*NOTE* I do not claim to know the celebrities mentioned below or their sexual preferences. This fictional story was written solely for entertainment purposes only and does NOT imply the sexual preferences of said celebrities or anything about their personal lives. Enjoy!

T.I. awoke early the next morning, only getting a couple of hours sleep, because he had an early morning appearance on a local morning talk show in Los Angeles. He was tired and very much wanted to spend more time in the cozy bed snuggled up next to his man but he couldn't. He kissed Nelly gently as he quietly made his way into the bathroom to shower and get himself ready. His body felt a little sore from his activities last night but he just dismissed it. His phone vibrated while he was in the shower, notifying him that the driver was waiting for him. After his relaxing shower, which was made even longer by his constant thoughts of last night and the reunited love he had in his life, he sped through getting dressed and grabbing a bowl of cereal to eat. Before he left, he quickly wrote a note letting Nelly know why he wasn't in bed with him, left it on the nightstand, kissed his sensual lips, and headed out the door. The sun had only been out a few moments before he stepped into the limo, which sped into the city.

A few hours later, Nelly's hands made their way over to T.I.'s side of the bed, hoping to grab on to his warm body. He felt around for his man as the sun intensified in the room. Once he realized he was alone, he opened his eyes and slowly sat up on the bed. He was slightly dazed from the night of drinking and partying he had last night. He looked at the spot where T.I. was supposed to be then he got a little anxious and concerned. He was alone.

"Shit! Was it a fucking dream?" he asked himself.

Nelly was desperate for his accusation not to be true. He so wanted to be back with T.I. and have his love in his live once again. He quickly glanced at the clock that was on the nightstand and saw a folded piece of paper next to it. A huge smile brightened his face as he read the contents of the paper. He didn't know how he would have handled it if his night with T.I. last night was only in his imagination. He laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling, feeling extremely excited, happy, and fortunate that he got his life back. It was what he wanted more than anything since he lost it after all.

After reveling in his love for T.I., and getting caught up at certain points, he got up and went to the bathroom. He had nothing here. There was an extra toothbrush that he found in the medicine cabinet and used it to brush his teeth. The shower greatly relaxed him and he never wanted to get out. It would have been even better if T.I. was in there with him but he just brushed it off this time. Searching through his man's stuff, he found a pair of black jeans and a baby blue Polo shirt, which was a little loose on him. He looked and felt good in T.I.'s clothes. He went in the kitchen to find, or make himself, some breakfast.

He sat on the bed, munching on a bowl of cereal, while flipping through the channels. Their lives were so busy that they would barely have time to see each other in the future. An idea instantly popped into his mind of the two of them taking a vacation to some exotic location together, alone and free from the eyes of the outside world. As he got out of his thoughts and glanced at the TV his heart stopped. He stared attentively at the TV, looking at his man on "Good Morning Los Angeles." He looked so damn fine and often flashed that smile of his that always got to Nelly while he was talking about his album and future projects.

As he kept watching one of the hosts of the show managed to get T.I. to talk about some of his more secretive upcoming projects. He told the world that he would start shooting his first movie within the next few weeks. This was news to Nelly but he figured that since they had been apart for so long that he missed a lot of things that was happening in his man's life. He watched the entire segment that T.I. was on while finishing his bowl of cereal in the process. He changed the channel and started watching some music videos when he heard his phone ring. Reaching over the bed to the nightstand, he grabbed the phone, checked the number, and smiled.

"Hello?" he asked, knowing well who it was.

"Good morning my little soldier," T.I. sweetly said as he laughed. "Did I wake you up?"

"Actually you didn't. I've been up for a while."

"Did you get my note?"


"Good. I didn't want you thinking that I ditched you or anything."

"I wouldn't. When I woke up and you weren't there next to me though I thought last night was another dream, or rather a fantasy of mine."

"Oh? You have fantasies about me?"

"Why you asking when you already know the answer?" he laughed.

"Aww! I feel special now."

"You are special. Especially to me. You're my baby boy!"

"I love you baby."

"I love you too. So I saw you doing your thing on TV a few minutes ago."

"You saw me? What did you think?"

"You looked mad cute durrty. I just felt bad for all the niggas out there that will never get a piece of you cuz you all mine!"

"Don't get cocky baby."

"I'm not cocky. It's the truth."

"You're right. Can't fight with the truth."

"Where you at now?"

"I'm on my way back. I have nothing to do until later tonight."

"What's going on later?"

"Booked the studio to go record."


"What you got going on today?"

"Management planned a few things for me to do, like store appearances to promote the album and stuff but I called them when I woke up and cancelled everything. I want and need to spend the day with you."

"Are you sure about that baby? You should listen to your team."

"It's only a couple of promotional appearances. Besides, I want to be with you."

"If you're sure. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll see ya."


