Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2020 13:28:58 +0000 From: James Leete Subject: My Maquis Lover - The re-building - Chapter 15 Disclaimer: This story is based in the "Star Trek" universe. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" in this series is not intended to infringe upon the rights of Paramount Pictures,. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. All other content or otherwise are works of my own imagination. All events are fictitious in nature. Any similarities to persons living, dead, or otherwise are purely coincidental. This story contains strong themes of homosexual content, if this offends you in any way, please refrain from reading further. If you are not of legal age to read this, please leave now. Ok as well before we start this is based on the series Star Trek Voyager but with a twist from the original story line and I hope you like it. Chapter 15: Alternate Jack It had been a few days since the Equinox had returned. And for me it had been a busy time. My parents were retiring in a few days, which meant Tom and I were busy getting ready for the handover whilst at the same time I was debriefing the equinox officers. "Thank you, commander." I said to Maxwell Burke as he left my office. I sat back in my chair. "Jack" Daley said coming into my office. "Hey all, set for your transfer". I asked. "Yeah, the USS Wellington is taking us. We have a good set of quarters in the habitat ring." he replied "So you're happy," I said. "Thrilled are you excited?" He asked. I gestured for him to take a seat. "Honestly, I am excited. I think it will be a good change for all of us." I said he smiled. "I want you to know it's been an honour to serve as your PA." He said. "Thomas, it's been my privilege to watch you grow over the last six years. But it's not over yet. Tom and I are taking you and Chris to dinner before you go," I said. "We would love that" he replied. I smiled. "Oh Tom. Do you ever wake up in the morning and think? I wonder what life would be like if I had chosen a different path in life?" I asked. "Well sometimes, but I guess we will never know," he replied. "True. What else have I got on for the rest of the day" I asked "A meeting with Admiral Janeway at 1530 and one with the president at 1630," he said. I sighed. "Lovely." I said "Lastly," he started before I interrupted. "There's a Lastly?" I asked. He chuckled. "Yeah, you have a meeting with Lieutenant Matthew Davies." He said. "Oh our new team leader for Epsilon elite." I said "Yeah, you know, I checked out his personnel file, he looks hot." He said. This time I chuckled. "No, no, you're a married man. I should know I performed your ceremony," I said. "For which I'll be eternally grateful." He responded as he left my office. I shook my head as I went back to work. By the time 1900 came around, I was so relieved to be heading home. When I transported back to the House, I found Tom Cooking dinner and Matt and Emma sat on the sofa doing homework. "Hi guys," I said as I gave them both a kiss on the head. "Daddy, I got an A." Emma said "you did, that's wonderful baby", I said smiling. "Yeah, well guess what? Dad I got into the swim team." Matt said. "You did. That's brilliant, I'm so proud of you, son." I said giving him a hug. This was interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Emma shouted as she ran off. "Daddy, there's some lady here for you." She shouted from the door. I walked into the foyer and found Emma stood at the door with the president of the Federation "... Got an A on my spelling." She was saying. "That's wonderful, sweetheart." The President said. "Admiral Carter." She said, noticing me. "Your daughter was just filling me in On how excellent speller she is." She added. "Daddy is this Lady Yours and aunt Kathryns boss." Emma said. "Sweetie..." I said wishing the ground would open up beneath me. "This is the president of the Federation." I said "hello." Emma replied. "Hello Emma, I've heard a lot about you." He said. "Daddy, have you been talking about me?" She said looking at me. "Yes baby." I said "Madam President, Please won't you come in?" I asked her. "Thank you." She said as she entered. "Such a beautiful home you have here," she said. "Thank You." I said. We entered the lounge. "Tom come out here." I called. "Babe, I'm a bit busy here." He called back. "Now." I called back. He stepped from the kitchen topless. "What is it? I've got passata all over my uniform... Oh." He said, noticing the president. "Hello Admiral Walker. You might want to soak that. Passata does tend to stain." The president said. "Yes Sir." He said. "I'll be right back," he added going off. "I know who you are you're the President", Matty said. "I am young man and you must be Matthew." She