Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 16:19:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Christian Garcia Subject: The Gyllenhaal Encounter - Part Five Disclaimer: I do not know or claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal and I don't mean to imply any knowledge of his personal life or sexual preference. This is FICTION and nothing more. If your under 18 or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story. Now that that's out of the way, sit back and enjoy! **************************************** Jakes P.O.V. I got to Kirsten's house in the afternoon. She said she needed to talk, it sounded important so I was I was a little scared about what exactly she wanted to say. I stood outside the front door and rang the doorbell. Footsteps sounded like they were getting closer so I braced myself. The door swung open and there was Kirsten in a t-shirt and jeans. She looked so amazing. I loved seeing her out of the media lights. "Hey." Kirsten said holding the door open. "Hey." I responded. "Come on in." I walked in the house and shut the door behind me. Christians P.O.V. I finally finished the movies I rented. It took me a while to watch them because of work and what not but I finished. Donnie Darko ended up really sticking to my head. It made an impression on me. Its one of those movies where you have to watch it several times to fully understand it. I returned the videos to the video store and drove around to run some errands. When I finished, I headed home to feed Sargent. I didn't have to work till later on that day so for the most part I just cleaned the apartment. It could really use a little knuckle work, too. While I was in the middle of vacuuming the living area, my phone started to ring. I picked it up thinking it was going to be Ashley. "Hello." I said. "Christian?" The caller asked. "Yeah?" "Its Jake^Å" "Oh yeah, hi." "Hey, what's up?" "Nothing much just vacuuming." "I just called cause I was wondering if you were doing anything later." "Later today?" I asked. "Yeah." "Well, I have to go to work at two. Why?" "Just thought you were up to doing something since I wouldn't go to the park earlier." "Oh, um, okay." I dint think he could hear the excitement in my voice. "Are you free at around eight?" "Yeah, yeah." "Okay." "Should I just meet you at the restaurant?" "Uh huh." "Great, ill see you later then." "Okay, bye." Once I hung up I started to smile for some reason, I couldn't help it. He actually wanted to hang out, he hadn't blown me off like I thought. I got ready for work and locked up my apartment then left for the restaurant. I was really looking forward to later on, my eyes kept watching the big clock, I almost dropped a whole tray of food from being so out of it. Time moves a lot slower when you're waiting for something to happen, its insane. On my break, I went into the back room with Ashley. "Hey hun." She said once I walked in. "What's up?" "My anxiety level" "Aw, I'm sorry babe. I know what will make you feel better." "What?" I asked. "Some time off. Tonight I'm taking you to a party a friend of mine is having. You can give Randy a call and invite him too." "Sounds great but not tonight. I already made other plans with someone else." "Who?" Ashley asked. Her eyebrows lowered." "Just^Å someone else." "Okay." We were talking happily until Mr. Shingle came and told me to get my "scrawny ass" out there and serve the people. I got out of the back room and made my way to the small seating booth. I finished my shift and as promised Jake was sitting in the waiting area at eight sharp. "Hey!" He said as he stood. His smile lit up his gentle face. "Hi." "You ready to go?" "Yeah, except I have to go home first to change out of my uniform." Jakes P.O.V. Christian walked out from the restaurant in his uniform and his car keys at hand. I stood up off the small bench and we greeted each other. "You ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah, except I have to go home first to change out of my uniform." "Do you want me to wait here or^Å" "You can come with me if you want. I'm not going to take long." "Okay." "Cool, my cars over here." We walked down to Christians car and he got inside then opened the passenger side. I slipped inside and we drove away. The ride was mostly quiet except for the low music coming from the radio. I looked over and noticed the intensity Christian had when he drove. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I looked ahead again. We got to a tall building covered in windows and balconies. After walking inside, we took the elevator to the third floor and walked to door C13. Christian opened the door and let me in first. "Here we are." He said after closing the door and tossing his keys onto a wide table. The apartment was really great. It was nice and organized, better than my house. "Sargent! Come on boy!" I turned to see Christian on his knees, petting a small dog. I found it very funny the way he talked to his dog, like if it was a little baby. "This is Sargent." He turned to me. I walked over and started to pet the cocker spaniel. "Hey Sargent." I said. "He's really cute." "Yeah, I'm surprised he isn't barking. He usually growls at strangers." "He could probably smells my dogs on my clothes." "I'm going to change. I'll be back." Christian left and I took it upon myself to look around. I noticed a few pictures on the T.V. stand and on the walls. Happy kids and families at parties and on the beach. A small picture of a young boy in front of the sunset caught my eye. He was smiling innocently. Then there was another one of three women. "That's my mom, half sister, and aunt." Christian said from behind me. I turned around to see him putting his arm through a jacket sleeve. He cleaned up pretty nice. "Are all these your family?" I asked. "Yeah, that one right there was my tenth birthday. That was also the last time I saw my sister." "Can I ask what happened?" "Her family ended up moving away and we lost contact over the years... we should get going." After saying goodbye to Sargent, we walked out of the building and back to his car. "Did you want to go anyone in particular or just cruise?" He asked while starting the car. "I know I cool place where we can get dinner if you're hungry." "Okay, you're going to have to tell me where to go cause I'm still pretty clueless when it comes to streets here." "Okay." I giggled. We drove away from the parking area and made our way into the street. "So