the rape and Aaron." "I've been through a lot." "Maybe you should take a night or two off, just so you can rest and reflect." I stood to my feet and staggered a bit. "Take it easy." "I'll be okay. I just need another minute to get my bearings." I sat for another minute or two then stood up. This time my balance was much better. "So, what do you think we should do from here?" the Huntress asked. "There's nothing we can do right now. I think I'm going home to rest." The Huntress smiled at me. She knew she won the battle. Not too long after that, I lay in my bathtub relaxing in a warm bath. I was waiting...for what I didn't know. I just knew something was coming. Something big. I finished and got out of the bath. I pulled on some boxers and a t-shirt and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I dressed and went to work. Dr. Allison met me at the door. "How are you feeling?" "Better, Doctor. Thanks." "You're welcome. If you feel you need some more time, or need to lessen the load, let me know. I would be happy to help." "I appreciate that." Dr. Allison left and I went to my office. I sat down and turned to face the window and thought about everything again. It took my mind away from where I was at the moment. A rapping at my door brought me back to attention. "Come in." In walked Justin. "Hello, Justin." "Hello, Dr. McCoy." "How are you today?" "I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking." I moved from my desk to the chair as Justin sat down on the couch. "Did you finish the reading I gave you?" "Yeah. Thanks. I've learned...a lot." "Like what?" I prodded, wanting him to talk about whatever he learned, whatever was on his mind about the subject of homosexuality. "I learned that it's not a choice, being gay. I learned that it's natural for a gay person to feel those feelings, even though it feels unnatural for straight people." "And does that change your feelings toward your friend?" "Yeah. It makes me feel a little okay to love him like I have been, as a brother." His words went into me. God, how I wished Matt would come to that. He might. I just told him the other day. There is still hope. "Does he know this?" "I haven't told him, yet, if that's what you are asking." "Yeah. That's what I'm asking." "I don't know how to tell him. Should I even tell him? I mean, if I just go on as if he knows and I treat other gay people nice, won't that be enough?" "No. Because, as far as he knows, your change of actions towards gay people is only a courtesy to him. He will feel as if you are treating them decent simply because you know he's gay. He won't know that you've had a change of heart. And that's something he will need to hear. It's the only way he will let his end of your friendship grow any more. Otherwise he will think you hate who he is and he won't open up to you. He won't be able to be himself around you." Justin sat quietly for a few minutes; I'm sure contemplating what I've just told him. You don't know how much I wished Matt would've been able to hear what I just said. So many friends don't realize that their gay friends need to hear them say it's okay to be gay. They need that affirmation from their friends that it's normal. They may know it in their hearts, but in their straight friends' eyes they are less than a person or evil. "I don't know if I can say it. Maybe if you were with me." My eyes widened, but quickly I brought them normal. Should I do this? Do they know that he's been seeing me? I had to ask. "Do your friends know that you've been seeing a psychologist?" "JC knows." "Does he know my name?" "No." My line of questioning was making Justin suspicious. "Why should he know?" "I don't know." We talked for the next ten minutes about religion and homosexuality. It was quite an enlightening conversation. Right after he left, I knew I had to tell his band friends that I was counseling him. They had to know before I "met" them. As soon as Justin left, I picked up the phone and called JC. I still remembered their number. "Hello?" JC answered. "Hi, JC." "Eric?" "Yeah." "Did you just now remember our number?" "No, I've always remembered your number." "Then where have you been for the past few months? We've missed you being around." "I'm sorry. I wasn't able to handle seeing Justin." "And you are now?" "Well, sort of. You see, I'm counseling him." JC did not say a word. For a moment I thought the line had broken between us. "Does he know about you and him being together?" "No." "You didn't tell him?" "No." "And you think it's safe for you to counsel him? I don't think so." "JC, listen, please. Let me explain." The phone went dead. JC hung up on me. I didn't blame him. Maybe I was unethical for not telling Justin. But I thought I would be the best one to talk to him about this situation. My interest in him, first, wasn't the same as it was. I know there is no chance for a relationship and I've recovered from the break-up. My feelings toward him have shifted to that of a caregiver or protector of sorts, almost like it was when we first discovered Turic's true nature. I had to convince JC of this. When I finished work for the morning, I headed off to school. The gym was still off limits to students. I didn't blame them. I didn't think I could ever enter that building ever again. I headed to class and found a new teacher in for Dr. Israel. The police were still looking for him. Class was interesting that day as the hour unfolded. "What was Dr. Israel discussing last?" the substitute asked. "He was telling us he came up with a cure for the disease of homosexuality," one student said. I raised my hand. "Yes, Mr.... McCoy?" "I would like to say that homosexuality is not a disease." "How do we know this?" the sub asked. "Because there is no cure for it." "We don't have a cure for AIDS or cancer," someone shouted out. "I didn't mean it in the sense of the