said. "How did you know that" he asked? "Because I'm the president", she replied. "Can I get you a drink, Sir?" I asked. "No, thank you. I won't be long," she replied. Tom reappeared now, wearing a black hoodie with a gold emblem of Voyager on it with the years and on the back, our rank, name and the phrase We're home. Tom Paris had them made for the entire crew when we got back. "Apologies for my former appearance Madam President" Tom said. "No apology needed Thomas, we all have accidents in the kitchen," he replied. "Yes, Sir", he replied. "So how exactly can we help you, Madam President?" I asked. "Right, Yes, of course. Jack, I'd like you to consider something" she said. "I can try", I replied. "Jack in a few years, the general will retire as Joint Chiefs chairman. Whilst I'm in office and for the future of the Federation I want you to takeover that role when he does retire." She said. "Me." I asked. "Yes, Jack. In recent years you have come to know and trust you. I have been impressed with your repeated actions and skills in security and maintaining the welfare of our citizens." She said. "Sir, I am honoured that you thought of me, but this is not a decision I can make right away. General Clements is a fine man, and a good officer. His will be some tough shoes to fill. Plus, there is also Starfleet to consider. If I took this, it would mean resigning my Commission and leaving Starfleet." I said she nodded. "All valid points and I take them on board. But if I May. I'm not expecting an answer from you right away. All I ask is that you think about it." She said. "And of course I will, Sir." I said "thank you, Jack." She said. "I'll see you soon." She added standing. "Goodbye, Matthew Emma." She added. "Bye" Matthew said as the president left. I looked to Tom. "What are you thinking?" He asked. "Later" I said. "There are too many ears around" I added. He chuckled. "Dinner will be 20 minutes. Matt Emma, will you set the table?" Tom said. I smiled as they headed off. The decision the president had left me with was a unique one, but something about it wasn't sitting right with me. "Computer hail Admiral Janeway." I said "connecting" the female voice replied. "Jack, everything okay?" Kathryn said as she appeared on the viewer. "Fancy coffee later." I asked. "Sure, an hour." She asked. "Cool, see you then" I said as the call ended. I looked down. "If anyone can help you with this, it's her" Tom said. I smiled. Once we had eaten Martin, Emma helped me clear the table when Kathryn arrived. Matt squealed from the door. "Hi champ." Kathryn said. "In here" I called. She came through. Like me, she hasn't changed out of her uniform. "Hi", she said smiling. "Hope I didn't pull you away from anything" I asked. "No, Shane is on the night shift and my sister and her husband are with Ellie for the night." He replied. I smiled. "Aunt Kathryn, will you take me to see the command centre again?" Emma said "soon, sweetheart." She replied. "My dad got a visit from the president. He's getting a new job," Matt said. "Matthew." I shouted. "What have I told you? Go to your room now." I shouted. He rolled his eyes and stormed off. "What's all this" Kathryn said. We walked to the kitchen and I ordered us coffee, handing one to Kathryn. "Well," she asked. I smiled. "Babe go see Matty tell him off" I said. "On it." Tom replied. I let Kathryn out to the garden. "The president offered me a job. Takeover from General Clements when he retires in a few years." I explained. "I see." She said as we sat down. "And you have said yes." She asked. "No, I haven't said anything." I replied. "So I guess you're trying to decide what to do," she replied. "In a way. I'm happy where I am, but the opportunity is unreal. I have devoted my entire career to Starfleet. I've climbed the ladder successfully." I said "quicker than most". Kathryn replied. "I enjoy what I do, and then there's my devotion to you." I added. She smiled. "Let me ask you this. Is it what you can foresee yourself doing?" She asked. "No," I replied after thinking. "So what do you see yourself doing?" She asked. "Taking over from you when you retire." I replied. "And that is what I've always expected. So Jack, my dear, I will finish with this. Don't just take the role because the opportunity has presented itself. Take it because you want it." She Said "thank you," I replied. "Jack, you are the finest example of a second in command anyone could ask for. If you choose to take this role then you will have my support. If not, then you will still have my full support." She said as she got up and left. The evening rounded out nicely and soon the kids were in bed. Tom was in the home gym and I was happy to be in the hot tub relaxing. The Twins liked the warm temperature, it seemed, and