Disclaimer: This file contains depictions of sexual acts with preteens boys and should not be read by minors or by anyone where it is prohibited by the laws of their state or country. 

Author's notes: This is a fan fiction story involving characters from the tv show “Fuller house”. It can be read without knowing the show. There will be more mature scenes with Max and other male characters. Also, for anyone who doesn't know, “Ark Survival Evolved” is a game where you can tame and ride dinosaurs. It will be a reoccurring thing.

Consider this taking place after the events of the first season but before the second.

I love getting feedback. If you have any thoughts on this story please send them to: samtheham2235 _at_ gmail.com  

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Max Fuller's Maze

                                                by Sam The Ham



Chapter 1

"Max, are you still playing that game? It's been hours."

"Yes, mom."

"Don't you think you should do something else for a bit?"

Max didn't answer at first, but then he turned away from the screen. "Mom, I'm riding a Velociraptor, and I just attacked a Triceratops." He let the words hang there for a moment with the implication that there wasn’t anything else worth doing.

"Give up mom. Our little Max has dinosaurs on the brains," Jackson called from the couch. "I'm glad I never got into that."

"Oh, no. Your thing at his age was trucks." DJ said walking over to her older son. "You used to stand out in front of the house just waiting for the garbage truck to arrive. Then you would shout garbage truck, garbage truck. You were so cute."

"Mom! I was five."

DJ laughed at her eldest’s embarrassment before turning back to her middle son. "Max, I want you to take a bath so save the game and get going."

"Okay mom, as soon as I get to a safe spot." He decided not to explain ‘Ark Survival Evolved’ didn't have a save feature. His mom's knowledge on video games was a bit spotty. Still, he wasn't too far from his base. It only took a few minutes to get back and secure it. The eight-year-old boy only had the game for two days and since he had to play solo it wasn't a very impressive one, but it was his. A game where you can tame and ride dinosaurs, really it couldn't be much better. Well, it could. His mom was not letting him play online...yet.

He managed to close out the game just as his mom was walking back into the room to give him a firmer reminder. "Heading up now, mom." He said.

"Good, do you want a bubble bath?"

Max wasn't allowed to put in his own bubble bath after an incident where the bottle slipped out of his hand and fell into the tub. "Maybe just a little."

"All right, I'll be up in a minute."

Max headed upstairs. Showers are better for the environment, but he just didn't like them as much and compensated by just not bathing as often. It wasn't like he smelled like Jackson could. He stopped off at his room to grab his pajamas before heading to the bathroom and started filling the tub. His mom walked in a minute or so later to drop in some of the bubble baths and close the door behind her. Max undressed and carefully folded his clothes before ducking under the sink and grabbing his Plesiosaur. It was only a few inches long, but the little guy had been his equivalent of a rubber duck for years. Checking the water temperature, he let it fill up a little more before turning it off and climbing into the tub.

The warm water felt nice and with his legs out in front of him, the water was high enough with just his toes were sticking out. He moved the plesiosaur around letting its head pop out of the water before it disappeared into a bunch of bubbles. He moved it around imagining it was swimming in the ocean. He had heard that they were in the game or something like them, but he hadn't seen them yet. In his mind, he was riding on its back as he pushed through the water. It his mind he was in a deep dark ocean swimming down to the bottom when an even bigger predator appeared. Maybe a Megalodon, they were supposed to be sixty feet long! He imagined one of those chasing him and moved his leg up a little to create a little cave he could dive under, but the Megalodon was too fast. Desperately, he swam out to sea but that was its environment. Turning the plesiosaur around, it skimmed up his leg pretending he was trying to get into the shallows where maybe he could turn and attack it.

He slid the plesiosaur back up his kneecap over his inner thigh. The bathtub was shallow here, so it became a little cove and the perfect spot for a counterattack. He turned and started thrashing around in the water pretending he was biting the bigger shark. The thrashing causing the bubbles to move away in little waves. He twisted the plesiosaur around pretending he was attacking the Megalodon from different angles, as he did so the tail of the plesiosaur brushed up against his private area. The first time he barely noticed it. The next time, it felt a little different. In his mind, he was still doing battle. The Megalodon started to run for it. That meant it was nearly dead and he ended the fight quickly afterward.

Dropping the game, he reached for a washcloth even as he felt a little weird down below. Looking down Max saw that he was different down there. His thing was a little thicker. Taking it in his hand it seemed a bit more sensitive too. Curious, he ran his thumb along it. Even with that little touch, he felt himself get harder and it clicked in his brain. This wasn't the first time he had become hard. He remembered a few other times it had happened to him. Sliding down a railing at school, on the jungle gym and a few others. Those times it had been embarrassing and annoying in that order. With no one around and confident everyone knew how to knock before entering, he was more curious.

