Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 02:37:23 +0000 (UTC) From: tarzan Subject: Tarzan and The Dance of Dominance, Chapter Four Disclaimer: I do not own Tarzan or related characters and am not making a profit from sharing this story here. The character was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and is now in the public domain. Any similarity between the characters in this story and real people is entirely coincidental and incredibly hot. The story is my intellectual property. Copyrigh 2023 I always appreciate your feedback and would love to hear your ideas. Please support Nifty with donations of any size to help them provide a platform for so many fascinating stories. Please use this link to donate: Chapter 4: A Deceptive Plan As the dense canopy above gradually muted the waning sunlight, Tarzan and the disguised slaver, now revealed as Vincent Kessler, set up a makeshift camp amidst the undergrowth. The atmosphere was fraught with both anticipation and urgency. Kessler crouched by the crackling fire, his eyes fixed on Tarzan. "We need a plan, and a good one at that," he said, his voice low and steady. "We're outnumbered, and storming the encampment would be suicide." Tarzan nodded, his mind racing through the possibilities. His experience with the jungle had taught him to be patient and strategic. "Is true! Tarzan much triumph over slaver, but this much mighty challenge." Kessler leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and apprehension. "There's one tactic we could employ," he suggested tentatively. "We could arrange for one of us to be captured--gain their trust, become an insider. From there, we'll bide our time, wait for the opportune moment to strike." Tarzan's gaze met Kessler's, a flicker of understanding passing between them. The gravity of the decision weighed heavily on both their minds. "Who take risk?" Tarzan asked, his voice steady. Kessler hesitated for only a moment before speaking. "I'll do it," he declared, his jaw set with resolve. "I've tangled with slavers before, and I know how their minds work. I can get close to them without arousing suspicion." Tarzan considered Kessler's words carefully. The man had an air of confidence about him, a resilience forged through his own harrowing experiences. "Is good," Tarzan conceded. "But if change come and Tarzan in position to be capture, we make change plan, get man inside." Kessler nodded, gratitude and determination etched across his features. "Agreed. Our focus is on saving those men. We'll do whatever it takes." As the night settled around them, they fine-tuned their plan, plotting their moves with meticulous precision. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the jungle, as Tarzan and Kessler prepared for the perilous task ahead. In the distance, the encampment lay shrouded in darkness, a fortress of captivity and cruelty. Within its confines, innocent men suffered, their spirits crushed by the weight of their chains. Tarzan's heart surged with a sense of duty -- a duty to free them, to put an end to the slavers' malevolent reign. With the plan in place, Tarzan and Kessler steeled themselves for what lay ahead. They knew the risks, understood the dangers, but they were united by a common cause. Together, they would face the encampment, armed with determination, cunning, and the unwavering belief that freedom was worth any sacrifice. * * * * * Under the tranquil veil of the jungle night, Tarzan and Kessler sat beside their campfire, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows on the surrounding foliage. The air was filled with the symphony of nocturnal creatures, the sounds of nature serenading them as they talked. Kessler, though cloaked in the guise of an ally, couldn't fully shake off his underlying motives. He watched Tarzan closely, seeking to discern the true nature of the man he had allied himself with. This first night would serve as the litmus test--a subtle probing of Tarzan's character. As they conversed, Kessler casually inserted requests, each one carefully calculated to gauge Tarzan's reactions. "Tarzan, could you fetch some water from the nearby stream?" he asked, his tone measured but carrying an air of casual authority. Tarzan regarded him for a moment, his piercing eyes assessing the situation. Then, without hesitation, he rose and moved towards the stream, a silent acknowledgment of the request. Kessler's gaze followed Tarzan, his mind whirring with analysis. The man before him was no mere brute; he possessed a keen intellect and a capacity for discernment. It was a promising sign. Throughout the evening, Kessler repeated this subtle testing, each time met with Tarzan's compliant response. It was a dance of words and actions, a delicate interplay that revealed more about Tarzan than any overt confrontation ever could. As they settled back around the fire, Kessler broached a subject he had been mulling over. "Tarzan, your attire... it marks you as different. It makes you stand out," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity. Tarzan looked down at his loincloth, a garment that had been a symbol of his identity for as long as he could remember. It represented his connection to the wild, his bond with the jungle. "Is tarzan loincloth! Tarzan always wear," he replied, a hint of steadfastness in his voice. Kessler leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "Perhaps it's time for a change," he suggested, his tone suggesting something deeper. Tarzan furrowed his brow, contemplating Kessler's words. The idea of altering his attire was not one he had considered before. Yet, as he looked into Kessler's eyes, he saw a flicker of something--an understanding, perhaps, of a world beyond the jungle. "Or should I change to look more like you -- more like a slave?" Kessler continued, a hint of mocking superiority in his tone. It was a question that went beyond mere clothing--it delved into the very essence of their identities. Tarzan studied Kessler, seeing a man burdened by his own past, a past that had led him to don a mask of deception. The revelation was a subtle one, but it spoke volumes about the complexity of the man before him. In that moment, Tarzan understood that their alliance was forged not just in circumstance, but in a shared desire for something greater--for freedom, for justice, for a world where men like Kessler need not resort to subterfuge to achieve their aims. As the night wore on, the fire burned low, casting long, dancing shadows across the forest floor. Tarzan and Kessler sat in companionable silence, the weight of their shared mission binding them together, setting the stage for the challenges that lay ahead. END OF CHAPTER FOUR ----------------------------------------------- Thanks for your emails! This is part of a very long tarzan story with the mighty hero of the jungle experiencing things he never has imagined before. If you have any feedback or input, please contact me at