the Heat helped the pain on my back. I lay there as I let the stress of the day move away. Whilst I was sat in the hot tub, I'd also made the decisions surrounding the job. "Are you sure about that?" A familiar voice said next to me? I looked across "what the hell are you doing here?" I said to Junior Q Who was now sat next to me. I was also now very much aware that I was sat naked. "Well, I keep an eye on you from time to time. I notice you having some issues since the president came to see you and I figured you could use some help or at least someone different to talk to." He said. "Oh, really. And you thought showing up whilst I'm Naked in my hot tub was appropriate." I said "Don't worry, Im naked to see. He replied, standing up, revealing in fact he was completely naked. His nicely flat stomach well groomed, low hanging balls and six inches of meat. "Oh" I said taking in his form. Eventually he sat back down. "So not going to take the new job now." He asked. "No, why would I? I wouldn't want to stop doing the career I started so long ago." I explained. "I can see that, but what was it you said to Commander Daley? Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you had chosen a different path? Well, what if I could show you" he said? I looked at him, puzzled. "Come again," I asked. "I can show you all the alternative futures, pasts, presents of what you could have been doing with your life had you done something different in your life." He said. "Thanks, but I have things to be doing" I said. "No one will ever know you left. I'll return you to this place in time. It would be like you never moved." He explained. "Okay, but first. I need to get dressed," he said. "No you don't. Stand up." He said, holding out his hands. I took it as he both as we both stood up soaking wet and naked. "Ready for this", he asked. "No, but I guess I don't have a choice", I replied. "You're going to love this. I don't do this for everyone, you know" he replied. "Can we just go? We are both naked here," I said. "OK OK," he replied as he snapped his fingers and away we went. When I instantly re appeared next to junior q, I was now dressed in my uniform. "No one will be able to see or hear you. Just watch." He said to me. I nodded as I saw a young version of me, not in a Starfleet uniform, but in a suit and tie. "Professor Carter". A man said, who had caught up to me. Q and I followed as we observed. "Yes." I had replied. "Sir. Admiral Jellico is requesting an update from you regarding the project." He said. "Tell the Admiral that once I have something to tell him, then he will know. I fully understand what is at stake." Alternate me said. "Professor this new engine could be the key to ending this war. The Dominion have plagued us for nine years. Transpectral warp drive could be the key." The man said. "Listen Sam, I'm on it. If Starfleet wants an update that bad, tell them to come visit. I'm only picking up the shit storm their engineers left. Now, that's all I need to get back to work." Alternative me said as he walked away. I turned to q for clarification. "In this universe, you never joined Starfleet or Voyager. Instead, a private engineering firm picked up your high school thesis and offered to send you to Harvard, where you gained your PhD in applied engineering, specialising in advanced theoretical warp physics. Voyager isn't back in this timeline because you never convinced Kathryn to embark on the mission to return them early." He explained. "I heard Sam talking about the Dominion," I said. "Long Story short. Ben Sisko never made it off the defiant before it was destroyed. Thus the war continued," he said. "My God", I replied. "That's just one. There are a lot more." He explained as he snapped his fingers again. "Captain, this ship is still not at full capacity. We need to make repairs." Chakotay said. I looked around and found that I was aboard Voyager. We stood in the ready room, which looked heavily damaged. I saw a version of me in the previous uniform wearing captain pips. "It has been two years since the krenim crippled us. We made it out of their space, repatriated the crew, destroyed annorax, and the time ship. And still you won't put his into port." He said. "Are you done?" Alternate Me asked."Yes, Sir," he replied. "Commander, as I've told you repeatedly, where do we go? So far we haven't found a safe Harbour. Alien species attacks us eager for a piece of hardware. Friendlies won't help us because of our reputation. So what exactly do you expect me to do?" Alternate me asked. "I want you to make a choice. We either give up and settle here in the Delta quadrant or we seek help." He said. "I know our mission that has not and will not change." Alternate me said. "Jack Kathryn would Want us to make repairs