Using his fingertips, he pulled on some of his foreskin and while that did work a little, it wasn't much. Then he remembered how it had felt when he had slid down the pole. Using his entire right hand, he flattened it against his thing and pushed it against himself. He moved his hand up and down trying to simulate sliding down the railing and that worked. It felt nice but when he pulled his hand away to look that feeling went away even though he was a lot harder now. Max looked down at his penis for several seconds wondering why it did that? Every other time it had happened, it went back to normal after a while. After a little more examination Max squeezed his hand against it again and leaned back in the bathtub, it was a nice feeling.

Max wasn't sure how long he had done it, but he started to feel funny and after a little more time he felt like he needed to go to the bathroom. Carefully slipping out of the bathtub he stood by the toilet and waited to go but couldn't. After about a minute the feeling went away, so Max went back into the bathtub. He started to rub himself again but that feeling like he needed to pee came back. So, he slipped out again and really tried to go but couldn't squeeze out more than a few drops. Getting back into the bathtub he had an idea and started to rub himself one more time. This time when the feeling like he had to pee came again, he stayed in the tub and it went away. Not sure why it was happening he decided not to rub himself again.

With that put aside, for now, Max decided to wash up. By the time he had finished with his feet, he was soft again and went about popping all the bubbles. He slid out and drained the tub before getting dressed. Making his way downstairs he saw just about everyone was watching TV. His mom turned to him. "Hey, I was wondering if you would be my boy or a giant raisin."

Max held up his hand showing his wrinkly finger from the water. "I'm a boy, but just as sweet as a raisin." He declared, reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Can I go back on the computer?"

"No, you have to go to bed soon. Come on, you can sit next to me." His mom said.

Max did so but the nature documentary didn't hold his interest. His mind wandered back to the bathtub and the strange thing he had tried out. He had questions and wondered whom he could ask. There were four males in the house including himself. Tommy and Cosmo could be great listeners, but not to turn to for advice. That left Fernando and Jackson. If he asked Fernando that would be weird since he wasn't supposed to be living here. His big brother was the only option. He was fourteen and should know about this. They shared a room, all Max had to do was ambush him before he went to bed. When the show ended, he was all too happy to go to bed but stay awake for another hour before Jackson finally wandered in.

"Jackson!" Max said.

Jackson took a step backward. "You're still up. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Max pointed down at the bed he was sitting on. "I am in bed. Mom says I can stay up to read as long as I have all electronics off."

"Yeah, well read quietly. I am kind of tired." Jackson said climbing into his bed.

Max carefully put the book on his nightstand and slipped out of his bed to make his way over to his brother. "Jackson, I have a question."

Jackson didn't roll over. "Can it wait until tomorrow?"

"It could, but then I might chicken out. So, no."

Jackson let out a sigh and rolled onto his back. "What is it?"

Max glanced over at the door and knelt a little so he could speak in a whisper. "It's about boy stuff."

"What is it?" Jackson asked annoyed.

Max paused to wet his lips and just asked. "Does your penis ever get stiff?"

Jackson's eyes widened and he slowly sat up in bed making room for Max to sit on it. "Yeah, it's normal. Did that happen to you?"

"Why would I be asking if it didn't?" Max said before his shoulders slumped. "In the tub."

"It happens sometimes, Max. Usually, if you ignore it, it goes away after a while. If you want you can try to pack it up inside your waistband, so no one will notice if you are in public. You just got be a little careful about that." Jackson supplied.

Max had figured most of that out. Other than the waistband idea, that hadn't occurred to him. "Yeah well, I was also kind of rubbing it? It felt good, but then it felt like I had to pee."

Jackson grimaced. "Oh. That..." Jackson trailed off before sending his eyes down at the door. "I'll be straight up with you, but you didn't hear this from me, promise?"

"Cross my heart."

"Yeah," Jackson said leaning a little closer to him. "If you're ever doing it again and you start to get that feeling just keep doing it. After a while, you get a good feeling. Just don't get caught doing it."

"And I will not pee myself?"

"Would I lie to you, Max?"

"Yes, New Year's Eve."

"Okay, would I lie if there wasn't a girl involved?" Jackson clarified.

"I guess not."

Jackson laid back down preparing to go to bed. "Good night and just remember if you get caught, I didn't tell you any of this."

Max stood up. "Thanks, Jackson. Good night."

End of chapter 1.

Comments are welcomed at: samtheham2235 _at_ gmail.com