word cure. What I meant is that it's not something you catch or is transmitted. Being gay has something to do with the way someone is born, it's biological." "Like a birth defect," another student shouted out. The class chuckled. But I was becoming irritated. Stay calm, I told myself. No need to throw a book, or trashcan...or teacher's desk at the poor sap. "Some have called it that," I replied. "But recent research has found that it may be genetic." "So gay people are mutants!" yet another student said with glee. They were taking everything I said and changing it to mean something else. I hate when people do that. "It's something with the brain, I believe some doctors have discovered." "Then gay people have brain damage!" I couldn't deal with this kind of slander. I gathered my things and stood up. "Where are you going, Mr. McCoy?" the teacher asked. "Away from these bigots." Some of the class just laughed. I stormed out angry. Angry at what they were saying. Angry at what happened to Hunter. Angry at Dr. Israel for causing this discussion to begin with. Had he not done what he did, Hunter would still be here and we wouldn't be discussing this. Who am I kidding? If it weren't for him, no one would be discussing homosexuality and everyone would still have pre-conceived notions of the subject. I went to the park to walk for a little bit. The sun began to set as I strolled the grounds. The air had a slight chill to it. October was finally here. Halloween would be coming up. I'm sure a busy time for Jessica and Garrett. I arrived at the hotel and went inside. The manager remembered me and said I could go up. When I said the guys weren't expecting me, he told me to go up anyway. I told him I preferred not to but would like to call the room. He gave me a phone and some privacy. "Hello?" JC said. "JC, it's Eric. I'm down in the lobby and really want to talk to you." "About what?" "You know what about." "If you are referring to Justin, I just told him about you." My heart sank. "He's pretty upset." In the background I heard someone mutter something and JC respond, "He's downstairs." Then he moved back to the phone. "He's on his way down now. I suggest you leave. Justin's not happy with you." "I'm not leaving. In fact, I want to face him about it." "You're awfully brave." "Bravery has nothing to do with it, JC. Being honest does. Perhaps you can all come down. And we can all have it out right here in the lobby." "Maybe we'll take you up on that offer." I hung up the phone and steeled myself for what was coming. And it came. The elevator doors opened and out came just, face flushed with anger. He looked around until he spotted me. "You son of a bitch!" he yelled. Several people turned in the direction Justin was looking. I knew their eyes were on me, but all I could focus on was Justin and his rage toward me. "How could you not tell me?!" "Justin, do you want to go someplace private and talk about this?" "Not really! I want to talk about it right here, right now!" Another elevator arrived on this level and the rest of NSYNC came out. JC, Chris and Joey were mad. Lance looked confused. "Then let's have it out right now," I said. "Do you want to hit me? Then do it. Do whatever you feel you need to do to vindicate yourself. Then, whenever you are done, I would be happy to explain myself to you." Justin hesitated, knowing that all eyes were on him. I placed the ball in his court for him to act. It was all up to him. Justin balled up his fist and punched me as hard as he could. It was a good punch, too. I was definitely going to bruise. I clutched my eye and looked up. All eyes were in our direction. The members of NSYNC, except for Lance, appeared gratified by Justin's action. Lance, however, seemed upset by it. I could not let him know that I knew how he felt about me. Looking at this situation, it was rather strange for me. If it had been anyone I did not care about, my anger would have been kindled and my mutant gift would have gone into action. But Justin was someone I cared about. He had been my lover at one time. Now he was a patient and, dare I say it, friend. "Now can we talk?" I asked. Justin looked over at JC, Chris, Joey and Lance for an answer. "I don't know. After what you did...?" "What I did? What did I do?" "You took advantage of a situation you had no business being involved in!" "Let's go upstairs, Justin," JC said. The group headed toward the elevator. Lance looked back several times. I watched the elevator doors close and I felt something inside me. I'm not sure exactly what it was. I wasn't angry at Justin's feelings. Maybe it was the choice he was making about hearing me out. I was frustrated. I guess frustration is another emotion that activates my mutation. I ran to the stairway and once the door closed, began floating upwards. It was strange, this feeling of floating. I guess this is what went into operation when I would jump from building to building or jump off of a building and manage to land without seriously breaking anything. I arrived at their floor and looked around. I remember when Lance was sitting on these very steps and cried because he was in love with someone. I was so saddened by his sadness. I opened the door onto their floor and heard the elevator arriving at their floor. The bell sounded and the doors opened. "I still can't believe he had the gull to not tell me about us!" Justin was saying. "Maybe if you gave him a chance to explain, Justin," Joey replied. They exited the elevator and stopped in their tracks, all eyes upon me. "How in the hell did you get up here?" Chris asked. To Be Continued... So Justin finally found out about his relationship with Eric. Are you surprised about his reaction? Do you think he acted in a normal way? Do you think he should have acted differently? I'd love to hear what you think! Email me! All emails get a response!