before we continue on," he said. "What have you found?" Alternate me asked. "A species called the Mari. They are a telepathic race. Tuvok has been able to sense them. They have agreed to help us." He told me. "Very well set a course." Alternate me said. "Aye, Sir," he replied as he left to the ready room. Alternate me followed. "Tell me." I said turning to Q. "Do you remember the krenim?" I nodded. "Well in this universe. A Man named Annorax manipulated time his own benefit. This manipulation led to the Krenem becoming unstoppable. They continuously attacked Voyager to the point where all but the senior staff abandoned ship. When in a nebula the ship was flooded by gas and Kathryn died trying to vent it. With Chakotay abducted. Tuvok, blind. You were named captain. You destroyed annorax and Reunited, the crew. Since then, Voyager has been under Constant attack or refused help." He said. "What year is this?" I asked "2377" he told me. "Wow," I replied. "Moving on," he said as he snapped his fingers again. Next, I reappeared on earth this time at Starfleet command. "Mr president, Admiral Janeway is here to see you." Liam said. "Send her in." Alternate Me said. The doors opened. "Mr President, we just lost the second and third fleets. The borg have taken over Vulcan, Andoria, Rigel and Regulus Systems." She told Alternate Me. "I see, just how long do we have." Alternate Me asked. "We have analysed their approach pattern, we estimate 13 hours." She replied. "Jack I employ you to reconsider, you need to begin thinking about completing the evacuation and you yourself heading to the Alpha site." She told Alternate Me. "I'll take it under advisement Admiral Thank you." Alternate me said as she left. "Liam put me through to my husband." Alternate Me said. "Yes sir." He replied. I watched the wall monitor change. "Jack" Matty said. "Hi babe, how are you doing?" Alternate me asked. "Pretty good the casualties are light at this time of day." he explained. "I'll be joining you soon." Alternate me said. "I hope so. I love you." he replied. "I love you too." Alternate me replied. "President Carter to Operations." Came a voice over the comm system. "Gotta go." Alternate Me said half smiling. "See you soon." he said as the channel closed. Alternate me stood up and left the office. Q and I followed. "Mr president, the enterprise has hailed. Captain Riker has informed us that a fleet of class 5 tactical cubes are on their way. Time to intercept 9 hours." Kathryn told Alternate Me. I turned to Q. "What's happening here?" I asked. "In this reality, my dad never flung the enterprise to system J25, so the federation were unprepared for when the borg invaded. Since then they have overrun the federation. The Klingons and the Romulans are gone. They have assimilated most of the alpha quadrant. The year is 2397. The borg threat has been going on for 30 years. You took office 8 years ago after the president was killed. You married Dr Matthew Davies 11 years ago. Since then it's been a fight for the very survival of the human race. This is a dark time for your people." He explained. "How did I ever enter politics?" I asked. "Really that's what you want to ask?" Q said smiling. "Moving on." I replied as he snapped his fingers and away we went. "Jack get back here. Think you can run away from me." Lee screamed. I looked to Q. Lee was my ex that had tried to rape me recently. "What's happening here?" I asked Q. "Just watch." he replied. Alternate me appeared. "What now?" Alternate me asked. I gasped at my appearance. I had a black eye bruises all over my face my hair a mess "don't think you can give me attitude and then walk away from me" Lee shouted he stormed over to alternate me and punched him straight in the jaw alternate me dropped to the floor as Lee began to kick the fuck out of him "you will learn your lesson" Lee bellowed as he dropped to the floor behind alternate me he pulled down his pants and then did the same to alternate me I watched in horror as Lee raped alternate me I had to turn away but could still hear the screams coming from alternate to me I felt physically sick when he was done I looked back "let's see if you can actually manage to carry my baby to term this time" he said "and if you mention this to anyone" he said to alternate me as he grabbed alternate Me's hair "even to that bitch Janeway and see what happens then" Lee said as he slammed alternate Me's face to the floor Lee moved off and returned seconds later launching a med kit at this Jack "clean yourself up you're on duty in an hour Ensign I'm sure captain Janeway can't wait to have her night watch engineer as she pathetically commands the night shift" he said as he walked out the apartment I watched as this Jack got himself up undressed as he