how's your uncle? Wasn't he sick?" "Yeah, he's doing a lot better." I said. "That's good. I took my dog out to the park that one day." "Did you? How was it?" "It was okay. A lot of people were there. I met a lot of them. There was this one lady that kept following her little dog around, making sure no other dogs got too close." I laughed when I realized who Christian was talking about. "That's Mrs. Thample. She likes to keep her prize winning dog safe. One time she got really mad at this one guy because his dog sniffed hers. It was so funny." Christian laughed. Christians P.O.V. "By the way, I rented some of your movies." I said. "Which ones?" "There were a lot to choose from. I picked Highway, Donnie Darko, October Sky, Bubble Boy, and City Slickers. I was surprised at how good they were." "Gee, thanks." He said taking offense. "No I mean, like, I'm really picky when it comes to movies but I really liked all of those, especially Donnie Darko." "That's one of my favorites even though I was in it. It's a real honor to be able to say that I helped make that movie. Oh there's the place." Jake pointed at a small building covered in those small, white Christmas lights. I pulled into the parking lot and we got out of the car, into the cold night. Inside was nice, very intimate and dimly lit. We decided to have a seat outside on the small circular tables that looked like they belonged in someone's back yard. After being handed a menu and getting our orders taken, we were left to talk. "This place is really good, you're gonna like it." Jake said. I took his word for it. "So do you go out a lot?" He asked. "Not really. I mean, Ashley and I like to go out at times but not often. We mostly stay in and hang out. You?" "I'm kind of the same way. I really like going to Broadway shows or concerts with friends." "Oh, that's cool. Ever since I moved here I've been trying to do more things." I said. "How long ago did you move out here?" "Just a couple months ago. I was really getting tired of being in the same place for such a long time that I decided to get my things and move." "Where'd you move from?" Jake asked. He seemed really interested in the questions he was asking. Not like most people that only ask to be polite. "From New Jersey." "Oh wow." "Yeah, so it's a really big culture shock. I've never been around so many people in one place like it is here." "It gets pretty hectic in places like Rodeo Drive or Beverly Hills especially." "I don't do much shopping so I'm away from those places." Our meal arrived and we ate. Jakes P.O.V. We finished eating and went down the block to a park to let the food move down faster. "Can I ask you something?" Christian asked. "Yeah, sure." "Do you like what you do? Being an actor?" "Yeah, I mean, its something I've always wanted to do. Ever since I saw Ed Wood, I don't know if you've heard of it, but its directed by Tim Burton. I've wanted to start acting and I even dropped out of Columbia University on my sophomore year to pursue acting, you know. Its really important to me that I love what I do or else what's the point of doing it." "Yeah." He agreed. "But, I mean, what about the stuff that comes with it? The public eye and stuff." "Well, like you said, it all comes with the job. Of course it's a little annoying when someone constantly wants to know what you're doing or who you're dating but you really cant do anything about it." "Speaking of that, read any new breakup rumors lately?" "No, but if there are any out there then they're most likely true." I said. "What do you mean?" "Kirsten and I broke up the other day." "Like, actually broke up?" He asked. "Yeah, everything was getting so crazy. We had about 3 magazines say we had broken up when others said we were together. I think it was a little much for both of us so we called it off. We're still friends though." "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring it up." "No, its okay." I smiled at Christian. "Its fine. That's sort of the reason I wanted to hang out tonight. When Kirsten and I broke up I didn't want to go to any of my `Hollywood' friends because they would just try and put me with one of their friends. The gossip magazines would have a field day if they saw me and some movie star actress walking down the street together." "I bet." "But what about you? Any break up rumors about you in any magazines?" Chris laughed. "No, not me. But then again I don't think they'll write about two guys breaking up." "Two guys?" I asked. "You're gay?" "Bi." "Oh." "Is that okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I just^Å I didn't know." "Cause I never told you." We both laughed. Truthfully, I was perfectly fine with his bisexuality. It didn't bother me at all. Christian was a cool guy and him being bisexual wasn't about to make me stop wanting to know him. "Can I ask you something?" "Go for it." Christian said. "Well, now that Kirsten and I are no more, I have one more ticket to a flight out to Imperial Valley in Southern California to start filming on a movie. Do you want to go?" Christian looked shocked to say the least. "You sound like youre interested in this type of stuff so..." "No, I cant." "Why not? Its all payed for. Flight, hotel, food, everything." "No, i'll just get in the way. They probobly wont even want me there." He said. "Come on. It'll be fun. Kirsten isnt in the movie and she was going to go." "But shes an actress. People know who she is and a movie set is where she belongs. I have no business being there." "Are you sure? You said yourself that you're trying to do as many things as possible while you're here." Christian took a few minutes to think. "I dont know." "If you dont like it there you can always come back." I said. "Okay, but only if its okay with you and if you think i wont be in the way of your acting stuff." "Its totally okay with me." "Great." I said. I was so happy he was coming along. I was excited to show him how the behind the scenes worked. Plus, maybe he would find some interest in movie making. "We should go now. Its getting late." "Yeah." We walked back to the restaurant and got in his car then drove away. ************************************************** Hey! Thanks for reading. I really appreciate all the emails telling me how much you like this story. Im doing my best to keep it fresh and new. I hope you agree that its original. Again, if you havent already joined my msn group for this story then go now! MSN group: E-Mail: Thanks again! -Chris