Nelly quickly washed his bowl out in the kitchen and proceeded to make the bed he and his man shared last night. He was anxious to see T.I. because he knew that seeing him in person would guarantee that he wasn't having another one if his intense dreams about his situation. True to his word, T.I. walked through the door a mere couple minutes later, busily talking on his cell phone. He had the speakerphone on so Nelly heard everything that was being said and assumed that the man on the other end was his manager or publicity agent. It wasn't long before he hung up and gave Nelly a sweet kiss on his sexy lips.

"Hey there Mr. Hayes," he said as he sat on the bed next to him.

"Hey yourself Tip!"

"I see you borrowed more of my clothes."

"Yea. If you got a problem with it then you can take it up with me," he said naughtily.

"Oh I plan to shawty! But later." he said as Nelly just stared at him. "What?"

"Seeing you in front of me right now assures me that last night really did happen."

"It did. My body still hurts from it. Yours doesn't?"

"A little. But I've been in worse pain over you. This is cake."

"Yea. It seems that you have something on your mind. Do you?" he asked as he went to the kitchen for something to drink.

"Yea. Before I saw you on TV, I was thinking about us going away together. Like a vacation or something. You know, away from the world and the spotlight."

"That sounds so good right about now but I can't," T.I. sadly said as he rubbed his left shoulder. His muscles were tense.

"What's wrong?"

"My shoulders and neck are in knots. I'm just a little tired."

"Come here," Nelly said, patting the bed next to him. "Sit here and I'll massage it for you."

"You don't have to. It'll go away soon."

"Just come here. I'm very good with the touch, but you already knew that durrty."

"Yea," T.I. said as he sat back next to his man and felt his warm hands caress his tense shoulder muscles. "Oh! That feels so good."

"I'm talented with my hands."

"Among other body parts."

"Of course. You're not so bad yourself baby boy!"

"I see you made up the bed."

"Yea. Habit from when I was a kid. So you're about to shoot a movie?"

"Yea. That's why I can't do the vacation thing with you. At least not right now anyway. You know if it were any other time I'd jump on it in a flash."

"I understand baby. I'll plan it for some other time. So when do you start shooting?"

"In about three weeks. Management wants me to wrap the movie and so they can release it and the album around the same time. You know they need some songs for the soundtracks and all that."

"But isn't the album almost done?"

"Yea. The movie will only take about six months to shoot though. I agree with them. I want to have the number one movie and album in the country at the same time."

"You will. You're one talented man plus I believe in you," Nelly said as he continued massaging his man's stiff shoulders and neck.

"Thank you baby. I'm sorry about the vacation though. As you can see I really need it."

"Don't worry. We'll go when you finish the movie."

"Sounds like a plan."

"So what's this movie about?"

"It's called `ATL' and it's a coming of age story. A young black kid and his brother growing up in Atlanta. They want more. I read the entire script a few times; it's a really good story. The new American Classic I think."

"That movie sounds pretty good. And I think they chose the right man for the job!"

"Who me?"

"Who else?"

"Thank you Cornell. You don't know what your support means to me."

"I'll always be here for you baby. I love you remember."

"I'll never forget. I love you so much. When did you get so good at this? My shoulder feels so good right now."

"I have many skills. You'll get to see them all in time."

"I'm looking forward to it. Oh! Right there baby. Right there!"

"You feeling better?"

"A lot!"

"You sure."

"Yea. I'm okay now," he said as he turned around to face Nelly. He kissed him instantly.

"Wow! Maybe I should massage your shoulders more often. I like the reward."

"I won't stop you. So what are we doing today?"

"It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm with you. We could just chill here."

"You sure you don't wanna do something? This might be the last day we spend together in a while."

"I do want to do something."


"You," Nelly remarked and laughed out loud.

"Ugh! Shut up!" T.I. said as he playfully punched him on the shoulder.

"We'll just stay here, order lunch, and be with each other. Is there anything else to life?"

"As of right now no."

"I knew you'd see it my way eventually."

"You make such a convincing argument shawty. How could I not?"

T.I. leaned in and crushed their lips together. Nelly energized him. He was full of energy and not even tired anymore. He loved that high he instantly got whenever the older rapper around him. It always made him feel safe and loved, as did Nelly. He stood on his knees on edge of the bed, all while still passionately kissing his man, and led him more onto it. Nelly laid down and lifted his upper body as T.I. crawled on top of him and began taking off his Polo shirt. The continued making out as Nelly's hands found themselves going up the younger rapper's shirt, stroking his back.

"I thought you were tired?" Nelly asked coyly.

"I was but you changed that. Now take off what are technically my pants."

Nelly leaned up and licked his ear. "I like it way better when you do it Tip."

If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail me at jc71883@hotmail.com or hit me up on AIM ~ Dragon93085