began to run a dermal regenerator over his face "start talking" I said "when you and Lee were together he had an accident he convinced you to stay as a result you never joined Voyager you never met Tom you never did anything to get notice our promoted Lee became violent toward you what you just saw this is a regular occurrence As for aunt Kathy she never gained commander Voyager that went to tuvok" Q explained "this was not how I ever imagined my life" I replied "lucky for you it doesn't end like this a year from now Kathryn catches Lee in the act he ends up at a penal colony your saviour is Lieutenant Matthew Davies" he said "seems to be a running theme with him" he added "moving on" I said Q snapped his fingers yet again "General Carter" Kathryn said "Admiral" alternate me said "I just wanted to drop in my monthly reports" she replied I was in an office The Eiffel Tower out the window "thank you" alternate me replied "Jack I want to..." she said as I held up my hand "save it" alternate me said. she turned and headed for the door "no do you know what I am not letting you do this again we have been friends for 22 years we have been to hell and back I get it you blame me I put you in an impossible position yes you lost Tom and Matthew Davies but that's in the nature of the jobs we do" she said alternate Jack looked at her "you finished?" he asked Kathryn nodded "you're damn right I blame you you're the commander in chief because of you my husband took a mission with commander Davies and now they're both dead because of you I now have to raise two teenagers and two 6 year olds alone I have an impossible job in trying to keep order in the Federation I have a president who hates the very idea of what we're trying to achieve with the Dominion. on a daily basis you argue against me you try to berate me and argue with me in public meetings and then behind closed doors try to make amends we used to be close Kathryn I thought of you as a sister now you are just my former commanding officer and the person who now reports into me because of you I lost everything that I hold dear so if you don't mind I'd like you to leave dismissed alternate" Jack said Kathryn was in tears "what happened to you" she muttered "why don't you take a look in the mirror then you will see what happened to me" alternate Jack told her she left the office in tears I watched alternate me pick up a picture of Tom and stared at it "general Carter to my office" came a male voice "on my way Mr vice president" he said as he left I looked to Q "this isn't alternate is it" I said wiping tears from my eyes "no this is 6 years from now you take over 4 years from when we left you did this as you found working with Kathryn unbearable" he told me "why" I asked "three weeks from your time Tom will go with the USS beyond as ordered by Kathryn to deal with an assault on bajor this assault was carried out by the Orion syndicate. The syndicate destroyed the USS beyond with the loss of all hands aboard including Tom you blamed Kathryn for ordering the mission your friendship broke down and you put it horns a lot when the time came for general Clements to retire you took the job and resigned your Commission you never fully recovered from the loss of Tom and Matty" he told me "I see I'd like to go back now if there is nothing else to show me" I said he snapped his fingers and we left We both reappeared in the hot tub again naked "so it's up to you now" Q said "I know" I replied "just remember Jack you have an opportunity to change things now" he told me as he snapped his fingers and disappeared "babe any room for one more" Tom said coming over "sure" I said he stripped off and climbed in with me "everything OK you look like you've just been put through a court martial" he said "I guess you could say I've taken a walk through my alternate life" I replied he looked at me funny "what are you talking about" he asked I sighed as I explained about what you had shown me and what I had seen. "wow" Tom said gobsmacked at hearing everything "you take the job because I die" Tom repeated "apparently so I have been given a chance to see all this by Q I think he wants to prevent it from happening" I told him "So what are you going to do" he asked "I guess I need to stop the syndicate and most importantly you are not stepping foot on board the USS beyond" I said "I guess you should talk to Kathryn as well" he said "I guess so" I replied "but for now what say we just go to bed" I added "why Mister Carter are you trying to seduce me" Tom said I smiled as I stood up my cock now rock hard and pointing straight at him "you tell me" I replied "oh baby" he moaned as he leaned forward took hold of it and began to suck it oh I moaned at the feeling of his hot mouth and tongue