Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 06:44:54 +0200 From: Konrad Deire Subject: Harry, Draco and Ron Third Chapter Harry, Draco ... and ... Ron By KONRAD DEIRE Help keep Nifty free. Click here to make a Donation Disclaimer: If you are not old enough to be reading this, then stop right now. By that I mean if you are a minor and are not of legal age to be reading about sexual adventures between two or more people. If by reading this you are breaking any laws in your state, town, city or country then please do not read any further. If reading about young males having sex with other young/older males then leave now. If however you do, you can legally and want to, then read on and enjoy the story. Please DO NOT make copies, or post this story in any other sites without my specific permission. Copyright 2010 The following story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual or fictional events or occurrences is completely incidental, and should be treated as such. CHAPTER NUMBER THREE Draco was not at all sure what to think about his sexual encounters with Harry. Deep within he admired `the boy who lived', for his courage, for his honesty, for his loyalty to his friends, but he could not be trusted, nobody ever could be trusted, not even family ... At the age of 12, Draco's father, Lucious, informed the excited Draco that soon they would stage a family ritual to transform Draco into a real man. That night Lucious abducted the young and rather feminine boy with the white skin deep into the family estate's forest and gave him a sleeping potion. Draco awoke at the sound of drums and saw distinctively in the candle light 7 naked man wearing grinning masks dancing around Draco who was chained to a stone altar, each of the men showing a huge erection. The rhythm of drums became frenetic and Draco was shivering with fear in the cool night under the stars. Suddenly the music stopped and all 7 man would approach Draco and caress and hold his teenage body tight with their hands. Then, a terrible pain, Draco's own father Lucious was fucking Draco's virgin ass introducing his hard cock violently and Draco was horrified to see his father's expression of pleasure to give his own son so much pain. The next in the row was Draco's grandfather Jean-Pierre and Draco's uncles and cousins. Each and everybody raped the poor boy with so much violent fury that Draco believed he would die that same night. Draco fainted with exhaustion, the pain was far too much to bare. It turned out that for many generations the Malfoy family used to baptized their male family members on the first full moon at the age of 12 with this cruel ritual, having all male family members raping the designated victim. Lucious told Draco, that, if he ever would reveal to anyone, including his mother, what has happened, he would die the most painful of deaths. No wonder, since that event Draco was terrified to sleep in the dark, and totally unable to trust anybody. In his lonely nights Draco would dream again and again about being raped and see his father's ecstatic grin in giving him so much pain, waking up screaming in a sweat bath. No one could be trusted! No one! Draco felt deep inside that something was wrong, but he couldn't help it. He had so much pleasure to torture and rape himself younger boys that he didn't know what to do with Harry's sudden interest. He never knew how to accept even his mother's love and became more and more lonely. RON's revenge Ron had been observing Harry very closely and having seen Harry reading the note, Ron secretly followed Harry into the bathroom on the second floor, witnessing how Draco fucked Harry in the cubicle. Ron was so incredibly jealous, but for his enormous love for Harry, he bit his tongue and kept quiet. Now that Draco was behaving exactly as expected ridiculing his best friend, Ron wowed revenge. After Snape's potion class Ron stole the blue sexual enhancement potion and the very same evening Ron waited in the dark of Draco's dorm room corridor for Draco to appear. As Draco arrived, Ron sent a supifying spell out of the dark and dragged the unconscious Draco into the dark room of requirement where he chained Draco to a table face down. Ron waited that Draco woke up and started to mount the terrified coward with his oversized love-potioned diamond 12 inch super rock-hard cock. Draco, already afraid of the dark, screamed his tongue out and finally fainted. Ron had mounted the magic automatic camera's which made plenty of motion-photos of Draco begging for mercy as he was fucked and humiliated. Ron finally dragged Draco into the toilet on the second floor, attaching Draco's photo at the mirror with a threatening note, informing Draco that if he ever dared again to touch or humiliate Harry, he, Ron Weasley, would post his photos on the Daily Prophet. That night Harry crawled into Ron's bed and strangely felt much better as Ron hugged him. After all, why going to search for outside emotions when his best friend was so beautiful and caring ... and ... had such a huge cock!...? ... Thanks for reading Well, my friends, this was fun ... I wrote this story back in summer 2009, poated it on facebook snd stormed to 15.000 fans in 2 weeks before censorship canceled my profile ... it was this story and the feed back which gave me the balls to go on writing ... since that time I have published 54 novels, won a literary price and am still writing. Join me on facebook at: I love to hear from you, yes YOU! -- Konrad Deire is a bestselling author of GAY EROTICA most of his works can be found at the following two links: Amazon (kindle): Smashwords (all e-book formats) :