working the length of my 8.5 inch cock he was a real pro both of his hands clenching my Smooth round ass "Oh baby don't stop" I moaned as he continued to suck my hard manhood "I want you inside me" he said as he caught his breath "come on then baby" I teased as I stepped out of the hot tub he stood up himself he followed me to the lounge. I turned back and grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall as we kissed passionately my hands running along the inside of his thighs and groin until I grabbed his hard cock "ah" he moaned "so you want this inside you" I whispered as I nibbled his ear whilst he grabbed my cock "yeah" he said smiling I spun him around and kissed his neck from behind as I pressed my cock against his ass "oh baby don't tease me put it inside me" Tom moaned. "OK if you insist" i moaned as i pushed my hard cock inside him "Oh fuck" he moaned as I pushed further inside him "oh baby" he moaned again as i Began to pick up speed and started slamming in and out of him "oh Jack" he moaned "ah ah" he continued to moan "Oh Tom so tight" I moaned as I continued to pound his hole "i'm so close" I moaned in his ear "fill me up baby" he moaned "hear it...." I moaned as I exploded deep inside him "oh shittt" he moaned also As he exploded his cum hitting the wall "you got it all over the paintwork" I said to Tom "my bad" he said I went to the kitchen and got a wet cloth to wipe it off as he went to the bathroom "did you get it all up" Tom said as he reappeared "Yes how are you feeling" I asked "amazing we haven't been like that for a while" he said we embraced as he kissed me "come on let's get to bed" I said "again" he replied "to sleep" i said as we headed up the stairs to bed When I woke up the next morning I felt happy "morning" Tom said smiling at me."Hey." I replied. "You look precious when your sleeping." he said. "So you have said a few times." I replied smiling. He kissed me. "Well its still true." he replied. "Thank you, now get up." I said. "Aye sir." he said. We climbed out of bed and I got in to my robe. I went to the bathroom and relieved myself before heading down the stairs where Tom had already started breakfast with Matt and Emma. Tom handed me a coffee as I sat down. "Thanks babe."I said. He made me some cereal and toast as we sat down as a family and enjoyed breakfast. By 0900 we were all dressed, the kids dropped off at school and both of us now in our offices hard at work. I checked over the evening reports before looking at my schedule. For the morning I was down as the duty officer in the command centre, so that's where I headed. I strolled over to the command centre and soon entered. "Good morning everyone what have we got today?" I asked as we stood around the control table. "An ion storm coming within a lightyear of Earth, a class B itinerant pulsar very close to Vulcan, the president is due back from andoria this evening and is being escorted by the 2nd and 8th fleets." Commander Wilson told me. "Wonderful. Anything else?" I asked. "Plenty but those are the main points." he replied. "Glad to hear it, Is Admiral Janeway in yet?" I asked. "Yes sir, the admiral is in her office." he replied. "Thank you." I said as I headed over. I hit the chime and was soon walking in. "We need to talk." I said as I entered. "Okay." she replied. I sat down and for the next 45 minutes I filled her in on every detail of what I had seen when I was with Q the night before. "So I take it you want to stop the syndicate." she asked. "Call it my last official act before leaving Starfleet security." I said. "Good call" she said. "Any ideas?" she asked. "Only one, we need to set up a blockade at Bajor, and whilst that's going on I say we call on an old friend to get us the information that we need to stop this attack from getting off the ground." I said. "What old friend might this be?" she asked. "Me" Q said appearing. "Kathy lovely to see you again." he said to her as they hugged. "So tell me Q why did your son give Jack this unique opportunity to see his alternate lives." Kathryn asked. "Because for some reason unknown to me he doesn't want to see Jack suffer. I think he has a soft spot for you Jack." Q said to us. I smiled. "So, what can you tell us about the assault on Bajor?" Kathryn asked. "Have you heard of a man named Ezra Carmichael?" he asked. "Yes, number 4 on the 10 list for intelligence." I said. "What about him?" Kathryn asked. "He works for the syndicate. Hell he is the syndicate. He is number 6 in their chain of command. As we speak is the planning to attack Bajor. He's doing this because he wants to seize control of Deep Space Nine." he told us. "Why?" I asked. "Because it's the sole line of defence to the wormhole. He wants to collapse the wormhole, he believes doing this will make the bajorans nervous. He plans to seize bajor and mine enriched ultridium like the cardassians did in the occupation." he explained. "My god, with enough ultridium they could..." Kathryn started. "Finish their heavy weapons plans." I said finishing the sentence. "We need to stop him." Kathryn said. "I can get you there." Q said. I nodded to Kathryn. "May I?" I asked gesturing to her computer. "Please." she said. I worked the controls. I got access to transporter control and beamed a case from a storage locker. "what's this" Kathryn said. I went over and opened the case. "protection" I replied as I pulled out two phasers, two compression rifles and two tricorders "good thinking" Q said "let's go" I replied When we appeared in a dingy street, I turned to Q. "Where are we?" I asked "New Sydney" he replied "where's Ezra?" I asked "that building" he said pointing to a bar "then let's go" Kathryn said as we made our way down the street. We got to the entrance of the bar "on me" I said. As we entered, the bar was very rundown and for the time of day it was very quiet, as we went in further the few patrons that were in all stared at us. "lovely place" Kathryn muttered. I half smiled as I flung my compression rifle across my back, I pulled out my tricorder and began to run scans "I've got Ezra's life signs" I told Kathryn "where?" she asked. "There's a room out the back he's in there with what appears to be an Orion woman." I replied "can I help you with something?" the barman asked "how do we get into your backroom?" I asked "you don't that room is not available to Starfleet scum." he said I looked to Kathryn she took aim and shot the barman other people in the bar stood up I pulled round my compression rifle "DON'T!" I bellowed aiming my rifle "this way" she said. As we moved through the bar, we got to a curtain which I pulled back and found a door behind it I pushed it open and found a room filled with crates of various bottles of alcohol from a selection of species many of them I recognized. In the opposite corner was a bed where Ezra Carmichael was laying on his back but naked as an Orion slave girl bounced on his lap "what the..." Ezra exclaimed startled at seeing us evening. "Ezra you look like you're enjoying yourself but I'm sorry to say you need to come with us." I said he tapped the Orion and she climbed off him Ezra was a black human male in his mid 30s very well-toned and defined mostly and from the view now in front of us very well endowed I'd have to say at least 10 inches of solid hard meat. "Where exactly are we going Admirals?" he asked with my finger on the trigger of my compression rifle I was ready to take him down. "You are under arrest by order of the commander in chief of Starfleet" I said "really well I'm a bit busy for that right now" he replied "To hell with this" Kathryn said as she shot him and stunned him "Kathryn!" I said shocked "sorry Jack he was just really starting to get on my last nerve" she replied I went over to him and scanned him "We should go" I said "Q" Kathryn said he snapped his fingers and away we went. When we returned to Kathryn's office we found Tom and my mother there with tricorders scanning the room "Jack" Tom exclaimed "can you explain why you were both in my office" Kathryn asked "we were alerted by Ensign Deacon that you had gone missing" my mom said "who's the naked black man" Tom asked "Ezra Carmichael" I replied "Number 4 on the 10 list" my mom said "the very same" I replied "we need to get him to the Brig" Kathryn said "and dressed" my mum added. I chuckled. "get him to the Brig" Kathryn said to me "Tom fancy giving me a hand" I replied. "Transport us." he said. my mom tapped some controls and we found ourselves in the holding centre we carried him into a cell. "Fancy bringing a naked man back with you" Tom said. I laughed we placed him in a cell and activated the forcefield. "Lieutenant when he wakes up get him dressed and fed. He is under constant watch" I explained as we left "so does this mean the event that changed everything has been stopped" he asked. "I need to find that bit out" I replied we left the Security building and headed over to the command building "so did it work?" I asked Q as we entered Kathryn's office "Not yet I just checked word of you taking Carmichael has already got out the fleet has already left new Sydney" Q explained "then we need to take ships to bajor" I said "do it" Kathryn said I nodded as we all left her office "scan for the fleet that left New Sydney" I asked "Got it it's on course heading 341 mark 59 ETA 3 hours to bajor" Tom said "Roundup as many ships as you can" I ordered "open a channel to DS9" I added The viewscreen changed and Ben sisko appeared "Admiral" he said "Captain I'm ordering the station to red alert prep the defiant for launch and head to bajor I will join you there" I said "what are we looking for Sir?" he asked "Orion's" I replied "understood" he said "See you soon Ben Carter out" I said as the channel closed. "Tom" I said "The Prometheus, venture Maryland and Ajax are in orbit with Voyager ready to go" he replied "Go Jack" Kathryn said "Tom With me" I said "Carter to Voyager two to beam directly to the bridge" I said we dematerialized and away we went When we re materialized on voyager on the bridge I was greeted by Captain Paris "Admiral welcome aboard" Paris said "thank you captain senior staff clear out captain take the helm, Tom take tactical, Commander Li take OPS" I said as I sat in the commands chair. I worked the command console between the two chairs and did the command code transfer. "Open a channel to the fleet tell them we are heading out" I ordered "Mr Paris set a course for Bajor open the slipstream conduit" I said "Commander Activate the polaron generator and put the ship over the rest of the fleet" I ordered "Mr Paris take us to slipstream" I added. The crew did as instruct and pretty soon we were at slipstream velocity "On course ETA 17 minutes" Tom told me "Maintain course" I ordered "Hail the other captains and put them through to the conference room" I said as I left the bridge and into the conference room. It didn't take me long to brief the other captains and before long we got to Bajor the ship went to red alert and we waited. In that time, I had the weapons checked. Sure enough 3 hours later a fleet Of Orion ships arrived. "power to all weapons how many ships do we have?" I asked "7" Li replied "All ships pick a target. Engage" I ordered. Within minutes my fleet engaged the orions and destroyed them all. "stand down red alert all ships get in formation" I ordered "Mr Paris take us home" I said. I sent captain Sisko instructions to monitor Bajor and report to me. Paris took us to slipstream and on the short trip home I sat back and smiled to myself. When we got back to earth Tom and I went back to command Where Kathryn informed us that whilst we had been gone, she had interviewed Ezra and got some details from him in exchange for protection from the Orion syndicate. Tom and I went back to our offices and resumed our normal work and in my case catching up on paperwork. By the time the day ended I was grateful to be going home. I sorted the kid's dinner and did something for me and Tom whilst he did homework with the kids. By the time dinner was done, the kids showered and in bed I was grateful to have a soak in the hot tub whilst Tom hit the gym "So you did it" Q said appearing "you need to stop waiting to show up when I'm Naked" I said "what can I say I like the view" he replied I smiled "so we changed the future" I asked "take my hand and let's go and take a look" he said. I took his hand and we vanished. When we reappeared, we were in the future and I was looking at an older version of me and Kathryn. "Admiral Jack Carter I hereby promote you to the position of commander and chief of Starfleet" the president said as he placed new Admiral stars on alternative Jack's uniform. "And to Admiral Kathryn Janeway we wish you all the happiness in your new role as ambassador to the brioree. Godspeed." the president said. I watched as alternative me and Kathryn shared a hug. I saw an alternative Tom also hug alternative me. "Congratulations" Tom told him "thank You babe" he replied "dad we are so proud of you?" an older Matthew told me "thank you son" alternate Jack replied. I saw that he was a cadet. "when is this" I asked Q "15 years from now" Q replied. That put me at 53 years old. "Tell me more" I said "now that I can't do because it's now what lies ahead of you" Q replied. "All I will say is this you are destined to achieve a great many things in the coming years" he told me. I took another look around and took in the sight before me as Q snapped his fingers again and I reappeared back in the hot tub. "So there you have it" Q said "so where do we go from here" I asked "You live your life like normal and just watch what happens around you I gave you a unique opportunity to see your life in full and all the possibilities that your life could have taken now it's up to you to make sure you take your life on the right track" he explained "Well thank you for that I guess this is goodbye" I said "For now but I'll be around and keeping an eye on things." he replied as he snapped his fingers and left. I sat there and breathe as I relaxed as the bubbles around me popped this was the life. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Feedback And. comments welcome to thanks for being patient with me and for keeping up with the story I am now back into writing.